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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Aug 1886, p. 1

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Q TERMS: el.liO Pu ANiroM. NEW SERIES, NUMBER 421. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERW M, A. JAMES, Enxron. .ll'ID Pnol':&IETon.. BOWM.A.NVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, 1886. SCOTT ACT TRIAL. toxica.ting !iqnor from him during thnt timo, Went to him for medicine for mv wife. Could not tell its co::itents. Never tasted it myself Have 11:it obtain <>d frnm Dr ~ oyle or his place any intoxicatiug liquur. 'l'ri~d once, bnt could not get it; 1t did not work . ,John Cole, having bee11 sworn. saidHi>ve been 1it W S Boyle'· place in eow· man ville during the month· of Mi>y, .June and July last past. 'Vas there about once "' fortnight. Have heen doing some odll jobs at his stable. Got some medicine from him three or four t imes. Did not se" him mix it. Could not swear what the contents ol the medicine was. It was very bitter. It waA nrJt intoxicating. Conic! drink a q uart of it and not be intoxicate<!. Hiwe not t aken holUt: from \V S .Boyle's place only medicine. Asked W S ~vle for a boWe .:if gin, and he told me he coul<l ot give i t t o mel::f . B h t b . b ··a . am a .. , avm::; een AV\ nrv.· l!m Resit1" in t he 'l'owu·hip of Darlingt(m "~ Know W. S . Boyle, the deteDdant in this case, and where he resideR in the town of Bowma n ville . \ Vas there only once. Was there be~ween tbw first <lay of May and the thirtieth day of July la·t pai!t. Obtained from W S Boyle at t!t.e time some rr.edicine from him·clf. It was in a bqttle 1 m d of a dark color, the bottle hol<lin(( about a pint. Told him my trauble, nnd he went and mixed the medicine :ind brought it to m e, 1<o11d told i:ne at t h., tiine there wo.s a stimu· J~nt m it, and !!tated to me at the time, I want you to understand I am n'.'lt selling you whisky. A1111 ·df the impreseion therb was whisky ln U1-e bottle he handed to me . He gave me direc~ions how t o take it . Three time· a da.y before meals. It wa<i in a flask o r lht bolt.le U aed it as directed tluee time· a da.y before meals. Another p eraon d ra nk Rome of the cont~nts of th~ bottle [' g!1t. He · t ook a ~ wallow of it. He drank it ·directly fr-0m the bottle What J drank or took did oot intoxicate me, If I had drank ~alf of t he·eontents of the bottle at on" time it might kind of deranged me. Jn mv ·opi111cm it wa· a mixture made up with intoxicating liquor in it. I know the taste ot whisky, 4>nd t!J.e medicine 1 io:ot from W . S. Boyle taflied to me like whisky. Don't tbiuk it wae pure w bi·ky. It tasted bitter, and I ' -could ul,}serve there were some roots i n it. Paid W. S. Boyle fifty cents for the con· t ents df tha bottle the same time I got it tfrom him. · ()rOfMl·e:mmiDed- When I went to W. S. Boyh; [ ·sta.ted to him what was the matter wiLh me, and he went and mixed some. thing for me. Did not ~ee him mix i~. He ·brought it to me and I tnok i~, and paid ·him for it. It was not pure whi·ky; there were drugs in it. There migh~ have been .some water in it. What I got done me good. Albe~t Westcott, having been sworn, said ~Know W S Boyle's place o( business iR Bowmo.nvillo, . was there betw<oen the lfirst <lay of . l!\{ay aDd the thirtit:1h d'l!.y (If ,July la8t,got some medicine from Mr. Hoyle 1for m y father; ft was in a bottlti; was at Dr Boyle ~ more than once for medid mi for my 1 · - fa";li.e· ""u..;ni< ti:. time ~.l'ecitied. Wh.,u J.: went h> Ur.Boyle's p aee it was fer mecl!.cillle rfor 1.0·; fath er. I did not get an:v w hiskey from ' Dr . Royle to my knowl·e<lge . Dti<tl 1 not taste the medicine I got fot· my father . 1 Dr. Boyle furnished the bottle that he gM>·e me the m<Jdicine in. the bottle was in the ehape ot a llaslr,the liquid it1 th" tia·k w.M a 8ort. of a brown color. During the time m entioned did drink soma of the liquid [ obtained ifrom Dr. Boyle. Oeuld not say 1 what it wae, don't believe it was in.t<>·'{icat: ing liquor, it did not taste like whisk ey. it 1 -vas bitter.. Did not take a tilask witJ>. me ·, j when at Soucb's pond during .flbe t ime mentioned t hat I rememliier;never ;paid 1 W. 8. Hoyle for what I got from him.. 110 t rt ·· for my father. Don't thrnk I have t asted .any thing of an intoxicating nature coming from . lloy lei!i place during the time mentioned. James Byera, having been eworn, eadcl- , 1 Kno1v the defenaa.nt , Dr. Boyle. Ml> ·n ot ( aware t h at>ll.ny intoxicating Jiq,uor hae .been I got from P.r. Boyle's place duri.n g tilne I month of ~y,June or July last past. Rad " I .a conversation with Dr. Boyle, of Bew\ manville, sometime thll latter 1 .art of Jr11<1ly ~I, tellingJiim that my son David. if b e ,· got any liqw;r from you don't give it to+iim again . Ile 1111oid I will never give him 11111v. Did not see any bottles at my place wnt!h Br. Boyle's labels on them. David By<trs ha.ving been B'll'<lrn saiid\Was at Dr' Boyle's place in &wtnsn\'ille ,twice betwe~ the first day of May and the 1 thirt.foth day .cf July la~t past. Got some .medicine frorit him. It was in a Hat bottle. Asked him f~ s<>me medicine. Ha~ mot iti. e en real sick. .Did not feel very well. Was <¥/OrkiDg every·day. Could not tell what it was; I suppos"rl it was medicine. It w:ag ii.Jitter to taete. The bottle was labeled t o take a teaspoon.·Ol" tablespoon three times a ' day. Could oot tell exactly how I took it. r Did n ot mea·mo;:,,it. Could not tell whether Wt; was intoxicating or not. Did not take -tinaugh of it. It -was too bad to taste. Kept it m the house 80d t ook it as a medicine. ()oold not tell whether there was any whislrny in the medicime I got from Dr. Boylfl or m1t. :Fancied oher" was some l iquor in 1 it. lt did not taste like whisky I lun·e dra&Jik, '!'here was1 a sediment in the bottle. Don't think if I h ad! .drank the whole cont enh "'~ th~ bottle it ·would intoxicate me. Got i.t only once frotr.n Dr. Boyle. Paid W S Et>yle, the defel!id.a.nt, eighty cents what I,got from him . him .I was feeling no bet ter. than when I ~aw Lim on the street the other day . He said I will fix or give Y"u a bot t i., of my mecli cin<>_ Did not ask him for anything m particular when I went to see bim. H e did not examine me. Merely t lll<l him how I felt. litl'did uot tell me what the bot tle contained Did 11 0 ·ee him pllt it up. I t was in a flat aided b<>tt!e. something like the OlH:l here ~hewn me only. I\ size bigger. Tho liqtiid in th e bottle was o a dsi ki ~h colnr, There was S'>llle sediment· in the bot t om of th e bottle. so:r1ething like whaj; io in t'l1e bottle here shown rn e. lJid not pr osent nny prescriptio" to W S Boyle when I got the bottle of liquid from him. Could not t eH "hat was i11 the b·lttle Could not say whether the liq uid i n t hu bottle tasted like whisky or not; it wa~ hot stuff. Took the liq11_id once a day lidore breakfast, according , .~Cl. dir·ctions. D on't know wheth er I t ook it before d inn er or not. believe I did once or twice. When I took the liquid I measured it otit in a small wine glas~ . Did not take more tban &qoarter-:>h-gh.sA tu11li&i\tTIIfP. ll-ave som" ,.,fit to ODe ot her pe rson. Woul~ not swea~ t.hat the liqnirl was not intoxicat· iug, neitber would I swear it was . Did not t.ake enotigh t o know whetbec i t >vould in· t oxici>te or not. When I got tlie bottle cf m1uid from Dr. Boyle I did not know what ( it "'ouid be composej of. Swear'. when I . went io Dr. Boyl<! to get medicine it was not for whi"ky I wa~ after, no~ ditl I ~o t here with the expectat ion of 1<:ettm g whisky. I did not know what the hot tle of medicine would be composed of. Diel not obtain more than ene b)ttle of liquid from the defe1.dant. Paiu him for ic with moJJey at \he time. Cro~s-examined-I wae not f eeli ng well wheu I went to Dr. Royle t o ,.;e t the mdi· cine from him, it done me good. William Tap·on , having been sworn, u ud -Have been at Dr . Boyle's pla cfl between the first day May and the thirtie~h day of ,July A, D . 1886. Got a bottle of medicine from him, When I went there I asked for medici11oe , I was sick 1'old him I was b1l· ious. He is my family doctor . When I want medicine I go there to get it. Got in a ronnd bottle during t he time mentioned. Don' t think there wi>s any whisky in the bottle [ ,?ot from Dr . Boyle. lt done me go()(!. 'J' he bottle was labeled to take a Ul.blespoon full before breakfast. 'l'ook it as dir-ecbed. During the time mentioned I .13ave not obtained from .Dr . Boyle any i nto~icatin g liouor, Will swear I never said to any other person that I would not perjure myself t o say that 1 never got iutoxicatmgo h~iuor from Dr. Bovie. WITNESSJ!.'ll FOR THE DEF lll:!CJ:. VOLUME XXXII. Nmr.BER 24. McCLUN_ G S, Opposite Ontario Bank, Bowmanville. COURTIOE. Mr. R. B. Watson, of Hamilton, and Master Alfred Tucker, of ·.roronto, are rusticating in and around Courtice. School re.opened en Monday with a full attendance. M~. Rober t Morru w is the new teacher for S. S. No. 4. He was .selected from a lar ge number of applicants. '.l.'he Sal vation Army here, expect & great bi" 1imP. on T hursday evoning, the 26th inst. , when Capt. Smith, of H a mpton, with a contingent of soldiers will be present. The D. U . C. Co. have 11old ·July cheesti a t 8~ cents. TRIM. ..Jc c( 0 W · "' ,> . c( ca "' (Y) · A HARNESS, HARNESS I Now is the time to get a first~class hand made Set of Harness, extremely cheap. 'VV. :EI. 1'1.1:.A.~ Is selling Single Harness for $10; Nickel Plated Single Harness, $16; all other goods in proportion. Call and see the best FLY NET ever made. (Both in leather and cord.) Whips, Trunks, Valises, School Bags, &c., always m stock. Farmers, Threshers and Millm en Use McColl Bros. & Co.'s Celebrated. ::LA R D I: N E:: MACHINE OJL. THE BEST TN THE WORLD. When buying Coal Oil ask your dealer for the New Oils, FAIILY SAFETY & SUNLIGHT Coal Oil. Try it once, you will use no other. McUOLL BROS. & CO'Y, '1.'oronto HAINES' CARRIAGE -WORKS, · GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, 0 oARR1AcEs, sLE1cirs:FcuffE RS.-wAc0Ns, &o ., 1 KING STREET, BOWMA.NVILL Hae now on hand a number of vehicles (and le manufacturing a great man;i: more) o~ the newes patterns and beet llniah, which I am offering for ~ale at the lowe~t pi;1ces cons1sten· with due r ega rd to workmanship and quality, The following 111 a list of the principal vehicles manufactured by me Double Covered Ca.rria.ges ............... ........ ... ............... ....... . ... $150 Upward1, 11 Single Phrotons . ........ ....... ......... ........................................ 100 11 Open Buggy........ .......... .... ... ..... .... ............ ................ . ....... 70 Top Bug~...................................................................... 90 II ~::b~a~a;;::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Light Wagon ......... . . ... ...... . ................................................ !g. : " 11 u Posseeslng superlorfaoilltles t9r manufaotul'lng carriages, I Intend to sell very cheap for o· sh or approved credit, and by so doing I hope to greatly increase m;i: nu:r:nber of sales. Woul· sell the w ood parts only, or the gearings of buggies ironed, 75 Skeleton.. .... ......... .... .. .... . .... ...... ................... .. .. . . . .. . ... . .. .. .. 50 S 1d?,:(y . ...... ... ............... .. .............................. . ...... :.... · ·.. .. .. ·· 40 Express Wago11................................................................... 11 All Kinds of Vehicles Repaired ! At the Shortest Notice, Painted and Trimmed if D esired. Ai the Factory I also do Planing, Matching, Turning anO. Sawing with C_iro\e,Band or'Scr BaWB and prepare all kinda of lumber for carpenters nd others tor building purpOBeB, Ornamental and P lain Pickets tor fences in every style regulred, made to order. rfqu est we give the evidence in the recent t ri9J of Dr. Boy!P, charg~d hy W. R. Climie, lnspt:ctor, with violatins.: the Scott Act. The case occupied three ·ittings !1fthe Court, after which Bis wmship . Police Magistrate IlaineA, reserved his decision until Saturday last, when a fine of $ 50 aud costs, was imposed on the doctor. B. ll. I,oscombe, EEq., ~arri~ter, acted as Counsel for the defendant . Dr. Boyle is an old res.ident of t he towll, an ex-cour1 cillor, and at one t ime flied the po~ition of reeve of the town. He i~ also surgeon of th e 45th Bat · tallion. B,,e inten ds appealing against the decision cf the P olice Magistrate, cl.iiming that he ha~ not violated tihe act in any way. Thomas Ba.rrett, having been sworn. -Know the premises occupied by W. S. 'Boyle in Lht' town of Bowmanville. ~'!ave been at hi· premisci! boowe6n thP. first day of May anJ the thirtieth da.y of July, A. D. ~886. Remember going to \V. S · Bi;i)'.le's place of residence audgetting some medmme. A·ked for either wllifsky or brandy , but he gave me some medicine. Do not know wh'.'t was in the bottle. It was" small one. Did not taste it my·eli. Gave him fifty cents for what I got at tibe time. ~ did n~t see him mix it. He Telused t o give me hquor. He said be would put me up eomething that would do better. Cross· examin~d-Dr. Boyle told Die he could Dot <ell rne·liquor. Morris Roo.dt, 'having been sworn, saidKnow the pre1111ises where W· S. Boyle resides in Bowmanville, 'l'hinlt T was at his premises sometime in the month of May fast and I was ale<> .i.t his place some day lniit week fo· a fev1 minutes on private business. Had something !i.1uid from W. S. Boyle he· tween tlrn first day of 3'.lay and the <Wth day of July . Am·troubled wit h dy·pepsia., and 1 vsked W. S. Tioyle if le could sell me some whisky. Re told m e he could not sell me any but · would fix me up something tba.t would do all the same. Got it in a bot.tie. lt, tasted like bitter stuff. Know the ta@te of whisky llt t asted as thou~h ther e was some whisky with the mixture I got from W. S . Boyle The mixture wns of a browni~h color. Pai.d l:im money for it when I got. it. Got mediillne from W . S. Boyle. thmk only twice. 'l~he bottle was labeled to t ake a tablespoon· or teaspoonful before meals. Never toolr it as a drink . 'Pook it ss & medicine. Did not allow any person else tR get ,. drink' from the bottle l got from W.S. Boyle Could not say1wht'ther the mixture I got from W i3. Boyle woul_d intc~xico.te m e or not, if I drank any quantity of it. . Cr oss-ex,amined-'f he bott!E I ll'0 t w<til the liquor from W . S Boyle did me lJ'Ood. but like .i.11 doctors' metlicin e, you must comtinne to tdk e it to do you any good. .James IC Jark . having been ~wom, s"id Know the defendant, W. S. Boyle. Hav.e been at his place of bn8inesa in Bowman..-m more.thinl oncll l"<t)"eer1 t l1e fii··t .rl"y ~ Ji.lay and the thh-tieth di>y of J u~y. Obtaioed frcm W. S. Boyle sometbrng of liquid n&illl'e. Don't know wlrn,t it w:M. Asked for medicine. Did not expect to get liquor. Could not saywhether t'here was any whisky with the medicine :i: got from Dr. Boyle or noi:. Got it in r. bottle holding about a half a Piltt. Took it in a wine glass . The direction& were to take a h11lf a wine glass lull t hree times a day. Never felt any intoxicat ing effects from takin'!' t he medicmi. T get from W. S . Boyle. JJ,d not nllow any person else to drink from the bottle of medicine [ pot from \V. fl. Boyle. Got it twice or th~ee times. Could not say whether there was aDy whisky with it or, not; there ~·ag. either tnat or alcohol. Don t know which. Was ' the same on each ' occasion. Tf I hall drauk a cqpful at one time I don't think it would ini-ica.te we . What I got from W. S Bovie was of an intoxicating na.ture. \Vas bitter in taste and of a dark color. There was some kind of root or wood in i t . W . S . Boyle served me with what I got, and I him for it at the time. When I went to ,V. S. Boyle'· I did not expect to get intoxicating liquor. Don't know that any intoxiernting liq11or bas been purchased by any one ·Hise frolll; W. S . Boyle. . Hngh Miller, havmg been sworn, saidKnow .the defendant, W . S. Boyle· Never ohtaiaed any liquor from him. Am not aware from my knowledge tha:t any person has got any intoxicating liquor from W. S, Boyle at hie place in Bowmanville. .r.tever saw any of the bottles but. the one th~ last witness h ad in 1 his bedroom. N ever drank any of the contents m;i:self. . Wilson Powers, havmg been sworn, sa.idWas not in W. S. Jloyle's place in Bowman· ville emce t he !first day of May l ast past. D on't know of any person having boul(ht r.ny intoxicating li<quor at W. S. Boyle's place. Thomas Bottt>rall, having been sworn, said-Have been at W. 8 . Boyle's place several t imes between the first day of May and the thirtieth day of ,July· Obtained something of a liiijuid nature there· Could h ardly tell what tit was. Was not well. He gave me a prepM"ation anrl Roi;ne pil!R. ~e fa our Society doctor. A eked him.for a tome. Could not t ell what ·it was. It was of a dark color a.nd soma stieik or root in it. Got it in a bottle holding betwe~n a lialf pint er a. pint. Could not say w,hether th ~re was any whisky in what I gct.c;ir not. Did not taste Jike whisky; was a. miH!erable taste. N ever felt any way intoxicatc'1 from what I drank. Never used it as a clriDk. '..l'hink during- the time r eferred to I got it from w. s. Boyle . I three times, Not knowingly did t n ot get anv intoxicating liquor from W. S. Boyle. What I got from him did m e good. James Laurie, having beeu sworn, said.Am a.cquainted with the defendant i_n this ca.l'e, Have been at his placo of residence in Bowmanville during the months of May, June and July last past. Get some me<.ti· cine from t h e defendant, Vv. S. Boyle. It wae in a bot tle. Asked for medicine. \Vas sick. Did not see the doctor place it in a bottle. Don't know what it was. · '~as of a brown color. Did not taste like whisky to mo \Vas to take a teaspoon or tablespoon· ful ·before meals. Re doctors my family and I went to him. Think I only got medicine three time~. Could not say whether there was any intoxicating liquor in what I got or not . No person else drank any oft.he con· tents of t he bottle I got from W. S. Boyle. Paid W S Boyle for what I got at the time I got it. What I got done mo goocl, a nd answered the purpose fer the disease I had. Joseph Fletcher, haviDg been sworn, said - During the months of May, June sod J uly past I h ave not obtained anythi11~ of a liquid uatnre from Dr Boyle, the defend· ant in this case. Am not aware thi>t aDy person else did forD me Was at lhis door about three weeks since to ask him t o attend a funeral. Did not see him then ; be was not at home, . L. A. Alcott. having been sworn1 said-Have been at W S Boyle's place m Bow· manville during the months of May, J une and July last past. Did not obtain any in· 0 SOLINA. M r. J. Stanley, o f t his place, intends retiring from farming this fall, and to move .to Bowman ville. ~-'h~ hail storm on Wednesday of laRt week, ~id considerable damage in these par ts. A gr!'at deal of g rain was threshed o ut, espec1 olly peas and oats, and quite a lot of glass was broken. ' Mr. Geo. Herrington, we. understand, 1 m to l ea.vti the fa.r m of Mr. W. Bakers this fall. Who we r e the y o ung men fro m the north a.nd a lso t he west that cut the sheaves of oat.a and tramped down the cucumber vin es, on S unday of last week 1 We should think they would know better. SPECIAJ, TO F .AR MERS A.ND THRESRERS.L If you want a good p a ir of Harvest Mitt 6 of any length or size, call a t R. M. Kirkpatrick's, :::io lin a. I also keep the best. quality of M ichine Oil, givo me a · ca.ii. 31·5w Miss L ena Rowe, of Gri msby, is visiting at Councillor Awde's. Mr. W. A . Tom, our village blacksmit h , is doing a rushing b usiness, makin g hia patent pea cutter . Our village shoemaker h as settled down fairly to bus ine ~s a gain. M r. L. Arnott has been offered $ 100.0:) for his sucking col t , sired by "Young Princeps." Mr. Jordan V anNest intends building a tine mansion this fall. 'rhreshing is now the of the day. Mr. Jos. Bro wn has gone to Toronto Hospital for t he treat men t of a l knee . M iss So phia James, from Bowman ville, is visit ing relatives here. · J AO ll:. I Croe!Wlxi.mined- It was medicine I got from nr. did lllle good. William Hali having been sworn saidRemember having been in Dr. Bo,Yle's in Bowmanvrne between the first day of May and the U1irtieth day of July laet pt1St, Did not obtain any thing of ahquid nature from . him. It was a long and fl&t bottle. Told him I waa llkk. He examined me and t hen xave me the ·me<Jicine. It did not tarte like whisky. It was of a red or brown colour. '.l'here was somethiog of a red color stuff in the bottom ot the bottle. It there was any whiskey in the bottle I did not kuow it . Tock a half a wine glass full at a time with a little water. Did not drink from the bottlii wh e& going home. Got t he aeconrl bot· tie from him, the Doctor. W hat I had the second time was like the first I got. What I got was not of any intoxicating nature that I know of. David Hall. having been Rwom, eaidWas n ever a tW S Royle's place in Bow· manville during my life, nor am I acquaint· ed with him. Corn<ilitts Osborne, having been sworn, ~aid--Knowthe place ofresidence of the defend ant. W S Boyle in Bowmanville. Was at his place of residenC6 twC' or three times between the £rat day of M ay and the t hir· tieth d::iy of July A. D. 1886. Got a bottle of medicine in a liquid form. Met Dr, Boyle on the street and was talk ing with him. How I was foeling,he said he thought he could giye me something that would help me, or do me good. A day er two aft er· warde I was in Bowman ville, went to Dr. Boy !e's office and saw him there. Said to H. Barnhart, having been ·sworn, aaid-That when I need the word derang"d in my ·evidence given for t he prosecution, I clid not ·mean th~t I would be mi>de drunk by it. i was not paid for my attendance here the -last time. 1 conic! not t ell whether the medicine that I got from the defendant. Dr. Boyle, would intoxicate me er not. D on't lknow whi>t it was composed of. Fancied when I took it, i t tasted like whi·k.,y, but I would not likfi t.o swear it was. I clid not get any p~y_nor promi~e to be paid hy any one for t.h e-gi'v1ng ol my evidence, either the last t.ime for t he prosecution or for t he de· fence . I was told by Mr. Climie, if there was a. conviction macle against the defendant I he could get five dollars for me. Orol!d examined- When I went to DP. B oyle I went for medicine. I expected t o get medicine. Did not know whether I would get whisky or not . Did not get pure whisky, but ir. my opinion there was whisky in it. It was a mixt urn. Was in a flat bottle. The bottle was full. There was some rootR in it; three or four Iittle 11ieces. It was a mixture of liquor and roots. Could uot diacoviir anythini.: but the l iquid and roots. '!'he lil(uid was uf the color of some whisky I have Ileen. '.l' abted like whisky. '!'h ere was a little bitter taste in it . Mr. Climie did not attempt to in,fl uence me when h e told me if s convic· tion was made against th ~ defoadant he .could get five dollars for me, '.l'he bottle I got trom Dr. Boyle was not laoeled . When I took it home I p ut the bottle in the horse stable. Used the contMt1 of the bottle as the doctor told me. Either a wine glass or a half of a wine glass foll. D id not use a i;: l~es when I t ook it, but dra.nk it direci; 1 frcm the bJttle, Am of the opinion the bottle of medicine I got from the defendant: contained intoxicating liquor . He-examineii- I was not sent for to go ·to Mr. Climie's before this came up . Went <to Mr. ClimiP.'s office once. Met Mr. Climie · in the poetoffice, when he told me he would like to see rue pnvately. Went with him tc> !h is office. He asked me if I had ever been at Dr Boylt'8. I said ' 'No·" He · asked .meif I had ever got i.ny liquor from there . I said "no." He told me there b!'Cl been a ·Caae entered or would be entared agaiMt l>r. Boyle. Thia was the time h e told me he could get five dollar!! for me if there was a ·bill got a.gainet Dr. Boyle. ·llioss·examined - Since the former exami· nation Dr. Boyle came to ses mo where I was working at Mr. Crawford's. H e was t alk· )ng to ime about tl.ris case, and told me Mr. H aine11 had given the case against him on ·m y ·e vidence; it was th~ strongest a,ga.inst him . He t old me h e want ed me to come in and.ctJuect a statement I had made in sayimg it WBll rye whisky I got from him. He told me · lie would summon me to correct tb~t statement, as well as state five dollar ib&d ·been ~ered me by Mr. Climie. 1 have tieen him t\Wce siJce the former examination, he talking with me the second as at the first time. F\Mo t'he defence Dr. Boyle placed before tlie Court his h.c·nse to practice medicine. surgery and widwitery in the Province of Ontario. He admitt ed that he used alcol:.ol and other stimulants in compounding his medicines and claimed he had a right to do 110 a· a licensed medical practitioner of this Province,. T his Report of the evid~nce is tnken,word for word, from the certified copy o! the same by the Police M agistra t e. --- --·· ·---- --H A.M. .t"l'U~ . Last week I was a litHe SLDw , I did not write, this fact you know: Pressed h a rd with work from morn till n ight , I could not find the time t o w r ite. Since my l corresponden ce there h as. been a numb&r of visitor s to our village.,. amoilgt,1le n umber were M r . T. H. F olick, <>f S t. Mary's C0llegiate Instit ute,. Misses Folick, o f Kendal, Prof. J. H. Brown, of Pitsburl(, P a., E. Brown,. M. D., W . H. Leatch a nd family Toron· to, Mrs.. J . Phillips, New Y o rk, Mr. F ·. S t> Paul, Minn.,and o then . / M essrs. Niddery, Phillips, C ole and ' Co. h ave returned fro111 their tri p to the· northern la.kes, t h oy r eport having had a good time. 'fhey have n ow settled d own to business, looking better for t h eir t rip. ; The storm on the 11t h inst . w as q uite, I ~ve re i n this locality. A nu mber of trees. , an s~veral telegraph poles we r e shatter! ed, a. d. the instrument in the office hera wa.s d estrd y ed. We ha.d a. little Gale on S unday morning,~ not much el ectricity produced. Our popular tP.achers, Mr. R. J . N id · dery and Miss C oleman, have started their labors again this week among the juveniles. J-. C<!>oger, Capt. R. H. Bunt has been a t tending the session of th~ Supreme Circle held in Tor o n to. The Cheese Co. have sold and shipped the July make of cheflse. S;t cts was the price r eceived. We would suggest to Robert that when h e goes to s ee his lady love again, he had better take her ou t drivi ng and .keep pol!llession of the buggy. Mr. R. Trick haij r ented ~he farm 0£ Mr. Staples, his fat.her-in-law, near C o· bourg. Mr. Allen, of Providence succeeds him here. · Misses M . J. Elliott and A. Stonehouse h ave returned from Ottawa. Mr. W lll. Martin has returned from his trip t o Rochester, N. Y. Mr. Thos. Clar k, of Cobourg, h as the aympathy of his many frifmds her e, in his sad bereavem ent. A child, sixteen m onths old, s on of I. L. Brown, got into a bumble-bee's nest one day last week, and before he could be rescued was stung in sixteen different places. Mr. Ed. Trenouth is able t o be a r ou nd a.gain. Mr. Jos. Clatworthy is also ou t again. Mrs. Bedford, (to whom reference w as made in these columns two weeks ago), seems to be growing weaker. Her re· cove1·y is d oubtful. Scott's Emulsion of Pure (Jod Liver 011. wltla Hypopbo8phUes Posaeeees i n the fullest degree the tonic and stimulating p r oper ties of the Hypo· phosphitcs combined with t he healing , The S:rATEl:lM.AN read ers in t h is loc~lity strengthening and fatt ening q u alitie11 o f the Cod Liver Oil in a perfectly agreeable are delight ed with the in tereating l e tters form, of the wonderful value in consump · that appear in its columns eve ry week from t he editor-in- chief, while on his tion, d ebility and wasting diseaHes. tolll1. Just to h and to-day,at Couch Johnston & Cryderman's a lovely assortment o f :plain and braided j er seya. 'l'he best value t h ey have ever shown. Only 35 cents for S T ATESMAN aubscribers ta end of 1880. t o new May no accident occur To i njur o r aonoy; May he safely home r etu rn, l s the wish of friend S1.ow Boy. A..llWA.YS BEQIJ[RE D- A. gofld catbJl·Ue N:&tlonal PJlls. lYill tLOI dllta.p . . .lat:ro1,.

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