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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jul 1886, p. 1

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.&;;/ . ......... TERMS :-tl.80 PER Alorox. I , OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M, .A. J.AMES, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. VOLUME M N.e:w SERIES, NUMBER 418. BOWMANVJLLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, J ULY :iO, 1886. OSHAWA. ===============-=-===================================== XXXII. NUMBE R 31. .. Light Wagon...................................................................... 40 Express Wagon................................................................... 75 --- Sulky............................................................................... 40 PET.ERSON's M AGAZINE for Aug. opend Ir Shaw & 'fole's is t he place to get a with a beautiful steel engraving, ' 'Morn· '.roronto Mo~ver · _ . , Mrs. H o.naen has been 11.ppointed The farmers here have commen ced to ing Among t he Mouutains," followed by Call at Tait & Morrison s to see M rs. or " " . anist of t h.i Simcoe S t. Methodist cut their bnley. Cl k · c k B k a cloul:>le-size colored fashion -plate, and ar e.s .,oo ery oo · Ch urch. One of our farm erd h ere lrn1 new peas h · h 1 d tt f b ·d L I B 'd d J f ::> M r. Will. II . Di'.1gle, 'o rganis t of the th re ~hed T 'f'l!ldy for mm·ket. That's right 18 dr;. co o;e pa ern o~; m rO ld ery t. c oh ve Jy hra1 e ·& , ecrseys rom L '..,5 up at Simcoe St .Methodist Church he re, lcn.vee go ahead n eighbour . n a c ~ 100 · 1 \er e are some ty woo cu 8 ouc , o nston · ryderman's of fas~rnms, work-t able p<lt terns, ~tc. The Rosary Beaded T rimming for <lresses at next week for a t wo years Btudy a.t the world reJlowned Conaervat oite of M tlsic, Mr. .Tohu Bradley, of Ilarristou, has con~r1buters to the number are Mrs. A. Couch J ohnst.on & Cryderrnan 's . been visitir>g his many friends here. S. S tevens, Frank Lee Benedict, A . M:. . . _ at Leipsig, Germa ny. Last week h e was E well, Em ily r,enu o:x, and t he author of Dry goods will l>e .?heap fo1· July an u resnnt.,d by the members of th e . c hoir Mies F. Liiiton, of Orono, is visiting <\.UCJUSt Read Star House ·tdvt P · · · s·r.1..oou.11:; , " The Corsair's Captives." Ter ms., only · -r, · ds m · th. f rien with a very h andsome dressing case. is vicinity. l fH -----~ $2 a year. Address Chas. J. Peterson, .., or a magmhcent e 101ce o os1 ery , SO TdN.A . 306 Chestnut St. Philadelphia, Pa. Gloves, &c., call at t he S tar House . A big runaway h ero last week, but no one inj ured. .. 1 T W <l The A ugust. number of DEMOREST's _Barbe~, ribbon, plain and . a nnealed 10 purchase of · MAG AZINE comes to us freiah1 ed wi th wire a fml st ock a t bed rock pnces a t S. . R ev. .J. J . Shea, of Toronto, iR otliciat· " r . · nr has made t 1 ing at St. Gregory's Church, here for the a new solf binder . ~oo d reading. Mrs. Croly co;tributes an · S . Edsall's. present. Mr. Ju.mes Tom, of Toronto, has been interesting article on o ne of the typical H ave you imen Red R iding hood, Blue visiting in this village, guests of our dramatic stars, Genevieve War d ; Emma R olls and nuy :i. Broom in H e nry's win TYRONE. · wo rthy blacksmith, Mr. W. A . Tom. M. Tyng furnishes a 1pod paper on dow on K ing St. Mr, B . Reynolds, of 011hawa, is speud- "South K ens:ngton and its N eighbor· Call 011 .Jno. M c'Murtry at the West ' f'he rue mbers of Tyrone Division h eld hood ;" and W. Jennings Demorest !us End House fm· ::my thing you require iu their a nn ual r~pberry fe,s tival on Thurs· ing his vacation in this neighborhood . There are rumors of another wedding. two Prohibition articles, " What is P1·,,_ Dry Goods ur Uroceries. day night of last week . Business is very q uiet iu the village at hibitionr' and "Liber ty and Prohibtti on " Alady says those F ancy Window Sha<lea Thia hamle t has the most talented sing· There are several good stories and poems, ers among its young men, ,that can bti Present. e of t he valua.b~e serie·, " F· row P encil at Tait.ft Morn son 'a are the best for the w. Trimble has leased her form On · 's Progress." money s h e ever saw. 1'h ey are b eau t' Mrs. · found in any other place of its size. to Brush, " and "The '\Vorld 1es. In th e absence of t he minist'e r from to Wm . M.Toll. The fron tispiece is a fine steel engra.vino" WooL.-- F armer s, don 't sell your Wool Miss . . Hooper has been visiting ·u n J l Ly Ie · w J10 1s · · Bowme.nville last Sa bb < 1th mornmg, Mrs. friends iu Bowma n ville. callee! "Harmony. " t 1 you ca 0 11 · o m pay..111g W. K enner condncted t he eorv~ce ve1·y Tho August E c LEC'l'ro begina its bill of the highest price for good mercha ntable Mt'. D. II. Coates, of Maple Grove, wool. accept ably. fare with a etrikingly suggestive paper by Miss Hoidge, of Toronto, is visiting her us a. visit on Sunday last. .Jo.mes Sully on ' ' Ge nius and Insa nity," P ersons who l1:1 ve L rie<l the Li-Quor 'l'~a pa1·~11ts here this week. S ·PE CJ.AL 1·0 F AJn oms A ND 1'IIRESU &ns1 f t\~orabl y of i t · which canno t fai'l to inttnest the thoug ht· sold b Y 1 . ·· M orr. 1s spca' Mrs. Wm. Clemens has gone to spend If you want a. good pail· of Harvest ful r ttader. Dr. Morell dis· You get a beaut1fnl book wi th every dole. fe w weeks wit h her dauii:ht er at Lind- Mict~ of a.ny length or eize, call at R. cusses the problem " 18 Medicine a Pro., lar's worth. say. · M. Kirkpatrick 's, Solina. 1 also keep the grnssive ::icienoe 'I" wi1h a good deal of N otwi thst andin!?; the recent advance i n best quality of M:achine Oil, gi\·H me a sense and vigor. " The Greek Home , silks, yon can still buy all colors an d all V isitors to our village last Sabbath Mr. W. B rimacombe, Mr. J. Wright, of call. 3.l-5w According t o Homer," by E. W . God 1vin, j qualities at the old prices at Couch, ;J o1mMarripos.i, Miss Tucker,of Toronto, also .ENFIELD. is a. scho lar ly piece of work. '.l'he var ious ston & Cryderman' a. Miss Moyee, of p .,rrytown . Cr,nux. Mr. Thos. Fields has retumed from short papers ~re all tim el)'. and sugge:ot ive. I .Tno. l\fo Murtry is sh owing Black B ro hie trip to En~land, looking hale and The Aug ust issue wortluly support:> the caded Silk Black Gro. Gram Silk Black MAPL E GRUP'E. high reput~tio,p of t he ma.g~zin.e as_ a Sat in suit~ble for summer mantlt:; , lovely hearty. · Some unfriendly person to the Scott Mr. Levi Bradburn has left Enfield for rep rese nta tion of t he best per10d1cal ht- Black Chenille Fringe for trimming. Act , broke into Mr. G eo. All in'il house on part11 unknown. He will be greatly m is- erature of the time. Published by E. R. p 1 · h" t b Sunday last in search of cider, and aft er sed . Pelt on, 25 Bo~d St., New Yor~. Terms, far; ::;::r~;~sc~~gbeoacc~~~~:J~~~e:i~~ ransacking the house, fou n d the object of ' The Vice Brott., of Solina, fitting a $5 per year, srng,le numbers, 4o cents.. any amount on application t o thti S·uiEShis search, quenched his thirst and m ade stona cellar under Mr. Winnacott'e ham . ~ODE-Y's LADY 8 B:ion: for An gust is a MA.i.'< office, at lowest r ates of inteJ·est. tf. good hts escape. and . attrachve . number.- The Couch J ohnston & Cryderman have Mr. Wm . \Votten has an ·increase to br1i;h_t _ The first c 1uarte rly .meeting of the pre his family, a little !.lirl. frontispiece 1llus trat10n is a plea.smg r.nb- sold · n · nmen t 't f et d ur · t f · h1 'ld h ht - d " 11 se quan l y o carp s 0 sent term, will bH held on S und..y , comJec a air c , avmg . . posses· ing the last few we0ks, but they are still Mias Julia McDonnell, and W . J . menceing at 1.0:30 a .m . A full attenda nce ston of grandmas curls, u changmg their showing a large assort ment of carpete of Bray have creditably passed the Enh ance s~owy wb1~enes3 t u a dark hue by immer· all kinds. is expected . E xaminatiQn. . awn in an mk bottle ; t he utterly unconMisa E . Sanderson kindly came down '['he West E nd H ouse is uoted for Miss B ella McCullough, of Orillia, and soious expreaeton of a.ny wrong, upon the and presided at tho organ on Sund ay last. H er services were highly a ppreciated by Mies Archer, of Cartwright., are visiting childish face is vory taking . Various having the largest, best, and cheapest desigus for colored and black fashions are assortment of Hosiery in h i wu. Ladi es friends here. the congregat ion. · '!'here w.ts a large congregation hera given. "The Coronet of Thorns," by J . you would do well to call and examine Mr3. Elliott, of R ochester , is visitin g laat Sunday eveuing to hear tho Mount Y . P richard, neara conclusion , and the for yourselves. at her sister 'B, Mrs. Chas. Ru ndle Vernon Prayiug Baud, the church being pages given very e:x cir.i ng. '" M"Y " Ladies, in 'l'ait & Mor rillon 's ::;Lor e you The Hey. J . Whitlock, ex-pastor of this so crowded that many were unabl., to by Merritt is a n att ractive story. can see the prettiest , cheapest and best circuit, paid a sh.o rt visit t o Mr. John get eeate. Numer ous stories 1.rnd poems, with Fancy Windo w Shades ever introduced James, this week . He likes his new A discord ha.s broken out in the Tillage a piece of Mikado music, h uusahold hmts, here, their cheapn ess is most remarkable. circuit very m uch. by pound keeperimJ.toundinit ponnd makers e tc., compll:ltes au asp ecially good m id- Call imd see them. Rollers,cornice poles cows. Ponudmaker would not his summer number. W. E . Striker, Phila- fi xingfl for drawing, e tc., in stuck. J <11\ttle impounded for several pound sterl· HA.Ml:"l'UJ); , P 'L'EA! PuriE LITERA.TURE!!- The delp hia, P ublisher. P rice, $2 per year. Mr . Chas. B ice and family, of Mil· · wg. We fa~cy if he- were aboul: fot L y F l tANK L f;8LJE'~ l 'Ol'ULAR l\' Li-l.,j11or Tea c". ie the largest be!!t waukee, were in the villal(e r "cently, the pounds heavier, he woul<l try t o poun d for Angust. -Ttm1 is nut the w eather fo1· Pack.-.t Tea Co. in the \\ Orld. A handitnests of Mr. Will. Elford, uncle to Mr. poun<lkeeperseverely. N1 rno . bs hea.vy. ' 'r very se~it>us rnadiog but thi~ i "om11 vol 11me given a way with every 31 Bi . · -- magazine ndapts itself t o all sea.sous. of 1hi s " ·1.-brated te~.. I t is not necessary ENNJSKILI;JJJN. '!he August number gives a most attrac· · to J Hlrchaqe t he t hree poundB at one time ; On tho 20th i nst., while Mr. Trenouth A melanoholy accident occurred at ive sk etch bi George M .. kepeace 'l'owle a voucher is given a way wit h every half and men were goiug to counc1llor Smale' Martin's mill pond on Sabbath afternoon of "The Nestor of Eurupe," t he ll:mperor ~on 11d. By ·lrinkincr theLi·Qt1or 1'eas,t h t o work, his horse to,,k fri ght m><king ·r b ~comes ;; participa tor i n the .sudden s pt-ing throwing the driver a d last . A number of young men· and boys William of Germany. If that is n ot lil{ht cnu.;uiu1 occup autB o ut. Mr. Treoout h receiv d were in bathing; one of t hem a lad enough, Daudet 's sketch of " Tartari n in ad vantiv~·l· which t his cowpa.ny possesses very BbVere injury by coming in cont'.\ t named Charles Berry, aged about 16 t he Alps, " and stories like T owne r's ove1· all "compet itors, for he gets a. be t ter ye riors, had been running before coming to "Hermon Drake's Ashes, " "Boutelle' s," tei. at a lower pr ice than can be procured with a fen ce; but we a re pleaaed t o ate. that h e is im proving as rapidly as can b t he pond and we.a perspiring freely when "The Lost L ady,"' ' An Unk nown Name," elsewhere, and he shares in t he ioestimexpect ed, tho ugh he will bo some tim he went into the water; he was a fair " A Scmp of P aper," will certamly temp t able b enefits of a gigantic enterprise. swimmer and had been swimming around x ·ead.. rs. Croffut, t he lively lecturer and Came e11rly and get th& benefit of our unlaid up. about ten minutes when a young n11111 newspaper writer, t ells of the f0t1 r Fiel.Js, broken stor.k. LEv1 Mo1rnrs, Agent, H~rness Mr. Jas. Clatworthy who fell from th e noa.r him noticed hislipe turning blue.and ll·t f plate of a barn near E nfield, i s i mproving his muuth working, but before the youug not in the co untry, but of the country. 'Roumall's Block. Harn~ss, nicely, and we hope to soon see him at man could r each him he went dowo. It Cyrus W ., David D ., Stephen J . 1md It may not be known t o many readers Henry M . Field. L aura C. H olloway work. is euppused the deceased took a. cramp, gives a very readable account of Lady of this j ournal th at we have in this town Meesers. F . A. Cole, II. C. P h illips, and e.e none of the young men near could B iirdett Cout ts, the philan rhropist ; Lncy an ins titution bearing the n~me of " Th0 T. B. Hoidge, R. J . Niddery an d A. dive, they could not rescue him. When H . Hooper, queen of corres pondents, Bowmnnvi!le Electro P lating Works" (Both in leather and cord.) which guarantees t o do plating in gold, Elliott havo gone for a t rip down the the alarm "·as given Mr. '\Y. Moyse, a of the " Water Supply of P aris ; " silver or nickle so that old articles Whips, Trunks, Valises, School Bags, &c., always in stock. norrhern Ja.hes to spen d a fe w days a "'llY good diver who was a few rods away, un· tells "A. Ship-Portage from Sea. t o Sea" is an from the turmoil of business life, hopiug dressed ravidl y and went down twice,but able discussion of the meri ts of t he pro- made to l ook quite al'! good or even bet to r ecruit their was red energies and h ave could not find the body as he di.d not see polled ship-r ailway a.t Tehuautep ec. I" · ter than new, and the propriet or agrees a 11ood time. Ht:rry sink and eo did not know the exact C. V olent ine tells of ' 1 Central A merican to plate heavier than th e ple.tinis to be Mrs. Jos. R use, of Toronto, has suf- location. The pond had to be parLially Womeo," and Professor Eaton <liscusses found on any new article. .All kinds of ficiently recovered from her recent illness l~ t off before the body WdS found. The the important subj ect, "Frellh and F oul silverware, old watch caaes gold or silver, & and indeed all kinds of table ware are reto be able, in com pany wi1l1 h ·;r husbaud, decea~ed WI.I.II living this summer wi th Mr . Air. " paired, cleaned; a.nd polished . Any of t o ' isit her parent s, Mr. a.nd Mrs, II. T. R . l hompeon, his parents r tiside in Bowman ville. He wae a boy of good disposi· Kilima·Nj aro, the recently d iscovered our r eaders having articles t hat. r ec1uire Philli pa. t10n and wa.1 well liked by those who had m onarch of African Moun tains, is the prating can rely on get ting a superior job Mr. Fred Bunt and Mr, H . Ashley, of made hia acquaintance here. Severe.I subject of the opening paper in FRANK done at a re:\sona.ble prioe, and a single Oshawa, wor e in town Sunday visiting £row this parl attended the funeral in J, EsLrn'g S crNDAY M AGAZINE for August. trial will con yince you that this is correct. their p arent s. Bowmaoville,on Tuesday. l t is finely illustrated. An a rticle on The foreman is Mr. John Wright, late of Miss Sarah Greena way, of Hope, is M T,, T urner, the great .English p a.i n ter is Glasgow, Scotland, and the p roprietol'.' ~r . .., . A. Jones, V. S., succe11Sfully · d b h' t 't d here on a visit. The guest of Mrs. removed a faree tumor from the neck of accompame y is por rai a n repro· · is Mr. F . N. Ham. Call at R eid's Marsh. duct ions ol some of }1is works, including Block and see sample.i of the work t hey· When buying Coal Oil ask your dealer for the Ne w Oils, The final Court of revision was held a valuab e mare belongin~ to Mr. Tnomas t he famous "Sln.vo 8hip." T wo b~autiful are turni11g out. pictures of "Tobias" and t1rn "Archangel here on the 20tl1 inst., befox·e J u<1ge Slemon, on ::Saturday last. Benson, q uite a large number wflre Our much t~lked of adjourneJ school .R aphael " from year's Paris Salon, present, which fullv demonstrated that meetiDi wa~ held on the 21st inst. The accompany the text of the dramatic poem all eligible voti>s on both sides were cloee- poll wa~ kept open all day and a large used by Gounod in hie Oratorio ' 'l'nbie," ly looked up, as well as a number t hat· number of votes recorded. At 4 p.m., and a. narrative of the Book of Tobit in Try it once, yon will use no other. Mr. J ..mee Sta.nton was declared elected the Apocrypha. Mr. Thomas :Powell were not eligible. .lllctJOLL BROS, & t"JO'Y, 'J.'orouto Capt. R : H . :Bunt . is awuy to O wen trustee. There wac1 con~idere.blo excite- begins " Leaves from my Life," with ment over this election,lots of nharpshoot- anecdotes und personal conversation Sound for a few days. Mr. Jae. McLean is very busy now set - ing aod any amount of fnu . Parties came about and with Charles Lamb and Sa.m'l Our Millinery :Qepartment (one ing up and starting t he numero us B rant· !rom Bowmanv1lle, Han~pton and Will· Taylor Coleridge. Musical rea.dora will t te · · th ) ford steel bin ders he has sold this season . i am.eburg only to lose their votes .. What rbe interested in the picture of t he new 0 f th a pity. At th? close of the ~neetmg the organ in the Cathedral at R iga., Ru aia, e mos ex nsive in e town The hay harvest is finished here, and defeat'!:l candidate gave not1~e that he the largest in the world, a.nd the very8full aeveral cut barley in this lleighbour- wa.s gomg to protest the election. If he Idellcript on accomi;anying it. " Guilds . is now replete wi th all the latest -- MANUF~(JTURER OF-hool!. We are pleased that the STATESMAN ha.s rmcceeda we will have some more fun, but of New Yol'k City," by F . S., is a valu· as the election was conducted in strict ac· able contribution rel .. t ing to the benevo · novelties for the summer t rade. not lost any of its old t ime i nterest. Al· cordance with the law, we venture the lent activities c.f the E piscopal Church in thoughKING STREET, BOWMANVILL opinion, althongh we know it is in op· that city. '· 'A Curivus Conversion " ie The enti re selection is of t he newest 'rhe Editor is far a.way, position to the views held by the wise indeed a cur ious 2t ory, the scene being Has now on hand & number or vehlclea (and le manuracturlnir &lll'eatmany more)ol the ne"es In other lands to r odm ; patterns o.nd beet finish, which I am otl'ering for sale at the lowest prices conslsten' mirn, who filled the po11iLion of secretary laid a.t Oxford, England. The serial and most fashionable descripti-0n. with due regard to workmanship and q11allt7. The t.1llowlng la a list ot · His business we a re pleased to stat e, at the meeting, that th6 election is legal. story "The Gems She Wore," begins to the principal vehicles manufactured by me Is prospering a t home. Mrs. F . Rogers, Mrs. Lee and Mn. i;cet e:1cit~. " Dil~tta~te Day " ~~rries Our assort ment of H .A T S and Doubie ·Covered Carriages ... .. ... .. ........................... ........ .. .... .tH>O Upw1\l'd1, .Mitchell r eturned from Washburn !eland t he reader to Switzer.and and The The Sub is fully q ualified, Bingle Phretone . ........ ..... ....................... ......... ....... . ........... 100 11 wl1ere theJ had been camping, last Se.tur- Tapestry Room " tolls abou t t he B~own Which proves she's been to school ; Open Buggy···;.. ......... ............................................. . . ....... 70 " day, They enj oyed camp life exceeding- Bull o~ Norr';"wa. T~ere are P"rtraus of BONNETS, which c onsi1:1t s o f Hie The STATESMAN now is :flourishing, Top Buggy.................... ... .... .. .......................................... . 90 u Jy. Messrs F . Rogers, R. A. Lee and Dr_. D10 LeWL'5,Archb1shop Knox, t~he !1ew . Unde r female rule. Democrat Wagon..................... .. .. ........................ ... ........... . 65 " Miu Lee still rusticating on the far P~ate cf heland, the late ~.. bb1 Isidor latest and most desirable styles. Sww BoY. 11 Lumber Wagons. ............................ .................................... .. . 55 fawe'l Scugog. Kahscl1? and t.h~ four ne w i31shops of the I WO NDERS OF T H E Yosli:M ITE !- A t rip Prof J II B f th D f d Metkod1st E ptacopal Church, South. 1 Iembraces the fol~owing makes a.11.d 0 · · . · ro.v?, e . ea an. There are many beautiful pictures," and · to California may be excellent as a meana Skeleton.......... ............ ... ........... ............ ... .......... ........ ...... CiO u cf recreation and sight seeing ; but in ~n.u~b I~st1 tut~, P1ttsbur.1b, U · S ., Is t he usual com lement of ' Dhort arUcl s v1s1tmg hie relatives l\nd friende here. a.nd poems. P e braids :Chip, Loop,, T wist, u poi 11t of fa.ct it can't compare in its effects Mrs. and Mias Lockhart, of Newton· upon an invalid's system, t o Dr. Pierce' s J?oeaessing supo1·tor facilities tor m11nufll.cturing carriages, I intend to sell very cheap for o sh or approved credit, and by so doing I hope to greatly increase mJ nnmber 0£ e1lles. Would Only 40 cents fot· STATES~AN to n ew Pedal, Swiss, Pead, M.ila.n, Sa.tin, " Golden Medical Discovery," universally ville, paying our vilhge a visit. sell the wood parts only, or the gee.rings ot buggies Ironed. acknowledged to be t he greatest liver The man south of t he village, who was s ubscribers to end of 1886. 1 invigorator, blood, censu1Dption m:cused of ma king preparatioos to wash Barbed, ribbon, plain and annealed Canton, Tuscan, Leghorn, F(ll'Cucure, and general revit alizer and tonic, his buggy,a week 11go Sunday, firmly wire a full sh>ck at heel rock prices nt S. in the world. By its use, thousands objects t o the char ge . .A.t the Shorte11t Notice, Painted and Trimmed if Dee ired. . s. Edsall's. pine, Cordinette and Split Stra-w s· whom physicians could' not help have .A:& *he Factor7 I all!O do Planing, Matching, Turning and Sawing with Olrcle,Band or'Sor ilL WELL PI.E&8ED,- The ebtldrP.b llkit FOlt N.ETTLERilR. S111u111er Beat, Erup· Saws, and prepare all kinds of lumber tor carpenters nd others tor building purpoeea. been restored to health and happy living. nr. I.ow·s l'leMant Worm l!Jruv 111ul par· Uoa11 andcenerAl toilet purpo!ies ulie I.ow'" Ornu.ment&l and Plain Pickets for fences In every style required, made to order. All druggist s. 11nts r .-Jotce overlts \' ll'tOt'. S ulphur Soap. McCLUNGS, 1v EW p ARK. · Opposite Ontario Bank, Bowmanville. I 0 , · · ·· · .· · ·· · · · _. · > a > ---------- . cc-. :o . A ..J c · &t ~ ~ C5 P7i HARNESS, HARNESS I Now is the time to get a first-class hand mad Set of Harness, extremely cheap. ~. ~- 1'\1.1:.A..~ Is selling Single for $1 O; Nickel Plated Single $16; all other goods in proportion. Call and see the best FLY NET ever made. Farmers, Threshers and Mil Im en Use McColl Bros. Co.'s Celebrated. LARD I NE~ MACHINE OIL. THE BEST TN THE WORLD. FAMILY SAFETY & SUNLIGHT Coal Oil. HAINES' CARRIAGE W"ORKS, GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, MILLINERY. ---o- OARRIACES, SLEIGHS, GUTTERS, WAGONS, &Q., u ·· I · · · All Kinds of Vehicles Repaired Robertson & Bond.

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