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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Aug 1886, p. 3

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Some gentlemen from the oity wont out A. t:Ju-·' table Road .&.gcnt·s I.ittlc l!chtme. in the oountry on 11. fiohiog trip recently, In ·d66, wl;iioh was al moat before the and a rain oeming up suddenly they pulled Canad· l'aclfia Railroad was thought of, the their boat ashere a.hd went to a barn near wr ite .,f this was eno>!.q1ped en Beaver Riv· ~l'll.NDABD 1'1EDICAL WOltU. 110R a farm bonae to get in out ot tho wet. er fn . he Oanadla.n North·Weat well up In They found the farmer In t he barn aittlng th~ fa .. ·hilla of the Rookies, Six of ue, who on ir.n upturned half bushel. whittling & w~m pi·&epectlng, hunting, and taking thfnge ooh, waiting fer the rain to oeaee se he ptett)' easy for July weather, eocupied a. ' Only $1 By lllall, ros&11a111. oouid go ont 11.nd kill potato· bugs. He bowfd large cdhln which had been buil\ and de· illLlJ!ITRA'rIVE SAlllPl.t:S FltEE NO A.LL. to t he men a.1 they came in, ond sat their 110rted ·Ome time before. Ftem hb.11 cen· I s showing one of the finest and best selected stocks of fiahlng t11.ckle down, though he eyed them t raf point sm~ll po.rtiea branched out and pretty c!<Jsely. He dldn'~ talk much, but were ii:<·ne for several aa.ys at a time, We 11.newered the!r queat!ona politely, They h11.d no trouble with anything er any~ody aikod all 11.bout the farming buelneas, and until, n.lter we had eccupkod the plaae Beven· he told them how things were rnnnlng. teen or eighteen days, a llad spell ef weather Finally he oame on ir.nd drove a.11 the etached p11.rtlea " I suppose you are gentlemen from the in for uhelter, We were.weJl ·he-eled In the city, come out here for reorea.tlon, bnt I matter of firea.rms, and there wa.e something dlein't know at first but you might have llk:e A Gl'ent :Ue·lleal 1Vork on ltlanhood. some soheme to get me to buy something, Exhausted Vitality, Nervous and Physical A '!HOUSAND DOLLARS IN GOLD Debillty. Premature Decline in Man. Errors or make me agent fer some patent, or that among the six. Fer coek we had an Id ot Youth! and the untold miseries r esulting you wanted ~I! get me to algn some paper wldle·· who ha.d beon discharged frem the from ind scretlon or excesses, A book for that would seem Innocent enough, but every man, young, middle-a.ged and old. It 1 0 whioh weuld turn eut to be a. nete that I contains 125 prescriptions· tor all acute and day ef chronic diaeaees, each one of whi.c;t1 is invaluawould have to pa.y. There'a ah11.ri.:a a.round the hl'il. we11.ther, and the rain atlll falliog, ·"t ' · ble. So found by Author, whose experience here every few days trying to pick up Jee, our coelr, went down to the forks of the for 25 years is such as probably never before h.rmere, and we have to keep eur eyea and .Ba11.vur ta meet a. ca.noe whloh we expected fell to the lot of e.ny physician. 300 pages. ew and stylish lines of' Gent's Furnishings. eara 11.bout ns, I am satlefied I have a up with provilllons, The deer of the ca.bin bovnd in beautiful French muslln, embos·ied <:overs, full gilt, gu~ranteed to be a finer worlc mlehke In yeu, aentlemen, so I apologlzo." was shut, and there w11.1 11. bit of fire en th in every sense than any other work sold in this The irentlemen la.ugbed at hlB fears, but hearth at which some of the men were country for $2.50, or the moue y will be refunded acaapted hla apology, and fi1111.lly aeked meuldlog bulletp, and over whloh a kettle In every instance, Price only $1 by mail, postbaid. Illustratives Pample free to any body. llim what course the sharpers usually took of pork and beans was bolling. Two ef tbs -Send now. Gold medal awarded tho author by to bea.t a farmer, g·ng Wfre playing carda, 11.nd a third w11.s the National Medical Associtl.tion. to the Pre" 0, they take every kind of a coune," rea.dlng, while I ws.e ex11.mlnlng eome miner- ,;rHighest prices paid for Raw Furs. 16. sident of which. the Hon. P.A. Bissell. and said he, as he took another ooh te whittle. al speolmens. In this state of aff·lra the associate officers of thti Board the reader is respectfnlly reft'erred. " Any~hlng to get a man to elgn his name, door softly o~ened, and In walked a young The Science of Life ls worth more to the Oaoe a farmer's is on paper, and they inan about 23 of age. He waa smooth· young and middle.aged men of thls generation get It on to a promissory nete, and lnte the faced, red·cheeked, and had suoh · smile on shan all the gold minea of California and the silver mines of Nevada combined.- S. F. hands ot an innocent party. I ha.d a man hie phiz th11.t the 1lght 11f him would have Ch1·onicle. come along here twe yeus age, with a set anyone to grinning, He looked from The Science of Life points out the rocks 1md patent churn, and he left It fer my wife te one to the other, aa If te make aure that all D EALER I N .quicksands on which thecon·titution and hopes try. She tried It, and liked it, and wanted were present, and then 1topped' baok and of many a youn~ man have been faitally wrecked.- Mancheste1· Min·or. to buy it, but he wouldn't sell It. He openod the door and 011.lled, The Science of Life is of greater value than he was j 11~t getting It patented, and he "Come In, Willl11.m, they are at home." all the medical works published in this country wa.nted a few ef the . the best farmers to try for tho past 50 yoa.ra.-Atlanta Ccmstitutwn. A short, stout, u~ly-faced man of ferty it, and make any suggestion· th11y thought The Science of Lite is a superb and masterly pushed his way ID, shut the door, and atooli ·.treatise on narvoue and physical , debility.ef to Improve ,t, and he w9uld m~ke the with hla back to It. That he was a hard Detroit Free Press. imprevementa and get It p&tented, He pill no one could doubt after looking Into hla There is no member of society to whom the eaid when It was patented, and was a suc. face ; that he mea.nt bualnes 1 was apparent Science of Life will not be useful, whether .1' outh, parent; 10ruardian, instructor or clergy· c011s, he J:iad just as soen ma.ks my wife a from hla having a revolver In either hand, man.- Arnonaut. present of a. chum, but he shouldn't sell Had .Address the Peabodv Medical In~titute, or any, a.a he should put 1' In the hands of Dr. W. H. Parker, No. <t Bulfinch Street,Boston SOME ONE YELLED " INDIANS I" some large factory to build, and he would :Mass. who may be consultel'l on all diseases r equiring skill and experience. Chronic an.d get a royalty. He wante.d a few letters I think the alx ef ue, each with a revolvel' obstinate diseases that have baf!ied tLe skill from those who hacl tried the ohum, te send rer.dy to shoot, weuld have been out doors of all other physicians a specialty, Such te enr member of oengre1s, who had in twenty seconds. Here we all sat as dnmb treated successfully without an instance or · promiBed te ge te the p11.tent effioe hr him. as oysters and aa helpleBB aa snails, fer we failure. Mention Sl'A1'ESMAN, Bowmanvllle, 17-Y· -Ontario. He wrote oat a letter to our member of realized tha.t It w1H 11. "stand np." "New, gents," ea.Id the young ma.n shewoongre11, 111.yine that I believed there was merit In the churn, and I signed it. How ing hla white teeth as he ~rolled, "I want to the deuce he got my n·me ell of tha.t leUer, raise a few hundred dollua fer an orphan and put it at the bettem of a note for two asylum In the Sta.tea. I 1hall expeot eaoh hundred a.nd fifty dollars, l don't know, but ene of you to contribute. If any gentle· I h11.d te p:i.y the note, and my wife baa man sheuld ao f11.r forget himself 11.11 to pull never ge i; the churn. But the sliokeet hie gun, my friend Wllli11.m, who ahoota will promptly attend to hla thln2 that f,.rmera ever get took in on waa both·handed, 11 Bohemian, About ten yeara age a It waa only after 'hie little apeeoh that; man oame along with a baking powder can & fall of eats without any hullll on- jaet tho we fully comprehended wh11.t W!¥1 going on' plain meat of the oats. .ffe eald he wae an Wllllain kept every man of us under hie eye· Preser-ve Your Sight. agent ef the German government, a.nd th11.t one with hla two pistols ready for aervlce, a.nd farmer In every tawnahlp oauld buy a bu1hel we were cowed. I knew that the average Use F. LAZARUS' (late or the llrm ofLa718r· ns & Morris,) Renowned Spectacles and Eye· ofthooatsforfivo dollars, lfhe would oontraot man wlll feel contempt for ua 11.nd assert Glasses. They are the best in the world. They m1t to sell the crop ef hull· leas eats te any- tha.t he weuld dene tblll er that had he never tire the eye, and last many years with· body but the authorized agent, and he was been ene of the six, bu' be la mistaken, out change. For so.le by Kenner &:. Co. Bow· D~ to agree to pay four dollars a bushel, The U.oder like olrcumstances, unleBB he waa a manville. 6·lf. lde11. wu to create a monopoly in hullleBB fool, he would have tamely submitted, That red-cheeked boy, aa we were net long oats. He just mentioned it to me, ho said, that I might think It over, ana in the' mean· In oonoludlog, w&s 11. read agent named Oel, time he would make some inquiries as t o Lee, 11.nd the man Willli!.m had justly earned Timely Su~gestions, THE NAME OF " BLOODY BILL, 11 my standing. Well, for a weelr I dreamed Q., J, Krt.mer, May ceunty, New of nothh1g but B1hemlan oats, and by the Only six months before they had held up the Jersey, has been very auooessfal in breaking time ha came around again I w11.a as ripe 11.a Ma.rlpoa& atage, In which one ef our number a cow ef the habit of aucklng herself by the eats, and I w11.nted ten bushels. He was a paaaenger. painting the teats with muollage and then said he would have to oommunlc.Jate with "Came, gents, time la money with ua," dustiag them wUh pure oapsloum (red pep· the general offiae bcf9e~ lio!J 1Jou1d sell me said ;he Colonel as we aa.t staring at him. STAND :-Town Hall Building, one door east Ont. Bank. per). It will not 1loken the oew, but she mere throa e11e bnshel, but he didn't knew " Here's my cap, who ohlps In the fi11t hun· will be entll'ely aatiefied with one talll;e of b11 the c.oJlld a.rrange·it llO I could', ha~ a. drer t" tho1e teab, · oounty right, and be the only man in the l\o held it toward me, and I drop1~d In -,.;::: At this seuon of the year pruning defen- cennty who oould raise the oats. He s11.ld £our1 twentle1, which was .a.11 I had, The he hated to let one man have suoh a oh11.noe Blve hedges, as, for Instance, oeage orange, next roan down with $200 ; the next We have all the. best grades of 11>nd heney loouet, la a meamre of economy. to get rioh, butlhe had struck three or four with $150, and by the time the laat had oon· The lmma.ture shoots now eaaily out, farmers that had no standing, a.nd he tributed the C11lenel had $800 In hie oap. VETERINARY SURGEON, 11.nd the work may in oonsequence be per- woalcln't let them have a·kernel of t he 011.ts In tundering it tfl his pocket he oonnted formed In at le~t half the time required fer love er money, and as he had got to go to the money, and as he put hh o·p on his when the wood la fully ripened. Summer Iowa soon be might give me the county, but head he said : that is manufactured. prnning haa a tendency to weaken growth, I must not aa.y 11.nythlng about it, He " Thia will go a geed way toward making wbluh Is muoh te be desired in 11. full·grown wonld be in a week, and by that time the Jhitle erphir.ns happy, I don't want any- We have in stock all kinds of General Groceries, Coarse and Fine Salt, hedge, . The 11eoend orop ef yeung sheets he wonld know If I could have the county. thing elae, gentlemen, and wa wlU now take American and Canadian Coal Oil, Bran, Shorts, Oats and Chicken are 1mallel' and. more numerous, thus very ·He might have let me have the earth, if our, I would a.dvise you not to fol· materially adding to the oompac tness of the he had waited another week. Well, to make low, though ef course you oan aot your own Feed, Crockery and Glassware, Fresh and Cured Meats, Sausages and 11. long stery short, I bought fifty bushels of pleaeure. I wish yen geed morning." mass, Lard of his own make and rendering , Life-time experience in the The twe backed eut and shut . the deer, .fferaes ha.rd at work In warm weather oats, signed a centraot to aell to nebody but Meat Department enables us to supply a quality unequalled. need wa.ter frequently, If a ha.ndful ef 011.~ him, and I got twe farmers to elgn with whloh swung out Instead of In, ,Soaroely meal ls thrown In a pailful of we.tor, and one me as security, and f;he next spring I sowed had It oloaed bofere we a raah, but The Grocery Department, under the supervision of Mr. John Allin, is they were 1tlll too smart for us~ They had of the very best quality. N o trash or poor goods k ept in stock, deals or two swallows given twe er three times the 11ats." " What did you get?" asked one ef the br11.oed a Jog against It, and there waa onll' between morning &nd n1Jon, 1Jr neon and night, It wlll stimulate them to renewed ex- fishermen, as he looked out of the barn deor, ens window ln the house, Before anyone only in the best goods, which will be sold at the lowest possible prices. Your patronage will be thankfully received. had volunteered te crawl out ef th11.t the ertions and keep t hem fresh all day, This and found th11.t the rain had oleared e:ff, "Get!" said the farmer, as he rose up two follows hlld made good their sort of stlmul11.tlon ha.a no bad 11.fter effoots, ,\JM:.'l Goods delivered to all parts of the t own on short notice. In going away they met our oook on his Honorary Graduate of the Ontario · eterinary Ml does that which men often take in the and kicked the ha.If bushel me&sure aoroaa A call solicited. College, 'l'oronto. Registered member of the h11.rvest field. The work ef harvesting with ihe ba.rn. " .I got a fair crop of common way back, and the Colonel handed him a Ontario Vctel'inary Association, in accordance eelf·blndera la now as aevere for teams as e~ts, with hulls on, which I seld from the flask of whiskey and asked him to preaent with the Veterinary Act, thrashing machine for t wenty cents a bu8hel lt to us with hla oomplimenta, We took Cash Cor Butter, Eggs, Hides, Tallo,v, Beet, Pork and I·. Is prepared to treat all diseases of the Dom· cutting gra.ln was In the old times for men estlc Animals, according to tho latest theories. when dene by haud· labor, and It le a time The oats he sold me were oommenoate, with the trail and pursued It for severa.l hours, all Farm J>1·oduce. All calla personally, by Telegraph. or 'l'ele· when grain feed for horses has been mostly the hulls taken off, 11.nd I paid him five dol· but we had 11een the las t of them, phone will receive prompt attention. C. M. CAWKER, used up. W Ith the 111.bor thus thrown on Iara a bushel for them in cash, and the con· tarOFF1CE- Main St., Orono, one door north of the teams they need proportionate good trnot I aigned, turned eut te be a nete fer JOHN ALLIN. W , Henry's i:3tore. A Faithful Animil. · We would repea.t our advice to farmen five· hundred dolh.ra, endoreed by twe of the CHARGES MODERATE, A very str11.nge a.nd pa.thetlo ooourrenoe net to sleep in t he eame undergarments best farmers In t own, and I paid it." "WeJJ, he ep~ke the truth when h e aaid has just oeme under ebaervatien at Tiffin, worn during the day. I t la mere than worth the trouble to take off the undershirt as he diin't like to see one man get toe rich," Lan 0Jtober little Freddy Luiz, aen of Mr. soon as the day's labor ls finished, rub t he au.Id one of the fishermen, "but I should and Mra. Luiz of Tiffin, was t&ken auddenly body thoroughly with a harah to?el, :ind have euppeaed he would have oeme round Ill and died, He was a kind and loving put en underclothes whlohareperfectly dry. the next ye11.r and benght your crops, a.s he bey, aud bad for a pet a little terrier dog, Having purchased the Hai:ness business lately carried on by Mrs. HUMPHREY, promised, But I suppo·e yeu violated your One ef the moEt suoceesfol d11.lrymen we contract by selllng the eats to other par· te which he waa very kind, After hie h ope by careful attent ion to b usiness, good wor k manship, and first class the dog showed algna of gre11.t grief, death knew keeps 100 oows. H e feed· his oa.ttle ties," material, to s ecure a. share of public pat ronage. W e have in orylug and bowling pitaoualy. Sinoe t he en oorn fedder, out when in blossom, bound " Oeme around," said th0 farmer, deat;h of their loved aon t he parents have stock and are manufacturing a. large amount of and aet up nntll oured, or until winter, " He would have been lynohed, Why I reguh.rly visited hia grave and otrewed 1 when It ls removed· to. the b11.rn. He geta found that he had sold Bohemian oats to a.nd dropped tears upon the little seven ten1 of this dry fodder to tho aore over fifty farmers In this township, and In llowere T he dog ahv11ye acoompllllled and cl,lms It ls as good aa the best ef hay. the county I den'l know how many farmen mound. them, and at the grave wonld shew nnmi·· Wheat continues to be plenty and oheap. took the bait, Yen oan't imagine hew I takable Higns ef grfef; A few day·ago ~he- a specialty. We intend that the reputa.t fon Humphrey'a Collars have vained Let us repeat that every farmer has a good felt, after hugging tbt aecret to my hea.rt family vldted the gr11ove and the dog did "' home market In his chicken yartl. There la all Bummer, and watching the oats grew, not return heme with them, L11.te in the shall be fully sustained. W e p repared to furnish responsible partie11 ne beUer and no cheaper feod for grewlng to see them head out just like ordinary evening the superintendent of the oeme· Collars on approbation . We guarantee satisfaction or n o sale. obiokens or laying hens than yeur $1 whee.t, oats, a.nd when It over me that .I had tel'y, Mr. Cleuaer, aa.w the dog !yin!( en We also keep in stock a full line of goods usually found rnrn It Into eggs and ohlcken11 and 1et $2 11. been seld, and was net going t e be rich, but hla young master's grave howling plteouely in a first class harn ess shop, comprising a. buahel 11.nd over everv "me, poorer than ever, I waa actually slok fer a and t ried to drive him away, but he wsuld month, The deotors called It nervous pros- not go, He laid there until \he middle of - : POSITI VELY CURES :--' tration, but it waa Boheml11.u oats fever, the next da.y, wht>n he· was fi.oally driven that's what it was." aw11.y with great effort. AWonderfol Bing. See onr Bull B one Whips-something n ew. We have also in stock "Well," said ens ef the fishermen, "ihe There le a story of a. oertain prince who r11.ln ls over, and we will go out and eee it had a. wonderful ring which prloked hie finger the' fieh will bite as well as the farmers," Uses of Oa.ttle Bones. whenever he was doing 11.nythlng wrong. It and they went off, while the farmer was The four feet of an ordinary ox will was given him to help him always to keep mixing some paris green In a pan, and lookupright and good ; and he was told tha.t so ing ae t heugh he had rather feed it to the m~ke 11 pint of neat' a foot oil, Not a bone long ae be wore It he would presper, At man who sold him the oats than to the po· of any animal ls threwn away, M~ny for Horses and Oa.ttle, a sure cure for bruises, sprains, cuts, and sores of a.II kinds, cattle's shin-bones are shipped to E ngland Shop- Sign of the Big Oollar. 17-3m first he set great st ere by this ring ; but In bugs. for the making of knife handle·, whtire time he beg11.n to be vexed at b eing so eften _.. they bring $40 per ton. . ' . L'he thigh bones oheoked by Its pdoklng, and so often stopped Ohildren Earnin~ Money, are the moat v11.luable, being worth $80 per Pianos Tuned anct Repaired. from dolvg what he wished, One day he had set hie b e11.r t npen something ·hat he Children oannot begin too yeung to earn ton for outtlvg Into to9thbru~h handles. Tb.e fordeg bonee are worth $30 p ar ton, was y et well aware was wreng, and he was money. If it ls only a little- one egg for ARTIES WISHING n11:rn PT ANOS A few :Soxes will cure any case of Dys· abeut to do In spite of the warning ef the every dozen they fiad, pay for c11.rrylng the and are made in'o callar buttous, parasol Tuned or repaired canha"l'et hom u.ttended :x>epsia, s!Jnply by taking One :Pill every ring ; but lt pricked him Be sharply tha.t he mlllr, a few cents IJ'll weok fer w11.ehfng ha.ndlee and j awelry, the ugh sheep's legs 0 by leaving word ;at the DOMINION ORGAN the st11ople pa.rasol h11.ndlea, The w11.ter Oo's OFFICE, Bowmanville .A. 1lrst-clas man night on retiring. "l'hey do not lose tb.ebl drew It off hie finger in a piaslon and threw dishes, or bringing In the woad, or coal er F or cost of ndvert.i ~ing in. any pa~e~· or now heinR l in their mplo r·. effect like otller l'Ul.8. l'l hed m t~e 1.: 11 1tetl it away, and from that moment he ftll Into klndlings ; so much for every towel they in which the bones are bolled Is reduced to list of pa.pers puhl 1 bad ways and misfortunes, and came at hem ; or they may k eep hens of their own, glue, and the dust which come11 from saw- States or Canada, se nd to t he A DVE l t 'l'IS· ING A GENCY of E P WIN A LPE N < f; BRO. , to 11. very sad end, New this ls only 11. plea- er a pig, or oare for their own oalf 11.leng ing them ia fed to oattle and poultry. ssoo.oo 25 Cents per Box. Five Boxes for $1.00. sant story but lt ls mea.nt tfl help us t o nn· with the other cattle- how much more in~incinnat = ,fa~;rNew York, A Short Outfit, a;,,... MIL&; Vine ,;;ts ., ~, 1/,0 Nassm; .Str eet. derstand a great truth. We have all of us t erest they will take I There are an Infinite THIRT Y PIL LS IN A BOX. *** O ur HNcw sp :l.J)Cl' Co_mlJina tions,,' .a .book o~ Bomethlng like the prince's wonderful ring, number of ways la which a. ohild oan earn When Etha.linda. Da W igga (visited her !So p a~~s, contarninA' pnc,e~.of atlvcrt1sin1; 1 fu~ which ohecka us when we de wrong, and money, and that, too, withrmt paying hlJQ ooualns In the oountl"V laat week one of instructions, ctc. sen Lon "·< 1- 1 P~ ofwc. Oui A m. SQLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. makes us uneasy, Any one of ua knews for hie little kindnesses te the heme people, -, ' New spa.per C :ttn.1 ague,,_conta1111 n~Y. 11am e :::; of e very AIE will pay the above Reward t'or any ' C-....J n pub lished_ tn ;.he lJ. S. a_ nd Canada, quite well, that, If we say 11. thing that is either; and, then, he hae an almest lnex· them sa.ld :"Linda, don t you want te help me plek ;e nt 011 receipt of p nce, $1.50. Estlmatcs fre e. I V c aso of Dyspepsia, Liver complaint, not true, er do a thing we know we ought presslble feeling of pride and Independence Sick Headache, lndlgestion or Costlven eu not to do, and that we are afraid of b eing when he buys somethlnp; with hb own 011.rn· peas this morning ?" A~ a · ·o· we cannot CUre with WEST;S X.IVE:B found 1Jut to have done, we feel semethln!' Inge. ' le no better servant In t he "I'd like to, de11.r," replied Eth11.linda, l'ILLS, when the J>irectionis strictly within us that makes us uneasy, and seems world than this 1ame meney ; but te be of for plokiug · co:mpliecl with. L arge Boxes, k whisper to us that we aregnilty, This la moat use, it muat be dghtly manir.ged, and PROPRIETORS, 80 Pills, 25 cents; 6 Boxe11 ,1,00. Sol4 oensoience, Conscience iu like the wonder- only experience oan toach that lesson pre· " I forget; te bring a pea·j ~oket; with me, ' · l>J' au Drnggtats. ful ring, . perly. . Ji'RIDAY, AUGUS r 20, 18S6 ··· (!i;nundhtu $tntt.%1ntnu. ~'Hl1J FARM. TB.E CAREFUL FARMER. "OOME IN WIT,LIAM." Poultry. YOUNG AND MIDDLE·ACED MEN. DUNN?S BAKINC THE COOK'S BE_ST ERIEND Fewls prefer, as well a.a need, good pure, o ~ld water, e~p9cfally in worm, sultry wa11.ther, Yeung oblckens ma.y be allowed the run of t he garden, the mether being cooped, 11.nd 'he havoc they ma.ks ti.moJJg lnaeota Is an ex· Jellent thing, Inffammatlon of the egg erirane is gener11.lly o&nsed by overfeeding. Eilltlng the ~eeds of grapes, or 17rain affected with ergot, bfaald to produce this lnlfamma.t ien, Sy mp· tams : the hen going ln~o the neut without laying; having a straddling gait ; laylni; Bhelless eggs ; dropping eggs from the perch or elsewhere. Treatment: one grain of oalomel and enl!·twelftb of a grain of ta.rtar emetic, given in eat er barley mea.I, If neoessa.ry, a second deae may be given, Whan a dealer wishes to 11.lfd a knock· down argument to all he has said 11.bout the merits ot the breed of fowls he h11.1 for 811.Je, 1111 urge~ th11.t their fieah ls ef extra. q uallty, Now there IB no breed of fowls under the sun, the obfokens ef wh!oh, If well fed all their lives, will not be tender, j uloy and teethsome if killed befe10 they are teo old. And there b no breed thlllt will bo plumr, tender and fit for the table unlosa fod thue, rMind, we do ·n ot say that there is no dlft & enoe at all In breeds, bot we say, that of the twe things, the breed and feeding, the 111.tter la moat Important. The white ef an egg h11.1 proved te be the most effioa.oleua remedy fer burna, Seven or eight euooesolve applications of this substance will Boothe tho pain and efieotua.lly exclude the burn from ·the air. This dmple remedy seems preferable te oollodlen, or even ootton, Extraordinary stories are told of the healing properties of a new oil, which is oaslly made from the yolks of hens' eggs, Tho egg· are first ·belled ha.rd, and the yolks o.i'e then removed,· crushed and placed over a fire, where they are 011.refully stirred nntil the whole substance ls j us\ on the point of oatohlng fire, when the oil sepa.r&tes 11.11d may be poured oil. One yolk wlll yield nea.rly two teaspoonfuls of oil. It la In gen· eral uee In South Russia as a means of curing oda, bruiBe· aud scratches. I think the llme·duat treatment. the beat of all ourea for ga pee in ohioken11. It la oheap, simple and efleotlve, I put a whole breed of ohlokens ln a peok meaeure with a beg over the top. A b11.rrel partly filled with alr·elaked lime, a1 dry as powder, was turned on Its elde and the lime WM stirred whh a 1tlok until the whole barrel w11.s filled with lime floating in lhe a.Ir. The ohlckcns were put in this, with the bai;: over the mouth of the bauel. They were put into the dwt three times, not more than a minute eaoh time, They aheuld be kept in the meaBnrli all the time. We let one brood aby In too long and !oat . five out ef seven, The windpipes of the dead ohlckena were found more than halt filled wUh gape werm1, whloh made It more dlfib uU for them to breathe. My little son, seven yea.ra old, treat. hie ohlokens In this way suoceasfally. The lime or.n be slaked with water and then allewed to dry Be aa to pewder. A lot of lime thus prepared wm las$ fer yean fol thb purpose, KEEPfNG to tho FRONT I MAYER Silk, Drab, Shell, Woodrow's and Christie's Stiff .AT~, Also Fine English, Canadian & Ameri,,,.. can Fur and Wool Hats. :a: reiu!:'r:~:!In~~~~ b~~;e~~: ih1rd 'Mahilla and Straw Hats all kinds and prices ' Shirts, Tiers, Collars, Cuffs, Handk'fs, Glove.s, Un1brevas, Rubber Coats, . etc. I!'. H . .ifl.A S 0 if, Saw Mill Machinery, 'L. D. S.' Engines, 'Peerless' and 'Grain Saver· Separators, Watson's Deering Binders, Iron Clad Mowers, Sulky Rakes, Bain Wagons, Cultivators, Harrows, Seeders, Scuffiers, Single Sulky and Gang Plows, Honey Fanning Mills, Chaff Cutters, Turnip Slicers, Root Pulpers, Hay Loaders, Crushers, Grinders, Tedders Forks, Warerooms--King St., Bowmanv1ne. Repairs for L. Sawyer and Noxon. POWDER JOHN SPENCER, Grocers, Butchers and Provision Merchants. A cnmplete s..t.o_ ck always on hand. WORLD'S BEST I WEST'S ~LIVER PILLS LIGHT .AND HEAVY HARNESS. DYSPEPSIA, SICK HEADACHE, LIVER COMPLAINT, INDIGESTION. .. -·- - BLANKETS, ROBES, RUGS, HORSE COVERS) WHIPS, BRUSHES, ETC., ELLIMAN'S .ROYAL EMBROCATION ___ .................... [~win Al~en & Brn. A · t s l"g gency I I~ . P \_ .. 1 ti EWARD! JohnC. West & Co. ·T ORONTO. ~c;:~:~ ~:o::::yrdreaaed ::: . · ·

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