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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jul 1886, p. 7

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· ~auatlhtn Jtattstuan. CHE HOU 8 EHOLD. System aud Savini?· A lad3 writes about system and saving, When a woman gets married ahe knowa she haa a houae to keep and hae no buslne11 te get married unleHB she expects to keep house; "'nd having accepted the position ef house· keeper, If n<>t fit for It, she should preooed at once and cheerfully to fit herself, You weuld despise yourself, lf tosued Into a. grea.t sea., you no struggle for a beat, a buoy, or tile share. Se, when you find yourself almost overwhelmed with worries and care, and the eteak ie burning, the fallen (lUt of bod, and yeur husband sudden· ly wants a button sewn on-hold the with one arm, lift the stea.k with the other, iwd ·ell John to bring yeu a needle a.nd tbread. Say no mere. There are times when silence ls not only golden but dfa· monds, a.nd thlo ls one of them, Theughts 1u·e ghosts when unspoken, and troop ha.rm· lessly a.bout, but once apoken t hey are living, sentient: beings ; therefore do not speak of .a ~rouble er a.nnoyanoe, unleee epea.king of it cim remedy It. Very likely ellence will in twenty-four hours lay the gheat, but once 11ive It a voice and It m"'Y live forever. N"x~ to silenoe le order, If th11t is Heav· en's first la.w it le twofold, the boueek. e eper a.nd cook's, "A pla.oe fer overythfog a.nd everything In lte plaoo" might well be fram· ed and substituted for "Home Sweet Home," (Iver our doors. To misplace a kitohen fork or spoon may burn to a. cinder the most ca.rofully prepa.r· ed dish, 'l'he convenient holder lo·i t from its nail may burn the cake or ruin the pie, ar:d incense the cook. A cook table, full of dr11wer1, where flour, spices, ro111ngplns, a.nd cake-cutters are kept, with bako-pa.ns hanging over it, will you miles of t1a.v· el and hours of time, A ema.ll shelf n ear the 11tove, kept fer an extra. pepper and ealt di·h, haa:eaved me fifty miles' travel, I think In ten years, Ollly for one day count hew m11ony tlmee you go from cook ta.ble to stove, llOa.&onlng various dishes, and you wlll 11ee what thls mea.ns. Before puttlnga. stroke in your kitchen eta.nd by the stove or range aa the obj eotive point, dnw a straight llne from that to every object whioh i1 oft;en need there, and pl11.ce It aa nea.r as possible. Keep kettles and gridirons so nea.r that you need but to turn to rea.oh them, and always, If pe11lble, wa1h them as icon as used, beoa.use they wash ea.eler and It saves time, In finding places for .kitchen utensils study every time to pl11ooe them where It will the fewest etepa to reaoh them, The w11olk, walk,, step, atep, etep, all day of Mme beu9e~eeper s remind us of the tread-mill work of a hone en a wheel, 'l'he poor, d~j acted an.ime.l locks always down, and counts the eeme rounds hopelesr.sly interminably. , There i1 no use of It, If brains do net save In housekeeping, then bra.Ina should go to the wall and machine work come in. If a. a11one woma.n will go twice er thrice a. day dawn oellar and bring np five er ten pota.tees at,. time, ln1tea.d of a peck, and wash them a.t once, then my talk le not for her" for I oa.nnot almplify housekeeping. A j~pa.nned server la the keystone of tbll kitchen aroh, and a dumb w11olter between the oellar a.nd the pantry or kltehon la one of the supporting pillars ; a ventlla.tor over the ateve ii another. Im the sitting room the greatest aid to almp!Uy housekeeping le a. work-b.ble with foldlng-lea.vea Qnd the aides full of small dra.wers, so that when the housekeeper sits down te sew 1he can put her hand at once, anci without arising, en oreohet and knhting needles, ta.pea and da.rnlng ootwn, and every pe11lble need. I reiterate. Put all the articles of every day use at the point where they ce.n be reaohed with fewest step·. Onoe a year weed out the feolleh knloknackl of bead1 a.nd oa.rdboard, and the like, which ieem to aooumulate like frogs of Egypt, over night, and drop from our ceilings, cumber our walla, lead eur shelves, and require hours of dusting. They are a delusion a.nd r., and a ca.rioature oil. true art at best, "GOOD :NIGHT MY SON." Convict Clark's Interestln&: · with a Trusttua: raison. Fer obvious reasen1 the keepers ef ja.lh and prisons make it a point to snpprtlBB a.II putioulars of escapes so far a.s llf,a In their pewer, and as eacaping prisoners seldom boast of their deeds, the publlo remlin In Ignorance of much that Is det'ply lntereet· Ing regarding oonvicts and those employed to guard them, The eseap e of Obarlee Olark, alla.s Cha.rles Stetson, alias Red Charley, and alias aever· al other tltlea, from the Olilo State prlaon some years ago, waa a fair sample of the genius a.nd de~peratlen of a profe1elenal crook who had been " settled " for seven or eight years for robbery. Frum the mo· mant Olark entered the prison he bcga.n mt1.klng ment11.l notes for fut ure uae. l'he number of doors, the looa.tlen of tbe gu~rds, the tlefenoes ef varl<us windows, the la.y of Che sewer11, t be thickness of tile wallsevery paint wae neted a.nd sterad up In hie memery. He wa.e assigned ta a cell on the ground tier. In thr&e days he bad estlma.t· ad the distance to the outside wall to a. fra.c· tlon of an inch.. Hie Idea was to remove one of the fl11gatone1 from the fleer of hh ceu ·and tunnel out, and within llxty houre after belnii reoeived in the plison he wa.a a.t worlr. Witb an old chisel whloh he ma.naged to secrete a.nd bring in frem the shop, he eora.ped out the ooment from i>round the atone. YOUNG FOLKS. FRID'!iY-i_ JULY 30, 1886. FARM FOR SALE.-30 acres or land having thereon good frame SMALL house. barns, stables and other necessary out· buildings. young orchard of i acres, well w11.t· ered and fenced. Situated j uat outside the ccr ' ·,rationofBowmanville. Will be sold very chµi.:p- for. cash. Apply to M. A.. JAMES, Sl'ATES.V!AN Ofiice, Bowmanvllle. 9·tf. RICK HOUSE AND LOT FOR B SALE IN BOWMANVIL;LE.-A very comfortable brick house, nearly new, contain· ing 8 rooms, besides pantries, closets and summer kiwhen, excellent cellar. Hard and soft water: very good fruit garden o! t acre. Situ at· ed in the most aristrocratic part of the town. Will be sold on very reasonable terms. .Apply to ::.YL A. JAMES, S·rATESMAN Office, 9·tf. N. S. Newly improved Verses &; Motto al Chromo Oards, with name and a water pen for lOc. 5 packs, 5 pena, for 50c, Agents sample pack, outfit, and illus· trated catalogue of Novelties. for a 3c. stamp and this slip. A, W.L KINNEY, Yarmootb, 9·6m 50 GRAIN ' · Jno. McMurtry & Co. Are prepared to pay the highest prioos for all kinds of Grain delivered at the Wharf or their Store House in town. STANDARD BANK ~ OF CANADA. CJapltal pnt1l u p, 1111,000,000. Rest, $:i60,00 .J This Bank ls -p;.;par ed to do Legitimate Banking in all its branches. Farmers notes discounted ; Deposlte received and Interest paid on amounts of 85 upwards in Savings Bank Department; DRAFTS Issued and Collect ions in Europe United States and Canada.. W.J. JONES, Agen MISS M. cTAVISH Ha.srecelved her new stock of GOODS., a.nd invites the Ladies of Bowm.a.nville and vicinity to call and see her Pattern BONNETS, HATS and assortment ot · TRIMMINGS Butcher Stan STORE:-SecondDeorWed of Wlllla111.1 VETERI..l'iARY SURGEON. A Ohat About Oatmeal. No one oa.n live long In a Sootoh com· mnnity without notloing the healthfnl leek of the children, whose food oon1lst1 largely of oa.tmea.l, with tho·e fed on fine grains, or even groats, whloh are the, only without tho husks, Thie ohafl or husk however. whioh la left In the mer.I, conta.lna eeme points tha.t aot 11s a. 1tlmulant on the coats of the bowele to keep them a.otlve with out medicine and render thla foed of great benefit to the dyapeptio, There 1a no method ef oeellhg oatmsa.l equal te the maklug of porridge, and when properly prepared it la geuerally a. fa.vurlte dish for breakfast. "What ma.koa your oatmea.l porridge so good?" le a freq nent question In our house from strangers, a.nd they think the meal must bed superior quallty. But to It properly the water muet be boiling, neceo· sa.ry s~lt added, and the ea.tmea.l then stirred in slowly alftln2 It through the fingers. The proceaa net to be hurried If lumps would be avoided, When It begins te boil llP well stop stir.Ing and close the P"t tlghtlv. Set. ilt t\Je of the etove while you cook the rest of the brea.kfaot, Lift the porrldg e without any more atlrrblg, u.s it le this that the grain e.nd m11.kee It waxy, The Scotch de not atlr with a epean, but with a smooth. flattened stick called · a "spurtle," that any one oa.11 make a.ooord· Ing to their own Idea., Thleg(vtis mBre evenneee to the mixing, an.I lf cooked In this way the porridge will be sweet, wholegrain· ed, a.nd wholesome. Graduate of the Ontario Veteri!lary Copege, Registered member of the Ontario Vetermary Medical Association. aOflice and Residence. N ewtonville, Ont. Will visit Orono every ·ruesday andJSaturdi>Y Offloe hours from 10 a. m., to 4 p. m., . at Coulters' Hotel. Calls by 'relegraph receive immediate attention. CHARGES MODER.A.'.l'E. '.l'HIS OUTandreturn to us with lOc. or !l 3c. stamps, and you'll get by return mail a Golden Box of Goods that will brini;r rou in II1ore money in one month than anything elee In Amedca. Either sex make money fast. CITY :NOVELTY CO., Yarmouth, N.S. UT C MILK CANS, ALL SIZES. Relie;ious Intolerance in :Russia. Dairy Pails, MILK PANS TIN'"-VV-..A_RE_ No Cheap-John, shoddy stuff, but goods that will wear and give satjsfaction. _..can and L. GEO. QUICK, The deplorable Intolerance In religions matters which dintlnguiahee Russlau rule' has juat obtained fresh victims-one named Takhe.noff, an lnferier fnnotlcnary of the telegraph~ J t he G t}ler.- Veksdlne, a conntry· man, These were a few days a.go nummoned before tile conrt of .N ovgorod for an offence -ALSOage.inst orthodoxy, a.n offance detailed In tbe 18911 para.graph of the Penal law. Tile twe men eba.rged with the offence were sentenced to 11.ard .le.bor. A great orowd a.ttended the ~al, consle~lng for the most p11.rt of sympa.tlilzers with the defend· and all lines of anti. Only one of all the Russian and rovlews h11oe had the cour11ogo to make any remarks about this sentence. That organ, a review, oalled the Vie~trik Tevropt (the European \.Ieaeenger), ii·ka wh11ot· the adheren~s of T!khan<iff and Vekedfoe, who attended the trlllol, oa,n think of the case ? It oa.n sc11oroely b e supposed, t he writer s11oys, that ·this sentence wlll, In their eyes, be judged a. suffioient proof that Tikhe.noll and V are wrong and the Orthodox Ohurch ' right. It ls much n:ore probable tba.t the condemned men wlll be oonsldered martyr11 to trntn, aud that the number of seoret a.dherents will All examine.~ their tha.t the 0 .rthodcx Ohuroh can ga.ln by its severity ie to Increase the number of rellgl· eus hypocrites,. ·~~---~~~----....~- .. Ah," ea.Id Jekokue, t11oklng bis friend'~ baby, " he has got his mother eyes- and Tinware aud Stove Emporium, my ha.Ir," he a.dded, as the Infant prodigy BOWMANVILLE, -tt. gra.bbed him by the foretop, The Bee Republic, Dld yot· ever epend a. da.y at a., bee-hivll ! fn a. lare() a.plary which I visited not kn2 ·go I · '[!lsoovered Ita.lia.n, Syrian an<i 8.oly La··il bees living In harmony with ~heir'dla:i brother& e.nd elsters, Tb.. rta.lla.ns are a docile ra.oe, bnt not a.s bus) H the H-0ly Lmd bees, though tho latte1 b.avea bad name fer dooility, being eaail;ilrrita.ted. The Syrians wea.r Barnalati whle· kers down their sides. They a1e fodefo,. tfga.ble workers. The bee-hive la a ema.11 two·etery heuae. The first floor le the brood cba.mbere, and thle the bee· fill firet with eteree fer the winter. It le abo the royal reRidenoe o! the queen. The upper story le for the surplae honey, a.nd the beee fill this for the market, Heney le tile nectar of the flowilra The beee do not . make It. The;y almply gather It and pla.oe it In the store·houae. The bee·hlve la a republlo In one aeme, but rattier a oonatltut1enal monarchy like England. Although there la an impetia.l qneen to whom 'lrea.t re1pect la ehown, she aoes not a.ppear to possess muoh governing authority, and resigns the throne ae soon a.· her fnnotlon1 Unooverillg a hive I wa.tohed the bee.. · a.t their Ja.bor. The t oney·oomb of eella wa.11 oovered with the workers, One weul4 titop ali .. c:e11 a D·O· ment and then go along, then ~notber would Bowmanville, August 28, 1885. 35. !!Ive a bite or two, and all seemed rather careless of reg'!lla.r work; but 1tlll there :~~============~~-~==============~==!!" ONB OF THE CORRIDOR SENTINELS must be a regula.r plan of la.bor and a direct paaeed his deor every ha.If heu~ during the log foroe, Sentinels are oonetantly on duty night, a.nd It waa two weeks before Ola.rk but noassigned partlcula.r appear· to have been the bee ta .. k, The · · had the stone rea.dy to lift eut, He feund a a.tthedoor, foot of oonerete under the stone, and he 1 went through that and hid the dirt In hb KING STREET EAS'l', BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO. and the nursing bees that gua.rd the calla bed. He calcula.ted tha.t the sewer for tha.t wing 1an within four feet of his cell, a.nd ho where the young ones are hatching, The W · h'ing 30 of t h e bes t C11ornages · · ever e are now fi n1s an d B uggies wae right. He w11onted to make uae of it queen alone to have a. reguh.r task. simply to carry oft the dirt. from bis tun· She moves about the cemb depositing egg1 in this establishment, with best grade of Wheels, Steel Axles and best Steel Springs, t rimmed with the best stock and well painted. We are getting out nel, Far ma.ny weeks he dog aw11oy a.t nirlit In the cells. She thus plaoes a.bout two er uneuapeeted by the sentinels, but a.a he ba.d three thousa.nd eggs a day. A colony of 1 0 to carry the dirt out in hie pockets e11ooh morning he m11ode but elow progress. It wa· nine weeks before he struck the sewer, age life being only hom forty to sixty day1 Every Board warranted to be of the best Steel and well tempered, which wa.s ef brick. When he ha.d made there must be a oonatai.t addition to keep a.n epenlng, the sewer gas peured ont in np the popula.tien. A q aeen relgna from We are also getting ready a stock of MOWERS, improved and secona auoh q ua.ntltlea as to almoet enfhoate him. one ta three years. The egg1 seem all to none in the market. They will be ready iu good season and warrantod to do good Indeed, It poured through the tunnel a.nd a.lllre a.nd 11ore made to produce workers, or work. We are also making a number of HAY TEDDERS, which will also be ready filled the corridor until the prison dronea, or q aeen1, as the colony nomlnate1. in good 11eason. They have been tried by some of our best farmers, to whom we were ala.rmed a.nd bega.n to sea.rch for the The werktir1 . Imperfect females, the refer intending purchasers. We are also oauee, Clark had to go down and etep up drenea are the ma.lea, while the queen· are the hole, i.nd he wa.a made lll fer a week, theperfectedfem11ole1 and ea.oh has a oell At tho end of tha.t time be tried It, ef her own. When a queen 11 wanted the but the gas was woree than before, and he bees seleot a cell on be1ih sides of It, and which has gained a good reputation in this locality. found himself obliged to give up the under· build a balloon·shaped oell about an lnoh taking. He eould run the tun· long. This 11 carefnlly guarded and the Plow Points of every description by the ton, and made from steel, wrought iron, &¢ nel, but there was no e$her wir.v to dlapollO la.rva Is fed the rloh~·t food, usually the We are also getting ready a st ock of WAGONS. Mill and Engine Work a. specialty ef the dirt. He replaced the fla.getone, oem· pollen cf flawers miud wltb honey and ~11 of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms. ented it with dough, and hie efforts were un· wa.ter, Some of the celle are used a.e ma.· BOWMANVlLLE AGRICULTURAL & OARRIAGE Co. gnz\nes In which to' atore the queen's food, anepected, (.)lark h11.d been In priaon about fivementh1 The f~od of the young q1:een ls oa.lled royal 14-3m. Cash: paid for any quantity of Cast Scrap Iron. when he concocted a.nether pla.n, From jelly. The qeeen cells are never disturbed aome local convicts he got the name of a. by tihe old queen durlug the swarming 1ea· ~-==================~===~ ~=======~ minister et the Goepel In the county who ion; tha.t la, during the time when the bees aomewhat reaembled him In general appear· llave concluded that the swr.rm lB getting anoe, He a.lee aeoerta.lned th11ot the man teo 111orge, a.nd lt Is time to divide the family, wae very timid and kind hearted. ' Pretty Aa the new queen ls about to be born, the 1000 Olark W'as seized with an "lndlsposl· eld queen gonerally organize· a. new colony, tion," r;.nd, while net sfok enough to be and aoouts ha.ving been aent out by her to -DEALER I N sent to the heapltal; be was excused from find a. good localilon, ahe depa.rts with her work in the sbop and permitted to remain follow era and guides to the new country. In ln his cell, The prl1en ohaplaln found him the high oouncila of beedem, lf it le c:onolnd· a.n eager llStener to his exberte.tione, a.nd ed that the colony oan again be divided, mr.tters were soon so shaped that he waa the drat new queen ta.kes elf a.nether ool· led to believe that Olark ha.d something on any, If not tnen her fimt a.ot la to atlng his mind. When preaeed to admit that the oell1 ef the other q ueen11 and put them to death. If twe quoenH are hatched at the auoh wae the clloBe, time a ring la formed and they 6ght THE PRISONER HESITATED to the death of one of them and the ether juat-Jong enough-to-put-the ch·plain'a our· relijns. The marrlag~ oeremony ef a new ioelty en edge, Yea, he had aemethlDg on queen la performed in mid·, a.nd a.f$er hl1 mind. It wu something the Rev. the wedding the drone huab11.nd goOll eff and Tobias Green onght to knew. If he would dle1 1 and the qneen llvea a happy widow call at the prieon eome day he ahonld hea.r a the reet of her life. The new queen i1 full ef buslne11, She confession whfoh would clea.r up a great wanta everything In perfect order about the myatery and eet ·hinge right, hive. She will net keep the drones over For throe er four days C!a.rk beat about the bu1h, playing the fer .UI he w.e winter, but oommand1 the workers to oarry worth, and the reenlt wa.1 tha.t the R ev. them out to die. The young beea tha.t are Tobias Green vi1lted the pdaen with his hatched imperfect are Immediately dragged mind up te listen to 1ome strange and out and put to death. If a foreign sob· wonderful onnfeaelon, It wa.s not Clark'a ebnce la too bulky to be removed IC 11 lm· 1,lay for confeaslon, He ree.llzed that he medlaGely oemented ever, Frtquently a eoeut oome11 around the oolwa.a a bad-b a.-d man, and waa quite will· ing to about hie. soul and his future, eny from a neighboring hive. He endea.bnt he would tell hla atory l Ome other day von to discover the 1trength. of the oolony, - the da.y after to-marrow, An appolqt· Wa.t~blag hi· chanoe he will pa11 the 1en· ment wa.a made fer that day' with the R9v. tries undl1oovered, and when he oomea Tobia.a Green, a.nd he departed feeling tba.t again he will have an army a.t hl1 b1.ok. The he had grea.tly softened the heart of a dea- enly real1tanoe 11 made a· the aentry g11'811, perate man. Ola.rk'a " indiepasltlon" in· and very often fieroe ba.ttlea ooour, ma.n7 of creaeed somewhat, juet enough to keep him the fighters being killed and injured. If the· in his cell and te prevent him from being attacking party win· tile ba.ttle tb.e oonqner· toe olosel;y watched. The cha.plain came In ed colony helps to ea.rry its ow~ honey home and pra.yed with him, the doctor sent him to the vlotora. They believe tha.t to the a doses of quinine, a.nd whenever any viotor1 belong the 1poil1, One of the moat Important facts about the one hoked Into his cell the m11.n was lying ALL.! bee la tha ~ lt cannot sting but once, and en his b ed, At 4 o'olook on the afternoon of the day dies aesn after, deslgna.ted the Rev. Tobia.a Green put In an appeara.noe. It we.a midwinter, and the Legendary Weapons day was so oold tha.t the preac 'er we.a well Ourlous and lntereat1ng of tho bundled up, bavlnir on a. heavy overooat and a. fur oap and mufR~r. The day wa.e so da.rk actual construction of legendary wee.pen& that some of the halls were lighted, One are found In some of the V eda.e a.ud the comPurify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the of the hall ma.etero conducted the preacher meutir.ries on the ancient writings, The to Olark'e cell and left him, and the good bows varied In length from the length ef a. I~IVER, STOllIA.t::R, .KIDNEYS A.ND BOWELS. man toak the oonvlot by the ha.nd and a.nx· man's arm to 4 oubite or 6 feet, of whiob the ioualy inquired after the etate of his health, la.tter dimension waa considered the beet. They invigorate and· restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and N ct mere than two minutes had elapsed They were made of meta.I, horn, or wood ; are invaluable in all Oomplatnts incidental to Females of all Ages. For before the preacher was lying en his back but the beat bows were constructed from the Ohildren and the aged they are priceless, bamboo out 11t the end of Autumn. The aron the bed, rows a.lee vii.ried In length from 3 feet to 5 OINTMENT ~ Wl'.J:H A GAG IN HIS MOUTH or 6. They were tipped with steel pointa and his thoughts terribly mixed up from a varisuely Bhaped, Dll6dle er lance pointed, Is an infallible remedy for Ba.d Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores ra.p on the head. When he had got ma.t· semloirouh~r, dentlfo1m, double-edged or and U lcers. It is famous for Gout and Rheumatism, For disorders of the tew stra.lghtened out he was etrlRped to his j~gged like a aa.w, a.nd the~e forme of points - Oheat it has no equal. shirt and dra.wero, a.nd his ha.ode u.nd feet to da.y to be found on the a rrows of For Sore Throats, Bronchitis, tJoughs, tJolds, were securely tied, Clark ha.d prepared many of the aberiglna.l trlbas et Ludla. The himself for the j ob, and It wa.a done In a 1liaft1 were 11reaaed or a.nointed to fa.ollltate Gl.Q.ndular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival ; and . for prompt and thorough manuer. Inalde of their flight ; bot they never appear to have contracted and eti.ff joints lt acts like a charm. t en minutes he was dressed in the preach· been poisoned, Some were"lgether made or's clothing, while the latter was covered of iron, a.nd lt ls these to whloh Manufactured only at THOMAS HOLLOWAY'S Establishment, up with the blankets, Then the convlot eat Curt.aloe alludes when he ea.ya that some of down with hie back to the deor and kept the Indlr.u a.rchera ebot with airowa which 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (late 633, OXFORD STREET), LONDONJ up a. mumbling oenversa.tion for haU an wero too hea.vy to be very, One hour. D.irlng this t ime, aa ho himself re·!tio of the arohery of the ancient And are sold at ls. lid., 2a. 9d., 4s. 6d., lle., 22e., and 33s. each Box or Pot, ancl la.ted, he poured into the preacher'.s ear all Hludns seems to been peculiar to tllem may be had from all Medicine Vendors throughout t:b.e World. · the etorles he had ever hoe.rd to the detri· al~me, whloh conaleted In shooting a numbar .-rurcha8er8 8hould look at &he Label on the Pot8 and Boxe1. I f the r ddre of 'arrows a.t onoe, from four to nine at a. ment of the " cloth." He finally ended ta a 533. Oxford Street. I..ondon, they are 111urlou·.I by singing a hymn, and when he passed a tlma. The swords were, as in later, and s!z i1 , and many looall· of va.rlona shapes eutelde the cell door he turned and said, in The Bi~~est Oannon :England :Ever Had. a voice me11ont to be heard by the hall ties were credited with producing the beet Her Name. blades. Thoae of Bengal and Behar were wa.tohma.n: The steamship Elder has a.rrlved at W eolANN.AF. BURNHAM. pr11olsed a.a t engh and capable of taking a " Good night, my een, I truly hope that wloh from Elawlck with the first of the "I'm losted I Could you find m s, ·p1C11se 1" fine edge, '.l'be award oonsldered in the this visit baa been the of doing you ·no.ten guns ordered of Sir Willia.m AnnPoor little frightened baby I good. I will come to·merrew, lf pol· Veda. of tile best alze moat bosn a two- The etrong for the British Government . It is wind had tossed her golden fi~ece, as It waa 50 fingera long, ha.nded weapon, sible." 1'ho atones had soratohed her dimpled knees ; to be proved a.t the butts belew t he Royal With that he started for the hall, and with a. hlh guarded by aa lren netting, I ot.ooped and lifted her with ease, and after some experiments have 1Arsenal, the watchma.n paoeod him to the wicket. probably resembling the modern pate., or And softly whisper ed, " May be." been made to t est veloolty a.nd other quail· This was unlooked w1thou~ question, ae the l"ng !.and& of the R"j put. 'rhe1·., <ioea , ties, it wlll probably be taken to Shoobury. 'roll me your nnme, my little maid 1 also were all other obatructionn to liberty, not appa-r t~ have been any 1peol1~l dietrlbn- " I nesa for the ouetoma.ry range trials, Tb.e can't find you without it" and he reached the street without the tlon of wtapons to oomba.t11onte of different "My name le · Shlney-eyes,"' she & gun cannot be landed for a few da.ya, and aid. slightest hindrance, He h11od relatives in ra.nke, though hows and arrows, maoea, "Yes, b.u t your name!" She shook her oannet at present be 1een, being bnrled In head : the suburbs of the city, although the fa. 3t jnellne, awards, and ehields seem to have the ship's hold under 150 tons of proj ectllee, v to m y home ·ey never said wa.s not known to the prison officla.IB, and he peen the prlncipa.l a.rms of the ohlefs, who " U a.nd even after It 111 on shore will uet be Im· A single word about it, walked straight to the house and was t aken went to ba.ttle mounted on chariots, while medla.tely taken to the butte, a.a· It will be In. The Rev. Tabla.a Greelil remained pa.e· their follewen oa.rried in a.ddltlon " But, dear," I said, "what is your name 1" nectissa.ry firat t o teat the canllol bridge and slve until the hour for the men to be and axea of various forms, and other mla- "Why, didn't you hear mo told!You 1 asoertaln If It Is strong enough to bear It. Du·t ' Shiney-eyes · " A bright thought : locked up, when he WH discovered. An slles of dlffdrent kinds, A gre11ot er sleigh ef Iron hae been "Yes, when you're food; but when ihey built lo the Roya.l Da..,a.rtment . to ala.rm was at onee sent out, but Clark was You. little one ; is I j ust tile same safe, He remained secreted In the houa.i hold the wea.pon while being fired, and this, It la asked hew editors their leisure When mamma has to scold you 1 ' for about a month and was then shipped moments. Blose your dea.r soul, they don't which weighs about 90 tons, wlll bo weight· ed with 110 tone more, and passed over the aw11y, and hie recapture wae never effeo\ed. them. T hey never oa.tch up to them. "My mamma. uever soolde," she moans, In relating his story he ea.Id t ha.t the live An editor la usnlllly from ten te forty ye11.ra A lit tle blush ensuing, bridge before the gun le ventured upon It· or six mlnutea necessary for him to paee out behind his leisure moment.a, and be alwa.yg " 'Cept when 1·ve been a· frowning stones, The gun, which is enormous In And then she savs (the culprit owns), 1orlson with anything . of the k nd, hu ef the prison a.gad him more than any two dlee before he gate within gunshot of the ·Mehl table Sapphira Jones, oo:np1 years of hll life, been nllmed " l'he J uggernaut." rearmeet of them, What has you b ~en a-doing i'" , CO.AL · , COAL · METCALF Messrs. Mc DOUGALL & beg to announce that they· have received a large consignment of Celebrated Lehigh Coal, and are prepared to fill all orders at LowEST PRICES. W'e intend to keep on hand an assortment of Lumber, Shingles, Posts, Lath, Cordwood, &c. Office, Old Foundry Lot, corner Church and Division Streets. ROBT. McDOUGALL. HENRY MET.CALF. :;l~~iif~:~~:l~co:i~hb~~~eh::~~-!~~~:r:~: AGRICULTURAL & CARRIAGE THE BOWMANVILLE co J C d !t~0r:~~t:y ~ii0~~::df~:. ~nr:~· !e~~ 300 of our e I e b rate Champion Plows I AGENTS FOR THE DUNDAS CORD BINDER, P.H. ,,Jg_.if S 0 8, Saw Mill Machinery, 'L. D. S.' Engines, 'Peerless ' and 'Grain Saver ' Separators, Watson's Deering Binders, Iron Clad Mowers, Sulky Rakes, , Wagons, - Bain_ Cultivators, Harrows, Seeders, Scufflers, Single Sulky and Gang Plows, · Honey Fanning Mills, . Chaff Cutters, Turnip Slicers, Root Pulpers, Hay Loaders, Crushers, Grinders, Tedders & Forks, Warerooms--King St., Bowmanvu1e. FOR Repairs for L. D. Sawyer and· Noxon. few THE PILLS THE I ' '

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