' Tucker's Soverign Balm for sale at Stott & Jury's. See the job lines of ladies' and children's hosery at Tod Bros. Milinery and fancy goods below cost at Mrs. Morrison's, Orono. Lybster shirtings are the best, a full --FOR-PURE range, only at the Star House. · and u11diluted Farmers c11n save ten cents an acre by full atreni,:th. buying their twine of Shaw & Tole. Dr. Potter, Office and R esidence in Prower's Block, King-st., .Bowmanville. WHOLESOME Full lines of artists' materials- tubes, Purifies the blood, brushes, pallettes, etc., at S. S. Edsall's. and ii.ids digestion. 'rho b ad b()y now tumeth his eyes towards the toothsome harvest apple in his neighbor':1 garden. REFRESHING Mr. Jos. Brittain and family, Mr.Chas. Tones up the system. Young and Mr. F. H . H11cdy are camping at Scugog this week. .A garden party will be held at the residence of Mr. John Milne, this Friday FRUITY evening, iu 11id of St. John's church fund. and rich in flavor. Admission 25 cents, children 10. 'rhe base ball match on Saturday between the Primrose club, of Toronto, and COOLING Bowman ville team resulted in 24 t o 14 in favor of .Bowmanville, and innin~s to Just t he drink for warm weo.ther. spare. The regular m eeting of the Band of Hope will be held on Friday aftero.oon, In ordering, specitiy DoMINIC.t1., and don't at 4 p.m., in Church -st. M ethodist church be put off with any imitations. FAIDrnns. - Take your wool to .rohn vestry. A full :1ttendance of the children Lyle and get the highest market price. is requested. . DEFINED EXPRESSLY FOR Don't sell till you see him. Now is the time to h ave your family If you want th e best value in lace cur- groups and your babies and children ta.ins, at the lowest prices, go to Robert- photographed while the li_ g ht is strong 1V.1"C> L'1"TR..E.A.X..., son & Bond's, Beaver Block. and warm and the little things haven't For sale by STOTT & JURY. L. Geo. Quick has a new machine for to be so bundl.ed up. Henry's g11llery is A l iberal discount to the trade. No making evetroughs that wont leak. It just the phice-no st11irs to climb-and makes Lhe length six feet long. certain to get pictures t o please you. chargo for cases. Hog ch,·lera is rampant in Simcoe Co., The quarterly meeting of t he Queen-st. and it behooves farmers to be careful Method ist church will be held on Sabha.th about s11nitary conditions elsewhere . neKt. The Rev. E. Roberts will. preach in the morning on " The Christian's love BOATS TO HIRE.--Twogood boats to hire. for the House of God," and in the e venApply to G eo. H . Buxtou at the Or~an iog on " 'l'he last utterance of Infidelity Factory, or at his residence King·st . East. and impiety 011 Cal very." Sacrament The R ev. W. Scales, of Oshawa, will after service. All are welcome. preach in t he Church-st. Methodis t church, Henry t he photographer wishes us to on Sunday next, morning and evening. inform his many patrons tl111t ho iR a · Rev. Dr. McCur.dy, University College, member of the Photographic Associ~tioD Toronto, will preach in St. Paul's church of Can:tda, which meets in Toronto on YOU CAN BUY both morning mid evening, on Sabbath the 17th, 18th rmd 19th days of August, A Shaving Mug and Brush, or next. and is desirous of attending, M there is ',.A ··,·. -±· FARM'ERs ,-·l\foC!ellan ' & Co. have now an amount of knowledge and information A Hair Brush and Mirror, or , on hand a large quantity of :i!alt aud to be attained there that cannot be had A Puff and Toilet Box, or Plaster and for su,le in quantities to suit th1·0ugh any other · source. Ho cannot ·' afford to miss it, and would ask his patA Good Hai_ r Brush and Comb, or purchasers. 4 pieces tme new worsted coatings, be.au- rons to govern themselves accordingly, Six Good Combs, or ti:ull~ fin~shed 'goods. Gentlemen, ify~u I and k indly al~ow these th:ee day;;. a smt, see them at T . Geo. Mason s, The campinrr [)arty from \.YMhburn A Good Hair Brush and a Cake want Star Fiouse ' . o on Tuesday evenmg, , , . r eturned home of Soap. HORSES WANTED . ....:..I want to buy a lot claiming to have enjoyed the outing vary of large, h eavy hors es; also fiUies from much during the two weeks stay. The - Call and see theone to fo ur ye ··r~ ol_d. Address, i!TEPHEN company consisted of Mr. and Mrd. ,J.M. COTTON, B owmunv1lle. Joness, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Tilley, Mrs. Dress muslins r~duced from 17~ cents .T. C. Vansto!le,_ Mr~. ~orthcote, H~r~y -AT. ,to 121·, from 15 cents to 10 and orcrandy and Bert .Bntam, Lizzie Munroe, W1lbe, mosl(ns from 20 cents to' 15 at c"ouch Nellie, Gertie, Fred and Charlie J oness, ,Juhnston & Cryderman's. ' H erbert, Albert and Florence Tilley, Mr. and Mrs. F. Doll returned from Fred a;tid May Vanstone, Mabel, Frank t11eir wedding trip on Friday evening an d JSorman No_rthcot e and Harold MEDICAL HALL. last. 'rhey left for theil'· home in ,W"in- Ma·o~. Th e fishrng, th?ugh not good, nipeg on 'I.'uesday mornin<>'. s uppbecl tho campers with enough f~r J t t h d d ., J table use. They say that Washburn is & us ·do ~'l.~ , t o- a! '.at Couch ohnston a splendid place for camping. . The ba.nks ~l'J ert al s_ a. lu~ely assortmen t of are clean shaded high and dry. The plam and braided Jerseys. The best i·esidents 'are cxce~dingly Rind and hvsvalue they 11~ve ever .shown. pitable. Good water and abunditnce to Bow:&u.NVILLE, FRID.A.Y, Aue. 6. At a. specia~ meetmg of the Bo11:r d of cat can be procurctl ia the i mmediate Educa~10n, Miss H. Garron and Miss R vicinity of the grounds. ~cWam, of Oshawa, a1~d Mies Moore, ~.f SPrWIAL ATTEN'l'ION should al ways b e JS_e_wcastle, _wcrn i~ppomte_d _ to_ t_he d1- give n to the hait· ~nd s<~l1lp. There is Fiose, hose, hose, West Encl House. v1~10ns of Miss Hames, M.iss B1rrne and n oth inrr nicer than a good head of hair. In cas~ of balclness when the roots are 'l'o Snn:snm BROTHERS. Splendid tiahiug is reported at Bobc11y· Miss Gould. West End Grocery Home n ow sends not :1 11 gone, Dr. .D vr enwend's Greitt The Li7h t Biruler I bou~ht of yo_ur :<gent, J .D. Arrnstr~ng, ha~ given good satisfaction. I went to th e sta_ t iou, ?ro1~ght geon. Ladies go to the West End H ouse for out one of the nobbiest d eli,·ery wagons German Hair Magic, will produc\l a it home, set _it up mysel f, and m y " ?l~hb or, Mr. K elly, hti,·m g a piece of barley ready, I went d own and cut 1t. domg it a.a in town. It is gotten up in the l atest luxurianb <>rowth of hair· it will re, tore easy as any smgle reaper. Some of this was short, some h eavy and tmq led. I defy any farruer in the township to do th& Hosiery. style and on the most improved plan, as all grey a~d faded hai/ to its original · sa1~e with an:i; uthe~ binder, None of Mr: Sylvester's agents ca_me near to help set it up or start it go ing., It is _ s o simp1e that Toronto's police magistrate is paid is the c11se with all work turned out of color and vigor ; it stops all falliu g out a little b oy can run 1t. I c in reco~m~wl_ it to h ,; the best_ machrne I have a~er see n, and would say to nl! mtendmg purchaser& $4, 000 a year. Morris' Carriage W orks. of tlrn hair and removes all t races of dan- to buy uo other th11n a SylvP.ster Light Bi nder, belie vmg it to be t he best, simplest., m ost du rable and llghteat to draw of any NEw, NEw- black and colored braided A meeting for the, purpose of nominat- druff. A little of this great prepu~tion I have ye t seen. JOHN MORRIS. jerseys at t 1 , e St>ir House. ing a candidat,e or candidates for the used once in a while will keep the scalp R ev. Alex Macn11b and Mrs. Macnab, office of councillor for the west ward, in a h ea.lthy condition and make the hair of St. Catharines, are viBitors ut the rec- w!iich has been declared vacant, will be soft, pliant and b(autiful. A.Dorenwend, Have yon seen Red Ridinghood, Blue FOR SALE VERY CHEAP.- 50 held in the council room on Saturday, sole man ufacturer, Toronto. .T. Hig~in- Bells 11nd Ruy a Broom in He nry's win r:otunies or BeeR in s1Jlendid condition. tory. b otham & Son, a"ents for Bowmanville. dow on King St. Call &t the re~id(mcc or the undet·sigoed and The Young Women's Ohristi11n Associ- Aug. 7th, at 12 o'clock, noon. " examine ot· writo for particnlarA. Also a .ation nnw num be1·s 8,000 members iu Mr. .and Mrs , S . · "liV. Sanders have It may not be known to many readers ·- - --··· - - · - - - - - - ·· auantit.v of co mb nnd extr1tcted honey, verv Ireland. gone on a visit to friends in the west. of t his j ournal Urnt we have in this town N em '.flonertls.emtnts. ne qualit~-. J. H. MANNING, 'l'yrono. 323 w. Entir e stock t o l:Je The nex t meetmg of the Whitby Pres· They will visit Toronto, Stratford, In ger - 1m rnstitution bearing the mime of "'rhe ··~~~~r-JV'>.rv-v-v·v·vv...,,.,.vv~~ LO S T.- Betlveen Bowmanville and bytery will be hold at Bowmanville on sol!, London, St. Thomas and 11lso Cleve- Bowman ville Electro Platin~ Worb" Q .O 0 D SE RV ANT WAN IED for Newtrnst.lc. a pa.reel conttiinin~ cloth for ' land, Ohio . . Mr. Sanders takes this trip which guarantees to do plating in gold, general hou·e work. Apply to MUS. P. nrlir pantA Rev. Mr. Walker's name on pa.reel. OU -October 20th. MURDOUH. 32·1.f. Finde1· will he rewar<led by leaving the same at lt~:v. n. w AI.KER'S, Newcastle, or CoucFr, . Dr.J·. M.Bri1micombe has b een a ttend- for the benefit of his health which has silver or nickle so that old articles are 0 R SA L E . -A Phaeton Bug!!y, JOHNSTON & CHYDt<:RMAN's , Bowmnnville. 2'-J The goods will be sold down below cost . ing the American Dental Association at been very poor of l ate. 'Ve hope to see lllade to l ook q uite ns good or even betnearlv new. in good repair ; or will ex· . h im return much benefitted by the t er than n ew, and the proprietor agrees Niagara Falls this week. · t I t h · th th 1 t" t b change for colt or other stock. Apply at : B110R f'ALE.- A Threshin11 Machine, Hats, Bonnets, Ribbons, L '.tces, Flowers, o Pa e eavier an e P a lll !;( O e 'l'rcle,·on's Boot and Shoe stor<1. 32 .I~ nearly new, Morris &:. vVatts, Manufac· Feathers, Silks, Satins, P lnshes, Velvets, To wi1om it may concern : this is to cer- JOUrney. The Eagle steam Washer for which J. fouud on any new article. All kinds of -··-·--·· -·· ···· ···---;--·--········-·~·-··- ·-- ·········-·· ········--·-- ttuers. cleiws grain fit for rn'l.rket. bags it u p; tify, that Robertoon &; Bond are selling ·1 Id wat ch cases goId 01· s1 ·1ver, T11\1BER I·OR SALE. - All the stao<l- is also a first-class pea t hrPsher. The machmc Fringes, Gimps, Cords, Collars, F rilling, N. Kivell~is the !!eneral agent in tJ11 · 8 dl·s- s1 verware, o t he cheap··st goo 'sin town. ~ cl · d d 11 k" d8 0 f b Ing timber on Lot 6. Con. 1, Manvers, for is in gnod reoair and will he sold che1tp for Aprons, Hose, \Vool .Jackets, Berlin t:>. leware are re- sale. Ji'or terms apply, if by lctt~r-. to G.:o. W. co.sh. For term· . ttPP!Y to JOHN MARS!LHL, 'Vo oh, Saxony, Silk Floss, Arasene. t rict may be seen at C;twker and Allin's an lll ee a ' In Od er.Doors, Sashos, Blinds, Picket~, store, Bowman ville. Over 120 have b een pair<ld, clea.ned, and pulished. .Any of GIJ.JJANK. Pontypool, or personally at Lot 18, Hampton, or to this offic~. il2·tt '.l'insel, Embroideries, &c. .etc., at Morris' Planing :Factory, Liberty · a r' · I th a; 1 10, Clal'ke. 32-3w. sold around here since November. A 0 ur r "aclc r s ·}1av 1 ug · "10 es r e q u1're Uon. ··-- - ----·-FOR SALE.-A comfortable frame :atl'eet, H. H. Osbome, l easee. large consignment has been received from plating ci1n rely on getting a supetior job FOR SALE.-One acre 0f land with . dwellin g house, ccnt.aining 5 l'ooms, Also a gr eat variety of Fancy M rs. R White returned to h er h ome in the manufactuer and all orders will be d ons at a reasonable price, and a single fl'ame house t hereon, sitnat.e d httlf mile besides po.nt;1·y, closets ancl summer kit.ct.en, Goods. · M ilton, on Sa· urday last, accompanied by roiwJtly filled. The~ Ea, n-le is decidely trial will convince you that this is correct. outside the corpot·ation. or> th~ gravel rortrl, good cellar. Hard and soft water and splendid 1 P ' " 'rh f · M J h W · ht 1 f we~t of TI'lwmanville. For terms apply to w. µ:arden. Situated in the villit~e or Newcastle. iher rnother·, Mrs. F . T alling, Sr. 0 11 MILLER' S BLOCK, ORONO. the b est washing machine on Eart h . e oreman IS r. n g ' ate C. TYLER, Bowman vil le. 32·3w For tem'la apply to l\fHs. MANN!Nn, flt "Hro.nd Glasgow, Scotland, and th\l propt·ietor Central," Bowmanvilie, or to G1w. CouRTJCE, The plenisphone, an instrument that 'l'lw Financial Meeting of the Bowman- is Mr. F. N. Ham. Call at Reid's 'f0 Alll' t.; nTISEltS.- Lowest Rates for nd· EsQ., Newcastle. 32·3w. unites the tone of the ·violin, viola, 'cello, ville District, will be held in the Method- Block and see sa.m 1Jle:3 of the \\rork they ..... vert.is ing in touo goutl newap ap~tii s ent fre,_.. -.. ------and lloubl e bass, is a recent invention of ist church, Tyrone, 011 Friday the 20th · .A.ddrcss(h:o.r.ItowELL&Co.,SprncoSt..N.Y. ACRBJ FARM FOR SALE . Tl b . · h are turhiug out. ·- ··· ·· · - - · """ Oft 'l'O RENT.- Heing Lots 11 a Buffa!-· ruusician. 1mt. l6 regu1 ar usmess or t e meeting f and 15, Con. IO. Da rlington. anti h>J.vinr.( t here· UES1.'H"l'mi J. R Bradley's-Spring· Pad for single will be transacted in the m orning, a con· on: dwelling.J10usA , out-bui lding's, r.:<>od well Sold Everywhere. «Get the Genuine, Notlcc·. l>O cents; bh't11s mul ' of wat.cr, young orchurd. c·.c. It is situat~ d and d oub e harness gives entire satisfact- versatiiJn o n the " \Vork of God in the Jhu·1·lagc d eaths, 211 ceut.s. '.l'he subs<>riber will pay th e highest cash about 10 mile8 from Bowrn>J.nville, 3 miles l'rorn ion. No hors., will have a sore back District, " in the afternoo n, and an Evan- · - - - -·· price fur any qua.nt\t.y of good Merchantable Enniskillen, 2} miles from Haydon find 2 mil es gelistic meeting in the evening, at which BIRTHS . Wool and ~c over t hat in trade. llont give from Rurketou Station, t he C. P . Il.o.ilwav where they are used. h dd ·ll b d away yonr wool when yo u can get a fair price crossing the farm. For partic'lfars apply to e m a e by the Rev. DYETIS--ln South :\1!1nvers, 00 the Z G th ult., in exclurnge for l3ltrn lu1ts, Sheeting, 'l' w<ieds, S.A.M'L 'WOODLJj;Y, 'l'yrone, P. o. 31-tf. J ust r e.e eived at the West End House s ort a r esses Wl the wife of llobt. Byers, of a datighter. etc., Caroet Yam ll.nd Sock Yarn al ways on from the famous manufactnrer E. A. Messrs. Barrass, Sanderson and others. hand. With thanl<s for pa~t favotus and "t'ILLIA1 U "\\' JGll'I'. We call aLtention to Couch, .Tohnston HAl\I- Near Enniskillen, on the 25th ult., the solicitrn g a contrn nan ce or the same. I am Levian & Co., a lot of his newest and best ---o--& Cryderman's new ad. in this issue. wife or Mr. George Ham, or a daughter, your obli!li.?O: servant, D. T .A.YLOU, H~~1pton ICE NSE D A UOTIONEER. for the styles in Gents' Ties. This firm have always made it a rule to Loon - Near Haydon, on the 20th, the wife of Woolen J\Iills. 2.l·.J m· _..I Conaty of Durham. All sales will receive Boys don't har. g around the corners of lear out tl1··1·r stock at tho end of each Mr. i:iam'l Lobb, of a. son. AUCTI ON SALES.- As the auction - · prompt attention. Address:-·r yroue P ;,8 ?.. , ·,n Among our many departments, v VIRTUE- Near Enniskillen, on the 30th ult., ' 1 the streets. If you have anything to do, C se·son and tl1ey are determ1'ned t h a' tl11 's the wife or Mr. J. J. Virtue, of a son, coring season is a.gain about upon u s, I . . do it promptl v, right off, then go home. ~ ' · " would take this means ofthanking the farmere Sll.l\'f ·\i TOLE, season shall be no exception. They have the SMor.JCCJM·-Ne11r Burkcton, on the inst., of tho Townships of Clarke. Manvers, Cart· LIUEN ~SED AUCTIONEERS f tl Home is the place for b oys. wlte or Mr. J,eonard Smolicum, of2nd a eon. ~ or le Dress Goods will have our SI)CCial a1read y b ougll I; a l arge 11mount o f goo d s wright !Wd. Darli!1gtoa for wh11t pM.ronage they County of Durham. All sa!P.S will receive Messrs. Shaw & Tole offers to present DIED. g~~i s~~v{~;;h11~nti~e ~~Tk :.0 ~:~;~1~ 0~~1!1: prompt attention. Address:- Bowmanville, attention, and w e purpose making a binder to anyone who will find a man in England for the fall and winter trade, and to make room for them, will sell ·all and any sales you may fovour me wit.h will 0_11 _t_ . - - - -- -- - - - -- - - - in the c0 un·y who has bough t 11 M assey kinds of summer goods at prices which O'CONNE!,r,- In Toro_nto. at 19G Farley ave., r eceive my very best attention and charges DltS, Mcl.AUGULIN .t'. UEITH. · on the 2nd 111st.. Malmce O'Conuell, late or the will be 1·easonnble. All that httve employe<l a great effort t o lead the · trade in Binder and will not r ecommen d it. must command a ready sale . Toronto pohce force, aged 28 yea.rs. mA have expressed t hemselves as well satisfied. OFFTCB: :- MoRms' BLOCK Bowr.rAKVILJ.E. Hem~y .s window seems just now to be vVEB'J'COT'J '.- In Bowmanville,on the l et inst., l!Sl!. vVhere it is not convenien t to see me per· D J w M r ' of' Isaac Wescott, ..ged 56 years, 1!onally, arrangements c1in he made for sales ! . r. · . · c .·AUOHLI _ N. J Dr. A . Bn:im.. Gradu- that branch our enterp _rise. very attractive, h e has made some photowith either or the ]!;di tors in Howman vil\e. I licentiate oC t.be !l!>Yal ate of the Toronto ll HUTCHINSON , College of Physuwms _ graph s of some of the principal acts as Enniskillen Jun 0 30th 18S6 · 27tr i !'lld member of the Unn' CrSlty, l'hysician, We will constantly have on 11an.:I given b:y our Union School teachers and · ' · · I .ttoyal College of Sur· Surgeon, &c. lL BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. ~ geons, Edin burgh. pupils at h eir l .. te concert in the town t:orrectcd b y Jolu1 Lyle, eve1·y Thur11<lny, I · - - -- -- - -- - -all the latest productions thaf the hall. As is usual witb. Henry, he has succeeded.. FLOUR, 'IP' 100 l:bs . ....... . $2 10 to $2 50 market attords in Frecch, German ~. Th ere will be a irrand j ubilee meeting W e will pay the highest WATERLOO N y WI:ililAT, Fall, 'IP' bush . ·.. · 0 70 11 0 75 111 n. mu.RLES cAw·r1rn1tNE CAR'l'ER, at the barracks 1his Friday evening, at ' · ' 11 8pring, " 0 70 11 0 75 oro:anist of St. Peter's, Cohourg, !1tte of Eng- I which Maj ·r Jai Bhai, from Guj erat, and English materials, together price in C ash for any qua n BARLEY, ttr bush. . . . · . . · · 0 55 11 0 70 l1ind, teacher of Piano, 0 1'gau, Singing and Indi;i. "(l\1r. Ihs"n U llah, the ·saved M 111'heory. Pupils desiring lessons can leave their RYE, II · · · · · · · · · · 0 53 II 0 55 name and obtain terms. at Mr. 'frebilc()ck's j hometan, from Punjanb, India, will be with Buttons., Laces, Fringes, 23·tt 0.A.TS, " · . · · · · . · · 0 35 JI 0 37 Store. tity of Wool. present, .both in Indian costume ; also PEAS, Blackeye, ' I P' bush ... 0 80 11 0 88 - --·- S. W. HUSE. Gooa active reliable men as canva:.sing Capt. Nadine Schindler, formerly a wild Plushes, Velvets, Silks, Satins, " Small, " 0 55 11 0 60 Swiss mountain 111ss, and Lieut. B londell, Agents. L iber a1 incfocements to good 1E ACHE R OF ORGAN, PIANO, WM. QUICK & CO. " Blue, 0 55 JI 0 65 from Channel Islands. A great time is VOICE ao<l THEORY. 1' erms on appli· m en. Apply at once to and all Trimmings to m~tch. Bn. ·rER, best table, 'IP' lb. . . 0 12 11 0 14 ·expected. Ali who can should attend. 28;1y cation a t " B tG 20." LARD, 'IP' ft, ····· ' . . . · . . . · 0 10 II 0 13 Admiilsion,, only 10 cen_ ts. J . W , M oK AY, ': E oos , 'IP' doz .... .. ....... 0 00 J1 0 12 $ 5 t o $8 a day. Samples and duty FREE A.LL l l' El.L l'J,EASllD .......Thc chlldrc>n Ilk-.> Gen . Mana.ger. 1 I DA.NCER.OIIS FITS a~l' C often cau sed by '"ATOES , .. b tI"] O 31; 11 O 40 ·1 Lin es not under the hor·e'afeet. 'Write , ... ,, i. . · . . . · . v BREWSTER'S SAll'E'f:>C RBI~ HOLDER :r Dr. Low's l'lc11s1u1t 'vorm ISYl'ttll mul 1mr· Po .. ,.,..,.·ms. .t'rccmnn's \Vol'Ju l'owde r des troy~ e.ut11 H.n .................... 9 00 JI 10 00 I c o,, Holly, l\1lch. CAN ADA BRANCH, ST. THOMAS, ONT. rejoice over Us virtue. "WOl'ID~. _ [ifi.,fRUIT JUICE. DOMINICA Who's first with harvest apples? Mr. Fred. Ci1bitt is home on a visit. Call and secure bugains at Mrs. Morrison's, Orono. Dr. J . Sim pion, of Kingston, is visiting relatives here. Shaw & Tole's is the place to get a McLaughlin .Buggy. Mr. W . P. Pl'ower and wife spent Sunday last, in Cobourg. Miss Lillie Evans, of Toronto, is visit· a t M r . S . M ason ' s, sr. mg Buy 3 lbs. of Li-Quor Tea at Levi Morris' and get a $1.00 book free. A good tweed. or serge suit, any size, $5.00 at T. Geo. Mason's, Star House. Quite a number from h era went on the excursion to Grimsby Park, yesterday. KEEP cooL-your choice of 10 doz fine straw h11ts at 50c. See Star House advt. Full line of artists materials-tubes, b rush es, pa11e ttes, e t c., a t S . S . Edsa11 ,s. The D . 0. & p. Co. Band received first prize at Li~towel Band Competition la~t WP.ek. 'l'he final revision of the Dominion Voters' List for 'Ve's t Durham is now complete. The Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Oddfellows meets at London on August 11th. BARG I JULY and AUGUST! We must make room for our immense fall orders. 10 doz. Mens' and Boys' Fine Straw Hats clearing at 50c. 15, 18 and 20 cent Ginghams and Sateens clearing at 12~c. Spring and Summer Goods · must go! Parasols, Hosiery, Gloves, Laces, Embroideries and Muslins, all at sacrifice prices. Lyn1an Sons & Co., NE~ · ~1E~ · BL .ACK AND COLORED BRAIDED JERSEYS. the best value we have yet shown. ' ' "We are the only house showing a full range of L YBSTER SHIRTINGS. Don;t be deceived, we have the right goods at right prices. - - FORaE:NTs ~·2 B·- CLOTHING TO ORDER MADE BY W. PEARDON, THE l'f o. 1 GUTTER. (!HE*HougJ T. GE 0. MASON .. l I 2 Sc. Bargains STOTT &JURY'S Local and Otherwise. Cl eared t In · 30 days Ft 0 ' ° WOOL WOOL!! QQO FRAZER AXLE wo1u.0CR EASE on Ess coons. J I -W-OOL I I . .. M ·-u SIC -- . IMapleGroveNurseries I WA ---N T E D· '1 I IR 0BE RTSO N & B 0ND.