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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jul 1886, p. 6

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Mr, W, K. Vanderbilt hae been blaok· balled by the Paris Jockey clnb, A few yeara ·go at I was driving along Spain will try to sell $60,000,000 worth the street I noticed a little ragged girl, all of forest1, and bnlld a navy with the money. alone, IH she 1topped on the walk to look 1\1rs· .A.llen, et Liverpool, has presented throngh.the.enolosai:e of a beauUlal reel- Q11eCln Vlqtorla with a p~n~1191 efll\tm denoe with 1t1 epa.01ana lawns and flower !Jy a.poor Irish wom~11 · beds, and I thir.nked my Heir.veoly Father M D L · · . T E :R. ~ S : ADVISE TO MOTHERS.- Are you dis- th11t while that little w111f could llOt enjoy 1 · e e11ep11 18 going to bn1ld a. mono· Has the finest assortment of Silver et.H;perannnm,or$I.001Cpatdln advance turbed at night and broken of your reBt the inelde grandeur ef the pit.latlir.I man- ment to U!on BJyor, the enll(lneer, whe died P&Jment strictly In advance required from by a sick child suffering and crying with sion, He had ordained thit.i 'he enteide at Panama a vlotlm of fever, Plated Ware in town-all new wbsor1bersoutside of the county. Orders to pain of Outting 'reeth 1 If so send at · beauty must needs have hhl free air and Oat of the twenty-elx Ra11lan peaaanta and neat patterns ; also a .dlltoontlnue the paper mu~t be accompanied by once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's rnoshlne, ·o that tho poor all well 11111 the lnooulir.ted by M. Pasteur, eight are alreaoy heamountdue,orthepaperwillnotbestopped. d d 0f h d h bl Ff did I p I full line in Ubsorlher~ a,i; 0 i;eaponl}ibl9¥~tiitullpaymentis Soothing Syrup." F qr children teething, rich might enjoy Iii. ea Y rop o a. ve e n ar · -.iadQ, · it!! v&lue ii! incakulable. It will relieve Young per11ena may leir.rn mnoh of hortl- and three aaooumbed on their retnrn home, ... A.-"ERTISIN"' 1 the poor li"ttle .suft'erer immediately. De· oulture In their eir.rller yeare before they Mary Andereon tells a Lendon newapo.per · 'BA.TES o., ., · .. i; ~ pend upon it, mothers ,' there is n o be. ve ah own eny epec1a . I fitneH or Ino1_,_ mat · ion man th a t 1h e w Ill ssay In E arepe f our yeara, 060 00 ""uole Column one year·········· ... .,36 :;:; :::; ~ fer any pref8falon, and their experience In and that ebe wfll net ir.ot for eome time, ae " " ll11.U year ...... ·"· " oo, · 1:;:;,: mistake about it. It cures Dysentery tho cultivation of plan ta will render them work recently hae proved a great 1tr11,ln on One quarter ....... " · 36 20 OU ::::: ~ d D" 11altColumn one year ............... 00 - - an iarrhcea, regu1 a t es th 8 Stomach and all the better prepared physically and men - her health. She will spend the winter In All kinds of " Half year ........... , ... 20 00 ·B owels, cures Wi~d Colic, softens the tally for other epherea of 11sefnlne1S, It IB Rome, ' ... One quarter·- -. . ·.··.· 12 50 Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives true that' one rnir.y learn qalokly how to perA copy of "the Whig Bible," which was J ewelle1·y, ~terC 0!!1n:..nllone yeo.r .. ......... ~ 9 ~~: to!le and energy to the whole ey~tem. form-!'n operation in honionlture akillfally, printed in Geneva In 1562, 111 ·nnounoed as 12 alfyear ........... ,, f u ~pectaclcs, One quarter...... .. 8 00 6 " Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup or whfle It Is a.Im oat lmpo&1lblo for another to for sale in England, '! 'he phraee which .lllxlinesandunder,flrst insertion.~ io 5~ children t eething is pleasant to the taste ever beoeme proficient, and yet its different gives the book Its appellation ocours fn Eye Glasses, &c. Each subsequent insertion...... 0 2o and is the prescription of one of the old· departments afford opportunity _tor varied Ma.tthew v., 9 . It reade : "BleSBed the -om eixtoten lines,ftrstineer.tion 0 1« oapa.oltles · k era. " T he edition ia a rare one · A full and complete line of ·& Esch est and best female physicians and nurses · peaoema subsequent insertion...... 0 3t -10 I I d 'f th ' ..-fJTflr tenlines,flrstinsertion,porli11e 0 1~ _ in the United States, and is for sale by onoehemp oyek a. young mir.n ober e 1um- It 11 not often fonnd In ir. perfeotatate. Each subsequent insertion, " 0 o. all druggists through the world. Price mer, w 0 1 thin waa Inclined to faithful The late King of Bavaria'11 favorite beverThe number or lines to be reckoned by 25 cents a bottle. Ba sure and ask for and Industrious al well aa auxioua to learn, age waa a mixture ef white wine ·and oham· Ile space occupied,.measured by a soale o " MRs. WINSLOW'S SooTHING SYRUP," ir.nd yet he never betrayed any epeolal apt· pagne, In ir. bowl with a thlok neas for the various manlptdatlona of tho ff h d vi 1 fl oUd Nonpareil. and take no other kind, bnalne!B untll;a.Iong In S iptember, when all 1ayer o roe · strong-eoente o eta on.ting on the top. The vlolota gave a delicious We have put a new LATHE in our DK. J. C. MITCHELL, at once he exhlblied an intereet In hortloul- perfumed fiir.vour to the mixture, muoh to work shop, which enables us t o do EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS ture, which oould only be mratured by eight the Kine'· ta.ate, aa Ludwig was so fond (lf a.nd Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner. etc. or ten pounds or geed ripe Conoords every scents that the air !\round him was genera.1- all kinds of work in our line and guarantee the best of satisfaction. 011loe and Residt>nce. Enniskillen. 74. day in the week ir.a Jong ir.e they ~s,ed. ly redolent of perlamo, Xble fcmcy co·t WCall and get the correct time from the finest Regulator in town~ 1 think ft Is well for a boy or a girl to hi f £10 d II DB, TA.MBL){N, have a little pa.toh of ground, ir.nd whh the m qu te a Y· HYSICIAN, SURGEON !'Pd ACCOUCHEUR. underatandiog that it aha.ll be wellfoared for, Reoent ir.rrlvala from Egypt, ·~ weary, Otllce :-Silver Street, Bowmanville. 7 ·let them grow wh11.t they ohoe1e and have and worn, and Bad," terrible ta.lee to the prooeeds to be need for a good purpoae. tell. Active empleyment for European·, )), DURIE SIMrs'o N, Thie helps them to thick a.nd plan for them- with the thermomo;er 120 degrees li1 the ARRISTE'&, SOLICITOR, &o., :MOi>lUS selvee, When children are too yovng for thlll shade, seeme almost out of the queatien. BLOCK, up st11.irs, King Street, Bo'4'man Jet them help ir.rran170 the flower bed1, make Yet the troops are desoribed as " rotting fer 'Wille. Solicitor for the Ontario Bank. bev11ueta, and they will love them all the want ef work " at the stations up the Nile, ?rlvate Monevs loaned at the lowest rates. Dr. E . C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment, mere, in a. oountry whore no lr.llna are required by a guaranteed epeoiflo for Hysteria; Dizziness, ollolln llelth Galbraith, It ia well to learn them to observe the pro- the members of the a.nolont brlcJt-mir.klng Convulsions. Fits, Nervous, :N euralgia, Head· ARR IS TE R, SOLICITOR, NOTARY ache, :Nervous Prosti"l.tion," aused by the use oeasee of development and compare the dif- orir.ft, The sun la there 1& scorching In Its As usual our new PUBLIC, &o. Offioe- Bouneall'a Bloc,k ot alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental ferenli forms ir.nd color·. power, tha.t In twenty.four houn thli brlolr.1 ltlng Street, Bowman ville. Money to lend, stock of Depression, Softening of the brain resulting in In my boyhood da.ya I ahowod a. lady are baked a1 hard aa our beat "homeinsanity and leadingtomisery decay and death Premature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss of Power teaoh,er of a country 1ohool a little flowe1·, made," At one 1tatlon on the Nile, where &OBERT A.ItMOlJJl, CANADIA:N, in either sex, Involuntary Losses and Spermat- and ahe at enoe exclaimed, u What a little there Is barely 1utliolent work for half a-dozBGISTRAR, WEST DURHAM ISSUER orrhoea caused by over-exertion of the Brain, beauty I Where did you get It T h'· a per- en men, upwa.rde of fifty speoially trained· ENGLISH, of Marriage Licensee, Barrister and Attor· aelf·abuse or over-indulgence. Each box con- feet gem, I never aaw anything like It I eoldlera are maintained In ldlene11, te 1ioken T at Law and Solicitor in Chancery.Money tains one month's treatment. $1.00 a box, or six ~COTCH & What la it?" It was a buckwheat bloeeom, and die. Those who have just returned for $5.0(), sent by mail prepaid ou receipt boxes ·ned on Real Estate. Ofilce on King eU'eet, of price, oen a.ore· of It. from and she ha.d this valley of the sba.dow of atate .AMERICAN 1 8o'Wl!lanvllle. The young aa well as older person· are that at Wady Ha.Ha there were forty·two We Guarantee Six Boxes d. T. PBilLIP8 cure any oaeo. With each order received prompted very muoh by the anticipated re· funerals In fourteen days, and In doaoendlng ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County To by us for six boxes, accompanied with $5, we wir.rd of their labors, and If euooeasful are the Nile they pa1Bed a atir.tlen where 710 of Durham, Sales promptly attended. Invalids were awir.ltlng tran1port to convey will send the purchaser our written guarantee etlmulated to further effort.. , Address-Hampton P.O. 69, to refund the mone3 it the treatment does not A father I once knew teld hie l2·year them to Cairo. effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by JNo, eld ion that if he would plir.nt ir.nd care well In Berlin, says the Pall Mall Gazette, ORN HUGBES.-Licensed Auctioneer, Stott & Jury, Druggists. Bowmanvllle, , Valuator and Arbitrator, Fire and Life for al! aore of corn he might have the uae there la an as1eolatlon of theeleglo11l atn· rnsurance, Notes and Accounts Collected. sf team, teoli, lir.nd, seed ir.nd tho preceeda, denta bearing the name "Wlngolfltes" and other Suitings is Jloney to Lend on reaaonable terms, Address That boy faUhfally performed hu part ef whloh hir.1 for year· observed on the W ednesi71l Cartwright, Ont. the largest, most; the oentraot and new la tbe aenlor partner day before A1oen11lon Day the onriou1 cua· and chief m11n11.ger ef extenBive nur1erle1 In tem of divining for the Emperor'· destiny, complete and most; GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO Weatorn New York. Tho way of doing this la unique, The memeverY man who buys his License from fashionable to be ' ESTABLIS)lED IN 1847. llENRY SYLVESTER. Enniakillen. Some yeara al(o a. wfld boy in Mlohigan, ber11 of the a11oolatfon proceed from Berlin found inWestDurham who had been furnlahed with too liberal a. te the vlllage of Plohel1werder en the Havel .... ONEY ! MONEY !-The subscriber It has po sh~eholders to pay dividend· to, anpply of paoket money, wanted his father and here they oelebrato tho annlvereary d receives money on deposit tor theOntario Managed by and solely In the interests ot to buy him a new buggy. Hi1 father re- the guild at the Wllhelmfhohe Restaurant. Loan and Savings Compe.ny, and pays interOJt the Policy holders. plied, "If you want a bnggy, take the old They lmmedlir.tely climb np an or.k tree in alithe rate ot 4 and 6 per cent. No notice' o! te11.m and pat In a piece ol wheat, and buy the oentre'.ef the garden and aeat flhemselvea withdrawn! reqtiired1 Also loans money on Its Rates are Low. ·mortgages at lowest rates. No commission yen one." . on the branohe1, Beer 11 handed up frem oharged. W. F. ALLEN, Bowmanvtlle. 8-ly, Xhe wide·awake boy went at It, 1owed the ground and after the third glaaa ha1 Policies non torfeltablc a·d nneondltlonal. ferty aore1, harve1tedl,OOO buahela, 1rold It been drained the preddent dellve'r e the We have the goods. To inspect is to order. Our prices are right. (Jasb Bonus Paid every three year1, 80 Do? Gentlemen oCFasl1 for a good prloe, bought a buggy, put the anniversary 1peeoh, after whloh ir. oheer 11 Our styles command admiration. Our originality is inexhaustible. rest of the money In a bank, and from that giYen fer the Emperor, Then at the word !llO tast. Our enterprise, energy and pluck have no bounds. time began to work for a home of hill own, of command all glu1ea are hurled te the Joint Life Policies. Though a double rish but one premium is P!!>ld and te-day he la the proprietor of a good greund and )he notion ia that tbe Emperor lfiJ"C:all at tl1e centre or Style, Beauty and Uhea1lness. a"i'ewrif.tesi.the1e fewllneB farm, ir.nd a useful Chrlatian mir.n. wllrllve aa many year· a.1 there are broken And all I have to say_ tor two people. Amount ot policy drawn It II a mla;ake te 'think thafl "any tool glatae11, Thia year twelve glae11e1 were - . 1 fh·tyouoanflndmest111ai home, on first death. 11 good enengh for a boy beoau1e he won't brolr.on, ae that the Emperer 1hollld yet be Iir.m not gone away. IJoallmykindoldtrlendsmay come, a centenarian. , do much any wir.y." And all theyoungonee, too, Special I~ducements to Totai .Abatainer,, If anything wlll make a boy 1lgh fer a And get their garments nicely made olerk1hlp It i1 an old-fashioned eweep1take1 1 tf lnfashionsthat are new; The T .:u Jor. of a1cythe, The Uee of Homin~ Piiteons. ftere old and young,dearfrlends,may meet ASSETS OTER $~,000,000.t . If anything will make a boy br.te farming A welcome irreetlnll. bv R. PEATB: INCOJllE OWER $1,eoo,000 nee of pigeons by Mr. C. T. Arnou· ----It la drairglng In a hot day with a 1lew ox a1 The, In the yacht raoea of $100,000.00 deposited with the CanadianGovern· team and a crotoll drag. laat September, provee cenclusively the A feeling of praprleter1hlp Is worth 1ome· ment for benefit o! Canadian policy holders. value the birds might have a11 me11engers thine to anyone, 11ld or young, from off the water, The purpose waa the If "Mary ha1 a. little lamb," and feeds IN'1ESTED IN CANADA., $600,0M.OO, thought of the !rust moment, and when al. It, lot; It be Mary's sheep. . teo late to make the neoe11ary prepara· If Sarah hir.s a little calf a.nd or.res for It, moat HEAD OFFICE IN CAJU.DA:- MONTREAL tlona. The arrangemonta were hasty, and let It .be Sarah'· cow. the material homed at several centres, some For pir.rticulara refer to If ,W illie bu a colt and oare1 fer it, let of them mlle11 away from the centre of uae. It become Willie'· horse, It don't 1onnd just right to say that Still, with all drawbacks, insuffiolenolea Are now showing larO"e purchases of Spring Goods which we believe and mlatakes, It was evident to the moat · o . . . . , GENERAL AGENT, "bah'· steers grown to be father's oxWITH · TKETB, WITHOUT TEETll. PORT HOPE en." I am oenfident that whatever we prejudloed that with birds trained for the will command your favorable cons1derat1on. An mspecbon of the work, and with the atmospheric conditions same is respectfully looked for. We will take great pleasure in showor to agents thro~gh~ut the oounty. t8-6s 'G would de for the young, future well· belne at all fa.verir.ble, the birds would alx tlme1 · · d a.nd love of home, muat begin with good ex- out ef seven prove to be ef the qreir.teat -1ng our goo s.ample~, purity of though' and speech, In· PRA.CTI4JA.L DENTIST, ; and falling the seventh, we would · · · dnstrloua hablta ir.nd strict Integrity of ohir.r· value beonlywherewe are without them. The We l1ave JUst received a 111ce range of Lace Curtain OVER TWENTY YEARB EXPERIENCIE. aoter. mea1ag~a were ea.oh net less thir.n ten pages vai"yID.,. in price C1·om 60t'.· 1o $6 a pair. ·atrousOxideGas A.dmlntstered tor Palnles ._ of manifold note, and were carried upon the e Pumps Cheaper a.nd Better Operations. middle feathers of the tall, te which they A. :Creslt ,eninooC Table Linens t ro1n 2Gc. per yd. up OFFICE MtJt:~lJXG'8 BLOCK, 01 To Prevent Lamp Accidents. than ever. were fastened by fino · copper wire, w.lUnd e _ also Table· .Na}llnn. s Ct·om 7Gc. to $2.GO per doz. Both In cenetrncting a .iamp and In the around and preseed to hold the message The Subscriber having built a large ne'1 care of it, the following rulee are worth olo1e to the feather. The editor of a newsknowing, 'for choosing, In the first place, paper served by the~ pigeons ea.Id : · It W t 1 t st Ill · Colo Pump Factory in Orono, le prepared glvea me a peculiar eensation to receive e WOUld l'k 1 e you 0 See OUr a e . r ed Casbmeres, a.nd for keeping It In good order : -to furnishI. That portion of the wick which la In oopy from the band of one I know to be out new shades, which are one and a quarter yds. wide, at 25c. per yard ; the oil reservoir should be enoloaed In a tube of reach upon the water, and te feel thlit he also figured goods at 12~ cents. These are rapid selling goods and of thin sheet metal, opCln at the bottom, or may talk to me but I oir.n't answer bir.ok. It '11 b 1 d t Wl soon e C eane OU · ,, , in a cylinder of fine white gauze, such as ia IB a wonder to me after thia oxperlenoe that With or without Porcelain Cylinder, of used In miner's safety la.mps (twenty-eight the officers of any veaael, excnrsfen steamer, · yir.cht, aall or tug· boat should be willing to Our stock of Embroideries is also very complete and will be fonnd the Beet Material, on the shortest notice meshes to one Inch). 2. Xhe ell reservoir ahenld be of meta.I leave the shore without thia of oomto be of interest. and at the lowest prices. than of,ohlna or gla11, mnnloatlne with It.' HARNDEN, L. D.S., Oistern Tubs and Pumps supplied. rather 3, The ell reservoir ahould have no feedVery many ef the merchant marine, espe· Graduate oftheRoyal College If IDental ing plaoe nor opening other than the open· olally In Europeir.n waters, have pigeons on Surgeonl!i; Ontario. Ing inta wh ich the upper part of the 111JJ1p boir.rd fer nae In communicating with the WELLS CLEANED &RERAIRED. ls aorewed. OFFICE OVER DIClP:lON'S STORE. veeeel from the small boats away from It or As usual we are showing a large choice in Cloths-English, Scotch 4. Every lamp 11honld a proper ex· from ahuo, These birda, It la aald, never and Canadian-and furnish clothing to order by the best lOLD FILLING .A. SP.ECIALTY. tingulshlng appa.ratus. , mistake a.nether veaeel for their ewn when tailors in town. ate Work executed in the latest and most 5. Every lamp should a broad and 11.t dock er In the barber. It bit.I been re· Improved style ot the Dental Art. heavy buo. marked of aeveral flight· that the birds In BETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN\ 6. Wloka aheuld be soft and not tightly exercising, when far out of al&ht of la.nd TO GIVE SATISFAOTION. 1 plaited, iho use of Nitrous Oxide Gas, wlthoutlnjnry will go ir.wa.y fer houre at a time, 11.nd upon 7. Wloks should be dipped In vinegar and their return will have dried mud on their to the patient. Partlcularattentlon paid to the regulation o t Orderslby Mail promp_ t ly attended to. dried ir.t the fire before being put Into lamps. feet and legs, 11hewing them to been 8, Wloka should be only just long enough upon 11bore. CHILDREN ' S TEETH. Easily Ma..naged, Light Running, Durable. to reaoh the bottem of the oil reservoir, Mr·. A. P. Bir.ldwin experimented with .-ALL WORK WAflRANTED.-. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, PICKETS, 9. Wicka aheuld be eo wide that they pigeons Threshes Clean and Fast. Separation Unexcelled. for sea aervioe twice in 1885, and to quite fill the wlck·holder without having to hi11 eatlllfaotlon, One bird liberated by MOULDINGS, &c.,kept on halld . be squeezed Into lt, Wicke 1henld be settk- Officer Croem of the Wir.esland at one PERFECTLY BEARDS BARLEY. Removes all White Caps from Wheat. ed with oil before being Ut, The reeervolr e'olook In the afternoon, when three bun· should be quite filled with ell every ,t ime dred and fifteen mlles from Sandy Hook, CLEANS GRAIN FIT FOR MARKET. before using the, was In the loft at evening. Another let go 10. The lamp ahonld be kept thoroughly from the <Jlrcaaelir. ir.t nine in tho morning, BECAUSE clean, all oil should be carefully wiped off, when two hundred and fifty-five miles out, VETERINARY SURGEON, It has a SMIJTTER and SECOND FANNING MILL attachorl. a.nd all charred wick and dirt rubbed off brought a message before evening, " with a twisted lamp-lighter or other stiff piece of paper before lighting. ll, When t he Is lit t he wlok should He Cured the Horse. Honorary Graduate of Ontario Veterinal'y be first turned down and then slowly rir.ised, College, will attend to all diseases A Connecticut farmer drove a horse at12. Lamps which have no extlnguiahing of domestie animals. 11pparatu11 1.1hould be pnt out as follows : tached to a r ack-wagon to the wood lot for The wick should be t urned down until there a. Bmall load of weed. 1'he ii.nimal would Is only a small flickering flame, and a sharp not pull a pound, He did not beat him, puff ef should then be sent aoroH but tied him to a t ree and let him etand. He wont to the lot at sun11et and ir.sked him the top of the chimney, but not down-It, 'Unlooks nll the e1oggou av~ttes of tho· A SPEC I ALTY. t o draw1 but be would not straighten a tug. Bowels, '.Kidlleya and Liver, carry"I made up my mind," nld the farmer, ing off grad~ly without weakening the Calls an d Orders by mail or telegraph system, all the i,mpurities and foul "when that herso went to the ba1rn he The :Boot wa,s on the Other Leg. would that load of wood, I wenfl to will r eceive prompt attention. humors of the secretions; at the same "Is your rector going ir.wir.y this summer, the barn, got hlankete, and covered the CllARGES M ODERATE. time Correcting Acidity of the horse warm, and he stood untll morning. Mrs. Pew?" OF FICE HOURS, 8 TO 10 A. M. Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dys;, "Yea, Indeed. The veetry has voted him Then he refused te draw, At noen I wont pepsia, · Headache!t, Dizziness, A first-clase stock of Medicines always three months' leave," down, and he wan hungry and lonesome. Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness on hand. THE MORRIS DOUBLE Dl?.ES9'.1!1B. "They reir.llze, then, tha.t he needs a rest." He drew that loa.d of wood the first time I of the Skin, Dropsy, Dimness of N. B.- Will visit Williamsburg every Vision, Jaundice, Salt Rheum, " Ne; on the ether hand, they realize asked him. I returned and got ir.nother load Great Improvements in x~86 Machines. ~ Write post card for.Illustrated Pamphlet, Saturday of each week. 16-ly befor e I fed him, I have drawn several that the oengregatfon needs a rest." Erysipelas, Scrofula.. Flutteri-Dg of loodsslnco. Onoe he refused to draw, Lat 'th~ Heart, N e:r:vousness, and Gen· rt. In order to introduce our aa soon a.a ho oaw me start fer the house he U · catalogue of all kinds of eral Debility; all these a.nd ma.nj Hobart Pashir. died in the arms of hie ata.rted after me with the load," · Book~, and agents' ,goods, we will send 100 other similar Compls.ints· yield to the young E nglish lady onlytwenty-eevwife, a favorite comic and sentimental songs and bal- happy i nfluence of Also supply Threshing Engines at Maker's Prices and Terms. BURDOCK en yea.rsr old, One 11f his dying requests lads, a vast collection, for only ! Oc or !l 3c. BLOOD :BITTERS. was that he might be Interred In Turkish Some girls said to be ao modest tha.t stamps aod this slip. A. W. ,KINNEY, Yar· mouth, N. S. soil. they will not work on improper fractions, .t. _JPLB'VBX A CO,, :A'io.Prleton. Toronto; .A CARD.-To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous. weakness, early decay, losa of i£VERY FRIDAY MORl'VING, manhood, &c., I will send a recipe that -BYwill cure you FREE OF. CHARGJ!. Thia great remedy was discovered by a mission· 1 AT ~HE OFEIOE ' ary in South America. Send a self· addressed envelope to the REV. JosEPB -r ..wm.ceBlock,KlngSt.,Bowmanvllle,ent T. INMAN Station D N ew York Cit'!/. 46y THE CANADIAN STATESMAN IS PUBLISHED THE FARM. Horticulture for the Young. FOREIGN EOHOES. LOOK HERE! the Jeweller, · M A JAMES MAYNARD Gold and Silver WATCHES. American Clocks. M P ..___ HEAL TH IS WEALTH. MAYNARD· The Jeweller. B B ' · R L TWEEDS, WORSTEDS J BRITISH EMPIRE A M MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO., ---- -- We Never Get Leff, i·n, qot .. -·- - Gent's Furnishings a specialty.-a JOSEPH JEFFERY; DENTISTRY :E<. E A D --Y ~ASONBROS_ '- E,L.LIVINGSTONE, J, JI. BR J MAC 0 M BE, Orono Pump Factory. - ..... PUMPS OF EVERY DESCRIPTIOR c. Knitted Shawls in all colors from 85 cents up. ALL WORK CUARANTEED lileMORRIS DOUBLE DRESSER F. A. JONES, R. FERG USOI. THE KEY TO HEALTH, ENNISKILLEN, Operations & D entistry .......... So N S MORRIS & WATTS, BRANTFORD, ONT. William Pooley, ·Agent! B ox 50, BowmanvHle

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