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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Aug 1886, p. 7

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~aundian !·~~~~~·~,~-~-~A~±~ ~l&!.~~~~~UW~L&d~~~~~~~~~~·:·:'~~~-~-=·~~~ ·~~TrT!'S'f~~w7 .s~~UU~IU~lL~lll~RIP'l:::'l~l~ ... ~: · ;::~~::~!!!!~!!!!~~~~~~~~::~~~~!!~~~!!!!!~~!!!!·~n:~~~~~~!!!!!~!!~!!!!!~~!!!!!~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!! $fad.e.$ltUUt. HOUSEHOLD. "LET ME OUT Of THIS." WHAT WOMEN A.RE DOING. -----~woRLD'S , John C. W est &C o. TO R ONTO. The A.stonlshtna: Experience et a Farmer, M.c ·i'y M&0dona.ld was publicly decorated Choioe Recipes. On the evening of June 18, 1868, Gaorga reoe ·~1 Y with the medal ohhe R oya.I Society FRIDAY, eUGUSl.' 61 1886 ToMATO SouP,-To ene quart of bolling Wellingten, a Quebec farmer, ba.d a ga.ther- for tho Protection o( Life from Fire for hav. wa.ter add one quart of tema'lioes ; boil aga.!D Ing of friends ai hla house. He was a man <i2 ing, at the peril ~f her own lite, Hved that STAXllA.RD JIU:D!c:'AL WORK FOR snd put in ene tea.!poonful of soda. ; aa IO&Il ye·ra of age, and of robust heo.lth, and on ef a workman, · . as It baa oeaaed foaming, add one pint of thle c;vening it wa.a noticed that he we.1 In Ptincesa Bmnahe d 0 r1Ban 9 , daughter ef · · mlik, ffur railed craokan, butter, pepper partlonlarly good aplrlt!i. After the guesta the Duke de Nemours, 18 a pupll d M. AuOnly $1 By itlnU, Postpnltl, an 1111. t, and serve very hot, ha.d departed he remarked to his wife tha.t ~ert, a.nd gives proof d grea.t art latlc talent. IJ.Llfl!TRATl1'J~ SAlllPUli'l :t'.Rlral XO ..u,i:,, A NUTJl.lTIOUS liROTH.-A qua.rter of a he felt more Ilka aln2lng and dancing than rhe hotel of the Duke de N emours contains terupoonful of beef extract, the yolk "fan going to beii. Tiley retired about several remiultable worke ef the Prlnoeaa, lias the finest assortment of Silver egg beaten np, a cup of bolling water, a 11 e'olook, Md 1he Wll.8 asleep before midThe temperance li.ospltal 3'11st ettabllshed Plated Ware in town-all·new ll'tle added, a.nd served with a slloe of ul11ht. · · bet, makes a palata.bla and nutrltiow Tllo filrmer wae alwavs out of b<d at 5 in hlcago1 under the lead of MIH Frances and neat patterns ; also a J Wilie.rd, is the aeoond of Its kind fa the Iunoheon, and ·n excellent reput for in o,clook, but en the mornini;c followl11g the Id fi lid · .,., th If wor , the rat one having been feunded In full line in va. e. p:i.r.,, e w o awoke at 6 and found him London in 1873, QUEEN OF qua.rt of milk, stlll lieeping, When she attempted to one pint of bread crumbs, tile yoiks of twe 11.ronae him she discovered th a.the was dead, The women crloketera of Sidney, Auetra· eggs, After It la baked spread jelly or an;s A doctor waa 11Cnt for, and he arrived in the Ila, pla.yed a very sucoeaeful ma.tchreoently, A. Great llfedlcal Wm·x On lllanhoocl. kind of fruit over tbe top. Beat the whlteb oourfle d a.n heur to proneunce It a case of The two elevens were led by two aietera, Exhausted Vitality, Nervous and Physical of two eggs to a froth, mix with sugar, anc heart dlaea1e, He said the man bu been the celora being respectively cardinal and Debil1ty. Premature Decline in Man, Errors put on the top and aet in the even until a dead three bon?I when the wife awoke, The b!uo, and black: and gold. of Youth, and the untohl miseries resultlng All kinds of undertaker came and prep:ned the body for A pe;ltlon t hree hundred and seventy-one from indiscretion or exce·ses, .A. book for little brown, BROWN BREAD-Three cups cornme11.l, twc burial. It wa.i rema.rked that the corpse re· yards Ieng, and elgned hv t hirty thousand every man, young, midclle-aged and old. It J e'vellery, contains 125 prescriptions ror all o.cute and cups of rye, ha.If a. cup mo!assea, l ~ cup· tatned a life-like appee.ranoe, and that none women of Ulster, haa been addreued to the chronic diseases, each one of which is invalua.- eaoh of our milk and warm water, Mix of the limbs grew rigid, but the two other Q11een, a.nd beseeches her t o withhold her Spfctaclesf 1 ble. So found by Aut.hor. whose ex!)erience for 25 years is such as probll.bly never before molasses, milk, a.nd water thoroughly, a.dd· called In vigorously combatted a.ssent from a.ny Home Rule bnI whloll may · Eye Glasses, &c, fell to the lot of any physician. 300 pages, Ing ene teaspoonful of ioda; then stir In the Ide?. that he was in a. tra.noe and might be pa.ued. bovnd in beautiful Frencb muslin, emboe~ed tlie meal ; 1team four hours, Be very be restored to life, Nevertheless, tho wife La.dv Archibald Campbell, the leader of A full and complete line of covers, full gilt, g uaranteed to be a finer work in every sense than anyotbcr work sold in this ful not to let the water 1top bolling while and sons had a eooret hepe t hat had the "Pastoral Players," ha.a obtained persteaming. not really ceme to him, and the funera.I wiu minion from Lard Tennyson a.nd Mr, Irving country for $2.50, or the money will be refunded in every instance, Price only $1 by mail, postLEMON TART-One cup of 111ga.r, two put two days ahead. Doring the Interval the to bring out during the ned "pastoral eea· baid, Illnetratives n1mple free to any body. COBPSll: WAS CONSTANTLY WATCHED son," the Bower Scen111 from the Laureate's Send now. Gol<l medal awartl ed tho author by lemons, all the j :doe 1 and a. teaapoonful el grated peel, one teaspoonful of oern ataroh feralgna of retuming animation, but nothing drama of" Becket," the Nationa.l Medi< al .A.seociation. to the President of which. the Hon. P. A. Bissell. and ciieaolved in a little oold water, a.nd one and ooourred ·o dela.y the funerr.l arrangements.. Mlea .... M urray, whese repre1entatfona I ·We ha ve put a new L ATH E in ()111' associate officers of the Board the reader is one· half dozen rals1 The b nr Ia 1 was t 0 "'·k ' n·, ·tewed, cat In two, ... e P ace "' a country of Cona t a.noe f n M t, B rownlng 'a "In a. Jhl· · d d resvectrully refferrec!. work shop, which enables us t o do The Science of Life is worth more to the and aeeded. Beat up well, and bake with graveyar · an moat of the vehicle· gather- ceny," of Celemhe, and of Beatrice In the young and mlddle-a.ged men of this generation upper and lower cru1t, Ing at the hou19 belenged ta fa.rmeu, The "Cenci," have marked her r.1 an aotrees of all kinds of work in our line and guarantee th e best of satisfactfon. ceremonlea took place ever the dead, shan all the gold mines of California and the 0 BANGE TARTLETs-Two fine orange·, and the ooffin was brought ent and placed high lnte11£ctual gift·, 11 engaged for the silver mines of Nevada combiued.- S. F. WCall and get the correct time from th e finest Regulator in town~ Chroni.cle. juice ef both and grated peel of one, en1> In the hea.rse, While tho proceHlon was autumn . to take the leadlllg r o!o &t Drnry The Science of Life points out the rocks and cup of ·nga.r-three-fonr·h· oup If the forming, a tea.m attached to an empty wag· Lane, ,quicksands on which the con3titution and hopes A young married lady, Mr., Lea, 11 Ceof many a youn~ man have been faitally orange1 very 1weet-one ta.bleapi>enful on down the ro..d, runnlmg away, w recked,- Manche,qter Mirr or . vf butter, one-half lemon-juice only-to The wagon collided with the hearae a.nd the quelln'a moat valued pupil, Ber mother - ;r he Science of Life is of greater value than wet one teaapoonful ef com ata.rch, Beat la.tter v biol was t d th ffi fl waa · native of New Orleane, and her all the medical works published in this country alL well together and bake In tartlet 1hella e e fivenp1e e co n ung eut. Four er men an ran te p~ok it up, father of New York, and; 1he was brought for the past 50 years.- Atlanta Const ituti on, but before a hr.nd had t11uohed It a. voice was up In Europe. She can declaim In five lan'l'he Science of J, lte is a superb and masterly without oever, treatise on nervous and physical debility.A DELICATE Sot7FFLB-DIHolve a quarter heard 111ying: guagea u perfectly al theugh eaoh were Detroit Free Press. "Fer God'11ake, let me ent of thie I" her mother· tongue, '.1.'here is no member of society to whom the of a pound of obocola.te In luke-wa.rm The peeple at firat moved back In affright, At th fif h Science of Life will not be useful, whether water ; add the yelka of four egg· and a e teent oemmencement of the 1outh, parent; 11:11ard.ian, instructor or clergy. onp of powdered 1ugar, and mix well te- but &1 the velae continued to addre1a them As u sual our new ma.n.- Argonaut. gether until yon have a imeoth, frothv the ooflin wa1 rPghted and en<ned, and Wei- London Unlverdt.y, thirty girls were made B J r ba.chelora ef art or 1olenoe. Several of them Address tne Peabodv Medical ln9titnte, or stock of eat up the four whlte1 to a atlff llngten was found struggling to get out. teok high honors. Miu Mary Ma.deline ·D r. W. H. Parker, No. 4 Street,Boston pa.ate, Mass., who may be consulteQl on all diseases froth and add them to the mixture, Pcur With a little asai1tance he pulled hlmeelf Adamaen takl.Dg tint honor ae baoheler et requiring skill and expetience. Chronic and al! into a baking cSiah ; it fer ·wenlly out of the box and walked lute the houee sclenoe over her male oompetltora, CAN.ADIA:N , obstina.te diseases that have baffled the skill and iat down in a chair. In h1olf an hour ENGLIS H, ·Of a.II other phy~icians a specialty. Such m1nute1 In the oven and serve, · INDIAN PUDDING WITHOUT Baas-Bon a he had hie clothes en and wa1 moving The College fer Higher Education ef Wotreated successfully without au instance of 8 0 0 TOH & failur e. Mention S T.A1'E SMAN, Bowmanville, qna.rt et milk, and stir In a scant pint ef tn- around among the a.mazed people, te whem men at Egham, England, ra.laed by the munlT·Y· Ontario. dlan mea.l mixed 1moeth wUh cold milk, he related thl1 experience: lfioenoe of the late Mr. Holleway, waa open. AMERICAN boll for twenty minutea, add two table"I did not fall aaleep until 1emetfme ed by the Qaeen In peraon, Little abort of 1poonfnl1 of buster, ene ea.oh of glnf(er and &fter midnight, When I awoke the clock two a.nd a. hall mllllom ef dellara hat been clnnamo11, and a tabl1111paenfnl ef HH. was striking 5. I made a move te get out of ·pent on lt1 erection, Stir in a cup ef mol11111e·, and bake fer an bed, but, to my great umzemenll I oeuld A Mi11 Glbben11 who last year made a hour and a ha.If. Thl'8may be varied by atlr neither hand nor foot . I had the full use trip threugh uufrequented parts of North the addition of a cupful of rai1lna and cur- ef my ears, but I could not open my eyea, Devon, and published an aoooant ef It, nn· rantl, I argued at fimt that I wa1 not yet wide der the title " JJ e Donkeys in D evon," reCOFFU!l CRJl:AM.-Be&t one quart of rloh, awake but 1ume11 her wandering· tbla aoa1on In the and oth er Suitings is sweet cream to a 1tiff froth, like the white WHEN MY WIFE SHCOK MB mame little cart, with donkey· driven tanth e l a rge s t , m ost; of egg1 for Icing 1 then mix with ene- and called me by namo a ud I oould net re· dem, and will write an r.oceunt under the quarter pound of granula.ted eng1i.r, and 1p1>nd by even moving an eyelid, I became head of "The Drnkeys on D artmoor." compl ete and mos~ abodly before 1ervlng, beat Into 11; ane onp 1atlLfied that I wae in a tra.noe, My mind fas h i on ab l e to be Prese1·ve Your Sight. of oold coffee extract, which has been made waa never clearer, and painfully aoute, I Ha.rlem hH a woman captain, Mr1, Mary found inWest Durham Use F. LAZARUS' (late of the firm ofLa~r by slowly filtering two oaps af boiling made effort after tffortto threw off the groat E, Cenna, who Ill licensed oaptaln of the us &;·Morrie,) Renowned Spectacles and Eye· water throuj{h two ounces of finely ground weight which aeemed to be holdln11 me down yacht of which her h uaband ia engineer, Her Glasses, Theyare t he best in the world. They ooffee. Serve In a gla11 dlah, with lady but l oenld ne· bend a toe or crook a finger. applloii.tlen ··tonlshed the lnepectom, but never tire the eye, and last mnoy withHowever, It was enly after the dooter ha.d a1 1he ceuld "box the cempa.11," knew the out change. For sale by Kenner & Co. Bow· fingera er freeh 1ponge cake, · I f lt 1 "rule· of the road," r.nd promised not to &-it. manville. SHORT·CAKES Ji'OB STRAWBERRIES, BLACK· pronennoed me d ea d tha. e r.DY a arm. ·t tho ohit f engineer, lihli licence wae d 1eemed a1 If I onnId ·wear BEJl.BIES, OR RJ.SPBERRlES- 011e teaoup of U P t 0 tha t ti·~ me Itt h a 'd 0 f th8 J ht H d mad e out, and Mre. C oen1 beoai:ne the 11 on am, one of aeur milk, one tea11poenful of soon man&ge "" ge we ~ · · eecond 11oen1ed cu.ptaIn of the female peraua· We have t he goods. To inspect is t o order. Our prices right,. Boda, one tea11paonfnl of .alt, mix and beat a P I8 t 0 1 b een fi red In th e room am iure alon tn the world, In tleur, roll out qalokly ene-half an Inch the ·pell would have been broken. After Our styles command admiration. Our originality is inexhaustible. thick and bake, Vvhen bken from the the doot1r'1 ultimatum I felt that I should La.dy Anne Blunt, the grandaughter ef Our enterprise, ene1·gy and pluck have n o bounds. even rpllt, spread with eweet butter, and be burled alive, Bllt waa I altve ! All ef Lord and Lady Biron, 11 one of the cleverthen add ·berrlea l lay the upper pa.rt on, ·sudden this query 1la1hed aoro11 my brain, eat wemeu In England. Sho lB an anther, cruat aide dewn, and cover with berries and I wa1 troubled mere than I can tell JOU. an adept In music and painting, a itudent _..Call at the centre oC Style, Beauty a1ul {;beapness~ and 1prlnkle with sugar. Prepare your Al 1 had never died before hew Wat I to ef O,.iental polltl.oe, a 1cholar 01opable of berriea with sugar half an hour before using. know the 11enaatlon· ? Could the der.d hear writiug to her Ceylon friends In their ewn Be aure the berrlea are ripe, and think? Was the mind of a oorpae In laniruage, and capable manager of her bean.A PPLE J ELLY-Take any tart red apple· active operation? It was a problem l oould tlfnl home; Crabbet Park, and the teaoher ·-----·· -- ----·-and qua.rter them to be 1are of no wormy net iolve. of her only daughter. 1 tf Tbe TailoJl'~ onea, but net peel them, Nea.rly cover "Not a word wai ·poken nea.r me which Through the founder, the Cennte11 of ·hem with water and boil all to pleoa1, 1 did not catoh and fully nndersta.nd. There Car11arvon, a 1eolety of Irl1h· women Stlain through a jelly.bag without using waa a great deal of weeping, and I failed aent to the Edinburg lnduatrlal E xhibition VETERINARY SURGEON, muoh preuure, &a it; will not bt1 olear If yeu to matlefy myself aa to the cauie. I had 1pecimen1 of heme1p11n and ·weed1, knlttln g get; In muoh of the pulp, Allow three- died, but; It did net Beem as If thla was a lace and crochet, embroidery and sprigging, fourths pounds of 1nga.r to one p ound of 1Uffiolent t xonee, Whtn my wife hfnt over beelde1 plain 1ewh1 g and the makln1 of pop· juice a.nd boll twenty minutes, Jelly from the ceffin and grieved and refuaed to be com- Ima, ~levu, u111brell1W1, p!lpar bags, mnatard cra.b apples la made In the 1ame way, the fertcd, I did not feel bad with her, On the oa.k~ s and biscuits, Vere Foat er'aoopy-books little apples making the nicest and oleareat contrary, her action surprlaed me, When pottery painting and 1t raw bottle·covers, jelly. the two other doctors pronounced me dead T he Sooiety fertbe E mplo;yment.of Women VEAL SALAD,-Mfx one half te1111poonful I made np my mind that I waa dead &nd I· 1endlng aamplu of sor1venery, Illuminate( mustard with half a cupful of vinegar, that lmg, engrealng, and wood-oa.rvlnir, tiintBeat the yolka of two er three eggs, with a THI! END HAD CO.NE, ma.king, tobacco, ma.tohe1, Indl1o n car pet. .Are now showing large purchases of Spring Goods wh ich we believe little salt, until they . are quite thick and I had been ta.ught to believe that the ipJrit artificial tllee, fiahlng-lln111 1 pollon-nete, a.nd will command your favorable consideration . An inspection of the light, then, atlrrlng brlekly all the time, ef the dead ascended te heaven, and Uat knnla-neta, pins, muallna, linens. and fans, same is r espectfully look ed for. We will take great pleasure in show· the dead wer e dead In mind aa well aa bedy, 1 1Y a dd t wo or thr ee t a.bleapoonf u Ia of 1 sew fady Wolseley h111 origlna.ted the aoheme t was a b ase d eception, I felt lndlg1 -ing our goods.b eat saIa.d 0 II· and four t a bleapoonf ul· of that It waa 10, ot a "Ma.y-Falr" cart, which calla three rioh, thick, aweet cream. Then add musf times per·week at auoh opulent h ouses In 1 As an nstanoo o the acutene11 of my · t d " t a.r.d · v Inegar, aa.It an d pepper t o .aa e, a.n h I ear ng, let me exp Iain that after I wa1 the weat end of Louden, whoae owners are We have just rec eived a nice range of Lace Curtain d tar- l aaslet In the work, The foed i 'a some very finel Y ch opped paraIey an vairy1ng in pric e 1"1·0111 60c. to $ 6 a }Jair. L In p a.oe d 1 n t he co ffiu t h e receptlloOle we.a moved willing to ragon, P our thla sauoe over a a eap g I d pnt Into dlflerent cans, and t hen taken to a l f Id t d l t t over to an open w n ow in the pa.rlor, Honorary Graduate of the Ontario eterinary Pl a.·-r 1 r oae e vea · cu in o P eoe1 wh ere It waa 1uppo1ted on aa.whorsee. Two o~ ffiee·houBll, where, under superln~ ~ndenoe, ~ ~ College, Toronto. Registered member of the b ...t u eI cci A. Cresh opening or Table Linens r rom 25c. pei· y d. up OJ?tano Veterinary AEi!!ociation, in accordance a ou an nch I ong and a quarter -inc b thick , ef my neIg hbere took teats on a wa.gon box It ls made up lute appet izin"' .. dlahe1, or ar with the Veterinary Act, - t h e b arnyard , f u 11y 200 feet away, and ranged In cold p ortlenQ, It Is then sold te also Table .Napkins CI·4nn 7ac. to $2.30 per doz. cover t'g ht!Y u.nd 1e t It st and In a ooId Pl ace tn ll; I~ prep.a.r ed to treat all diseases of the Dom· f or an h oar or t wo. S erve on a Pa l tterand f ·heur convened of my death In ordln· la.borers out · . ·et wor k, or others in strait· 1 d or an est1c Am male, acco1·ding to the theories. garn!eh wIth epr Igs of _ or P· pars1ey an ary , t ones of vo1ce. I did not m111s ·- one ened clronmatances, at a nomlna.l figure, All calls personal!)', by Telegraph or Tele- 11 We would like you to see our lat est in Colored Cashmeres, b e11ed egg, ti ce1 of a h a.rd phone will receive prompt attention _.,, _ · ,,_ 1IngIe wor d of t h e cenveraatlen, aa beth which fdoes not cever the cost of oolleotlng. 4'1l"0 FFICE- Main St., Orono, one door nor th of n ew shades, which one and a quarter yds. wide, at 25c. per yard ; afterward a.dmltted, I could hear every Sixty amilles, three hotels, and two oluba W. Henry's 8tore. tick of the kitchen oleok, and muoh ef the alrea.dy become oontrlbutore, a.ud The .Rival Drummers. also :figured goods at 12k cent s. These are rapid selling goods and CHARGES MODERATE, . A Ohlcago drummer balanced hla chin oonversatlen of the women In the up-stair there are ma.ny othen, who on the occaelon will soon be cleaned out. on the edge cf the sea' In fren' ef him and room. On the night previous to the funeral of a dinner er ether entertainment, have half patt 10 o'clock, and while the eignllied their lntenilon of 1ending fer the abent tickled a su.ndv ·halred paaaenirer'· ear with Our stock of Embroideries is also v ery complete and will be fonnd two men sittlne: up wt+h the corpse were MaJ·Falr cart, the remark: to be of interest. reading, I heard two meu ollmb tbe fence The Qaeen of Denmark hall on 1everal " You've been In Ohloage, of course?" Into the barnyard, craH the ya.rd, and en- oooaalens pre1ented her own ell paintings "Where?' An uncertain look came Into the mandy- ter the ham, After a few mlnutea they fer charitable purpo1e1, and a new lneta.noe came out, and 1 heard the jingle of some· of her Majesty'· klndne11haej111Uran1plred, halred man'1 eyes, "Ld me 1ee," he mmed retrospectively ; thing carried by ane of the pair, I could The amall and poor pari1h of Lundoe, in As u sual we are showing large choice in Cloths-English, Scotch " 'pears to me I moat pa11ed through not make out what waa going on, but lear n· J utland, was ea.dly in want of a new altarand Canadianand furnish clothing to order by the best ed afterward, The two men 1tole a horse piece for the ohurch, but t heir finanoea there. I've traveled a good del\l, I know tailors in town. from a field epposlte my ba.rn, and they en · would not a.How of the exp ense. The pa.r . I 've bee.rd the uame before, What line of tered my premiaes In search of a bridle, l1boner1, however, r e1elved to pre1ent aperead ia It on I" " I heard tho peaple au emble for the tltlen to Queen Louise, aaklng her to paint " Line of road. Whv, it'1 the biggest fan.ral, and aa I oaught a word from this one, a.nd a.ooordlngly a deputation of t wo railroit.d oen1re on ea.rth. " · "Not bigger'n Creatline, Ohio, le It?" one or that one I Identified them by name men wall 1ent te Copenha,gen, H er Majeaty recei ved them very w-a.olously, and premised asked the pa.esenger with an amused ex- ta myself. I N, t9 ful fil their n quB11t, The men, having LISTENED CLOSJ!l,Y !rO THE SERMO preadon, "I've aeen four trains to one at E a sily M anaged , Light R u nning, Durable. Crestline, wait ln' te start eff. Ia Chicago but when the minister speke of me I could boen !er ved with r efreshments in a.nether a. place where the trr.lna step for dinner?" net take It as peraonal, I t wa.s as if the apu tment , were again aummened before ·he T h reshes Clean and F ast. Separation Unexcelled. "Na.w," said the dlegustod drummer; name and person belonged t o some one I Queen, who asked them if th11 was their - : P OSIT IVELY CURES :" Chicago is a place where the paaaengera had known before , I knew when I first vlalt t o Copenha.gen, and t hen h a.nded waa carried out and placed In the hearce, to each of t hem a cl&sed envelope, aaylng PERFECTLY BEARDS BARLEY. Removes all White Caps from Wheat. 1tep for dinner, " Cf course, that's what I mer.nt," ex- and I am certain tha,t I heard the olat ter of ahe hoped t hey would enjoy themselves CLEANS GRAIN FIT FOR MARKET, plained tho r ed·halred man gently, "Fact the team running away before anybody while in the a~pltal. 'Ihe envelopes con111 " he went on with cenfidentla.l franknelS, sighted them. When the people bega.n t o ta.ined some new bank·netos. BECAUSE 11 I've traveled 10 much and been In 10 call out In affright I felt t ha.t same fear of many different plaoe1 In my life tha.t I don't being hurt that a.ny live man does, I heu.rd It has a SMUTTER and SEC O ND FANNING MILL attached. Journalism l1 nder Difiloultiea. pretend t o r emember roo»e'n a qua.rte"' ef them trying to baok the heazse out of t he w ·hen we firat atruol:: Vancouver a small 'em, · What 's the of the belie! in Chi· way to let th0 t eam go by, bu t they :were not quick enough. As the collision came med ium safe weuldhave bold onr gold with ca.g9 ? 11, but when we had " There ain't any, " said the d rummer, my eyes epened a.nd my speech was r esto1ed out any specie.I stri:.1 11ind from t hat moment I wae all right." interviewed the enterpria!ng bu2lneee men of gloomily, tho clty, ancl ~!z ed up t he p reepect and po· Tllen he walked forward to the filter, fill sit ion of t his 8plendld lay -out t he t elegraph ed his mout h full af wat~r, gar gled hla He Wasn't That Kind of a Hindoo. wires were work ed, and tho firat she.mer threat , whooshed the liq uid en the floor and 11 And do you," aaid the viaitor t o t he from San Francisco brough a neat 11nd oom· A few Bo::s:es Will c ure any case of J>ya· hung hie leg over t he corner of the coal to the swarthy llincloo in the Mather clrou11 pl~te newspaper plant, Including t ho beot pepsia, elln.ply by t a.king On o :Pill every box. Hubba.r d pants, "do you ai;tua.lly worablp night on ret trtni;. T h ey d o n ot loeo tl:Lolz " W ho b that evil ey ed, pink -ha.Ired, yonder white elephant ! D o you heathen preas In the pr ovince, upon which the e1fect like other Pills. lumpy-legged, prairie-eared micr obe at t he go e ut each morning t o offer orl11on1 whll11 A dvertisei· was printed for juet six short other aide of the car ?" he asked of the oon- oluetered ar ound his feet' ? Do you actually weeks. The fire left u a jnat enough type duot cr, who was pa.salng through the train- worship suoh unga.lnly animals en tho foli- t o print a respectable hu.nd-blll, but: enooura.ged by the ~xa.mple of our neighbors, a.nd Do you mea.n t he gentleman looking out aged banks of t he sluggish N ile ?" 2s ~ents per Box. Fiv e Boxes for $1.00. of " full of faith in the future of the ottv, we the window T HI RTY P I L LS IN A aox. "Pha.t's that?" Inquired t he exhibition commanced business in a 14 x 17 building " Ya.'aa, 11 H in doe, with a ca.nvas i·0of, and we write thla ar t icle " He's a fish merch&1nt fr em St , Loni~. " " Do you- eh- hold those whit e elephants In a te11t next door. THE MORRIS DOUBL E DRESSER. A em111ll hand-preas SQLD BY ALL D RUGG ISTS. aw saored animals in t he land of the Lotns which le slaw enough t o turn a. man's All admit t ha.t a mber is net r ight to E~ters ?" Great Improvements in 1886 Machines. ~ Write post card for Illustrated Pamphlet. gray and old enough to make a gray-haired boa.rd his gold In a box when he might s11 " Be jabers, an' that's a.ll poppyoock tB men feel yenng, ha.a been given , ua and invest It !AB to o.dd t o the welforo ef multi- me, P hat kind uv gulf be yez glvln' me? enabled us onoe more to produce a ne'!VllPll.: t udes. But every one does the same thfng OJ am h er e fur $10 " week u.n' feund o.n' per.- V ancouve:r A dve:rti ser , pract ically wh o holds In his own postession whln I quit worahlpln ' the V irgin Mary Also supply Thr eshing Engines a t Maker's Prices and Terms. anything from w hich he cannot or does net and to pa.yin' me r espfots t o a runt llePROPRIETORS, extra.ot t he v11olue, thereby r endering It u se· pha.nt yaz may lose all faith in Pa.d dy lee.~ . O'Hara," LOOK HERE! the Jeweller, = YOUNC AND MIDDLE ACED MEN MAYNARD WATCHES. c Gold and Silver American Clocks.. MAYNARD· The Jeweller. 0 J:<. :0 E J:<. ' · TWEEDS, WORSTEDS DUNN'S BA Kl NC -POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND We Never Get lcft1 Gent's Furnishings a specialty. JOSEPH JEFFERY, JOHN SPENCER, :i: <. E A . : 0 - Y ! ~ASONEROS_ an' BEST I WEST'S , LIVER PILLS Knitted Shawls in all colors from 85 cent s up. a. lfleMORRIS DOUBLE DRESSER DYSPEPSIA, SICK H£ADACH£ LIVER COMPLAINT, INDIGESTION. ...... - ?': MORRIS & WATTS, BRANTFORD, ONT.

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