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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jul 1886, p. 3

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lf'!auadhtn J fattt~mau. FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1886 STANIM.RD lUlmJCAJ. 'V()Jt({ FOR HEALTH. Sleep Habits of Children. Many hablta and ou1tom1, the deleterlou1 effeot1 of which are recognised, would ho· oome things of the past if a practical and dcnple remedy can be devised, I have never met with any plainly written advisory -.rtloloe on the training sf oblldren In proper aleep habits axoept a1 to time. A reoent e:icporienoe has taught me to " study up," on the subjeot, In the meat praotloal way, by asking questfon·s of moth.en and uur110eMy little patient, whose habits and oendl· tlona led to this inveetlgatlon h ten yeare ~Id. A 11erloq11 Vtlld obr911io 11.tfooU~n of the kt'.:11eya hail resulted from exoeaei 11e uae of aweeta and oonac quently ef a.ppetite for, and asilmula.tlon of nutritious Iood. She penistontly daepa prone on the back with the arms flexed a.beve her head ; watchfulnesa results in her turnlug on one Bide from eight to ton times every night, but, of oouue, a farther result is dlmlniohed sleep, although It ls not more restless tha.n usual, Wbetber the habit can be permanently broken up Is d!ffioult to. aa.y, From her birth aha exhibited a preference for that po· dtion, and had been Indulged In It, with the Inevitable reeults of oa.tarrha.l 11ffaotions, dry throat, enervating, reetlesa sleep'; and a.ggrava.tlon of the kidney difficulty, aa the spine was unduly heated by conata.nt DOD· t11cii with the bed, From the honr of birth a babe should be laid down, to sleep, with iiroat oare, never should It be permitted te lie on the back while sleeping, atter I· begins te play, the reatlese limbs are very benefiola.lly exerol1ed while !:ping so, but 10 soon a11 sleep comes the little one should be 11ently lifted 11.nd placed on the Bide with the head ,raised only 1uffiolently to Insure the spine from any curvature, seeing that there are no folds la the clothing to tortare the tender fleeh, especial care being taken to lay the 'e ar 1moothly back. Altern1t.te the eide1 or there will be an unneceBBary unevennees ef ; centour when the ohlld la grown ; do not permU the knees to be so flexed ae to orowd the viscera. Lying on the 1temach occasionally ls not lnj arloua If the arms lie at the side and the faue If free to the air, Freqaently that prove~ to be a very restful poeition to a play.weary ohlld. It lB not a diffiJult matter to teaoh a child to 1Ieep with the rpouth closed and without anerlng or" grlttlDg the teeth." A lady of thirty-five who had habitually gritted her teeth fi,:om their firat poase88lon waa oured of the ha.bit ln a fortnight by per1l1tent· we.king a~ the firat Indication of the · sound, the habit haa not been resumed during the five yeare since paeaed, ' If mothera could realize how many people auffer from bad aleep habits contracted in ohlldhood, they would pa.ya little attention to their ohlldren at nlght-'1me, beyond the "hustling offte bed, out of tl;ie w11oy," and the "keeplag covered" whloh le a 1ert of "dim religiou1 duty " kept ·lght of out of fear ef the doctor's bill, rather than ef any other oon1ider· aclon.-A Lady Physician. Woods of Youth. DY ALONZ~ BILTON DAVIS, There dim and cool the moates sloped, .A.way where dizzy perfumes rise, Where biida to fairy kisses oped Their honeyed lips in dumbcurpriee. VOODOUED. G rge A.. l'orachler's Death ilald to be Due to an Evil l'ctfsch. i white man named George A. For1chler, 2 · ears of age, died the ether 11.fternoon at hiP realdenoe In the old French section of New Orlean11 from the e:flecte, ae hie frienae believe, of a voodou cha.rm. The svmptome whlilh the yeung man exhlbltt:d were like pardysla. He could not move his limbs an·i complained of a terrible nolae In hie he"n reaembllng that made by a steam car. HI· l~ga and body were very much swollen. Tho belief in the pawer of the veodou fetliroh to work good or evil to human beloge at ~he will of the magician er medicine man, wh·} controle the mysterlou seoreta, la not oovfined to the colored people. ManJ whites have Implicit fa.Ith In theme oonj ur11o· tlonu, 11.nd held them iu dread, It la aald th11ot a mysterious drug wao ad· mlnletered lo him, and that a fetleoh or obarm has been burled somewhere ou the premise· to destroy his senaea by aome,oocult power. His fa.ther uld t'iat hla son, some three months age, waa tit.ken alok, He call· ed a colored doctor-Dr, Solomon- who eatd:tba.thla aon had been given 1ometblng to hurt him. Oa St, John's Day the young man was sent for by Dr. Salomon te come to the iake, and told that he would there be bathed, S t., Jehn's D::t.y, the 24th of June, la a time peoulla.rly sacred te the veodou my&· terlea, and at that time the negroes are ac· oustomed to gather on the 1hore1 ef L11oke Pontchartrain, where seoret, and my11terlou1 rltee aald te be perfor111ed. Dr. Sole91on did not show up at the lake on the ap· pointed da.y, although the slok man wa.s duly carried there, and the patient's friends then lotit oenfidence In the sable physician, A medical man who could comb"" the powere of voodou maglo was nece11ary, and the family next ori.lled in· Dr. Glapion, another colored practitioner, who that the patient had been made a victim of the acoureed powen of the voodeua. The father of tho victim aald : "On the 25th of June, in the evening, I requested Mr. Glapion to see If there was anythinii like a veodou fetiach burled on the premieea, Mr. Glapion ex11omined the preml1111, and found that there was 11omethlng burled under the hou·e, and that It was necessary to out the flooring to get at the burled fetleoh ·./ Thie wa1 done by one of my emplo eea, and after half an hour'· werk MJ'. Glapion caused the oliarm to 1hew lt1elf, and took It out. It oonai1ted of a ·howlng ~red ellk eord, wrapped a.round gold leaf, stuck full 11f large steel needle1 In all kinds of podtlona, the whole enveloping a bottle, Mr. Glapion took hold of the package and unwrappad It, The silk oord waa of unusual length, fl!-llY 1bty feet:. 'Ihe gold leaf was folded square in four fold1 1 and:the needles rudely repre1en· ted the eh11ope of a star, The bo\tle waa uuoerked by Mr, Glapion, who found It to ooDtaln a mixture of vlnega.ran!l 11unpowder, with other 1ub1tanoea whose nature was not aacertalned." The aame evening the fetlaoh wae thrown Into the river. AUer thia the pa.tient appeared to improve, and, hll appetite, which had di·ppeared, returned. But Glapion was unable to overcome the evil 1pella, a1 the patient took another bad turn and died, Glapion le ef medium height, spare, nerveua, and sinewy. Hie almoat jet-black 1kln ii lu1trou1 and ef a peculiar color, He weare a thin moustache, pointed at eaoh end, and alfeolil a nloe way of talking the French la.n· guage, whloh he 1peakl rather fiaently, Hi1 eye· are large, ~remlnent, and reatleaa, KEEPING to tho FRONT I Wl:AYER Is showing one of the finest and best selected stocks of YOUNG AND MIDDLE-ACED MEN. Only $1 Uy Hail, J>(lsqmhl. IJ.LlJ~TRATJVt; Rare songs from feathery singers dripped Halt lazily, like languid showers, When clouds in cendernese dipped To bathe the laces ot the flowers. Fretted by stone and trailing vine, A rivulet slipped through the green Cool 'l!tillnes~. and In dreams divine I bowed to listen and to lean ' Out o'erits deeply matted way, For in therhy1bmot its flow, I caught the music of a lay, I dropped down boyhood's long ago. I S.UIJ'J,ES l'Jrt;I] NO .tU .L. Silk, Drab, Shell, Woodrow's and Christie's Stiff HATS., Also Fine English, Canadian & Ameri-< can Fur and Wool Hats. A. Great 1'1e<l1eul 'Vork On H1mhoo(l. Exhausted Vitality. Nervous and Physical Debll!ty. Premature Decline in Man. Errors of Youth, and the untold miseries resulting from indiscretion or exceases, A book for every man. young, middle-aged and old. It contains 125 prescriptions for all acute and chronic diseaeesbeach one of which is invaluable. So· found y Author, whose experience tor 25 years 1s such as probiJ,bly never before fell to the lot of any physician. 300 . pages. bovnd in beautiful French muslin, embos,ed covers, full gilt, gnaranteed to be a finer work in every sen so than any other work sold in this country for 52.50, or the money will ~e refunded in every instance, Price only $1 by mail, postbaid, lllustru.tivos fample free to any body. Send now. Golrt medal awarded the a.uthor by the National Medical Association. to the Pre· sident of which. the Hon. P . .A.. Bissnll. and associate officers of the Board the reader is respectfully retforred. '.l'he Science of Life is worth more to the. young and middle-aged men of this generation sban all the gold mines of California and the silver mines of Nevada. combined.- S. P. The Science of Life points out the rooks and quicksands on which the constitution and hopes of many a youni::- man have been faitally 1 ·. wrecked,- Mar.,,hester M'irro· The Science of Life is of greater value than all the medical works publiehed in this country tor the past 5U yoars.- Atlanta Constit ution. The Science of Life is a superb and masterly treatise on nervous and physical deblllty.Detroit Free Press. There is no member of societ y to whom the Science of Life will not be useful, wll.ether Jouth, parent, R:Uardian, luetructor or clergy· man.-Aroonaut. Address the Peiibodv Medical Jngtitute, or Dr. W. H.Parker, No. 4 Bulfinch Street,Boston Mass., who may be consulte<ll on all diseases requiring skill and experience. Chronic and obstinate diseases that have batlled tlie skill of all other physicians a specialty, Such treated successfully without an instance of failure. Mention STATESMAN, Bowmanville, Ontario. IT·Y· OhronU:le. And leaning, lollg!ng but to hear The liquid flow of that lost alr, saw a face reflected clear . Deep shaded o'er with auburn hair, A face I lost when youth broke o'er A tr&((r&llt hedge of roses white, 'l'o trail mid lubninths that bore Hope's flowereta sparkling in the light. 0 woods of routh, with memory's stream Thrending thy silence with a tear, I linger In tllY lap amt seem Manilla and Straw Hats, all kinds and prices: 11'e1v and sty lisb Jines ot' Gent's Ftunishings. * * * * * To hold my vanished bo1 hood here. SHORT BUMM£& SERMOBB. BY BROTHER GA.t1DNEB, Shirts, Ties, Collars, . duffs, Handk'fs, Gloves1 Umbrellas, Rubber Coats, etc. garHighest prices paid for R aw Furs. 16. Preserve Your Sight. Use F . LAZARUS' (late of the ttrm orT.ia:m.r· ns & Morrie,) Renowned Spectacles and Eye· Glasses. They are the best in the 'world, They never tire the eye, and last many years without change. For sale by Kenner & Co. Bow· manville. 6-~t. Some Fallacies in Rel!ard to Diet. 1, That there 11 any nutriment In beef· .tea made from extract., There fa none whatever. 2. That gelat~e ii nutrltloui. It will not keep a oat alive. Beef.tea and gela.tlne, however, peaae18 a certain repara· tive power, we know not what, 3, That an egg b equal to a pound of mHt, and that ev!lry 1lok person can eat them, Many, 81. peclally thoBlnlf"'ilrrvoue~er,,. ment, oannet eat them, and to 1uoh eggs are bijarlou1, 4, That becaue milk le an important artlole of food it must be forced upon a pa.tlent, Food that a per11on cannot endure will not cure, 5. That arrowroot - - - --·- ·· ·- ·····-·-·-··-· . ls nutrltioue. It is almplv 1 tarch and water, ueed as a restorative, quickly prepared, 6. Tha.t oheese ls l11jurloua In all caaea. It is ,.. a rule, oontra-rndioated, being mua.lly in· VETERINARY SURGEOl1, digestible ; but It 11 oonoentrated nutriment, a wa.ste-repalrf;lr, and often oraved, 7, That the oravlnaa of a patient are whims and should be denied, The atemaoh often needs, oravee hr, and digests articles not laid down In any dietary, Snob are, for exampie, fruit, ploklee, jam, cake, ham er bacon, with fat 1 oheeee butter and milk. That an mfledble diet may be marked out whloh will apply to evuy case, Choice of a 11:iven list ·Of articles allowable In a given case muat be decided by the opinion of the atomaoh. The stoma.oh Js right and theery wrong, and thejudgment admitl no appea.l. A diet which would keep a healthy man bealthymlght:km o. aick man; and a diet sui. ficlent to sustain a sick man would not keep Honorary Graduate of the Ontario eterinary . a well man alive, Increaeed quantity ef Coltleg:e, 'foro!'to. Regis~er~d ~em b.e r of.the food, eepeclally of liqllida does not mean in· O nano Asso01at10n · with theVeterinary Veterinary Act · m accordance ore::t.eed nutrlment ; nth' or decrease, emoe J' Is prepared to treat all 'diseases of the Dom· the digestion. h overtaxed ·and we11.kened. estic Animals, according to the latest theories. Strive to 'glve the food ln as concentrated a. .A.II cal!s pera~nally, by Telegraph or Tele- form a.a poHlble phone will receive prompt attention. ' ,t;il'"OFE'IOE- Main St., Orono, one door north of W , Henry's ::>tore. _,, · ···· .. ,.. CHARGES MODERATE, T.ock-Jnw Cured. - - - - -That form of look-jaw which i1 produced by a wound la known to pbyeioian11 ae traumatic tetanua, A New Yorkpaperreoently rtported a oaae ef thl1 diaease whloh had been treated by Dr. Rubert Tayler, The patient recevered, and according to tho reporter, the Doctor declares that it 11 "the on care ef cure oftraumatlo tetanus In the hilY1toof the world," Is no\ thi a statement erroneous ? In the London Lancet of June 12. 1886, Mr, William Thoma.s Jackman of the Royal College of Sargeona de.oribe1 a o&ae of trau· matlo tetanus which oame 11.nder his care In the Mi.rob previous, The patient wa~ a. Ja,d fift een y old, whose fingers had been cruahed by cogged wheels, and the lock·j11ow wae complete. Ohlora.l hydrate was adminlatered m twenty-ara.ln doses every three houra fer ten days. The reBults were - : POSITIVELY CURES :net 1a.tlsf11ctory, and Mr, J ackman determined to try the new hypnoHo drug urethan. T he ohlcra.l was dt11contluned during t he night, a11d four gralna of nrethan were liiven him every two heun from 6 o'clock In the evening t o 6 in the morning, " The first nlght of this t rial ~hewed a. marked docreHe in the severity of tho aymptome1 a.nd tho made gr11dnal a.nd nn lnterruptod progrees until April 20, wnen his recovery wa11 eutabllahed," In t he case tl'ea.ted by Dr. Taylor, inor app-eare to h ave been the only dr ug employed. Any phys!cie.n who Is fortunate enou11h to treat this dleeate 6ucceaefully Is A few :Boxes will cure a ny case of Dye· en~ltled t o ore~lt and oengrat nlatlon, but p epsla, simpl y b y taking One Pill every the Bronxville case dee11 not seem the only night on retirl.Jig. Tl;ley d o not lose tbeir one whloh has resulted in reoovery, DUNN'S BAK IN·c THE C ·OOK'S BEST FRIEND POWDER JOHN SPENCER, When I h'ar an indiwidual rfz up an' deolar' dl1gu1f. wld de world I aot him down a11 a. v.u11on who hae contributed hia f'a.r to rda bringln' de world to it11 pre1tnt condiehum,: Dar' am aa.rtin people who war' bo'n lute die life fur no pertlokler rea.eon, Dey .am as outer plac1pt.e a blind hose befc' a lookln'. glass, DEy haven't de 1ma.rtne18 to 1tea.l nor de apeerit to work, Dey am t.oo ooward· ly te 1ulolde, an' not brave 'nuff to' faoe de problem· of llfe, Dey am mean 'nuff to covet, but not reokleH 'nuff to steal. Dey begin en S11nda.y ma.wnin' to predict ahort oropa, an' wind up S11oturday night by a prepheoy of alrtbquakea er chelera. On de front doah of ebcry tlch man should be nailed a 1lgn readln': "It am better to pa11 on to de next co'ner an' take de small.pox in1tead, I 1it down wld my pipe of an eavenin' ~n' boll aadln mo.ttere down an' frow away de aklmmlm. l'ze bin galnln' two or three pounda of flesh a y'ar fur de las' ten y'are. What rloh man ha.1 done better? I'ze got a tight roof ober head an' a good cellar be· low. Jay Gould's roof may be higher an' hie cellar bigger, bnt why should I envy him when I have room 'nuff? On my table am oo'n beef, 'taters, cabbage, bread, an' edder fini;c1 whloh please my·taete, aatlafy my hunger an' put fat on my ribs, Doea any millionaire do mo' dan ea.t to pleaee hl11elf? De panea In my windows am amall but olear, I kin leok out to de eaet, no'th, aou·h or weat, De Vanderbilt· oau't do any better, Deir gla1s may be larger an' 001t mo' money, but It doan' keep out aJ1y me' weather. I'z11 got a bit of a garden la whlch I'ze growln' 'tatera, lettuoe, onions, beets an' de like, De Qaeen of Enyland kin have a blgger garden, but her wegetablea must llJ'&W in de 1ame way, an' would taste no better, . l'ze got plenty of fuel fur cold weather, an' fly 1oreen1 to keep od de duet an' filH IDll\nnmer. D.e klna;'s palace am warmec'I by de 1amecoal an' his 1creena made frum de same wire, I wan$ neither. hie heat nor hie '1keeter1. I'ze got good health an' a pt>rty fa'r job. Dar am plenty of mllllonalrea who haven't get no health 'tall, and whose worry a.m mo' tlre1ome dan my labor, l'ze got a lot all paid fur in de grave· yard, Some men may have two, but I doa.n' envy 'em. By an' by me'n de old woman wlll be laid awa.y up dar. By an' by de rich. man a.n' hie wife will also be 111old away, Dey may have a monument tewerln' above our tombatuna, but dey'll sleep no aweeter nor awaken any sooner, Deir o6ffina may be richer, but de same a.lrih wlll bring all to d eoa.y. De great trouble wld humanity, as I see it, am de faok do.t people grasp fur too muoh, Wha.t was rlohes to do las' ginerashnn am jla' naff to make die one dlscontented, What wa.s oomfort den am poverty now, De wage· of our gran· fathers would hardly buy ap'ena fur de wives of workin' men to-day, We am full ef froth an' show. Hypoorloy an' deceit am part of our etook ln trade, Envy a.n' · l ouay am d r Iven ' ou. ~ oh arIty an' oonJea tentment. Fifty y'ara henoe, If dey ehould dig down to my coffin an' find dat I had turned obor, do po.pore needn't make any h It tt t" 1 sen!as un, am qu 9 ear :n, on Bii a great change h,kes place, da.t; da nex, generaahun will make us ole dead folka tired, Grocers, Butchers and Provision Merchants. STAND:-Town Hall Building, one door east Ont. Bank. A complete stock always on hand., We have all the best grades of B,QLL:gJt AOODi l~QJ:OOm BLQ~~ that is manufactured. We have in stock all kinds of General Groceries, Coarse and Fine Salt; American and Canadian Coal Oil, Bran, Shorts, Oats and Chicken Feed, Crockery and Glassware, Fresh and Cured Meats, Sausages and Lard of his own make and rendering, Life-tiroe experience in tha Meat Department enables us to supply a quality unequalled. The Grocery Depart~ent, under the supervision of Mr. John Allin, is of the very best quahty. No trash or poor goods kept in stock, deals only in the best goods, which will be sold at the lowest possible prices. Your patronage will be thankfully received. Goods delivered to all parts of' the town on short notice. A call solicited. Cash Cor Butter, Eggs, Rides, Tallow, Bee:t, Por.k and all Farm Produce~ C. M. CAWKER, JOHN ALLIN. TOD BRO s. havve opened out a splendid assntment of new goods, comprising : A South Afrioan Adventiue. The barking ef the jaokal11 and hyenaa woke me twe or three tlmea ; but, with that exception, I never slep· more HUDdly than I did tha· nlirht in the bu1h. At dawn I woke and waa rubbing the 1and out of my eye1, not feeltng quite 1ure where I was, when my eyes lighted on a human faco,enly a few yard· ofl', its gaze steadily fixed on mine, I aelzed my gun, but the being, who ever it waa, did not flinch, and I thou11ht I mnet be mlllillken, and rubbed my eyes harder, but the only effect was te drive the sand more firmly In than ever. There, straight In front ef me, WM a human being - a. bushman by his zolor-starlng and grin· nb1g at me, all but hla head and ahouldere oonooled behind a bu1h, or a alight covering of sand, I 11.pproaohed and called out, but the being answered not or moved, It would never apcak airaln. It wa.s the dead bodv of some poer bushman who had perlehed miserably while out hunting, for a.t hie side lay a gun and ·on the bush was bung a bunch of ostrich feathers, 11omewhat weatherworn, but stlll worth, £20. The desert wlnds had performed the office of burial, oovering hla body with a pall of sand leaving, only his hea.d exposed. Net an an· lma.l had molested thi1 grave, a eure sign th ..t the man had died of thlrat ; at least so the native& held, aaaerting that nothing will teuoh the body of 1uob a. man, Prints, Ginghams, White and Colored Muslins, · Canadian and Oxford Shirtings, White and Grey Cottons, Sheetings. Table Linens, Table Napkins, Towels, White and Colored Counterpanes, White & Cream Lace Curtains, Scrim, Cheese Cloth, Gloves and Hosiery,. Parasols and a good assortment of Bl'k and Col'd Dress Goods. GENTS' FURNISHINGS. Canadian and Imported Cloths, 1iVhite an<l Colored Shirts, Ties, Gloves, Collars, Cuffs, Handkerchiefs, Socks, Braces, &c. 1 &c. · Inspection invited. A pleasure to show goods. 17 TOD BROS. WORLD'S BEST I The :First Seen in Those Waters. The fishermen of, N. S., have been excited over the appearance of a merma.Id seen In the water· by some fishermen a few days apo. W hile Mr. Bagnell, aocompanled by several fi1hermen, was out in a bo11ot, they ob1erved floating on the surfa.oe of the water a few yards lrem the beat what they supposed to be a oorpeo. Ap· proaohlng It for the purpose of taking It ashore fer bnrlal, they obeerved it t9 move, when, to their great eurpriae, It turned around In a sitting position and leoked at them and dl1a.ppearod, A few momenta af. tor It appeared to the surface and again looked toward them, after which it disap peared altogether. Tho face, he11od, shoulde11, 11.nd arms resembled t hese of 11o human being, bot the lower extremities had the appeara.nce of a fish, The back of Its head was covered with Ieng dark hair resembling a horse's mane. The arms were ahnped exactly like a human bolng's, exoept th11ot the fingers en the hands were very long, The color of the skin wi:.a not unlike that of I\ human being. There Is no doubt that the mysterious stranger Is what Is known as a mermaid and the first t:een In Oape Breton waters, Killine; Hi11Brother, defence put their client on the stand, He teld hia story In a pla.ln, atrnlghtforward way, without emotion, giving a minute de· soriptlen of how the tragedy cccurred, He aatd: " PrentiBS was my brother. 'W hen in a paaslon he was a ma.ulao, 0'1 Sunday he struck me in the face, nearly bro1t.klng WY nose. Toward evening he ordered me to get supper. I told him I did not feel well, and asked him to get It, I then went In and laid down on the bed, Soon after Prentl1& entered with a lighted candle In one hand and a. butcher knife in the other. He asked me If I Intended to tell the people what he said about his being a highwayman, and striking at me with the knife. I jumped and grasped a hammer and hit him cvor the head, striking him a.gain o.s he fell on to the bed. Then I grasped t he W incheste.r and fired without aim. " Then a.II was quiet, and I realized that I had killed my brother, I saw his peoket· book half out of his breeches packet, a.ud I t ook It, It oonta.b:ied $142, I walked the trail baok and forth !loll nlgnt, not knowing wh11ot to do. I did net want cur moth er to k.uow ef It , rnd, to hide the ao~ from u.11, I drllggod the bepy to t he well a.nd burled it , I hllod been In P ara.dox nine months, buli owfug to Prentlsa'a wiah I did not associate wftth any one ; in fact , I har dly knew anybody there. "On Tueaday morning I went to Mr. Galloway's, Inten ding t o tell him all abeut it, but he was not there, nnd I returned to the 011.b lD, teok the horses whfoh father bad bought for ua and st&rted to leave the coun · try. I liquor in Mentrosei t o drown my grief." In the Wilson oa1e, MontroB01 Col., the Having purchased the H arness b usin ess lately carried on by Mrs. H U M PHREY, hope by careful at ten t ion to b us iness, good workmanship, and fi rst class material, to secure a share of public pat ronage. W e in stock and are manufacturing a l arge amount of · WEST'S , LIVER - LIGHT AND HEAVY HARNESS. Collars a specialty. W e intend tha.t the r eputat ion Humphrey's Collarsb ave·gained sh all be fully sustain ed . W e are prepared t o furnish r espon sible par ties Collars on approb a tion. ' Ve guarantee satisfacti on or n o sale . We aleo keep in stock a full line of goods usu ally found in a first class harness sh op, comprisin g PILLS BLANKETS, ROBES, RUGS, HORSE COVERS, WHIPS, BRUSHES, ETC: See onr B ull Bone W hips- something n ew. W e have also in stock DYSPEPSIA, SICK HEADACHE, LIVER COMPLAINT, INDIGESTION. effect like other l"Ws. ELLIMAN'S ROYAL EMBROCATION for Horses and Cat tle, a sure cure for bruises, spra in s, cuts, and sor es of a 1l k inds. Shop- Sign of t he Big Collar. 17-3m ---l lQ.1J ····- . ....... So Innocent, You Know. 25 C e nts per Box. Five Boxe s for $1.00. T HIRT Y P ILLS IN A BOX. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGIS'TS. John C.West & Co. PROPRIETORS, T OR ONTO. They were t aking a buggy ride together H e, pnlllng up Ehert , remarks : " Isn' that Ja.ok Sparks and Nelly Jonea coming i·ound hy that road ther& ?" lllEU I ti t< l ·l»ls " I think it is, de11or," she replied nneusQuick On the Tri~l!er. plciously, . He-" Then we will take tho, It's a An Insurance examiner and ad just~r, who bit further, but spooney lover s don't want was called upon to lnvest!g~.te a. lose, lnquir· to be Interrupted , you know." ed of the polloy·holder: She (innocent ly)- " Don 't they, dear?" " Where Wlilre you when tha alarm was given ?" ~ ~ " I vhas asleep in mybedt . " A late lnventlan le a match which ma.y bti " .Did any one wake you up r' " Vhell, my clerk comes und paunds on used ever and over again, Thie will fill an der deor und s11oys eur sh tore vha.s gone oep.' aching void. If there is one mat oh that hac been et ruck, lying In a box with 10 000 good " What did yeu do ?" " I goes down town t o t t1legraph t o Bos- ones, v. man ls alwaya sure t e get that identiton t o see if your insurance company vbas oal second-hand ma.t oh when he has occasion to light the gas at midnight, gone oop too," ARTIES WISHING TH EIR P IANOS Tuned or repaired canhaTe tbom attend ed by leaving word .at t he DOMINION O RGAN . . ,.. . ' . . Oo's O FFICE, Bowmanville A flrst-cla e man F or cost of a d vert1sm.,, m _ any p aTJ_e '. or l now being In their mplc r. 1 list of p apers 1mlil1s iled m t:ie lJmted States 01· Cau ada, send t o the .Anv E 1t'£tSING A GENCY of ED WIN A LPEN &: BRO., ssoo . o o 0 Uwin A Men&Bro. P «~iin c&; a ~rru;iti ~h;N ew YQrk , Coi·. &tk V·i'1w ~ts., I .140 Na.swn 0t1'eet. 1 ~0 pages, cont a 1111ng 1~ric1.:.:s _ o f n:dve1Ls1.1~z ftl! ii1 ~t.n1ction s, etc., sent 011 n.:t.;e~p~ of 1oc. Our Am. Newspaper C:tl:1.~ 0P,"ne'\. co:1_un nwrr 11 amc:s of e":'"ery n r 1rnbltshcd 1n , nc U.S. :-i_ n d CaJJ ..1dn., Pia nos Tu n ed a nd. ltepaire·I· ........ .. weather h&d done condderable duty in sup· plying convena.t ien, when a. plump h a.ppy· loeklng m11orrled 1111dy made a remu.rk a.bout cold feet ?" Amid an awful p ii.use she nu.lvely answered : " Yes, indeed, I am very much troubled- but, then, th ey are not my own," Her husband blushed sc11orlet, A t a. dinner party last Winter the cool sent on- reccipL of price, $1.50. . . .... --- ·"'** Our " N c w~p:lper Co.m'.)~n:ittons, ' '. }t..l_10ok _o~ EstJ.mates free. M v ertisingAgenc y. i I V case of Dyspepsia, Liver Complain t, Sick Headache, I n digestion or Costtvenelll!I we cannot cure witb WEST' S L iv.EB , l'ILLS, when t h e I>irecUons a:re strlctly c:om p lied with, X.arse Doxes, c ontaining 8 0 :Pills, 26 Cent s ; 6 Dex es ~ 1 .QO, ,Al 'E will p ay the above Reward f ol' any ' · So14 by a ll I>ruggi&t1.

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