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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jul 1886, p. 8

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A Good Life Ins urance Co . Bow M A.NVILLE, FHIDAY, J U L Y 30. Mr. G. Y. S ruit h ia the n ew Iteevo for Whitby. West's Liver Pills re move t h at sal !own~ss from th e cumpl~xivn by restorin g tne digestive oi·g,rns to a healthy action. All druggists. t Port P erry is agitatin g i n fav or of a B oard of 'f rade. Nervous head sch f.', earache, t ooth ac he a n d in fact any ach e or pai n c1 1red liJ ,e , Voud er. 25 m agic with West's Wo rld's _ and 50c. All druggists. 1 · A quiin tity of badtiy was cut iu E ast W h itby last week. ·wes1's World 's \Vouder, for extem a1 use, excel any o ther linimont fo r rheu · m a tism , ne·n·algia, cuts, wounds, b u rns an d bruises. Al ways usefnl. All d r ugg ists. t U xbridge and L indsay h ad an unpleasant base ball game last week. Dyspeptic'd friend . West's Lioer I " lls, take ono sugar coat ed We~t's L iver .Pill ever y uig ht a nd y uu will b 1ess t t1e dav you read 1h is. Thir ty pills, 25 c 1a, All dru g ~ ists. t l NG-.POWDE R CU., 106 Wall S t .. N. Y . 'l'h o Uob.,urg Wo rld is n o.w publ is hed on 'l'hurdday instead of F r icfay. . Scientists m form us tha t we may e xp ect a vis it t his Bll llllll 0l" from t he t erOME of 1 h e lt)()St valuable and eligible ~ i n t h e '!'own of Bown1anvillc . 'l'erttH:l eal"!y·. 7 P ri i1le scourge, ch olera. ' Ve st's · · aio h i1.· (! l<'or particulars and pluns u.pply nt t he nfilco of is t he remedy to keep. Always re3d y fo r H. llusBELI, LoscoM1.1 m. - -- o - -a sudd··ll ttt ta ck . 25c. A ll d rng-g ist3. iOth~;i~ ci~ngs' UuilC:ing a, Bowmt2\;v:~e. T h e M utual R elief Society of Roch ester N . Y., which has a guud membership in Bowm:wvi lle, h as pa·Ll in death clairris from 1870 t o M11rch 1st, 18SG, seven hu nd red and ninety-seven t h ousand dolhu·s. Th is t10cie1y h as now over eleven thousand members, i nsured under thirt een thousand, five hundred an d ninety cer tificates, a< mre.,atin g twent y-n in e rnillions, fo nr hu~dred ancl seventy t ho;isan d d ollars in force. Tho M ut;ual Itelief S ociety h as more than doubled it s assets in the Just ye[l,r and its R eserve Fund is incr easing over a lars ever v mont h. ~ th ousand du1 'The avernge 1uortu~ry cust ---all ages (18 t~J 54) inclu r l ed- has been ouly $8. 2(; per annu m for e;ich · $ 1.,000 of i11s11 rauce. Each ljlem ber is assessed. accorclin!.( t.o age mid the you ger m emhor pays only on e h alf as m uch as the older lllle mber. Every mc1 11ber can comf,;rt himself I w th the f'.1ct t hat Llte cost in t h e M:it1;1 al I l t c lie f Society for t he vast am oun t of m · l sn rance afforded by it from . Seplembcr, 1870, ·o March J st , 188(), lf compare d w i h t h e cost for t he same amount of protect ic:n u n d er ;he ?l~l lrne rat.e s, shows _ ~ I SO Ute UfC. i:os1b ve sa.vmg to its membet s of t wo m 'l.'his powd e r n ever v a r les. a marvel ol l ions, four hundred an d four thousand, pllrity, s L r <Jnl<':th and wholesom eness. More six hundred and seven t y· d olla rs . M . A . economical .r.h u.n t be or<)lnar:f Kind~ . and can· . S , . , . f L , l J:ll . l not b" R old rn oompe tit.ion with the multitude ·TAMES, ecret.tq o oca oat c · or low test, short weight, u.lnm or phosphate powd er s . S oln only in cans. R OYAL BAK- SHAW&TOLE, --- DEALERS I N HAGGE l tT BROS. !'ORT.ABLE STEAM E NGIN E S, WIDE A WAKE SEPAHATORS, SAW Ml LL MACHINERY, THE LIGH T TORONTO BINDElt, THE TORONTO MOWER, THE MASbEY MOWElt, THE MASSEY HARVESTER. THE MAS SEY 8ULKEY RAKE, WILSON'S H AY TEDD.Ii:RS _.\ND BAY LOADERS, SIN GLK, SULKEY AND GANG PLOWS, CULTI VAron s, H AR.ROWS, SE EDl!:RS & SCUFFLJJ;HS , VI CTOH. FANNING M I LL, CH AFF CUTTERS, TURNIP SLICE.RS, ROO'l' P ULPb:RS, CR USHERS AND GRINDE RS, S'W AR'r, _ B URROWS & MIL NE'S, AND OSBORNE & K ILLY 'S W. E lG R SCALE S, THE MuLAUGHJ...IN BUGGY, THE HAINS .ANIJ CHATHAl\1 W.HlON, THE TORONTO WIN D MIT...L P OWEB, & F ORCE l'UMPS, 'l'BE WANZER, RAYMOND AND DOME S'J'TC SE WING MACHINE S, . BINDER TWINE .AND MACHINE 0 I LS. l 11 Ab I I p THE T ORON TO LIGHT BI NDER WITH S H E A F OARRIER A TTA CHED. Y Challenges the WORLD for an Equal Record! Building Lot s for Sale. a for ·h e West's Pain K ing works like a ch <trrn i n relieving p ain i n the Btow,.ch , < til bo. wel difficult ies a nd chole ra. No 1.ra1 ·eller should be without it. S hou ld a l way s be i n the h ouse. Cost~ b11t 25 ct3. All d raggist s. "f David Tweedi e, o f W est Whitby, has a pet skunk of remarkab le i uge1i uity. W'owlerful is the instantan oo n s effe ct o f W eet 's p ,,in l( m g in rel ieving cramps, c olic and all bo we l d iffi culties. Worth it:> weigh t in gold an d costs bnt 25 cen ~s. Shou ld alway~ b e kept in e very ho uee. All dr uirnists. iOr illit1 will be i iluminated by the .eloctric fo::ht fo1· t he nex t tive years. U N KN OW N - T here is no remedy kno wn t o m<>dical scie nce that can excel D1 ·. ]!'01>lcr's E xtract of Wild Straw b·~r ry as a cure for ch ...lo 1a mor lrns, d i,,r1 ho:ia, d.vsen tcry , or any form of S urumer Co mpl:1in t affl icting cli ildren or a dult s . + Oriliia, On t., has sen t S500 t o M r . P arne ili to aid 1h e Tdsh Home Kule ca.use. 'l'HE Bll ~'l' YET. - -T here is n o p reparat ion befo re thH peo ple t o-day t hat comm"11ds th eir contid en c3. mo re , or meets with a be tter s ale t l1an does Dr. Fowler·'s E x t ract of Wild'Straw b er ry- the infallable r t>medy for alt for ms of Snll)mer Complaints , 1 - 'l'h e offi cers of t ho H oyal G reufadiers h:we c.on trihuted $200 to th() William',,-: M.emonal Fund. Life saved at. m idnight by th'l t imely use of \Ves ts Pain K rn g. Do not fail.. to alwa.ys ke_ ep i t in t ho h ouse for a 1tacks of colic, ch olera, cholel'a mor b 1 1A, cr ;1111ps, flu:x , dys.·ntery a nd all kindred d is"asea, always 11e1 ·y sudden . Be preparer ! . 2ifo. All druggists. ·;· Miss T r <> unce, of Port Perr y, ha> 11e11er.l paintiHg8 on v el ve t :i.t th e Colonial Exh ibitiun in London t his :;eaeon. A RamuA r. CHA.N m~ .- Tho beat emdica t·n· of f1 1 ul h um or>1 of t he blood is .l?m:· duck Ulood B it ters. A fow b ottl es pi·odncc a rad ica l ch ang e for 1h e b etter in h ealt h and bt·:11 ny. It removes t he b lood t a in t of scrnfui a, t hat tol'l·ible d isease so c ommon in t his country. t A man plough ing in a fiol<l n ear Colbome was lm ock (l,d insen sible b y a t hun d er b olt, on Sa tur day week , but recover ed. This season of t he year it is very impor1ant to h a.ire a re liable r e metly i n t he honsa for sn ch disoases as Hux , d yseotery, di::ireb oea, s umm er com pla in t, cl101ora, chol era morbus a ud cholera. infant 111n. · 8uch 3 remedy is ·west's Pain K in g. Only 25c. All dr ug:'.(is ts. -r R :;:iii~!;: ~:~,-~:~1~.ror;riotor I Maple GroveNurseries WATERLO O , N. Y , - - -- Is guaranteed to contain more malleable iron and steel t han any oth er Binder in Canada. I s guaranteed' to cut closer and h'.1-ndle short and lodged grain better than any other Bin der. I s guaran teed to be more easily operated than any other "Binder. Its Cutting Apparatus is t he best in the w orld. Th e nnly Binder running the Conveyor a nd El evator Belts and Bindin g Attachment with a Single Chain. The only Binder · running t he Conveyor within half an inch of t h e Cut ters. The only Binder having peTfect Pitman and Knife-h eel Connections. The only Binder having interchangeable Bush Bearings. T he only Binder havJ 013 A.--One lot of :Fancy Dress ing Spiral Springs in th e Can vas Belt Guides to receive the strain and tighten t he Belts in we L an d dry Goods, which we are clearing this weather. The only Binder provided with a Relief Rake. The only Binder fitted wi th an .Ang ula r S teel week at t en cents per y ar·d, j ust Cu t ter Bar. The only Binder on which the Sheaf Carrier is used successfully. The only Binder hav ing a Clover Seed At tachment. ha lf the regular price. JOB B.- One l ot of Ladies' Rubber Cireulars, warranted perfec1 · · · and watn -proof an excellen t cloak Good 1 1cttve r eliabl e m en as canva~srng 1f . ·b d .' l ·l · f .b · . t t d 0 1 t e ust y \H at ier, e earmg or 1uccmen s o goo L 1 i;ra1 rnc A gen t s. d ll b m eu. A ppl y at on ce to one O ar eac · J . w . McK AY, J on C.- One lot of wash in g fast Ge m . Manager. color P rints and Zephy r Ginghams CAN ADA BRANCH, ST. 'l'H OllfAS, ON'l'. cl.earing at eight cents pei.: ya1d, formerly sold at 1 2~ cent s. W AN1~ ED. SHAW & TOLE, Bowman ville.. B owmanville, l'tfarch 25 th , J 88u. J\1Essns. SHAW & ToLE, - Haviag bough t a Toron to L ight Binder, and af ter running it for two h arvests cutting for myself and n eighbors, over 200 sores, n ot costing m e 10 cents for repairs, being ahl e to handle it with two h orses with· ease, I co nsider it t h e ch ampio!1 Binder of th e D omin ion. My neigh bor, Mr. Neil Osborne, had a fi eld h e could not handle wit h t he Chatham Binder, they could n ot go through without choking and I went in wi th the Light T oron to, wen t six timeearound th e fi el d wi thou t leaving my seat, not only cutting and binding it but turned ont and cut the st u bble t ho Chatham hsd p assed o ver, el evated and bound t he rnme. Mr. Osborn9 had t he little Brantford an d the Dundas for several dayo· cutting for him, but gavo his order for tho Ligh t Toron to. W. H . O:rnoHNE. 2 Q, 0 QQ E gg·s and 1,000lbs. Butter 'YVANTED W EE KLY. · . . . T he n 11aers1gned wi ll pay h1f( 1 lc>t mar1 tet tiso B utter suit- r pl'ice in cash for Ei;g~ ; < <t le for T oront o Marl,\et. W . B R I'f 'l' A IN & Cu., .Mark et S quare. ----~---.-~.,-·- -- -· 1 W. C. WELLS, Kmg S ircet. N . B .- One cent per l b . au <l p e r d oz. CO NCERN I NG m ore for i3u i;t er an d E .!!i:S will b e paid if E MU . ia.ken iu trade at W. C; WELLS' A. J H VY G rocery Storu, K ing-st., Bo wnrn'l vtlle. 29-l m. Jou D.- One lot of Boy's Wool Tweed Suits, fittin g boys from 5 to 1 5 y eartl, dearing at less than cost PJices will be ex ceedingly low as w e purpose dropping out of \this (~.epa1 t ment. L ADIES, I - GAL L . AT- - I DRY GOODS.. . R0 ber . tson . &BOfl d· F A_ C J_S The Largest Stock - -AN D - - I N -- Miii. ~~~~s~~ Ol£Afl/i/G-8AL£. Greatest Variety I n o rder t o make room fo r our Dr. DQR [TE ND'S AGENTS WANTED.I~ G :c )> .. ..... S t c:ulJ' !lmuloymcnl: tQ :!nod 111c 11. :.>on e 11cc<l l·c ltHc . :5 II.rm Previons exp erie nce not essen t i;il. vVe p a y either aa la rit'B or commi ssio n. 100 sm a r L m e n wan ted a t on ce to C<tnva s& for the su.le of Canarlian Grown N"nrscry S'ock. w hi llW' !P'\__, M ILLINERY b a lance EVER SHO WN l N OR ON<.). R E M EMBER TilE S T AN D : F a l l Go o ds, w e will o ffer the of our S ummer (:fo ods at ver:y close prices. T h.~~·~~1~1~~~~~~!!~~1~~~~~s, Don't a p piy nnless yon cu n fut·riish first· n ces a nd wa:nt t o wor!c. No r oorn f or l azy n 1 e _ )n t bnt can employ any 11ntnbet· of cnet g t:Liu men w ho · wn.nt wo rk. A<i<lrcss. 8 '1'0 :.\'E & W Ji:LLHW'l'ON, Nn raerymen, · TORONTO, Ont. 30 !;( Yiw L AT E M iss liErBun.:.-'::;, .!'l·l rLLER's B r,ouis:. 1' 11'1: Y .. ALBE RT COLLEGE, u nt!> i a .. ro:uli1oht1 , ··· ieh i~un. ~hnv 'l"ttrJ( . 1 0 n tari.o a nd O·u! bcc; n7 dipl<n11as a.n d cer · t itlct.Lt t:S u, war tle ll. iu c M icula Uou, Mt1sic, F in e A 1·t!=l . Co1 n rn~rcial ~ci··~ncc, Cnlle gi- Ch arte red and opened i n 1857_ Ove r 3,000 per sons bcon in attendance; 170 otw lcnt.a enrol1e rl la ht yen.t·. r e p res en ting ~ ·ritis h (Jo!· s .... ,t. 7111, u;im. oh er~ ' Cou rs es. Fall T cru beg iutt For a n n u »l catalogue, etc., a ddress Ht.iv. W . P . VY l~R. 1\1. A ., P res. ute ar <l ' rt>;_1 - BE ARE ~p 011r ~t·n11 i.ue ·- - -- tt is the only pre pa.mtion i n 1 .he w orld t hat will do w hat is "lai tned for i t . lt ha.$ prodn ced l u x uriant g l'nwths of hair on bald beads whero baldness h··B exist ed ror years. l t h:ts restored thAcolor ~ud vigor to nutne rons cr op~ of g my and fadrd h ail'. l t l.ta 3 relie""'l hundreds of persona of disagl'Ccab le Danilr uff and has sa v P.d many whe n hail- w as fallin g , fr:im becomin g ba.Jd. irifi" R emember t hese fltct.s a nd i f y our hair is fo.iling o ut a nd becoming th in , gd 11 bottle at on ce a nd save <ho growth, or yo..i may lOB"' it forever. .A.ak your druggi.3t for IIAIH MAGIC a nd take nothi og c l~c. A . D OUEN W.l!;NO, Sole M a nufact u r er , To· ro11to. · ~".O~ANS ~o ~ a~os. G R E AT B ARGAINS I IN - , U napproac:hed !or -'11~_1 ,._ "i';; .,_ _ ~ ~ Tone and Quality. . CA T ALOGUES FREE.i B ELL & CO.,G uelpb, O nt. NATURE'S l'.Eltt'E (;T Hl~A LTU B oots .and Shoes FOR 30 DAYS - - AT~- 1.lUGG I Nf 3®'1.'H &lU & SON, A GENTS ] 'OR B owMANVTLLF-. WORTHLESS IM IT AT IONS A" t h Ol'O 1ixe man y· c.iforior goods, cor ded w ith j ute. h e m p, et c.,offerod a.nd sold a s Cora.line by SOJ n e un· principl ed m erch11nts tradin r~ ou tbc r ep nta tiou of A Pod Hop e y oung nmu has heen tined $5 and bo uud over t o k eep t h e p ..ace in t h e ~tlm "f $100 for p a tting h is a m1 a rou nd a yo ung lady an d taking hold of h er han ds. AN L'fflillilLE l!'OE. - Tho p oisono11s ger rn s of disease are lurking in t he a ir we b1·eathe and the water " e drrnk. '.Lh0 syst em sh ould b e kept carefull y puri fied a n d all .J1e organs t ·m ed to proper action. This can best be d one by th e reg ulating:, pu rifyi ng and t onic p owers of B urdock .Blouo Bit te;:s. t A Cauadian , M r . Geo. W. Bodgerow, uf Toronto, ha.s b een elected Supreme M ast er Workm"-11 of the order of .A. 0 . U . W. in America . A .l:!il.D BRRAKDOWx. - I t is a common t hing now-a-days t o h ellr o ue complain ot feelw g all broken down with a faint, weary, r .;st!ess languor, with strengt h a nel appe ite nParly gone, an d no well d efin ed cause. 'I 'h1s is gener al de bilit.y, which Burdvck Blood Bi·t .... rs pr:.mpt y i·elicves, and moat i nvariabiy cur11s. :!: (L A D . Jl, T s C ONSTIPAT10N CURE FO R Is i m possible i f t h e Di- ~es tion is i mpaired , t be . ' I Tarrant's Effer vescent SEJ; I'ZEJt will i13e~~-~i:ia8~i;:tip~~eJ~e Al'l:ttlEN'J'. .()01·a!!ut~ , · Your atten tio1 1 is di rect ed '.o t h e immense stock Of cure Cons Li pation, such irnposiLi.on l>y dra.wini; tLeir a.ttontiou t o the w e warn t he 111tlion against necessity of ~eein;; th o.t tile name MIL L I N E RY of every d escription at . . . . ., stampod on rnner s1deof all Coral me goods, Withou.' · which n one ar 6 genuine. - - -- - - - ---· - - - - - -COM MJ~ NClN G T l::!IS " W EEK - · " 1 · Sho 1rn.s J LlGt o·,Jened out one of t h e large:1t ' a nd most s tylish stocks e ve r br ought ' t o t own, consisting of: . t:o., Xc wWor.k. 0 '\'f!h'li ·~~ U U ~1'1"·i:. 1 r¥ ADO rn ," ·Pf.!~ M ·ick·H eadache S 1::9L"¥"1'0 ~ (iJ Sick H eadache and D yspeusia. It rng ulates the bowels a nd en a bles th ose , of feeble dige;;tion to en~ ~ -· i oy t h eir food. It r educe!!! l<'e ver, Cools tbe Blood, is invalu able in P iles a n d Inflammatory D iseases, a nd is a jus tly esteemed ' Ape ricnt for Childre n. A ND Econ omical. Reliable , E leg a.nt. It should be !ound ineveryh ouseh old. · · Sol d b11 dn·ouists e veri1· w he·r e .M a nufactured only by TA.IUtA.NT ·" D .. ·. D-A-V- I-S'~ -:PO- - 0JS pEpSI A J. HIG GIN BOTHAM & SON, Chemis t s a n d D ruggists, - -PC>'H.- - WI'l'H- PARASOLS. - - -o ·- - lliilHu e i· y , Dres s S ilks, ; V elvet"', & c., with .a very fin e stnck o f F eathers anri ·DA_ N _ ., _ .D _E - LION LIVER ANP KIDNEY r Flo 1Vers. Call an d inApect this fino display, which cannot fail t o gil'e satiefaction. h an dsome 11H<l valu <lhle gold watch , chain . and locket i u ap prt'ciati"n nf hie val uable servi ceu as an a ct ive and efti,.:ient fis hery overseer. H E A u1·i,;n Wr~EL"Y. - " I am so weak 1 can h ardly move, all r un d own with a C hr· .mic S ummer Com plaint ," said one gentlem an t o anoth er un th e street the oth er day. "No '"· take my ad vice," replied his friend, " go to y o 11r Drngg isc an d i::tit a bottl e of Dr. Fowle r's Extract of Wi ld St rawbm·ry. I h ave n ever kn own i t to fail in curing a,ny kind of Summer Complaints. ~' ---···~~·------ We offer an eig ht rib Parasol twen ty cents, I Mr. G .B. McD er mot has beeri presented An ex tra large eigh t rib Black .Parby th e lead ing men of Por t P erry , with " asol for Jorty C<>llts. for Daily Line to Rochester. ~~~ BITTER 8 I CUR E S ALL LIVE R AND K IDNE Y COM- PURI! PAR!~ S U RE D~~ATE-I - GBl!EN ! TO J3 U G8. - .A. N' ::0- - Now is t he t ime to h ave y our family groups and . y our babies and children BOt~ D· ' ph otographed while the ligh t i s strong . . an d warm an d th e little t.hing3 haven 't . d" . ·1 1b cl- - - - L a ies, it w1 e to your a 1ra ntage t o to be so bundled up. Henry's gallery is jm1 t t h e place- no stairs to climb- and inspect our millli1er y b efore ma king your pur chases. Rob ertson &, BomL <:ert:.1in to get pict ures to p lease you . Ten rib Biack Zenella P ai·asol for six.ty cen tR. Black satin lined P arasol selling for sevent,y-five cen ts. A beau tiful large ext ra quality . Satin P a rasols for one seventyfive. An elegam gold i'ib Satin Parasol selling for two dollars. .ffand some lace t rimmed P arasols in blue, beige, cream and cardinal from fi fty cents and up. nm PLAINTS, DYSPE PSIA, I NDIGESTSTEA lVIElt l ns'e ct 1 Pomd~ r N "O R S EMA N (f; . c:Jt .A WF Ottn. Master.) ION A~ D AL L DI'3E ASES ARISING FRO..M: D iS ARR AN GEMENTS or THE LI V E R A ND KIDNEYS. l ' 0R 'l.'H E D ES'l'R UCTION OF' E R T SON & RO B T RIPS on ~ h i R route. Jea v1·l l'. Cobourg m orning a t 7:30, and Po~t Hooe at 0 0°c lo c lr, on a r·1 ·iva l o r G raud Trunk Hailway Trains from t ho cast a nd west, conncct-it>g a t t roche st e r with t b B Now Y orlc Central. North· ltrn Cen t ral, a n d Erie R a il w ayR, o.nd the Lake I entario Ili»is io n or the R ome. \Vatertown and Ugde naburg H ailway for a ll points ea~t. west and so uth. R E'.l'URNTNO- Will leave Charlotte (port oC Rochester) d aily a t 0:50 o'cloc k, p.m., except Saturdil.Y when sho w ill leave at 3 p . m., for Por t H ope dit·eo t. Dealers in stock w ill find t his t he chea.pc~t and m ost expeditions route to 0 3wego. Boston. Albany, Ne w York, otc. 10 W ever y ILL MA.KE ll E R R EGULAR Th e Greatest Blood P u rifier in the World. F lies, Mosquitos, Carpet M oths, OabBage W orms, etc. J. HICCINBOTHAM fc SON. Bowma.nvillc, J une 30, 1886. E. P roprietor, Toront o. S OL D BY T H E BISHOP S T R ACHAN SCHOOL FOR Y OUN G "L A DIES. W tSUYAN lAOl~S 1 C OlLE G f HA MI LTO N, CANADA. '.fhe .~ 'irst J Port Hope, oi· O. l<'. aton. &li'c~/.llr~~<l\~r!:![~~~i1~ : ~ra~lyci~tJ~lJJ6: B I G G IN B.OT~~lll & S ON , G , K ing· 21-tf - ·Shaw & T ole's is the plac· t wi ne . ·to ge t bin der The Sch ool .w ill HE- OP E N on T U E SDAY, cated over 2,000. P ull fa culties In Literature, 8th Sep tember. B oard ers to arrive the prev ious Lang uages, Science e.nd Art. 'l'he Largest College Build ing 111 the Dominion. W lll open -- See tl10so beautiful Fan~y -· \Vindow d~pplication may be m a de to th13 Lacly Prin · S.-pt.· I , 1886, Adclress the Principal. A . B lJRNS. D , 1>., LL, D, Shad es at Tait.~ M orrison's. ' ciIJB,l, Wykeham Hall. College avenu e. the I,adlas' Colleg es . Has grndrreeidcn t- 'l'he L OUD BISH OP of TORONTO. uated over of 200 In t he f ull cou rse. H as edu- B OW.M: .A. N V I LL E .

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