OS &so:; ~ht Mr. F. Shea'fi n, 4th assistant tea.cher of the Osh>twa High School, has resigned hie positicn. M<'ssrs. Fair and Graham, of P ort H ope, recently sold l.h eir im r or ted stal lion; Young Entcrpr1aP, b Mr. George DISTRIOT NEWS. S tewart, of Maripo·a, for $2,300. Cobour;l,'s civ ic holiday will be held on · The Durham and K ingston Field Battho '23rd Augu.st. teries, the 4 rh H~gim en t of. Ca\·alry and Midlarnl elevator is h aving the b usiest 4 bathllions nf. mfantr:v. wtll form ~he HAGGEH.T BROS. PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES, VICTOlt FANNING MlLL, s easot.i th is year it has yet had. camp commencrng at K m gs t on, on I th WIDE AWAKE SEPARATORS, CHAFF CUTTERS, TURNIP SLICERS, Thousands of lives saved mrnnally by September. ~ SAW MILL MACHINERY, ROOT PULPERS, CRUSHERS AND GRINDERS, .. h · · nf Wes't 's P·in Kin<' Ur e houseBAC·KAC·HR.- Wh"'t does that spell · ~ old e u.e , dy for chills, colds, "" flux, sum· WI1y, "baclmeh e, " ?f conree, ti1oug h you THE LIGHT 'fORONTO BINDER, STUART, BURROWS & MILNE'S, AND OSBORNE & h r.em 43 THE TOR.ONTO MOWER, KILLY'S WEIGH SCALES, mer coll:lplaint, dysentery, coli.; and won Id n ot suspect 1t at tbe first glance. -0holera. Only 25c. All druggist s. 'f It spells what hu?dreds ~nd thoueandd eif THE MASBEY MOWER, ·rHFJ McLAUGHLIN BUGGY, women are su [forrng from every day of 1 TRE MASSEY HARVESTER. THE HAINS ANlJ CHATHAM WAGON, Mr. W. C. Rose, of Scugog, Jrns one I their liws, but wlrnt they n eed n ot suffer THE TORONTO WIND MILL POWER & FORCE !'UMPS ~ THE MASSEY SULKEY RAKE, h~ -Of oats with 170 kernels on H. I frum if t hoy knew tho virtues <>f Dr. WILSON'S HAY TEDD.1£RS AND BAY LOADERS, THE W ANZEH., RAYMOND AND DOMESTIC SEWING A. ·r ace meet will be held on the Peter- Pier~e's " Favor it.e Prescript,ion." A ll hor0> driving park on August 2G and 27. those "drago,ring d own" pains and sP.maMACHINES, SINOLF:, SULKEY ~\.ND GANG PLOWS, tions "'f nau8ea nnd weakness, peculiar to CULTIVATOHS, HAH,ROWS, SEEDli:RS & SCUFFLERS, BINDER 'l.' WINE AND MACHINE OILS. W est.'s Pain Kin g excels all ot her women , can b\j cnred by this same bo~ n r emedies in promptly curing dysentery, t o womaDkind. It is almost magical m I diarrhoe11., Jinx, colic, ch olera, cholera its results. I morbns and all diseases of the stomach l and bowels. 25 ces ts. All druggists. t The late Joseph Go11 ld provides in bis will for th" er<iction of a mechtrnics' (._hen helonging to Mr. F. Runnds, of stitute at a. cost of from $3, 000 to $4,000, Camp bellford , recently laid l\ triple-yolk to he preaented to Uxbridge. He also WITH SHEAF OARRIER ATTACHED. e~g. rlorrntes to th e town the snm of $2,500 fo J Thia lJOW der never varies. A marvel o! West's Pain King acts promptly, cures he invested in securitieM, 1he in terest purity, stren11;th and wholesomeness. More quick ly. l'lover f "ils to cure bowel com- a ri·i oo therefrom to be d evoted to the econornioa.! than tho ordinary kinds, a.nd can· not be sold in compet.ition with the multitude pla.in t, colic, cholera mr.r bus and cholera. r elief ~f the poor. or low test, Rhort weight, alum or phosphate Costs but 25c. a :d is always rt'ady. - - -- - · - · · -- powders. Holrl. only in cans. Jl.OV AL BAK- I s guaranteed to contain more malleable iron and steel than any other Binder in Canada. fa guaran teecil INlt POWDER CO., 106 Wall St., N. Y. Enquire regarding iLs m er its of any drug· C a r twright Council. to cut closer and handle short and lodged grain better than any other Binder. Is guaran teed. to be more g ist s. t . easily operated than any other l3inder. I ts Cutting Apparatus is t h e best in the world . The only B inder TowN HALL, C,1.itTWRWHT,} T he Cobourg Car Wurk's pic-nic, h ~t Angust 2, 188\i. runni.ng thC:\ Conveyor and Elevator Belts and Binding Attacl1ment with a Sing l e Chain. The only Bjnder week, was t he largest ever held .it Idyl running the Con veyor within half an jnch of the Cutters. The only Binder having p erfect Pitman and The Council met p11rnnant to adjourn W,iJd. Knife- hee l Connections. The only Binder having interchangeable Bush Bearings. The only Bind er havWest 's .Paiu Ki1~ g is 1~ p uroly vegotitble ment · member. all present. The minutes corupouud for the certaiu cu re of ch ills , of las~ mf'f.ting weie read .and coufi.tm~d . in<Y Spiral Springs in the C11nvas Belb Guides t.o rece ive the strain and tighten the B e lts in wet and dry J o n A .--One lo t of )fancy Dress Mr. !.\le Ket· hr ought JU and carried colds, flux, dyrnotery, d iarrhoea, BIJntmer w;ather. The only i3inder provided with a Relief Rake. The only B inder fitted with an An g ular St el coin j;laint, colic, cholna mor bus, cholera throu"h a by ·law to levy and collect Goods, which we are clearing t his and cholera iufantum. 25 cents. All Trust~es' rat.~s in the eeveral school sec- week at ten cents per ya1·d, just Cutter Bar. The only Binde1· on which t h e Sheaf Carrie r is u sed s uccessfully. T he only Binde r h aving tioDs in th e municipality, for 1880. a Clover S eed Attachment. druggists. An account was preaented from James half the regular price. 2 116 b oxes of cheese were offored OD McGill for extractin!,( st.umps on the J oB B.-One l ot of L adies' Rubth1/ mark et at PetHborough one day last Man>ers bonndar·y and on the 5th con. week. b er Circulars, warrnnted perfect line of Cartwright , $17.25 ; aud for 50 J~owmanville , March 25rh. 1886. All lead ing dr uggists will qladly inform loads of grwel, $2.50. and w a.ter-proof,an excellent cl oak MESSRS. SHAW & ToLE,-Ha.ving bought a. T or on to Light B in der, and after runninJ.J: it for two harvests cutting . auyone inq uiring as t o the wonderful On r.:.:ot ion of Mr . Fall is, sec. by Mr. for the dusty wrnther, clearin g for for myself 1<nd neighbors, over 200 acres, not cost ing me 10 cents for repairs, bein g able to 11andle it with t "' o ho rses with ·nerits of West's Pain King. The stand· McKee, the Heeve signed orders on the ease, l consider it the . chao.ipion Binder of £ho Domin ion. My neighbor, Mr. Neil Osborne, had a· field lw conld not handlo nrd rem.idy for ilux, dys\lnter y, ~umm.er 'l'reasurer as follows :- Thos. Hughes, one dollar e ach. with the Chatham Binder, they could not go through wit hout choking and I went in with the L ight Toron to, went six time!I· .comp laint, cholera morbus, chulora, colic, work on quarter line Ill t.he 5th con ., .$50; JOB C.-One l ot of wash i ng fast around the field without leaving my seat, not on ly cutting and binding it but t urned out a nd cut t.he st.11 bble the Chatham etc. 25c. t Mrs. Lon g head, R. l\fartm and R . ~dger had passed over, elevated and bound t he ia.me. M r. Osborne had t he little Brantf(lrd and the Dundas for several daya Lewis Davis, a farmer liv ing neat" t on, indigents, $4 each; J As. McGill, ex- color P rints and Zephyr Gin ghams cuttiug for him, but gave his order for the Light Toronto. W E . OsBORNE. Peterboro, cut his throat from ear to ear trllcting stumps and fur 50 ~oads gravel, clearing at eight cents per y atd, $19.75 ; Wm. Pa rr, sngar given to Wm. formerly sold at 1 2 ~ c ents. the other day. It is th e gr e:itest im portance that all Spe11ce, an indige n t, oOc.; A!ex. Taylor, JOB D.- One lot of B oy's Wool bowel and atomacl1 com plaints should be nmt erial and wurk on str eets m W1ll1amsattended to at once, especially aL this burg, being balance pf commutation for Tweed S ui ts, fitting boys from 5 Stcncly E m1>foy 11ic11t ID gDool men. season of the year. West's Paio King is 1887, $40; A. Spiuks, Com. on Re·ich to I 5 year::; . clearing at l ess than None need be ftll c . . . . prompt reliable and certain never t o fail. boundary, $18 .25. cos t P ric es will be exceedingly On motion, the Oounc1l ad.iourned till Previous experience not essen tial. W o pa.y Only 25c:. All druggists. t salaries or commission. 100 smart men A five-year-old boy, living n ear Whit by, the first Mo11day in Sepkmber,at5 o'clock low a.s we purpose dropping out of either wanted ar, once to canvaso for the sale or W.111. Lu\JA>', this 0epai iment. Canadian Grown Nursery Stock. bad one of his feet taken off \I it n a mow- p. m. Tp. Clerk. ing machine, last week. Why will you suffer when 25c. will buy t;~,NSIJ nP'R'lON t;UU !lu.- ... n OlCl uhy~icia..;, J.nrg.,st in t;aunola- O ver 400 Ac1·es. ; a. bottle of West's Pain K ing and ewe retired fl'om practice. hu.vin~ had placed lil hie -----------· -- - --------- Don't hands by a.n East India roissionary the formu la s.pply unless you can furnish first· class dose will cure the worst case of colic or or a ~imp lo veKern.ble remedy for t he spe!'<).Y references and want to work. No room for cramps and a few doses will cure enmmer a nd permanentcnreofGonsumption.Bronch1tis, lazy men, but can employ any number of ener· getic men who vrnnt work . .Aii<lresR. ·c cmplaint, dy sllntery, diarrhoea or flux. Catarrh Asthma and all throar, and Lun;.: Af· CONCERNING rection·; aho a positive and radi cal ctue. for STONE & WELL!Nfi.TON, All d ruggists. t Nervous Debility and all nerV0\13 Oomplamts, Nurserymen, I 30 ______ TORONTO . 0Dt. P eter boro police magistrate received a. alter having te2ted Us wond erf11l cm·att"'.e 0 0 powers in thousttnds or cases, has felt it h1!i thx·eatening lette1·, l ast w eok, informing dury to make it known to his auff.'cring fellows. Actuated by this motive and 11 desire to relieve him that he was doomed . human sutforing, T will send free of charge, to U i;rJ:;:NOWN. -There is uo remedy known a.11 who d esire.it~ th is rocipe,in German.French, BEUE\'ILLt:. ON""· Chartered and opener ! in 1857. Over 3,000 per· to med ical science that can 1 ixcel Dr. or English, with full directions for prep~.ring sons have been in attendance : 170 students using. S1rnt by mail by addresainl{ with Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawbt1rry as a. and )> enroMc,od l·.st yea.r; representing Url Cish Col · r.tamp, no.rn in r: th is paper, \V . .A.. NOYES H 9 cure for cholera morh us, diarrh rea, dysen- P owe:r'-' BlOckRoche.ste1 · N. Y. 45 ~ 11111\>la. lllaniduba, ~·ich l;:an. Ne w Yoa·]( , ontnrlo ancl tauclloc; 81 d1µJo111as . a.nd cer· t ery, or any form of S ummer Uomplaint '"!l"f t.i fim1t,eA awarded. including Matncnlat.ion. affiicti ng childr en or adults. t olV Music, ]'ine Ari.s,Commercial Science, C ollegiate and 'l'encher·' Courses. Fall 'J'erm begins A Port H ope boy steiding a rid e on a Sc·1·t. 1u1. J 88t;. l!'or annuH l catalogue, etc., d e)ivery wagon, C»ught his foot in the address Rev. vV. P. DYEH, M. A ., Pres. OME of th e most valuable :md eligible wheel a ud. !Jad his leg broken m tho Town of Bowma.nvlilc. TernJR eatiy. :For particulars and plsrns a.pply at the ofllce of Clt0lora will visit uB thia summer . Be H. HUSSJ~LL LOSCONHJO. )> IiicCl un gs' lluildinga, Bowman ville. p rtipared by securin g a ·n ppl.y ?f Wes L 'a <( 0th, J8~t>. 20·4W Pain Kiug , to he kept wttlun reach. Disinfect yom· p remises, as cleanliness a nd West'!! Pain KiJJ g wi ll carry you safely th rongh. Ouly 25c. A ll druggists. iAt Cannington last week seven perIt is tbe only preparation in the world that sonB were lined 1,1;50 and costs each for !!';," will do what is olaitncd ror it. It, has produced ~ · luxuriant growths of hail' on bald heads where infraction of the Bcot t Act. ; Una.pproached for baldness has existed tor years. It has restored L-"~Tone and Quality. · Trrn DES'l' YET.-'fhere ia no p reparathe color a.nd vigor to numerous crops of gray -~I!N-tion beforfl t he people t o-day that com- The undersigned will pay high est market and faded hair. It has relieved Jrnndrcds of ha.a saved persons of disagreeable Dandt·uif and CATALOGUES FREE, mands th eir contid enca more, or meets price in cash for E gg ~ ; al so Butter suit- many when hair was falling, from becoming able for 'l'oronto Market. with a better sale than does Dr. Fowler's bald . . . Uemember these fa.eta and if your hair is Extract of Wilcl'Straw berry- the infallable W . BRITTAIN & Co., Market Square. faMir iling out and becoming t.hin, get a bottle a t r emedy for all forms of Summer Comonce and sa.ve the growth, or you may los" it W . C. W E LLS, King Str eet . forever. Ask your druggist for HAIR MAGIC plaints . ! N. B.- One cont per lb. and per d oz. and take nothing else. t;KJ<' JW'l' irn.uT11 E11ch of Peterboro·s policemen bavo more for But.tar and Eggs will be paid if A. DOltE:NvVENO, Sole Manufacturer, 'l'o· NATURE'S Isrimpossible if th e Di· ronto. been given 200 r nunda of cartridges, with taken in trade at W. C. WELLS' A 1 CURE FOR gcstion ts impaired, the 1 which to mutilate untagged canine. HIGGINBO'l'HA.ftl & SON, Grocery Store, King-st., Bowmanville. Li 1e.;".v~fsa.~~~:iip~~eJ~ e - - A T- A R .AJHCAL CHANGE .- The best ElradicAoENTS FOR Bow.M.A.NvlLLE. 29 ~lm. I 'L'arro.Dt's Effervescent a.tor of foul humors of th e blood is B ur· - - --·- ---S Elll'ZElt .A.PEltIENT. d ock 13lood Bit.tern. A fow bottles will cure Constipat.ion, produce a rad ical change for th e better in lache und DyaSick Heac peusia. I t r egulates the health and beauty. It removes the blood bowels and enables those ::F WORTHLESS IMITATIONS Your attention is directed \o the immense tain t of scrofola, that t et·rible disease so or feeble digestion to enst ock of A s th ore are many i· .iforior joy their food. It redncee common in this country. t goods, corde<l with jute, F ever, Cools the Blood, hemp, etc., offered 11nd sold " ·Gal way," the noted thorou ghbre d is invaluable in Plies and a s Coraline by some un· Inflammatory Diseases, ~<>stallion, owned by Messrs. Fox & Jon es, principled merchiints tradand i~en at justly est!'!emed i ng on tha reputation of Cobourg, died suddenly last week . of every d escription at A per1 for Children. 9 our gc1111ino Uorallnc, AND Economical, Roiinble, Peterboro has a thriving police court we wal'n tho ladios against l!;leg1 mt. It shoultl be such imposition by dniwb usi orss. The fin es reported aa smonnt · fouud in everyhousehold. ing their attention to tho · Sold by clruggfsl s ever11· ing , to between $300 an d $100 for one necessity of seoiog thnt the name She has just opeDed out one of the large11t where. Manufactured only by 'l 'AltltANT ·" week. 1 and most stylish s tocks ever brough t co., :NcwY01·k. AN I NVISI:BLE FOE, - 'l'he poisonons f to town, consistin g of ; ' germs of disea&e are lurking in the air we '" ·tamped on inner sido of o.11 Coraline goods, breat he and the water vt e drink. 'Ihe lllillinery, Dre ss SiU.:s,! - -FC>R.- s yst em should be kept carefully i.-urifi~d ~~hout ~-non~are _g~~I Velvets, &c., and all t.he organs t onod t o proper action. COMMENCING THIS WEEK. r) 'l.'his can best bo done by the re1?ttlatin <z, with a very fine stock 0f F eather s and purifying and t ouic powers of Bllrdock F lo1vers . WITH.Blood B itters. t C11ll and inspect this fine display, which cannot fail to give satisfaction. On SuDd. a :y night w eek, the Office of · -- - the Osbawa Mi llin g Company wae again 1 ente1·ed by burg ars and t.he large safe II 0 - - .a. N" ::0- bu ~st, open . ALL LIVER AND KIDNEY COMFive y0t1:1g ladies from Whitby Ladies' ·/ Collt>"0 successfully competed in the - o- - PLA1NTS, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGEST7,:id1~l ma.t;·ic1~l.?tion exa.mi:latiort at 1 We offer a n e i ht rib Parasol for ION AND ALL DI'-'EASES ARISING :l.bronto 'Un1v~rs1ty. t t g 'l 'HE STEAMER · wen ·Y cents FROM DISARRANGEMENTS 01· T HE A JUD BREAKDOWN. -I t, 18 a common '. . l· 'OR 'I'HE DESTllUCTION O·F thin« no1v -a- days to h ear one comphtin ot An ex tra large eig ht rib Black Par- · LIVER AND K IDNEYS. (t; . C.:1tA. Wl' OltD, Master.) fee!i7ig all f,r oken down with. :i faint, asol for for L y cents. JLL MAKE Il ER REGULAR weary, restles~ languor, with atrength T ··b Bl l· 11 p , 1 £ . anu appetite nearly gon e, and no. ,~ ell e~ 11 ac'" en e a a1aso or 'l'IUPS on this route. leavrng Cobourg every morning at 7:30, and Port Hope. at 9 d efined cause. T his is gener al debility, six ty cents. o'clock, on arrival oC Gran d Trunk Railway connecting at which Bul'dock B~ood .Bitters prompt'y B lack satin line d Parasol selling 'frains from the east and west, · t.rochestcr with the Now York: Central, North· relieves, and most mvarui.b1 y cures. t for seventy-five cents . ltm Cent.ral, a.nd Erie Hailwo.y~. an,d the Lake Mr. J as. Crossen, of th<.i Cobourg Car .. . . . ent<trio Division of the Rome. Watertown and Work~ has b eAn awarded the contract for A beautiful largo extra q uality OgdE1nsbu rg ltailway for all points Ef3.$t., west Bowmanville, J une 30, 188G. south. buildin!.' rolling stock for lhe ~orthern Satin Paras ols for one seventy- and llETURN'JNG- Will 'leave Charlotte · (port or ~============================== -, Proprietor, Toronto. and Pa~ific Junction Railway. fiv e . Rochoster) daily at ·0:50 o'Clock. p.m., except Saturday when she will leave at 3 p. m., for 1 lb: Acn:D vVISEL1'. - " I am so w.eak An e l eaani; gold ri.b Satin Parasol Port Hope diroct. can hardly move all run d own with a ." · SOLD BY Dealers in stock ,vii! 'fi nd this the cheapest FOR YOU.N G LADIES. Clm.mic S umm eI· Complaint," said oae sellmg for two dollars. HAMIL TON, CANADA. and most experlttious route to Odwego. Boston. llIGGl~BO'I'HA lU & s.o:N, gentleman to another vn the street. th~ H a nd some l ace 'trimmed Paras ols Albany, Now York. etc. The'First the Ladi·s' Colleges ; Has gradfm·th.ir information apply to KENNER Preeident- The LORD BISHOP of TOIWN'l'O. uated over of other day. ."No iv, take my advic~, in blue b ei<YI'} c r e am and cardinal & For 200 in the full coursa. Has edu..BO WMA NV ILL E. CO· Bowmanvill~ or G. URA W~'OltU, cnted over 2,000. Full faculties ip Literature, r eplied his friend, " ~o to your Drngg1st . .' . " ' d Port fI~pe, 01· C. F, Gi'LDERSLEEVE, ~Gng· - - - - - The School will Rl<J-OPEN on 'l'UESDAY, Scien·ce and Art. The Lo.rgest and get a bottle of Dr. Fowler's Extract from fi.tty cents an up. ston. ~1-tf A lady says those Fancy Window Shades 8th September. Boarders to arrive the previous La.nguaJl,'es, College BuiltUng In the Domiolon. WiH open of Wild Stra.wborry. [ha ve n cYer known the Principal. Shaw & Tole's is t>he place to get binder at Tait & l\forrrson's are the best for _Lhe · da.Kpplication may he ma.de to the Lady Prin· Se11t. l , l88ti, Address .&,. B URN'!l, D. D;, LI.. D , i t to fail i n curing any kind o.f S ummer money she ever saw. They a r e beauties. cipal. Wykeham Ha.11, College avenue. twine. Complaints. i (!tnuntlinn ~tatt~man. B~;~f:;~;L~~~~F-;~;;:~-:A:~~~,th~ SHAWATOLE, ---DEALERS I N - -4 1f4G in-1 POWDER Absolutely Pure. THE T RONTO LIGHT BINDER Challenges the WORLD for an Equal Record! ---o- -- SHAW & TOLE, Bowmanville. AGENTS WANTED. DRY GOODS. r d er t -·· ------ Robertson & Bond. The Fonthill Nurseries, FA. C rl, S CLEAR/NB SALE. In Dr. DORE NWE ND 'S :c ~ALBERT COLL~GE, make room for our F a 11 Good s,- we will offer the ba Ian c e o f our Summer Good;s Building Lots for Sale. S ES: at very close prices. ..... O 20,000 Eggs and~ Cl 1,000lbs. Butter 0 - WANT D WE EK Ly GREAT BARGAINS FOR 30 DAYS BELL &CO., Guelph, Ont. 'B oots and .S hoes CONSTIPATION BEWARE LADI E S, D. · ·· D-A-V-I -S'. MILLIN ERY =========:::;::::============-=== --·--/ . MRS. DONNELY'S ·ick-Headache S SPEPS I A 0Y J. HIGGIN BOTHAM & SON, Chemists and Druggists, 'CROMPTON CORSET CO.' -D A_ N_ D _ E _L_I_ O_ N_ LIVER AND KIDNEY ITT E Rs I PURI: PAIU't~ B PA RA s0Ls DailvJ Linet. Rochester. · S URE DEAT H CURES _, . , ~ IFJI_f t ~ ~ alt " ~llmlth~£'l & TO BUGS. I .I ns e c I Powtl~t· NORSEMAN z. W The Greatest Blood Purifier in the W orld. Flies, Mosquitos, Carpet Moths, Cabbage Worms, etc. J. HICCINBOTHAM tc SON. E. THE BISHOP STRACHAN SCHOOL WESlEYAK LADIES' COLLEG, l:;· ROBERTSON & BOND.