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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Aug 1886, p. 5

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·STOTT &JURY'S Local and If you won't economize you must A kind word is often better than a agon ize. costly gift. Tucker's Sovcrign Hal.rn for sale at Mr. H. J. Cryderman is visiting friends Stott & Jury's. in the West. Milinery and fancy go ..u:ls below cost at Oall and secure ba.rgains at Mrs. Morrs. Morrison's, Orono. rison's, Orono. Do not fail to read the new story comMra. J. Wyllie, of Toronto, is on a visit PURE menced in our last issue. to friends here. · Silks and imported wool goods and undiluted Our purchases for fall were Lyhster shirtings ure t he best, a full Master Willie Welch is visiting friends full strenirth. have advanced from 15 to 25 per placed early at the lowest prices range, only at the Star Homm. in the country. cent. ever known. Our townspeople are one by one coming Shaw & Tole's is the place to get a Mchome from their vacation trips. Laughlin Buggy. Farmers can save ten cents an acre by WHOL~SOMhEbl · Mr. J. Robinson returned on Saturday buying their twine of Shaw & Tole. P11rilies t .e ~oa,. from his trip to Duluth. and aids d1gest1011. - Miss . L1lhe . . B ennett 1s · visiting · · · £rieu · ds Tim total eclipse of the sun on August Large quantities of fall goods the 29th will not be visible in Canada. in Port Hope and Cobourg. If you want goods this s easo n are now arriving, many luxurious Full lines of· \trtists' materialstu bes, There are said to be 4, 000 Americans jt will pay you to buy earlv. brushes, pallettl3s, etc., at S. S. Edsall's. lines at low prices. REFRESHING in London, Eng., this season. ~ u Mr. C. R. McCullough, of Rellevillle Tones np the system. Buy 3 lbs. of Li-Quor Tea at Levi MorBusiness College, has been on a visit to ris' and get a $1.00 book free. friends here. Our stock never contained so many Capt. L. R. Werry is now in command 4 pieces 1me new worsted coatings, beauattractive bargains before. of Oshawa Salvation Anny corp~. FRUITY tifully finished goolls. Gentlemen, if you and rich in flavor. Mr. and Mrs. Morrey; of Ingersoll, are want a suit, see them at T. Geo. Mason's, visiting at Mr. Chas. Harnden's. · Star H ouse. Mr. W. F. Colgate, of" Truth" office, Things that are not done at the right Toronto, gave us a call on Tuesday. COOLING time are nearly sure to force themselves A good tweed or serge suit, any size, upon us when we can least bear the Just the drink for · warm weather. $5.00 at T. Geo. M :1son's, Star House., trouble of them. Mrs. Jos. Pattison and Mrs. J. Allin Notwithstanding the recent advance in silks, you can stilf buy all colors and all In ordering, speciliy DoMINICA, and don't have been ·1·isiting friends in Hamilton. KE.F.P oooL-)·our choice of 10 doz fine qualities at the old prices at Couch, .Johnbe put off with any imitations. straw hats at 50c. See Star H ouse advt. ston & Cryde. r:man's. BEFINED EXPRESSJ,Y FOR Full line of artists materials- tubes, Dress muslins r educed from 1'7k ceuts brushes, pallettes, etc., at S. S. Edsall 's. to 121, from 15 cents to 10, and organdy Mr. and Mrs. Chas. M. Cawker.left on muslCns from 20 cents to 15 at Couch,> l. 'JT~EA..:I:... Monday for a visit to friends in Western ,Johnston & Cryderman's. Ontario. · Monday beiug Civic holiday all places For sale by STOTT & JURY. Business is very quiet here at present of business were closed. The day passed A liberal discount to the trade. No owing to the farmers' busy season being off very quietly, the chief and only at_ charge for cases. tracti,)n being a base ball match. on hand. Jno. McMurtry is showing Black Bro· Mr. H. C. Tait has been :ittending the Photographic Association, held in Toronto caded Silk, Black Gro. Gram Silk, Black Satin suitable fut· summer m1.mtles, lovely this week. · Barbed, ribbon, plain and annealed Black Chenille Fringe for trimming.. wire a full steck at bed rock prices at S. One. hundrecl and twenty 1·ecruits for THE STAR HOUSE, · - S. Edsall's. the North-west mounted police been East Shop in N eacl s' New Block Rev. Mr. Mcintyre and family returned engaged this sumnrnr.and the force is now · home last evening from a two weeks visit up to the full nommal ~trength, 1,010 ~ -~~~~ ~ ~~~ ~~~~~~-~ -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ in Kingston. men. :M:r.H.Keely, of Peterboro, was in town 'VILLIAU UIGll'l'. N.etn '2loncrth1cm.ent.s. Major Mar~ctta will lead the Army There has been a larger attendance at this week. ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the YOU CAN BUY meetings here on Saturday evening ancl our High School this year, than for many Mr. and Mrs. 'fhos. Kirby are sojournCounty of Dnrham. All snles·will recei ve OOD SERVANT WANTED fo1· prompt all day Sunday. attention. Address :- 1.'yrt>ne P. o . yearsJ and, if we hacl ~~ore ~ccommoda· ing with friends in Cobourg this week. gP.neral house work. Apply to MRS. P. .A · Shaving Mug and Brush, or 28:6m . 32-t.r. The Editor is exoected to sail from tion, it woulcl be much mct'(lM(ld to the~ Dr, ·rotter, Office and Residence in MURDOCH. SH1 l. W ·ll · r o1,1;, A Hair Brush and Mirror, or Glasgow for New York, by S. S . "Ne- great benefit of ont town . , · Prowcr's Block, King-st., Bowmanville. IM.BER FOR SALE.-All the standICENSED AUCTIONEERS for the braska " to-day". A Puff and Toilet Box, or SPECIAL ATTENTION shonld always be Miss J·mnie Small and Mias E. Leader, ing timber on Lot 6. Con. 1, Manvers, for County of Durham. All salns will receive Mrs. Brook, Miss Annie and M1tster gi1·cn to the hair and scalp. There is of Port Hope, at'" on a visit to friends in S'lle. .i"or terms apply, it by letter·, to GEO. W, prompt attention. Address:- Bowmanville A . Good Hair Brush and Comb, or Willie Brook, of New Orleans,are visitors GrLBANJL Pontypool, or personally at Lot 18, OnL ' nothing nicer than a good head of hair. town. Con. 10, Clarke. 32-3w. Six' Good Combs, or at Dr. J. M. Brimacomb's In case of baldness when the ~oots are Messi·a. Chas. T od and C. E. Munson TJi 0 R SALE VERY CHEAP.- 50 FARMERS.-Take your wool to .John not alt gon~, Dr. _D ore~w end 8 Great took in the excursion to Buffalo, yesterTRAYED into my pr0n1ises, Lot 13, .£1 Colonies of Bees in aplenclirl condition. A Good Hair Brush and a Cake at tho rosideuce o! the llnderslgned and Call Lyle and get the highest market price. Germ~n Han· . Magw,_ w1~l produce a day morning. Con. 7. Darlington. on or about August 1st, a large Black Hog. Owner can have by examine or write for parti.cularR. Also a. of Soap. Do1J.'t sell till you see him. luxuriant growth uf hair ; it _ will r~·~ore M 1. R H H I b · T t · property and paying cxpenaes. PE'l'ER quantity. ol comb and extra.ctcd honey. vcrv grey and fa.ded hair to its or1g10al oron o provmg · · · _enry ias ~en 111 fine quality. J. H. MANNINO, Tyrone. 3'Z·3w. WEmiY, Tyrone. 3!-tr. If you want the best value in lace cur- all · -Call &nd see thed vigor · . ·t s t o ps nil f .. lliog out the llast few days attendmg the Photol co or an , 1 · ~ ~ · C · · tains, at the lowest prices, go to Robertof the hair and removes all traces of dan- grap uc om·ention. -.....-,oR SALE.-A quantity ot superior · l.J-,OR SALE.-A Threal1in~ Machine, son & Bond's, Beaver Block. druff. A little of thia great prep; 11«1tion We would call the attention of our _a; Clanson Fall Whe1tt.. jusc threshed. Per· I.' nearly new, Morris & Watts. ManufacThe horse and cattle on the sed once in a wfaile will l·eep the scalp readers to the Ca.ledonian Mill's advt. in sons wa.ntin~ Seed Whea.t will find it to their ~urers . cl ~ans grain fit for m·flrket. bags it up; ltT· · ' . l M ]\{ K h I advantu.u;e to call on MESSltS. J. & R. BiwwN, ts also a first-class pea thTPsher. The machine Agricultural Fair Groumls, Cobourg, were U in a healt.hy condition and make ·the hair anot.ner co lllnn. r: "c :.LY a..q . at 1 Lot 25. Con. 6, C1:1rke. H. tf. is in good rnvair and will he sold cheap fordestroyed by fire on Saturday. soft,pliant·and bui.utiful. A..D<>ren~e~d, considerable expense fitte~ up these nulls c> . For terms anply to JonN .MARSH.ALT., L. Geo. Quick has a new machine for sole manufactlirer, Toronto. J. H1g~m- and 1S·now prepared ~o gr~st and. chop on SALE.-One acre c,f land with Hampton, or to this office. 32-t f making evetronghs that wont leak. It botham & Son agents for Bowmanville. reasonable terms. Give ]um a call. - . frame house tJ:iereon, situated halt mite FOR !';ALE -A comfortable frame 1 . . . , , oute1de tlte corporation. on the gravel road, ". · .. makes the length six feet long. Somo evil disposed person or pe1sons west of Bownrnnviile. }'or terms apply tow. b . d1vellmg house, contaimng 5 room s, M{iJOICAL HALL. sad havoc with a number of store C. 1'YLER. Bowm!l.nville. 32·3w esidos pantr~. closets and summer kitchen, He who lays a claim to true piety ought Played · < · goed cellar. Hard and soft water an<l splenilid to be vigilant, because the higher the ~arrlen. :-:lituated in the village o f Newca.stle. · wrndows on WedneRdny mght. no less - --· pinnacle the more fatal will be the fall. """C'T"T" th111i· :fiv·1 being shattered. The follnwing COLTS F<JJ:t SALK- Two Black Colts, , ·or tern~,s apply to ~ns, MANmrs:a, nt "ll.~a.n~ VV.. are t\'ie stores :-McMurtry's (dry goods) 1 one 2 yei>rs ol<l a.nd one 1 year old. aired bv ~~~triJ, ~~~J~anville, or to G1 w. Col3 r~~~JCF., BOAT~ TO HIRE.- Twogood boats to hire. .. . , · · . , ' " Haron Roth·ch1ld; " a lso one Ba.y Colt 2 yr's , l,.. e w · " · w. 1t. Clmuc W ... s, S. Mason & Sons, J. ,.,ld. sired bv "Britisll Lion." Aoply to JAMES Apply to Geo. H. Buxton at the Organ Bl~s'IMANVlLLE, FRIDA.Y, AoG. 20. Factory, or at his residence King-st. East. England's, and W. H. M~y's. We sinc~t·cly MILNE, Lot 1, Con. 1, Manvers. New Park..P·?· ACRE FARM FOR SALE 3 l-lw hope that the perpetrators of the miser· _ tv1 _ OR 1.'9 IlEN1.'.-Hein~ Lots U Maka friends of none in whom you We will pay the highest ·tble cowardly act may spee1lily be broli"llt and fo, Co~. 10, Dttrlrngton. .and having there' . . . ° FA.RM TO RENT.100 acres of land on: dwellrnJ.(·llonsP, ont·bmldmw-, good well have not implicit confidencewhom you Otherwis~. to 'justice ani'i_severely pumshcd. in Pickering town~hip. beinit Lot 15. Con. of water, young orchard. ere It is situated cannot trust in all places and in all sea· price in Oash for any quanA d ·d t _ d t M. 'V 3. This brm is situ11.ted one mile norch or ab0t1t 10 miles from Bowman ville, 3 mUP-s from. Hose, hose, hose, '\Vest End House. sons. 'er 811 acci en oceurre 0 r. · Pickerrng village. and i· one of the best in the Enniskillen, 2} miles from Rnyrlon 1mu 2 miles "Ii'ss Ti'ssi " e Peter Chaplain, of-~ ewcastle, on Tuesday morn· township. }'or particulars apply on the premfrom. Burketon Stati~n, the .c. P . Railway Mr· W · T · Lockhart · ·"' 1g th Ladies go to the West End House for kin · · t m. 1· t 1 I ta ,1L and Mr. and Mrs. T . J effery, of tity of Wool. inglast Mr Chaplain left that town isestoS.J. HAIGH'I'. - 3!.3w. csr?s Ms1 WOeODar ·or p11r1cuars !l.PPY 1 . ·th cr ·ery · . . db t .a. ,EY. Tyrone, P. o. 3l·tf. µ 091 · Toronto, spent Monday in town with ear1y m e morning accompa.nie Y wo ARM FOR SALE.-Valuable farm TRAYED FROM MY PREMISES, Have you paid for the STATESMAN? If friends. of his children, en route to 8cugog where lot 29, con. 6, Darlington, <luring the last . .of 70! acres for sale, being lot 9. con. 5 Etist not why uot 1 WM. QUICK & CO. he intended camping out. When just a Whitby. The farm is W13Jl watered, good soil, week of July,a white barrow year old. ' l h h " tl F AltMERs,- McClellanl& Co. have now little this side of Enniskillen he s topped Any one giving in~ormation that will lead to clay bottom : havinl(' thereon a fr!l.m e dwelling No matter what crop fai s, t e t is e on hand a large quantity of Salt and · l d to water his hone, but before letting it rMovery of, will be rewarded, JOIIN h,ouse, go~d b.urn and other outbuilrlings. It is situated a miles rrom Ushawa and within 1 crop is a wa.ya a goo one. Plasterancl for sale in quantities to suit drink removea the blinds and the animal y ANNEST, JR., Solina. 33·1 mile of a cheese factory, blacksmith nnd c11.rNEW, NEW- black and colored braided purchasers. HORS.ES WANTED.-! want to buy a lot catching a glimpse 0 f the boa.ts, which wiere penter shops and saw mill. Terms easy. For llllSS RIJSllTON, jerseys at t l1e Sta.r House. 'V. Hazzlewood, Raglan, Orit. Licens- of large, hea.vy horses; also fillies from strapped on each side of the wagon, beturther part.iculars apply to JOHN Y. COLE, RGANIST AND PIAN lST (lato of Hampton, or McGEE & Jo:sER. Oshawa. The Ontal'io barley crop is reported to ed Auctioneer for the township of Dar· one to four years old. .Address, ii:·rEPHEN came frightened and mado a bolt. Mr. 33-~w. Eu11lanu). is prepared to glve lessons on be finer and larger th!l.n last year. lington. All orders for Hales in thin COTTON, Bowman ville. Chaplain finding he could not hold him the Organ or Piano. }'or terms apply at MR. 3l-3w Lovely Braided ,Jerseys from 1. 25 up at vicii.ity, left with ~~. H. Mason, BowIt may not he known to many readers stepped aside, but unflirtunately not quite PE1"l'INOER'A, 'l'yrone. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's manville, will receive prompt attention. of this journal that we have in this town far enou14h as the boat a.truck him in the 34-tf · The subscriber will pay tl1e highest cash Under the laws of Ontario the shooting an institution bearing the name of "The back, throwing him directly under the price for any quantity of good Mernhantable season be1'an on the 16th of August. Canadian Methodists aro this year ' Bowl.llanvi!le Electm Plating Works" wheels which passed over his leg breaking - WILL RE·OP}:N ONw·ool and 2c over that in trade. Ho!!t give away your wool when you can get a fan· price Four new churches arA building at St. sending three additional workers into the which guarantees to do plating in gold, it in two places, just above and below the in exchange for BlankPts, Sheeting, Tweeds, Paul, Minn., at an expense of $200,000. Japan mission field. Rev. F. A. Cassidy, silver or nick le so that old articles are knee. The wonnJed miin was at one~ , . etc .. Carpet Yarn and Sock Yarn always on h fh M. A., and Rev. J. W. Sannby go out made to l ook quite as good or eveu bet- conveyed to his home in Newcastle where hand. 'With thLLnks for past favours ·~nd Reports from the country .nort 0 ~re shortly, ;wd E. Odlun, M. A. , at present ter than new, and the vroprietor agrees medical assistance was obt..ined. and his Classes for college and teachers'exami>::ations. (solicit111g a cont1m1ance of the ~am_ e . I am Honors m all departmimts. Good library. your oblirzinrz servan t, D. 'l'A YLOH, l:Tfl.mpton promise a large crop of all kmds of gram. Bead.Master of thePembroke high school, to plate heavier than the platin15 to be .injuries attended to. At la.teat reports he staff of teachers. Board at reasonable Woolen Mills. 23·3m· Several gypsy caravans passed through will go about rhe end of the year to take fotrnd on any new article. All ki1ids of was progressing as favorably as could be rates. 'l'f, l'f. TA.iUUL'l'N, the town on Satu1day last, headmg for charge of the preparatory department of silverware, old watch cases gold or silver, expected. 312w. Principal. the east. tho 1'oldo College. and indeed all kinds of t11.blewarn are reSam Jones, the evangelist, says he has The Eagle steam Washer for which J .. pa.ired, cleaned, and polished. Any of (JONSlfHPTllJN t:;IJRED.-;rn om uhysician FOR YOU.NG LADIES. cleared $600 a year since h e began N. Kivell is the general agent in this dis- our reo,ders having articles tha c require retired from practice. having had placed in his reaching. trict may be seen 1~t Cawker and Allin's plating can rely on gettina a superior ]. ob hands by an East India miaaionary the formula . ~ ~ or a simple vegetable remedy for the speeuy Preeident- 'l'he LORD BISHOP of 'l'OROK'l'O. ll'OJtLoCR T he WesterR Fair and Inclustrial and store, Bowmanville. Over 120 have been demo at a reasonable price, and a single and permanentcnreofUonsumption,Broncbitie. Tho School will HE-OPEN on TUl!.:SDAY. t:!ii'"Get the Genuine, Sold Everywhere. Art Exhibition will be held at London sold around here since November. A trial will convince yon that this is correct. Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung At8th September. Boarders to arrive the previous . M J nr h 1 f factions n .lso a positive and radical cure for day_ Sept. 27th to Oct. 2nd. large consignment has been received from T he foreman Is r. ohn "rig t, ate o Nervolls .Debility and all nervous Complaints, Application may be made to the Lady P rin· To whom it may concern: this is to cer- the manufactuer and all orders will be Glasgow, Scotlaud, and thll proprietor after having tested its wonderful cm:ati".e c1pal. Wykeham Hall, College avenue. 'rhe' · ·E a,gl e is · d ecic · l e]y is · M F . N . H am. Ca ll at Re"d' powers in thousands ort cases. l1as felt· 1t h1~ ti y fill l "fy, that Rob~rtscJ11 c"" Bond are selli'ng prom[J . ec . . r. i e h . ff . 11 v " ' , · · , h duty to make it lrno":n o is sn e_rrng .e <?WS . --tl t he cheap· st goo·ls in town. the best washing machine on Earth. Block and see sampled of the worir t ey Actuated bY this mot.1ve and a desire to relieve 1 ~T!~:o~::c~~';~~1l~:~u'. }~:fn~'.:~u~~::;,~~ Numbers congt·eirated in the barracks are turning out. · hnruan suffering, I will send free or charge, to Having :fitted up tbe Caledoriian ) . k Order Doors, Sashes, Blind s, P IC et~, -all who desire it. this recipe, in German.French, Flour Grist Oat ~feal Bari el and f rco, full i nfon nn Uon fibont w ork :Whki\ ' ' J t hey cau do, nod hn1a' h ume,th at will pay etc. , at Morris' Planing Factory, LibeHy on Thursday evening, of last week, one BowMANVIT,L~~ HIGH ScnooL. -A few or EngliSh. with full dlre.ctions for prep~rin,,; Split Pea Mills in first-class runn- ~ cnrn crl O\'~ r $tfl . ma .'hem rrom $.';to $2:i per ctay. " " "'· 11~,-· · f the st1>mp, and using. Sent by paper, mail byw. addressmg with . day. E Hhe r !l,eX. youna? or old. Capital and all ea !!Cr to a ee w ho th "' new A rmy week s ago we gave an accoun t o naminit this A. NoYES 14.9 ,street, R. H. Osborne,~ leasee. in()' order' I am now prep<J-re<l. to 1' ate not recp1irl'd. Yon nre stnrte1l free. T1;m:c who st .nrt a.t ouc& The numb .. r of visitors t o the Colonial ofticers would be, but to the surprise of many honors that its pupils won in To- Power's.BlockRochester N. Y. 45 b absolutely 1>ure of snug little fortuuc11. .A.ll 1s new. and Indian Exhib tion for the week end- m any,and, we think we are safe in saying, ronto, at the University Matriculation _ _ -· -· I . the satisfaction of all, they found with Examination. Now we have t he pleasure - -- ·- · -- - - - - -ing 24th July was 1G6, 791, making a total the exception of Lieut. Staples, the old of reporting the great success of its can- ~larrlll!!C No fices. 50 cents; blrtlls anti since the opeiiing of 1,9 7o, 39s. officers in command, Capt. Hind ha ving dictates at the teachers' examinations. Of denth.~. 25 ecul.s. J. H. Bradley's Spring Pad for single beeu once more returned to her old the twelve that passed hero, eleven were - 'nnd doub le harness gives entire s:itisfact- station. pupils of our schonl. 'l'l1eir class and DIED. Roller Fl.our, Bran, Shorts, Corn, ion · names are as f o11ows : -S econ d cJass fnnt DYKE.-At Calitary, July h . No h horsa will d have a sore back The Pink and White social given by tiie1r <laughter of the on Ilev. J, 25th. DykeMary. aged in· 10 W ere t ey are use · the youog ladies of Church-st M ethodist -McLaren, W . D.; Newsom, J. A.; weeks. Barley Feed, &c., on hand . Just received at the West End Honse Y. P.A. on Tues~ay evening, proved a J oness, G. Third class- Couch, J.; - - - - - -·- - - - -- - - Among our many d e partments, from the famous manufacturer E. A. very plt:"<1sa.nt event. The vestry was Hoidge, E. 'l'.; Jamieson, D . : Morrison, BIRTHS. ·1,evian & Co., a lot of his newest and best tastefully decorated with pink and white K.; Stark, H.; E lliott, A.; Hooper, A. HmNRY.-On the IOU~ inst.,at R~ve·side Farm styles in Gents' Ties. paper, motoes, flowers, etc.' the seats W.; Rowe, G. J. The other candidate ~~~.r Wroxeter, the wife of ·w, E. Henry, of a Oats, Peaee, Two Rowed Barley, Dress Goods will have our s p ecial. Mr. ·r. N. Script ure, editor and pro- and chairs were nicely arranged and all that passed h ere was E. Davey. We are PnocTEn-In Orono on the Hth inst. the also Dark Colored Barley. attention, and we purpos e making · · h ton E · 1 j wire of i. ~Y. Procter,' general merchant,' of a of 1l10 B ng '1Mtgn ias b een together presented a very attr·active pleased to see these ·proofs of the ability d -pnetor compelled, owing t , failing h ealth to drop appearance. Some twenty young ladies and industry of the boys and girls an of 8_0_n_ . _________________ a great effort to lead the trad e in · i· · qm ·11 . l\'[ r. Ch as. AL -- - - -- - ---- -·- - -tI10 JOtuna 1st1c . a.pp acted in t he capacity of waiters and 1"11 the excellence of our stafl' of teachers, ~- -- Caledonian Mills, ii hifl successor. white dresses and jaunty little caps they and we wish that we could speak in BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. formed a pleasing picture. The r efresh- praise of the roo_ms which are ,assigned to BOWMANVILLE. that branch of · our e nterprise. 33-2m. The British Whi.g one of the best and men ts were plentiful, neiitly served and the use of tl~e Inrsh school: .The!f are of (Jorrccted by Jolu1Lyle, evcryTlnirstlay. ·oldest dailes in the Province comes to us appreciated, and the programme heartily the rn?st n~ferwr description and are We will constantly have o n hand in a new dress, m11de up in eight pages enjoyed. In addition to our home talent j most d1screchtable to m_ir t own. So_me F:WUR, "II" 100 fbs . ........ $2 10 to $2 50 cut and pasted, n .,at and newsy. 'We are Miss Brook and Master 'Villie Brook, of places o~ e~1ual, or less size, are ~rectmg ·wnllAT, F ttll, ijji bush ..... 0 70 II 0 751 h pleased to JJ Ote such evident marks of New Orleans, also Mrs. T. Jeffery, of new.~uildmgs, others are enlargmg and 11 Spring, " 0 70 11 0 75 i all t e lates t productio ns that the .success. Toronto, contributed t o the evenings repamng far better roon::-s than ours are, BARLEY,~ bush· · ·· ··· · · 0 55 " O 70 ' We call actenti:m to Conch, Johnston entertainment, the former by a brilli!l.nt- but we h ave done noth1_ng but talk for RO:TEs', II ·· · · · · · · · · ~~ ~57 ~/ market affords i n Frer.c h, G erman 11 & Cryderman's new ad . in thi~ issue. ly executed instrumental duet on the several _years. When Wlll the Board of · · · · · · · · · .I. 11 88 This firm ha"e always made it a rule to piano and the latter by an excellent Ed. ucat10n and. the people really_ deter- PEAS, Blackeye, W' bush.·· O SO O and Eng lish materials , tog ether -clear oub~thdr stock at the end of each r·eci "tati "on. Tl1e enti're )JI"t)gr,noome 'v·,·a mme .to have smtab.le accommodat1011 for II Small, 11 0 55 II 0 60 '!'he largest and finest constructed hotel in 1 ~ I tl d l . d t l t ti . " ' · ti I I d bl l l B ti II Blue, 0 55 11 0 65 the city, on J'nl'k AYe1rnc, one block from season, anc iey are e ernune Grand Central Depot. 'la · us rendered in such a manner that it is dif10 ug i an pu IC sc HW s. o 1 are with Buttons, L aces , Fring es, se<ison Bhall be no exception. They have fieult to make special mention, SJftice it sadly in need. of more and better. !~1- BUT'l'EJt, best table, W' lb.·· 0 12 11 0 14 (ON AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN Pr.ANS.) ·already boughL a large amount of goods to say that all taking part were heartily spector after mspector has condemned 111 !JARD, W' lb .. , . . · · . . . . . · · 0 10 11 ·1 0 13 600 rooms, elegantly furnished and decorated. Plushe~ Velvets, Silk s, Satins, in.England for the foll and winter trade, encorecl and we believe all present spent the stronges~ language the present school EGGS, W' doi. · · · · · · · · · · · · 0 00 0 12 The ventilation, drainage and sanitary ar· 1 ' ·' .and to make room for them, will sell all a pleu.saut e1tening. The TJroceedings accom1~odation, and so haH our. Board of 10TA'fOES, 'IP' bush·····;.· ~ ~g f~~f1t~!'!i_~~ lg;~;~Wan1Ztr~km~~0J!vfs~1:fect and all ' l'rimmiUO'::I to m'l.tch. 0 kinds of summer goods at prices which were brought to a close about ten o'clock Education. What are we gomg to do AY · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Stairway and 3 elC'vo.tors; must command a ready sale. by singing the doxolooy. about it? · · · ·· · No charge for conveying baggage from or to J.Ol'f'S s111.rnvn soAJ· Rho11J be fouHd JJR, J.C)lV'S I'Ul ASA;T 'VOJtltt S'l'Ulf P 18 a \ nm·: HA.N'S WC.JUI 1·ou0Etl8 are snrc, ·ro :tn:n:~'l'Ist;mi.-Low_est :i;ates fo~ ad- the Gra."d Central Depot. l 0 8 15 1 1 1 ·wuh every ltlUet. It b cleau~lng aml lleal- sal'c " 'o··m 1·cmcdy for 'vorms atllicli1lg sure mu\ s 1>eedy to rt:won! worms from .A.dde~;8 Qf'o 'P ;{~ J;i~ &'b'~ 1S~rii~:~i\f~· HUNTING ,t llAMMOND, I '. · · · :lRg. I children or ndulL~: · clllltlrcn or ndulls. r ·· ·· · · 2!·3111 · Proprietors, DOMINICA ~ fRUIT jillGE: FIVE · we mean death to high prices and a razors edge for competito!s to walk on. Lyman Sons & Co., Prices never so low~ The widest range for selection. Stock never so larg~. The latest styles to choose from We will save .you money. --FORCEN"-TS I -·2 B T. CEO. MASON. L L G T S 28c . .Bargains IFOR I I . Q Q L I I I ')OQ S F O WOOL! WOOL!! BOWMANVILLE HICH SCH 00 L Monday August 30th ·~1·;STHi ;r11·; FRAZER THE BISHOP STRACHAN SCHOOL AXLE EASE To Farmers & Others: GOLD ~ --·--------- --=-=-- ----- --· --. Gri~tre=~~· t~n~OP ! 0RESS· Highest price paid for coons. ---o--- JOHN MacKAY, MURRAY H I L L HQTEJ L NEW g :: g 0 R K. A g : lg ·1 i Ro BE RT so N & BoN IJ

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