...,.---·~..-.....--..------------------------------,-----------------:; , ~aundian Jfadt$tttau. ll\_JtIDAY, J U LY 16. 1886 KEEPING to tho FRONT I Dll:AYER I s showing one of the finest and b~st selected stocks of .ROr ND T ff.E WORLD. A autlful white bhckauake ha· been capt . ed nea-r Jewell, Md. It ls 11x fee· len~ ·. d as white as milk, T aafourmoatimport:i.ntt'lw:i.~ of Au~ ~nlel,., are now Melnorne, pClpuhtlon. 282 947; il vdney, 224' 211; Adel1ude, 103.864; "'nd 1 tckland, 60,000. Mr. Jonath11.n Beck, of Egmondvllle, r. fow dnya ago was r.ttaClken by bees while LOOK HERE! MAYNARD the Jeweller, Has the finest assortment of Silver Plated Ware in town-all new and neat patterns; also a full line in Is Medicine a Progressive Science ? T bore le etlH no dcubt, a vast amount ol ~~fferlng and disease a.mong ue, but it. would be folly to deny that t he diflerence between the P"'&t and the preumt h Im manse. The stethoscope has ma.de it &s e&oy to detect a. damaged bee.rt or a.n lr1tffi3lent lung as a broken leg. The ophtha.lmosoope enables us to explore the Innermost recesses ef the eye, while 'l'ith t he laryngosoope we -0an ha.ve ooular preof of the condition ef the windpipe. The mlc"roscope enlightens ua to the trne n'l.ture of growtha, a!ld rnoh timely Information eften m~kee it pos·lble to check their development,· Avre1th0t!os hav e rob· bed eurgery of a.11 its cruelty a nd half lt6 danger ; they have moreover e:xtendeol its sphere of a.ctlon, for epor&tlons are now freq uently performed wh1oh formerly could not have been a.ttem{1ted. l'hll introduot;ion t>f the antiseptic m~ tbod ha' la.rgaly increas ed ·the proportion d r1rnoveriea after severe wounds 1-.nd mutilat ions, and has also done much to insure tho aa.fety of tho lylng·ln chamber. '£ho neoeeulty d cutting for at&ne le now obvla.ted. by meaeures which involve neither pa.In nor serlous rlbk, and there c1 m be little doubt t hat t b.e operatfon will In t he courtie of the next 50 years be, come obsolete In clvlllzed oount1-its. Small pox 18 no lenger the st1mdln~ mena.c6 to beauty tlla.t itonoe was, while it ie scarcely taken Into aooouDt as a poasible danger ef life by Hdina.ry people. Typhoid fever etfil claims m11ny victims, though it h being gr11odually driven <>ff the field by an enlight· ened hygiene ; typbuq Is almost unknown exo~t in the lowest and most equalld haunts el poverty, Madnena ia i:ow treated a.a a bodily dbeaoe, not as a curse of God or spite of the devll, the result being a large proportion of recoveries, a.nd infialtely leas aufferlog a.mong the lncarabie. A like Im· provement ia seen In other br11onches of the medlo ...l art. The loathsome oompoundslnvented, one might suppoBe, by a oeunoll of ghouls and soavengera- whlob need to be ordered, no longer Vf'X the palates or up· heave the 11tomr.oh1 of unfortunate patient· ; the aotlve principle of the most Important remedies has been separated, 10 that the agent o~n be administered in r. purer a.nd more efficient form, while the phyeloleglc11ol action c,f the drug Is determln.od by experi· ment and b tak en a.a the index of its thera.· pantie value. Lesa pbyslo 11 given, but It la prescribed with a clearer purpose. Batter atill, mere attention ie. paid to diet and the hygienic surroundings ef the pa.tlent, and, above all, nature ls le88 lnoumbered with the 1>ffiolous help ef a blind ally who Insists on aiding her with a zeal that la net ao· cording to knowledge. 1.'he truth has at la.it been borne in en the mod!citol mind that m1my dlseaeea run a certain definite course on which ne m 3dlo!ne has any dhc\ for good, t hough It ma.y have for evlJ, and that acoordlngly a pelfoy of masterly inaotlvlty la the wisest in such oa.sea, The physical ch11t1gea wrought by dise1ue r.nd the morbid prcceBBes whloh give rise to them are now to a certain ~xtent 11ooo11ro.tely known, and this field of inquiry promfae1 to be inorea.! lngly f1ultfnl of eolld r eanlt. Some scattered ra.ya of light, toe, are beginning to pierce the shroud of darkness which formerly ma.de tho origin ef disease a more linpene· tra.ble mystery t han the source of the Nile. This marks one ef 'he greatest advances In the bletery of medicine, and ita practical impo·ilianoe Is obviously lnoa.loulable. be came clearly knewn, the tiffeot 011on often b& removed, or, better still, prevented. Spe· clfio fevers may possibly be banished from among men, and even those fell soeurg11A, consumption a.nd cancer, 'may In course of tim e be at11mped out. One dhease after anot11er le traced to the action of orga.nlama lnfioitesima.l In alz~, but having an almost inooncelva.ble power of self-multiplication. From leproay to a cold In the head the "ool'.'qnerot worm" t1 credl~d witl the generation of alme1t every form of dlaor· der ; where It has net ye~ been found It ia euspeoted, In a word, the 1lgn Billoillns is In the ascendant In the medical firmament, Silk, Drab, Shell, Woodrow's and Christie's Stiff :a: AT S 7 Also Fine English, Canadian & American Fur and Wool Hats. Manilla and Straw Hats, all kinds and prices. Ne1v and stylish Jines oC Gnat's Ftu·nisl1ings. Shirts, Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Handk'fs, Gloves, · Urr.i.brellas, Rubber Coats, etc. 42W'"Highest prices paid for H.aw Furs. 16. hiving. Tney seemed resolved to hive In bis e"'r8 1 in his whlokers, and in his hr.lr, H e Is under medloa.l treatment, A ()llicago jeweler ha1 Invented a self~ ind Ing watch. By a.n arrangement some t hing like the carefully bale.need lever of a pedometer, the watch Is wound by tlie motion of the wearer when walking, A walk of seven minutes will wind the watch to go for forty-two hours. Rlttlaana.ke J!m d Wooster, Ohio, Baya that the only reliable cure for the bite of a ra.ttlonna.ke iB t urpentine. He as.ya that a bottle of turpentln~ held over the bitten epot, t he uncorked month down, will draw out the poison, which 011on be eeen a.11 U anters the turp03ntlne in a. aor ~ of 11o blue fl.:lme, Although he haa never been bitten, he ha.e tried this oure on his dog!, a.lways with suc· CeSB. Gold and Silver WATCHES. All kinds of J ewellc1·y, l!l11ectacles1 Eye Glasses, &c. A full and complete line of American Clocks. We have put a new LATHE in our . . . work shop, which enables us t o do all kmds of work m our hne and guarantee the best of satisfaction. ~Call and get the correct t ime from the finest Regulator in town. Grocers, Butchers and Provision Merchants. STAND:-Town Hall Building, one door east Ont. Bank. A complete sto_ c k always on hand. We have all the best grades of R,QLL~~ 4.00~ l~QOO:g DLQlIDJt Fted and Willie Gerster, r.ged 9 and 11, the la rgest, niosf; tired of their home In Cincinnati, so they comp le t e and most packed a big buket with provision&, 1tole $3 fa shionable to be and a pistol from their fa.ther, a.nd 1et outto aee the world. And they saw it fer three found in West Durham.. weEkll, sleeping In barns, aellln~ new1pa.Cash Cor Butter, Eggs, Bides, Tailow, Beet, Po1·k and pers, a id blacking boots In Daytcn and Toledo~ and were in a fair way to become thor· all Farm Produce. ongh tramps when the advertisements of , C. M. CAWKER, their frantic father led to their apprehen· JOHN ALLIN. sion and return to the parental roof, Tney sa.y t hat they have had all the tramping We have the goods. To i~sp~ct is to ord~r.. o.ur i;>ri~es are ri.ght. they want. · Our ongmahty is mex haustible. Chrbltopher Ca.aey and John Hehb9m, Our styles command admuat10n. mllltary convicts at Fart Snelling, Minn., Our en terprise, energy and pluck have no bounds. were working outside the fort, under the ca.re of Sentinel Brown, Seizing a favorable I@" Call at tl.e ~enti·e oC Style, Beauty and Chea1,ness. opportunity, they knocked the sentinel havve opened out a splendid assrrtment of n ew goods, comprising: down and got his gun, Brown got up, knocked H!bborn dnwn, ma.do after Casey, Prints, Ginghams, who was running d f with the mud1.et, over· toek him, got the piece, and when Casey ·white and Colon· d Muslins, The Tailor. refused to surrender 1het hlm through tl::.e 1 tf Canadian and Oxford Shirtings, hea.rt. Then he fired five abots at Hebborn bu' did not hit him, and the oonvloli esoap· ~~------~..._,.._ ..._=~ -_ ::-:~--=-=-=-=-=-=-= -~ =-~==----:=--~"'." -~ -'""'"" -"= ~= -='"" -"= -... -=~=~~ White and Grey Cottons, ed. Co.sev wa.e. a. deserter and w11o11 eervlug a Sheetings. Table Linens, two·yeat'· eentenoe, It was r.nnounced that the Thrimaa Paine Table Napkins, Towels, S .1olety of Frederick county, Md., would "'White and Colored Counterpanes, celebrate the seventy-seventh a.nnlvereary White & Cream Lace Curtains, of Tom Paine's death a' the hauae of Aaroa Davia, near .l!'rederlok ; but not r. celebrator Scrim, Cheese Cloth, appeared. Mr. D.i.vil hlmaeU obeerved ibe Gloves and Hosiery, dr.y by not werlr.ing, He eald that, while there were only about a. d1Jz·1n member1 of Are now showing large purchases of Spring Goods which we believe society, there were three or four hun· Parasols and a good assortment of Bl'k and Col'd Dress Good111. the dred believers of the Paine doctrine· In the will command your favorable consideration. .An inspection of the county, but fear ef &0oir.l oatraolam or lnj11ry same is respectfully looked for. We will take great pleasui:e in show~ THE PLAGUE O.F EGYPT. ta their buslneu ca.need them to make !> eeo· · -ing our goods.ret of their views. A Dlssertatioa en Flles as They Exlri by Daniel R. Arnold 11 the 1tr.tlen a.gent at the Banks of the Nile. have .iost received a nice range ol Lace Curtain If l should be called on to nir.me the meat Canadian and Imported Cloths, White and Colored Shirts, Pawtucket, Recently the olerke and freight WC 1' ai'y111g in p1·ice C1·01n 60t'.· to $6 a pail·. hand· went te his c:fiile In a bedy, a.nd the vital aulmr.1 element ef Egypt It wouid not Ties, Gloves, Collars, Cuffs, Handkerchiefs, Socks, epokAeman began a epeeoh about the 1trikes be bulI11olo, donkey, camel, oatrlch or man, out \Vest and ·he relti.tlona of omplevers and A. Cresb opening oC Table Line us rron1 2~c. 1,e1· yd. up aa.ya the Hon. S. S. Cox. It would be the Braces, &c., &.c. employed, and waa gelng on when Mr. Ar· fl.lea. It was winter, but they were a.a plenalso Table .Napkins f"1·01n 7~c. to $2.~0 per doz. mold very sternly and Impatiently 1ald : tiful a.a In time ef summer or of the plagues. " Sta.to your grievanoe," The next moment In the eighth chapter of Exodu1 It ia said he felt the cheapeat of 11o11y man In New E<l· We would like you to see our latest in Colored Cashmeres, that the Lord "did aooording te the word ef gland, for the spoke1ma.n aaid the boys bad Moses, r.nd he removed the swarm· ef files oome to m11,ke hlm a present en his fifty-sev- new shades, which are one and a quarter yds. wide, at 25c. per yard ; 17 from Pharaoh, from his 11ervants, and from enth birthday, h wa.e a nice present, but also figured goods at 12! cents. These are rapid selling goods and his peeple: there rem,.lned not one." What Mr. Arnold could hr.rdly say "thank you," · · will soon be cleaned out. a relief? N1>t one," That was noar 4,000 he was ao surprised. yea.rs ago. They have aooumul11oted ainca enonnously. Without displaying auv In· The London World 1ay1 th~t on Pattl'1 Our stock of Embroideries is ail.so very complete and will be fonnd oredu:Jity, I have my doubts of there being return io Louden eho found aw11olting on her · to be of interest. a time when th"lre was not one fly lo all table several pale blue boxea from L Mly r.nd that l and, It ls said tha.t there h good In Having purchasl<ld the Harness b usiness lately carried on by Mrs. HUMPHREY, Mr. Alfred de Rothaohlld, the fil'lli one coneverything, and, If no, there mnat ba aome ta1n1ng a brooch abent feur inches long, rehope by careful attention t o business, good workrnar.ship, and first class utility ln the fly. Its possible power for presenting two large pansies in white bril· material, to secure a share of public patronao-e. We have in good may net ba.ve been measured, That liante, with nine big blood-red rublea In It; As usual we are showing a large choice in ClOths-English, Scotch stock and are manufacturing a. large a~ount of It produces ophthalmia and tends genera.Uy heart all dia.roonda, and a large ruby In the and Canadian-and furnish clothing to order by t he best to derogate from the land ef Osiris. and middle, goe1 with the broooh; a cigar-box tailors in town. l'tameses no one will dispute. The perpetuof vlaleG lea.thor, with an Inch-wide gold al Irritation of the fllea, especially upon frame, and on one side "M. E11>rnest Nicothe e7e11 of t;he children- like that of a flea lini;" en the other, "From Mr .Alfred de -ma.y proveke t he lazy" fella.h " to l X~r Collars a specialty. We_intend that the reputation Humphrey'11 Collars have gained Roihnohlld," both namea all In dla.mond1 tlon, and thusj helo him to dlscha.1ge his shall be fully suetamed . _ We a re prepared to furnish responsible parties and ruble· ; a.nd sundry other trifles In geld debt to na.ture, .U not to the bondholder. If Collars on appr obation . We guarantee satisfaction or no sale. and silver. one did not know by certified papri that We a.lso keep in stock a full line of goods usua.Jly found ' Henry Ralph a.nil hia wife ef Bervllla Easily Managed, Light Running, Durable. these mumified kings and queens were anin a first class harness shop, comprisiug Mioh , quarreled and 1ep01.nted, the mother cient, and ha.d, therefore/ ' abrlveled \ their Threshes Clean and Fast. Separation Unex celled. iakivg ,. three-ye,.r -old child wlth her, She condition might he a.o?°unted for by the tirtd of the hoy, ir.nd a ieW daya ago, in plir.gue ef flle11. Mucp. t rouble ha.s 'been company with an a.cimirer, started in a bug- l'ERFECTLY BEARDS BARLEY. Removes all White Caps from Wheat. 1 ta.ken 1ie account for/ the bulldlnf!: of the gy to take the ohi1'"1 to Its fa.tb.er. Sb,. met grand tombe and p~ramlde in the I deep See onr Bull Bone Whips-something new. We have also in stock him on a wagon load of gravel a.nd off.jrod CLEANS GRAIN FIT FOR MARKET. aanda and rubble. It Is not dlffioult t~ solve the obild to 11im. He wouldn't take It. Thf when we remember /tba.t priest and kine mother toesed the boy up on the load of BECAUSE Buffered from the awarms f.f flie1. The In· gravel. l'he father threw him back Int«> f!llltlle death-rate .I~ due mostly to, files, It has a SMUTTER and SECOND FANNING MILL attached. 1 \he buggy. The mother ·gratbed the whip On the veBEel er In the mud hut , in temple ll.nd began beating her husband, and in the for Horses and Uattle, a sure cure for bruises, sprains, cuts, and aor es of all kinds. or town-files 1 . ·From Thlolte, first dynasty oanfusion the little boy fell out of the buggy Shop- Sign of t he Big Collar. 17-3m 2700 B. 0 ., to the time of t;he proei::t ocurtbet ween the wheels of the l oaded ·wt1gon. eous and un~elfioh k hedive-fl\er.< I Theba.n, Tho horses staTted, the wheel went over the Buba.stile, Salt1>, E~blopian, M.~oedonfa, lit tle head, and the queetlon bt dispute wa.s Pianos Tuned and ·ltepaired. Gt·eek, Rom~n, and Mahomtllan d.l' na.stlessettled forever. The woman ha.a been ar· files I From the tlnlest bu'l:l'l r,cr to t he b!gr ested, geat blue-bottle-files l Touohmg whh PARTIES WISHING '.l:HErn. PIANOS The Revue Scientijiq-ue announces the dis· dainty foot and prehenelle Rrip the bea.uteTuned or repaired can h1ne t lo.om attended covery ef a. beetle, ohrisiened Oet.onia aurata ous eyelash ef CJe,,patra ; biting with 0 by leaving word at the DOMlN ION ORGA~ ohlvalrio intrepidity through the harneas of Foi:- cost of advertisin g i11 any paper or Co's ·oFll'IOE, Bowmanville .A first-olas man . whl.oh le to render· uoneoesaary all the know· d ledge gained by Pasteur ct1ncernfog the Godfrey de Bouillon, and pursuing with a lis t of pa per s pulilitihcrl in t!le l Jnitecl 'lOW being in their mplo r. treatment of rabies. A RuHl&n na.ture.llst, 11 nipping air" Perda.n, K erm~ni, Syrian, States 0 1 · C:rnruh, sencl to the AnvJ-:RTI SAlexander Becker, ls credited with having and Room, as they flit through hiatoryING AG ENCY of EJJ !VIN .11 f,DEN & BRO., ssoo.oo ma.de known the propertiee of this inv11olufiies I What a vieltatien, and only once a. ablo bug, and a!! being the authority for the ~,f.'<'1f~ew York, relief l Yet mechanism, If harnesEed by Cinch'H"Hlt Cor-. 5th & Vine tits., "I 11.0 Nassau l:lt,,.eet. statement tha.t In 11outhern Russin. it la com· Stepb..ep.sen, Erlc1non, and Edison, might *,1.:*0Ltr "Ncwsp:i.pc1· Cotnhinaticns,,, a book nf monly recognized and alway11 effiolent antihave 11mployed thoe6 pooalble feroea, The 150 page s, con la.rning- 111·kcs of advertising, f ui1 dote for rabies. All that Is neoeaat\ry f,>x a THE MORRIS DOUBLE DR11lSSER. stru ctions, e tc. sent oH r eceipt ofioc . Onr "Am. lifting power of donkey, camel, and buffa.le, in Newsp:tpc 1· C ataloo·nt:" co nta ining- names of every persen t9 do, after having beon bitten b:r a Implied in the tall force of ten pounds 11o n cw:;paper pub lis1;cd i n the U.S. :ind Canada, E will pay the abovo :Reward for any mad dog, Is te eat a pleoe of bread in whloh _ Great Improvements in 1886 Machines. ~. Write post card for Illustrated Pamphlet. minute for only"forty centuries of perpatual sent o n receipt u[ price;, !iiJ.50. Estir11ates free. case of Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, 0 t · t I 1 d dh ill 0 fly t ime (except when ! err.el was In q 11esa aThe;n:ct tlon) , and Egypt might have had organized p ower enough to have worked a.11 the sha· (j !'ILLS, when tho Directions aro strictly . Is B&ld to be of a. metallic green color' with ' ) · doefs on the Nile, plowed all her ara.ble soil, ~ ~ ~ ~~I I complied with. Largo Boxes, containing ::~ '!!!!d ~=~!!i:oi:o~~onfi~~::a~ Also supply Threshing Engines at Maker's Prices and T erms. tr11onsperted all her produce to market, a.nd ao l'illll, 36 cents; 6 :uoxea 1111.00. Sold I of 8 0 th · 0 f ne rl1 JI even 1:>ored for petroleum on the 1heres of ·1 ~ a.Ju>ruggtata. :'u{hem :E :i,~.I' 1111Ia, b u. a a the 2crlptural Red 1ea, that is manufactured. We have in stock all kinds of General Groceries, Coarse and Fine Salt American and Canadian Coal Oil, Bran, Shorts, Oats and Chicke~ Feed, Oroc~ery and Glassware, Fresh and Cured Meats, Sausages and Lard of his. own make and rendering. Life-time ex perience in the Me~t Department enables us to supply a quality unequalled. The Grocery Depart ment, under the supervision of Mr. John Allin, is of th~ very best quality. ~ o ti:ash or poor goods kept in stock, deals only m the best goods, which will be sold at the lowest possible prices. Your patronage will be thankfully received. Goods delivered to all parts Of the town on short notice. A call solicited. George Riley ef Schnectady, who haa just had hie band crushed in a drill pre1e, is not a fortunate youth, W hen very emall he fell cfI a fence and broke hie nose. V\te.r he was nearly drowned; then his toee were oroehed by t ho oars ; then he broke hie ngae again ; then hie head wir.s crushed bet wesn the bumpers of railroad care, and when tlle fk\itlng rink wa.· oprned he was th'I first to hurt himself, broaklng his arm, A woman belonging to one of the o'deat families ot Derby, Conn, prc,mletd her,hue· band before his death that she wonld wear his ring a.1 long as she lived. In the gdel that fol.lowed hie death ahe forgot about the ring, a.nd It wr.a en hl1 fioger when he was burled. A few nights ago, at midnight. the eexton eptmed the grne and took E>ff the lid of the ooffi<l, and the widow went down to the grave-and removed the ring from the dead hand, She pald the 1exkln $25 for his work. · A atatlatloa.l expert;calulate1 tha.tlfl,000,· 000, banlea 1ta.rted togother In the'raoe of life, 150,000 would drop out In the first :rear 53,000 in tbe second, and 22.000 in the third yuar, At the end of fort:r·five yea.rs about half of them would atill be In the race, Sixty y·ars weuld 1ee 370~000 gray heads still at It. AG the end ef eighty yea.rs there would be 79,000 rema.ln\ng on the track l fifteen year1 later the number would be reduced tCl 223, and .the winner would quit the track ferever 11ot the 11oge of 108, MAYNARD·· The Jeweller. ================================- Ol:~DEJ:<. · As nsual our new· stock of ' CANAD IA~ , ENGLISH, :::)COTOH & AMERICAN TWEEDS,· WORSTEDS and other Suitings is We Never Get Leff. -TOD BRO s. Gent's Furnishings a specialty. JOSEPH JEFFERY, ·.1: ..-·-. I ... EAD-Y ! ::rY-CASON EROS. GENTS' FURNISHINGS. Inspection invited. A pleasure to show goods. TOD BROS. Knitted Shawls in a 11 co1ors from 85 cents up. LIGHT AND HEAVY HARNESS. itzeMORRIS DOUBLE DRESSER BLANKETS, ROBES, .RUCS, HORSE COVERS, WHIPS BRUSHES, ETC. ELLIMAN'S ROYAL EMBROCATION [~win AMen &Bro. QEWARD! N Ae · · :1:ke1:=:c~~'::'ti~o:;,~st;,;~; besee~:;:da:;:i:at~y~:;h°!bia'. r ; s ~ rg g n c-y · · · V L t · . A~ 11 11 MOR" RIS & WATTS BRANTFORD ONT i!!: ' 'lle William Pooley, Agent. Box 50, B owmanv1