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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Aug 1886, p. 6

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angry one, These brlda.l moGda &nd whims when tile shadows lengthened and tho &:~· pened, It we.q net after Mr, Da.nver'a mod· shine ohanged from gold to crlmsoD, u a .e el . her indlllorenoe only atlmnla.t· W(lre beyond hie. maiiagement a.e well ne hie ·-·hould . be. here now, Soon he will be l:lio ed his admiration the mere ; lndiffarenoo oomprebenelon ; and, If he oentrelled his was a new exporienoe t o him, and dlffi · temper, it was because it would not have la.ta," CHAPTER Ill. been good ma.nners for a throe·hour·eld oeoilo turned to the window with a gro1 ·n. oulUea a zost to pursuit. FRIDAY, AUGU81' 20, 1886. The drowsy quiet llf Ma.rlne Cottage was If her arrow h!ld re11oohed lte mark he ml11ht Mrt. Dalama.!ne WAB a dewager with six brid~grOE>m h soold or storm. T he whistle eouuded at laat; they wore disturbed by tile arrlva.l of the fly, its oo- ba here now at any mement. And his oom· da.nghtex-a, llvlog <'n a handsome allow11.noe onpa.nt, fa.Int and pale, 11tlll lying baok in.t would bring baak life ·o the fading faoe which would cease at her death, lrnving nea.rfog a lariie junction station, Mr. D.~n· against the cn·hlena. A .middle-age!l.."'..O'._ ahe cou\d not bear to look at. But the her younger ohHdren very ecantily prnvid· vera y .. wned and threw down his p~per, " H ere we are at Evesham," he anneuuc · men, In the ne11t white oa.p of a French boure atole away, imd the wa(tlng-woman's ed for. Manifestly the firat duty of a CATARRH.-A new treatment has been di~ eervant, who was looking from the window, last hope died a llogeriog, reluctant death. mother lo suoh olrcu mste.o les Wllo8 to marry ed cheerfully. May! bring you ·a gl aeo· of "It baa killed her I" she said to hersolf, her daughters ; e.nd Eve.'s two elder al·te~n win e ! I fancy we aha.11 s tep loag enough oovered whereby a pel'manent cure of this threw open the door and oame hastily aoross hitherto incurable disease, i:S a~solutely affe[t· the veranda to the g~te, exolalmlng , -in wi:ingiDg her hands In her do&p1'1r· . from a common Blotch, or Eruption, wore; 1:1lready In their third seaaon. T;i for that.·· ed in from one to three apphcat1ons. no m~f h~r FrenohShe uncovered hor face and answered f.> the worst Sc1·0 £nla. Salt-rheum, .. u Ye11," apoke her mietreH, as If reading have allowed the feolleh dreams of an lncx · whether standing one year or forty yeare. d . is 'Fever-sores, " Scaly or ltough Sktu, him Ab, madame, wha' has happened · ? the unspoken, " iG has killed " perle11oed girl to stand between he~ and a in short, all d;seascs caused by bad blood are remedy is only applied once in twelve >tfS. " 'fhank a-no." oonquered by t his powerful, pm·Hylng, aud and does not interfere with bu~inese, Descrlr· You are lll-yeu are £puisee. I knew what me, If it had only been sooner I Why did moat adva.ntageous settlement In me would " I t would be good· for you, I shall invigorating medicine. G r e at Eating tJItive pamphlet sent free on receipt oftsta1IH' £ It would be when I let you ico ont alone. we speak, Cecile ? It was aoaroely worth have been a pieoe of culpable folly of whloh ecrs rapidly heal under its beulg·u inUuence. A. H. Dixon & Son, 305 King stree , n es · Why did I let you go?" while, But It ha.a done no harm, Site will M.ra D5bmalae was incapable. She wae bring it and yeu must drluk it," he sald, Especiallr, bas it manifested its potenoy ln Toronto, Can~':IAT IS CATARirni " Hush, Oeolle I ' retarned her mistress. not believe-why eheuld she. She loves strong·mlnded and roaolu~e ; her children wl~h a little asaumptlon of martla.l a.uthor-. curing 'Iettcr, nose Itash,. Bolls, Car· bunclos, So. r e Eyes_, S<~l'on1:rom!l So1:e· Catarrh ;s·a dangerous disf.'IBSE! which tho,us- " Bid t;be man wait, and oome with me. him. She ha.a torn the pa.per and thrown it had been trained to lmpUclt abedienoe to lty, a.a h e jtlmped eut. Swclllugs, D'.tp- .Toint Dil!ease, e.o.ds are consciously or uncons~10usly suffermii: Oeclle," she exolalmed, cutting the gE>od a.we.y, 11nd he knows nothing, and she ls The oa.rrlage was a double one, divided and Vlllte swellings, Goitre, or 'I'J·iclt from. It is a muco-purulent d1scbarli,(e c_au~~d woman's fo.mentationa short, and oloslng smllli>g Into his f&oe now, a.t this moment, her will. And the end waa t hat Eve, re· b"; a door lo the middle, the Inner compart· 'Neck, und Enlarged Glands, Send ten luctant, bnt overpowered, yielded te a dally by the presence of a vegetable paras1te;.n e m stnmpa for u large trentlse, wit h col· lining membrane of the nose. The pre ispos. the door of the roem as soon as they had and-and I am content, Jt wlll be over and hourly pres11ure which gradually ground ment being empty and t he door eet open for ocnts ored plates, on: Sldn Discuses or tho same in causes a morbid state of the blood ·. the both entered, " something has happened. aeon, and It is well so. I have lived too her down and wore out har powers of re- a.Ir on thle we.rm day, Mr. Dlnvers return- amount for a treatise on Scrofulous AJl'ecttous. blfghted corpuscle o! tubercle, the gergi p01tson "Oh, Heaven"-oatohlng the old woman's long, Oeclle-jaet one day too long." ed In about three minutes, followed by a " 'I'HE BLOOD IS 'I'HE LIFE,,, slataaoo, ot sYI:hilis mercury, toxomoo, from t ere en· hands in both here as ahe epoke-" some· Thoroughly cleanse it by using Dr. PJerco'11 perter b11aring a tuy with u. glass of aherry Oaly Coolie's 1ob1 a.nswerell a1 she leaned Sno told Perolval Danveni, when she aotion of the 'effete matter of the skin, suppres.sed Gol clc n Medical D{scove ry, and good r irations, badly ventilated sleepiDI?. apa1:t· thing terrible has ha.ppened, Caoll l I her forehead against the wlndow·11ash. oepted him, that ehe did not love him-told and some blscutie, Only a and a. dlgeetlon, a fair skin,_·buoyant ·pir· :e~s and the germination of othe1: pornons m eeen- him I" Then a breeze stole up and whlspored blm with a forlorn hope that he would re· p·ir of l ight gray glove& were on the seat 11·1 vital strcngt!., auo. sonnd11e11· of , the blood. Irritated by these, the lmio.g mem· "S.i.lots in Heaven I" ejaculated the wo- amongettheolematle-bloE>mH and ruetled the linqulsh hia pretensions. Re answered which had been· E ve'a, and the door leading constitution, 'viii be cstabllsbed. brane of the nosf.'I is ever ready . f pr the reception of the parasite, which rap1d·Y sp~a~,u~ man, starting back. " Where ? Oh, my leaves of lihe Vtrglnbn creeper, while the that he was content. Sa long as she gave Into the in11er cllvlelen was sh\lt, Mr. D~n· warm glowing day was dying In orlmeon him a heart en whloh no ether name wa.e vers turned .the handle, but the door was the nostrils and down the fauces, or uc o doe.r mistress, where ?" tho throat, oauslne: ulceratlo.n of the thro~t: u:p written he would trust to hie own love to fastened, He shrugged his eheulders, which Is Sc1:ofnJou1;1 Disease of tll· " 1 have 1een him a.t the ohuroh-atthe gler7, the euatachian tubes, causmg deafness, bu"' "Oeolle, myfr!, bestfrlend," win hers. He ea.Id It 10 very prettily, he drank the sherry, dlomlased the porller, and Lungs, is prompt ly and certainly arrested rowing in the vocal cords, causing f hoarsene~s; e.ltar-wlth a fair golden-haired girl. And usurping the proper structure of the ,bi;onchi~ he was married to her this mernlng. D,1 said the struggling voloe, " you will hke manifested so muoh delicate and t houghtfnl settled him1olf to hla pa11er a.gain, The and curnd by this God-given remedy, H taken tubes ending in pulmonary oonsumpt10.n an yeu bear, Caoile ? He was married to her I" me baok to the grave under the ma.gnolla· devotion, he laid himself and all hie covet- train went on, but the door still remained befo1-e the Just stnges of the dlsenso are reached. From its wonderful power over this terribly "Married I" The woman stared, with tree. I could not rest away from it. That ed advantages fO humbly at her feet, that olc.>sed. Mr. Danvers, o. little sulky, read fatal disease, when fll'Bt olrel'ing this now eel· d~~~Y ingenious speiflcs for for t.he cure of on. Tho altue.tlon waa absurd ; and even a. ebmted r emedy to the public, Dr. Pnmo:I the youJJg girl wan touched and half subdudropped je.w and distended eyee, at her le all mine-my own. Aud I have left thee ca.tarrh have been invented, bnt d~thod~ sn~: thought seriously of calling it his "Clonoess, until a physician of long a.tan mg a,scfhe mistress aa the words oame brokenly from all-It le little for the love and the fidelity. ed, Witb infinite bet he humoured the brldegrco :n In the efava.ti en of his first tra.ue · ·u:mptl on Cine," but nbnudoned that name ered the exact nature of th d1seaee 11u her white lips, " Married I" she rep,e ated, And you wlll be alleut, Oeclle, and bury my sentiment In her ohr.ra.cber and minietered port doea not like to be ridionlous. as too limited for a medicine which, from iUI only appliance which will permanently teltI~Y In a brea.thllll!s, awe·etruck tone. Station after station fluhed by ; the le~d wonderful combination of tonic, or strengthento her girlish romance, Hi did net leiiod poE>r life with me for ever, Promlae me the parasite, no matter bow a?;grav11 e nc~ alterative, or bloocJ-cJennsing, anti-bllious, her with j 3Wela-a. lavish vulgtu dleplay of lng articles were spelled out, even t ho ad· ing, "Yee, Oeolle-qnlok I There's no time ~hie, myfrlend," case Sufferers should send stamp at o . pectoral, and nutrltlvo properties, is unequaled; wealth wnioh might have startled hel' with vertlsement sheet was exnausted, Mr. D"n- n ot only ns n remedy :for consumption of the " Ia he never to know ? h she--" for descriptive pamphlet on. catar~. ~~ ~i~ to lose,. Glve me my desk-my keys. business mauMers. A. II, Dt:it!JD · '!Na, tiever, Cootie I Weuld yon have the suepiolen i;hat she was to be aold for vera st&rted up ai last and tried foe lungs, but for ull King street, west, Toronto, Canad0. _ Put en your bon aet. · Oh, quick- hasten I" door, What the Rev. E. B. Stevenson, f3·Ar"if: ~~~~- she exclaimed In a teno et agony, au she t we ltvee ruined, two hearts brohen? That that wealth, His gifts were the flowers eho " Eve," he called, " Eve, hae not the man of the London Conference o . e d tnmed t o the travelllng-olook on the mantel · would be oruel-cruel I" Sho had ralaed loved boat, photographs ol the pictures she OF TIIE dist Ohurc~i of O~nadt;,, ~c;s to 7 ~a11at~~~%r plooe, " It le ten minutes one, and herself, and was speaking rapidly In her was onthnsh.stlo over, trifles of ta.ate, g~ma j 1Jke lasted Ieng enough?" The D alama.inea were To A.H. Dixon & Sons ..., ew re unpleasantly addfoted to practical cho tNln leavea at half, the man exoltoment. " Let her be hapvy-the cf a.rt-all tha.t showed the moat gratifying Catarrh, jokes evidently, "Eve I" young innooent bride; and perhaps In hla appreola.tlon of her ideals, the meat enbtly Oaklans, Ont., Canada, March 17, 1883 '" No answer, Had she fallen asleep ? He happlneas ho may remember-he ID;>y re- flattering knowledge of her batee, " What train ? What man ?" knocked IE>uder ; stlll no reply, Then he Mf:E8r.~ E{~~~~Jb::13th Inst. to hand. l have no time to tell yon. Make your- pent." · The world-although envio1u-11m!led looked out ef the window and whistled. \II If you feel dull, drowsy, debllltated, have Sallow color or slcln, or yellowish-brown epot.t £le,thescelerat-thewretoh-theHea.ven. and oGngratulated; her homo·oi.r cle hurried It seemed aln:iost too goodk to be:~~~ t~e.!~.a1¥ self ree.dy; collie back to me." The little oonjugal pleas11.otry we.a grow· on faco or body, fr equent b ct·dncho or dlzzl· cured of Catarrh, but I n<?w d ever She wrote rapidly for a few mlnutea J forgotten I" the wome.n burst forth, lifting eagerly inte the dlsousaloo of wedding finneS'l, bad tnsto in mout h, internal heat or chlllea have bad no return of the d1seas~. p,n n an It w:u only e. Ing tiresome, Of oouree felt better in my life. I have tried hso ~ 10~ then she felded her letter, and wa.e ieady a11 her he.nd with a fierce Imprecation, firad by ery and bridal arrangements ; and Eve waa pleasantry, he told himself, Why should a.lternatiug wit h hot :flnDbea. low apidta an borebodings, Irregular appetite, an the old servant entered the room, her hot Southern bloE>d, home onwards with tho oarrent, pn and on, it be anything else ? He watched the trees gloomy . ufl'.t things for Catartrhha't 8 coated tongue, you are su:trei:ing from lndl· 1. 6e~~~ct°t~~~a1i:e that u Oemo," she commanded, leading 1011e "Hush, Cecile I Do net onrse him. I aa 1 so many yea1·s, If by o. etroug overma.etering fate, until and hedgea flying by ; h11 wa.e horribly irestlou,Dyspepsla, und Torpid LlV6J't cannot bear It. I - Ceolle-I- leve him. ehe suddenly awoke to find her destiny fixed or "Dlllomn1eH." In many coses only I r~o~~t~lr ~h~tt;nlne was a very b~d i~a.sei~! way to tho door, ' ' 'But you ill, my angel-the old I die joyfully, fer my death wlll bring him and the wedding·day cloae at hand, She bored ; and, underlying all, th.ere wae e. part of these symptoms m·e experienced. .A· wa.e aggravated and chronic, .1nvc v g d 1 great dread, Uke a m11.etllf kept at bay and a i·cmedy for nil such cnscs, Dr. Piere·'· ,throat as well ·as the nasal pas~ages. an t" · happiness, Obey me, my friend, drew back affrighted frotn that terrible RuGoltlou Medical Dlecovery hll8 no thouii;ht it would require the three .t~eatme:n~ "Yea, It Ill there "-her mistress me home and laJ me beside that grave; e.od bloon, so formid able and so solemn even to ready to spring up11n him when he would equal. let It, But he would not let It-he recurred For Weak Lunl{s, . Sptttinir of Bloo4, ;but I feel fu lly curell by the tw.o dseuncecf~o send ed hea.vlly a.a she haatened on, "But I write my name with that name, No da.te, a ha.ppy and aeaured love. She could not, to hie minor vexe.tions. Thia commenca· Shortness 'I am thankful that I was ever m of Breath, :nro11chltl11 oannet stay, If I have only strength Oeolle; only my name-nothing more, I would nat, not barter away all the Couglls, Consumption, an<1 ~.f~~-are at liberty t o use this letter eta.tin~ enough I To the railway station," ahe Bil.Id c~o do this for him-the la11t-- the I" wonderful, beautiful posslbllltles of tbe fa- ment ef hie married life wu.s- well, ha.rdly Sevc1:c kindred atrectiona, it ls a sovereign remedy. 'that I h11-ve be6n cured at two treatments. an to the man as aha re-entered the oarrlage ; Her face lighted up, She put oat her hand up to his expectations. The smoke of the Send ten cents in stamps fo1· Dr. Pierce'· ture her young heart believed lo for this I I! shall gladly recommend youl' remedy to some great olty was visible now ; the j ourney book on ConsumptlQn. Sold by Druggtau. "and drive at your iuiokest !" and drew Cecile to her, " Ptomlae mo, Thon Mn. Delamaloe oamo down upon was nearly at an end. He anneuooed the of my friends who are sufferers. Yours with many thanks. She sat panting, ugld ; the old servant Lay your band on my heart, your lips on her and crushed her with a relentleBS " Too on a BOTTLES ' REv.E, B. STEVENSON. laot through the oleaed barrier, , , FOll. $ 6 . 0 0 . looked anxfouely Into her faoe, touching her my llpe. You love me, Cecile. Yau wl 1 late." The family repreb11itlon overwhelm· " Eve, we are almoat ' t here-in London, And hundreds of others celd ha.nd11, 1111d uttering little broken ex· not refuse me! You will do thl1? You ed her ; her trembling tea.rfnl oppoaltion Open the door." World's Dispensary Medical Association, ol111omatlona of dismay and anxiety, as they will be silent?" wa.a ewept aside ; the powerful heme-onrStlll there was no sign. Would she oarry Proprietors, 663 Main St., DUFF.ALO, N. Y. jolted through the streets of tho town and Then Cecile, weeping, promised. rent flowed on and bere her with It. She on the j eat up to the laat moment, Yes, up the long hill to the station. Had it ever The stara came out I a allver planet mir- wa1 not etreog enengh to resl.t further J she Formerly a:nown as the" Soper Milla. ') a.nd beyond it. Tho train stopped, Mr. been so Jong ? Would the tired atumbllng rored ltaelf In the rippling we.tor ; the hum sank Into a condition of listless aoqnleail! 91 horse ever mount it ? and eoho of busy human life died 'away into oenoe, which her a.nxions mother explained Danvers hammered at tho door, S o \QVC\l S LITTLE The atation Into algM at A a restful stillness, soothed bat not broken to her own and Mr. Dt.oven'1 satlafac- there we.a ailenoe, W aa ahe lll. Of oouree, Why had he not thought of It before ? A ..'\ e as a."t\.t LIVER carrbgo, with whits horses bedecked with by lhe soft whisper of the ebbing Hde, tlen. perter came at his oall. 'U'\"(?.a"~" e wedd,lDg-fa.vonrs, stood at the door, The Only I\ somary lounger paced slowly up and He was teo willing to take his bride on " W nat la It, air 7 Oan't op m the doer ?' ~'\\.~.~& PILLS. lady sank baok, down the quiet stretch of beach, er sto11d any terms te be orltioal ; he only redoubled 01 course she mnat be Ill-probably in & " I oa.nnot," she gasped; " I have no watching the Mllver gleaming ef the receding his devotion. If that were possible. He was ANTI-BILIOUS a11d CATHARTIC, fainting fit. What ehe aenld a.ooount for Sold by Druggists, Z5 cents a vial. more ttrength. Take the letter, Ceolle- waves. · an lnoempa.rable fiance I her strange conduct ? Suddenly a cry rang 1harply through the give it to him; bring him here to mo I I " No girl had ever such a perfeotly de"I'll rnn reuod, sir, and epen It en the I - - Oh, Heaven, If I bad only--Go- silence-a weman's acream, as she dashed lightful lover," tho Delama.lnea declared~ other aide." go!" she cemma.nded, pushing the maid the door wide open and ran out en to the " so devoted, so thoroughly In love, 10 noA mlnnte-whloh seemed like ten-a,nd from her, "Why do you star? .There 11 gravel path, txoeptlona.ble In every way, '.I.'ho girl who the man threw open the door, Mr. Da.n · the bell. In another moment It wlll be too " A dootor, a doctor I For the love of could not be happy with such a ohe.nce did vers pushed him haatlly aelde and stepped late. Oh, go !" . ~ Hea.ven bring a doctor I" not deserve ha.pplneH I" In, The carriage wr.s empty. Continues to do a General Banking Business Was ft not Indeed already too late ? The The 1o!ltary loanger leaped the fow fence And :Eve, overpowered and helpleae In (TO BE CONTINUED.) eBo wmanville Branch. woman sped swiftly on her errand, jostling and da.ahed acre· the lawn and Jl9wer-bed1 her youth and her Inexperience, oea.sed to porters and pusengera aa she ran up the without waiting to ohoese his steP", throw· struggle, let them say and do as they liked, DEPOSl'.l'S platform, ing hill cigar lnt.o the buBhea as he' ' a:nd went to the!!o~m the_ atanned hope· Received In Savings Bank-Dep~t.meu t and Seakio.g: Medioa.l Beliet. A footman, with a white favor at hla but" I will go," he said to thci1 woml\n. leas mood to wliich tboyllac1 broughthor, oall and interest allowed at ouuent rates. No ton-hale, etood bowing at the epen door ofa " Which doctor shall I call 1" 1 It wae formerly the habit ot Irish peaao.otlce of withdrawal necessary. All deposlt1 She was roused-too late in truth newfiret ·olaes carriage, marked oonsplouonsly"Which? Ah, how can I tell ! The by a shook whioh ohanged her all at onoe e.nte to go the raunda of the housea of the payable on demand, "Reserved." Oeoile dashed up to It. Only first-the qulokest I" trom a timid dependent girl Into a courage- gentry when i;ffiioted with any dborder EXCRA.NGE a lady we.s there- golden-haired, fair, and Leonard Hope-for it was be-:sped away 0111 energetlo woman, which did not yield to their own reugh·and· Bou ht and sold and Drafts issued upon Europe, pale. Ceolle looked round hurriedly- Ce· en hie errand, He was young, be waa 11wlft, " Ia thia true ?" were her fi rst words to ready trea.tment. Unifed. States and Canada, alsoGold,Silveranrl cile ha.d her own ide&B aa to the most tffioa· and he had goed luck. He was back again Percinl D.i.nvers. "Is this true ?"-and A retired army surgeon, having fixed ·!Jn!Led States Greenbaoks bou2ht and sold, ol9us manner of exeontlng her oommlaelon, In Iese than ten mlnutee, tlie do11tor with she held the epen paper towards him. his reEldenoe in the senth of Ireland, was -.ATTEIEThe footma.n bowed for tho last time and him, There were lights then moving from often vleUed bJ the neighboring poa1&nts, r VOLLECTIONS , He gave one aurpi:_laod queetlonlng look I · walked away, Ceolle and the lady were wlndew to window, behind the olueterlng Into her tranllformed fr.oe, then his eye· fell anxious to avail themselvea of hla goodPromptly made at current rates upon all par alene, leavee, There wa.a the babble ef exolted upon the written, and the 09lonr left n ature and protea1ionalaklll. The acoonnt& ilf Great Brittain, the United States and Do "You- yon are the bride?" the F rench- voices. Marine Cot tage ha.d wakened they gave er their oomplalnte were grominion o!Oanada. · wem11on demanded lo her breken Englleh, from lta drowsy 1pell int o frightened active even his lips. Hie da.rk oomplexlon took tesquely graphio. snob a livid dea.dly hue that Eve, even In her Telegra1ll1 T1·ans:f"er& "Mr. D~nver11--" life. One applicant for relief deaorlbed himself newly-gained boldnesa, drew back affright· "Yea." She spoka lbtlesaly, wl\h only a Leonard Hope waited outside for the doo. ed. as having " a grEat bllln' lo hfs treat, and Made for large or small sums on all parts of ---o--tot's retarn. It waa net lon(l delayed, Canada. 'l'his is especially advantageoue to litHe weary surprise. " Where did thi1 come from ? ' he hega.n hla heart was as if ye had It In yer hand, peTSons living in Mamtob11o or the North-west "Ob., read this, madame I" She held tho "Dead I" he shortly, a.a he joined suddenly, savagely. "No, ltle net true," a.nd wore sq11eezln' It." Clothin g and any amount of suits as It '!llakes the funds available at onoe a~ ihe written pa.per open before the eyes of the Leonard. "Hoart-dleeaae- long standing he carreoted hastily. "Eve, 1' le aome s~ld another patient: .. s,vin' yer place of payment, · sent out every day. young girl, "Read, ma.dame, e.nd oome -nothing to be done. Young woman ellly j ~at ; don't fOU see ? A praotlcal j oko HonE>r 's presence, me sbtomaoh ha.a gene For further particulars call at the BanklnA with me. Qulok "-as the secend bell too." -noli In the best taste, oertalnly- bnt- ha, to the weaht of me ribs." Honse. sounded-" read, for the sake oi le bon "A foreigner, WAR she not?" A third was " throu bled wid oonthr11.ry Our Collars, Ties, Gloves, Shirts and Jewellery, ha I" He tried to laugh, " It ha.a aucoeed· GEO. McGILL, Dieit !" " Yes-well, I hardly know, The oerv- ed T.BRODIE, admirably, npon my word I Walter or spits ta.ngled r eund his heart,"-ln ether Accounta nt. the very latest styles. · Man~~er The startled bride took the paper from ant le foreign ; and she looka-- But the yeung . DJnglaf, or both, are probably t he words, with an aooumulatlon of phlegm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - the hand of the agitated woman, and glano- namo"- he unrolled a paper In his hand, perpetrators, We will never let t hem Sometimes the oonneotlon between the dised hurriedly at it· c11ntents. a.nd stopped under a lamp·pe1t to rend It- know what auocess they had, The young order and the demanded remedy was not " Thie carriage is reserved, I must "the name ls Marie Delorme Denvera Imps would exult over our soared faces." obvious. trouble yen to find another pla.ce," epeke a hc;re for her hellltb, the womau said FROM $2 UP. "Please, mzum," said a ragged ~oasoon, He crumpled the paper In his otroog voice behind Cecile, A strong hand put her la this ' yE>ur road ! Yea ? Good night fingers a1 he spake, and thrust It Into his applying ta a lady, "me mlther s lying PLEASE TO CALL AND EX.A.MINE hastily aside without looking a.t her, just as then." and I wa.nt 89me tay and packet, Thero was something ghastly' In dow.a, the guatd, running up, oleeed tho carriage " Good .plght." sugar." · his laugh, something crue1 and vengeful In 1 Tl't o days later, Leonard Hope read the bi1 grip of the little note he professed to ' door with a baug and an Imperative" Please your Honer," whined a b11reN . B.- We h ave disposed of our stock " Take your eeats. Time's up." announcement In the Timllll. hold so lightly, An Intense newly-reneod footed woman, " I'm in great diathreBB, I In fo.ot the tralu waa 11olrea.dy lo motion"On tho 21st Inst,, at the pariah church loathing filled tho girl's eoul BB she marked fell down featerday, and bruk five ef m~ of Fancy Dry Goods to MRS. IVES, the bridegroom bad narrowly missed losing of St, Ethelmlnda, St. Sebastian's-by-the· all this, He seemed to stand revealed In a rlos under me rlgbt bre11o1t, an' hr the ovposite the Salvation Army Barracka, hie pla.oe, Cecile could eee him bending Sea, Percival Do\nvera, E1q., to Eve, third new and terrible light. He leaned forwe.rd blessing of God, oeuld ye spare me a thrlfle ?" aorosa to the golden-haired lady a.a the en- daughter of the late Everard Dele.maloe, and tried to take her he.nd One liberal gentleman waa oonsta.ntly glne steamed fe.stor and fa.ater on Its way Esq., of Beautort Mr.nor, E~stahire." " It ia not· Walter's handwriting, or out of her reach, So her miaaton had fall"Ciuleua oolncidence I" Leonard Hid to Donglas'1," ehe said slowly, drawing back visited by girls who begged for o. " dbrop - El"Yed I himself, as he glanced lower dawn through and keeping her hands tightly looked out of oa.stE>r oil," to ease some lnterna.I mala.dy, When, however, one de.msel asked him to Please to call upon her and you will see She steod staring alter the ae lt glld- the obltua.ry notices, where, however, ho lo the other beyeod hh reaoh, ed swiftly out of sight ; then ehe walked f d ·hln " It' odd t hl th t lf " N ~, hardly." he laughed more natural- put some scent In tbe castor oil, he inferred W lam fully prepared to attend Funerals on b k 1 1 0 ff th tf be ti h oun ne. g, 8 an ng a ' the prettiest stock in t own 1 the shortest notice, at the lowest possible rates ao s ow Y e P a orm, a ng er one heare a name by chance, It la sure to ly now, "They would scarcely play their that she waa intending to apply It to her OasketsandBuria!Caaeareadyonahortnotlce hands and muttering her pra.yers In French oropup e.galn ha.lfa doz ' n times dlreotly trick BE> clumaily, Some woman ha1 been a hair, i rat-class hearse on very moderate terms 11 she went-, afterwards I" oenfederate-yGur mother's French maid, Shromls and Coffins constantly on hand, Fun The portere nudged each ether and grin· very likely. It ls very well done- very I" Drinks tha.t Refresh But do not Intoxioa.te. ral cards supplied at once. Furniture Shop & ned aB ahe passed, " rhe foreign woman " he continued, " And It he.a been an exclthow Rooms- Bonnsall'sNew Block. OHAPTER .IV, ~ waa "crazy," they oonoluded, Bat ahe There are a great me.ny pleaaa.nt hot· ini:: little episode j net at &tarting I" never heeded them ; she was too fnll of her weat her drinks, that can be prepared at S tlll she did not amlle or change, When Percival Danvers swung himself trouble, "Why, Eva-why, my de.rling," ho re- home whloh :rival the tipples te be had at a hastily Into his pla.oe opposite to his newly· Her mlatre11s wae watching for her with made wife, she we.1 sitting with flushed menetre.ted careulngly, "w<1re yon really bar-reom or soda fountain. A dello!oualy her hands pressed agalnat her side, and her cheeks a.nd flashing eyea, so transformed ta.ken In ? Dld you doubt, even for a mo- cool drink ls m \de by placing a tablespeon· The undersigned begs leave to intimate to the breath coming heavily fr11m between her from the pa.le ll1tleBB woman he ha.d left ment ?, do you ask me to put my ful of oracked lee In a tumbler with the peo11Ie of Bowmanville and vicinity, that he parted lips. CecOe shook her head sorrow- seated there a minute or two before that he word seriously against this very transpar- juice of one llm1 ;n1 or a half a l emon and has opened a new Harness Shop on King St., opposite Mr. Wm. Glover's Livery Stables, fully P>B 1he came towards the carriage, looked ever at her in ame.zement. Indeed ent melodrame.tlo sort of trlok ? Must I one limo, one tableiepoenful of sugar; st ir he will .have constantly on h and, and " She has seen It- the l"tter. I gave It he was pleased. He fonnd thle an agree- tell yen a.gain gravely tha. ~ It Is net true ? until well mixed m :l pour upon this a b1>t- where make to or der, Harness of all kinds, viz.: to her. And then he came up and pnehed able change from the cold sta.tue-llke mood Surely not ? I will t ell yon wba.t we will tle of plain seda that has been k ept en ioe. me away without leoking at me- If he he.d she bad exhibited for eome weeks, He· de. We will .aend back a tulogram from Da not indulge In thle while over hea.ted. Heavy Lumber, enly leoked at me !- and the train went on, did not admire atatues, bat ha admired Eve the next ete.tlen- 11 we stay long enengh~ Soda neotar, if mixed with care, i1 by no Farm, FREEMAN'S I oonld do no more, It; was not my Dela.maiae ; and he had set himself 'to win oongratula.ting the yo nng raroala on their mea.ns to be despised, Put a tablespoonful Express, of crushed Ice in a gla.88 wHh the j 11ice of Coach, and her, and had succeeded- In a way-thanks bright Idea, Let us conoeot It at once," WORM POWDERS., fault." " You It not te him? You spoke to hie own st rong will and a powerful ally He drew out his pecket· book and pencil ; one lemon and three lumps of sugar that L ight Double Harness, not with him ? · whom he had secured early. Cynthia had t he 'lolor had come:back to his faoe, save for have been grated over tho d nd ; fill up with Are to tllke. Contain their o~ " Hew could I ? He was not there, It rea.d the story pretty acourately, Eve was a etra11ge gray shade about his eyes, which ioe·water, and when mixed stir In a very Pu:rgativc. I8 a, sure, and ellectual FineSingleHarness a specialty was only the lady, a.lene." sca.nt tea.spoEmfnl of oo.r bona.te of eoda. yE>nng and weak, and tho oombina.tlon made him look ten elder. 11'1MtroYt!l' ot ll'OrmB in Chilrln·n or Adalta " They are gone?" the lady gasped, :IN ALL 'l'HE LA'£ES'l' S'£ YLES. - - ·-- ----was streng and subtle, Eve oonld n ot ·forget, That eudden Drink while the Equor la In an efferuHcfng " Yes, gene, Oh, how o~n I tell where ? When Parclval Da.nver1 appeared in ,, frlghtfal P'llor had spoken to her with a state. A la rge stock'of'<Jollars of'cvcry<lescrlptlon I ha.d no time, But, oh, my beautiful ene, set of Londen soolety with the prestige of t errible convincing force, mere powerful to It la & po1u'.a r but not well founded b e- ahvnys on hnud, or cust·nners can h:we rou are ill again I" she cried, as her mle- havlng lately succeeded to a large for,une, her woman's quick lnstloc~ ban a.II the r eas- lief that t emperance drinks mixed with egg them m11dc to 01·dc1· on shortest notice. treae'a head fell heavily agaiuat her a.rm, " I he became at once marked as the match of eurlog words he could utter now. She drew are unp alatable. Try a lemonade flip made Finest stock of Horse Mlllinery ever~shown in knew that it weuld be so-that It would kill the nee.son. Thero might be oomething ob· away shndderlogly from his h :md as ho at- ae follows : Baat the .freshest of eggs with town, including: her. Close the carriage " - h the driver- scure and Indefinite about Its origin ; but tempted once more to take hers in his own, two tee.sprnnfnl of white rngar fer ton ROBES, BLANKETS, ·· and t ake us home- suoh home M we have ths fo1·tune was se.fe and sure enough, the She closed her eyes and leaned against mlnutee, ualng patlenoe, a good egg·whip, FLY NETS, In this oold, withouH 1eart ooantry, where wise ones guaranteed ; and nobedy carad to the cushions. and ll sh11.llow bawl ; pour OD this, beating WRAPS, the m"n Bo wicked mon& ters that it 111 Inquire more deeply. Mothers of marriagethe while, three·fourths ef a glass of unWHIPS, " I am tired- I am bint," she murmnr· tn!l.!Hil the bon Dieu !eta them live, even In able daughters made muoh of the m an ed . "Let me be quiet-let me rest." BHUSBES.;_ sweetened lemonade ; put a little cracked C.OMBS their fogs &nd mieery," whose gold fl~shed so temptingly baforo She spoke with a kind of weary petula.noe loe In another and tose back and. forth and everything in season. The lllHt words were muttered In Ftenoh their oyes, The daughters themselves were which rea.Mured him. At all events it was several times, as ehe p1llowed on her her mistress's charmed with his he.ndsome face and fine mere natural than her other mciods, he Older flip is also very good, Beat the head and bathed her cold forehead wi*h the figure ; and he had only to " throw the thought. She lay back, with her eye1 egg as above, uelag less sugar ; pour E>D It a oontents of a bottle which she drew from handkerchief" where he chose, But he was shaded by her hand, He watched her fur· bottle of cold, sweet older ; grate a little PROMPTLY .A.TTENDl!~ D TO. her pocket, coy at first ; he allowed himself to ha oonrt· tlvely a.e he wrota his ; then he nutmeg E>n top and you have a nutdtleue Satisfaction guaranteed. Intending purchasers ed for a season er two. i'hen Eve Dela- opened the morning's Times and read, er and t11ostefnl beverage, will do well to give mo a ca.Ii. Having bought The long afternoon hcurs pa.sued away malne came out, and Percival Danver's pretended t 111 read, looking up at her from all goods of t he latest style and best quality, slowly whilst the lady lay gasping upon her choice was made. time to time as the minutes passed. for cash, I will be ablo to give customers the plllows, her eyes fixed wistfully on tlie She was not at all dezdod by his prrfer· A long silent hour glided away ; and tho " Ab," said Mre, Dusenberry, with a benefit. olock which Oeolle had placed on the ta.ble enoo ; her young heart, ~s yet untouobed, swift Express still rushed en. She did not nigh, ·· a wom:r.n's work ls never done," Newspaper' Advertising Bureau, before her. 10 Spruce St., N e w York. had its own dreams and aspirations. She stir or look up, and the watching eyeg dark· Neither," r ej oloed M:r, Dasen berry, with " He doea nGt come," she whispered, had formed her own Ideal, and, as it hllp· enod with e.n anxloue cloud-perhaps an a. brutal laugh, "le this pie, my dear." Bowmanville, May 6,:1886. l!J.Jw $e!:ld lOcts, t o r 100...Pago Pamphlet, ~auadiatt Jtatestuau. WON· AND LOST. dATARRH. CURES ALL HUMORS, CONSUMPTION, CHRONIC DISEASES 1i:S· liver, Blood, and Lungs= PRICE $I 00 Caledonian Mills. THE ONTARIO BANK BUSINESS BOOMINC Eclipso Houso. HEADY-MADE GLOTHING UN DERTAKI NC L EV1 MORRIS. See the ~est Value in Town1 W. H. IVES. NEW HARNESS SHOP ---o--- ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in Ainerican papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., -....... REPAIR~ NG · J. R. BRADLEY, ·

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