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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jul 1886, p. 5

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l~ffRUIT Ju1cE. PURE and undiluted Eull stren~th . WHOLESOME ' Purifies the blood, and aids digestion. DOMINICA REFRESHING '!'ones up ti re sys t em. FR UITY and tich in flavor. I COOLING Just the driok for warm we&ther. ·rn ordering, specitiy Do)CINr?A, _ and d<'n't be put off with any imitations. IlE!i'INF.:D EXPRRSSI, Y FOH. Lyman Sons & Co., nl.('Cl> .N-T H.E.A..X... For sale by S'rOTT & JURY. .A libPral discount to the t rade. char go for cases. No ···-·- ---~ - - - -- - - - -j j ' Q R- Tucker's Soverign Balm for sale at Stott & .Jury's. Bros. See the J. ob lines of ladies' and children's ·onto' is visiting hosery at Tod Bros. M r . :r;. E · B assc tt, o f Tor here. Mt·s. ::>hannon, of Springtield, Ohio, is Toronto ~ives $1000 to its Zoological visiting at Mr. W. Glover's. Gardens. Lybster shirtings the best, a full Mr. A. E. Christie, of Brantford, is range, only at the S tar House. homo on a visit,. Mr. Jos. Ruse and Mr. Abbs, of ToShaw & Tole's is the place to get a Mc- ronto, were in town this week. Laughlin Buggy. Mr. and Mrs. F.H.Haddy, of 'foronto, Miss Clara McCl ung, of Toronto, is are visitinq at Mr. Chn.s. Young's. visiting at Mr. Geo. Shaw's. Dr. Potter; Oflice and Residence_ in Buy 3 lbs. ofLi-Quor Teaat Levi Mor- Prower's Block, King-st., Bowmanv11le. ris' an<l get a $1.0~ ~ok. free. Full lines of artists' mat erials- tube,s, 11fl\ you dis~ike m another person brushes, pallettes, etc. , at S. S. Edsall s. take care to correct m yourself. · I M. d M s " 'i.llurd and diLu"hter r. an r . n at 'M.r. . ' "' ' ' Whitby has a. "T. nn~ l{'lr 1 m ' ,?1ltIJ " an d · of Galt, are guests Rd. Hambly s. J>et_ erboro a "Lune Jmce club. . K , _ choi'cn of 10 do7. fine KF:l' (!Oor. your ~ . A General Booth, ?f the S a l vat1on .rmy, straw hats at 50c. See Star Rouse advt. will visit 'l'oronto Ill Septem~er. . . Los-r. -A beautiful si ngingcanary bird. A 1Tood tweed or ser7e ~mt, auy size, Anyone returning it to L. A. Tole's will $u.o& at T. Geo. Masons, Star House. be reward~d. Th.e ~icen_se fees pai~ hr hotel men for w. H May has just received a lot Dominion lice nses are bemg refunded. of Binder whips. Ten foet l ong, only Full line of artists m aterials- tubes, $ 1. 25 each. Call and get one before they brushes, pallettes, etc., at S. S. Edsall's. are !ill sold. 8 8 An abundant harvest is uow vne of the 4 pieces tme ne·w worsted coatings, .beau· strong probabilities of the season's growth. tifully finished goods. Gent}bmen, if Y?U Don't miss the bargains now being want a suit, see them at T. C =reo. Masons, offered by Tod Bros. in all summer lines Star House. of d!'ess goods. Some of our .b and members wenL ~o M:r. and Mrs. J . Pollard and Mr. and T . irit.owel qn ·Wednesday to_take part m Mrs. W. _ H. :VVilliams returned last wuek tho ~and cumpetition !Jemg held there from their trip to Portland. yeste1day and to-day. . FAR:IIERl!.-:-Take your wool to John Dress muslins r educed from 17~ cents Lyle and get the highest market price. to 12} , from l fi cents to 10, ~nd or?angy Don't sell till you see him. muslins from 20 cents ,to J~ at Couch, "\'TT The Ontario Teach ers' Association .Johnston & Cryderman s.' VV meets at Toronto on Tuesday, A ug. 10th West Encl Grocery H ou~e now sends and the two following days. ~mt one of th~ nobbiest del:very wagons . 1 , in 10 ,vn It is 0 Cfotten up in the latest 1 rfyou want the best va ue m aco cur- · · · · ta ins, at the lowest prices, go to Robert- ~tytlh e and on ~]~~ ~fs;;;~p~~;~~l~a~~· ~~ Qll son & Bond's, Beavo1· Block. is ~ C.\80 '~' a 500 yds. of Satteans at half price at Tod BAR - · -FOR-- s . JU LY an d AUGUST I We must 1nake room for our immense fall orders. .. Spring and Summer Goods-must go 10 doz. Mens' and Boys' Fine Straw Hats clearing at 50c. ·15, 18 and 20 cent Ginghams and Sateens clearing at 12~c. .S 01 S, ' P r Hosiery Gloves, I. . . aces, Embroideries and Muslin;, all at sacrifice priees. I BLACK AND COLORJ1JD the best value w e 8 NE-VV - l JERSEYS. . . , Q .....,..,.i y · g a full range Qf are th e 0Ili·Y hOUSe . i:'::$1..1 VV - l LYBSTUIR Q fIIRTil\T GS. .l!J ..._, haVf? 1- ' BR.P~IDED yet shown. ' · D -·28 . m~·i1~~eo~vS~~~~~: t~;ie\:o~a~:~k~ f~~ 1 3 makes the lengLh six: feet long. ·- Pretty near everybody is on strike n ow --:st~ikin~ at. the . troublesome fly, a nd nussmg him nme times out of ten. 'l'he weatl1 er prediction fur the months of J_uly and August is very . war~, and so YOU CAN BUY far it ccrtamly cannot be discredited. A Shaving Mug and_Brush, or B o 11'!'8 · ro lII!\E.--Twogood boats to h ire. ~pply to Geo. !J· ~uxton a~ the O~gau A Hair Brush and Mirror, or E actory, or at ]us residence Kmg-st. East. A Puff and Toilet Box, or FARM'.ERS,-·McClellan & Co. have now A Good Hair Brush and Comb, or on hand a large quantity of Salt and Plaster and for sale in quantities to auit Six Good Combs, or purchasers. A Good Hair Brush a nd a Cake Rev. W. Q. Ashton, fate of Trinity College, Toronto, preached two very of Soap. acceptable sermons in St. ,Tohn's Church, - Call and see theon Sabbath last. HoRHES WA NTF.D. - T want to buy a lot of !Hrge, heavy l10rses; also fillies .from onti to four ye·1rs old. Address, i='TEPHI;N -ATCOTTON, B.,wm~nvill e. 'l'he meetings in the barracks still continue to draw the cr'>Wd, and the ~~~;'~~~~d H is 'tun~bling and other fonts were pronounced good,and ho Morns' Caniage Works. of ~m e ~ a dr t ·e h q lduare,coi· nl attmctions for Ttl~ep~rfot~a~ce Jap~~~daTyo:~! 0 E N"" T S 2 Sc. Bargains STOTT &JURY'S MEDICAL HALL. ~~~!!!~~~~~~~~~~!!!~~ ;::: - --.------=---- ,,. ~ht ~atta.dia.U ~tat.tJllU~U4. , ~::..:: -::: -= -=-===-=========-=-=-=-=-===-== ~\OWMANVILLE, FRIDAY, J .ULY 30. Local and Otherwise. Hose, hose, h ose, ·west E nd House. Ladies go to tlltl West End House for H osiery. Mr.Fred Haney, of Toronto, is visiting his friends in town. Mr. and MI'S.Wesley Hoar, of Toronto, arc visiting friends here. · NEW, Nuw- black and colored braided jerseys a.t the Star House, Mr. Stanley Hutchinson, of New Hamburg, is home on a visit., M r . J . M . Morrison, i>f Cleveland, Ohio, is paying a visit to old friends here. To whom it may concern : this is to certify, that Robertson & Bond are selling the cheapest goods in town, Orde1· Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Picket'3, etc., at Morris' Planing Factory, Liberty street, R. H. Osborne, leasee. FouNl>, on the Manvers road a parcel of Dry Goods owner can receive the same by applying at Tod Br;os. 31-1 w Josiah Lick cut 17 ac1·es in one day; h e also "c'ut and bound 4 acres of peas without any trouble, with a Light 'l'oronto Binder. J. R Bradley's .Spring Pad for single and double harness gives entire satisfacti on. No h orse will have a sore back whe.rl:l they are use'l. Just received a t the W est End House from the famo us manufacturer E . A. L evian & Co., a lot of his n ewest and b est styles in Gents' Ties. A ron·rnA!1' of the naturalist and essayist, J,ohn Burronghs, by J'. \V . Alexand~r , will be the frontispiece of the "Midsummer Holiday " Century. It accompanies a critical sketch by EdithM. 'rhomas. Messrs. Shaw & '.J'ole offr, 1·s to pl'esent a bi1i.der to anyone ·who will find a man in the county who l1as bought a Massey B inder and will not recommend it. On Sabbath afternoon last, a young lad, Chas. Berry, son of .Mr. J ohn Berry, of this town, was drowned in l\fartin's pond n ear Enniskillen. Particulars of t he accident will be found in the Enniskilleu correspondence on first page. H enry's window seems just now to be very attractive, he has made some photographs of some of the principal acts as gi\·en by our ·u nion School teachers and 1rnpils at their late concert in the town lrnll. As is usual with Henry, he has succeeded. On Friday afternoon last the oflicern of H. J\IL I. Govemment, who are in Canada to purcha~J1orses for the l3ritish army, were in town . 'l'he party comprised Col. Ral'enhill, Col. P hillips and Mr. Math· cws. 'rhese gentlem.en visilecl the yards · aml stables of town hotels, and looked over such horses as were offered for inspection. Onl.r a few h orses were -Offered, and these of a class not such as des'i red. No purchases were made . W<>t·ms. ·F 1·eem:m·s l'form J·owdl't' destroy· " ' Ol'IU!ii . DA.NGEROL'S 1'Tf~ oft.en cau s~d by 0 was awardad fair collections twice during ...., . . · · the show Lieut.J.I.Laird,of the RoyalEngineers, ~.".' ~.... L ondon E n 17land and nep hew of Mr ..J, · ---.,..,---:-:-;\'"~i::C:·: ·~ ·':O N eads ~f to\~n called here on Wed· n esday. Mr. Laird' is en ro11,tc to Brit.ish Oolurn bia, to survey and repor t on tho necessary fo1tificatiJns of Esquiroalt Har· bor, which is the hea iquartcrs of. the · Navy in the Eastern Pacfic. Esqi_i1 .malt will become n depot of naval m1ht11ry sturcs. [ SJ>EClAL AnllN'i'tbN should al ways b~ gh·en to the hair ;;nd scalp. There is nothing nicer than a good head of ) 1air. In case of baldness· when the roots are not all gone, Dr. Durtlnwend's Great German Hair Magic, will produce a luxuriant grJwth. of hair; it will re -tore all grey and faded hair to its original color and vigot· ; it stops all fa lling out of the hair and removes all traces of dangood work goes on under the able man- drulf. A little of this great preptr~tion ~ gement of Capt. Ada Hind, used once in a while will keep the scalp _ J ust to b an~ to -day,at Couch Johnston. in a healthy condition and make tho hair & _crydermfLn s. a lo~·el "116$0rtlnent -of- s oft,pl·an otautTfol. A . Bo-renwend, plam aud braided Jerseys. The best sole ma.nufa.cturer, 'furonto. J. f:I igginvalue they have ever s hown. botham & Son, agents for Bo..,manvil!e. Rev.Dr. ~IcCurdy., Uuiversit.3: College, A cotom j ustly r 1 m1arks that subscribers T oronto, w~ll preach m S_t. Pauls church are more careless in relation to paying up both mormng and evening, o~ Sabbath for their newspapers than fo1· anythiug next, also 011 th e Sunday followmg. else. Anytime seems to do the printer. :LosT. -About three weeks ago bet.ween Now, that habit pervades the reading ; .Jos. L11ngmaid's and J esse Trull's, a gen- community, not fl,'om a desire not to Jmy, tleman's rubber coat. Anyone finding but simply from tlre fact that few persons ·ro SVLvm;Tlm BRO'.l'UER;;. same will kindly return to Shaw & 'l'ole's. undershnd or think of the necessity The Light Binder I boug-l1 t, of yonr agent, ,T. D . Armstrong, has given good satisfaction. I went t o the sta_tion, ?ro1~ght The Canadian Press Aesociation will existing for promptly paying for the h old its annual meetin" in Toro11tu ou newspaper. We are perfectly satisfied it home, set it up myself, a 11 d my neighbor, Mr. Kelly, having a piec:i of barley ready, I went a.own and out it, dtllng it as August 5th to be foJl ..;ed by a trip up that the great majority in arrears .f or a nv easy as any single reaper. Some of this w11s short, some heavy and tan~led. I de~y any far·nei; m .the tow.nsh1 p. t o do the the lakes to Chicacro and home by the G. paper would pay up prvmptly i.f they same wi th any 01her binder. None of Mr. Sylvester's agents came n ear to hel p set it up or star t it gotng._ It 1s _so simple tha.t. T. n,, "' . coulcl bring tht::mselves to think of the a little boy can run it. I c;1.n recomm1mi it t o be the' best machine I have nv..r see n, and would say to al~ mtendmg purchasers to buy IJO othflr t han a SylvPster Light Binder, Le lievi11g it to be t he best., simplest, most durable and lightest to draw of any B:nl.ey and fall wheat are being harvest- subj ect when in town. Therefore do we I have yet s een. ed. The barley crop is expected 10 be kindly s uggest to the STATESJ'ffA)[ reader, JOHN MORRIS. enormous in many places, and fall wheat t o endeavor to remind ttiemselves couis g-enerally fair. There is not 80 much cerning their subscriptions to this journal. N cm 2\ouer tt.~mnentg. WOOL! WObL!! spring. 223 candidates, 19 being ladies, wrot3 , '""'J .,,... . . , , . . . . . . ,, ,.,r.../"'. ,,,....,.,.....,_,,.-. 'fhe total numbe1: of emigrunts that at the.-recent matriculation examinations, O S T. - Between Bowm> t1·villo u.nrl 'l'h·e subscl·iber will pay the highest casb arrived in Toronto during the past six Toronto U uiversity. The three c ~ndidates L Newcastle, a parcel containin<!: cloth for price for an y quantity of good Merchantahl& mouths is G,8ul, being au increase of from Bowmauville Hig h School were THtir pants Rev. J\fr. \Valker'a name on pa.reel. \,Vool and 2c over that in trade. Dont givu a.way your wool when you can get a fliir prico .l<'inde1· will be rewarded by leaving the same iu 2,150 over 1he corresponding m onths of successful. The two that wrote for hooors, exc:1amrn for BlankPtB, Sheeting, Tweeds. at l:t1iv. R. W ,;1,i;:~oR's, Xewcastle, or Couc 1-r, etc., last year. got them .in every subject in which they Carpet Yarn and Sock Yarn always 0>1 JOHNSTON&. CH\'JJRRM11;1;·s , Bowman v ille . 29 hand. With thanks fo1· P"'st favours and n Li' M.. A . , of s upheld the excellent We will pay the highest ....ev. ·R . D . ..,rasel', , t . p au I' s competed, . and f nobly · h ltl h ti solicitmi.: a contmuance of t:he same. I am ACR I~ FARM FOR SALE your obliging servant, D. TA.YI.OR, Hampton church, is to occupy the pulpit of Old St. reputatwn o t 1 ieir sc oo1, a 1oug rey IW Olt 'l'O Rl!:NT.- Heing Lots l! Woolen Mills. 23·3m· Andrew's church, Toronto, in the absence are both quite young. W. E. James' and 15, Con. 10, Darlington. and haYing there· p rice in Cash for any quanI of the pastor R e v. Mr. M illigan, for th standing is tirst c1 ass in Mathematics, . on: dwelling-house, out-buildings, g.wd well UCTION SALES.- As the auction: of water, young orchard. e·c It is situatc-d nex t five Sundays. seaond class in History and Geography, season i s again about upon us, I about 10 miles from Bowmanville, 3 miles from would eering talrn this means of thanking tho farm ere French and German. W. A. Parks is tity of Wool. F.nniskillen, 2; miles from Haydon and 2 miles the Townships of Clarke, Manvers, Ce.rt. Miss Epelett who ]ms had charge of second class in Mathematics, English from Hurlrnton Stat.ion, the C. P. Railway or and Darlington for what patronage they the Millinery department at McClung & History and Geography or 7 h orn>rs for crossing the fn rm . J·'or ps.rtic·1lars apply to wright have give· n ·me in the past, aud at the samb SAM'L WOOUL1£Y. 'l'yrone, P. O. 31·tf. time sav I am stlll in the field ae an auctioneer. WM. QUICK & CO. Co's for tho past two year~, has resigned both. w e congratqlate them and t heir and any sales you may fa'·our me with will h er position there, and left this week for teache rs on the exceedmgly creditable receive my very best attention and charges her home in Whitbr . Many friends stand th1:y have taken, and also W. E. will be reasonable. All that have employed r·e0aret he1· :·epartur·e. d M '1' M D h · t · fi d m e have expressed themselves as well satisfied. u Hassard who p:issed but di not compete ·< · 1C1t·~Nu 1·: o ONN&r.r. av1ng sa 1 s e declaration made this day, lJ'..:>I}. Wl1ere it ls not convenient to seo me perhis Statutory 'I'he 24 o'clock system is a great scheme. for honors . H:n·r lnue Notle(!S. G O cents: lih·t.Jis mul ns weby p ubllcly avow that we repudiate and re· sonally, arrangements can bo made for aale11 20 in Bowman ville. When your wife ask:. you what time you The 'l'oront.o Li0 <,ht Binder has now == "= :;: : h ::: . ·::: ·=-:_··-cc::: : n_ t·. __ __ _ __ _ _ tract anything we have said against him with with <Ji th er of the 1£ditorsR. HU'l'CHINSON. reference to moncv lost by Hicharoi Reynolds - -·----- Enniskillen, June 30th, 1880. 27tf will be home, you just casually remark become the farmer 's standard machine. BIRTHS. two years and a lialf ago, which we unwittingly that you'll probably turn u p about half- Several new ones ha\'e been started here imputed to his charge, and wo now declare t t t d 1 't 'Jl t 1 ] 11 · 'l'IIOMPSON- ln Bowmanville, ou th e 21th that. we clon't believe and never sh all believe wi a rn ier a pas wen y-one, an this week, the far'iners starting them ·netant., the wife of Mr. s. 'rhompson, or a son. that he ever found the same, antl we wish all the rest of the day to figure up what time without any assistance from the Agents. BYERS- In Manvers, on the 2Gth inst., the parties to govern themselves accordingly. to have dinner ready. M essrs Meil Osborne 'l' Ormiston and · e of Mr. Robert Byers or a danghter. ,. · s·gned· I HrcJIARD llF-\'NoLus, 1rns·1·1xTSrn · ' J.' ' · '. , . ' 1 ' 'i C IIRI STIXA HEYNOI,DS. Ari. excursion to Gr imsby Par!;: under Jesse and I. Trull have all sta.rted ne w / : JEw_ELJ.- ln Bow;manv1 1le, on the 21st rnst., l!:nfield, July l fth. , l S&i. a:<l"Get the Genuine. Sold Evel'ywllcre. 31 .1w ' ces of Wl11 .tby Method1 'st '.['abei·- machines this week and are well please!\_ -~he wife of Mr. T. C··Jewell, of a daughter. - - - - - - - - - - -· ·- - - tlle auspt . . · 1 · M 0 · " YEr.1.owr.!lES- On Monday .Tnly 261!1, on the ' "JU,fAU ,\'I.Gill'. nacle :Sunday · School h as been ·a l'r<111ged with their > argaius. r. rnuston cut steamer Athab(tsca. while " '·'·?'Ou.le from Pnl't , .~ fu,r Aug. 5th, by Steamer "Hastings." nine acres from 10 o'clock until tea time. Arttrnr to Owen Sound, the wife of Mr. John LTCENSED AUCr.CON:EER for the A number of farmers who saw Mr. Tnill's Y~ llowlees,Ninette, Manitoba, anil formerly or Couaty oy Unrham. All s!\les will rec\live Fare f.rorn B owm:m vi11e a nd r eturn $1.25, . . . this town, of a son. . prompt attention. Address :--'Iyrone P. O. children under 12 years, half fare. Tick- considered it ran hghter than the Cham- In compliance with the wishes ot tJ Je officers 28:6m ' on to be had fr·om R . pion Hear)er. Messrs. Shaw & 'l'olo and passengers. before being re m~wed from the --·-.. . . ets "ltLl all i'nformati - - -0 - - " · . ' bo11.t at Owen Sound. thCI yonng travell er was Sll A n .t 1 OLE. n. Andrews, Big 20. J3owmanv1lle, _ are the Agents for _ tl11~christcne~~Ia1·old !:th~-b~~· - L fOENSED AUC'l'IONEERS fort.he · famous rnaclune .. Also Agents fu1 the County or Durham. All salPs will receive Ainon., 0 Ul· i 11·any dei)at·tments' The Eagle steam Washer for which J · ta10ous McLaughlm buggy, hamess, &c. DIED. prompt attention. Atldrnss :- Bowmanville, 0 N . Kivell is the gen eral agent in this dis- a uctioneers, &c. Sales promptly atten de SA::npms- In Bowma.nville,_ on tho 2.jtl1 inst.. Ont. rD G d ']l h . 1 trict may be seen at Cawker and Allin's to. If you want anytlung in the lmple· Mrs. Nicholas Sanders, age<l ::08 years. . ons. ~fcJ,UfGlll.IN ~t R E ITH. ress oo s w1 ave our specla store, Bo.wmanville. Over 120 have b een tr . l ll LOCKllAX'L'- Tn Clarlte, on the 2lst mst., sold around h ere since November. A men m e g tve t iem a ca · Gerald Edwin. son of Samuel r,ockhart, aged o.-.-1 c~~:-Mowu s· Br.onK, BowMANv1r.u:. ·t t· d l. er .. ..' .. . ,. Mr.n.tlL~. -A lar~e . j 1yee.r10 months. Dr.J.W.M<.:LAuGtu.i:'l. Dr. A . BEirH, Gradu- a., en 10n, an we purpose ma nn0 large consignment has been received from P i rnSEN"J A.TTON m DAVEY- At r,ake n ew ]·'arm, Darlington, on licentiate of the Hoyal 1 ate of tho 'l'oronto the manufactuer and all orders will be number of people assembled m the drill the 27th inst .. Winnie 1,;a1een. only daughter of College of Physi<>i·.ns U . , t Ph . . a Q:reat effort to lead the trade in promptly tilled. The! Eagle is decidely shed on Tuesday night to hear t h e excel - Richard aIJd Bessie D11.vey, aged I year 7 111. and mc,mbcr of the . rnversi ~· ysician, ~ band of tl1e D 0 r, r Co to proGRANTIn Cartwright, on the 28th inst.. ltoyal College of SurSurgeon, &c. . I . E I lent 1 b t l 1 t w es was ung mac une on ' art · d t 0 t lk t 0· · '"' ·d · b ·' . b t after a linll'ering illness. Christy Grant, aged goons, Edinburgh. . (that branch of our enterprise. Absentees from the Church-s t Metl1. mena e, a -' see an e seeu, ll 52 years. His end was peaee. to witness the church , on Sunday morning, misRed the especially d I l l 10destribution d · Iof 1. ~ . We will constantly have on hand benefit of wholesome counsel on " Chris- me a s among t wse w serve m t 10 BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. · ......__. · North West, in 1885, in C company of tian Liberalitv ." The sermon was timely I M'dl l u t li Af 1 ·· T ' g plainely how ver,rlittle t · le l anc oat a on. , ter· 80\' era :urredrd by .John Ly le, evt:ry 'l'hnr~d:1y, UH. t :il.AltJ,ES (~AW'l'llO.UNt. CA.R EU, all the latest productions that the and good,showin f · I d b fi I d c , pieces o · music ia een me y gtven :m -ori;:auiat of st. Peter's, Colmurg, late of E ngwe, as christian people, give toward the the volunteers put through l!Ome move- 1' 'LOU1\ '!It 100 11.Js ........ . $2 10 to $2 GO land, teachci; of P}11:no. Ol'li:an, Singing an.d market affords in, German furtherance of God's work in comparison iii ents, the men that \\·ere to i·ecet've W 11 , .'. Fall ,1 ,. '-i 1 Pup1ls d~a1rmg lessons can lea~"' the\r 0 70 ,, 0 75 Theory. nume and obtam term·. at Mr. Treb1lcock a with what we bestowe on other schemes. h .U , ' .,,, " 13 1· · · · · medals were called to the platform on " Spring, " ..·.. 0 70 " 0 75! Store. 23·tf and English materials, together We call a t.tention to Couch, ,Johnston which were Col. Cubitt, Col. D eacon and BARLEY, 'II' bush ......... 0 55 11 0 70 · ·- S RUSE -& Cryderman's new ad. in this issue. Adjentant Hughes, of Lindsay, Major Itn . " ...... .... 0 G3 " 0 55 · · · with Buttons, L Fringes, 'l'his Jirm }1ave always made it a rule to Hughes, Capt. Rowe, Capt. Grace, Mrs. O.t-rs, " . . . ... . . . 0 :5G " 0 37 ACHE R OF ORGAN, PIANO, aces, clear out tlieir st ock at the end of each Cubitt, l\frs.Allin, Mrs.Clirnie,and others, P};A::> Blacktiye, 'It lrns11 ... 0 80 11 0 88 VO!UJJ; and 'rHEORY. ' Terms on appli· Si"lks, seasou , and th ey are de termined that t his and had liledals at tached to their manly " ' Srn<tll, · 11 · O G5 " O 00 cation at" Uia 20." 28;ly Plushes, Velvets, Satins, season shall be no exception. They have gallant breash by the graceful fingers of 11 Blue, 0 o5 " 0 65 $ 5to $Sa day, Samples aud duty FREE already bought a large amount of goods fair ladies. Short speeches were t hen B cT1'EH, best table, l:" th. . . 0 12 " 0 14 _ Lines not under the horPe'sfeet, Write and all Trimmino-::; to m%tch. ,., [ BR1t:wsn:n's _ SAFETY R EIN Hm.nm.t 1 o iu England for t he fall and winter trade, made by Col. Cubitt, Col. Deacon and l1A1rn, <\Ii' lli .. . .... .. .. .. . 0 10 " 0 1 ,, co .. Holly, Mich. : and tu make room for them, will sell all Major .Hughes, after which t he band Eoc~ , 'lJT doz . . . . , . . ...... 0 00 " 0 12 - - - - - - \ kinds of summer goods at prices which 1 d " .., 1 :.Ol'A'l'O~;.;, " '*' h ", . " II 0 40 ,unmt·rrsmts.--Lowcst Rates for adpaye \JOl save tlie Queen, " an d tl :e, 1 v b us···· ···· 0 "" inrnoo go11d newspaperssentfre~.1 · · · \ 1·ertistng must command a r eady sale. tn eeting was over . I llA ¥ · · ··· · ········.· · . ·. » 00 a 10 0 0 .Adclresa Gl1-:o.P.RowELL & Co.,Sprnce St.. N.Y .. J -~ ~- "',,....· '"'-'., .,,.-..,_,~,/"..;'\,~ l' UTTER· CLOTHING TO ORDER MADE BY w · PEARflON ~ ;J s THE N- O. 1 C ~HOUSE) T G E Q ·M THE · A S. Q N ,t b 8 d 8C81 · Ve d , * W8 ·O"ht prices · h a V8 the · glit O O'oo d s at r1 · rl ·· b · .- . ., ,. . . ._ -W-OOL I ·>oo A A RETR ACTION. FRAZER AXLE won1,uCR EASE on Ess coons. I I I M ·-rJ RIO W I TE 'fO R 08E RT s0N & 80N D

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