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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Aug 1886, p. 8

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A Good Life Insurance Co. lfl'ttU1.tdh~.~ ~tat.ettutaU. The public schools in rural sections "'11"- " -"'"" ~ IIopened on Monday last. .....,__,..._,..~v ·' ~~·~~~~~~~ Thousa.nds of lives saved annually by 'rhe Mutual Relief Society of RochestflBowMANV"ILLE, FRIDAY,. ArG. 20th. the me of West's Pain King, the house- N. Y., which has a good membership · .. hold remedy for chills, colds, fi nx, sum- Bowmanville, has paid in death claiw" me1· complaint, dysentery, coliJ aµd from 1879 to March 1st, 1886, seven hm1 .SJIJW H.A V A.N. cholera_ Only 25c. All druggists. t dre<l and 'n inety-seven thousand dollar~. Self hlnd.:r3 are all the r~ge in this This 80ciety has now over eleven thouv ---DEALE RS I N · }1h b d Barley is a very heavv Mr. J. M. Kemp, ot Newcomb's Mills, and members, insured und<:!r thirteeu neig O!: <JO · · J hnd thrne fine horses stolen from his m ' thousand, five hundred and ninety certifi· cr·op. · t" · e 1ni.lli ' oJ111 VICTOR FANNING MILL, Clover :;eed is ripbning very f ast on pasture field, quite rec~ntly . cat cs, aggrega mg t wen t y-nm · HAGGEJ1T BROS. PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES, Do NoT DBJ,AV, if suffering from any four hundred and seventy thousand dol· WIDE AWAKE SEPARATORS, account of the d ry weatiier. , "Id CHAFF CUTTERS, TURNIP SLICEJtS, form of bowel complaint however nu Jars in force. ROOT PULPERS, CRUSHERS AND GRINDERS, There w:is a meeting held at the parson- apparently may be the attack, but use The Mutual Relief Society has mor" SAW MILL MACfqNERY, age, on Wed nesd~y la~t, ~or th~ purpose Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. than doubled itsassets in the last ye;i.r THE LIGHT TORO.~fl'O BINDER, STUART, BURROWS & MILNE'S, AND OSBORNE & of organizing a Ladies Aid Society· It is the old, rnliable cure for all forms of and its Reserve Fund is increasing over "· THE TORONTQ; M<),WER, KILLY'S WEIGH SCALES, Mr. John Pickl2, who has been ill for summer oompl11ints that reqnire prompt thousand dollar8'evcrv month. THE MAS8EY MOWER, THE McLAUGHLIN BUGGY, somtJ t imt>,, is now able to be out again. treatment. Ask your druggist m1d all The _average mortuary cust-nll ages (HI THE MASSEY .HARVESTER. THE HAINS AND CHATHAM WAGON, Mr. Eli Osborne is quite ill, but we dealers in patent medicines. :t: to 54) mcluded-has been only $8.25iJe r 'l'HE MASSEY SULKEY RAKE, 1 THE TORON'l'O WIND MILL POWER & :FORCE !'UMPS, hope to see him out again soou. Mr. J. McMaster has been appointed annum fol' each $1,000 of insurance THE WANZER, RAYMOND AND DOMESTIC SEWING How does Jnm bo succeed with his two third assistant teacher of the Osliawa Each memb·; r is assessed according to agP WILSON'S HAY 'l'EDD.l!:RS AND BAY LOADERS, girls ? Oshawa and Whitby are the high school at a salary of $650. and the you pger mem ber pays only oJ ,. SINGLE, SULKEY AND GANG PLOWS, MA.CHINES, favorite towns a t present. A PLEASING Du·ry .- " I fe el it rriy duty half as much as the older 1nember. OULTIVATOH,S, HAltROWS, SEED].iRS & SCUFFLERS, BINDER TWINE AND MAQHINE OILS. " "t J h B t n of Desert 'Every member can comfort himsell' di · d I · f Lh · t Mr. A. R unt e rnten 8 eavmg or e I 0 say, wri es 0 11 or 0 ' . ' with the fact that the cost in the Mutua l west this·week. l P. Q., " that tlu~dock 13100~ Bitt ers Miss Pearce, who has been visiting I cur.eel my wife of liver compl_amt, from Relief Society for the vast amount of in · friends here, has returned to her home which . she ~ad be~n a chrome suflerer. surance afforded by it from September. iu the west. , . Her d1stressmg, pamfu~ symptoms soon 1879, To March l st, 1880, if compared gave away and I can highly recommend with the cost for the same amount of prod 1ast ti 'l'he engine that was overtnrne .' t o a 11 su fl"en!lg · as sI1e a·d ·on ut~cler the old line rates, shows n · b M M tt ie e d" 1cJne J . "+ + tect1 -week, was ~et up agam Y r. u on l . A positive saving to its members of two mil1 .a.,d others after a spac·e of three hours On Monday of last weHk Josep 1 · lions, four hundred and four thousand, Stetuly llmplo)'lllCnt to ::0011 men. :ilaho~ ' A. C. 0. B. l\'.IcCullagh, son of Mr. R. McCullagh, six hundred and seventy dollars. M. A. None n ccrl be idle. ' ... Cobourg, wa.s drowned at Rice Lake. ,J A:MES, Secretary of Local Board. Previous experience net essential. We pay TYRUNE . JusT TlIE Tnmc. -W. J . G nppy, dru\! either salaries or commission. 100 smart men I wanted at· onoe to c<1.nvasd for tho sale of gist, of Newberry, writes: "Dr. Fowler's Canadian Grown Nursery Stock. The person that put the obstruction on Wild Strawberry is just tho 1hing for t he road, Sat11rd..y night, hact better be summer sickness. I sold out my siock for everything in careful, unless they wish their names three times last snmmer. There was a Large~· In (;aualln-Ovcr 400 A.crcs. _published. good demand for it." D'r. Fowler's ExDon't apply unless yon can furnish llrst·class Mr. J. R. Hoidge and .Miss A. Hoidge, tract of Wild Strawberry is infallible f ··r re(erences Lind want to work. No room for - - -o- -of Toronto, are home for a few days_ dysentery, colic, sick stomach aod ,bowel lazy men, but can employ any nurnbor of energetic men who w1tnt work. Adrl,.eaa. Mr. N. Davoy, of Whitby, was t he complaint. l .. STONE & WELLlNWl'ON, Our Millinery Department (one guest of Mr. Robt. Davey, last Sabbath. During last weeks storm a barn belong· Nurserymen. 30 'l'onON'l'o, Ont. > ·11 · · ·t ing to Mr. Marna.rd, Wl1itby, Wl\B struck . · - - --·-----· -· of the most extensive m the town) - Miss H anaon, o f I_,owmanv1 e, Js vis1 - by lightuiorr and burned to the ground. ing at Mr. P. Werry's. .. We con!!ratuli>te Mr. E.T. Hoidge,Mr. Gas jets h<.1ve heen placed near the cells . l . l ll th ] t t ~ · n tlie K inrrston Penitentiary so that the IS now rep ete Wl t l a · e a es Ut~J,~ E \rIL.IJU, ON'J'. , Their China Hall contains the Largest A ssortment of I. Couch and Mr. D. Jamieson 011 their 1 .. Chartered and opened in 1857. Over 3.000 peruccess at the recent examination held at convicts can read until n ine o'clock each S sons have been in attendance; 170 atud ents ( ) novelties for the summer trade. enrolled last ~·ear, representing RrJHsh Col· · J3owooanville. evening· 11 nmhl:~. fflnnU bn , lrlld·hrnn. New -.·oi·k, O, A social and concert in connection with I A DANmmous CoNDl'.l.'ION. - One of the untaroo HUd C .t uebee; 87 d1p lonuis and cer-1 ' ' CX. the church in this place, will be held on m_ost daogcrou? con<lit1ons is a n~glected The entire selection is of the newest tificatea a.wiirded. includini:;- Matriculation, Music, Fine A.rts.Comrn<'rcial Sci·\IICC, CollegiTuesd1>y, Aiw. Elst. A good time is ex- kidney con_iplarnt. Whlln you suffer from ate ar.d 'fe11cher·' Courses. Fall T e rn. begins · · . · · peeled. Co~e one come all. we_ary achm~ back, weakness «nd other and most fashionabl e description. S<'Jit, 7f.h, 11)86. For 1rnnu1·l catalogue, etc., to be found lll the d1stnct. , ' . . urinary troubles' apply to the back a address Rev. w . P . DYEH., M. A., Pres. D?n t forg~t ~he service at the church Burdock Porons Plaster, and take Burdto-m~ht.. Ministers frum other parts 01 ock B !ood Bitters, the best system Our assortment of" HAT s and the distrwt will be present. regulator k nown for the liver, kidneys, BONNETS, which consi::;ts of the Mr~ Arcnie Bingham, of Trenton, has stornack and bowels. t been visiting old friends here this week. An apple tree 65 years old grows on the Lynde Homestead farm, West Whitby . latet;t and most desirable styles. Call again, Archie. .Entire stock to be Several will finish har vest in this section It now measures 9 feet around th., trunk, this !'<eek. aad covers a distaHce of sixty feet fro!D embra ces the fol:owing makes and KING The Gladstoues intend settlin1<, down one extremity of the limbs to the other. STREET, BOW MANVILLE ~ to . practice again aftflr harveP.t. Th~y BE A HERO IN TH& STim' l': says Ame r- braids :-Chip, Loop, Tape, Twist, 'l'he goods will be sold down below cost. expect to show as good a record at tne icau's favorite poet. All very well, Mr. close of the season as they did when they Longfellow, bu~ how can you, when half Pedal, Swiss, Pearl, Milan, Satin, Hats, Renn ets, Ribbons, LRces, Flowers, 2tarted. Mey they never be left. your time you fed sick, and do not feel F eathers, Silks, gatins, Plnshes, Velvets, CUMAX. well the other h alf, Men of the noblest Canton, Tuscan, Leghorn, Porcu- Fringes, Gimps, Cords, Coll1<rs, l~rillin g, principle~ and highest aim3 find their Aprons, H o2e, Wool .Jackets, Borlin efforts thwarted by diseaee. l"light-sweats, Wools, Saxouy, Silk F lm ;s, Arasene, pine, Cordinette and 8p lit Straws. DISTRICT NEWS. a hacking cough and other symptoms Ttnsel. Embroider ies, &c. only too plaiuly say, cons11mption . Heed A. lodge of the Knights of Pythiua is t o pood ad vice. Try Dr. Pierce's "Golden Also a great variet y of Fancy be. orgau ized in Orillia. Goods. Medical Discovery " and 1 he bloom of I Port Ropers are still struggling with health will r et.urn to your cheeks, soundMILLER'S BLOCK, ORONO. the el(lctriQ light question . ness to your lungs and you will be a hero . Oount erfeitlil of the United S tates silver yet. CANADA'S GREAT <1oll;;ir~ sre l.Jeing oir(Jl~lated, · The employees of the A. B. Whifo1g 'V°lieat;2 Pain King excels a!L other Manuhctu~ in g Co., Oshawa, tender ed remedies in promptly curing dyaeutery, Mr. H. W. Whiting a crnnplimentary .Ii.ND diarrhoea, flu x, colic, cholera., clwlera. supper last \Vednesday evening, on the Agricultural Exposition, r886 m orb us and all diseases of the stomach occasion of his sevenng hi<i connection th-at compauy. with and bowels. 25 cents. All druggists. t SEPTEMBER 6TH TO 18TH. f.>ntario sends an exhibit of honey to &c.~ Shaw & Tole's is t he place to get binder An immense Progran1mc: o f NEw AND G ttB~T the e-r:hibition in London, Eng. ATTRAcnos s is prepared for this Exhibition, twine. Chea1> Faro· and Exctir.tions on all lty'a West's P ain K ini;? aole peomp tly, cures Call at Tait & Morrison's to see Mrs. Copies of Prize List and Entry Forms sent to Palace Steamers. Low Ratea quickly. Neve r fa ils to cure bowel comany one on applioation, by post card or otherClarke's Cook ery Book. Four Tripe per Woek Botweon wise, to the Secretary at Toronto. Entries close plaint, colic, cholera morbus and cholera SaturdaWAuost zSth. A. J. HILL, · Rosary B ead ed Trim ming for dresses at DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND Costs but 25~. a 1d is always ready. JNO. J. m:,~;;%~t. Manager an~::.;J~o. E nquire regarding its merits of any drug- Couch Johnst on & Cryderman's. St. I£"8::~di:hs~i!'n°J~~1!Cb~1Wa~~·rfu~~~llle, St. Clair, Oaklan<l H ouse. Marin o City· Dry goods will be cheap for July .gist s. t :BTery W eek Dn.y Be tween At a recent football match in Cavan Augus t. R eitd Star House advt. DETROIT AND CLEVELAND For a magnificent choice of Hosi ery , two young men got each a leg broken. llpoolal Sunday Trips during July and.Augw;t. West' e Paiu Kin g is a purely vegetable Gloves, &c., call at the Star H ouse. :J:F WORTHLESS IMITATIONS OUR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS co111pound fur the certain cure of chills , Barbed, ribbon, plain and annealed llatce and Exourelon Tickets will b e furnia1iled As thoro are me.ny iu.ferior by your TiQket AE"c nt. orndd rees colds, flu x, dysentery, diarrhoea, s11mmer wire a fuil stock at bed rock prices at S. goods, corded wit h jute, C. 0 , WHI T COMB, Gen'I P as· . All"ent, hemp, etc., offered and sold com plaint , colic, cholera rnorbus, cholera S. Edsall's. as Coraline by some unDetroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. and choleia ii:Jfautum. 25 cents. All principled merchants tradCall on Jno. McMurtry at the We&t DET ROI T, MI CH . 0 11 t h o reputation of iug -druggists. End House for anything you r equire in our ;;1:11ni11c Coraline, Lindstw's Central Fair will be ~1eld on Dry Goods or Groceries. we warn tho Indies age.inst s ncb imposition by dr aw. the 28th,"29th and 30th of Sept ember. Ladies, it will b e to your advantage to iug t h eil" attention to the McMURTRY~ uecessiby of seeing th at the inspect our millinery before makin g your All leading dr uggists will gladly inform na.we Valuable Premium Given Free auyone inquiring as t o the won dcrfi. l purchases. Robertson & Bond. with Canada's Popular merits of West's Pain King. The stand · WooL.- Farmers, don 't sell your Wool Weekly. ard re m~dy for ilux, dysentery, summer till you ctill on John Lyle who is paying '" ·tamped on inner side of all Cornline goods, com pla~1t, cholera morbu~, cholera, colic, the highest price for good m erchantable Without which-2:.~n-~e 'l'HE WES'f ERN ADVER'l'ISE:R, of London, has just made another Important step in advance, , ~ ~t ,~~. ' now appears regularly in twelve page I t form,~ Cobourg Oddfellows decorated the .,ersons who have tried the Li-Quor Tea and in addition to all its well·known popular - Il N' . [(raves of deceased brethren on W ednes· 8 0 Jd by L . Morris speak fav orably of it. features " ivee in each issue Sam Jones Sermons, thol nterrntional Sabbath SchoolSessons. day. You get a beautiful book with every dol- a Complete Story, etc., etc. It is VR.stly im· Why will y ou suffe r whe n 25c. will buy lar's worth. proved in every respect. For BALANCE OF YEAR the price is only 50.:., or in clubt1 ot a bottle of West's Pain King and. one · Couch J ohnston & Cryderman have fi ve and over 4 0c. each. Postage stamps ac· dose will cure the worst ~ase of colic or sold an immense quantity of carpets dur- cepted for fractional parts or a. dollar. Samples free. and a few doses ·;ill cure a11uuner ing the last few we0ks, but they are still cramps_ Jrdf"Each subscriber will be entitled. without comp lamt_, dysentery, diarrhoea or flux . showing a large assortment of carpe rs of additional cost, to one of the following prern· iums, which ehould bo ordered as par number, AlI-drugg1st s. + all kinds. - -.A.T- , U napproached for viz.: Mrs. T. Clarke, mother of Councilor Nervous headache, earache, t ooLhache. 1. Portrait Gallery. 3. Chase's Hecipes. Tone and Quality. 2. Home and Health. 4.. La.dies' Fancy ·work Clarke, Cobourg, d ied very suddenly last and in fact any ach e ·or pain cured like . Guide . . ·week. \ magic with West's W odd's Wonder. 25 CATALOGUES FREE. t:ff Regi,stered letters come at our r isk. · , Address pie.inlyIt is the greatest importance that all l and 50c. All druggists. ADVERTISER PRlN1'ING CO.. I bowel and stomach complaints should he ILLUSION OF THE SENSES : and other LONDON, 0 N'l'ARIO. ' attended t o at once, esp~ciall_y · at. t h!s Essays, by Richard A. Proctor. P rice I f!easo11 of the year. · Wests Pam Kmg 1s 15 cents, by mail. J . Fitzgerald, Pub prompt r eliable and certain never t o fail. -iahers, lOS Chambers St., N . Y. Only 25c. All d r ug1Yists. t · . .· P ersons wJS!ung to borrow money on Th~" sum ,of $300 was ~ollected. froi;n . farm security c>rn be accommodated wi th fonr ,_,cott Act v10laters Ill Peter boro , any amount 011 application to the STATES· - - -o- - last week. MA'N office, at lowest rates of interest. tf. IT NEVER FAILs.- Dr. Fowler's Extract ,The \Vest End House is noted for JOB A .- One lot of Fancy Dress of Wild Strawberry will never fail you having t he largest, best, and cheapest Goods, which w e are clearing this wh en taken to cure dysentery, colic, sick assortment of H osiery in to wn. Ladies stomach or any form of summer com- you would do well t o call an.d examine week at t en cents p e r y a r d, jus t plaint. R elief is almost instantaneous ; for yourselves. --FC>H.-half the r egular price. · CURES a few dose3 cure when other r emedies fail. t Ladies, in Tait & M orrison 's store you J on B.- One lot of Ladies ' Rub- ALL LlVE R AND KIDNEY COMcan see the prettiest , cheapest and best The emigrnnt sheds at Peterboro' were Fancy Window Shades e ver introduced ber Circulars, warrante d p e rfect PLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGEST~~~~ lr"'~~~® ~~~~~~ ~ destroyed by fire last week. L~ss, $400 ; here, their cheapness is most remarkable. and water- proof,an e x cellent cloa k Call and see them. R oller s,cornice poles for th e dusty w eathe r , cl earin g for ION A:ND ALL DI<.lEASES ARISING i nsun:d for $300. Cholera will visit us this summer. Be fix ings for drawing, etc. , in ~tock. BUGS. BURE DEATH FROM D IS AHRANGEME NTS OF THE prepared by securin g a ~npply of West's PURE TEA! P unE LrrEltATURE!!- The one dollar e ach . LlVEH, AND KIDNEYS. -. - . A l.'\T :::c:>- Pain K ing, t o be kept within reJ1ch. Li-Quor Tea Co. is the lar ges t and best J OB C.- One lot of washing fas t D isinfect your premises, as cleanliness Packet Tea Co. in the \\ or ld. A handa nd Wes t'& Pain King wi ll carry you some volume given a way with every 3lbs c olor Prints and Z eph y r Ginghams safely through. Only 25c. All drug- of this celebratecl t ea. It is not necessary clear ing a t eig ht cents per y ard, The gists. i· to purchase t he three pounds at one time; form e rly sold at 12! c e nts . fier the About 150 of the Nor th-west volunteers a voucher is given a way with every half JoB D .- One lot of Boy's Wool entitled t o land wa rrants have not made pound. By drinking theL i-Quor Teas, th J<'OR 1'HE DESTRUCTION OF applicat ions therefor. consumer becomes a participator in the .Tweed Suits, fittin g b oys from 5 A Succm·.s1cuL RESULT.- Mr. Frank advantages which this company possesses to 1 5 y ear s, clearing at l ess t h a n Cabbage H endry writ ing from Saaforth, says : "I o ver all compet itors, for he gets a better P ropriet or, Toronto. purchas~d one -bottle of B urdock Blood t ea at a lower price than c~n be ~rocu~ed c os t . Price s w ill be exceeding l y Bitters to purify my blood. It did it, elsewhere, a nd h e sha~es 1~ the io est~m· low as w e purpose dropping out of S OLD '.BY a nd now I have excellent health." A s a able benefits of a gigantic enterprise. this <1-e pa1 tment. blood pLtrifying t onic and system regdat- \Came esrly and get thb benefit of our unHIGGINBO'l'H&.I U & S ON, or the result of t aking B. B . .B. is always j broken s,tol'lk. LEVI Mlm1us, Agent, B OWMAN.VILLE ~ Bowmanville, June 30, 1886. successful. t Bounsall s .l:llock. 11-tf eh.., ~ -" SHA.W A TOLE, 1 l SHAW & TOLE, Bowmanville. - G O TO- AGENTS WANTED. MILLINERY. MilRDOC[ BROTHERS . 0.. Fl. C> 0 ·The Fonthill Nurseries, I Staple and Fancx El :R. IE: S . ALBERT COLLEGE, CHINA CROCKERY LAMPS GLASSWARE Mas·. MoRRISoN:S HIGHE.sT --- MARKET P~rcEs. for all kinds of Farm Produce, Butter, Eggs, &c. ,Cleared out in 30 days VICTORIA BUILDINGS, WEST END HOUSE. NEWEST AND NOISIEST IN Robertson & Bond. ----...~~,____·----- -- MACKl·NAC. Summer Tourse TO INDUSTRIAL F Alil TORONTO Dress Goods, Prints, Ginghams, . Printed Muslins, Printed Canvas Cloth, Parasols, &c. BEWARE Cloths and Tvveeds, Gent's Furnishings. notice by the A 1 Tailor. Suits made to order on shortest J. NOW'S THE TIME I 'CROMPTON CORSET CO.' GREAT BARGAINS FOR 30 DAYS · · ·· ~ oRrANS Boots and Shoes ll " BELL" ' _ 0 · · G~~ Joe LiNES: BELL &CO., Guelph, Ont. LIVER AND KIDNEYS D-A-V-I -S'. DANDELION BJTT ER . I J. BICCINBOTHAI &SON, Chemists and Druggists, a,,~~~~~·~~~ ~~~~~' TO Greatest Blood Puriin World. Insect Powd~r ~·' E. MORRIS, I Flies, Mosquitos, Carpet Moths, Worms, etc. Robertson & Bond. J. HICCINBOTHAM tc SON.

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