YOUNG FOLKS. FRIDAY, JULY 23, 1886 HERE AND THERE; HEALTH. YOUNG AND MIDDLE-ACED MEN. Cholera Is spreading with great rapidity · Don· Check Perspiration Suddenly ! a.nd dee.dllne8B in Southern Japan, A Boa' en merchant, In "lending a hand" A Utica. geniu~ ha.a inve11ted<1. fa.rm ha.r· _ __..,....,=;==r=---No one knew how It came there, that aeu on boar · one of bis ships on a windy day, that weighs less than fifteen pounds· , 11:reat ugly eunflewor, with ite ga.udy yellow and does away with .whiflietrees, tra.oe1, and found imaelf at t he end of an hour and a STAN·.(·ARD JllEDI«:AJ. WORK FOR blouome. a bird dropped the tiny ha.If, pro·l<Y well exhausted and p erspiring eeed'; perhl\p!l the south wind wafted It fro~ nany of the cumbersome and bt;lckles. freely, tie sat do.wn·to rest, and, engaging Morever it Is c iheap. 11-0me fair oounny, far a.way over the reetlelB Mrs. J ohn Wa.llaco of Knoxville, Tenn., in conve11;a.tion, time paa2ed fa.aier t han he Only $1 By 1'lall, Post1mtd. blue l!H, but certainly the ga.rdener did not 'e of. In !!.t temptlng to riae, ·he jtepped te the gate to look for her five-ye11.r· was awa1 .r s showing one of the. finest and best selected stocks of JLLIJi!TRATl\'E sA.Mruis FREE NO A.I.I;, plant auoh a thing amongst the lovely fl3W· old boy, 1md at , t ha.t moment . ~ runaway found t!.!1·$ he wae una.ble t o do eo. wit hout ·IB of tile garden, aaelata.npo, J::le was ta.ken homo and put to In thl1 ga.rden were lovely dewy pink h.orae duhed by, I t Is · thought.' tba.t she bed, wh.,re be remained two, and for r()Bee, rail roses, yellow roaee, ·.white ro1ee1 ·Uppoaed that her boy had been run over, a long time afterward could · only. ho.bble ·· ·tately Illliea, drooping fusohia.1, graoeful for she fell to .tne .greund dead. about wit h the a.Id of a er11toh, L 13H exfems. ahy purple a.nd gold pansies, oenceitSuperintendent · App11 of th~ Smor and posures-t han this have resulted in loftamma"d coxcomb·, 11e?t sweet and hnn· Cr11 soent F lou!'lng Mills of Chloa.go fa a tlon of thd lungs-" pne11monla "-ending dreds of other flowers. They looked upon Gough man, Ha waa oa.ught in tne.belting fn·death. Let parents ex pl·ln to their chilthe sunflower a.a an intruder and despised It of the M!lh the other day, whirled · over dren, t bo da.ng2r which attends i he oaolirig 'ooordingly, b11t In spite of their 1oorn It three p11lleya, t hrown flolently to the floor, off too q1 1loh:ly after exeroiae, and the Im A. Great llle<llenl \Vot·k· On ltfauhood. kept on growing taller and taller, till it ani yet npt a bone was broken, hie only In- porta.ncu of not standing In a draught of air Exhausted Vitality, Ner vous and Physical oould aoe over tne high garden wall Into the j uries b eing a few fl~ah wounds, . after exoroiee, or of "it ting at au open win· Debi!Jty. Premat ure Decline in Man. Errors The la teat reported fasting girl la J ulla dow or door, or pulllng fttf any g1 ument, of Youth, and the untold miseries resu!Ling liustv road beyond. from indiscretion or excesses, .A. book f or "What are you good for, you big weed? Do Harris, the t welve-year-old daughter ef a even tho hat or b onnet, er going in bathing, every man, young, middle-aged and old. It ·he ladle· ever wear your yellow bloasoms ?" Metho(list minister nea.r Fowles S ;atien, while in 11o bea.t. contains 125 prescriptions for all acute and ..eked a red rose ge.ily nodding In the wind. r exas. She la said not to have eaten any chronic diseasesheach one of which is invalua"Yen do not smell sweet." murmured a thing In forty-six days. She was unuaug,lly ble. So found y Author. whose experience Sleep As a. Medicine. tor 25 years is such as probtthly never before blue violet , fa.t when she began her & elf-imposed fast l'Wew and st~' lish Jines oC Gent's Fur nishings . fell to the lot of any physician. 300 -pages. "And you are oefl pretty," a pink hy· weighing 180 pound1. She is greatly re· The cry for rest he.a always b een louder bovnd in beautiful Frtincb muslin, embos ied a.ointh trylnir to ca toh a glimpse of herself than the cry for food, not 'hat it le more fat now. duoed In covers, full gilt, guaranteell to be a finer work in 'l>e fish -p cnti, in every sense than any other w ork sold in t his George B lil of H~rtford ha.s made a water lmporta.nt, but It is often h11rder to obtain. "Yellow and brown-,ugh I" said a tiger country for $ 2.50, or the money will be rerun1ed The liest rest oome1 from sound sleep. Ol in ever y instance. Price only $ 1 by mail, post,- Illy, tossing her he·d till the a.Ir w1u fragrant bicycle. The rider alts 011 a.,hii<h neat sup- two men or womun, otherwise equal,' t he baid. Illustrativea ·ample free t o any body. with her aiveet, ··What a vulgar perted by two long. narr<·w floa.te rigged one who sleeps the best wlll be t he moat Send now. Gold medal 11warded the author by 'la~ama['.an faehion. H e pr11pels wltli hls feet . . 16. t he National Medical Association. to the P1·~· oomblnaUon !" large wheel whioh gag.ring vperatea a little moral, healthy, and tffi Jlent. Sleep will do ~Highest prices paid for Raw F urs. "You are very uaeleee," observed a bit of a. eident of which. the Hon. P . A. Bissell. 11nd much to oure l.rritabilhy ot temper, peevish· associate officers of th e Boa.rd the reader is 1weet ma.rj 'ram. "Bdauty la nothiog 1" scrow a' the etern of the ore.ft. A few n ass, aud uneasiness. It will reetere b vigor triala allow the bleycle to be f11&t and respectfull:r refferred. an overworked brain. It will build up 1 i.nd The Science of Life ls worth more to the "u1eflllries1 i.S everything," Y ou ought to managed. young and middle-a ged men of thla generation be p11\lcd. make etorong a weary body, It will cure 111 Mra. Robert S'.toooh of C m~I Mioh., after ehan all the g-old mines of California and the "Whoever"-!>egan the j esaamlne+-but he11<1a.che. Indeed, we might make a long silver mines of Nevada combined.-S. F . what she waa going to eay le lost to the b andl.Pg ever the wa.ah tub until tired, sat list of nervou1 and other maladle1 that sleep Chronicle. _ world, fer jus' then a. gay party of y oung down to rest taking her baby boy on h er la.p will oure. The Science or J_,i fe points out t he rociks and quicksands on which the constitution and hopes peeple flltting down the walk, laugh- at the time. ~he felt fa.Int, rose to go to The onre of aleepleHneBB nqulres a. clean, of manl' a youn1t man have been taitally ing, and chatting aa only young people can another r o,om, fainted dead away, droplug good bed, 1uffiolent exercilse to produce wea · wrecked.-Manchest~r Mirr or. the baby Into a. tub of water aa she fell. One young lady-the au1.1fiower thoughtrine~s, occupation, geed a.Ir, and The Science of Life is of greater value than Hor. huliband, coming in aeon a.fter1 found not too warm a. room, a clear conaoienoo, S TAND :-Town Hall Building, one door east Ont. Bank. all the medical works published in this country muat be the queen. But her crown wa.e of the mother uncon1oleue on the floor and eoft falr hair, and the . white hand holding t or the past 50 yee.ra.-Atlan ta Constitution. and avoidance of atimula.nt1 and narootio11. 'l'he Science o! Lite is a superb and masterly up the trailing velvet robe had no jewels on the little one drowned In the tub, · For those who ·are overworked, hagga.rd, ae on nervous and physical .debility.- h. Hhe came slowly forwa.rd, looking up at t reatii., M 11, Marla Farrow of Oentra.l. City, Ill., a.nd nervous, who p~ea 1leepleaa nights, we D efr1nt Jl' ree P ress. the sunflower with e:yea 11o1 blue as the fring· 'l'hero is no membe1· of society to whom the h .76 yeare old, A 7e1 u ago 1he got the cen· recommend t b.e adoption ef such habits ae We have all the best grades of Science of Life will not be useful, whet her ed gentian· at her feet. She broke off one tract for delivering the mall to the Post shall secure eleop ; otherwl1e, life will be ~ outh, parent; 11:uardian, instructor or clergy· of.tile fhwera a.nd pinned it on her belt . 1hort a.nd what there ia ef It, 11adly ImperOffiae at $5 a month, and all through the 1 man.-Argonaut. "Fie, Helen," cried a ohorus of gay :young winter ahe never mlased a ·day. H3r dutiea fect, . .Address the Peabody Medical In, titute, or Dr. , V , H. Parker, No. '1 Bulfinch S ~reet,Boston voioea ; "do you see any beauty In tha.' gor· require her to hang the mall peuoli on the Maas., who may be consultct on all diseases geoua thing ?" crane a.t the depot, and onoe, doing this, t hat is manufactured'. requiring skill and experience. Chronic and TRE OOLONIAL EXHIBITION. "Yea," Helen an1wered, "Sse how. It ehe fell a.nd brake arm. Now 1he 111 well obstinate diseases that have baffled t he skill pays a mute homage to the aun. See how It We have in stock all kinds of General Groceries, Coarse and Fine Salt. of all other physioiana a specialty, Such and, though not an offensive partisan Is a The Natural ·tttory (Jourt. . treated successfully without an instance ot keep1 tur ning ita bloBBome to the giver of American and Canadian Coal Oil, Bran, Shorts, Oats and Chicken failnro. Mention S'l'ATESMAN, Bowmanville, itllllfe and beauty," Then 'ehe murmured very faithful E ffi ;fal. The weatem tranaept of the Central G·lOntario. L7-Y· W illiam L Noyes and James .B. M adgett lery ls dented a.lmeat exclusively to Natural Feed, Crocker y and Glassware, Fresh and Cured Meats, Sausages and softly: farmera .of Richmond, Vt., quarreled over Hlatery specimens of all kinda and ftom ·ll Lard of his own make an:d rendering. Life-time experience in the '.rile parent 1un who bade thee view the ownerahlp of a. parcel of grain, and part· of the Dominion, The meet 09nspicOold aldee, and obilllog mqlature alp, Meat Depart ment enables us fo supply a quality unequalled. Baa clothed th·e la bis own brlgllt hue, Noyea punched M11dget' with a pltohfork, ueu1 fea.ture b na.mrally the commanding And kluohed wl·h Joa thy glowlnr llp. ma.king a alight wound. A doctor wae game trophy oooupying the centre. Th!1 The Grocery Department, under the supervision of Mr. John Allin, :W She oa.re11ed the flower with her soft ed, and when Noyes aaw him i;:o te Madg· trophy la ecta.gona.l in, though of such of the very best quality. N o trash or poor goods kept in stock, deals hand, and they paa1 on, leaving the poor ett'a hou11e he became very muoh excited, a forma.tlen as to allow of coneiderable and, saying to hb wife, "I will kall myself," width for display on the nortb, south,, only in the best goods, which will be sold at t he lowest possible prices. friendless thhlg quite happy, "Some one love1 me," it whl1pered, and went to the barn and 1hot hlmaelf three a.nd weet sides, Upon the main part of the Your pat ronage will be thankfully received. time11, dying almost instantly, rustled softly from very joy, atructure are tastefully grouped specimens Goods delivered 't o all part s of the town on short notice. B:it prese. >ttly there wa.a a shout and dewn A farmer, living near Luverne, Ia., asked of animals and heada moaf;l7 from their habthe path a curly-headed boy in pur· a butcher ef the same plaoe if he wanted to (tat· Manitoba and the North Weet Terri· A call solicited. suit of a tired, frightened butterfly; but be· buy a fat cow, He said he didi and that he torie1. The grea.ter. portion of thoee have P1·eserve Your Sight. Use F . LAZARUS' (late of the ilr ru of Lazar '. fore bis cruel llttJe ·hande could touoh It it would go after it soon. When the b utoher been collected by Mr. J. H . H ubba.rd, Pres- Cash. Co1· Butter, Eggs, H i des, Tallow, Beef; Pork and us & Morris,) Itenowned Spectacles and Eye· had settled lliself safely~on the topmost flow· arrived at the farmer's he found t hat the ident ef the Manitoba Gun Olub, in hla all Farm Produce. Glasses. 'rhey are t he besnn the world, Tp_ey er ont ef their reach. latter had no fat cow, but had b2en juk ing N orth 'Veatern wanderlngi, and t heir varie· never tire the eye. and Jwt many years with· "Ugly old t hing," orled the boy, his face C. M. CAWKER, 1dlcloue out change. For sale by Kenner & Co. Bow· red with p:i.selon, ..If you weren't so taU I wtth him, The farmer won't j oke tha.t way ty and "x oellence as well as their j · ·ny more, for the butcher brought suit a.rra.ngement do him great credit . JOH N ALLIN. manvi.Jle. 6-it. would get t he butterfly. " He oa.ught the against him and obtained j Lldgment for $5. Manitoba and t he N orth-West ma.y new and tried to shake the trembling inB oct be said te form t he only huntlog fialil left W hile a g ang of prisoners were waiting undisturbed in North America, for there h down·i when he found he oeuld not he flung 11 h.u1dfnl of gravel at the d ower and went on a. wharf at P hiladelphia tor the arrival of DGt hlng of t he k ind remaining 11;1 the U nlted t he police boat to take them to t he H 9uee States. Thus on the trephy, in the centre a.way. "Surely G!!d put you hera to help t he i>p- of Correction, Moses Kelly made a daah of the eaat aide, may be fou11d an immense preuaed," eald the wea\-y butterfly. Then and j umped Into the water, H a dieapper.re1 moose meaauriag a.a much ae eighteen h a.nds the eun:liower felt so happy. "l am good a:id was t ho11ght t o be drown ed, but care· three lnohe~ In height, aet up with great havve opened out a splen did asscrtment of new goods, comprising : for something," It ra'd gla.dly, and rooked fol ~earcb. r evealed him in t he mouth of a fai thfulness to nature, while of moose heads Itself to and tro lu t he wind, rustling its sewer six ty feet from where he went under, there are a.a many awseventeen, one of them Prints, Ginghams, leaves till the tired butterfl1 fold.ed its wlng11 He was dragged out with a boathook, in meas1}rlng five feet three lnohee from horn much the same condition 1u Jean Va.ljean to horn Near at hand will be seen an ex" W hite and Colore d Muslins, and slept. By and by the sun went down and the after hia famous wade in the Pa.rla sewer. cellent head of a young ca.ribeo ; aJso a head Canadian a nd Oxford Shirtings, - -----·-----·--· ····---·--·------ -· ·---- inoon roae, and the fairies orept out troni A citizen of Detroit ha.11 h a.d hie fa.ith in of *be deer ~· well as a very large the flower'· hea.rta te danoe In the moonlight huma.11 na1ure rudely aha.ken, One day elk from ·Lue Winnipeg. On one of the White and Grey Cottons, -all exoep11 one poor little fairy wUh a when tlie rain wa.a falling he eaw a 1ma.ller eldea of the trophy a fine elk head Sheetillgs, T a ble Linens, broken wing, who cUmbed up the 11talk and young man a.nd a yuu!llg· woma.n · paddling from Lake M11onitoba will be noticed, while VETERINARY SURGEON, ·sobbed out ltll pitif11l · 1toryi on the yellow t;hron&h the wet, umbrelhlees. He wa1 other goed specimens of elk heads are from Table Napkins, Towels, ' · blossom 11 heart, near hia own door, So with rare phll an· the aame part. All these 1pecle1 ef game White a nd Colored Counterpanes, " You mut ba God'1 own tlower, you thropy, he thrust hie ailk umbrella lntv the are quite ab11ndant on the 1horea of L1ke beautiful 1unbrlght thlna," whiapered the hand of the astonished young man 1e.ylug. Mantioba.1 and L~ke Winnipeg, a.nd thronsh White & Cream Lace Curtains, wounded fairy. How happv the aun:liowor "Take this : 7ou have a lady with you, Keewatin. On the Weit ehorel of Lake Scrim, Cheese Cloth, felt aa it rustled It leavee and awa.yed eeft- You oe.n bring it back to-morrow .te that M1nUoba. the elk-or wapiti, ae it i1 at times, ly till the fairy wa· lnlled to rest wltl:! the liouee there." The 7eung man took the though not quite oorreotiy, oa.lled-11 ·more Gloves and Hosiery,,,. . mualo of .the leaves N the breezo murmured umbrella, a.nd the good oitizan ef Detroit abundant than In any portion of the Nocth· tbreugh them. . Weet. Norway House, Neleon River, la aa hasn't 11een It al·oe, When the 1un kla1ed open the gentians' yet untouched-has. In fact, 1een n.e hunter'· Parasols and a good assortment of Bl'k and Col'd Dress Goods. O. L. B~CllE!y, a notorious negro gambler footsteps. In the P~aee River dlatrlct this blue byes, both butterfly a.nd fairy ·were gone, but their bleaeing lay deep lo the sun· of Nebraska, waa 11het nea.r Crawford the class of large game . h a.lao very a.bundant. other day, Oao JJullet hit him In the baok The region le Indeed unexplored, known fl{)wer's heart, There came down the het, duaty road a ef the head, tea.ring off the outer plate of only by 'he Hudson Ba.y <>fficera and S tobart, ' ' barefooted child, with :soft dark .Southern skull, another went Inti> his eye, another Edea & Co's. representatives, wbe with the Canad~an and Imported Cloths, White and Colored Shirts,. hit him in the forehea.d,an:l the feurth went eyea, and ahe bent dewn the atalk a.nd kiss· Indians constitute the Inhabitants, . E agle ed tho yellow flower and la.Id her hot, da.rk. i.n to his right arm, He nover lost coneoloue· Pase, in tho Gold R 1nge, is a favorite resort T ies, Gloves, Collars, Cuffs, Handkerchiefs, Sock s, faoe agalnat lt, murmuring: "Ah, bright, neas, 11>nd at laut acoounte was alive, . The for the oa.rlboe, Ol the butl'.-lo, eome excel· Honorary Graduate of the Ontario · etel'inary pretty flower I I lov e you-I love you, Braces, &c., &c. four wounds make bullet soars; he bears lontly-aet head11 are shewn on ali aides of College. ·roronto. Registered member of the "Wa.1 there ever a flower a· happy a.a I twenty-five, H e was wounded four times the trophy, Thia famed reminder of former Ontario Veterinary ABBociation, in accordance with the Veterinary .A.ct. · am ?"cried the eunflower, nodding and 1wav· In a fight laat winter, and carried a bullet In daya le now of oourse extinct, and sport&· ·· I a prepared to treat' all diseases of the .Dom· lllg tlll one bright flewll!' fell like a shower hi· tongue a week before he found cut wh·t men muat not go to the North-Weet In a.o· eetlc Animals, according to the latest theories. of gold all over the ohlld'a hair and In the " felt so curlo111." t iclpatlon of sn9h exoellent sport a.a i t weuld All calls personally, by Telegraph or Teleroad. She gathered up the scattered leaves phone will receive promvt attention, Let the timid women who are lnellned to afford, unless Indeed it be true a· 1eported 17 U-0.~'FICE-Main St., Orono, one door north of a11d went on, holding them lightly In her Jump from a oa.rrlage every time the horse that it may t till be found In the P ea.oe River W. Henry's Htore. little hand11, country. The only herd k nown to exist le prloke up his ears read this story of a Wo1tCHARGES MODER ATE, Now the gardener filllng his bask et fiold1 Mass., girl, She WllS driving r. splr. now under the careful gua.rdlanahip of t he with flowera, "Wh!\t I" he orled, "the ited horse, when the hea.dstall broke, and ii:overnor ef t he PonetenUa.ry at, Stoney 11unflower atill I How tall it hae growo- the bit ca me out of his mouth, 0 1 cour1101 Mounts.In, Here they ror.m on t he open what great, gorgeeua bloswome I" he ran. The girl~ ped 11ctly powerlese to prairie, unworried ·by sportemen !l.Dd their Now thought the sunflower proudl y, he restrain him, sat upright In her seat, while every want p rovided. The buffalo heads wl!l put my flower In the basket with the the frightened animal ran wildly through abown by Mr. Hubba.rd en t he t rophy are H aving purchas0d the Harness business lately carried on by Mrs. H UMPHREY Wood Mountain and· Madicine Hat; hope by careful a t ten t ion to b usiness, good workmanship, and first class · roaes. the streets, She never said ·a word, even from " material, t o secnre a sha re of public patronage. We have in But no-up-rip-rip came the whole when a. daring man o:i.ught on behind and Above the entranae on the north side ef t he trophy la another valuable buffalo head, lent plant, roots and all, and the next minute it climbed into iha b uggy, only to find him· stock and are manufacturing a large amount of was lying out in the roa.d. "Now I must self oulte as powerles·e as the girl.- Bu~ this by Masers, Pacock & CJ., formerly of Lon· don, aud n ow vf 8auris, the a.nlma.I having dfo," lt said sadly-but just then a wee rag· added weight helped, for alter a ha.If-mile ged child picked it up and :carried it off; run the horso was tired enough to admit of been ehot by Mr. P ocock hlmaelf. J:Sat lo then It w11o1 p ls,nted in a. da.rk oella.r, where hfs being caught, and the alrl j 11mped ont all the111 dictrlcta the of the buffalo& has the eun never oame, and in this dark place a of t pe bug11y, not 'muoh frightened, and not disappeared. T ne sole rem!l.inlng link with the plnt is the oollection of bleached bones Collars a specialty. We intend that the reputat ion H umphrey's Collars h ave gaine<f little child waa ~lowly breathing Its life a. bit hurt. shall be fully sustained. W e are prepared to furnish responsible parties ~ca ';tered o 1er the prairie, a.nd even t)lese away, on a p probation . We gua.rantee satisfaction or no sale. are fast following tne fato of the buffalo It· .. I am content," said the brave aunffow· A Beene in Bummer. self under the gr ..eplog ha.nd ef CQ mmeroial W e also keep in stock a full line of goods usually fou n d er, "lflt leGed'e wllJ." Then It bloJmedout in a :first class harness sh op, comprising new ftowers that brightened up the dark Tum out of the way a lltt]e, good scholar, eut iltpriae, Of deer, Mr. Hubbard J1h9WI a room so the child aotu&lly cooed and 1tretch- toward& ,yonder high heneyauokle hedge. good head for Sout hern Manitoba, as well ed its llttle ~J>nda eut to the brlght bles· There we'll d~ and eing while this shower ..e t we of the tall deer already m·n· - : P OSITIVELY CURES : soma. falls ao gently upon the teeming earth, and tlened. The G.iologlo~l S'1rvey of Cllnada. ··Baby will get well," cried the little sla- gives a y.,t a weetor 1mell to the lovely e·1hlbit an almoat perfect epeolmon of the See onr B ull B one Whips- something new. We have a lso in stock ter, olapplng her .h ands for j 11y, But, ala.a ! fieweri that adorn these verdant meadowe. V.rglnia. deer, shot near Ottawa. last winter. when the morrow's aun shone over the beau· Look, under' tha.t broa.d beech tree I eat a.11 well as two o\rlboo heads. Theso latter tlful ga1den a little child lay dead in tbe down when I wa.11 last this way a·fiahlng, are from Nova SJetla., where, In hilly p art&, dark cella.r-one more little soul had joined and the birds In t he aoj0inlng gtove seemed. the oariboo ii :still abundant, They may the angele, to have a friendly contention with an eche, a.110 be frequently met with :n the counties After the ohlld wa.s burled a woman pull· whose dead voice seemed to li ve in a hollow of Ga.ape and Bonaventure, in Eastern Q ie- for H orses and Oat tle, a sure cure for bruises, sprain s, outs, and sores of all kinda. ed the sui:flcwer up and thrust It Into a. dir· tree near t o the brew ol that primrose hill, beo. Of the musk ox Mr. Hubbard's oolleo· S hop-;---Sign of the B ig Collar. 17-3m ty alley, where It lay all ~ay, wlltied and '!here I sat, viewing the ellver stream1 tion ocntaine an ·a dmlrable head ani akin, one of 5he finest exhlbita. It is certainly slowly fa.ding as the little child bad, But glide 11ilently towards their centre, the tem· once more the little ai1ter found It, and the peatuous 1ea., yet sometimes opposed by from tbe barren grounds ot tho M11.okeozie Pianos Tuned anct Repaired. tears ehe shed over It seemed to put now rugged roots and pebble stones wnioh broke River. Indee:i, it is enly b ltween this point Ille in It. their waves and turned t hem into foa.m. and Hudson's Bay, extending far Into the ARTIES WISHING THEmPIAN OS She 11l11onted h by a little lone grave, and And sometimes I beguiled time by viewing Arctic region, that t he musk ox is mot wiL, Tuned or r epaired oan baTe t hem attended A few Boxes will cure any case of J>ys· every da.y this aad little slater weuld come the harmlees lambs, ·ome leapln41 eeourely and It h from these p arts that t he musk ox 0 by leaving word, . \at t ho DOMI NION ORGAN :i>opsia1 e!Jnply by taking Ono Pill every tepray,In the cool ehade, while o~hers 1ported furs find their way to F.:irt Ohur chlll and Oo's 0 11FIOE, Bowman ville A tlrst·clas man F or cos t of advertising in any p aper · or ·'P itase, Ged take me te the beautiful themselves In the cheerful sun, and saw t hence into E nglleh markets. night on r etiring. They do not lose UleiJ: 11.ow bein11 in t heir mplo r. I list. of p n.per s publ is hecl .i n tllc U nited Hea.ven whero B11oby la." e1fect like other l"llls. others oravlng comfort from the woollen Stat es or Canada, sen(l to t he A DY J'. RTT8" Pretty girl tha.~. " " Ya.a," "She look· Oae day '3he fialehed her little prayer and udders of their bleating dams, A! I thua ed at you a.a if ahe knew you." u Y a.1." ING A GENCY o f EIJ WIN A /, ])J!.'N ,f; BRO., s soo.oo lay dewn wit h :her arms a.oroas the baby's sat, theae and ot her iilghte had so fully poa· " Dee& she ?" " Well, the fac ~ is, my boy, ~in c i nnati,h1New Wci!rk, Five Boxes for $1.00. grave, She we.a eo white and atlll, and the eesaed my lonl with content that I theught, she's 25 Cents per Box. ~·r. 5tli &; Fin e /:Jt8., .~, 140 Nassa/b bflreet. my aletaw. Ba.: ehe mawried a. fol· as t he poet h as to happily exprnlltld It oheekb tonohed by t be drooping leavee were Our " N ewspa.pc r Comhi n ~ttion s, " a hook o f. * * TH IRTY PILLS IN A BOX. law that wuns a 11ta w, aw somet hing oftha.t 1 1 50* pa<reS:, contai ning prices of adverti~ng-, f u4 oo cold, the sunflower knew t hat God had " I was for that time lltted above earth, sawt, and t hey llv. e bi a ba.wdlng house, so I iu str ns, etc ., sen" t o n r eceipt of Joe. Our HAm.. m y birth. " And possessed joys not promised in a.newer ed her pnyer and. ca.lied His Uttle N ew s paper Catn~og'ne ' ~ (;untn.i11ing, name:s of every -~.Q,,LD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Ae I left this · pla<ie and entered into the oawn't 11offowd to wecognlz:1 haw in public. one h ome. newspaper p11bhsh cd ll1 t he U . ::;. a_nd Canada, I al ways send her my cawd on N ew AIE will pay the above :Reward for any sent The next day t here were two little · graves nex:~ fi.eld, a second pleasure entertained But on receipt o f price, $i. 50. Esttmates free. 1 Paw girl ! She has been foellsh (JV case of Dyspepsia, Llver Comp la int, Yea.h's, side by d do, and there the aunftowor growe me, It was a handsome milkmaid, the.t wathaw than cwiminal, don't oher know." Sick. Headach e, Indigestion or CoativeneBB had not yet attained 1:10 mu!lh· age and wisa.nd blossoms all a.lone, Oharleu Ocooker, the S·3.n F rancisoo ra.11· we .cannot Cure With WEST'S LIVER Onoc the flowers asked eaoh other : dom as t o load her mind with any fears of man y things that will never be, as toe way, 16 worth m.bout $ 12,000.0 00. l'JLLS1 when the l>irections are stric tly "Where Is the great ugly weed?". The ~outh wind klseeo the fiowera just a.e mnn y xren t oo 11ften do ; but ~he cant away He le oa.~d to be plain, aenstble .and kind· epmpliecl with. Large B oxes, containing . PROPRIETORS, It need to, but It never tells 0f the flower all and 111.\ng llke a n!ghtivgale,- I zaac heutad, aud t<.1 po~seas m .wked. pr11.~ tlc:t. 8 0 l'ills, 2 6 Cents; 6 B oxes 1111.00. Sold 1 by all :On1ggists. · ability. Walton, keeping wat ch ovor the t wo little gra.vee, The Despised "Flower. KEEPING to tho FRONT I MAYER :S: ATS, Silk, Drab, Shell, Woodrow's and Christie's Stifr Also Fine English , Canadian & Ameri-can Fur and Wool Hat s. Manilla and Straw Hats, all kinds and prices~ Shirts, Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Handk'fs, Gloves. Umbrellas, Rubber Coats, etc. Grocers, Butchers and Provision Merchants. A complete stock always on hand. AN~ ~~Qlf~ JtQLLmlt DLQWK DUNN'S BAKINC THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND TOD BRO s. POWDER J 0HN SPENCER, GENTS' FURNISHINGS. Inspection invited. ·A pleasure to show goods. TOD BROS. WORLD'S BEST I WEST'S ~LIVER - LIGHT AND HEAVY HARNESS. PILLS BLANKETS, ROBES, RUCS, HORSE COVERS, WHIPS, BRUSHES, Et~.. DYSPEPSIA, SICK HEADACHE, LIVER COMPLAINT, INDIGESTION. ELLIMAN'S ROYAL EMBROCATION. - -·- .. P [~win AMen &B ro. QEWARD ! John C. W est &Co. T OE ONTO. MvertisingAgency~.