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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Aug 1886, p. 8

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lht Q!Jaundian Jtatt11man. DISTRICT NEWS. T &..llLE ?iCAll'NERB. IT is not now the custom, ne it used to be, w wnit until every mie is helped; haste or impatience are out or place, but it is proper to eat whenever the food is placed before one. One is not expected to ask twic~ for soup, fish, or snlad, and is seldom helped a second time to dessert. !'reference for white 01· dark meat, rare or well-done, should be expressed without hesitation, :md all food taken or declined promptly and In courteous terms. Well· bred people never b,,,n<lle the glass, silver or china unnecessarily, or the food ; i;hey never make bread pills, or drink or speak with food in their mouth~, or leave the ta· ble while ea.ting, or complain of the dinuei·,. When the child is stroug enough to man· urre a fork, give him one inatend of a spoon, u~u when the dignity of a iwH" is arrived at, teach him the use of !t, adlt! alMO. when done with the lmife aml fo1k, l.o lay them in oJose parallcl. ac.rOSI! the f,Ji,.te, the b 11.Udle~ to the right. Teach him to use a e11oon properly, to lay it in the !laucer whilr, 111 di-inks his tea I noiselessly (holding the oup by the handle), 1 t o leave it ~n the saucer if ihe cup i::. to 'oe 1 refilled, and to place it. in the ernpt7 cup when done. Table mannen forbid all nnne<P,essnry clattering of knives and forks. Salt; is taken on the knife, which i$ t ap1-"ld on the I This powder neve r varies. A. marvel of forefinger of the left hand, instoa~ of the purity, strem;th and wholesomeness. More oroicnt than the ordinary Kinds. and can· fork. The hand is the proper med(um for ccor> uot be sold in competition with the multitude removing gmpe-skins and f'mit·p~t~ from of low test, Rhort weigh t, a.tum or phosphate the mouth to the plate, ·r.nd th· napkin powderR. "5oltl only in cans. ROYAJ, BAKshould hide all use of the toothpick. lNU POWDER CU., 106 Wall St., N. Y. Vegetables are generally eaten with a fork or a spoo- .Asparagus may be taken in the fingers; wnter-<'.rc&ses, celery, ta.dishes nnd olives are ..twnys so eaten. Cheese is generally taken with a fork. Econumical housewives cover the table .vith a square of baize, cotto1~ flannel, or cloth of some kind, over whiC11 the linen Jon A .-·-One lot of Fancy Dress !lne is spread; this improves the appear· Goods, which we are clearing this nnce, keeps the cloth from wearing at the week at ten cents per yal'd, J·m;t edgell of the table, and prevents noise. An attractive table is a good appetizer half the regular price. and bas something to do with good beha.v· ior. Human nature is easily affected by Jon B.-One lot of Ladies' Rubthe atmosph.ere with which it is 11ur· ber Circulars warranted perfect rounded ; children cannot be expected to ' behave well in an hour given over to fret· 1and water-proof, an excellent cloak fulness, disorder, and flurry. ,'l 'a?le m:in· for the dusty W(ather, clearing for ners for the houaekeeper begin m aeomg one dollar each that her table is neat and attractive and · JOB C.-One lot of washinQ' fast calculated to inspire cheerfulness; f rom it she should banish ns far as possible all vex~ ations, cares, a.nd worxies.-Oiw Ser,ond color Prints and Zephyr Ginghams ~'f: ..: 11~·------------ clearing at eight cents per yatd, --·-~ -._-._..._ .......-~._ ...... -~ ..._,.,_,....,............ ~,,...:.,~,.....- BowMA.NVILLE, FRIDAY, AuG. 13th. SHAW A TOLE, ---DEALERS I N - Pon Perry ban d has had a. grand stand ~nec\;ed. HAGGEitT BIWS. PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES, VICTOR FANNING M ILL, Thousands of li ves saved annually by t he use o r West's P«it1 King, th e h ouseWIDE AWAKE SEPARATORS, CHAFF CUTTERS, TURNIP SLICERS, hold roruedy for chills, colds, flux, sum· SAW MILL MACHINERY, ROOT PULPERS, CRUSHERS AND GRINDERS, mer complaint, dysentery, . coli,} and THE LIGHT TOIWNTO BINDER, STUART, BURROWS & MILNE'S, AND OSBORNE &; chol era. Only 25c. All druggists. t THE TORONTO MOWER, KILLY'S WEIGH SCALES, Uxbridge has 55G voters - 78 more THE McLAUGHLIN BUGGY, '!'HE M AS8EY MOWER, than last year. THE MASSEY HARVESTER. · THE HAINS AND CHATHAM: WAGON, West's Pain . K ing excels all other Femedies iu pr omptly curing dysentery, THE 'fORONTO WIND MILL POWER & FORCE .PUMPS,. 'rHE MASSEY SULKEY R{\KE, diarrhoea, flux, colic, cholera, choler a WILSON'S HAY 'l'EDD.1£RS AND BAY LOADERS, THE WANZER, RAYMOND AND DOMESTIC SEWING morbus and all d isea8eS of the stomach MACHINES, SINGLR:, SULKEY A.ND GANG PLOWS, 'll.nd bowels. 25 cents. All dr uggists. t CULTIVATORS, BAH.ROWS, SEED~RS & SCUFFLERS, BINDER TWINE AND MACHINE OILS. Several deaths have occurred in Fenelon ]<'alls from diphtheria. \Vest'n Pain King acts p romptly, cures q uickly. l'lever fails 10 cure bow el complaint, colic, cholera mr·rbus and cholera. Cos ts but 25c. a"d is alw11ys ready. E nquire regard i ng its merits of any drugg ists. t The rate of taxation in Oshawa thiS vear will be lf\ 1· mills on the dollar . ~ "Test' ~ .Paiu K i11g is .a purely vegetable J co1upo11nd for the certi<iu cure of chills, colds, flu x, dyse ntery, diarrhoea, summer The unaersi!(ned will pay highest market complaint, colic, cholera morbus, cholera price in cash for Egg~; also Butter suitfor everything in and cholera iafautum. 25 cents. All . able fo r T oronto Market. druggists. W. BRI'r'fAIN & Co., Market Square. An old lady named Suxton, of Lindsay, W . C. WELLS, King Sireet. was burned to death on Saturday week. N . B.-One cent per lb. and per doz. All leading drugf>(ists will gladly inform more for Butter and Eggs will be paid if nnyone inquiring as to the wonderfi..l taken in trade at W. C. WELLS' A l merits of West's Pain King. The stand Grocery Store, King·st., Bowrnanville. 3rd rem\ldy for flux, dy~enrery, ~umlll:er 29-lm. c omplaint , cholera morbus, cholera, cohc, etc. 25c. t Their China Hall contains the Largest Assortment of Oshawa passed four pL1pils at t he r ecent C'niversity examinations in Toronto. JF WORTHLESS IMITATIONS It is the greatest importance tl1at all As thero !We mnny i·.:iferior bowel an d stomach complaint· should be goods, cordecl with jute. attended to at once, specially at this hemp, otc.,of!'orodiwd sold season of the year. West's ·Pain King is a,s Qom.line by some unto be found in the district. principled merchants tr11dprompt reliable and certain never to fail. 1ug ou tho reputation of Only 25c. All druggists. t our ~.-.uniuc Clornlinc. we wu.n1 tho ladies agaiust The Saved Army hold a camp meeting such impo"itiou by drawing their e.ttentlon to tho n ear Peterboro, from August 11th to the necessity of seeing that the -. --· · -formerly sold at 1 2~ cents. 18th. nawo Why will you suffer when 25c. will buy JoB D .-One lot of Boy's Wool .a bot tle of West's Pain King and one dose will cu re the " ·orst case of colic or Having fitted up tbe Caledonian Tweed Suits, fitting boys from 5 ., Rtamped on inner side of all Coraline goods. -cramps and a few doss wi.11 cure summer Flour, Grist, Oat Meal , Barl el and to 1 5 yeari!, clearing at less than Without which none are genuine. complaint, dys~ntery , diarrhoea or flnx. Split Pea Mills in tirst-clasi; mun- cost BOWMANVJLLE. KING STREE'f, Prices will be exceedingly All d ruggists. t ing order, I am now prnp1:1.rerl to low as we purpose dropping out of 'l'he Oddfellowe of Oshawa are· \ th1s 0.epa rtment. i ng for a union picnic to be held on Civic Stc111ly Empluymen t 1o gootl m en . Holiday. None ncccl h e tcllc . UmrnowN.-There is no remedy known Previous experience not essential. We pa.y to medical science that can excel Dr. on reasonable terms. either salaries or commission. 100 Slll&rt men wanted at once to c~nvasd for t \le sale of Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry as a Cana.nian Grown Nursery Stock. cure for cholera morbus, diarrhrea, dysen· Roller Flour, Bran, Shorts, Corn , t ery, or any form of Summer Complaint CONCERNING Barley Feed, &c., on liand. afilicting children or adults. t Largl'St In ()1\nnda-Ovcr 400 Acres. Lindsay Knights of Labor arc arranging Don't apply unless you can furnish Jlrst-class for a ~rand demonetration ther e, some references and want to work. No room for ~ - - - - - : -·----..-r lazy men, but can employ any number of enertime this month. Oats, Pease, 'I'wo Rowed Barley, getic men who wn.nt. work. Address. STONE & WELLIN11TON, . Cholera will visit us t his s nmmer. Be also Dark Colored Barley. Nurserymen, <( prepared by securing a. t1upply of West's _ 30 _ _ _ __ _ _ ___. ·-- TORONTO, Ont. Pain King, to be kept within re3ch. ~ Dbinfect your premises, as cleanliness ...£ Caledonian Mills, and We.s t'a Pain K ing will carry you Rt;J,Lln'JJ,J,ll, O.N'l'·· safely through. Only 25c. All drug:33-2m. BOW)fANVILJ;.,.E. W Chartered nnd opened in 1857. Over 3,000 per. gists. t sona have been in attendance: 170 students enrolled last year, representing UrUis h Col· A Shirley man, who owns a shingle 11111bla. tua nitobn, Mic hign.1·. Ne'v Yor.k. mill, delivered at Port Perry 40,000 011tarl<1 nn·l (luebec; !17 diplo!lla.s and cer· tltlcates awarded, including Matriculation, shingles at one load. Music, }'ine Arts .Comm~rcial Science, CollegiTm·; B EST YET. --There i11 no preparan.!Al end 'l'eacherR' Courses. E 'all 'l'erm begins S1J1.t. 'l'tla, lt!t!tl. For annu11l catalogue, etc., tion before tlw pEople to-d ay that com· address Hev. \.V. P. DYER, M. A., Pres. LI.I mands their contidenc~ more, or meets with a better sale than does Dr, F owler's 'J'he largest and finest constructed hotel in Extract of Wild'Stra.w berry- the iofallable the city, on 1·11rlc A:l·cnuc, one block from Grand Central Depot. remedy for all forms of Summer Com(ON AMERICAN AND EUROI'BAN PLANS.) plaints. ! 1t is the only preparation in the world thBt GOO rooms, elegantly furnish ed and decorated. will do what ia claimed for it. It hBs produced A young man from Port Perry named The ventilation. drainage and sanitary ar· luxuriant growths of hair on bald heads wbAre Nott, was kicked in the face by a horse range mont~ generally, are 1he most perfect baldness hllB existed for yeara. It has resto.ed at Saintfield last, week. His face was that human Ingenuity and skill can devise. the color tLnd vigor to numerous crops of gray Stairway and faded and 3 elevators. hair. It has relieved hundreds of nearly r uined. No charge for conveying baggage from or to persons of ilisagreeable Dandruff and has sa.ved A RADICAr. CHANGE . -The best Elradic- the Gra1;d Central Depot. many when hair was falling, from becoming bald. a.tor of foul humors of t he blood is BurlllJN TJ NG e't H .lUll. I OND, l:ff Remember these facts and it your hair is Proprietors, falling 2J-3m · d ock Blood B itte rs. A few bottles out and becoming thin, get a bottle at once and t!> the growth, or you may los" it produce a radical change for the better in T forever. Askyourdrup:gistfor HAIRMAGIC health and beauty. It removes the blood CATALOGUES FREE. and take nothing elije. taint of scrofula, that t errible disease so · .A.. DOHENWEND, Sole Manufacturer, To· ronto. commoµ in this country. ! Valuable Premium Given Free UIGGINBOTHA1'1 & SON, Stack breeders around Lindsay ar e with Canada's Popular AGENTS FOR BowMANVTLLE. making arrangements to import strong Weekly. - -- NATURE'S PE1tFEe1: HEA.LTH coach horses with a view to breeding for - -I I N - t he English army. 'l'HE vVn&TER:<r An~1ss:u, ot T ,ondon, has CURE FOR ~ej~~o~:if::p~r~~~ fii~ AN lNVISlllLE 1" 0E.- The poisonous just made another important step in advance. ' Liver inactive. or tho Bowels Constipated. germs of disease are lu rking in the air we It now appeai·o regularly in twelve page form, and in addition to all its w ell· known pop11lar Your attention is di rected to the immense f 'I' t' E"' t breathe an d the wat er \\ 0 drink. 'Ihe features l{ives in each issue Sam Jones Serarran s ,aervescen School::lessons, stock of SELTZElt A.l'ElllENT. mons,thointe!'latfonal Sabbath system should be kept carefully purified Comp!ete Story, etc.. et~. l t is vastly im· will cure Constipation, ana all the organs toned to proper action. a proved me very respect. l! or BALANCE: OF Sick Headache and DysThis can best be done by the reiznlatin!!, YEAR the price is only 1;u<,.. or in clabs or pepsia. It regulates the aud nver 40 c . each. Postage stamps ncoowels and enables those purifying and tonic powers of B nrd ock five of every description at or feeble digestion to enoepted for frnot10nal pnrtsof a dollar. Samples Blood Bitbers. t joy theirlood. I t reduces rree. . . . . "' · · - -. A T - Jfff'Eacli subecr1bcrw1ll be cnt.1tle~.w1tkout f~, , il'\~.o~ ·ME ,. ~ l!'ever, Cools the mood. While Arthur Hartrick, a liLtle fellow !tdd1t10na_I cost, to one of the fo!lowmg prem. JIJ1I ~ is invaluable In P iles and abou t twelve years of age, was endeavor- l'!ms, winch should be ordered as p~r number, . Infta.mmatory Diseases, i ng to keep a colt from entering the stable r.17 P~rtrait Gallery. 3. Chase's Recipes. I She has just op~u ed out one of the largest ~~1~ise:r1~;y ~)~ii~%~~ Qf Mr. ;rerome Scott, of Whit by, the 2. Home and Health. '1. LD.di es' Fan oy Work 1 a nd most styltsh stocks ever brought A D f E~onomical Reliable aoimal suddenly · turned on hi m, giving N Elegant. i t should be . Guido. . ' to town, consisting of : « Ueg1stP,re<l letters come at our risk. . found in every household. him a terrible kick, which literally cut 8 Soldby clr·1iooist.9even1· ,, Millinery' Dress Silks' 'I w here. Manufactured Addressplainly-;-,. llis eye out of his head, .ADYJi,RIJSEit PUTNllNG CO.. only by TA.IUtANT .~ LONDON, ON'I'ARio. V~lvets, &c., co., New Y o rk. A 1JAD BRllAKDOWN.-H is a common thing now-a-days to hear oue complain of with a very fineFi;~:rs~f F eathers and feeling all broken down with a faint, weary, restless languor, with strength and appetite nearly gone, and n o well defined cauoe. T his is general debility, which Burdock Blood Bitters promptly relieves, and most invariabiy cures. :!: SHAW & TOLE, Bowmanville. - G O TO- 1 Absolutely Pure. 20,000 Eggs and 1,000lbs. Butter WANTED WEEKLY. MURDOCH- BROTHERS ---o--- Staple a:hd Fancy BEWARE- (CHINA, GROGKERY,_ LAMPS &GLA~~WARE) HIGHEST MARKET PRICES for all kinds of Farm Produce, Butter, Eggs, &c. To Farmers & Others·: 'CROMPTON CORSET CO.' VICTORIA BUILDINGS, AGENTS WANTED. Grist and Cho pr Robertson & Bond. WEST END HOUSE. NEWEST AND NUBBIEST IN FAC,-rs The Fonthill Nurseries, Highest price paid for JOHN MacKAY, Dr. DORENWEND'S z a: MURRAY HILL. o Dress Goods, Prints, Ginghams, Printed. Muslins, ALBERT COLLEGE, Printed Canvas Cloth, Parasols, &c., &c. -·· HOTEL, ~ NEW YORK. a: CJ .. Cloths and T-w-eeds, Gent's Furnishings. Suits made to order on shortest notice by the A 1 Tailor. J. McMURTRY. Now'S THE TIME BELL &CO., Guelph, Ont. IL GREAT BARGAINS FOR .3 0 DAYS A DI E S i CQNSTIPATJQN M J L L J N E RY n .nu_ . '" - u""' II" n Boots and Shoe, s D. · ·· D-A-V-I S'. Chemist_s_::~_D_ruggists, · LY'S ·· . Sick-Headache 0ySpEpSI A - Onions inhal ed cause sleAp, rest., and repose_ The soldier on his march a nd the exhausted iron . worker get great strength from eating the onion. TiP. a fnsh onion around th e neck and bruise it t o make its odor 1horou gh , anJ you Pa.lace Steamers. Low Rates. secure sound sleep from its nightly inhaFour Trips per Wecl~ Diltvrcen lation. DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND 1 Whether or not vou believe that conSt. 1~:~gd~hse:i~lWe1!c1t ~~~~1fu;~~vU11t, St. Clair, Oaklano. Rouoe, Marino City-. sumption is an iuf~ctious disease, trans Every Week Day Ectween mi'i;tc-'d by tubercular parasites, the fact DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Dr. Pierc.,,'s "Golden Medical Discovery" f!peolal Sunday Trip· during July andAuguet. is capable of r~storing a healthy condition OUR ILLUSTRATED P AMPHLETS of the lungs ho,vever affected, is one lb:tes nud Exoursion Tickets: wiU b~furnialled which does not admit of question. At b y your Tlcket Ag-on t, or o.ddreea the very first intimation of consumptive C. D. WHITCOMB, Gon'I Paso. Agent, t endencies, whether in the form of a Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. DETROIT, M IC H . pel'sistant cough, geueml debility, Joss of appetite, night-sweats or freq uent and dep ressing chills, you should sec ure a bottle of the"Golden Medica.l Discovery." It will purify 1he blood, tone up the sysOME of the most valuable and eligible tem, and r emove consu mptive symptoms Ill the '.l'own of Bowmanville. Terms easy. by removing their cause. ]<'or particulars and plans apply at the office or H. Uussti;LL J.Josco:MnE. See those beautiful Fancy Window J McClungs' Buildinp:a, llowmanville. Shalles at Tait .v,· Morrison's. OLh, 1886. 21>-4 w MACKINAC. Sun1mer Tours. TO ·-DAN DEL IQN LIVER AND KIDNEYS CURES ·-~~~~~-~~~~~~~- Call~~!~:tr:~\~h~iv!~:tfsir:;;~;~~which Daily Line to Rochester. 1 ~ THE STEAMER BIT T£ R I J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SOI, · ftJ/fl~,. N 0 RSE M .AN Building Lots for Sale. S (G. cn.un·o1m, Master.) lLL M AKE IIER REGUI,AR TRIPS on this route. leavmg Cobourg FROM DISARRANGEMENT8 m· THE every morning at 7:30, and Port Hone at 9 LIVER AND KlDNEYS. o'clock, on arrive.! ot Grand 'l'runk Railway Trains from the east and west, connecting at trocbester with the New York Cent~al, North· Urn Central, and Erie Railwa;r.!'., and the Lake entario Division or the Rome. w atertown and Ugaensbnrg Railway for all poin ts ea~t . west and south. RETURNING-Will leave Charlotte (port of Rochester) daily at G:50 o' clock, p.m., except Saturday when she will leave a.t:l p. m., for Port Hope direct. Dealers in stock will find this the cheapest and most expeditious route to Oswego. Boston, Proprietor, Toronto. Albany, New York, etc. For furth~r information apply t.o KENNER &. CU-, Bowmanville, or G. CRAWJ.<'OH.D, SO~D BY Port Hope, or C. F, GILDERS LEEVE, King· ston. 21-tf ALL LIVER AN D KIDNEY COMPLAINTS, D YSPEPSIA, INDIG1£STION A!-.:D ALL DI<;EASES Al't!SING .!.ls-~~~ W 11,l ~ f/@ /P)_B.J. 9 U · ~~~~~'U 3 SURE DE.A.TH TO BUGS. cas- ~~~@ - A.lSTD-- The Gre;:i.test Blood Purifier in the World. Insect l~OR ·Powtl~r ,,. 'I.'HE DESTRUCTION OF E. MORRIS, Flies, Mosquitos, Carpet Moths, Cabbage Worms, etc. Shaw & 'l'ole's is t he place to get binder twine. HIGGINBOTHA.lU & SON, BOWM:ANVIL L E . J. HICCINBOTHAM tc SON. Bowmanville, June 30, 1886.

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