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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jul 1886, p. 5

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Shaw & Tole's is the place t o get binder twine. M iss Raines lms gone home for her h olidays. Whitby' s civic holiday is fixed for the 6th August. Miss Munroe, of Oshawa, is visiting· A.t Mr. W. E. Tilley's. Mr. W. Horsey, jr., arrived home last week from Ma.11itoba. Mr. .Tno. McClung, jr., of T oront < >, is visitin ~ at Mr. Geo. Shaw's. Lybster shirtings < the best, a full range, only at the Star House. Raspberries are riponing fast and the yield promises to be.a good one. Dry goods will b e cheap for J ·uly and Mrs. John Higginbotham and family, REFRESHING of Oshawa, are visiting at Mr. Thomas August. Read Star House advt. Tones up the system. Hoar·s. The glorious twelfth of July passed · . · FAKUEits.- Ta ke your wool to John without any demonstration h ere. Lyle and get the highest market price. The Misses Fansoo, of Toronto, were Don't sell t ill you see him. visiting friencls in town , last week. FRUITY Stone h9okers still practice thei1· piratand rich in flavor. The early closing movement is being ical busine~s along the lake shore be- !'arried ou t successfully. Stick to it. tween Toronto and Port H ope. Dr., Office and Residence in L. Geo. Quick has a new machine for Prower's Block, King-st., Bowmanville. COOLING mAking evetroughs that wont leak. It Full lines of artists' materials- tubes, Just the driok for makes the length six feet long . brushes, pallette~, etc., at S. S. Edsall's. warm weather. Ladies, it will be to your advantage t o As love without esteem is volatile and inspect our millinery before making your c1tpricious, esteem without love is languid ·l[n ordering, apecifiy DoM~NI_()A, _ nnd don't purchases. Rqbertson & Bond. aml cold. be put off w.ith any 1m1tat10ns. Charley Kelly, the Y ocalist, well known A $55,000 building is b eing buiH by h ere, has been 1ingaged to sing in the the Young .Men's Christiar1 Association, BEFINED EXPRESSLY FOR Brampton Presbyterian choir at $300 of Toronto. per.year. LosT.- A beaut iful singingcanary bird. F AltMERS,-McClellanf & Co. have now 1\1.1" C> .1SfTFl.E A.:C.... on hand a large quantity of Salt and Anyone returning it to L. A. Tole's will Plaste1· and for sale in quantities to suit be rewarded: For sale by STOTT & JURY. Have you . seen R ed Ridinghood, Blue pumhM&~ · ..A.. Hberal discount to the trade. No The name of Ernest Loscombe was .by Bells and Tiuy a Broom in Henry' s wincharb(tl for cases. mistake oruitted last week from the list dow on King St. of those who passed from Miss Thomas' M essrs. Kenner, Brown, Yellowlees to Mr. M cTavish's room. ·Also ,V, Groat and ¥ anstone .have gone for a n outing. on shou!d read W. Grant in the High School the northern lakes. promotions. Mr. C. Powell, Mn.nager of the T emHo1ts.&s WANTED.-! want to buy a lot pemnce Coluuiz<ition Societ y, of 'l'oronto, THE REST of J'a rge, he1.1vy horses; also fillies fr om was in town this week. one t o four ye~rs old. Address, l::·r ErIIEN Fortune ahows her heels to t he man COTTON, Bownianville. who woo9 h er, but advertising is the gun We call aLtention to Couch, .T ohnston that bring her down. & Cryderman's new ad. in this issue. Miss Emma McClellan has gone to MarThis firm ha ve always made it a rule to sh alltown, Iowa, on a visit to her sister, clea.r 'out th eir stock at the end of each season, and they are de termined tha b this Mrs. Beuj. Brittain . Special M cHardy will l ead the meetings It is rumorecl that the insurance comseason shall be no exception. They have panies are goi ng to raise the rates in every at the barracks on Wednesday and Thurs~ alre11dy bouglu a large amount of goods in the market is manufactured by day evenings next. A 1 l should go. in England for the fall and winter trade, town that haw no fire protection. Misses H11mbly and Oole m1m and Mr. 4 pieces hue new worsted coatings, beauand to make room for them, will sell all kinds of, summer goods at prices which tifully finished goods. Gentlemen, if you M cTavish were the happy recipients of want a suit, see them a t T. Geo. l\fason 's, presents from their pupils at the close of must command a reacly sale. PRICE school. · BoA.Tfl TO HIRE.- Twogood boats tol1ir e. Star House, A c·1ble message from the Editor, on On T uesday fast Mr . Peter Coleman, Apply to Geo. H . Buxton iit the Organ Factory, or at his riisidence King-st. East. one of the oldest residents here, . died at l\fonday, reports the " Nebraska's" safe his late residence, 011tario-st., at the ad- arrival at Glasgow, on the 11th inst.,after This Friday evenin~ is the date fixed a very pleasant voyage. In a week or for the social at Mr. Jonathan S tephens' vanced agt> of 85 years. -This Powder iaLive on what you have ; live, if you t.vo now, our readers may look for a letter It is expected that a gr eat residence. from over the sea. many people will wllllt to go. Arrange- can, on less . D u not borrow either for I. 0. 0. F. - -The officers for the Flor· ' vtinity or pleasure-the vanity will end ments have been made to take all who nnce Nightingale Lodge, No. 66, I. 0. 0. have not vehicles of their own . Convey - in shame and the pleasure in r egret. .and equal in to any in the market ances will leave Trinity Church at 3, 4 F., for the eneuing 1.erm were installed LoHT.- About three weeks ago between and as we hav" ho travell~re bills and and 6 o'clock. Refreshments from 6 to· 8 J os. Langmaid's and Jesse Trull's, a gen - on W , clru,sday evening by Bro. N. S. agents commiSllions to pay we ca· n sell. the Young, D. D. G . .M. : -N. G., N . Horne; Powder one-third less than regular prices. o'clock- raspberries and ice cream- music tleman's rubber coa.t. Anyone finding V . G., W.R. R. Cawker ; Rec. Sec, R, and social amusements in which all may same will kindly return to Shaw & Tole's. B . Andrew ; Per. Sec., 0. Smith; T reas., participate. Remember, to-night, July STOTT & .JURY. W e harn t o thank the committee of the M. Mayer ; ,V,1rden, F. Wrigh t; Con ., lGth. International Soongerfe3t, which will be A. Mitchell ; I. J-., W. Edger , 0 . G , SPJ£CUL ATTENTION should always be given to the and scalp. There is held in the town of Berlin on the 11, 12 C. D . Fletcher ; Chap., R. Allin ; R. S. 11icer than a good head of and 13 ih of August, for a complimentary R G., J. PiHce; L. S. N.G, W ..Teffery; R. S . V. G., .T. Lasby ; L. S V. G., G. In ct1se of halduties "heu the roots are badge. Rev. E. R oberts will preach in the Briden ; Fin. Cam., G. Brniden, R.Allin, BowMANVILLE, FRID.l.Y, J uLY 16. not all gone, Dr. Doren wend's Great Germ an Hair Magic, wi.11 produce a Queen -st. church on Sunday nex~ in the John Grant. luxuriant gr. ·\vth of hair ; it will restore morning,on "How to grow in grace ·." and all grey and faded hair to its original in the evening "How me11 may tell the color and vigor ; it stops all falling out truth yet sen·e the Devil. " We omitted to mention in our last issue of the hair aud removes all traces of dan· Hose, hose, hose, West End House. druff. A lir.t le of th is g reat prepantion th at .Miss Birnie and Mids Coleman, who Ladies go·to the West End House for used once in a while will keep the scalp have t1tt1 gh t so successfully for some years Hosiery. in a healthy condition and make the hair in our p ublic school, have severed their Mrs. R. White, of Milton, is visiting soft,pliant and btautiful. A.Doren wend, connection with it and left town. · sole mauufactul'er, '£oronto. .T. Hig',(in· ·friends here. Among our many departments, '£his week again, for want of space and There are 1,024,801 tenant farmers in botham & Son, agents for Bowmanville. time, we have had to cull and condense We c1ip the following from thft Brant- the corre~ pondence. We mnst again re- Dress Goodd will have our special the United S ates. NEW, NEW-black and colored braided fo rd .Expo$itor, of July 9th:- '0n Friday· quest that all correspondence b e sent so last the "nnual pic-nic of t he Tranq uility that it reaches us not later than Wednes- attention, and we purpose making jeneys at the St·r Rous,·. . The new rarliii.ment buildings . in To- school eventuated in Ba tson's beautiful day. grove, opposite the 11choolhouse, ai which a graat effurt:. to lead t he trade in t'Onto, will be comme11c1<d next rnme two o three hnndred were present . :;:The examination for 3rd class teachers Mr. aml Mrs. D. T. T.·es, of Montreal, '.l'he day was spent in the usual way. An certificates ended last week . The papers our enterprise. liave been visiting at Mr. John Milne's. interesting and pleasing feature of the in En ~ lish Grammer and Literature were that branch of Miss Julia Spear, uf Flint, Mich., is aftern uon's enjoyment, however was the ve.ry difficult, as was the case for 2 nd class. visiting amoug r elative.· and friends in presentatioti to Mr. Neil McPherson, the Great fault ]m s been foun d with t he We will constai1tly have on hand town. · popular t eacher, by the pupils, of. a second class Algebra papers. The Royal Templars of Temperance all the latest productions that the n umber of 'very valuable theological The rates of taxation in Whitby and Toronto ai·e th e same- 18 milll! on t he " olumes accompanied by a complimenta~·y h old their grand international camp addr;iss. Mr. McPherson has taught m m eeting at Hamilton on Aug. 8, 9, 10, market afford" in Frer:ch, German .d ollar. 11, 12, and 13th. The camp is to be Mr. Wyman Andrus, of Hamilton, wa:i this section for three years and has won located in L ansdowne park, and they the respect and esteem of old an<l. young. in town last week visiting his si~ter, Mrs. and materials, together Be is a young man of sterling integrity have kindly forwarded us a press pass. . J as. Gillfillan. and moral worth, and leaves to imrsue a Now is the time to have your family with Buttons, Laces, Mr. and Mrs. J ohn W esley sail this course of studv at the university, a nd Fringes, week .from Now York, by S.S. "Etruria" carries wit h hirrt the very best wishes of groups and your babies and children photographed while the light is strong fort he Old Country. scores of friends for his ultimate succese.' and warm and the litUe things haven' t Plushes, Velvets, Silks, Satins, To whom it may concern: this is to cer· Neil is an old B owrnanville boy, ii°nd we to be so bundled up. Henry's gallery is tify, that Robertl'on & Bond are selling with his numerous friends here, offer our just the place- no stairs to climb- and and all Trimmings to m':!.tch. the cheapest goods in town . · congratulations and wish him continued certain to get pictures to please you. Order Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Picket s, success. A lawn social, under the auspices of. the etc., at Morr is' 'Planing Factory, Liberty S·r . Jo1rns Cnunca, - Tue3day was a rtd· Ladies Aid of the Church -et. Methodist street, R. H . Osborne, leasee. lelter das iu the history of S I. Johns Church church, will be held on the gr ounds of Mr. J l)siah Lick cut. 17 acres in one day ; ii being the oc~as ion lhe visH of lbe .T. M . .Toness, on this Friday e vening . he also cut and bound ill. acres of p eas Lord Bishop of Toronto to the parish to Busses will be at the church to convey without any trouble, with a Light T oronto administer the Apos tolic rile of Confirma- parties to the grounds from 6 :30 to 8 p. m. Binder. CONCERNING l ion . At an early hour, al evansoog, the Fare, down and back, lOc. ; and a five . J. R. Bradley's Spring Pad for single cent chn.rge will be made for each r efreshchurch was crowded to its utmost Japacily ment furnished on the grounds . A h earty and double harness gives entire satisfact· by an intellig~ut and appreciative coogre· invitation is extended to all. ion . No horsti will have a sore back gation, consistin g of all classes in the com· wher e they are usecl. The anniversa~·y services of .the Church Just r eceived at the W est End House munity. Pmyers and the lessons were St. M ethodist Sabbath School on S unday .A from the famous mn.nufacturer E . A . read by Bev. J . Middlolon, M.A.., of Oshawa. last were all well attendecl and p1·ovecl ..... Levian & Co., a lot of his newest and best Music by the choir, was of the first 01der, very inter esting. 'rhe childrens service ~ styles in Gents· Ties. the solo by Mr. Galpin,in one of the hymns in the afternoon b eing especially attract- ~ M essrs. Shaw & Tol e offers to present being simply exquisite. The candidates ive. The various recitations and d ia- ..,_ a binder to anyone who will find a man who occupied tbe front pews, and appeared logues were particularly well rendered, LI.I in the county who has bought a Massey ·impressed with the solemily of the occasion, r efiecting great cr edit on both schol ars and teachers. T he sermons by R e vs.R.D. Binder and will n ot recommend it. were tweoty in numb er, fo nrteen females Fraser and C. E. Mcintyre we re both 1 The first through train from Vancouver and six males, moat of who.m were adults. eloquent discourses, and clelivered in lan)> City, B. C., over the r ecen tly opened Canaclian Pacific R ail way, 11.n ived at the 'fhe Bishop's address was most appropriate guage so plain and simple that the s mall· .A est child present could not fail to under·· ....._ Union Statirm, Toronto, on Monday last . a!ld will doubtless have made an indelible 11.J impression on their minds and hearts. stand and be interested. Henry's window seems just now t o b e His Lordship expressed himself well pleas· very a ttractive, he h as made some ph ot ographs of some .pf the principal acts as ed with the number and appea!ance of the given by our Union School t each ers and candidatl's, tile efficieocy of lhe choir, .the pupils at their l"te concert in the town improvements that h ad been effecled in the only preparation in the world that will do what is claimed ror it. It has produced hall. As is usual with Hemy , he has and about the ·o1rnrch, and was also much luxuriant g,.-owths of hair on bald heads where s ucceeded . baldness b a s existed for years. It has restored struck wilh the progress and genernl pros: the color !l.nd vig,or to numerous crops of gray Miss M ina Panton, for many years a perily of the town since his lasl visit.. Al We will pay the highest and fad~d hair . It has relieved hundre<ls of t eache r in Oshawa. Public Sch ools, on persons or disagreeable Dandrutr and has saved many when baiT was fo.lling, from becoming Thursclay rooming of last week, drowned lhe eonolnsion of the service in the church, bald. price in Cash for any quan/ h erself in the mill race of South Oshawa a rnception was held 111 the Beclory, whftn irtif" Remember these facts and if your hair is fa.lling out and t!ecoming thin, get a bottle at pond. For some time past deceased has Rev. Dr. Macuab pr;isented to the Lord once and save the growth, or you may losA it tit y of Wool. b een in poor h ealth, which so aJllictecl her Bishop a very large number of townspeople forever. Ask your druggist for HAilt MA.G·I C mind as to cause partial derangement, of all clas~es,who were l\lterward entertainnnd nothing else. . A. DOl:tEN\VEND, Sole ':Manufacturer, Towhich took the form of settled melan- ed with music and refreshments. WM. QUICK & CO. ronto. <:holy. AROVSE TUE J,l'l'Ell wbc n torp'.cl. wlU1 , HIGGl:NBO'I'DAlll & SON, DA.NGEROVS FITl! nre often cuu~ed by N'at.lonall'llls, n goo<I antl·blllous cntb ttrtle, worm\'!, Jo' reeman's Wor1n 1'0,T1ler d es11·oy,. sugar.coate<l. · ·--------------·' A GENTS FO lt B o wMA.NYILLE. 'WOl'DIS. LIME~ 1011 Ju1cE DOMINICA f Look out for counterfeit $10 Bank of Commerce bills. Shaw & Tole's is the place to get a McLaughlin Buggy. · Special Walton led the meeting in the barracks on Monday night. Only 40 cents for STATESMAN to new PURE subscribers to end of 1886. and undiluted Buy 3 lbs. of Li-Quor Tea at L evi Morfull 11,tren~th. ris' and get a $1.00 book free. . M:r . · r os. Pattinson returned on Monday from his trip to the Old Country. WHOLESOME A good t weed or serge suit, any size, Purifie11 the blood, $5.00 at T . Geo. Mason's, Star House. and aids digestion. Full line of a rtists materials- tubes, brushes, pallettes, etc., at S. S. Edsall's. BAR GAINS - - FO R - JU LY and A UGUST I .- . We must make room for our immense fall orders. ao·f Spring and Summar Goods must E> 10 doz. Mens' and Boys' Fine Straw Hats clearing at 50c. 15, 18 and 20 cent Ginghams and Sateens clearing at 12~c. Parasols, Hosiery, Gloves, Laces, Embroide ries and Muslins, all at sacrifice prices. Lym a n Sons & Co., BLACK AND COLORED BRAIDED JER SEYS. the b est value we have yet shown. N E -VV- ' · NE-VV- ' II · 1 · EST L.A D :. ~ . are the only h ou s e showing a full range of L Y BSTE R SHIRTINGS. Don't be deceived, w e hav e the right goods at right. prices. Bakin g Powder ~E*HOU@ CLOTH IN C TOO R DER MADE BY W. P EARDO N, THE No. 1 G UTTER. T~ GEO. M ASON. I The Star that Leads them All ·rt ST OT T & JURY. Only 30 cts. a pound. E>J) ~ p:i s::I J:I ~ a ' CJ) ~ CJ) WARRA NTED PURE! E-t ..p ~ n1 d t:t ~ · rl tj ~ ('[) p. z llJ) ~ Local and Otherwise. onEss coons. ---o--- D O MESTIC SEWING MAO HNE. JI any hnitate l .t hut No1u~ Equal It. This is without doubt the most elegant, most durable, and best Family Sewing 1\fa;::hine in the market. · It does better work. It does fine1· and better sewing. n is easier to run and superior in every respect to all other machines. Its attachments and Shuttle are of the Newest design, and a· child can almost place them in position. Every lady i.hould give the "Domestic" a trial before buying inferior soft made machines. Machines may be seen at Mr. Kenner's Variety Hall, Bowmanville, and at Hampton . The undersir,ned hn,ve th~ exclusive right of sale in the West Riding of Durham, and Whitby and Manvers. Agents wanted- apply to H . ELLIOTT, Jr. Hampton, March~ 26, 1886. W. BATTEN. i 3-3m. HAR NESS, HARNESS I Now is the time to get a first-class hand made. Set of Harness, extremely cheap. ~~A. "Y" Is selling Single Harness for $10; Nickel Plated Single Harness, $16; all other goods in proportion. Call . and see the best FLY NET ever made. (Both in leather and cord.) Whips, Trunks, Valises, School Bags, &c., always m stock. :e:. ROBERTSON &BO Nl FAC"]~S Dr. DORE NWE ND'S Z ~Farmers, Threshers and Millmen Use McColl Bros. & Co.'s Celebrated. LARD I NE:: MACHINE 01 l. T HE BEST TN T HE WORLD. When buying Coal Oil ask y our dealer for the New O ils, CJ 1-- 3: Ct: VTOOL I CJ - FAIILY SAFETY & SUNLIGHT' " 0... Coal Oil. Try it once, you will use no other. FOR SALE. SOLID BRICK HOUSE, WITH Frame Kitchen, nine .rooms, ce!l'l.r, hard and soft water. with an acre of land mostly in fruit:- ap1> les. pears, plums, cherries, currants, raspberries and strawberries. The property iR situated on Sougog Street. and will be sold at a very reasonable fli;cure. Apply at the STA'l'EB MA N OnrcE. 17--lw ; KEFJP l'lOoL--your choice of lO doz fin e straw h ats at 50c. lllcUOLL BROS. & CO'Y, Toronto _==-s A OWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. T .an or any part ot wha.t is known as the Stephens Property, .llowmanville. Mill sold on easy terms. Apply to B. W ERRY, Bowmanville, P . 0 . 2il·tf w ill b e See those - l;Jeautiful F ancy W indow· Shades at Tait ,i,:, Mor r ison's. Barbed, ribbon, plain and a nnealec l wire a full st(i)ck at bed rock prices at S~ See Star H ouse advt. S. Edsall's.

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