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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Aug 1886, p. 7

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0 1 !!!.!! ~ - --·----~±.tfWL . _. _ ... _~-·~-~-4Ml···tim·111nw.. ~·~~ ····~ --~;~ - -~-~;!.l! · -~ -~;~·lif!lld,l!~ ·.. ~ · -~-~ ---~·~ ··lilllllllL'lill!'! ·-~·~ ···~,~ · -~ivr;;i~· -~ - ·~--~ ..·~-~ -~--~ -~ --~ii~-~ ---~ · ~r~ ·- ~ -r~a~ · ~~~!!~~~~~ ··~ ·! "!!~·~ , '! · ·!!! · ·-~·~+! "'~¥~-~ ·"·! . !if.idl~ ~ · ·~ ;;!·~ ··11~11~1ii~~~~ ..~i~~ -~~·~·~ · ~!~-~~,!!!~~!!!'.!=~~~&&~ - ~-~ - ~·~·~1~·~-~~·!·!·~:~:! · ·-~:'~ .!!!. 'l'HB QUBEN's JUBI LEE. --+·--· - - -~ ..... FRIDAY, AUGUSr 13, 1886 Medical Virtues, of Onions. A mother writss : " Oace a week invu.r iv.bly-and ~t wa.a generally when we had cold mez,t m.iMed-I g11ve the children a dinner whloh was h!llled with delight and lonkad forw;nd te : this wau a. d!sh of boiled onions, The little things knew no~ that they were it;klng the beat of medfo!na for exp~lllng . w hii.t most oblldren suffer from, wormR. .Mfoe we:re·kept. free by thiG r5m· edy alone, No~ only boiled onions for. din· nar, but chives !!.lBn they were eucou mged ~G eat with their bread and butter, imd fer thl~ purpose they had tufts of chlvee in thek littl{! g"'rduu. It Wll.6 u. med!ca.l man who tBught me to el\t bolled onfona ll>O & ~i:;~c!tlc for i; cold in the che~t. He did n(lt kuow at the time, untU I told Mm, that they wern good for r.myth~ug elP.e." The Hbove appel).red in the Lanca2ter New !JJra, and having 18.llen under the e;ie of 1tn experionc~d phys!olmn of that county he wl'itee as follows : " The above ought to be publiiihed in fottera of gold, and hung up bealde th~ table, so t hat the children could rc;Ml It, end rem~nd their parents that vo hm!ly ought to be without onions the whole ;y~ar round. Plant old onion11, sliced, in tho Fa.Ii and tb1;y will comll a.t lEP..St tha-ee '<Ve<>k~ ea.rl!er Rn the Spring thr..n by Spring planting. Giv1> ohildr ,;n of all ages ii few of them raw, n.s Roun e.s th(·y are fit te i:w ell.ten ; do noll mfoe treatfol!( them with a mus ef ri>w onions three er four ~l.mes e. week, When they got too largo aud etrollg to bl'l eaten raw, thon bsU or roa,st them, Dudllg unheo.lthy aea.sons, when diphl:horis. imd Uke C!mta.gious diseases prevail, onions eught ta ba caton in the Spring of the yeii.r at lea0t once.a day. 0.lllons i.o:e Invigorating mid. praphylr>.ctfo beyond deacrlptlan. Further, l challenge the medioa.l fraternity, or My mother, to point out a. pls.ce where ohildren have died from diphtheria. or so11rh.tlna, aDgioo~io etc,, where oniona were fteely eaten," Cit~ngcs t u Her l'COJlle ~Ince Der J.ccesston -What 1socs She :rhtnl· oi: '.l'Jtcin., Ie.rr:E IfOUSEHOLD. . LOOI{: HERE! How to Do Up Shll't-Bosom~· T~ke two ta.hlespooo.s ef bent s~aroh; e.dd a V "' Y lHtle wa.ter to it , rub imd stir with a 8p1w·I Into a. thlok p!l.~~e, carefully breaking o.l! the lumpa and particles.-· · A dd a pint of !Jr.,llh1gwater, atirrlng at the same time ; bell h1ilf s.u h our, stirring ecca.aionally to keap i t from burning. Add a pfoca efena.mol tha sfza of a. p aa. ; if 1 ;hia is !!X·.t >J.t hand, use ·~ t '1blepoonful of gum nrabfo ~alntion .( m~de by pouring bolling wa.ter npun ·gum ar!lbic and &t.,,ndfog until clear and, er & piece ef clei.n muttsn ta.llow half the size of a . nutmeg, ~nd a. t oaspoo111 of ca.It wHI do hut is not as gootl, Strn~n the ~taroh thr r.ugh a strainer Ol' a. piece of tlll11 muslin. R :iivo the shirt turned wrong aide out I d![l tile bosoms ctuefully fo the mtareh and E q t1t1ez0 it out, reirna.Ung tha opernt!en uniil the bosoms n~e t hcroughly and evenly s ·.~urniied with aiu.ruh; pi:oc11ed to dry. Tnree hours before ironing d:p t he J:io~omf.l In ole11;[1 wa.ter, ring eut, and i·oll up tfghtly Firet iron the bllOok: by folding !t leagtlJ qrhtJ t;hrough t he 011ntre ; next iron the w;rtst· hands o.nd b;ith aides .of the ~beve~; then the cclfar b1.1.nd; new p lace the boinm-blla.rd undlflr the . bosi;m, alld w~th io da.mpened n11ph:in rub t he bosom from the top town~A the bot~om, smnothlng a.nd !\ri:'a.,gh>g pll\it neatly, Wittt a Bmooth, m~dera·toly hot fll\ti:ron b~glu at the top a.nd iron down· ward, i:.od oont.foue the operation until the bowm fa ~·1>tfreiy dry ti.i:ul shfoln~. Rsmave the bosom boarn and lrvn the front of the shirt. The bosoJll and ()uffa o:I shirtlil- fo.· deed, of all nice; fine wark-will laok clear · er and better If they are first ir oned m:ider a piece of thin old muolln. It ta.kes off the first heat of the irons and remove!! any lumpa of Qtif.rch, - -- - , STANDARD Jll EUICAL WORK J<'Oll YOUNG AND MIDDLE-ACED MEN. Only $1 By llfaU, rostpaid. ILLlJS'.l'JtA'l'IVJ' SAliil"Lll8 l'RU;lffi NO ALL. A G1·eat !Uettl.citl W o dt (ht U:m11001l. Debi!tty. P remature Decline in Man. l1;1 ·rclrs of Youth., 11nd the untold miseries r esulting from indiscretion Ol' C;"<Cosaes, A book f <>t' ever y roan. young, midtlle-aged and old. It contains 125 prescriptions for a,11 act~te and chronicdisetwes, c:wh one of which is mv11lu11ble. So foun d by Autlior. whose experience for 25 years is such as pl'obo,bly never befo1·e fell to the lot of any physician. 300 puges, bovnd in b eautiful Fr<mch muslin, embossed · covers, full gilt., gw:tranteed to be ii finer. wm·)>: in every sense than any other work sold m t.h1s country for $2.50, or the money will be r'/.funded in every instance, Price only $1 by mail, postbaid Illnst1·at.ives mm ple free to any body. Seni'i now. Gol<l medal awarrle<l tlie a uthor by the National Mcdicitl Assodatfon. t o t he P r esident of which. the Hon . P. A. B issell. and .associ!1te officers of the Board tho r eadc1· is respectfully retretTed. 'I'he Science of Life is worth more to the young aud m l<1dle·aged men of t his ~enerat.ion ehan all the gold mines of Otthf~rm a a.nd the silver mines of Nevada combmed.-S. F . Exhausted Vitality, Nervous and PhysiMl 'l'he Science of Life points out the rocks and quicksands on which thecou5titution and hopes> of m any a young man have been faitally wrecked.-Manvhe8ter .Mfr1·or. '.l'he Science of Life is of greater value than a ll the medical worlrn publisllctl in this country fol' the past 50 years.-Atlanta Constitution, 'The Science of Life is a superb and masterly treatise on nervous and physical debility.Detroit l·'ree Press. '.l'here is uo member of society t!J whom tho Science of Life will not be u8eful, whether youth. pa rent; guardian, instructor or clergy. man . Ai·goncmt. Chronicle. Good Disinfectants. is the season of the yea.r when disinfectants ai:e of the greatest servfoe, and should be regularly employed in every house where there is any ooca.sion fer the!r uue. Everything which 011n properly ba so dbposed of shonid be burned, Potato pariDgs, remnants of food. from table, and all Rorts cf g!\ o"'n ucually be mol'e eadly disposed of mthis way thiw. in a.ny other. Snbet!l.noe~ which oallnot be gotten rid of In t.hl~ way, rnuh as houeE1 Blops, et c,, may be dlslufooted by means of cepperas, ox eulphate of iron. It !a well te h!love & solutlon of divirifeol:a.nt. alwu.ys on hand. DJs. solve two pimnds of copp~raa In a gallon of hnt wa.tQr, Keep in a wooden oir earthen vessel. .A quart ef thla solutiun wm thor· oughly dhinfoct several ga.Uons of decem· posiDg matter in liuld form, .Address the Peabodv Medical Inetitu te, or Dr. \V. H . Parker, N o. <lo Bulfinch Street.Boston Mass., wlio may be con·ulte·l on all diseases requiring skill a nd experience. ..Chrome a nd obs tinate diseaAeA that have ba1f1.ed the skill of all other physician~ a specialty. Such treated successfully w ithout an instanc~ of failur e. Mention S'.rA'l'ESMAN, Bowmanyille, Ontario. l1 ·Y· The Q11een's jubileE year has commenced , a.ud evei-ybedy · lo writing about t he wonderful evouta of hot· long rei ,m-·tha peried,, in all history most distinct · l.y ml\rkcd in ;:viva>Joe !n ml!ln'a Jo~g dfort '~like te understand ii.nd t o subdue the op· p aeing fercea of Nature-an1l thu chaogea whlch she ha.e wHneaE ed !n ihe werld and at· llormi. Th!\t la ni.tural em:mgh ; but such writimg Ill only h!st~ry, e.nd history based on very Imperfect m.a.tarfals, and lti would be much mnre lntcreBting to km>w, if etiquott6 would permit Her M,~jenty ~e tell uo !rankly what she thought on tile snbject. lleraelf. H ow does her own reign, i:,s nha leoks b~ck on it, ~ slightly wear!ed with }'l:la.r~, bur:l"ened with expe:dcanoea, and edu· cated hy co n%Mt whh many firet-oh~s mfoda "PJ:lear to Q::iee:u Victor!.~? She very hkely do,,~ not regard It Exa.otly from tne hlstor· Ian's p':lfnt of view; indeed, llhe cii.nnot, for aha in her o·;v n thought~, mu~t he msr<i of A PIVOT TO TH~1 J!TSTORY 01! '.rHE HMPIRE than she would tmem to any ohronkler, hOil!'eve;r courtly, If th-e wo.dd be on fir<>, kinll~ t11in ll:, 11os pr&vZ>te mvn think when a. . city burns of what they thllm~elves last by the grei.t confbgru.t len. R~lguing ia a pro · folmann like, the faot tha.t the io.hel'its him place a.nd his duths being .on,; common to him a.nd to gn1at faudl.ord~, grea.t bankers, great brewers, i;.ntl owne~s of greP.t ahopa. Tile Qtteen o,e ehe rdieots upen ihe pu.r.t, must in the fi.~st in0t1>noe rt'g1ll!'d it with a prcfesslenal eya, 111t1d from thn; p<:>lnt of vlaw she must leek upon heraolf ll.B en the whole 11 aucoo~afnl womim, Shu ha.A ~afoed much u.nd Jest 1Htle- nothh1g, indeed, &f value, Oon~titut.fonal i·oyu.l ~y has suffered nothing In her handa. Sile lias decidedly rll!hsod the chiml>oter of thi.t branch of the kingly prefena!Gn in the world's eye~, ha.e mankind think it more ins(;ead of less i:lt'n~fiofo.l !l.nd effeotive, and has lnfiefinitely hwr~aoe(l their readiness to entr ust fl; to wemen's charge. Tha long durn.tlon of har reign h11.s lnore<iaij~\ the general een11e of the sta b!llty of the $ystom, as have also its free· dooo :from great blunderis 11>nd t he genera.I, thongh not oom1)lE1te, oontantment of her suhjeot:a, . For h11ill a cent ury a Q 11ocn has ruled sno· oessfully over a. greu.t people, through a Parliament freely elected by her eubj 10ts, and ijUcocMslve :M.lnlatere whom they have oho~en -that le, A GREAT FEAT, OUTWEIGHING THE Wll.IGHTI· l!ST AYN ARD the Jeweller, Ha.s the finest assortment of Silver Plated Ware in t own- all new and neat patterns ; also a full line in Gold and Silver WATCHES. All kinds of Jewellery, Spectacles, Eye G fasses, &c.. A fu ll and complete line of America n Clocks. We have put a new LATHE in our work shop, which enables us to do all kinds of work in our line and guarantee the best of satisfaction. ~Call and get the correct time from the finest Regulator in town. MAYNARD The Jeweller. Reoipes. A Lesson· JoHN-SPEN-cE· s: VETERINARY SURGEON·, TH-t~·ctu:n<~s BEST FRIEND Honorarv Graduate of the·Ontario eterinary College, ' Toronto. Registered membe1· of the Ontat·io Veterinary Association, in accordance with tl1e Veterinary Act. ti Is pr epared to treat all disea ses of the Dom· estic Animals, according to the latest theories. All calls persl)llally, by Telegraph or 'fe lephonc will receive prompt a ttention, itar0F1"ICE-Main St., Orono, one door north of W. Henry's l:ltore. CHARGES MODERATE, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - WORLD'S BEST! \. WEST'S ~ LIVER ....,....; POSITIVELY CURES :~ PILLS DYSPEPSIA, SICK HEADACHE, LIVER COMPLAINT, INDIGESTIOfll A few Boxes will cure any case of Dyspepsia, simply by taking One Pill every night on retiring. They 4o not loH thuir effect like other l'ills. 25 Cents per Box. ~ Five Boxes for $1.00. THIRTY PILLS IN A BOX. ........ SQLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS, John C. West &Co. PROPRIETORS, TOR O NTO .. A beautUnl cha.racter ha~ j 11st passed away-a. faithful and sympathizing paator a.mi. a ready helper in wha.tevor premoted the mental and moral good of the oommunlty, Hie friende looked on his life as a.n idyl, a.nd on his home as an ld.eP.1 one. l!"'or years dleease had been inQidionely preying upon him, He m&.de his horse hfo doc·hol:'j and fully hoped te ride back to hei>.ltl1. He evidently did not underntiond hil! oa~e. The extra work of the Weak of Prayer left him utterly brckcm, A friend put into his ha;ida the means for a t0urin E nropa. Bothe returned barely able Notes for Housekeepers. to be taken from the nteJtmer to the hotel, Stra'tn !loup0, gravfoij, etc., through a whore, "' week late£, ha dfod within a few oloth ·l):u;.t hall been thoroughly eos.ked in ho ur~ of his own bes.µtlfal parsenage in the co ld -;, The groa., y putt will be reve.lley of th'e Housatenio. patled lb y the watllr and not a particle wm We wlah to emphasize the lesson here pMa t},\rough. suggeated. The poorest chewing tobaco0 (. o ne plug) rEch life possibly might hi1ve been 1 md th'3 poore~t of whMty (one quart) mix t d ~a.ved for years had th~ good. mu.n 2011gb.t a.nd w~ll shaken, makea one of the surest reand aecured expmt advice a.G to the n11ture medies far bed-roam lneects. .Apply liber· of Ma trouble, whfoh wae ef t he heart, L ess ally to the furnitura with a. bruijh. than a.lmest a.ny other internal organ c;,u1 the When to wels become tMn in the middle hea.rt hide its org ~nfo ailmentu. If that c~t them lengthwiae, sew the selvedges tol;ind blend who aeut him t o Emope oould, gether a.nd hem the two out sides. If rib· at ~.n early date, hBve aent him to aomo ~ne bon aa.ehcs or men'a neck Hes became 2oiled 1>ldlful in the medical proteseion In New n1mr the ends cut thom in two across the Y erk or Bo~ton, It ns pNba.ble that his lil.l'e middle and eew together the orig!na.l ends. might; been prolonged, ........... .......... _ __ _ The ordinary home method :of renov&tirg lu the first place, med!oa.l treatment, velvet is to 2tea.m it over bolling w11oter takwisely applied, 011,n de much for a diseased SHE EXHUMED HER LOVER. ing care to expose the wrong 11ida only t o the heri.rt, In somo forma curing the dlaease, !n othexs holding It in oheck. In the secend Ee Utmtcs to J.Ue, b n t is for a Time Insane, eteam, After etoamlng lt m!ly be run baak. 1.1nd forth. a. few times over a fht Iron, the pl:i.ce, beP.rt-diaease UQ one fu which mere Herman Kra.u11e and Anna Eeaohenbi>ch, than fn moat ethers, the p atient who has a each ef whom was born bi tho little Gorma.n wrong sMe next the h·on. Thie proceas proper k ;nowledge of hia condition oan great- town of Friederiohall.W 1 en t he Rhine about frashens velvet, but will not restore ba.dly ly help himself, e.voadb:ig whatever midnly thirt.y-elght ago, ri.nd whoae peouliar dam~ged portions, For ginger beer ta.k11 one large spoonful q uiokena the aotlon nf the heart, or overtaxes outfit and small acq11a.ln.tanca with t he Eng· of pulverized ginger, one of orel\m t11orta.r ita etrength. lish lnd ltc11.ted · that they ·were one pint of yeast, one pint; of Weat Ind!a. Says the writer of the sketch from whioh strangers in Americ11o were married the other we drawn, " The nature of bis d is- day, l>y Ma.yo;c Whitney !n hie office. in the molasseu &.nd six quarts of water ; stir thorease wii.s still unsuspeoted, Bnd tha experi- Oity HGll, Broeklyn. T.he M.ii.yer a.nd Sec- oughly a.nd net In a. wa.rm place. When it ence of Europe only aoceleraied t he disor- retary Phillipa eMh kiesod the bride and be~lne to ferment bottle and c0rk tight. It der." Oi course; siuoe absence o! exoite · wished the oeuple 11111 kind0 of preeperlty. will a very nice drink. I f ene ment la a prime oondltien of continued life J.t w111s not until after t hey ha.d gone that can add two taaJJ -ioenfule of eenenoe ofaassu.tEI suoh, or if the hea.rt was eufeebled, it vvn.a the Ma.yor learned t h iot the marriage wa.s fra~ or wintergrf'e n for flavoring, Carbolic acid is the best d isinfectant for nece~~a1 y that everything exha.uetlng be t he climax &f a Ieng aud romantic atta.ohin-deer einks, A small qnantlty ef it la recarefully avoided, ment, '.l'he stery Is thv.t Herman and Anna Our v:!Jeoial point is, let every one who when a. boy and a girl toget her in the little quired and It aan be rea dily waahed away seema to be r Ulllning down for no appreci- to " n en the Rhine, had fallen in love. when Its work Is done, If the plpea ef slnk11 able cau11e seek tbe best medical advioe at When tha Franco-Ge;:man war broke out h became ofogged with grss.ay waste p our in eoma lrquld potash, whloh will quick· ii.n eti.rlY. de.y, Herm11>n booame u. euldier, and Anna, with ly farm soft soap a.nd B9 of course pMB of, equal p11ot?iotism, a.ccomp11ouied his corp! as a. nurse in one ef \he R!ld Croes hospital "Don't Step Th0re." Zl!.'rnl! Morality. wagons. Euly In the campaign Harman, The 2ervloe11 which J ehn B. Gough d id with a score of his oemradee, wore mown It is !lf no t.e sh&ke ·your he.~d, for for the temperllOnce came were t he reore· down by 11 F rench shell, and being suppoY· I prnpoae t o anow )OU in thfo brief article, duction en u. la.rge sea.le of the warning ef ed to be dead he was buried with others in tha.t zlgZ\g morality will apply admirably, the little bey In the anecdote a t renoh. During the night Anna. went to t e t ho 000Mion1Al acute curves in the line of frem the ' · Ep!ecopa.l Reoorder :" the trench and dug up the body of her sup- ce11duo\ of cart&in individuals lnh!lb!t!ng .A man startsd ont for ohuroh ene Icy poseli dead lover, To her surprise he show- this mundane sphere. sun:h.y morning, and presently c;i,me to a ed slgna of life. He was sent t o the huspiM~ny persons ef obsllrva.nt h:1.b!to, must place whore a little boy was stzmdlng, who, tal and he recovered. Anna's grief, how. have Ui<ticed thr.t.t there does exi st !I. clams with oheking v:iice s11>id. ever, was intense when !lhe was lnformet'i of men who pcssos1J a double c he.raoter ; that an injury ta hia aku'l was ef such a or thepewer, when a.bread, to meti.mnpllese " Pleaae don't step there." nature that he could never recover Ms rea· tha morality which we have beo(lme acona· "Why not." u Bec~u.aa I stepped there and fell down," son, t11med l.'tt home, to M~ocfate with their Years rolled on, Krai.u11e rema.lnmJZ In a. n~.mea. They are mnoh like ha.ts, We sobbed the little fellow, who had thus t:i.ken upen himself to wn.rn the unwary mll!tary heapltal and Anna in her native sometlm. as mistake them for whll\t they p3.sser-by of the danger Into which he ha.d vll.I age, Her father ha.d me1>11wblle came not, but Wh!lt they seem. to this oountry, and nearly two years ago, fallen, Some no-oo.llad reapact11oble peraonB, 1.1t Thera many m en In the world who In of ever seeing Kri.u~e restert1d t o heme are paragons ef a ll that merit s Im· have good rea.sous fer g iving such a. warn- roasen, she joined h!m in Brooklyn. Last lta.tlou, in o. mora.l oenae ; but B>way from ing ae tills. The man who has trod the fall a. Germa.n physiciu.n 11ncc3eded in per· home, they p r Bsent to view a widely differdii.rk and elippery paths ef intemperanoo, forming an opera.tion on Krause's Ekull, ent pictur e, . Look at the moral married ancl sees the young learning t o take the which brought It back to its narma.l con· man suddenly nummoued to the city ta atfir2t glass of spirits or wine· or boor, has ditlon, and this reetore.d his reason. He tend te p&rtio11lar bnoine!ls, Ft1rgettillg then theught of the girl who had followed home reatra.lnts and hie influence there, he good rE1a.eons te say ta them, " Don't ~tep there, fer I stepped there him to tile wi:;r aud savea his life, and h e ruahe~ lnta a " lark " tha.t would shook hie l!ever reatad until he found her In thfa ttuat ing w!fe s.ud tender children oimld they and foll down." The mi;n who has indulged In gambling country, but ~ea, 01 courrie, he <lot111 n&t neglect his tm he is despised by others and abhorred The marrfage followed as a matter of bu3fa0as. It is merely a recreation aftar by h!meelf hllQ geed reason to say to the oeuree, Mayor Whitney, who believes the b <:!ulness hour6, yo\l under stand, Then he young when they are entering on the ~ama story, 11a:)'S It fa not more Improbable than g"' ~ home so 1·efr0shad, or, en the other other ~11lea of love and war w.hich he h11s ba.nd, wor.u out wiih business oa.rse, Little 06Ul86, " Don't ete'f there, for I stepped there heard.· does his patient wife know the true ca.urn ef that frawn en her husband's brow, is due t>.nd fell down," t o a less at :i. game ef p9ol and not to busi~~~-----....,.------~· The stud of the Empress of Auatrfa is to ns3S perple: d tleB u.t all, "What a delightful exlstel!.ce It Iii, Fa.I mer Robinson," s11oid hie city gueat. "out here be breught to the ha.mmer, to her lY. <!jeaty'11 ·~-~-~ ............._. ~~~ In tho oountry. How criep and beautiful great regret, She obeys the deotot'e orders The anarchist will take almeat anything by riding ne more. ' the air, and the fragrance of new mown if it i· net leokod up, except a, Men laugh a ~ood deal at the Insane In· h ay pervades all , I should thfok you O a hi$ j Gurney through to St. trio11.Cies of the crochet directions published weuld feel like chanting raiuie ef praise to the Orea.tor the year round." "It is sort o' occa.slonally l!n the " E'or women " columns Petenburg, Herr Rnbinlitein 1 It fo ea.Id, In· nice, miss, I grant, B11t I never feel q ulte of the newsp11oper, but eve1·y ·woman knows fermed a friend t hat his net profits In the eo muoh like thllDking Heaven, as I do when that they are simplicity Itself lOG " hlsteriou.l" and other recitals which l've scrlmm11ged about an' ~et money enough with the stupid inoom.preheneibillty of a he has given since Ootober a.mounted t o, In reund numbers, £20,000, · base ball score, together to pay tha taxes.' -=3ilt~ ~,,.. or the wit.tieet theoretic-.1 h:r.dfotment of con· stitutionir.l monarchy, Nor h thflre any public. evidence t h11.t the oonetltntlena.l plan of government, odd a.nd cum.brC)u e aQ it seeme to tl;te p lliloaopher, ill drawing to a clos0, The Q11ean may Slile ·lig!lll of change tha.t her snbj 9cts do net, evrnptoma of growing reaiatance, evidanoea of decl!nlng respect for t he throne, indloe.tlone that t ao pr eps which aupport~d it are beoeming tmates.dy ; but most ol>aerver s, we think, won!d agree in considering t he Euglh;h monarohy safer ths.n In 1837. An abstr11ot liking for Re· publioanlem may have, 1md un1btedly t he rlesire to keq1 tha throne in d o1 tha background h "'s daveloi>ed ltaelf e.nd bactm9 mare consolone ; but the pepula.r dislike of royalty hau dn~d awZAy, and Wiijh it rui antipathy. keenly felt !n many qua.rters down ta 1837, for the particular C1yna.aty. The Q~esn ha~ never besn " of R1112over," a.nd h!l.a never been ooneiclered by her pao· ple v.nything but entirely l~nglish; and that hr,,s been a eauue of popul>i.rity, Her Majoat;v, leoking on old memories, oa.n hard· ly think otherwise th1111 thii.t ; though Qt weald ba mightily mte1·estlng to hea.r her own view orthe pDttttfon ef 'Gho thrs~1e In 1837 and 1886. She may ha-ve ha.d direct powerI! ill her ellorlfor lift>, lr.1 the way of pt1. · trolinge for EJxa.mple, whfoh slowly slipped a.w~y ; she ma.y ha.v·o been · lees of Parliament when the true people was ao oompfotely oubide It ; B;nd oha m:i.y feel that the aepa.ra.te volitfon of her minhi· ters l:u1.3grown str'!llgar u.nd more enchain· Ing than it wae wham the ~~Hor· King used ta fume a.nd ~we;ir, We do not think It bae heen so. for a. certain awe of the Qneen hir.s grown upon the men who oome muoio. In contact with her : but only Her Maj esty can tell ex:ir.clly w h!l.t ef oha.nge t here haa been, Ho:irn·MADE 0RACKERs.-One quart of prep! flour. three good tablflspoonfufa >Bt but~er, two tablespoonful of eug;u:, one pint of milk, one-ha.If tsaapoonful of, R ub As usual our new the butter into the fl()ur, put the sugar with the milk, mix into 11tiff daugh, lay ou the stock of floured. p~.11try boa~d, and be11.t froro end t o end with the rolling-pin, ntopping eY.ary five CANADIAN, mintttes :or eo to shitt the a.nd double ENGLISH, it ovar u pon itself. Keep this up for twenty minute~ : r dl into a. sheet lees the.n a ~CO'.l'CH & qua.r8er of an Inch thlek, cut Into round AMERI CAN C!!,kea, prick thoae tY.<ieply with a fork a.nd bake in a moderate oven . They are better t he eooand day th,.n the firat, VEI~Y Goon PEA Sour - TMs ca.n be m ~rom the poda of yom g pea~, now In market, the ~ame Qel),2oning t.nd thickening a,s you would u Re for the puree of t he paas, either freah or m\l'.llled, .For the t hickening and other Suitings is of thla pureo hke on1:1 hblospoonful of fl our, stJrred smooth into one pint of bolling milk the l arge s t, most whioh y(lu h~ve fl ~venred with either a. complete and most mint fo,.f el' a bay leaf : thia l!lo\ter iB rather fashiona ble to be bettc1· Uked. If onion is liked, 11tlck four cloveB Into one and boil in t he mill!:, When found in West Durham the psas are usod set en to boil with cold Wil>t er and boll twen ty m inutes, They lilhould boil almost dry In a. oelander and m[>.ah, adding a pint of hot water and then thlokened and eeaaened m!Jk. Spr!nk· le eome p11raley oye1· it, and. ij&I t and papper it to t ~sta. Thia serves for a qn111;t of p ea.a, We have the goods. To inspect is t o order, Our prices are right. When only i.lhe peds Gf a peok of peas Our originality is inexhaustible. used bail tham In wa ter te osver u ntil Our styles command admiration. aoit enough t;i maah th1·eugh a. oofander ; Our enterprise, energy and pluck have no bounds. uaei the vmte? and add one qua.rt of milk, with double tho abovi:l thkkeniug. You ~()aU at tile ce1lf:re or Style, Beauty and {)heapncss; c<,n servo the pee.a as a s~1parate dish, with !l moe.t oou~ee, ' · TWEED S,_ WORSTEDS We Never Get left. Gent's Furnishings a specialty. JOSEPH JEFFERY, 1 tf Tbe Tailor ... DY JY-J:ASON EROS_ '- Are now showing large purchases of Spring Goods which we believe will command your favorable consideration. An inspection of the same is respectfully looked for. We will t ake great pleasuve in show- ing our goods.- We have just received a nice raug·e of L ace ()urtain -varyu1.g· in price Crolln 60l'.· to $6 a p ail". A rresh openi11g or TabJe l ..:inens t rmn 2:ic. 1·er yd. u1> also Table Naplt:ins n·om 7oc. to $2.60 per doz. We would like you t o see our latest in Colored Cashmeres, new shades, which are bne and a quarter yds. wide, at 25c. per yard ; also figured goods at 12} cents. These are rapid selling goods and will soon be cleaned out. Our stock of Embroideries i::; also very complete and will be found to be of interest. -·- - Knitted Shawls in all colors from 85 cents up. As usual we are showing a lar ge choice in Cloths-English, Scotch and Canadian--,-and furnish dothing to order by the best tailors in town. lfleMORRIS DOUBLE DRESSER Easily Managed, Light Running, Durable. T hreshes Clean and Fast. Separation Unexcelled. PERFECTLY :BEARDS BARLEY. Removes all White Caps from Wheat. ~LE.ANS G RAIN FIT FOR MARKET, BECAUSE It has a SIVIUTTER and SECOND FANNING MILL attached. i ......... ........ THE MORRIS DOUBLE DRESSER. Great Improvements in 1886 Machines. ··· Write post card for Illustrated Pamphlet, MORRIS & WATTS, BRANTFORD, ONT. Also supply T hr eshing Engines at Maker's Prices and Terms. William. Pooley, Agent, Box 50, Bowtnanville

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