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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jul 1886, p. 8

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The increa~e in the income of the Methodiet Missionary Society for the past .........~~~-·-.· ~~~'~"~~~~~~~~"~--~ year, as colllpared with 1884- l'I, i1 about BOW.MANVILLE, FRIDAY, JUJJY 16. $10,000. - - - - ---·, ,, HAIL! HORRORS, BAIL !·"- is an expression of Milton regarding the " in· D ISTRICT NEWS. Sec our large istook of fern al world." It is not too much lo sa.y C S We have a II. The Markham Economist was thirty that those who suffer from catarrah would II C l oth Window Shades, Sc1-ct11 Albu,ms, years old last week. Urns exprees themselves about that disT1·ansfm·Pictt.tres, The fine new brick s 0hool house at easl'. Torture and dispair mark their R O LLE R S, Raglan will soon be finieh~d. deily existence. H0wever, every caee Sc1·a1>s, West's IJiver Pills remove that sallow- can be cured by Dr. Sage's Catarrh Birl'thday Ca, 1'ds, ..nesa from the complexic..n by r<>storing Rem edy. Its proprietors have for years l:"'4 Gold and Silvm· the di "'stive Ol'fJ'o\OS to a healthy act.ion. made a sta~1ding offer. in al} the news~ , , ,,. g" , paperd of $;;00 for an mcuraole case. It 1."' P crf01·ated Board ....... uru.,,g1ste. 1 speedily subdues all bad smelld is thor· · · tJ &c., &c. for Girls and B oys. . Loretto convent,. Lmds11iy, IS makmg oughly clellming, irn tiseptic1 soothing mulPape1·. 1-t i:iteady and substaubal progress. a&. :l ~e11ling in its effects. ltj l\:lr. W . Cole, of Oshawa., lost a \'aluable J Ou Sunday week drowning accidents/ PI:COTOS Wa l k i ng Canes for ~ Our Store is Head l1oree last week by in:fiammatio11.. at. Cobonr g, Whitby, Toroi:ito, l Quarters for Nervous head ache earache too~hache Hamilton, Brantford, London and River g·enth:men; llleerand in fact any er pain' cured like du Loup. Eigh t in all were drowned. from the tiny Locket sch :nun anti Briar magic with West's World's Wonder. 25 CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL. tJ and 50c. All. druggists. t Picture up to Pi1·es. A l so A new high school building will be TowN HALL, O.rnTwmou1·, ~ erected in Camphellford immediately. July 6th 1886. We c an · supply you Mr. R. B. Williamson, of P ort Hupe, The Council met persuanl to adjourn1-t And we do it all ourwith a ny musical inllas gone (n a trip tu the Old Country. ment. Members 1111 pre~ent. The minselves in our Studio. ·west's \Yorl d's \Yonder, for external strument known. . tj utes of last meeting were read and conuse, excel any o ther liniment for rheu· This powder never varies. A marvel of firmed. !;ti matism, ne·iralgia, cutd, wounds, burns purity, strength and wholi-sorneness. Moro \Ye carry a fine lot of We invite the ladies to ltj A communication was received from tbe economical than the ordinary kinde, a.nd canand bruises. Always uselul. All drugnot be sold in competition with the multitude inspect our gists. t County Cle1·k giving the County rate for or low test, short weight, Y.lum or phosphate in Beautiful Patterns powders. SoM only in cans. ROY A.L BA.KMr. Thomas Engli·h, Saintfied, was 1886. $752.00. School rate S\!8!l.OO. INu POWDEH cu., 106 Wall St.. N. Y. and . badly kicked by a horde the other day. The Clerk read a communication from for Ladies and GenP U RSES, The C. P. Rail way Co. are about t o lbe Clerk of the Darlington Council in ref~ erect another elevator at Montreal, cost- er.ince to expenditure on the boundary . tlemen. Card Cases, ing $200,000. line between Darlington a.~d Cartwright. -ATDyspeptic's friend. West's Liver Pills, Perfume ry and ~Fancy Samt;el Mahaffy applied for leave to oc · !;ti take one sugar coated WeBt's Liver .Pill Toilet S oaps cupy a porlion of the unused road between every night and you will bless the day GOODS. before purchasing. Q you read this. Thirty pills, 25 ctf.!. All J the 0th and 10th conceasions, opposite Joi No. 2·1, iroruediat.ely West of the Manvers drug gi~ts. 'f We have a fine line of Messrs. A. Ross & Sons are erecting boundary line. !;ti wharves &t ·Port Perry, to t he extent of Moved by Mr. Fnlli6, seconded by Mr. ltj CURES B O WMANVILLE. $!.000.. Rpinks, t hat Mr. S. Mahaffy be allowed t o l'%j Is noted for taking exOn Sunday, June 20th, the Oshawa occupy a portion of the said un· ALL LIVER AND KIDNEY COM- , iilso a fine stock of cellent PHOTOS of · - - - - -- - - -- :Baptist church collection a·nounted to used road containing abont half ou oore· PLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGEST- · the Babies. We are agents Cot· $13!).35. l:"'4 SCARF PINS, a ll Ncws1·a1·e1 ·s and Scitmtists inform us that we may al the annual renl of one dollar, duriuf, ION .A~D .ALL DI~EASES ARISING of the Uouncil. Carried. the pleasure We do not requiro bright Perio d ica l s. e xpect a. visit this summer from the t er;FROM DISARRANGEMENTS oF THE ,., Cuff and Can Colla, days for our work, as we Move<l by Mr, Spinks, seconded by Mr. 1·ible scourge, cholera. We~t'a PainKini;: Shirrt Stiids. LIVER AND KIDNEYS. s u ppl y a n y reading use the instantaneous is the remedy to keep. Alway!l ready for Dev11t, thot tho I\eeve and Deputy Beeve 8 l . process altogether. 1natfer. a sudd, n attack. 25c. All druggists . t !;ti CHEAP. be a Cornmitlee to meet ond confer with a The Horton House, Cobourg, i11 re- Committee of th e Durliugton C·,uucil at f:i:l opet;ed w . ith Mr. J. Beaton , of Bradfor d, Burkelon on Wednesday the Hth of July ·11s \jN~!"lE!t 0 r· inst., e.t 2 c.'clock p. m. in reference to -P'OH.a;lways in stock; w~~b'a Pain King works like G. gh"r!!'! µi ak ins appropl'i!lt!<:>!!~ O!! the D~rlingl.ou Beautifully Col ored by ltj I ill rnlie:ing !? in the etomaclt, nil boiindary ·· Hue. u~rried. ~1~9 a go<;>~\ ~~wtnient of our assistant artist, bow-el d1fficult1es and i;hol~rn. No tr:w~ On molion lbe Reeve sigued orders iu eller should be wlthtiut lt ~hould al ways Proprietor, Toronto. \Ve can supply or make up ll lie i11 the hon&e, Costs but 25 cts. All favor. .,; Jobu: Jobb, Pe.thmaster, work on gravel i:1rugglatll. any Frame you wish on --HYMN BOOKS SOLD BY Buil&y, Po th master, road !;24.00; Jam es l:h~orge Jack, of Whitby, was drowned short notice. - A NDBring in your Photos wMle bathing, last week, in the mill-pond work on road Div. No. 9, !>23. ; David Gal- RIGGINDOTHi\.ill & S O N , for Coloring. Mouldings on Hand. of that place. CHURCH PRAYER.· ANO H YMNALS. brailh work on road Div. No. 2t, $29.; W. BOWMANVILLE. \Yonderful is the instantaneous effect E. Yarnold P. L. S. locating roi>d between of West's Pnin Kmg in relieving crawps, lot~() and 7 in the ·Uh cou,, $8.25.. ; J ohn colic and all bowel difficulties. Worth Bailey, work 011 road Div. No. 10 $65.liO; its weight in gold and costs but 25 cents. Robt. Seaton, Patbm119ter, rnaler111l aud Should al ways be kepi in every houee. work on b<r<rdge, 7th cou. line $22.20.;-Wm. --CALL AT-All druggiste. t Canad a has 534. newspapers, of which Bartley, ~·e days work on road Div. No. 9, $1.; A.. IE:. 'Veale, repairing scrnper and 79 are daily and 479 weekly a n<l twenty semi-week.Jy. picks, 70c.; G. Fnllia, work and timber for UNKNOWN. -There is no remedy known culvert opposite lots 22 in the 5th con. to medic.'l.! science that can excel Dr. nnd on the 'l\Uarter line in the Gth con .. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry as a $17. 75.; Robert Heaslipp, half tbe cost of cnre fur choler·:i, morbus, diarrhcea, dysentery, or any funn of Summer Complaint Oulvert on Manvers boundary, $3.; 'Jhas· Larmer, 153 loads oi gravel, $7.65.; Edwin afflicting children or adults. + IN- - AN D -The Whitby fireman ure pMparing on a · Brown, ~ol'k on quarter line in the 10th cale for th eir annual celebration coo. 1ji~.; James Holmes, rep. scraper, and grand M VICTOH, FANNING MILL, HAGGERT BROS. PORTA.BLE STEAM ENGINES, coffin for R. Wilson . iudig~n t $8.25 .; Robt. -0n civic holiday. WIDE AWAKE SEPARATORS, CHAFF CUT'.l.'ERS, r U RNIP SLICERS, Martin, Mre. Loughead aud Robt. Edger· THE BEST YET.--There is no prepara-IN- SAW MILL MACHINERY, ROO'f PULPERS, CRUSHERS AND GRINDERS, tion before the people to-day that comt,m , indi12ents ll4. each.; John Johnston, m an ds their contidenca more , or meets Patbmaater, work on quarter lino in the THE LIGHT TORONTO BINDER, STUART, BURROWS & MILNE'S, AND OSBOH.NE &. with a better sale than does Dr. Fowler's 4th con. $33.75.; James Y. !lfoLaughlin, THE TORONTO MOWER, KILLY'S WEIGH SCALES, Extract of Wild'Straw berry- the infallable work und timber for bridge ou . 5th con. THE MASSEY MOWER, THE M cLAUGHLIN B UGUY, remedy for all forms of Summer Comline, $57.42.; 'fbomas :imce, repairin g THE MASSEY HARVESTER. THE HAINS .AND CHATHAM WAGON, plaints. ! THE TOIWNTO WIND MILL POWER & FORCE .PUMPS,. W. Webber, GarJen 'Hill, wa.s fined bi-idge in the 2nd con. $15.50.; George THE MASSEY SULKEY RAKE, EVER SHOWN IN ORONO. $50 and C08ts last week for infringement Bar\ley, ~e1·vices as inspeetor of buildings WILSON'S HAY TEDD~RS AND HAY LOADERS, THE WANZER, RAYl\:IOND AND DOMESTIC SEWING &c ,, $2.; W. Lucas. p!lrl salary BR Glerk REMEMBER THE STAND: of the Scott Ad. MACHINES, SINGLE, SULKEY AND GANG PLOWS, lBSG, $60.; John Morrison, coffia for for Life saved at midnight by th~ timely LATE Miss HEPBURN's, M1LLER's B LOCK. CULTIV.A.TORS, H_ ~RROWS, SEED.~ms & SCUFFLERS, BINDER TWINE .AND l\:IAC.RINE OILS. 11se of Wests P ain Kmg. Do n ot fail to W. Spence, indigent, deceased -$4.fifl.; N, always keep it in the house for al tacks of Marlow, cedar for culvert on 4th con. liue colic, cholera, cholera morbuA, cramps, $5.4.8.; Samuel Deviit, work on 2ni con. :lin:x, dysentery and all kindred diseases, line opposile lc..t No. IG, $26.; John Whitalw c1.ys very sudden. 13e prepared. 25c. fie ld, 59 loads gravel $2.95.; A. Taylor, .All druggists. t - o -- Commissioner Commutation of S. L. folj, The Toror> lo Musical festival committee WITH SHEAF OARRIER ATTACHED. 1885 and 1887; $1.05.; Tbomas Scholes, Jon A.--One lot of Fancy Dress hae $1000 s ul'plus and intends to present digging gmve for R. Wilson and indigen\ Goods, which we are clearing this Mr. Torrington $500. This seas on of the year it is ve1·y l,11. ; John Cu\hbert, work on road Div. 37 week at t e n cents per ya1d, just important to have a re liable remedy in and 38, $25. 75.; Mrs. J ohn Parks, atlen- half the r e()'ular price. . . . . the honse for such disAases as tlux, danco ou R. Wilson an indigent, ~8.; Jere"' i Is guaranteed t o contain more malleable iron and s teel than any other Bmder in Canada. Is g uaranteed dysentery, diarehoea, summer complaint, miah Henry, work on Beach boundary, $6. JoB B.- One l o t of Ladies' Rub- ' to cut closer and handle short and lodged grain better than any other Binder. Is gu11.rant eed to be mor& cholera, cholera morbus aud cholera inOu motion the Coancil adjourned unlil ber Circulars , warranted perfect easily operated than any other Binder. Its Cutting Apparatus is tha bes t in the world. The only Binder foutum. Such u. remedy is West's Pain tbe fir~$ Monday in Augus l at 5 o'clock and water-proo f, an excellent cloak running the Conveyor and Elevatoi B elts and Binding Attachment with a Single Chain. The only Binder :K,ing. Only 25c. All druggists. t . _......._...,___. p. m. W. LUCAS,T'p Clerk. for the dusty weather, clearing for rnnning tho Conveyor within half an inch of the Cutters. The only Binder liavi11g perfect Pitman' and 'fhe Pat:l;ct says there are more bewitchin gly pretty girls in Orillia than any one dollar each. Knife-heel Connections. The only Binder having interchang eable Bush Bearings. The only Binder havCall at Tait & Morrison's to see Mrs. oth er town of its size in Cunada:. ing Spiral Springs in the Canvas Belt Guides to receive the strain and tighten the B1 ·lts in wet and dry Jon C.- One lot of washing fas t A RADICAL CnANGE.-The best eradic- Clarke's Cookery Book. weather. The only Binder provided with a R elief Rake. The only Binde r fit Led with an Angular Steel Rosary Beaded 'f rimming for dresses at ator of fo ul humors of the blood is Burcolor Prints and Z e phyr Ginghams Cutter Bar. The only Binder on which the Sheaf Canier is u sed successfully. The only Binder having d ock Blood Bitters. A few bottle8 Couch J·ohnston & Cryderman's. clearing at eight cents per yard, a Clover Seed Attachment. Onions ?,re this year attacked by a produce a radical change for the better in health a.nd beauty. It removes the blood borer, wh\ch threatens to destroy the formerly s old at 12~ cents. taint of scrofula, that terrible disease so whole crop. J OB D.- One lot of Boy's Wool i <:ommon in this country. t ---- w---·-- --Tweed Suits;, fitting boys from 5 ' Bowmanville, March 25th, 1886. CON!illl~ll'TION CllltED.-.~n 01a physician The Lindsay canoeing and boatin~ club retired from practice. havln~ bad placed in his 1 MESSRS, SHAW & ToLE,- Ha.ving bought a Toronto Light Binder, and after r unning it for two harvests cutting is incorporated with a capital stock of hands by an East Indit· misBLonary the formula to 15 years, clearinO" at less than Prices will b~ exceedin g ly for myself 8:nd n_eighbore, ove! 200 ~ores; uot costing .m.e 10 cents fo! repairs, bein~ a hle to handl" 1~ w·th two horses with or a simple vegetable remedy fo r tbe speedy cost. . $ 1,000 . i n 100 shares ot $10 each. . . t f ease, I consider it t he champion Bmder of lhe Domnuon. My n eighbor, Mr. Neil Osbornf', hHd a tield. hH could not handle a.nd pc1·mancnl.cure ofUonsumption.Bronchitie, .AN INVISIBLE FOE.- The poisonous Catarrh, .A sthma and all throa~ and JJnng Af· l O~ as we purpose d roppmg OU 0 with the Chatham Binder, they could not go through without choking and I went in with the L igh t Tur unt.o, went six times 0 fections, also o, positive and radical cure for germs of disease are lurking in the air we around the field without le11oving my seat, not only cutting and bindin~ it but turned out and c.:ut the stubble the Chatham Debility und all nervous Complaints, tlus cl.epa1 t ment. breathe and the watr;r 'II e drink. 'Ihe Nervous after havinfJ tested its wonderrul curativ:e · had pa,ssed over, elevated a.nd bound the Mr. Osborno had the little .Brantford and the Dundas for several! days s ystem should be kept carefully i,urified powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his cutting for him, but gave his order for the Light Toronto. w . H . OSBORNE, to make it lmown to his suffering fellows. and all the organs t rmed to proper act~on. duty Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve This can best be done by the regulatm<z, humnn suffering, I will send free of charge, to purifying and to nic powers of Burdock a.II who desire it. this recipe, in German,French, N ATURE'S PERFJ:CT BEAT.Tm or Engliah, with full directions for preparing Is impossi"\>Ie i~ ihe Di~ Blood Bitters. t and tieing. Sent by mail by addressing "with CURE FOR gest1011 1s 1mpa1red, the, An unsuccessful attempt was made to stamp, namine: this paper, W. A. NoYES 149 Powe1·'s Blocl..Rochester N. Y . 45, ~ :F WORTHLESS IMITATIONS burglarize t he safe of the Oshawa Milling Li"Beo"w~~~~~seiip:~eJ~e . ' stock of Co., on Monday night of Inst week. . t 'J.' arrant's Effervescent A s there are many ~'1ferior goods, corded with juto. S ELTZIE& A.PElllENT0. A BAD BREAKDOWN.- It is a common NEW YORK. bewp, etc., o:trererl and sold will cure Constipation·. as Coraline by some unt hing now-a-d aya t o hear oue co mplain of Sick Headache and Dys· principled merchants trad· 'f he largest and finest constructed hotel in feeli D g all broken down with a faint, peps!a. It regulates the of every d escription at i u g ou tbe ropntMion of the city, on l'nl'li A1·enuc, one block from bowels and enables those weary, restless languor, with strength o u r ~f~ 1111ine Co1·nliue, Grand Central Depot. · of feeble digestion to enwe warn the ladies e,go,inat and appe tite nt>arly gone, and no well (0~ AMERICAN A.ND EUROl'EAN PLANS.) ioy theidood. It reduces. such imposition by draw· <lefiue d cause. 1'his is i.:enem l debility, l<'~ ver, Cools the Blood, 600 rooms, elegantly furnished and decorated. ing their nttention to t he , i~ invaluable in Piles and necessity of seeing tba.t t he which Burdock Blood Bitt ers prompt1y The ve ntilation, draino,ge nnd sauitary ar· She has j ust opeued out one of the largest · I 111lamroatory Diseases, rangements generally, are the most perfect relieves, a nd most in variabiy cures. t and most stylish stocks ever brought and i~ a j uatly est~emed that human ingenuity and akilt cau devise. U f ,, penont for Children, Mr. Geo. 0. Fowler, of Colborne, has to town, consi~ting of : Stairway and 3 elevators. AND Economical, Reliable, '" U napproached for been appointed C la~s ical and Science F E1 egirnt. It s.' ' nld be· No charge for conveying b&ggago from or t o lllillinery, Dress Silks, ·~ B tampod on inner side of all Coraline goods, .._.'"""""""' Tone and Quality. found in everyl!o'usebold. the Grai.d Central Depot. Master, in t.he P erth Collegiate Institu te. Without which none are genuine, · Sold by d 1 ·u11oists everyJUJNHNG oS: HAiUJIOND, Velvets, &c., HE .Ac·nrn WISE LY. - " I am eo weak I where. .Manufo.0t,ured only by TAllltANT .~ CATALOGUES FREE. Provrietora. · 2!·3m. co., N"w "1'01·.k. can hardly move, all run down with a with a very fine stock of F eathers and Chr0nic Summer Complaint," one Flo wers. J ·no. Thesubscriber will pay tho highest cush McMurtry is sh owing Black Brogentleman to anoth er un the street the If you want the best value in lace curprice for any quantity of good Merchantable ·caded Silk, Black Gro. Grain Silk, Black Call aud inspect this fine display, which Wool and 2c over that in trade. Dont give other day. " Now, take my advice," tains , at the lowes t prices, go to R obert· cannot fail to give satisfaction. away your wool when you can get a fair price Satin suitable for summer mantles, lovely replied his friend, ' ' ~o to your Druggist son & Bond's, Beaver Block. in excllnnge for Blanknts, Sheeting, ']~weeds. Black Chenille Fringe for trimming. Notwithstanding the r ecent advance in and get a bottle of Dr. Fowler's Extract etc., Carpet Yarn and Sock Yarn always on Call on Jno. M cMurtry at the West silks, you can still° buy all colors and all A lady says tho1:1e Fancy Window Shades hand. With thanks for past favours sud of Wild Strawberry. [have never known soliciting a contmuanae of tbci I a.m End House for anything you require in qualities at the old prices at Couch, John- at Tait & Morrison's are the best for the ' it to fail in curing any kind of Summer UE1i1'1Jt< Tim 1vonLnCR your obli11:ini;: servant, D, ·r AYLOR, Hampton ston & Oryderman's. ! money she ever saw. They are beauties,. Dry Goods or Groceries. Sold EYerywhere. Woolen Mille. 23·3m· C omplaints. t lt:irGet the Genuine, it'. ft'b 'lV t ~nlUl4'UUl OJ>" a t_.m~n. A' ~t t t! \t TAIT & M ORRI SON'S CATALOGUE. Ii I ~! !e;!i~.E ~~~assortment __ Dolls and Ca rriag es, Cornice Poles, W h eelba rr.ows Shade Pulls, an d W agons I> EN LAR GED LIFE SIZE! z I> .:_NE vV- Absolutely Pure. lil t-t WALL PAPERS Low in· Price Toilet Articles Hand Satchels, rii. z DA NDELION LIVER A N D KIDNE Y J ew ellry I> ..... BITTERS I TA I T & MORRISON'S I> SPECTACLES, q I ! I ~ I I The Greatest Blood J:?urifier in t h e World. ..... ~ Photo Albums PH O TOS CI-IROMOS s:: s:: M 0 RR IS, t II BIBLES, HOME DECORATION! MISS C. SHAW. LADIES, READ CAREFULLY AND REMEMBER THE CO NTENTS. MRf~~~RISON'S SHAW Greatest Variety · The Largest Stock A TOLE,, -- -DEALERS MILLINERY G~E~ Joe LINES. THE TORONTO LIGHT . BINDER Challenges the WORLD for an Equal Record! ___ _ ____ SHAW & TOLE, Bowmanville. ~ Robertson & Bond. BEWARE MU~Rt;E~ J L L IY~tt~n ~"~ ,!:,!!, MILLINERY CON STIPATION BELL" ~~ORGANS MRS. DONNELY'S 'CROMPTON CORSET CO.' WOOL! WOOL!! "ick-He adache SPEPSI A 0Y BELL &CO., Guelph, Ont. AXLE FRAZER ' EASE

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