- s;: TERMS :::fl.iO .Pu AJNUM. NEW S ERIES, NUMBER 417. OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS, M , A. J AMES, EDITOR A.ND PROPRIJl:TOR, VOLUME BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, .JULY BRADLEY'S SCHOOL HOUSE. Mina Groat passeri the Entrancfl x· amiuation successfully at Oshawa, o aining 444 marks. Report for J uuc. Names in q·df!r of merit :- 1<,ourth Cl~·s-M Ormisfl(ln, M. Gro11.t, F. Moore . Third Sr,-G. Mitls L : YanNeat. E . Ross. Third Jr. -C'. Jeffery, L. YanNest. J . Gibson. Second . 0 ·B sr.- R . Y an N est, N . H eat1l<>, . ryant. Second Jr.- F. Jeffery, A. YanNest, E . Ros~ . First Sr. -G. Gibson, L. Leask,. W, Bennet. First Jr.-A. YanNest, M. Souch, A. Bennet. ~:3, 1886. Entrance Examination. The on.mes of the successful candidates, the marks obtained by them, the schools from which they came and their teachers ·"iven : Bo'wmanville Public School :-C. Allin, 451 ; C. Cherry, 4l4 ; V. Gilfillan, 406; M. Jenninl{s, 427 ; Mabel Tait, 31>2 ; M. Worth, 409 ; A. Black, 3()5 ; J . Knight, 4.08 ; J. Shaw, 384. Hampton School, Mr.Niddery,teacher : - F . Hooper, 448 ; Maggie Rogers, 402 ; A . Stonehouse, 445. S.S. No. 1, Dar., Miss Welsh, t11acher : -ll. Galbrai1h, 378. S. S. No. 6, Dar., H. Harber, teacher: -W . C. Frank. 4'12 ; ·H. Foley, 3i8.' S.S. No. 5. Miss E.J. Kerslake, teacher :- M. F. Keat, 418. S. S. No. 21, D,ar., Mies L. Bruad, teacher :-M. J. Werry, 470. S.S. No. 7, Di.r., Mr. R.Lane, teacher: W. J. Bray, 378. XXXII. NUMBER 30. M cCLUNGS, Opposite Ontario Bank, Bowmanville. I " NEWTONYILLE. A very pleosant timo was spent nt the TO THE TEACHERS. . Aa the circular relating to the Reading Circle in conn ~ction with the Teachers' Association for th ~ County of Dl1rham was issued too 1».te to be acted on before tlie schools closed, it has been decided to delay taking 11.uy action till the 1st :of Sep: ember, 'thus giving the teachers an opµort11ni ty to eeud in their names and orders after the schoolR 1eopen. All who desire the bo1Jks will tJleaso advise . promptly by that date. Te~chers are at liberty to purchase from the book dealers 1refer doi· g so. The only object i f they. 1 in ordering in quimtity ie the hope of gel t ing a red11c1 ion. The books to be read the first t~rm are · l!'itch's "Lectures on 'l'eachers," and ~'potton's Botany. There is 110 charge t o joiL, the Circle. All orders in connectiou with the R ead· ing Circle a.re to be sent to Mr. R . D. Davidson, Bowman ville, the Secretary of the Association, who will also r eceive the oamP,s of tho.oe who wisl\ to join theCircle. Those already in will b~ handed to him. Tbe school grants were distributed on the 20th. The sum apportioned to any section will be paid by the 'l.'ownship Treasurer on prP-sentation of the Trnstees' order, attested by' he corporate seal. W. E . 'l'ILLEY, P. S Inspector, Durham Shaw & Tole's is the place to get a Toronto Mower. · Lovely Braided .Jerseys from 1.25 up at Co uch, Johnston & Cryderman's For a magnific~nt choice of H osiery, Gloves, &c., call at the Star Hotl.se. · Barbed, ribbon, plain and annealed wire a fuil stock at bed rock prices at S. S. Edsall's. Onions are this year attacked by a, bor er, which threatens to destroy th(;' whole crop. Call on Jno. McMurtry at the West End House for anything you require in. Dry Goods or Groceries. A lady says those Fancy Window Shades at Tait & Morrison's ar e the best for the money she ever saw. They are beauties. W oo1.- Farmers, don 't sell your Wool till you call on J·ohn Lyle who.is paying the highest price for good merchantable w ool. P ersons who have tried the J,i-Quor Tea sold by L . Morris speak favorably of it. You gut " beautiful book with every dol lar 's wo rth. The Gr:111d Trunk will build a union S · a t,1on at. Belleville and remove the offices fnr tl1e .M 1 d ... ud Division fmm Peterboro' to t hat ci1.y. Notwirhstandin~ the recent advance in silks, yon can st ill buy all colors and all qualitiea at the old prices at Couc11, Johnsto1i & Crydcrrnan's. · Jno. Mc:V f nrtry is showing Black Brocaded.Silk, Black Gro. Gram Silk, Black Satin s uitable for summer mantles, lovely Black Ohenille Fringe for trimming. Couch J ohnstou & Cryderman have sold an immense quantity of carpets during the last few we0ks, but; they are still showing a large assortment of carpets of all kinds. · The .\Vest E11d Ilous6 is noted for having the largest, best, and cheapest assortment of H osiery in town. La.dies you would do well to call and examine for yourselves. Ladies ,in Ta.it & Morrisot;1's store you can see t he prettiest, cheapest and best Fancy Window Shades eve!:' introduced here, their cheepnees is moat r emarkable. Call and see them. Rollers,cornice poles fixings for drawing, etc., in stock. We have a large wid intelligen t lot of correspondents in i he different places around us, but the warm weather seem11 to have made them bl\ckward in writing us, or else it has dried up their ink . 1'Vo take plea.sure in informing them that we are a till alive, and that their newsy letter11 are as welcome as ever. I n future we shall look for their budgets on Tuesday1 or Wednesdays r egularly. Don't disa.p oint us. harn rai~in!( at ]\fr. Geo. Staoleton's, on Friday, July 2nd. After the barn h ad been rl\ised,all hands partook of a splendid ~upper prepared !or.them. In the even· ,mv a nun~ber of m~1ted J.?Ues~s·asse1~1 bl , a11d .daucmg was 1t1dnlged in until he wee P.ma hours. The compariy the disparsed with best wi<hes for tbeir enial · hl h t d · 'f o~ an 1 1111 estima e w1 e. - ' NEW H.AVAN. A pic-nic, complimentary to M . H . l<Jverson, was held under the auspic s the Ebenezer Y. P. A. on Monda BOLINA. last week. The ·· place of meeting The razor epidemic hae played havoc beautiful grove ou the lake shore, as with the moustache crop in this vicinity, almost idealistic in natural perfectio . it is rumored that the fair population do The company seemed thoroughly equip . not favor the chani:e. , eel forenj ~ying thtimselve11 and altogethe Now the clippers have been goio~. one your coriesponde11t who was not provided of our professional barbers, whom we with a basket was not allowed to lack any think should hang out a sl1ingle, has good thing, spent an afternoon not soon clippAd no leas than seventeen heads in a to ho forg 1tten. - PEARL WEDDING. /" · - - - - -- -week. ENNISKILLEN. Gem jars in all sizes and lowest prife A very interesting, pleasant and·enjoyat Solina Store ; also best quality machi A large company supplied 'With well filled baskets, asse~bled on Thursday able ti:me was spent by a n11mber of the oil for farmers and threshers use. 2w. . We think the outbuildings in this nei h- night of last week, at the residence, of the friends of Mr. and Mr-<. John T,ee. at borhood, are second to none in he Rev. S. Salton to bid him welcome to our their residence, East Whitby, on Wed·ek, i11 celebratcouotry. village and make Mrs Saltoo and himself nesday evening of hst w1 ing the thirtieth· anniversarv of their Mr. Geo.. Argl1e is adding a very va u- feel st hom.e in our mid.st . A very pleas· - wedding day. Numeroui ba·ket s of proant and enJoyable evenrng was sptmt . . able addition to hi~ house. visions bad been brought and from these Mr. T Baker has sold his valuable Miss Gladnian and Mr. Fred. <.l:adman, the ladies soon prepared a moat tempting chestnut ~are to Mr. Seagrove, Whitby. · of Petr.rboro,' have beeu visiting friends 11.nd · sumptuous repast of which about JACK. here . eighty partook. As soon AR all had utisSeveral of our villagers, accompanied fied the inner man, an adjournment was by their families, are C<>mping this week made to the drawing r oom, where Mr. J. HAYDON. on Washburn Island. T. H . Hancock, after being appointed Who clipped the dog, the tall young - - -- --<>-· ··--- chairman, proceeded to s tat1> th1:. object ruan ? NEWCASTLE. of the gathering, at the same time present· A party coneisting of Messrs. J . l\'Ian ing Mr. and Mrs. L ee, on behalf of their Th G d D ENTRANCE EXAMINATION. F. Allen, . oe. oo man, . an . N 0 7 ,T. M oun tJOY, ma.ny friends with a. very handsome and McNeil spent Fi·iday at Scugog lake and ewcaat1 e, 484 ; L. Watson, rono, 4 7; valuable Silver 'l'ea. Service as a slight like the rest of tishermen can t ell good A. Huntet', Sec. 8, 475; Wesley Camsell, token of the respect and regard entertainfiah story. They captl1red twe y fine Kirby, 473 ; H. Abbey, N ewcastJe, 465 ;· ed for them. Mr. Lee in well chosen lunge, Mr. Jas. McNeil caught eleven. A. Newsome, Orono, 427; Nellie Stark, words thanked the donors for their unGood enough boys. Perhaps sherman Seo. 21, 419 ; I.N. Wal kor, Leskard;.411; expected but handsome gift remarking J ones was like t he man ·who ught the Y. Scott, Newcastle, 406; J. S. Davia, that he appreciated not only the Mift but trout in close aeason " took em when Leskud, 404 ; M. Mason, Sec. 9, 399 ; the spirit which prompt ed its b il.stowel. he could get tlrnm. " A. Ferguson, Orono, 397; M. Stewart, Sec. 21, 38G ; G. Brown, Orono, 380; Other speeches then followed from Messrs I d M r. an d M iss P oo e, an r. W . E . G eo. D ewe11 . .,ec. "' 21 , 37" "· T eac hers :- \V. \Verry, Jas. Goodman, H . K err, R ev . Pollard and sister spent Su' day with Newcastle, Mr. Morton ; Orono, W: C. S. Salton and others. Tho rest of the friends here. 1 Allin ; Sec. 8, M. Linton ; Kirby, G. IC ev~ning was spent in gnneral social chitMrs. McNeil and Mrs. W. J. H aycraft McDowell ; Sec. 21, Miss Robinson; chat. About ten o'clock the frii.nds spe11t Friday last at Mrs. A. Oolv~·u.&':a.-+±reekard, T. A. Brown ; Sec. 9, Miss withdrew, all well pleased with the even· ing's entertainment . Sqnair. W. W. JARDINE, · Clarke. T!10 service presented, which is a vory Picnics are all the ~o now. Ther e was Presiding Exe.miner. handsome .on.,, w.-s pm·chased from Mr. a tamily picnic held at Mr. Wm. Slemons A. Buckler, Howman1,ille. on 'l'hursd1~y last . A large crow and a ,,,,BAMPTU};. The committee of management con good time is the verdict of all. The o T dd lie su en appearance of an enemy sisttJd of Mi's. ~J . Cole, Mrs. W. Werry, h Id t " B a t clie Ior· ha 11 F arm, .. th 'd era bl e ex01 ·te ment 111 · · t I10 de a f M S M t· ·d cause d cons1 ence o r. · oun Joy, on . rt _ f!.Y south part of thi11 village, on Saturday and Mr ..Jesse Cole, and much credit is was also a hu ~e success,. only t e ladies of last week. The only Canadian vol- due them for the very able an-ct efficient manner in which everythiDg was carrieo co11ld n ,)t make themselves at ome as · h · · · 11 · ·f M M t· h db th unteer m I e v1cm1ty was called to the we as 1 rs. oun JOY a, en ere. scene of action ; a fter consider.able scitm- ou t.~Haydon boasts of m?re cor s . d ~sher- tific maneuvering he succeeded in securing LITTELL's LIVI NG AoE.- The numbers men than any other village of l s size in a safe position in the ·second story of a of 1.'lte Living Age for the weeks ending the country. dw elling house. The enemy however had July 3rd and 10th contain Genius and --KLRB-Y:--the advantage and discharged several Precocit.y, a.nd J ohn \Vebstar, .Nineteenth Now is the time to get a first-class hand made rounds before the military man was rea.dy ~enti1ary,' Contemporary hie and thought Mrs. T. Henderson has returned from for aotion. After wasting considerab1e m France, The Pre-Raphae?ite BrotherSet of Harness, extremely cheap. vi.siting in Whitby. powder to no ' purpose, an old veteran hoo~ ; a Fight for Art, and In Osman Miss Lizz{e Gammage is visiting in this f&miliar with the smell of blood, after a Digma's Garden, Gototemporary,' The Laird A..~ desperate struggle, laid the enemy low. of Redgi.untlet,andMystery andRomance, vicinhy. Although th. a siege lasted but a short Macmitlan; A Court Chaplain, and GusLouisa Thornton, formerly of Miss Is selling Single Harness for $10; Nickel Plated this pl11ce, now of Brooklin, ma.de a: short time, tb11 intruder left a powerful i·n· tave Dore, Temple BM ; Boys' Blunders, pressi0n on the residents. Gornhill; An Original of the la.st Oentury, Single Harness, $16; all other goods in proportion. visit here a few weeks ago. We hope the thoughtful friend who Bcl,qravia; Mr. Ruskin's "May Day, " Miss Wright, of Port Perry, is visiting beautifies the pulpit desk each Sabha.th, L eist1re Hrnir; Good Friday Among the Call and see the best FLY NET ever made. at her sister's, Mrs. Jas. McCormick. may never wish for flowers in vain. M exican PerJitents, and King L ouis of Mr.! and Mrs. Ogden, of Chicago~ SLow Bov. (Both in leather and cord.) Bavaria, Spect ator; A Rus~ian ExperiIll., are visiting friends in this vicinity. ment in Home Rule, ::3t. Jame's ; The U. LUNG SA. ULT. · Whips, Trunks, Valises, School Bags, &c., always m stock. Master Norman Robinson, of Whitby, S. Geological Survey, Nari"ire; A Last is visiting at Mr. T. Henderson'&. The crops will be much improved after Century Letter, A cademy; The Cl1rre11ts Mr. and Mrs. James Powers~ oflll., are this rain. The barley is almost ready to of the AtlautiJ Ocean, L e Genie Oivi~; with instal ments of " Black Crows," visiting old friends in this viciuity. harvest. "Doctor Edith," and "A Sicilian D octor," Mr. James Jackson ha.11 erected a fine Mn. Virtue wae visiting friends in and poetry. . The number for July 3rd new barn. Toronto last week. & l:>egins a new volume. For 62 numbers Master Eden and Lial Griffin and their Miss S. ·Farrell has taken another trip 64 large pages each (or more than 3,300 mother, Mrs. '.r. Grifiin, of Batavia, 111., to the West. pages a y el\r) the subscription price ($8) are visiting friends here. ·one of our young ladies went to town is low ; while for $10.50 the publiahors Some of the fariners have finished hay- last week to the teachers' examination offer to sell any one of the Americlln $4 ing .and they report a fair crop. expecting to receive two certificates; but monthlies or weekises with . The Li1Jing Age for a year, both postpaid. Littell & 'l'hree of the pupils of Kirby 11chool has returned without any. THE BEST TN THE WORLD. wrote at the Entrance Examination in Mr. D. ·Byers' raising was a success. Co., Bostpn, are the publishers. Newcastle a short time ago. We hope to A number of young people were invited It may not be known to many readers When buying Coal Oil ask your dealer for the New Oils, hear of them as succesful. from different parts to spend the evening, of this j ournal that we have in this town What we would like to know ; when but as the ladies did not attend,the dance a.n institution bearing the name of "The .our brass be.nd will ser enade our street& was a failure · Bowmanville Electro P lating W orks" again 1 come boya, brace up, and have About two dozen of the school children which guarantees to do plating in gold, some style about you. spent a pleas.\nt time at Mrs. H. Davey'a silver or oickle so that old articles are on Thursday afternoon. Try it once, you will use no other. made to l ook.quite as good or even betThe "Hanlan" base ball club played .ter than new, and the proprietor agrees TYRONE. lUcUOLL BROS. & CO'Y, T01·onto t heir first game with the "Twitchgrass " to plate haavier than the platin~ to be Mr. T. T. Jardine and wife have re- club, on Saturday. Result in favor of ~he fo uud on any new article. All kind11 of turned from their visit lllnong friends at home team. silverware, old watch cases gold or silver, BETSY BOBBITT. Lucknow.! · and indeed all kinds of table ware are re· paired, cleaned, and polished. Any of Mr. J. 0. Vam1tone and wife paid ~ 'MAPLE GRUYE. ~ting visit h2re last Sabbath. N o place Mr. H. Barber, our school teacher,haa . our readers having articles that r equire GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, hke l10m1i yet, · C. gone to Cobourg, after his fishing encamp- plating can rely on getting a superior job - -MANUFACTURER OF- Don't forget the youni;t people's class to- j m ent, to spend the r est · of his vacation don e at a reasonable price, and a single with his p1mmts and sister in t heir new trial will convince you that this is correct. night, a full attendance is required. . The foreman is Mr. J ohn Wright, late of Mr. J, Cad13 & Son left h ere Monday home. Glasgow, Scotland, and the propriotor KING STREET. BOWMA.NVILL morning for St. Marys, having taken The Rev. Mr. Sanderson preached a is Mr. F . N. Ham. Oall at Reid's Hal now on hand a number of Tehloles (and le manufacturing a great many more) of the newei a contract for some buildings. S uccess very feeling and impressive sermon here Block and see sampled of the work they patterna and beat ftnteh, which I .a m offering tor aale at the lowest prices consistent J oe. on Sabbath, and is fast gainina the are turning out. with due regard to workmanship and quality. The following ls a list of The crops are looking well around h er e. admiration of his hearers. " the prlnolpe.l vehicles me.nufe.ctured by me To say that an advertisement is n ever The Twitch Grass · club def1mted the Mrs.J. and Mr.O, James have gone on a read is the most ab2urd 'm istake by a Double Covered Carriages . ................. ................................... $150 Upward·, Rasberry B. B. nine in Mr. W. Sproul's northern trip to Oambray and other busine11si man. It is a never tiring Single Phootons ............................. ... ................................. 100 11 field last Saturday. Score stood at the places to regain their health, but . a11 worker n the inter est of his employer , Open Buggy..................................................... ....... ......... 70 11 end of four innings fiO to 1 i n favor of yet are not mm;h resusitated, but their When the bill d. istributor has disappear ed Top Buggy........................................................................ 90 ·· Twitch Grass. 'l'he 2nd nine Gladstones w .ell wishers who are many, hope that a from the streets, and the bills are tramplDemocrat Wagon................................................................ 65 ·· are anxious to play the Twitch Grass be- more lengthy stay will cause their speedy ed into pulp, the advertisement is preLumber Wagons......................................... ........................ 55 ·· fore the season closes. D.Jn' t be backward r ecovery. forming its silent mission t o the family boys. · Mr. Geo. Coates paid a flying visit t o circles. It appears t o a constituency five Exprc~Wa.go11... . .............. . ......... .. ... . ................. . .. . . . ......... 75 ·j What we would like t o know1- Who his friends this week. He is looking or six times larger than the aotual sale of Skeleton......... ......... ......... ............... ... ........... . .. . .. . ·... .. . . .. . · 60 11 was it that robbed the h en roost last S un· well and hearty and appears to be q uite th e paper, for there are few n ewspapers Sulky.................................... .... ....................................... 40 11 Poaseeslng superior facilities tor manu!aoturl!lll carriages, I Intend to se)l very cheap tor a . sh day night1 What kind of salt was l eft at p~eascd witli h i&n ew occupation on the .that do not pass from hand t o hand 'among a half a dozen persons with every the corner house last week1 Who fur- r ailway, or approved credit, and by so doing I hope to greatly Increase my number ct sales. Woul4 sell the wood parts only, or the gearings of buggies Ironed, ni11hed ~he tangle l eg. for this.quiet place? The fisherme.n from i:;cugog have re- issue. What was wrong with the young man turned after relieving the waters of over Persons wishing to borr ow money on that he ran against the gate post1 What 50 of its best specimens of bass aud lllll.S· farm security can be accommodated with was wrong with Ebenezer Stars, at Orono ka.longe. any amount on application to the STATES· At the Shortest Notice, Painted and Trimmed if Desired. MAN office, at lowest rate11 of interoot, tf, last week. ---·~...... ..... --·- ·- - - Ai the Factory I also do Planing, Matohlng, Turning and. Sawing with Circle, Band or'Sor Saws. and prepare all kinds of lumber tor carpenters nd others for building purposes. Barley harvest has started around thfa FOR NE'M'J.E R .UB, Summer JIeat, Erup· AJ.L WELL PLE.lSED.- 'lbe childr"n like ' Ornament11l and Plain Ploketa tor: tenoes in every style reguired, made to order. pection. OLIMAX. ~~i1;,'h~':,~~:;~ral toilet purposes uae Lolv's Dr. Low'll Pleiiaau& \Torm S;yruv and par· cnta rejoice over tt.1 vtr&ue. c ) t -vu. :a:. iv.c J-. Farmers, Threshe rs and Mi llmen Use lVIoColl Bros. Co.'s Celebrated. ::LA R D J: N E== MACHI N E Oi l. FA IILY SAFETY & SUNLIGHT Coal Oil. M IL LI NERY. ---o--Our Millinery Department (one HAINES' CARRIA.G E '"WORKS. of the most extensive in the town) is now replete with all the latest novelties for t he summer trade, The entire selection is of the newest and most fashi0nable description. CARRIAGES, SLEIG H S, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &O., I Our assortment of H A T s and BONNETS, which consllits of the Light W agon..................................................................... 40 ·· I I latest and most desirable styles, embraces the fol~owing makes and braids :- Chip, Loop, Tape, Twist, Pedal, Swiss, Pearl, Mila11, Satin, Canton, Tuscan, Leghorn, Porcupine, Cordinette_ and Split Straws. All Kinds of Vehicles Repaired l ! Robertson & Bond. ,