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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Aug 1886, p. 3

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!!!___ _ liWWW YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN. There a.rA 200, 000 Italian settlers In the The ,u;;ed Inventor or Vaf)clnatlen for Hy. ------~-----·-----·--·-----···drophobla. Farmers' Boys and 'l'heir Prospects. A rgentine R epublic, 82.000 In Br11zll, 40,· FRIDAY, .aUGUSr 2i, 1880 Pa~teur ie a unlveraa.l benefactor. His ,i,i.tely I heard utterance given to an 000 In Uruguay,. and 6,000 in Mexico. opinion entertained by a large number of A !?unday.rnhoel teacher in Litchfield a~hfe y 11ments In chemist ry and mlcrescoplo STA.NDAllD l!IEDl~AL WORR FOR our most lntel!lg;mt people. The npea.ker t old h ie lnfa.nte to 1 uk questions they bmlogv have been among the moat imporsaid that " the proapaots of tho farmers' bad In their mln.,s, and a litt l-. one aaked : tant o f the centur y. His theories npen fer· mentatlen and the atudy of Germa.n h!lve beys were da.ily growing lees bright, and "When h the c!rous coming?" produced imm~nea results, He Is the terror in the nes.r future hie labor would be. A N ew L ~nden oyeter dealer h11oa lnventOnly $1 Uy lllail, Postpaid. of the dis honest wine merchant, having olnllLlJS'J'RATIUl SAltll'LJlS FJUm NO AJ,L. uarrowed down · to a mer_e struggle for ed a d redge wit h which atarfish the great. clda.ted the various systema ef wine fa.lalfi· Is showing one of t he finest and best selected stock s of bread." "Look," he contmued, " at the est enemies ef the eyat e r, oa.i: be tlloken profits accumulated by the merchant, the fro m u. bed without dhturblng the ey- oil.ion, while hia r esearch and 1tudles into the diseases of oa.ttle, sllk-wol'ma, and ether lawyer, and other claesos of m en wl~h eter.a, . a.nlmala baa been a.11 epooh in chemhtry's Mrs. H a.uson. while picking blackberries whom the farmer is compelled to traneaot . Paa.teur seema etlll :a young mani buslnus. Absolutely the fa.~mer hae no near O,·kland, Ill., was bitten in t he ankle &, Eie was born at D .ile, in the Jura oeuntry, ahance ef bettering hill oendlt1en; but en by a blue raoer. She was at onoe placed in Deo, 22, 1822, and at a very early age was the contrary, he must, by the very nature a. wa gen ir.nd drivtin hemewe.rd but she already & proffsior of ohemlstry In the great ef things, natually sink lewer In the 1Ued before her heme was reached. Sorbenne, ef Pa.ri1, Slxty·fonr summers financial l\nd social scale." Thia talk le merely wind-evil wind, evil in .Its tendon· lo When an Elkhart, Ind., farmer w'.ls un- have enlv ripened his talents, for hie face A Great Medical lTOrk On ltlanhood. a.ding a foad of h!\y which ho had driven !a youthful derpite his grey beard, and hla Exhausted Vitality, Nervous and Physical oy to degrade the noble pursuit of agrlculDebility. Premature Decline in Man. Errors ture, and evil In its d rift te turn the to mr,rket and sold, he found a. vary lively hair, of unusu11ol thickness, aoa.rooly hides of Youtb, and the untold misllries resulting minds of eur young men from o.grlonltural rattlean1J1ke In the hay, and ln the serpent even ene white thread, Hie life la one ef from indiscretion or excesses, .A. book for ocoupa.tlons to the already everorowded he found two mea.dew meles stlll a!lve and conebnt trial, research, work, a.nd public every man, young, midrlle-aged and old. Jt benefa.otlon, Day; month, a.nd year his contains 125 prescriptions for all acute and prefeeeional and mercimtile channels. kicking. Teoo,Hlgglns ef Spirit Lake, Ia., had a. aervioes are given gratnitoualy to the peochronic diseases, each one of which is invalua- We oa.n not call thle; talk Harchy, but It le ble. So fount! by Author, whose experience extremely detrimenta.l to the beat interests sunstroke the other day, His brethcr ple; rich and pear fare alike a t his kindly for 25 years is auoh as probably never belore bands, a.nd If he had milliem, a.II wenld be New and lines oC Gent's Fu1·nishing·s. ' fell to the lot of 11.n y physician. 300 pages. of our laborivg clement, To my mind the started for the doctor In a hurry, and the apent in doing goed. He gives on an averbovnd in beautiful French muslin, embos3ed preapecUI of farmers' boys were never so en· horse he rode stumbled, threw tlle boy over covers, full gilt, gu,.ro.nteed to be a finer work tiolng aa now. Years age, comparatively ~h heo.?, and stepped on hie cheot, infl. !Ct· sixteen heura o. day of his time to his in every sense than any other work sold in this few, a. boy was e:xpeoted to toil from before mg hiJ ulee from whloh he will probs.bly work and his It seems enormous Cuffs~ country for $2.50, or the money will be refunded yet it ls net an oxaggeratlen, Thia, toe, , in every instance, Price only $1 by mail, post- da.wn till after dark, with only time ta die. WITHOUT RECOMP ENSE ~hors~ owned In Springfield, Ill., chckod baid, JllnstrativeR Pamnle free to any body. pa.rtakeof his, Even then to aek for Send now. Gold medal a warded the author by a. horse would have been all lile day wa.11 while ea.tmg corn. he ownerthrust a. whip for the moment. The wonder le hew hla the National Medical Aesociation. to the Pre- worth. Mind, I do not Intend to say this stock down the horse's threat _ The V-Highest prices paid for Raw Furs. te remove the own health ca.n sta.nd such a strain 16. sident of which. the Hon. P. A. Bissell, and associate officers of the Boo.rd the reader iB was true in a.11 oa."ee, bu~ a ma.jority were obetruotlai;i, and the harae bit the stook fn demands upon his time, the responeibllitles eo, Now It is different. Houses are made two, leaving a foot er more of It In hie of his ponltien so great, the trials and il'espect!nlly refferred. 'J.'he Science of Life is worth more to the bright by the organ or ether musical in· throat. A horse doctor oi me and Worries a ttending it are Bnoh that at hie young and middle-aged men of this generation strument. Good bnoka and papers come out tne muoh obstructed channel. 111.borat orles his fe.odl wears an a.lmoat ha.bit· shan all the gold mines of California and the They tell of a oforgyma n In Lynn who ual expression of perplexity and eo.dnesa. I t silver 1 .n ines of Nevada combined.- S. F. Into the house to iii developing t he in· Chronicle. ..; tellectua.l fac1·ltl~a and oultlva.tlng the hired out to s. church at a nominal salary seems to say :-"Even I aca.rcely knew 1'he Sclence of Ufe points out the rocks and where to turn or what to de," and yet he -DEALER INquicksands on which the oonstitution andbopee mind, Holidays more plentiful, and 11f . $4,000, al!>rooing privately to make the le ever there, constant, rea.dy, cheerful, of many a younl? man hn.'ve .b een taitally machinery ha.vlng succeeded han d on church a present of $1,000 of it, A cens;ires;ia· a.nd patient. I would advise any on e the farm In so large a degree, the buy'e tlon In Ounncetiout heard of the $4,000 wrecked.- Ma nchestm· Mirror. · 'l.'he Science of Life is of greater value tha.n life Is rendered far easier. preacher, t huught he must be extra. g ood, cemlng to P<>rla, If they wish to aaaiat at a all the medical works im blished in thisoonntry Oue who oan ba wllling to be content offered him $4,500, and got him. Then the ucene which they will remember fer a lifetor the past 50 yeara.-Atlanta Oon.«titutfon. time, t o p ay a vhlt one mornin11 at ha.If ~e Science of Lite is a supei·b and masterly with a fair return fer his labor is batter Lynn people understood why he pretended ;10 Ne. 14 Rne Vanquelln. Vulg1 u tre.i.tiae on nervous and physical cdebility.- situated t o obtain a geed tivlng thv.n ever b.IB safary wa.s $4, 000, Detr oit Free Press. before. True, preduoe 1~ much lower in Ra.lph, a. six-year-old In an E~at India onrieslty atops ~fore the speot11ocle of such There is no member of society to whom the Individual humanity, courage and greatneas. Science of Life will not be useful, whether price, but proviaions are reducad in a oor· ml88ionary'I! fB.mlly, was much impressed As Dt, Pa.steur bid me gsod-by, a.ud as ;i.outh, parent; 11;uardian, instructor or clergy. responcllng ratio. Transpnrts.tlon charges with recent diacloaurea of theft by native mo.n.--Argonaut. are hardly a tithe of the former oust of oen· servants. After one of these domestic aen- he let me out of the little Bide door, I said Address the Peabodv Medical 1Mtitute, or to him:Dr.W. H.Parker, No. 4 Bulfbich Street, Boston veyanoe, a.nd the medoe of o..rr yfog ta- ,aa.tlona, he Indirectly confessed to same " Yon sheuld be the happiest man on Mass., who may be consultee!. on all diseases gether with the posslbillty of securing da.lly peoot\dilloea of his own, by this codicil to his requiring skill and experience. Chronic and market reports ha.vo praot!cally pla~cd the usual nli;:htly petitions : "And please God, earth when you think of all the good you de." obstinate diseases that have baftied tLe skill of all other physicians a speoio.lty. Such market· at eur very doors, ImpNved give me clean ha.nds and a pure heart, and " I a.m afraid human nature is muoh the treated successfully without an instance of methods of farming have dene a vast amount don't let me etea.l anybody's thiags or take same," he replied, sa.dlJ l " we never think failure. Mention S'l'A'l'ESMAN, Bowmanville, to ad;;anoe the oanee of agrloultnre. In the monkey's pea.nuts." l7·Y· Ontario. any produ?t fer aur market· it muet From Sa.m Jones' permon In Kansas City: o ; our good fortunes, but e.lways of our misbe bome in mmd tha.t only first·olaie I not chiiwsd tobacco alnoe I left Chi· fortunes, I a.las feel and only produce can o9mmo.nd first-class prices, It cago. If I had done everythhig I am ac· what I am mu~ble to accomplish," will not de to put up butter In ill-looking oused of I ought to be In the penitentiary. I packs.gee, er to send you;:- eggs unless per- am a great deal like the mau who w11o11 met .Entertaininir the Egyptians. feotly fre1h, Fruit a.nd ve~eta.bles muet by a blend who said: "Wny1 I heard yon Mr, James, in the " Wild Tribea of the be assorted and neatly packed, beef and were dead," "Yes, I heard so, too, but I s~mdan, " gives the following description ef perk must be fattened Ina auperlor manner. did not believe It." ·When I hear thiese a maglo-iantern enterta.inment given by him Have a 11ta.ndard and keep e.11 the produce storiee I don't get mad, but If they to a crowd of the na.tivea, which mnat have up te tha.t eta.nda.rd, ,and your pro~peots true I feel so had that they are ttne tna.t I been quite ae amusing t o the exhibitor aa to as bright to-day as they we·ld have can't get miid, a.nd if they are lies I am eo the audience :-On one ocoaalon we exhibited been fifty years e.g'.:__ glad they are lies I can't get mad. the magicla.ntern to the Intense delight of Anstralfa Is again Jn the fiold with a a le.r ge crowd who came after d inner on purPreserve Your Sight. l'ractical Poultry. world's fa.Ir, which she han appointed for poiSe ta see it, and liad never seen a.nythiog U se F . LAZARUS' (late or thetlrm of Lazar· Rice la excellent to feed te young, grow- nex ~ Jane at Adelaide, It might been so wonderful before. We worked the lo.n· us & Morris,) Renowned Spectacles and Eye- ing ohloks, and is not very expensive, auppoaed tha.t with her double dose of Inter· tern from t he inside of a. tent, with 1~ mhoet Glasses, They are the best iu the world. They. never tire the eye, and last many years with· Ducks, after commencing to lay, drop nat ional exhibitions lees than seven yea.ra hung In front of the door. \ Ve always com· out change. For sale by Kenner & Co. Bow· one egg very regula.rly evory 24 hours, al· !\go, when she held one a.t Sidney i n 1879 menced the ehew by a d isplay of pedrait~ manville. 6-if. most mvaria.bly after nl2ht. .een and l'rlnca of W ale& ; t hese a.nd another at Melbour ne In 1880, she of the Q · If yeur young ohioks e.ppes.r droopy when would have h a.d for the present a surfeit of were bo ~h very popular, aud lnva.rla.bly re· abeut a week or ton days old, examine them. But t hese shews have oome fo be demanded. W e h ad b een careful, before them carefully under the wings and on t he a.lmast exohi:sively trade affairs, and Aue· leaving England , t e choose subj ~eta fer the head ; you will seen find the oo.use-lloe, tra.!1111 finds that onslnesa purpoees 'Will be slides t b&t we thought would interest t he Mi't a little sulph ur and la.rd t ogether and served by holcling u. fair In 1887, Doubt· people ; and their exhibit ion was alwaya apply te the2e points, Oao ap plica.tion is less American manufactnre11 wlli be well re· euccessfl11 Tne moat p opular oonsloted ef p rnsented, as before, In the a.ntlpadal ba· a series of animals found In Afric~, anch a.a uanaily sufficient t he lion, hippopotamus, elephant, &c. ; and If yenr hens lay soft shelled eglilB, give z~ar , A two-foot alllgator and two big artificial when we dieplayed a. repreeenta.tlen 'e f a. your fowls plenty of cinders, oyster shells, swans .are in a fountain bu.Bin in M acon, G~. man 6sc aping up a tree from a. orooedile, lime rubbish, eto S TAND :-Town H all Building, on.e door east Ont . Bank._ This aeason of the year Is a. good one te !'he et her day It wa.s notloed that the alll· with t ho hee.ut - epan&ng a nd 11hutting lta >(ator wu.11 not to be seen and that one of mouth , 1>.n d tryin11 te eelze him, they f&ldy sef13antam eggs."Those hatched In Sep· - - ""·------ - - tember and even autumn are, however, the swans seemed te be anchored clese to ahrleked with lr..nghter. Seme of the 11lde1 often the beat, as the lateness of the se11o1on t he founta.ln. Investigation showed that repreeent ed the Snex Oo.nal, English scenes, some beyJli had tied the alllga.tor to the swan oaravaus in the desert, African villages, tends to keep down the size, We have all the best grades of Is the poultry bualneu overdone? Daes to sea him drag It round the basin, and that &o. l and all these were expla.lned to them VETERINARY SURGE0?1, In A rabia, to their intenae delight, while the 'gator had wonnd himself up around this, from a trades paper, Indicate such a the fenntain and c1mld not oeme to the sur· the Arable wae translated Into their own ata.te of affa.lrs? " About fortv million dozen inere egga are needed in America face; and not only that, but had wound ~he tongue fer the benefit ef those that did not that is manufactured. atrlng tightly around hie mouth. When nndereta.nd that ~anguage. As 111 termination this year than are suppllad by our fowls ; eo we will to send across the water rele~aed he shewed groa.t plea.sure, openlug to the entertainment we sent up ene or t wo We have in stock all kinds of General Groceries, Coarse and Fine Salt his jil.WS to their fnll extent, lashing the reokets and lighted a · Bengal light or two, ftr the deficiency," Always have a tight roof to your chicken water with his ta.II, a.nd b.i.rkillg liko a by which time our reputa.tlon ae wonderful American and Canadian Coal Oil, Bran, Short s, Oats and Chicke~ magiola.rui was fairly eeta.bllahed among Feed, Crockery and Glassware, F resh and Cured Meats, Sausages and coops ; celd rains very destructive to doJZ, In Almonte, druggie ts . ara allowed to sell them. As a hint that the show was· over yonng ohloks, Lard of his own make and rendering. Life-time experience in t he K eep young chicks growing steadily ; but one gll.llon of whiskey a.t a time, Know- and it was time for the crowd to retire, we hit upen the expedient of oendnotlng the Meat Department enables us t o' supply a quality unequalled. ing this ta.ot, a. thlnty man went tea drug de·not fe.ed them tee much at a time, but feed thom often, a.nd with good, nour ishing otore with a two.gallon jug and a~ked to sheik by ·the light of a. Bengal light to hie The Grocery Department, under the supervision of Mr. J ohn Allin, is it filled, Tile druggl1t ea.Id that he horae, which was waltln11 fer him eut·lde ef food, The result was a moat happy of the very best quality. No trash or poor goods k ept in stock, deals Those udng brooders should exercise oouldn't sell but a. 11allen, The man sa.ld onr zueba. grea.t o' o.bont getting them too warm ; he must have two ge.llone, and If the druf one ; a ver itable stampede toek place, and only in t he best goods, wh ich will be sold at the lowest possible prices. the heated a.nd rtilo.xed chicken runs out In· gist would put one gallon In tho jug, he d the oamp wa.s In less than five mlnYour patronage will be t hankfully received. to the cold aud gets ef tho t ry and get the other at some other stare, ute11, .~~ Thie Wl\9 done, Soon the man returned Goods delivered to parts of the t own on short notice · .Honorary Graduate of the Ontario '"eterinary lung11. · A Strange Seot of Italian Robbers. chicken houses at least and said the other drnggist wouldn't sell College; Toronto. Registered member of the A call solicited, Clean out your the ether g:i,llon, The man seemed sa.d, Ontario VeteriQary Association, in accordance Tb.e capture of a brigand near Roochlg . once a week, with the Veterinary Act, Oae g11llen was no use to him ; would the Is prepared to treat a.JI diseases or the Dom· druggist k indly take It back and let nlm llere, a hamlet situated in a remote part ef Caslt Cor Butte1·, Eggs, Hides, Tallow, Bee1, Po1·k and estic Animals, according to the latest theoriee. Thinning Root Orops. h rwe hill money? The druggist would, and the Cala.brian highlands, has revea.led the exall Farm Produce. .A.JI calls personally, by TelegFaph or 'l'ele· It mav seem sometimes a ha.rd thing to did. But he didn't take back the whiskey istence In that region of an extensive s~.ot, phone will receive prompt attention. C. M. CAWKER, SOFFICE-Main St., Orono, one door north of do to pull np promlelng plants and tnrew after a.ll, F er the man ha.d not been to an- remarkable alike for the wildness of Its t enW. Henry's Store. them away, and a farmer is thus tempted other etere, but to a. convenient plaoe where ets a.nd the nefa.rieua character of Its prac· JOHN .ALLIN. CHARGES MODERATE; to permit the roots to etand too cleae In he teok ent a big half of the g!!ollon el whis- tlces. Its head is an ei:-aergee.nt, Gabriel - - - -- - - --- the rows. But It ls indlspemable te suocess key and r eph.oed lt with water. He then Donniol, who claims te be the Deity, and that the plants have plenty of r oom. returned the whiskey and wa.ter to the represents the Advent as still to oeme, During the last five y ears he has been or· La.rgereets weighing ten to sixteen p9unds ebllging druggist. ganfalng this seotwhlch comprises nearly all cannot be grown at less than sixteen inohee the "mall farmers a.nd shepherds of the a.part, and elghtE en Inches Is better still. An Expert in Human Hair. dlstrlot, His gospel 1eem1 to be a sort of At this dleta.noe, with full raws, there will cemmunlsm of ihe \.lowe1t and moat aenaua.l Having p u r chased t h e H arness b usiness· lately car ried on by Mrs. H U MPHREY.. Mme, Shaw is an expa1t In human hair be forty-nine tens to the acre. At half tho type. The clande1tine meeting of the aeo' hope by careful a tten ti on to b usiness, good wor kman ship, and fir st class . dlat.ance the roots ma.y only average three She studied the subject. material, t o sec ure a share of p ublic p at ronag e. W e have in "Ab," mi.Id she, "why la It yeu la.dies of are alleged to be marked by orgies a.nd ob· pounds, ma.king only little mere than Aoene rites, reoalllng the worst features of et ock a nd are manufacturing a lar ge amo unt of twenty·nlne tens to the acre, The same Now Yerk, and the Amerio11on women gener· Orlenhl paganism, Donnlci'a own slster·iu· to corn, fer all plante need 11bnnd· e.lly, are ae careless about your ha.Ir, ani H a.nt feeding !pa.ce for the roots, a.nd must yon lost it, why se eoanomlca.l in pnr· ll\W, for r efusing to conform to these pracchasfog this adornment ? Yon do net heel· tices, was abut up in a cave and left there not be orowded much. · t1J1te In giving ten, twenty or more dellan to die. Thia nearly led to the breaking up for 'a lave of a bennet,' but wlll hesitate In ()f the community, aa Donnici a.Pd his fol· Collars a specia lty . W e int end tha t the r eputa.tion H u mph rey's Collars have gained Thrice Round the Globe. buylDg the utlstlo arrangements in hair lowers were arrested a.nd tried far murder ; shall be fully sustained. We ar e p r epared to fur.nish r esponsible parties The ocean stea.mer, Tonqariro, belonging made te eupply nature's defects, and that but owing to the lmpoeslbility of procuring Collars on a pprobat ion . We guarante e satisfaction or n o sal e. wltnes~ ee against them, they were acquitto the New Zealand Shipping Oompa.ny, has are 110 essentially ncoeti1111ory fer your good te1 1, We also keep in stock a full line of good s u sually found finished her third vey11ge round the world appearance. " The sect has D9W been brAoght :· n to fuller in a first class h arness shop, com.prising In a single yeM', Her " round trip," whio "That la a novel ldelll1 " said the reporter, .,notice b y t he capture el Serafbe b n ne, one ls reund In a literal sense, ls from London "but doubtless you are correct. Tell me - : POSITIVELY CURES : to New Zealand through the Suez, why we lose our hair while young and other· of its leacilng members, er salnta, ae they are ETC~ styled, Thie wor thy, after murdering 8. or a.round the of Good Hope, a.nd wise hearty." homo a11a!n by way of Oape Horn, "Oh, for many rea.sens, Flra~, you do doctor, beteok himself last April to the See onr '.Bull Bon e Whips- s ome thing new. W e h a ve a lso in stock On her maiden voyage nhe left Plymouth, net take proper care of it. Foreign women woods, and with the conolvanoe of his cc· England, en October 29. 1883, and reaohed of all classes w11osb, comb and brush their telfglonlsts fhurlahed there as a highwa.y Por~ Chalmers, New Zealand, by way of .hair fnquently, 'l'ake a praotloal lllu9tra· rebber. Tbe rollco having failed to traok him, Bruno was arrested the other day by a Oape Town, on December llbh. She wa· tlen. Mrs. Blank notices that the tails of baok again at Plymouth, by way of Rio her oarriage hones grow shorter and thinner local landowner, Oount Cenversano, His captur e oooaaioned great demonstratlene of for Horses and Oattle, a. s u r e cure for bru ises, sp rains, cuts, an d sores of all kinds. Janeiro, on the 8th of Febmary. She re· everydayand~aks J1Jbn the reason forlt. He S hop-Sign of t he B ig Collar. 17-3m turned from her sooend trip en the 11th of professe& not to knew. She then goe1 to grief at Bocchigllere, wher e hundreds of men and women hnng about thla precious Juue, and from her third 9 n the 9;h of the dea.ler from whom 2h'\l purchased the saint a.nd kllll<led him rapturously, Octeber, making the three veya.gos In horses. He qulokly replies, 'It le because twenty da.ys !eBS than a year, your ceuhma.n neglectq t o wash, out, comb Pianos Tuned and Repaired. This time inoluaes all detentions in port, and trim their tails," How the Apaohes Liva and Ride· The time actually occupied by the three "Sa," says m:idame, "it la gross neglect ARTIES WI SH I N G THErnPIAN OS .A few Boxes Will cure a ny case cf :Dys· that le, her steaming time-was wlth you ladles. Yau give more attention An Ape.che will ride a horse down, kill the 'l'uned or repa ir ed can ha.Te t horn a tt ended J.!Opeia, e!.Jnply by taking One 1'ill every leo2 ~ban two hundred and forty days. ta any other part of your persen tha.n the 11t1lme.l, a nd cut ac largoa a piece) of meat out 0 by leaving word , at tho DOMINION ORGAN night on retiring. They d o not loso theh' Thus It Is cleinly peseible to make the cir · locks which should be yeur orown of b eauty, of him a.a he cau conveniently carry, ~tea.I a. Co's OirFICE, Bowmanville A firat-clas man F or cos t of a dvertisin g in· any p aper or eft'ect like other l'Uls. l list o f papers puii li sl1ed in the r nite(l oult of the glebe-not only of the eastern And yeu are in a hurry ; yeu hne so ma.ny fresh home, and IJUr~ue hils j ~urney. H e ~ow beini>: in their mvlo r. will ride t he fresh horse until it can carry Stat es o r Cn.nacl::i, scrn <l to the A D VEll'l'lSand western, but of the northern a.nd distractions, Y our m1*thers and women - ·- him no farther and his 1upply of meu.t from I NG A GENCY of EDWIN AL.lJBN &; BRO. , out hern hemispheres-In eighty da.ys. I t twloo your have many of them lur.uria.nt hie hene Is exhausted, and, then kill . B .&'. $l OO m $ 5 0 0 · 0 0 F1ve oxes 10r . , . Is a little q ueer that the outward and the hair, for when they were young it was still 25 Cents per Box. ~i n c huil at i~h.1New Y o rk, Cor·. , 5 th&; Vhie Sts., 'I 140 N assau, Street. TH I RTY PILLS IN A eox. return v oyages are almost exactly of r quaL the cuetom t e bruah the ha ir a.t nigl:it and the steed and st eal a new one, a.s before, The government scouti are Apaches, wh o are al*** Our " Ncwspape1 · C o111 hinn.tio11s,,, a book of length, The averageeteamlng t hne t o New [wash the soa.lp frequently. Ladfos oover lowe d a ll the ammunition they want, They, . 150 pages, contai ni ng prices of ndvc rt.ii:ri n g , ful' ·~"SOLD BY A L L DRUGGIST S. Zealand was ferty-ene days ; t ho average t heir bald he~de, b ut if they d id no~ wha.t a. ef conree, st and In with these on the war 8 inst r uctions, etc ., sent on reccivt of10c. Our " A m.. homeward, on t he other aide ol: the globe, droll sl§bt any erdl_ na.ry audience would N ew spaper C at:i_Jog-uc' '. co r~tal n iug_ names of every ,AI and supply t hem with cartridges, In ne wspaper published ln tnc U . ;:, , a nd C a nada. was t hirty-nln ' days. The longer p l saag e present. - l h w York Journal, this way they enabled t o k eep up the Q V E will pay the above ~oward for any s ent on r eceipt of price , $1.50. E stimates free... was ' bat. which was mmide by way of t he ..-... -·-- ~ war. When the eoou h areJ dlech iirged t hey oase of Dyspepsla,_L1ver Complaint, Sue Canal. " Will you please give me a dime," said return to the re!ervatlon and there break out I Sick Headache, l'n.digestion or Costiveness __ a t ramp, " I'm blind. " " You can see out we c a11Dot . Cure With WEST'S LIVER of ene eye as well as I oan," replied the themselves, PILLS, when the Direction s are strictly He (on horseback): " Shall we take tho gentleman importuned, " Yon are only · compllecl With. Large Boxes, contatnmg , highw.i.y home ?... Sho : " No l I would p re- half bllnd," " Then glve me half a. dime," Gen. Sherman, ef the Amerioa.n r.rmy, wlll . 80 Pills 25 cents· 5 Boxell ,1 oo s 0 14 visit V ctorla, B, O., ehertlv, I ' ' · · fer t he bridal path, I think," said the tr11omp, " by aU l>ruggteias, ~aundhtu ==-= ~=-- Jtattlinnnt. THE FAI~M. THE WORLD OVER.· A UNJVERSAL BENEFACTOR. KEEPING to tho FRONT I MAYER Silk, Drab, Shell, Woodrow's and Christie's Stiff :a: ATS., Also Fine English, Canadian & Ameri~( can Fur and Wool Hats. Manilla and Straw Hats, all kinds and prices~ Shirts, Ties, Collars, Handk'fs, . Gloves,, Urnbrellas, Rubber Coats, etc. F. H. .MA S 0 11', Saw Mill Machinery, 'L. D. S.' Engines, 'Peerless' and 'Grain Saver' Separators, Watson's Deering Binders, Iron Clad Mowers, Sulky Rakes, Bain Wagons, Cultivators, Harrows, Seeders, Scufflers, Single Sulky and Gang Plows, Honey Fanning Mills, Chaff Cutters, Turnip Slicers, Root Pulpers, Hay Loaders, Crushers, Grinders, Tedders & Forks, Warerooms---King St., Bow:lflanv111e. Repairs for L. D'. Sawyer and Noxon. DUN.N'S B INC THE COOK'S BEST FRlEND POWDER JOHN SPENCER, Grocers, B utchers and Provision Merch an ts. A complete stock always on hand. ·an WORLD'S BEST I WEST'S ~LIVER - -----· ..... PILLS LIGHT AND HEAVY HARNESS.. DYSPEPSIA, SICK HEADACHE, LIVER COMPLAINT, INDIGESTION. BLANKETS, ROBES, RUGS, HORSE COVERS, WHIPSJ BRUSHES, ELLIMAN'S ROYAL EMBROCATION P [~win AMen &B m . g Ew ARD ' John C. West & Co. ____,. PROPRIETORS, ....... ! MvertisingA g ency. TORONTO.

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