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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Aug 1886, p. 5

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· l!j!-fRUIT JiiicE: PURE and undiluted full 11tren(lth. WHOLESOME Purifies the blood, and aids digestion. DOMINICA REFRESHING Toaea up the system. FRUITY and rich in flavor. COOLING Just the drink for warm weather. In ordering, apeci!iy DOMINICA, and don't be put off with any imitations. BEFINED EXPRESSIJY FOR Lyman Sons & Co., . 1\1.l"C>NTR.EA.X..., For sale by STOTT & JURY. A liberal discount .to the trade. No -Y-- charge for cases. - - FOR- - 2 B ·OEN"'TS YOU CAN BUY A Shaving Mug and Brush; or A Hair Brush and Mirror, or A Puff and Toilet Box, or A Good Hair Brush and Oomb, or Six Good Combs, or Book. · A Good Hair Brush and a Cake On Sabbath next the Rev. Dr. Fraser, of Soap. of Barrie, father of the Rev.R. D. Fraser, - Ca.11 and see the- Many take less care of conscience than their reputation. Shaw & Tole's is the place to get a McLaughlin .Buggy. Mr. W . Alexander, of Winnipeg, was in town this week. Mr. David Stott, has returned from his visit to .British Columbia. Mrs. Louis Bennett, of Napanee, has been on a visit to friends here. Buy 3 lbs. of Li-Quor Tea at Levi Morris' and get a $1.00 book free. Mrs. Thos . Symmona, of Toronto, has been visiting at Mr. Jas. Morris'. For a magnificent choice of Hosiery, Gloves, &c., call at the Star House. The estimated value of the United States annual hay crop is $400,000,000, Dr. Potter, OIHca and Residence in Prower's Block, King-st., Bowm:mville. Mr. A. Barber, Model School Master, Cobourg, has been in town for a few daye, The harvest throughout Europe is estimated at 10 per cent less than last year. KEEP oooL-your choice of 10 doz fine straw hats at 50c. See Star House advt. Full line of artists materials-tubes, brushes, po.Hottes, etc., at S. S. Edsall's, Messrs. Ryse Fairbairn and Kirk Perry, of Toronto, were in town over Sunday. The Misses Jessie and Edith Jones, of Toronto, are visiting at Mr. J. Adams', Wellington-st. Messrs. J. C. Bond and W. Dustan left on M onday for a two weeks outing on the back lakes. Mr. F. F. M cArthur and Miss Ida McArthur returned from their trip to the sea~ide, on Saturday last. FARMERR.- Take your wool to J ohn Lyle and g·.t the highest market price. Don't sell till you see him. Mr. and Mrs. W , Holland, of Toronto, and Mr. G. Locke, of Emerson, Manitoba, are guests at Mrs. Holland's. · If you want the best value in lace curtains, at the lowest prices, go to Robertson & Bond's, Beaver Block. L. Geo. Quick has a new machine for making evetroughs that wont leak. It makes the le ngth six feet long. BOATS TO HIRE.- Twogood boats to hire. .Apply to Geo. H:. Buxton at the Organ Factory, or at his r esidence King-st. Stocki11gs for little girls should be black, dark blue or dark brown, no matter what tha color of the frock . -Godey's Lady's The High and P ublic Schools open on Monday next. · Tucker's Soverign Balm for sale at Stott & Jury's. Plow points and landshares of all kinds at Shaw & Tole's. Only 35 cents for STATESMAN to new subscribers to end of 188G. Lybster shirtings the best, a full range, only at the Star House . Miss Alice Christie, of Montreal, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Rd. Shaw. Farmers can save ten cents an acre by buyiug their twine of Shaw & Tole. Full lines of artists' materials-tubes, brushes, pallettes, etc., at S. S. Edsall's. Mr. and Mrs. Belding, Mast er Belding and Miss Nichols, of Barrie, are visiting at Mrs. H. Nichols'. Mr. George Wilson, of the Port Hope Guide, and party, returned home from England on Saturday last. 4 pieces tme new worsted coatings, beautifully finished goods. Gentl"men, if you want a suit, see them at T . Geo. Mason's, Star House. FAitMEns, -McClellan~& Co. have now on hand a large quantity of ibalt and Plaster and for sale in quantities to suit purchasers. Notwithstanding the recent advance in silks, you can still buy all colors and all qualities at the old prices at Couch, John~ ston & Cryderman's. H OUSES WANTEn. - I want to buy a lot ofJ arge, heavy horses ; also fillies from one to fonr ye~rs old. Address, ETEPHEN Co1Tos, Bowmanville. FIVE Silks and imported wool goods have advanced from 15 to 25 per cent. ·-· Our purchases for fall were placed early at the lowest prices ever known. If you want goods this season Large quantities of fall goods are now arriving, many luxurious lines at low prices. it will pay you to buy early. Our stock never contained so many attractive bargains before. . We mean death to high .prices and a razors edge for competitors to walk on. Prices never so low. The widest range for selection. Stock never so large. The latest styles to choose from Silk prom ises to be in greater favor than for years, especially good grades of black silk, faille, satin duchess, shadames, and those with a high lustre. We will . save you money. 2 Be. Bargains AT- STOTT &JURY'S MEDICAL HALL. I ...............,,........"'"-'..... ,-..,,.,...._,_..._. ________ ...._..... _,.._,............ ~ ...............,...._...... -... ...._,-. - . . BowM.&.NVILLE, FRID.A.Y, Auo. 27. Local and Otherw1se. Dress, speech anc:l manner, reveal the man's character. Ease with propriety is the foundation of t rue elegance. N Ew, Nlilw- blaclk and colored braided jerseys at the Star House. Lovely Braided Jerseys from 1.25 up at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's The Clarke Agricultural Fall Fair will b e held at Orono on Friday and Saturday, Sept. 24th and 25th. To whom it may concern: this is to certify, that Robertson & Bond are selling the cheap~st gooris in town. Order D oors, Sashes, Blinds, Picket~, · etc., at Morris' Planing Factory, Liberty ehreet, R. H. Osborne, leasee. The average yield of the Manitoba wheat crop is estimated at between sixt een an<l seventeen bushels to t he acre. Since the sinking of the steamer Passport, the Spartan has taken her place on the line b etween Montreal and Toronto. J. R. Bradley's Spring P ad for single and do~~ble ham ess gives e ntire satisfaction. No horse will have a sore back where they are used. The Whitby Gazette has been enlarged to an eight-page six-column paper and is now the largest local sheet in Ontario Co. During the past year, under Mr. S. M. N ewton's management, it has greatly improved. A memorial asking t he Dominion Goy .. ermnent to p;raut lands and medals to those volunteers who served during the Fenian R aids of 1866 ancl 1870, is being numerously signed in various parts of the D ominion. The Chatham Banner says that one of the most peculiar of t.hti results of en forcing the Scott .Act is the loss of taste which it has inflicted on many good j udges of liquor, who t ake the witness s tand, k iss the book, and arnw themselves unable t o distinguish whisk ey from ginger beer, soda water or cronk. The universal opinion of all who have tried it, is t hat the STATESMAN is the best local paper they know of. All agree that no matter how far they, are away from home if tl,ey can get ·the STATES~fAN it k eeps them thoroughly posted on everythinr' that transpires in t his part of the coun t ry. If you have an absent r elat ive or friend, send it to them for the balance -0f this yea1 · on a trial trip. 30 cts. pays t he bill. We call attention to Couch, J olmston & Cryderman's new a<l. in . this issue. This fii'm p tj,ve always made it a r ule to clear 0 11-t ·~heir stock at the end of each season and they are de termined that this season' shall be no exception. They have already bought a farge amoui:it of goods in Eno-land for the fall and ·Winter trade, and t~ make room for them, will sell all kinds of summer goods a t prices which m m1t command a ready sale. I ,01V'S SIJLPlllJR SOAP slrnul Ile fOmul ·wtth every toilet. It l s elenuslug 1·11<1 heal· 111g. of this town, will conduct the services in St. Paul's church. The many friends of Mr.. W. Chaplin, Newcastle, will be pleased to hear that he is recovering, though slowly, from the effects of his recent accident. Messrs. Jas. and Robert Beith and Dr. B eith arrived ·home from England last week, accompanied by Mr. W . Murdoch, a former resident of this town. - -""""""'"- :J.\1r. Drummond,, of Newcastle, will reach i n the mornmg and R ev. E . Roberts, in the evening, in the Queen-st. Methodist church on Sunday next. All, ar9 welcome. A splendid four-colored, three-shee,t poster, fr~sh from the press of the Lin1!!ay Post, is to hand, announcing t e fourth grand Central Fair to be held t Lindsay on- Sept. 28th, 29th and 30th. Out of 1635 Canadian entries at th Colonial Exhibition, Ontario has 580 · Quebec, 400 ; Nova Scotia, 220; Ne Brunswick, 120 ; Manitoba, the Northwest, an<l British Columbia, 190 ; and Prince Edward I sland, 95. These are exclusive of the Government exhibits. On account of Mrs. H umphrey having sold her lot on winch we have a large quantity of wood stored, we are compelled to remove it, and to save twice handling, will sell for the n ext fifteen days at the follo.vinl;{ priccs:- B est Hard Wood, $4.60; Cull, $3.50 ; Limbs, $2.50, dried . McCLELLAN & Co. 35-2w. The following teachers, well known hero, were successful at the recent examinations for 1st class certificates. Albert O'Dell, Orono, r eceiving 1st class C. ; R. B. 'Vat,oo, Courtice, 1st B., and John Stirling, Bensfort, lst class C. and also 1st class A. We congratulate them on their success. As will be seen by announcement in another column, a change !ms been made in t he firm , late McClung & Co., Mess1 ·s. John McClung and Thos. Bingham being now the leadinU' partners . The new firm have been makin g extensive purchases and cordially invite the public to ~me a nd inspect their stock. Mias MaryE. Seymour and Master Jos. Seymour, son and daughtc 1 r of the Rev. J. C. Seymour, of Thomasburg, are visiting their uncle, Mr. W. II. W illiams, \Ve notice by the Concession street. G11.c irdian that Miss Seymour, wl10 lias been attending Albert College, gained the Profes:iors prize in the pianoforte course for the second year ; als0 the Richarcilson prize for proficiency at the preliminary examinations to th.e Collegiate course. The hot weath er or somethiog else seems L O have in some way effected :;i, number of our correspondents during the past few week e, so that they have not sent their week ly budgets. .We know it is ver y hard work to write when th weather is so warm but then you kno1 people like to read the news and we hop and expect, after the deserved and earne rest you have been enjoyin g, that you wi 1 resu me your bbor with r enewed vigor. The W est End House is bound to b · ahead if appearances go for anytlnn!!', an ~ we think they do. 'fhey are getting in lots of good s for the Fall trade which were all bought before the rise in tl:le price of W ool g ..ods. They li" ve p.·tid partictilar v " attention to the buyin a of their !!'oods 0 lookinrr out for the n ewest and ~most o fashionable goods as well a3 seeing that the prices are right ; you will be a ble to get good goods at reasonable p rices we feel satisfied of that. They intend making a speciality of dress goods and mantIe cloth. Having bought large quantities in both of these lines you will have the a d van t age o f a Iarge assort moin t t o ch oose fr?m an d all. the newest styles 1 of t~im~mgsto matchthe goods. fa il to ) give Mr. M cMurtry a call and m spect for yourself. W. Hazzlewood, ltaglan, Ont. Licensed Auctioneer for the township of Darlington. All orders for mies in this vicinity, left with F. H . Mason, Bow- THE STAR HOUSE, manville, will receive prompt attent ion . East Shop in N eads' New Block. 34-tf. - French cashmeres promise to be very popular, and v~ ry generally snwoth-surLadies, it will be to your advantage to 1VILLIA.JI 1VIGHT. N tw '.llouerthmnentg. faced goods will prevail. Black, dark inspect our millintiry before making your ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the green, blne and brown are the favorite purchases. Robertson & Bond. County nf Durham. .All sales will receive OOD SERVANT WANTED for colors. - Gudey's L cidy's Book. I uusION OF 'fHE SENSES : and other general house work. Apply to MUS. P. prompt attention. Address :-Tyrone P. O, 28:Gm 32-tf, HAUVEST HOllrn. -A large public picnic Essays, by Richard A. Proctor. Price MURDOCH. SHA. W ~t TOLE, will be held at Ira P earce's grove, L ot 26, 15 cents, by mail. J. Fitzgerald, Pub U RENT. -The J oli farm, lot 16, 4th Base Line, Darlington, 0 11 Saturday Sept. -ishers, 108 Chambers St., N. Y. ICENSED AUCTIONEERS for t he con. Darlington. J<'or particulars apply to County of Durham. All salP.s will receive 4th. Base ball and other sports will be W. F . ALLIN, ESQ., at l\foMurtrys' store, Bow prompt attention. .\ddress :- Bowmanville, P ersons wishing to borrow money on m~~~ eDgaged in and a first cbss band will be ~~ Ont. in attendance. Everyo110 is invited to farm security ca.n be accommodated with any amount on i~pplication to the STATES- ]~ARM FOR SALE OR TO REN 'f.- ' FOR SALE.-A 'fhreshing Machine come and brin!{ their baskets. MAN office, at lowest rates of inter est. tf. Being front hair or Lot 9. Con. l, Manvers. nearly new, :Morris & Watts, Manufac~ For terms apply to W . s. PICK1J P, Millbrook. !urers. cleans grain fit for market, bags it up; Barbed, ribbon, plain and · annealed The Ventral Fair to be held at Port 3Hw. 1s also a. Jlrst-class pea thrPsher. The machine wire a full stock at bed rock prices at S . Perrv, is now an assured snocess. The ' · is in gnod renair and will be sold cheap for S . Edsall's. .ty (-,f T oronto, with its ·tsual liberalit_ v, .· TIMBEH. Ic'OR SALE. -All the stand- cH.sl1 . l!'or terms apply to JonN MARSHALL, Ci ing timiJer on Lot6. Con. I, Manvers, for Hampton, or to this ·office. 32-tf FINE ART.- A life sized crayon drawing, has donated about $700 i11 stock and· s<ile. For terms apply, if by letter, to GEo. w. of Lieut. W. S. Russel, has just heen special· prizes. GIL DANK, Pontypool, or persona.Uy at Lot 18. AC R E FA RM FOR SALE . . . M . , Con. 10, Clarke. 32-3w. ,. OR TO IlEN"'l'.- ReinR" Lots u finish ed at Henry's Photo St udio, King L11drns,m T111t & orrison s store you .... ···--------and. rn, Con. 10, Darlington, and having thereSt., and is re~lly a fine specimen of crayon can see the prettiest, ch eapest and best \ STRAYED in to my pre mises Lot 13 on: rlwelling-bous·, out-bniltlings, R"ood. well work. 'fhe likness is a striking oue :ind Fancy Window Shades e ver introduced Con. 7. Darlington. on or about August l~t'. of, ynnn g orchard. etc. It is situa.tecl r eflects great credit on Henry's skill. here their chcepness is most rem:ir.k l!) mileA from Bow1niinville, 3 miles from ble. a 1arge Black Hog. o wn_cr can have same bY abol!t 2, _' miles from Haydon and " m·1es · ·a 1 provUJg property and paymg expenses, PK'l'ER En01sk1llen, B " 1 'fhe picture which is ,encased in a very Call 'and see t hem. R o IIers,cormce po es WEtmY Tyrone. l-tt. from . urketon Station, the C. P. Railway 3 handsome and massive gold frame will be fixings for drawing, etc. , in stock. crossmg the rnrm. l<'or particulars apply to .. SAM'L WOOD LEY. 'I' r n P. O. - ....31Wot: . . - - - -on exhibition at tlie Studio for the n ext H.AUPl!llt's MA(l.AZ INE for Septembn F OR SALE.--: A quantit.v..J >L.Jllllll> . F AR .M FOR s .·LE. -Y.oJu,obl_ c_ f_a-rm few days a nd all who can should call and . · . " U · l St t CJ8.1'18on-ml:n Wheat, just threshed. Per, " a ,. follows up its recent mt ec a es sons wantint? Seed Wheat will tlnd it to their . of 70} acres for sale, being Jot 9. con. 5 East s e-i . Nii':y" article 1:,y a p"p er from t he 11·~ me "d"ant!Ul'e to call on MESSRS. J. & R. BnowN, Whitby. 'l'he fa.rm is w"ll watered, good soil,, · <:la.y bottom ; having ther~on a frame dwelling An alarm of fire wa s sounded on Wed- writH, R~ ar-Agmiral Simpson, on "Unit- , Lot 26, Con. 6. Clarke. ·tatue Or·cks .n,nd Navy. Yards." The . . house, good barn and other ont building8. II is nesday morning al1out half-pMt one, when ed "' " COLTS SALE T Bl k C lt ~itu.. ted 5 miles from Oshawa and within ~ 1 l'0.1:1 . - wo .ic . 0 s, mite of a cheeHe factory, blacksmith and carthtJ stable on Mr. S. B. Bradshaw's place, Admiral c enrlv demonstrates t he small .. . . one 2 years old and one l year old. s1r~d. bv penter shops and saw mill. Terms easy. For Liberty-st. was discovered so be in flam es. facilities now possess~d by t ne Govern· "Kean I!.othechild·;" a lso one Bay Colt 2 yr's rnrther part.iculars aoply to Joirn Y. COLE; The engine was promptly on hand, but went in these important matters, and old, sired bv "British J,ion." Apply to JAMES Hampton, or McGEE & JoNER, Oshawa. 33·3w. all efforts to save the building were use- discusses very j udiciously the enlarge- MILr.ER, Lot 4 .con. 1· Mam·ers. New P..~~."t~?· less. A mule, some 3 or 4 tons of hay, ment of dockage on <he Atlantic coast. ARM. TO RENT. - 100 acres of land a number of washing machines encl The September m1mber of DEMOREi!T's in Pickering township, bol111ot Lot 15, Con. wringe rs, besidee, a bugf!y, harness, etc., MAGAZINE is replete with interesting and 3. This farm is sltuMed one mile north or 'l'he subscriber will pay the highest cash were burned. '!'he loss will be quite instr uctive r eading. Among the articles Plckermg village, and Is one or tho best In the price for any q uantit.y of good. Merchantable For particulars apply on the prem- Wool and. 2c over that in trade. Dont glve township. heavy as Mr. Bradshaw had no insurance. worthy of note are " Thirty Years in ises to S, J. HAIGH1', 3!.3w, wool when you ean get a fair price away your The fi re was without iloubt the work of J ournalism," by .Tenny June ; "The in exc!iange for BlankAts, Sheeting, Tweeds, ;>;ncendiar:'.;< War of the Rum Power on the Peol'le," STRAYED FROM MY PREMISES, eto., Carpet Yarn and Sock Yarn always on thanks for past favours and by ,\' ..Jennings De mores!:, and "A Night lot 29, con.G, Dt1.rlin1otton, during tke last band.. With a contmuR.noe o f the same. I a m Refuge in Paris." Mrs. Hart's serial week: of JU!Yta w:hite bar~ow bog.on':' year old. soliciting your obliginl(' servant, D. 'l'AYLOH, Hampto11 · · · t d " Tl1 W Id'6 Any one g1vrng mformat1on that will lead. to Woolen Mills. 23· 3m· , rPcovery of same, wilJ be rewarded.. .TOIIN' 1ncrease1 1n. mte~es , an . e or Progress " is h111:hly suggestive. The Y ANNK~T, JR., Solina. 33·1 CLERK'S NOl'ICE other features of this Magazine entitle it OR SALE.--8 very superior heavy t o a welcome iu every household. The - OFdraught colt.s- 3 filly foles- sired. : 1 by frontispiece is a beautiful oil picture of a 'General Gord.on.' 1 by ·Day Star,' 1 by ' Peer charming child. of the Realm;' 1 ftl!y, rising l year, by ' Baron First Posting of Voters' List. We will pay the highest Lennox,' wlll make a ftne brood mare ; 4 horse P URE TE'll.! P u 1ts LITERATURE!!- The colts rising 2 years, fit for work; JNO. FOS1'ER, 35tt Li-Quor Tea Co, is the largest and bee ~ .Bowmanville, Voters' List, 18SG, Municipality of the price in Cash for any quanPacket Tea Co. in the \'oorkl. A hand'I'owu of B owrnanville, Coun ty £of TEACHER W ANTED for S. S. some volume given away with every 3lbs D urham. No. 10. Darlington. Duties to commence of this celebrated tea. It is not necessary tity of Wool. Jan. 1st, 188i. Applicants must state the grade Notice is hereby giv~n , that I have tranH to purchase th e th1·ee pounds at one time; or their certificate and. salary expecterl. All mitted or delivered to the ptJrsons mentioned a voucher is given away with every half applications to be In by September. 25th. ·r.n. I in the third and fourth sections of ··'l'he Sec'y of Board of Education, 'l'yronc. \ WM. QUICK & CO. pound. By drinking theLi-Quor Teas, th HOAR, P . 0. 35:4w. Voters' Lists Act," the copies required by consumer becomes a participator in the said s~ction to be t.ra.nsmitted or delivered of list, made pursuant to said Act, of all advantages which tlus company possesses ARM TO RENT.--A valuable farm the over all competitors, for he gets a better of 75 acres, being Lot 23, Con. 5, Darling- persons appt aring by the last revised As· ton, having thereon a R'OOd frame dwelling. sessment Roll of the said Municipality to be SPECIA.L ATTENTION should always be t e a at a lower price than can be procured house and out-buildings; a.lao a good orchard entitled to vote ii\ the Muni~ipa.lity at give n to the hair nnd scalp. There is elsewhere, a nd he shares in the inestim- and. a. never-failing stream of water. J,. situatf)d. Elections for members of the Legislative Aswithin i mile of Solina village, J<' or terms sembly and Municipal Elections : and t h<it nothing nicer than ::i good head of ·h air. able benefits of a gigantic en ttirprise. apply 35·3w to W. BAKER, Solina, P. 0 . said list was first po.ted at m y office, at In case of baldness wh 0u t he roots are Came early and get tho bene fit of our un- . Bowmanville, on the 27th day of AugnEt, b roken etollk. L EVI Momns, Agent, not all gone, Dr. Dorenwend's G reat 188G, and remains there for inspection. OUSE AND GARDEN TO RENT. 11-tf German Hair Magic. will p roduce a Bonmall's .Block. Electorslare called upon to ex.i.mine the That large and commodious 2 atory luxuriant growth of hair ; it will restore brick residence of tile late Cha.tie.· F ..rewell, said list , and, if any omissions or any other situated. at Harmony, H m:lles east of Oshawa, errors are found therein, to take immediatti all g r ey and faded hair t o its original lllnrl'iage Nollees. l>O eent.s ; blrtl·s nncl is to rent. It con tams 10 rooms, bas I! acres of prnceeding~ to have th ~ said errors corrected d cn·,h s, 2j· cu11t.s. color a nd vigor ; it stops all falling out land, a.nd. good stable on the premises ; hard according to law. · a.nd. soft water and all modern con vemences. ~Dated this 27th da.y of August, 1886. of the hair and removes all traces of dan, or to DR. For terms apply on the premises MARRIED. druff. A little of this g reat prep>.1riltioo R. WINDAT T, FARE WELL, Oshawa. 35:4w , used once in a while will keep t he scalp :J:) Clerk of the said Municipality . in a healthy condition and make the hair 1- -- ·----- -- ·- - - -soft,plh~nt and tiful. A.Dorenwend, sole manufacturer, T oronto. J. Hig~in ! botham & Son, agents for Bol'l'manville. T. CEO. MASONM . L L G T '>O o I h ' I · F WOOL! WOOL!! -VV-OOL I F A F H BOWMAN~!~~~E-~P~~ ~N-s cHoo L Dress muslins r educed from cen to 12 ~·, from 15 cents to 10, and organc muslins from 20 cents to 15 at Couc .Jo on & Cry<lerman's. A large camping party r eturned to town from Scugog on 'fuescby evenin!!" la8t, claiming to have had a most enj oyabl time. The party consisted of Mr. J . B. ]c,airbairn, Misses Kate, Maud, George and Master Tom Fairbairn, M essrs. W. F. and W. L . Allin, T . II. M cMillan and H . Mann, the M isses Allio, Cubitt, Broughall and' M cLaughlin, a nci. Mrs. Dr. H illier and daughter ' M ess1·s · · E · F · Bl ~ke ' · b air·i, · T oruu t·o, S · P ococ1 a,n d R · D · F ' air '· St. Cath arines, and W. B. M cClenaghan, Winnipeg, Misses Lillie McMillin, E thel and E. L. Middleton, Oshawa, M essrs. 'eo. W t' lmQt and A ·CJian dl er, N ewcas tl · e, ' G · Gord en, G ' n d M iss ··eorg1e · ue IP h · Th ey f 0 n d t ile fi slung . g~od · tie 1 air . m . vigora . t ing, · ~te't' a two weeks sojourn t here, returned .home fully satisfied that t here is n o place better than Scugog for ' n" an CnJ'oyable ot1t1 o· Just to hand to-day,at Couch Johnston & Cryderman's a lovely asso1·tmen t of plain and bra1 . e b es t ·aed 3erseys. · Th value t hey have ever shown. 0 in. Honors in all depar tments. Good library. staff of teachers, Board. at reasonable · ruu· i ·nY-At Nawtonvllle on .Aug, 20th, rates. James llfoMurtry. aged. 72 years. W . 1V. T .UUU.VN, 3t 2w. Principal. G lH'l· 'l1'II- ln Bowrnanville on 21st inst.. ... ................... ....-·-·-Elizabeth, belove:! wife of Mr. John Gritllth, ..-.....-....·-··- --.... ·aged 78 years. DIED. Cl~?f~~o~~~ a~~!l~=·:x~~~~:s. 1 DRES S coons. ---o--- 0 70 55 all the productions that the 11 37 1 on reasonable t erms. 11 0 88 1 Sh C mark et a ffiords · mF ., German 11 O GO Roller Flour, Bran, . orts, orn , II 0 65 B ar 1 F eed, & c., on Iiand . o 14 ey · 11 and English materials, together 0 13 10 L.rn~, ~lb "······· .. .. · O :: with Bnttons, Laces, Fringes~ E Gas, ~<loll .· ·· ····· · ··· 0 00 0 12 PoTA'.l'OES, 'IP' bush .. .....· 0 35 11 0 40 , 0 t p 'I' R d B 1 HAY 9 00 11 10 00 a s, ease, wo . owe ar ey, PlusJ e~ y 1 t S"lk S t· 1 s, · · · ' · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·· · also Dark Colored Barley. e ve s, a ·ms,. ·--·------..- - · l ll 'I' · to m"tch, II 11 RuiJ,EY, ~bush .. . . . · · · · 11 R YE, · · · · · · · - · · 11 OATS, · · · · · · · · · PEAS, Blackeye, f' bush . .. 11 11 Small, II Blue, " BUTTER, best table, 'IP' lb.. . attent ion, and we purpose making Having fitted up the Caledonian Conected by John J.ytc, eyery Thursday, Flour, Grist, Oat Meal, Barlel and a great effor t to lead the trade in Split Pea Mills in first-class runnF LOUR, 'lfl' 100 Ibs ·. ....··. $2 10 to $2 50 ing order, I am now prep11.recl to that l.l l'anch of our enterprise. WHEAT, Fall,· f' b ush. . . · · 0 70 11 o 0 75 7 " Sprin!!", " 0 70 11 5 We w ill constantly have on hand ~ 0 55 0 53 0 35 0 80 O 55 0 0 55 12 To Farmers & Others: Among our many departments, Dress Goods will have our special G r1s · t an d Q h 0 p g Highest price paid for JOHN MacKAY, C l d · M"ll I II 1· '" 11118 s 1t11suToN· Ianc a . ~ t'1mm1n!?'s ... Q RGANIST AND PIANIST (lato of Sure mul speedy 10 rewove worms from 1 th? .~r~an ?l' f ,1ano.e For terms apply ~f. ~n. chlldrcn or ndults. I PE'IIINOER s , I yron · FREEMAN'S 1VOltlll 1"01VDEltS nrc s ut'tl. England>., lessons on 3 33-2m, ae onian BOW.llfANVILLE. l s, I ROBERTSON & BOND"

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