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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Aug 1886, p. 2

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'THE CANADIAN STATESMAN 18 FUBLIBHBD li:VERY FRIDA.Y MORNHIG, -BY- M1 A.JAMES, :r...eaeeBloek,IUngSt.,Bowm.anTllle,Ont · ...IOJperann11m,or$l.G& 'l 'aJlllent strictly in advance required from ablor1bera outside ot the county, Ordt?rs to IJeoontinue the pa.per must be accompanied by be amount duo,orthepaperwillnot bestopped. 'Dbtlorlbera areresponsibleuntiltullpaymentiB made. KA.TES OF .&DTEJlTil!INQi , i;i!l: _ ...... mz .. .... uole Oolumn one year ·. ···· · ·· ···· $60 oo "',, .., " " Halfyear ............ 3600 · :;:;: .. " One quarter ......... 20 OO f!?~ IUU Column one year ·.....···..· ··· 36 g~ " Half year· .... . ······ -· 20 0 One quarter_ .. ······· 12 5 · " 0 ~terCo~!1n..n one ye11<r .. ......... 1 0 Halfquarter...... year··········· 6 One . . s oo lb: lines and under,first insertion ·· $0 60 Bach subsequent insertion...... () 2~ _ ;f'rom six to t en lines, first insertion 0 7t Each subsequent insertion...... 0 3~ -10 orer tenlines,Jlrst lnsertion,perline o 1~ _ Bach subsequent insertion, " O 0· The number of lines to be reckoned bJ Ile spaoeoccu:v.ied,,measured byaacaleo .ou d Nonvareil. AT THE OFBICE -- :g g = = ·iii:J. (). MITfJJIEJ.I.; and Surgeons, Ontario, 9o:i:oner, etc: M Office and Residence. Enmsk1llen. DR. TAMBLYN, BMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS ! 7 · HYSICIAN, SURGEON and AccOUCBEUR. Office :-Silver Stn,et, Bowmanville. 7 P B D. BIJJlKE SHIPSON, ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, &;o., MOPRIS BLOCK, up stairs, King Street, Bowman 'fllle. Solicitor for the Ontario Bank. P;rbate Monev.s loaned at the lowest rates, .John Keith Galbraith, ARR IS TE R SOLICITOR, NO'l'ARY PUBLIC &;c. ' Ofilce-Bounsall's Bloc,k , !Ong Street'. Bowmanville. Money to lend, B ROBERT A.JllllOlJR, EGISTRAR WEST DURHAM ISSUER. of Marriage'Licenses, Barrister a.nd A.ttor neT at J,aw and Solicitor in Chancery.MoneY -loaned on Real Estate, Office on King s&reet. Bowmanville. d. 'J'. PBULIPS IOENSED AUC'l'IONEER for the County ot Durham Sa.lea promptly attended, · Address- Ha.kvton P. O, fi9, R L OHN HUGBES.-Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator and Arbitrator. Fire and Lifde .. urance, Notes and Accounts Col1eote · :i:!ney to Lend on rea.sonatlle terms, Af ~rees 7 cartwright, Ont. J A GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO every man who buys his Licenee from !lKNRY SYLVES'l'ER, Enniskillen. A C.ARD.-To all who are sut!erini from the error11 and indi1cretio 11 of youth, nenou11 weakness, early decay, 101111 of Kitohen Hints. manhood, &c., I will 11end a recipe th~\ Keep large squaree of thick p1uteMard will cure you FREB OJ!' Cl'U.RG.I. . ~h11 hung cenvenlent 'e lllp under pota, kottles, great remedy was di1c0Tered by a m1se1on· atew dlehea, and apldere, wherever 7011 1et ary in South America. Send a 1elf· them down. addre1111ed envelope to tho REv. JosllPI Don't flirt dirt frem ene piece of furnltu~e T: INMAN . Station D New York Oitv. 46' te another and ca.ll i' dua,ing, but take 1t up carefully In a duatlng oloth and It ADVISE TO M.oTHERS.-Are yon dill· from ·he window, turbed at night and broken of Y:our r?st To olea.n bottles, put Into the bottles by a sick child suffering and crymg wit h Hme kernels of oorn, a tablespoonful of pain of Cutting Teeth 1 If BO send at a.hes ; pour It half full of wa.ter and after 1 once and get a b ottle of "Mrs. Winslow'· a. vigorous 1haklng and rlndng you will find Soothi'na Syrup." } or children . _teeth1.·ng, the bottle aa geod 1111 new, "' its value is incalculable. It will rehev-e A teaspoonful of borax put In the laat the poor little sufferer immediately. De- wa.ter In which olothea are rinsed will pend upon it, mothers ; there is no whiten them wonderfully. .Pound the bor· mistake about it. It cures Dyaente1:y ax ao It will diselve easily. Thia Is eapecla.l· and Diarrhrea, regulates the Stomach 11.nd ly good to remove the yellew that time Bowele cure"' Wind Colic, softens the gives So white garments that have been laid ' ... d . Gum8, reduces Inflammation, an gives tl.W·Y two er three years, to!1e and energy to the whole system. How to ta.k;e grease spots out of ~Ilk: For " Mr<.1. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for 11tny color that water will not lniure take children teething is pleasant to the taste wh~at flower a.nd mix with water to a. thin and is the prescription of one of the old- ba.tter, 1prer.d en the grease spsts, 11tnd dry eat and best female physicians and nurse· In the sun or by the tire nntll quite dry 11tnd · f 1 b orlsp, ae tha.t yeu can crush It like dry in the United Sta.tea, and is or sa e Y le&Ves; then brush it eff with a brush ; de all druggists through the world. Price use 11tn lion, Thia h much better thr.n 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for not a.ny ohemloal preps.ration and does net leave "MRS. WINSLOW'S SooT.HING SYRUP." a.ny spot te show where the grease apet we.a, and take no other kind, "Sufferer" writes : "Ha.vlng 11uffered grntty from oerne, and h11tvlng obta.ined complcite relief, at once, from the followmg simple treatment, I send It to you for tho benefit of yeur ruaders. Pare th~. ooro a.nd put around the toe a strip ef what druggists call 11urgeon1' adhesive plaster, Thu strip muat be wide enough to completely cover the cern, and Ieng enough te enolrclti the toe or it may not atay In pllltee, Warm the plaster well before putting It on, llen~w when worn out, paring the corn eaoh time. l!'ive cents' worth of this plaeter 'will supply Dr. E. c. West's Nerve and Brain':llent, two oorns six months." a guaranteed specific for Hysteria: Dizz1neH, Convulsions. Fits. Nervous, 1'<euralgla, Head· Ohoice Recipes. aohe "Nervous ProstMtlon, <>aused by the use of aicobol or tobacco, W akefu]ness, Mental PLUM JELLY.-Boll the fruit with Sllffi· Depression, Softening of the bra.m resultln~ in cfont water nntillt lsoooked, Strninthrough insanity and lea.ding to misery decay and death Premature Old Age, Barrenness.Loss of Power a ·thick cloth J to every cup of fruit 11tdd a in either sex, Involuntary Los!JeS anrl Sperroat- cup of sugar, and let it remain until next orrhoea ca.used by over-exertion of the Brain, da.v. Then melt 11tll together, and then self·a.buse or over·indulgenoe. Each box con· ta.ins one month's treatment. $1.00 a box, or six take amall qnantltloe at a time a.nd bell It boxes for $5.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt until It jellies, which you 011tn tell by trying of price, a little at a tlmo, De not 11tir during the laet we Guarantee Six Boxe· bolling. PE.ACH BATrBB PUDDING.-Twolve ripe To cure any case. With each order. reo~ived by us for six boxes, accompanied with $0, we pe11tches, pared but not atoned; one qua.rt of will send the purchaser our written guarantee milk, about ten tablespoons of prepared to re!und the money if the treatment does not eft'ect a cure. Guarante~s issued only l_>Y JNo. flour, five beaten eggs, one tablespoonful of melted butter, one aaltapoonful ef salt. Set Stott & Jury, Druggists, BowmanvUle, the peaches oloaely together In a buttered pndding dlah, stew with. sngar, . and pour over them r. ba.tter of the ingredients above named. BAKED] HUCKI,EBERBY PUDDING.-One plnlt ef milk, twe eggs, ene quart ef flour. ESTABLISHED IN 184'1. (sifted), ene gill, one sa.ltspoonful of 1 CHE HOUSEHOLD. PEOPLE. When Bernhardt la away frem the Come· die Franoalse the management find It very hard to make things pa.y, Schliemann, the explorer ef Trey and the dlsoeverer of the tomb of Ag11tmemnen, 11 llB old Californian, and u1ed to bay gold duat In the Sacramento away br.ok In the tilllh ti.mes, Mme. Fidee-Davrler, prlma donna of ·1he Grand Opara 11tt Paris, is to receive 80,000 francs fer ten nights next seas.o n_ at Monte Dario. Thia Is perhaps better th:a.n marrying a poor olerk and w1nhing di11hea, Dr, Ralph L~slle, ef the Unlversilty of Toronte, C11tna.da, 11tnd St. Thomas Ho1pihl Londen, -ha11 been deoorated with the Order of .1;eopold by the King ef the Belgians, for his service1 en the Upper Oongo· A oorrespondent of the ( lork E xamiMr 1aya : "Among the pecullarit!ea of the exhibit& at the · Calenles.' are speolmene of Canadian Uterat ure Bent by \he Government of that country. Feur books, by Mr11. Alexander t1oss, the well known and gifted authoress of aome oh11trmlng werks, are on view, A glanoe at the1e, whloh I auppone S3lected as Illustrative types of the Cr.nadlan literary tendency, shows that the people across the watsr are joining in the res.c,lcm agt1ln1t reading which Is either t ae light or too technical. I understand ihat Mrs, Rosa originally ha.lied from the mo\her oountry, She Intends to publleh shortly In 1.Jndon a work entltlell 1 'The Red Ma.n,' dedlo11tted by permlaeion to the Duke of Oenna.ught. " The Winnipeg F1'ee P-ress eaya: "Philip Garneau, who waa eeutenced to seven years lropri11onment for oompliolty In· the rebellion ef 1885, was rele11tsed from Stony Mountain peni,ent hry a da.y or two ago, He is now in town, but wlU ahortly leave fer the prov· Ince ef Q11ebec. He propesea writing a history ef tne rebelllon from tbe standpoint of the rebel. As he aoted 1u secretary for Leufa Itiel after t he lamented· brea.k-up of t he Hon. Mr. Jackson's mind until the wind-up ef t he rebellion at B11ttoohe, he will be able to present the other dde of the stery b~t ler th11tn 11tn y other person. Slnoe his release he has been purchaalng the published aooounta of the rebellion, Including Mrs. De· laney'a a.nd Mrs. Gewanlock'11 acoounts of their capture. He ea.ya that 11tll those Im· pri1oned for taking part In the rebellion have now been s11t at liberty excepting the1e frem the vlolnlty ef Fort Pitt, headed by Blg Bea.r, and they expect their prison doors wlU shertly be opened to them." Mr, Stuart C11mberla.nd, ef mind·reading fame, has arrived at Victoria., B. 0., fer the purpeae of writing an account of the 011na· dlan P&eifio Ra.llway route for varleus j aur. nala who hue eugaged his services, Mr. Cumberland fer eome yeare baa devet9d hlmsell to polltlos, and It is his desire to enter upon a political career, He la eapecl· ally cencerned In the matter of Imperial Federation. Before coming to C11t11ada he 11pent seme mon,hs In Au&tralla and New Zealand. Previous te thla he vlalted Egypt, and he waa made t he bearer of a message from the Khedlve to Lord Dnfferin en his deps.rture for India. While In India Mr, C11mberlan.d was the guest of the leading native prlnllee, aud in C11Ioutta he gave a public eeance for t he benefit of the fuud new being raised by the Viceroy and Lady Duf. ferin for supplying female medical &id to the women of India, Mr. Camberb.nd will make a. repert of hie inquiries in Canada to the Imperial and Elolonlal Governments, in addition to . his oentributloue to the press. A writer in t he Paris Matin t ells the fol· lowing stor y: I n 1871, lmmedl!l.tely after the ourrendur ef Parle 1md when the Ger· ma.n army wa.1 In the city, Gen, Beul!l.ng6r, then a Colonel, wu In oommruid ot t he 137th of the lino. Th,e ro11lment we.a en echelon in the Rue Saint Honore guf.Ordiug the limit beyond whfoh the PrnBBlane were not to pa.Ba, At t he ln~rseotlon ef ~he Rue Saint Honers and another street, the name of which the writer does not rood!, bnt he rEmembere that It was near the Rothsohiid house, suddenly the Genenl In oommmd of the Pruesla.n army, followed by his brilliant et1ff. They were about te pass the line of dems.roatlen, when Col, Boulanger rede up In frent ef 'hem. "Gen· era.I," said he, In a loud veioe, "yeu cannot pass." The latter pretended not to under· Ltand, and appeared to be about to ooooe on, when Boulanger, p11rple with and hat· red, daghed forward, a&bre In h11ond, and ahonted out In 11t s11vage velce : " Genera.I, you must not pass, If you advc.nce another atep--" Then, seeing th11tt the brllll11tnt troop had oeme to a. halt, he added, with an Imposing gesture, the words, " Respect a la consignet· " It needed but little," says t he wrtter, "to put the match te the pow· der at tha.t moment, There ,11.nd then Germany might h11tve lost some p recious heads, Inspired by the Colonel, we grasped e.u r Ohassepots, The quality of the game was tempting." LOOK HEREI MAYNARD the Jeweller, Has the finest assortment ofSilveJ: Plated Ware in town-all new and neat patterns ; also a full line in Gold and Silver WATCHE~S. All kinds of Jewellery, Spectacles, Eye Glasses, &c. A full anq complete line: of American Clocks. We have put a new L ATHE in our work shop, which enables us to do all kinds of work in our line and guarantee the best of satisfaction. ~Call and get the correct time from the finest Regulator in town. MAYNARD The Jeweller. 0 :Et I> E J:<. , ~ · As usual our new stock of CANADIA1'-1 , ENGLISH, 8COTCH & AMERICAN TWEEDS, WORSTEDS and other Suitings is th e l argest, most; comp l ete and most fash i onable t o be found inWest Durham BRITISH EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO., ~ .receives money on deposit Cor thepntario M .Loa,n and Sa.vings Company, and p_a.ys so Do? Gentlemen o:CFash ien, not so tast . . ONEY ! MONEY !-The subscriber It has· no shareholders to pa.y dividends to; Managed by .and solely in the interel!t& ot m~e-rest the Policy holders. at the ra&e or i and 5 per cent. No notice of withdrawal requiredi Also loans money .on Its Rates are Low. 111ortgages a.t lowest rates · . No commission ohargea. W. F. ALLEN, Bowmanv1lle. 8·ly, Polleles non rorfettnble and uneondUtonal, (Jasb Bonus Pnltl every ihree ;rears, Joint Life Policies. Though a double rish but one premium la paid ave written these tewllnee And all I h ave to say_ tor two people. Amount of policy drawn l'hat youoa.n ftn.d roe still at home. on first death. lam not gone away. &oallroykindoldtriendsmay oome, And all they oung ones, too, Special Inducements to Total Abatainer,. .,l.nd get thelrga.rmenta nicely made lnfashionsthat are new: ivhere old and young , deartriends,may meet .&.SSETS OVER $lS,OOO,OOO.I A welcome irreetinll. bv R. PEATE INCOME OVER $1,000,Ge& DENTISTRY $100,000.00deposited with theCa.nadlanGovern ment for benefit of Canadian policy holder-. INVESTED IN ()A.NA.DA., $600,000,00, HE.AD OFFICE IN CANADA:- MONTR'.EA.t. For particulars refer to E 9 L. LIVINGSTONE, GENERAL AGENT, J. JI. BR IMA COMBE, PKA.(JTJ()U DENTIST, ()VJliR WITH TEETH. WITHOUT TElliTH. PORT ROPR ortoagentethroughoutthecciunty. ~8-0m e. Orono Pump Factory. Pumps Oheaper and Better than ever, TWENTY YlliARS JllXPERIENClll, ·Hro1110xldeG11s A.dmlnlstercd for Pulnles Operations, Ofti(Jjt ltitttit~G'l! 81.0CJi. salt, one te1upeonful of belling water, nearly a quart of berries dredged with flour. Make batter with these Ingredients-leaving out the berries-and set in a w11trm plaoe to rise for abouli four heure. If light pour in the dredged berries, penr into a. buttered cake meld, and bake one hour In a moderate oven. 'l'nrn and eat with ha.rd sauce, BLACKnERRY R CLY·POLY,-One qu11trt of prepued flour, one heaping ta.bleapooufol 111trd and tlie BB me of butter rubbed with a little salt bite the flour, eneugh mllkabout twe cnps-te make soft dough. Roll eut Into a 2lreet a quarter ef a.n inoh thiok, Stew lea.vlng a na.rrew margin at the eldes1 with 1o:gn~ckj>er:J;'lea sprlnkfod with sugar. Rell tightly. Sew-up with a " felled sea.m, in a cloth leaving reom fol' 11welling. Put Into a pot of bolling water and keep at the boil for an heur e.nd a. qua.JI· ter. Dtp the chith In cold water to loosen it, t\nd turn eat;, Eat cold with hard saace, P EACH LECIIll·CREMA, - Twelve rlpo peaches, pared, atoned, and out In ha.Ives; three eggs and the whites ef t wo mere, one· h11tlf oup ef powdered sugar, t wo t ablespoonfuls of corn·ata.roh wet in cold milk, ene table1.poonful melted butter, one pint of l\l'.lllk. · Sc11>ld the milk, atlr In the oern starch, and when It begins to thicken tlltke frem the fire and put in the butter. When lukewarm whip In the beaten yolka until all are very light, Put a thick 1ubetratum of peaches Into a. dl11h, stew with suear, and pour the creamy oompeund enr them, Bake In a q nick even ten minutea a.nd spread with a meringue m11tde of five whites whip· ed stiff with a little powderd euga.r. Shut the even door until this Is firm, E:i,t cela with cream. ::..:.:.::..:.:::__..... Ht~41~......+>··~·---...;_~- We Never Get left. We have the aoods. To inspect is t o order. Our prices are right. Our styles co~mand admiration. Our originality is inexhaustible, Our ente1·prise, energy and pluck have no bounds. l@'Uall at the centre oC Style, Beauty and Cheapness. Gent's· Furnishings a specialty. , , COAL COAL · 1 tf 'I'be Tailor. JOSEPH-JEFFERY;, · c. HARNDEN, L. D.S., Graduate of the Royal Collegeo lDental Surgeons, Ontario. OFFICE OVER DICKl:30N'S STORE, lOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY. te work exeouted in the latest and mos\ a tmprovedstyleo1the Dental.A.rt. BETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN\ *he use of Nitrons Oxid~ Gas, wlthoutinjury to the patient. l'artioular attention pa.Id to the regulation or OHILDREN'S TEETH, ,....ALL WORK W .ARR.ANTED·..._ F. A. JONES, R. FERG USON. VETERINARY SURGEON, Bis Reason for Quitting, The Subscriber having built a large ne11 "I am going to quit emoking olgarettes," Pump Factory in Orono, 111 prepared sa.ld a young man who has led more than -tci furnishone germ an in St. Paul, " What's the ma.t· ter ?" I asked. "Well," he responded, "It len't beoa.uee it's a vile habit ie going to carry me down to an early grave, or With or without Porcelain Cylinder, (]f anything of that eert, One placed roe, or the Best Material, on the shortest notice ra.ther a young 111tdy, In a very embarraaslng poeitlon. There b a certain charming young and at the !owest prices. Ia.dy on St. Anthony Hill whom I should Cistern Tubs and Pumps supplied. like very much to my wife, aud I know she feels a11 I do. But I 11tm not. yet able to a wife, so I have never a wurd WELLS CLEANED & RERAIRED. support to the young la.dy111 parents, Well, the other evening ahe and I teek a stroll. lt was a.bout 0:30 when we returned te the hense, 110 I did not go in. We stood chat· ting a. few minutes and I lighted a. cigarette. Wben she went Into the house I, et course, TO GIVE SATISFACTION. kissed her good-night. Well, wi~hout giving It a. thought she went In, bade her mo· Orderalby Mail promptly attended \o. ther good-night, and kissed her also. The old 111tdy Immediately detected the odor uf the cigarette en her daughter's lips, and DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, PICKETS, quesiloned her about it, The peer girl either ha'd to 11toknowledge that I kle8ed her MOULDINGS, &o., kept on: hand, or that she smoked a cigarette. When the young lady told me about It I had not the courage to ask her what course ahe ohoae, Now yo11 know why cigarettes and I will be stranger& In the future," PUMPS OF EVEJIY DESGRIPTIOR ln Messrs. McDOUGALL & METCALF beg to announce that they have received a large consignment of Celebrated Lehigh Coal, and are prepared to fill all orders at LowEST PRICES. W"e intend to keep on hand an assortment of Lumber, Shingles, Posts, Lath, Cordwood, &c. Office, Old Foundry Lot, corner A Hail-Storm to of, Church and Division Streets. " It seriously asserted that during a etorm the western pa.rt of Texr.a, reoentiy, · HENRY METCALF. hallstone1 weighing from seven to twelve ROBT. McDOUGALL. pounds fell in great numbers, and the ooour" . fs .. -·- .. Br~ All WORK GUARANTEED ~~----------- ENNISKILLEN, Honorary Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, will attend to all diseases of domestie animals. OhaJlels for the Queen. ...~~~ Operations & Dentistry A SPECIALTY. Calla and Orders by mail or telegraph will receive prompt attention. C11a1wEs MoDEltATE. OFFICE HOURS, 8 TO 10 A. M. A first-class stock of Medicines always on hand. N. B.-Will visit Williamsburg every Saturday of each week. 16-ly In order to introduce our · catalogue of all kinds or. Gs SON Books, and agents' goods, we send 100 wi~l favorite oomio a.nd sentimental songs and be.I· lads a vast collection, for only lOc or 4. 3c. etr,JrtllS and this slip A. W . L KINNEY, Ya.r· mouth, N. S. The Queen has reoeutly fi~ied up a private ohapel at Oiborne, for use when it la lncen. vonient t e 11.ttend service at Whipplngham church, and above the altar three new piQt uree by Sir Neel Pir.ton, which he pa.!.n ted by H er M .. je2ty's cemmrmd, are to bo placed, The centre am to be filled by a work entitled Vl¢lv.te et Ora.te, which depict s Christ in the gE1rden finding t he thres disciples &Bleep, and on each side are to hang the G<1od Shepherd and the M~n of Sorrows, these twe being replicas of larger pictures .by t~e s&me WILL CURE OR HE:LIEV~ distinguished artlat. Her Maieety is about to build a small private chapel a.t B,i.lmer11.l, BllTDUSNflib~ DIZZINESS,, but es It Is to be arranged only for Presby· D'f8PEPSIA, !JROPSY, terian" worship," t he Interior will be per/NDIGEST/O,V, FLUTTER/Nf} featly plain, Werkmen have been for some JllUNDIOE. OF THE HEA:{ f» time occupied at Glengelder quarries In hewERY81PELA8, !ICIDIT'f OF ing atone for thill structure, the erection of SALT RHEUM, THE 8TOMAtJH, which ha.s been oontempla.ted for mere than HEARTBURN, DRYNESS twenty years past. When It ~s finished - - -- - - - · HEADACHE, OF THf fJKIN, Crathie Ohurch will cease to be the great While canoeing down the Merrimac John And every species o f dlseas" aris ing from oe11tre ef 111ttre.ctlon on "" to the Boyle O'R eilly dlaoover<id a bed ?f real disordered LIVER, KIDNEY:;.\ STOMAC~ tourists a.t Br&cmar, a.a the royalties will sharorecktJ. 0 11r luck while canoeing has BOWELS .~r. B LOOD, then perform their devotiene in the comfer- generally been te discover a bed of real q1 !lWJJ DUJ'i'A? 9. Propr\ietUl'ill, . tii.ble privaoy of Ba.!mera.l, I rocks, .,,. ;mA MU l'\U. I.\ , ·· T~O~ rence la held up a.a Bometblng exl;ra.nrdinary, . 35. Bowmanville, August 28, 1885. It Isn't a n:.arker, however, says The Phlla· delphla Press, as compared with the rip-and· tea.r atorll' whlrh swept down the valley of the pea.cefnl C11esew11tgo creek in Crawford county during the bet summer ef 1848, .An old Inhabitant who witneBSed that storm remembers that tho hail oame down so thlok tba.t after the p11trtlclea became pulverized Easily Managed, Light Running, Durable. somewh11.t there w11t1 geed sleighing for three da.ya ; one oonioal·1haped ha.lletone fell T hreshes Cl ean and Fast. Separation U n exoelled. throught the roef of a blaclumith ahgp and punched 11t 3 ·1noh hole through a ca&e·ha.rd· ened anvil ; another struck a. 12-foot bar of PERFECTLY BEARDS BARLEY. Removes all White Caps from Wheat. r11tllroad Iron squarely on the end 11tnd spilt CLEANS GRAIN FIT FOR MARKET, It In two as pedeotly II.II If H ha.d be(!n sawed ; one large hailstone wae housed ever BECAUSE and oevered with sa.wdust lltlld furnished three families with lae until the new crop It has a SMUTTER and SECOND FANNING MILL attached. oame in t he next winter, 'besides providing enough for the lemonade at two grangera' plonioa ; t he weather wa.11 so cold for fiva days after the i t erm that wood went ltp 50 cents ·a cord, and when the cattle killed by the storm were dresae& their hides wara found punched se full of helaa t h&.t they were sold te a porus plllflte: fonndry for e. mere trifle ; the h !All that fell into the Cussewago aa.used 11t gorge In th11ot stream wl:rioh overflowed the whole valley, and t he \vater ws.s so cold tha.t pota.toes in the ground were frvzen hard enough to use fer blllfard balls In the country t11tverns ; a.nd the pia.oes where some of the hailstones struok the ground were 11tfterward used as poatholea by f!l.rmeru In building fences, If Taxaa ever witnesses a. storn of t he variet y THE MORRIS DOUBLE D:RESSillR. we shAll be diepoaed te listen to it, but It won't do te send up 11>ny little penny com· Great Improvements in r886 Machines. , _ WI-ite post card for Illustrated P amphlet, menpla.ce about seven-pound hailstones. lfleMORRIS DOUBLE DRESSER MORRIS & VvATTS, BRANTFORD, ONT. Also supply Threshing Engines at Maker's Prices and Terms. go William Pooley, Agent. Box 50, Bowmanville

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