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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Aug 1886, p. 5

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, Civic Holiday on Monday next. Tucker's Soverign Balm for sale at Stott & ,Jury's. Mrs. 1( Wickett , of Tor onto, is visiting· friends in t~wn. See the job lines of ladies' and children's --FOR-hosery at Tod Bros. PURE Milinery and fancy goods below cost at and u11diluted Mrs. Morrison's, O rono. full stren~th. Mr. A. Barber, of Cobourg·, paid a visit to friends her e this week. Mrs. Chas. Yollng is in Toronto visiting her daughter, Mrs . F. H. Ha.ddy. WHOLESOME Purities the blood, Farmers can save ten cents an acre by and a.ids digestion. buying th eir twine of Shaw & Tole. The U. 0. F . Co.,Band won first prize atWhitby, on Thursday of last Wtlek. REFRESHING Mr. J ohn Stacey left la.·t week for a Tones up the system. two months visit in t he Old Country. Dr. P otter, Office and R e8idence in Prower's Block,, Bo wmanville. Fnll lines of artists' materials-tubes, FRUITY brushes, pallettes, etc., at S. S. Ed.sall's. and Tich in fla.vor. Mrs. J as. and Master Harold B orland, 12~c. of Lindsay, are visiting a t Mr. R. H . '.rurner's. COOLING Mr. Geo·. Piggott was elected councilJust the drink for man for the West Ward on Saturday last, warm weather. in place of M. Porter. 'fhe Salvation Army barracks at Kings· [n ordering, epeciliy DOMINICA., 11.nd don't ton was destroyed by fire on Mond<ty. be put otr with any imitations. 'rhe building was valued a$G,OOO. Insured for ~4,000 . . BEFINED EXPRESSI,Y FOR D1·ess muslins reduced from 17· 1 cents to 12t, from 15 cents to 10, and organdy Mr. A. C. Gartley, of N e.v market, has muslins from 20 cents to 15 at Co uch, :tv.l"C> NTR..EA.:C.., been visiting his friend Mr. S. A. J ewell. ,Johnston & Cryderman's. Fos sale by STOTT & JURY. KEEP eooL-your choice of 10 d oz fine R E n 1 · Q "tTT straw hats at 50c. See Star H ouse advt. ev. ' b oberts wil preach m ueen VV 0 St. Methodist church n ext Sabbath, in A liberal discount to the trade. No Full line of artists materials- tubes, t he morning on "The gain of godliness," phar~<> for cases. brushes, pallcttes, etc., at S. S. Edsall's. and iii the evening on "What ,fesus saw, Mrs . Jas Miller left on Monday to visit felt and did. All are welcome. friends in Hamilton and other points We have to tl11111k the Driving Park west. Asoociation, of Peterboro', for tickets for Mrs. Jas. Pearce and Master Neal the rnces to take place in that town on Munroe, ofNewYork, are visiting friends the 26th and 27th Allgust. A number of in town. very good priz ·~ s are offered, and two The ne w Salvation Army officers were days good sport may be looked for. expected to lead the meeting at the barNow is the time to have your family racks fast night. grou1is and your babies and children o:m~Ts Mrs. W. Wilmot and Miss Wilmot, of photographed while the light is strong New Orleang, has been visiting at Mr. and warm and. t he little things haven't YOU CAN BUY Thomas McClung's. to he so bundled up. Henry's gallery is . . .;,. .- . ·; . A Shaving :Mug and Brush, or Mr. and Mrs. 0 . J. J olliffee, of Ottawa, just the pl1~ce-;-no stairs to climb-and c~t1l>in to get pictures to please you. A Hair Brush and Mirror, or and Miss Etta Rosevear, of Cobourg, are / T the gllests of Miss Neads. · During the thunder storm, whicn was A Puff and Toilet Box, or very severe, on W eclnesclay afternoon, the .Toll l lightning ·strnck one of the chimneys on F ARMERS;-Take Yl)Ur wooi to A Good Hair Brush and Comb, or Lyle ancl get the highest market pri e. Dr. 'f arnblyn '11 rtlsidence, knock ing off Six Good Combs, or Don't sell till you see him. several bricks. No serious damage was If you want the best value in lace ur- done, though the inmates of the house A Good Hair Brush and a Cake hins, at the lowest prices, go to Rol:iert- were badly frighteued. lt was a narrow . of Soap. son & Boud's, Beaver Block. escape. Hev. Dr. Bennett, of St. J ohn's, Ne"" The garden part.y, held atthe residence -Call and see theBrunswick, will occupy the pulpit of s ~ . 0 -Mr._Jplm Milue, on F riday e,·ening Paul's church on Sunday next. . last , in aiil of St.J ohn's church fond, was L. Geo. Quick has a new machine for a decided success. In addition to a -J.Tmaking' evetroughs that wont leak. It bountiful supply of tempt ing viands, ice cream and other delicacies, a choice pro· mak es the length six feet long. Rev. Mr. Scales, of Oshawa, delivered . gram of singing, music and recitations two excellent sermons in Church street was rendered. A very pleasant time was M ethodist chllrch , on Sabbath last. spent by all present. Proceeds $47. MEDICAL HALL. Mr. and Mrs. D. Burk Simpson leave We call aitent ion to Oouch, .Johnston this weP.k for a visit t o Tadouasc, Que. & Cryderman's new ad. in this issue. They will be absent until September. This firm have always macle it a rule to clear out th eir stock at the end of each Mr.' A. R . Adams, of Toronto, accom- season, and they arc de termined th a t this panied by his wife, has been spending a season shall be no exception . They have : owMA.NVILLE, FRID.i.Y, Aua. 13. few days with his father, Mr. J. Atlarns. already bough L a large amount of goo!ls Wednesday, the 25th i nst. , will be in England for the fall and winter t rade, observed as a day o.f' prayer in connection and to make r oom for them, will sell all with the Methodist General Conference. kinds of summer goods at prices which BoATS TO HIRF..-T wogood boats to hire. must command a rca<ly sale. Hose, hose, hose, West End House. ' Apply to Geo. H . Buxton ii.t the Organ H enry t he photographer wishes us to · ""ell' Ladies go to · the W tlst End House for Factory, or at his residence King-st. East. inform his many p<itrons that he is a To SYLVESTER BROTHERS. . T he Li~ht B inder .I bou. ght of yo~1r agent, .J.D. Arm str~ng, ha~ given good satisfaction. I went to 'tii:stit.tion, brought Hosiery. FAR".>rERS,-1\foClellan·& Co. have now member of the Phot~graphic Associ,tiou it h ome, set . 1t up myself, and my n~1~hbor, Mr. Kel ly, havm~ a piece of barley ready, I wen t down and cut it, doing it a.a NEw, NEw-Mack and colored braided on hand a la.rge quantity of :Dalt and of Canada, which nieets in Toronto on easy as _ any smgle reap_ e r. Some of this was short, some heavy and t.angled . I defy any farrner in the township to do the jerseys at tbe Stu Ho11se. Plaster and fo1· sale in quantities t o suit the 17th, 18th and ·l!Jth days of August, sa~e with any o t he~ bmder. Non~ of Mr: Sylvester'J! agents ca!De near to help set it up or i t going. It is so simple that and is desirou. s of attending, M _ there is I\ httle b 'ly can rnn it.. I c:m recor;imen't. i t to be t~e ):>es~ machm~ I have ti~er seen , and would say to Rll int ending pur chasers By some strange causes, the fruit this purchasers. season is by far the most plentiful on old The Band of Hope meeting will be an'\oltnt of knowledge ntHl inlormat iort to buy 110 ol.l11ir than a SyJv,.ster Light B111der1 behevmg 1t to be the beet, simplest, most d urable and ligh test to draw of any held on 811.turday afternoon instead , of to be attai ned there that cannot be had I have yet seen. trees. · JOH N MORRIS. Many a man is tho architect of his own Friday, at the usual time and place until through any other source. He cannot afford t o miss it, and would ask his pa~fortune, but never gets enough money to furt her notice. HoRSES wA.NTED.-1 want to buy a lot r ons to go\·ern themsel ves accordingly, - - - -- - - -- -- -·-- - ·· ·. - - - - -... __ _ _ . -·build. BOWMANVILLE MARKETS, of large, heavy horses·, also fillies from and kindly allow these three days. Onl v 35 cents for STATESlfA.N to new Lybster shirtings tire the best , a full 'rhe highest building in the world is ·· su"scrlbers t o end of 1886. l t th St H F Th T ORONTO I NDUSTP.IAL Am.- e success " range, on ya , e ar ouse. C:orr (!ctetl by .Joint Lyle, everyThnr~alny, the spire of St. Peter's church, Rom~, one to four years old. Address, ::!TEPJIEN COTTON, Bowmanville. which ha.a attended the Industrial Fair in W e und erstan d M ayor H orsey intends Barbed, r ibbon, plain and ann ealed h 518 feet. Messrs. R · All e n , N . M . Gage, and 1\.T e. success past, appears eclipsed by · n tlte wire a fnll .. l OO .... <:! 2 10 To whom it may concern: this is to c~r· J.'. t the f tl likely to f betl t openi'ng a first class hard wa·r e stoi·e 1 S Ed ll' stock at b od r ock prices at S. F ; LOUR, ,..,. ws .. . ...·. . .,.. t o $ 2 50 · ie oTu('I or _ie r> res enh builcling east of and adjoining the Stand- · ; sa s. WHEAT, Fall, ~ bush .·. ·. 0 70 11 O 75 tify, that Robert~on & Bond are selling S. Young are in London this week, as 1 opens at orodnto on t 1 representatives to the Grand Lodge of. Y~~·, w 111\ 1 le 3 t ard Bank. A fresh coat of paint and Have you seen Red Ridinghood, Blue 11 Spring, 11 ··· ·· O 70 11 o 75 the cheaptost goocts in town. 0 eptem er next. Alrea Y the space in other fixtures have improved the appear- Bells and Ruy a B room in Henry's win BAitr,EY, 'IP' bush . . .. .. . .. O 55 11 O 70 the Jndependant Order of Oddfellows. Order Doors, Sashes, BliJ:!.ds, Picket~, all the large buildings is n early taken up, I d l IC' St Just to hand to·day,at Couch Johnston ancl the character and novelty of the ex- ance ol._!.1e atores consi erably. <ow on mg . RYE, II · · · · · · · · · · 0 53 II 0 55 etc., at Morris' Planing Factory, Liberty & Cryderrnan's a lovely assortment of h ibits will be far ahead of those of IJreM r. Fred. H oskin, of Strat roy, and OATS, 11 · · · · · · · · · 0 35 " O 37 street, R. H. Oaborne, leastie. · d b · 1 d · Th b As it had been announced that t he M F d w · J t f B f l · p Bl k "" b h o 80 ra1c e ierseys. e est ' · ' ious years. Entri<>s in all departments r. re . n g l , o rant ore were m . EAS, - ac eye, ,,. us . . . 11 O 88 'f he 'gref'n apple and the sma.11 boy are p 1am an ,. officers, Capt. H ind, Lient. Staples and t ow11 th' '· ' S 11 O 55 O 60 close on the 28th of August. For priz Cadet Bullock would fa1·ew t\ll at the bar· is weeK. , II ma ' II · · · II I1olding their nnnu l games. The s . b. val ue th ey h ave ever s h own. 11 11 The ladies of lhe W. C. T. Union luwe lists and all par ticulars, d rop a tJost car rack A Blue, lias been douoled up a few times. ·s on Sun d ay night, an immense T lady · says M those F ancy Window Shades Bu b t t bl """'-· · · 0 O 55 19 11 0 o 65 J4 the best T'.l'ER, es w.· · ~ 11 o 13 rrowcl gathered at the meeting, which was at a1t 8& h ornson's are Th b for the LARD, tr lb ... a .. ,e,,,. ...... . . O 10 A new story, " Won and Lost," is r equested the ministers of this t own to to Mr. Hill, t he Secre tary, a t 'l' ..ronto. preac a sermon on tempera;nee and the Scot t Act or not, there is no reaso one of more th an usual interest. The money e ever saw. ey are eauties. I1 ~ommenced in this is-ue. Subscribe now, early closing movement, at their earliest why everybody should n ot look well an. remarks made by these officers were 4 pieces hue new wor sted coatinas, beau· E Gos, tr doz .. .. . . . · .... · 0 35 00 II 0 12 11 .Qnly 35 cents for balance of the year. 4 opportunity. now you are ~oing to have a chance, o listened t o attentively and many seemed t ifully fin~shed goods. Gentleme~. if you :kOTATO.ES, iJl' bush· ·"'·" 9 O O () 11 J . R. Bmdley's Spring Pad for single As a party of Sal vationists were r eturn- Thursday and Friday, August 19th a n deeply impressed by their earnest ap· want a smt , see them at T. Geo . Mason's, AY ' · ' ' ' · · ' · ' ' ' · ' ' · ' · · · OO l O OO .a nd donb:e harness gives entire satisfactStar ~e. ion. No hors" will have a sore back ing from Osh<l.wa on ~onday n ight, the 20th. The r eliable old agent from the peals. N tm 2'.uutrtlscmtnts. wheel on one of the rigs broke, thereby firm of R . Parker & Co. , dyers and clean/ essrs. W. S. Rllssell, W. C. King where they are ueed. ·11· ·11 b em town , so you ma:y net'be know n to many reader s and J . B. Mitchell, who have been absent sp1 mg tile occupan t s. Th e J10rses ran ers, of T oron t o, w1 Just received at the West End House away . ancl a geuer~ l smash up occurre d . can get yom· fac1c d garmen ts d yed to l ook of this iournal that we have in this t own as members of the Canadian team, at · nsl y 1 l"l cr t he name of "The from the famous manufacturer E . A. "'T ~·O one, h owever, was ser1o lUrt . 1 re new. L ad' 10s and ge11t1emen, wear- an i nstitu tion bearin0 Wimbledon, r eturned home on M onday · 1b ·r 11 1 d Bowmanvi!le E lectro Ph.ti n!.( ·works" Levian & Co., a lot of his n ewest and best '\'Vest End Gr0cery H ouse now senc ls mg appare eaut1 u y cf eaned an dyed, h' h guaran t ees to d o pIatmg . . goId , morning. 'l'hey r eport a very successful F OUN D---Ou Tuesday t he 10th inst .· Tl w 1c m · · l · ll k ' d s tyles in Gents' Ties . . out one of the nobbiest delivery wagons all so h 0 use m s. ley silver or nick le so that old articles are ompetition. · a small sum of money..on the GravelRoa.d. l f urms ungs 0 a 1 argest works in Canada, and are made to look quite as go6d or even bet· SPECI AL ATTENTION should always be just outside of the village of Hamp ton. Anply Messrs. Shaw & Tole offers to present in town. It is gotten up in the latest iave Lie 33 Dno~nf .far and wilde for their fine, work. tcr t han new, and the proprietn agr ees give tlie hair and scalp. There is a t S'r ATESJ\f,nr Office. - iw a binder to ll.nyone who will find a man style and on the most improved plan, as k 1 in the county who has bought a Massey is the case with all work turned out of oat ai to give t. iem a trial. Mrs. Wm. to plate haavier t han the platin~ to be not hing nicer than a good head of hair. T IMBER FOR SAL E.-All the stanr.1Morris' Carriage Works. Keyes is the agent here, goods given to foutlll on any new article. All kinds of I n case nf baldness when the rootR ar e ing timber on LotG. Con. l, Manvers, fol.' Binder and will not recommend it. 'rh l d' f h Cl h er will receive prompt attention. They .1 ld h ld .1 not all oon e, Dr. D orenwend's Grea t s >tl e. For t.el'ms apply, if bv letter, to GEo. v.·. e young a 1es o t e 111rch street ~wcastle Aug. 21st. SI verware, o watc cases go or s t ver, " GILBANK. Pontypool, or personally at Lot 18. A farge crane w11s shot by Mr. F. nml indeed all kinds of ti<b leware are re- Ge rman Hair Magic, will p roduce a Coo. 10, Clarke. 32-3w. -Orchard, on the farm of Mr. Walter J. Methodist Y. P.A., intend giving a P ink .,,·· -· 1 and W h ite social on 'fnesday eveni A large fire occurred in Newcastle on paired, cleaned, and p olished. .Any of l uxuriant growth of hair; it will re·tore - ___ _ _ __ ,;.___ _ _ _ _ __ _ Langmaid, on Wednesday of last week. 1 morning last. The fire orig- our readers having articles tha~ require all grey and faded hair to its oricrinal F OR SALK - One acre c,f land with It measured from tip to tip of wings,5 ft. n ext, in the vestry of the church. A Saturday · t d · ti J d d f t f l\K I d · ·t t 1 1 f 11· "' frame houije thereon, sitnat.ecl hal t mile 1 s ops a a inrr Ollt ou tside the corporation. on the gra.\·el l'Oad, 11 in., and when standing upright, 4 ft. first-class program of singing, recit~t'· ns, m a e m ie sas l an oor ac ory o ;ur. plating can rely on getting a superior job co or an vigor ; instrument al music, etc., has bee pre· E . Simmons, th e whole building with done at a reasonable price and a sin" le of t he hair and removes all traces of° d11nwest of Bowmanville. For terms apply to vv. :9 inches. pared and a most enjoyable time is anti c- machinery, tools, lumber and stock ':"as trial will convince you tha~ this is corre-::t. [ druff. A l_i ttle of this g ra:it pre p \r;t ion C. TYLER, Bowmimville. S2·3w Henry's window seems just now t o be ipated. Admission 15 cts. Ev ·ybody cornpl~tely de.stroyed as well as Mr: S un- The foreman is Mr. J ohn Wright, late of ~1sed once Jn a 1v l~ t ~e will keep t he scalp S TRAYE D FROl\1 MY PREMISES, very attractive, he has made some photo- welcome. mond~ dwellmg, and another residence Glasgow, Scotland, and the proprietor m a healthy cond1t10n and make the hair lot 20, con. 6, Da.rlingfon, during the last ,graphs of some of the principal acts as The Eagle steam Washer for , -hich J . occupied by Mr. J olm Steer. A row of is Mr. F . N. H am. Call at Reid's soft, pliant and brnutifnl. A.D oren wend, week or J uly,a. white banow year old. ;given by our Union School teachers ancl N. Kivell is the general agent iJthis d is- t enement !1ouses owned by MfR. Barre tt, Block and see sampled of the work they sole manufact urer , T or ont o. J. Hic "'in- :'i.~~v~~·~ ~~v1~1;,,~~ro,~?ift~~n rt~~~;d~~.le~~f~~ ;pupils a t ·heir l ute concert in the town trict may be seen at Cawker anq Allin's, two .dwellmgs of .M r.. Ecl<ly s, th.e r ear are turning out. b otham & Son, agents for Bo w1nanvi'lle. VANNEsT, Jn., Sohna. 33~l !hall. As is usual with. Henry, he has store, Bowmanville. O\rer 120 h~ve b een port10n of the ~as~1e Wo1 ks (a long ·- - - -oro ·cn rco, b11t tl·orn irl:o 1'r1te t<> .succeeded. sold around here since Novem er. A narrow wooden bmldmg used a~ lumber 1 Unr1·ln:i;c Not.lct~s. uO cents ; blrt1&~· ntul S1inson ,tco.. Portland, )laine.will 1co.eivo h OUSe f l tl bl k th l ) d CntllS, 25 CClltS. frco , full il. 1 formntiOll "br·Ut \<Ork whiC!t We want to add two or three hundred la.roe consignment has been recei ~d frOlll St)!' ( e > Ol'Ille~· y le aC Sllll S 10p they ClUl <lo. nn < l Ii ve nt 1:0:nc,th"t w lli 11ay .names to our subscription list within the manufactuer and all orders i ' ll be and a larg;e quantity of househol.d go_ods . 'T T Q them from M to ~ex. $20 yt·im;.: per dny. Some have VV BIRTHS. rnr111:1l o ·ttff$;"1l in n d n)'. E ither (lr old. CHpHaJ t Tl .next few weeks. 'l'o assist in this direc- promptly filled. The) Eagle is d~cidely we~e consu. me d . ie fi r e engme from "°' required. You ore otarie·l free. 1'ho<n;hn >1ar: """cG h ere was sum1~onecl and was promptly on : mrNS-ln ton. on t he 4th inst., the ·re · iJsolutely sure or ·oug little fortunes. All is i:ew. ition we will send the S1'ATJ;SMAN from d ate the best washing machine on Ear·t~ ·. th e scene, savm.12' a la1 ·,..,"e amount of pro· d~ 1 ,° gh otferM . r. C. Johns, carriage builder, of a - -·- - - - -- -- - -- - - -- ·up to January lst, n ex t , for the small '.[} y N f J I 28' 1 ~1 $ 5to $8 a day. Samplra a.nd dut.y FHEE 0ARONER-- Tn Bowmanville, on the Gth inst IAues not under the hor?e'sfeet.. Write ' ie,., .ew~,o Ll Y " l 1ves perty that other wise w.ould have been ll!Um of 35 cents, cash in advance (postage ll consumed . The loss 'la estimated at We will pay the highest the w ife or Mr . G. Gardner, ol a daughter. ., BREW STER'S SAFETY RErn HO LDER. 11tamps takeu). No w isyouropportunity . the followm,.., item.-;- Among the Co.. IIolly, Mich. All th e local news of our township for pa::isengers that arrived fro~n the easti- ~O,OOO to ~5 , 000_ Mr. Simmonds had tlus afternoon_were, Mr. D. St'?tt, a well no ura.uce except some $600 on houseprice in Cash for any quanMARRIED. 'l,o AD\'ER -T -f _S_ll -,n - s.---Low-c-st _ l'l._e._t_e_ s_ f_or - ad!less than 8 cents a month. k~own druggist ?f Bowm anv1lle; S. J. hold goods; 'l'hti fire depart ment of the COGGIN- lIAJ.L-I n Cartwright, ·on t.he 28th vertiaingin IOOOgoo<l newspaperssent free. Hll AcTll.D W1sEr,Y.- " I am so weak I Snnpson, of N or,w1ch; E. H. H eeley a .. nd town consists of a few lrnckets owned by ult., by the Rev:. A . l\foLa~en, Mr. 'l'hoe,Goggin, Address QEo.P.RowELL & Co., Spruce St..N .Y. tit y of Wool of the township or Howick, to Miss Maf"gie _____ _ -can ha'1'dly move, all run down with a. · ' Hall. youngest daughter of Hobert Hall, Esq., _ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ __:._ M r . D · S to~t is a th e general inlrnbit1111ts and whatever J as. St0 tt of Ya!;· l Chrvnic Summer Complaint," said one b~other of ,Jas. :-Stott, :in old p10neer wells mid cisterne t hat happon to be in Car~_ t._ Notwithstandin!{ the recent ad vance in gentleman to another 0n the street the h~g.hly esteem.ed on this coast .. T.he the neighborhood. Some furthe r provisWM. QUICK & CO. DIED. silks, yon can stilibuy all colors and all ~ther day. "Now, take my ad vice, " v1s1tor~ speak m war~1 term~ of tlus. city ion to · fight the devour ing elements is q ualities at the old prices at Couch, J ohnreplied his friend, "go to your Druggist and thmk Vancouver,,s location the finest surely llece.·sar·v ·n e\·ery towri, 110 niatter XELLowr.EF.SAt Bowma.nville, on of.J the 10th ,, inst., Harold, infant son ohn ston J & Cryderman's. M 1 and get a bottle of Dr. Fowler's Extract t h ey I1ave ever seen. how small. : and Eliza Yellowlees, e.ged 2 weeks and 2 days no. . cMurtry is showing B lack B roof Wild Strawberry. I h ave never known ))Jt. LOlV'S PLEA.SANT WOIUI Sl'RUP 11>11 J,Ol'l"S !'ULPlll:lt SOAr ~honl be fomul l'REJ.:MAN'S WOltH POWDERS are ~n . \ S·rXl'J.lls- In Orono, on the 10th in~t. Marv cacled Silk , Black Gro. Gram Silk, B lack i t .to fail in curing any kind of Summer ~llfc worm 1·cmedy for WOl'UIS nllllcting ~.-Uh e ·' Cl'Y toilet. It IS Cl<'l\ll~lng llllll 11enl· I s ure ntul s1·eed y to rt,move 1vor11u Croll I Lousia Lyness, wife of Mr. \ V , Stti.ples, aged 2 o Satin suit,able for summer mantles, lovely chilclre1t or nchalt~· !lag, I dalldrcu or adults. I years. Black Chenille Fringe for t rimming. <Jomplain· t s. t 1 LIME fRUIT J-UIO-E. DOMINICA Lyman Sons & Co., Miss Hattie Adams is visiting friends in Toronto. Miss Nellie Perkins is visiting friends in .Napanee. · Call and secure lnrgains at Mrs. Morrison's, Urono. Miss Armstrong, of Toronto, is visiting at Dr. Young's. Mr. E. H. Caddy, of Toronto, was in town this week. Shaw & Tole's is the place to get a McLaughlin .Buggy. Miss Eva Moure, of Brooklin, is visiting friend~ in town. Mrs. Halpany, of Uxbridge, is on a visit to her son, here. Mr. Archie Bingham, of Trenton, was in t own over Sunday. Mr. W. J. McMurtry, of Port P eny, was in town last week. Miss :L . R obins, of T oronto, is visit· ing at Mr. Rd. Shaw's. Buy 3 lbs. of Li·Quor Tea at· Levi M orris' and get a $1.00 book free. Mrs. \V. Lunnis, of Toronto, is visiting Mr. ancl Mrs. W. R : R. Cawker. Miss Bertie Welch, of Toronto, is visiting her friencl, Miss Sara M orris. A good tweed. or serge suit, a ny size, $5.00 at T . Geo.Mason's, Star H ouse. Mr. S., ex-reeve, of Ca1stor, was the guest of Mr. J as. Miller last week. Mr. John McClung, of Toronto, has been visiting friends in town this week. BARGAINS JU LY and AUGUST I We must make room for our immense fall orders. Spring and Summar Goods must go I 10 doz. Mens' and Boys' Fine Straw Hats clearing at 50c. 15, 18 and 20 cent Ginghams and Sateens clearing at Parasols, Hosier y, Gloves, Laces, E mbroideries and Musl ins, all at sacri fice ·prices. BLACK AND COLORED BRAIDED JERSEYS. the best value we have yet shown. NE~! ~TE~· ! are the only house showing a full range of L YBSTER SHIRTINGS. Don,t be deceiyed, we have the rig·ht goods at right prices. --FOR- -·2 B·- (!~E*~@ CLOTHING TO ORDER MADE BY W. PEARDON, THE No. 1 CUTTER. .. T. GEO. MASON. ; ~ 2 Sc. Bargains STOTT &JURY'S Local and Otherwise. , °' I l ·G01n·-ne1c1s h; Q L I ·---- -

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