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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Aug 1886, p. 6

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.. fulfilment. He stoo·d beneB.lh her window And beneath the ileX·9llade (The ilex was a maple), and be sang a serenade. W11 will hope she gauged bi1 fervor by Th' amount of noise ne made. .. Oh why art thou not ne11r me l" He' si.Dg it e.ixtee,,. time·, To " fear me," and to ·· chesr me," And to fourteen other xhymes, And interspersed with language cribbed From Orienta.I climed, story ef the past which he had counted rnr ever bar!ed and hidden a.way In the se.. ,et ohamber of his e1rn heart? Should he ·~ · fe11J1 th~ gtain 11f t:rnth, and ae found wl ·I· a high hand. the mleohleveue fa.lseheed ! The candid oourae Involved a good de~I, a.a be perceived, It lnvelved a peril wh1 ..n, for all his determined repndia.tien, hie he» t reoegutzed a.~ real and menacing. What If the story should be uo falsehood but a. hor· rible reality? What If proof of this should b l I I lt f r him there at s~ Seba.a e Y ng n wa o , · · · tie.n's, where Gf all places In the world, he b.a.d expected t11 be cenfrentod with such a risen ghqat ! . . How and whence had that mysterious d p1;1per found its way Into his wife's ban e ? He had nob di>red in tho11e firiit m~mout:i to question her. Now he would glvo all he d k I h t l k poaseese to now n w at quarter o oo for hh enemy, He teok the cr11mpled note frem his pocket and smoothed .It ont on bis ltnee. It was written in a tremollng un· oertaln hand, In half.formed foreign char· aotoze, and the words, as he read them now, were 1tartllng oneugh ,fer a ycmvg b Id I I h h thought with r e-conv no ng enolug ' e ur a. thrill of exaepeut.on to any unw rng one. If Eve had loved him, could she so easily have aooepted her ? 11 Mlll'le Delorme De.uver11 "-eo the bllbidden llnea. A goed·na.tured Inspector, eee hew it le; teu've fallen eut and come struck perhapa · by tho bea.utltal troubled away In a pet. You haven't beon marrfod young h.ce, civilly took her burdens from at I have, and yea haven't learn't the waye her 1u she stumbled a.long a.nd hurried to a of men, and you're frightened at the first tirst·claas carriage. hard word. But you're too young, and" Where to, miss ?" you'll exonsa me-too pretty to bs wa.n.ler· Her eye caught the pla.oard ~over the Ing about by yeurself alone. Mv.lui it up carriage window, dear 1 mBke it up and ge back to him." "To Blankstene." she Hid hastily. It "Oh, no, no," the ehnddllrlng loathing In was a place she had aoarcaly ever heard of, the fair young fa.oe sta.rtled the landlady Into and therefore, aha q·1fokly reoognieed, the a. new viflW of the matter-" I cannot go more likely te ta a safe ventuTe, " I , back I Yeu will not betray me ?" no ticket," she added to tho man 11 " That ~ won't, my dear, Y 011 may truet and he c11'.led a porter, my word, ' ' Bring the lady a t!ckei fer Blank11tone," "ff alp me iio iincl a home," Eve entreathe said, . sd. "How muoh will It ba ?" Mrs, Smith 11et herself to think ~he mat· BUFF.A.LO:J N. "Y" F ,ftet n ahilUnga, mle1. " ter oat She handed him a ~overelgn as she "I've getlt I" &he said a.t1ength triumph· Org11nlze1l '\TUh a mu Stntr or eighteen shrank brea.thlest into a. aea.t. Would he a.ntly, '.l.'b.ere'a ::Sarit.h J effcett, She eaid Exporiencecl and Skillful .Pllyslclans never come bo.ok? Would the train never she'd like a quiet lodger er t wo ff I came and Surgeons Cor Ilic tren tmen& or mo 1e on? Fllty seconds had net ela.psed a.croBS any t hat would. suit. Hdr room· is all Chronic Disense1. befere hia hlllnd we.a thruet in at the win· nice-a. farmheuae-and she'e :i. very re· dow, making her 11.lmo1t ehrlek ou~ In her s_ pecta.ble w0,m1m and a. good woma.n, too. terror; and yet It had seemed an age, We lived t0gether before I wa.a married ; "Iloket, mlu, and t<1.e change. and I eught te knew her well, for I've sum · Clhronle Nn11al Catarrb, Tbi-ont and She gave him one ef the two h1;11f-crowna mered her and wintered her, M I m1;1y aay; Lung, Llvor uud Kidney he handed he1". Tne whbt" e aeunded, the and I can f· DBIVllr for her," Dh1ea11c11. Bladdot· Diseases, Disoa11es of Women, Blood Dlsea9es aud Nerv· ~rain mend on slowly-eh, BO elewly I "Where ia It?" She · orouohed down, hiding her £.ce, "It's a t o at twenty milee from here-M ous Affeeti 0111111 cured hero or at home with or without secmg the patient. Come and Fortunately she was llolene. The speed of pretty a. country plaoe llij you'd wish to sec, 2fB us, or send ten cents ln stamps for our the 'ergiue grew f1;1ater and faster, the The .tation is two mllea from s .. rah's place. lnvalld11· Guide Book"' which gives all particulars. utation butldinga glided by, the outskirt! If you tell her yon from me-Ann Nervous Dcblllty,Impo. of a town we~e p&.BBed,green meadows and Smith of the Welsh H11orp-ehe'll do well by tency, Nocturual Losses, oluHterlng woods approached and glanced yon. And l'tl drsp her a Hns my1elf to ·DELICATE and all JJloi·bid Conditions caused by Youtlll'ul Fol. by l'nd the 1un shone 011t, She was free l make more sure." uud Pernicious Soli· ISEASES· lies Sh~ was 1afe I s~ I~ waa settled; and Mrs. S ailth saw tary J.>1·actices are speedily The sba.dowe longthaned, the afternoon her young guest, late the flt whloh was to .__ _ _ _ and permanently cured by our wsned, and etlll ahc j :)urneyed on 11ond on, take her ta the ra.ilw1;1y shtlen, and oame Specialists. Dook, µost:-paid, 10 cts. in stumps. Rupture, or Breach, radiwith ne ether aim than to put as wide a baok to her own parlor behind the bar, with · cn_u1v cu red, without the knife, spaoe as pouible between h11reelf 11iud the a s1;1ti-fied oountona.nce,_ w1t 1out dependence uv.on trusses, e.nd with very little man whom, a few hours since, Bhe had u It's ae well Smhh waa out of tho wa.y," pain. nook sent for ten cents vowed to "love honour and obey," till she ea.Id aa ehe poured henelf out a cup of Jn stamps, death did them p~rt. Sb.~ thought with a. t ea, ··He'd be a~klog queBtlons, and he'd PILE TUltlORS 11nd STRICTURES ehadder of those solemn vows with their get abort answers. Men want to know treated with the greatest succcBS. Book sent ten cents in stamps. Address WoRI.D'S awful b\ndlng power. Sb.e knew that everything; and they're not to be trusted for DISP!i1NSARY MEDICAL ASSOCU.TION, (i63 Main Percival D ~nvers meant to ola!m all they with U when they do know It!" ,Street, Dutt'ulo, N. Y. gave him-t hat her enly'chauce lay in flight, There were two atatillns be.tween Eve'o Tho treatment of m~.J?.Ytl!oueauds of l!ases of those in hiding herself ftem him and from all who starting-point and her destination. In the belonged to her, She knew too tha.t there oarrl·Ke where whe feund a pl&ce wera 11ol· DISEASES OF diseases peculiar to ~01'\a:EN . was no one to whom she could tum for rea.dy sea.ted two ladles 6nd one gentlemfAn. WOMEN. at the Invttlida' Hotel and help. The events of the three months The gentleman, a gr11ove person in ol~rloal at· _ _ _ _ _ _.., Surgical Institute, has af. had taµght her to dlatrust all those who tire, handed the young wife in politely, re· :forded largo experience in adapting remedies were and dear&sl to her, te count arranged hie own baggage and wrap· to tor their cure, and them a.II as ranged en Percival D1'nver's room for here, and these clvllltlea of. DR. PIERCE'S aide. Her stery, unsupported by any fered, retired ~o his corner and his news· proof- for such proof aa she had was, she paper, and appeared to be absorbed In the remembered, left In hil hands-weuld be latter. He left the t r1;1ln a.t the next statlGn; received with utter incredulity In her own and Eve saw him on the pla.tform up to the home; her couviotlon11, her teeble word, last moment, waiting quietly, with hla·over· weuld be overbor by his powerful pro· ceat and ruge In a 11110110 heap over his 1;1rm 18 the result of this vnst experience. It ls o powerful 'nestorative Tonic teatatlona. She w1mld be bitterly reproach· and hl1 bag at hla fee1i-a. highly reepecta and Nervlue, imparts vigor 11nd strength ed for the diegraoe 1he had brought en her· ble, perfectly lrreprerohable, typloal country to the system, and cures, as if b'l mngic, Lou.. sell and her family, and would be handed paraon. eorrbea, 01· "wbltc11t' cxce119lve painful 1nen8ti'uatio11, un. over a. 1eoond the m111on whom ahe Ten minutes Ia.ter the tra[n &topped again, flovvinir, natural supp1·essions, p1·0Japsus or lo&thed, She oeuld hope fer no mercy and Eve prepared to descend, Suddenly ehs falling or tho uterus, 'veak back, now, Ha.d ahe net already been refueed stood ~till aud sta.r~led her fellow pa.asengen auto·vorsio~1, retrovel."sion, bouring· down s e nsations, cllrouic conges· 1 lt? by a oryUoui iuflauuuation and ulceration She waa faint and alok with hunger, but "My dreaelng-caae-lt le gone I" ol tic ~vomb, intlanunatlon, pain ahe dared not sta.yeven to eat. Sb.e bought She wa.111tandln1t with her veil thrown nnd tc:in<ler ucss in ovaries, internal heat, ancl "fe1nale 'veali:ue9s." a Bra.dsliaw at one of the sta. tlone a.t whloh back, the better to aealet her trnltleee sea.rah It pl"omptly relieves and cures Nausea tho tra.ln stepped, and found tha.1i, at a and her beautiful young face whl ~ewlth the and '\Voalnicss of Stou1ach, Indiges· junohen jnat short of Blankatone, she dawning oon11oiouaness ef all the lees inv.,lv· tion, UI oating, Nervous ProstratfODt ceuld catch a train bound for the distant ed to her. Her money-all the ohange and Slcoplcssncss, in either sex. North Welsh herder, a pa.rt of the country from the five·peund nota with whfoh she quite unknown t o her, and not likely to be had paid her hotel blll and her fare-and ~:n6 ~~gt,~ visited by any of her peeple. There sbe her jewels, the store on which ~he bad SoJcl by Druggists everyw~~Cl."~· Send might hope to be safe, she thought . She counted- were gone I t en cents in stamps for Dr. Pierces lnrge tied a thick gray vetl over her golden ha.Ir "Gone I" one of the fadlee repee.ted, Ti·eatise on Diseases of omen, illustrated. and fair young face ; and, a2 her carriage " Surely not ; I ea.w you bring It in In your World's Dispensary Medical Assnciation, gradually filled with fellow-passengers, hand, It oaunot be gone- let vs look I" she shrank lnt.o her corner away from the Sh.e searched, her oompo.nion assisted, the 663 Main Street, BUFFALO, N . Y. o.urlous and Interested glances aemetimes porter rummaged under the seats and indirected t owards her, She ha.d never spected the raok overhea.d; the la.dies left t~a.velled alone before, and, ae tha first the carriage the better te assl~t the oea.rohexoltement subsided and the depression of But the O'l.Se was certainly gene. Bilious Hcadael1c, "It wa11 the clergyman I" one ef the ladles Dizziness, Constlpa~ a long sleepless night-j ourney began to tion, Indiges ti on, 1taell felt, the aenee ef l;aneliueas exclaimed, after a few geounds of dismayed and Bilious Attacks, penetrated to her h eart, Then with the retlecti0n, promptly cured by Dr. night oamo terrors which the dayligh.t and Bush Annette I" tho other e11.ld reproving· Picree·s I'leasauC Purgative PclletW. 25 the sunshine had held at ba.y, ly. " How ca.n veu say 11uoh a thing?" e. vial. bY Druggists. The ohlll gra.y da.wu fer whioh she had "I a.m sure of it I" she answered. " Who - - -- - - - -cents -- - - -- - -- longed throu11h the da.rkneee seemed when else can It be? No ene but he has left the It came only to give a freah impetus to her cl\rrlage, and I ea w it just befere. I re· inervous turrora. She grew sick with foal' member It dlatlnctly, It was In a Rneslan at each reounlng station, lest the face ef leather oover, with a strap. I do r emember -.ATTHEl'erclv.i.l Danvers; lest thHho.µted message D9W that he ahufil;d up hla ooa.ta In a:i a.wk· from dlioi11l 11hould be the 1lgn!l.l that she ward manner when he got out, was dlaoovered, "But a olergyma.n I" the ether remen· It wa.s a relief when she left the train at atrated, 11 at the terminus The porter who c11or· Don't you know that they 0fton dress rled her aca.uty lugaage cenduoted her tea . up like a bl1hop ?" her elater replied. " I q Qlet little hotel, where a ple11oeant·leoking hope you have not lest much "-to Eve. . ---o--motherlyl11mdladyt11okcharge;ofher at ouoe, lne t ears were rolllng down the girl 1 r.prea.d a. ossy oomfertable, and white cheeks, but she struggled for oom. Clothing and any amount of suits hovered about In a kindly Interested. way, posure. sent out every day. very o11mfertlng to her.. lonely and aa " Thank ~~o," she said l " It le a serlona she wae. less for me. fU l " Telegraph baok at once," the elder lady She waa provided with the means 0 v ng advised, 1u she resumed her 111Jat ; " y11u m:i.y Our.Collars, Ties, Gloves, Shirts and Jewellery, the very le.test styles. for some time- in her ig11ora.uoe ahe thought oa.tch him yet, Here le the sta.tien-mastor; for a Ieng time. In the dreaslng-oi.1e she k t him ., 8 had been se oa.reful to aeoure was a paoket ~er: was 'a. little orowd already oelleotef ba.nk·netea the present of her rloh god· ed round the oarrlage · heads were \hrust fa.the~, given te be spen t en her honeymeon out ef windows, ourle.:S at the delay. Eve FROM $2 UP. tour m Roman meea.los or V:anetian la.oe, or drew her veil ever her faoe and shrank In such foreign trifles ae might plea.ea her ba.ok PLEASE 'l'O CALL .AND EX.AMINE " Thie young lady has Jost her dreaslngfa.nay. And t~ls store exh11uated, she would stlll have her J.swela to fall ba.ok upon; she lng·oa.e ; I saw it put inte the ca.rrlage. bad read of herainea in dllltress selling their A parson-a middle-aged man, dressed like N. B .- We have disposed of our stock jeweh, d - Sb. a clergyman, got out at Henshaw, No one e elae wae In the oarrlage, Thia ls our of Fancy Dry Goods to MRS. IVES, Her;first care wa' her wu roha, went out lnte the. tewu and cheee a simple name a.nd address," the lady called An- oi;iposite the Salvation Army Barracks. outfit, auohas a younjl' governas~ mlg~t nb~ nette said, proffering a card to the oflioia.I. provided with, and lost no time ID exo a. g " w e hope you will recover yeur p roperty" ln11: the handsome tra.velllng dress for 9ulet -kindly to Eve, as the train moved on. 11 Yen must give me yeur awn name and brown a~tlre which would be.:flh ldentific~· tlon. Tnen with trembling fingers she hid addreH y eu will have te appe11or ago.inst her long fair hair, closely knoUed, under thd ma~, if we catoh him," the sta.liion· Please to call upon her and you will see the prettiest stock in town her hat. mllster explained to Eve, In the loneliness and wearlnesa ef the "Appear against him!" Eve ata.mmered. night It had 1eemed te her se easy to be i 1 Yes, before the magistrates-In Oourt." !oat; now, with quiok lnoenslstency, It 1eem" Oh I ca.nnot I I - that ls, I am net ed 'e her so Eaay to be fennd. W enld It sure clergyman took It. I weuid not be safer to hide In some remote country rather lose it than a.ppear against any one. a girl p11o11aed a.t the m11ment with a Please de not telegra.pb I" Eve entreated, ba.aket of fresh flowen, hea.ped up with a trembling at the threatened pnbllolty and liberal band, frem aome oeuntry garden, A alive to Its risk to herself of discovery. ef green fields, ef ferny shady woods, " Wlll eeme one "-looking at the meuoame, wafted with the porfum11 of sweet " take my luggage te Hlll Fa.rm-Mn. The undersigned begs leave to intimate to the people of BowmanvilJe and vicinity, that he weodrnff and fragrant Mary·lllies, to Eve's Jdlcott's- ir.nd direct me lln the way has opened a new Harness Shop on King St., harrasaed senses, Sbe turned and went there ?" opposite Mr, Wm. Gluver's Livery Stables: ba.ok at once to the pleasant faced landlady. A volunteer shod forth lm:medlalely ; where he will have constantly on hand, ana mad:e to order, Harness of all kinds, viz.: 11 Cilll you tell me of oountr;j' lodging· in while the nation·ma.ster at0od looking after 4ome pretty quiet ?" Eve asked. . the young lady. Heavy Lumber, "L9t me see," said the 111I1dl11.dy looking "It's a queer thing," he "iI'll tole· Farm, rt&ctlvely at the outlet ahe had just set gtaph all the same, She'll be glad enough Elxpress, befue h11r guest; ' ' there's roem at Henshaw to find It if It oeme11 baok, Yes. I'll tele· Coach, and and a1i B"rna.m; but are yeu llltely to stay gnph." he r ep ..a.ted decidedly, turning lnta Lig ht Double Harness. any Hm'll, ma.'am ?" bis etlhe. " Yes, some time." (TO BE C!>NTil'fUl!D, ) FineSingleHarness a specialty ·"It'll be lonely," the landlady said tentatively, ;IN ALL THE LA'£EST STYLES. 11 I don't mind being a.Jene," Eve all.Id has· A Meteor Falls in Midday. large slock'ofC)oIJars orcvery <lescrtptton tlly. " :That le- I ought-I meau I must A startling phenomenon occurred a~ Aoln'U.YS ou h n1ul, o~ c11.Sto1ucrs can Junrc g ~t used to It." Villcartler, Q11ebeo, the other day In the tllc111 wadc to orclc1· on sllol'test notice· .. Ah, ma'am ' y OU a widow, then I shape of a hh zing meteor making a rapid Horse Millinery ever~shown in - her eyee were fixed upen the bright new descent. The meteer w11os probabiy 10 feet Finest stock of town, including : wedding·rlng whioh Evo had forgotten to In olroumference. After teuchmg the earth ROBES, hide. " Daar, dear : you're y oung ma.'am It emitted 11 strange light, reminding one of BLANKE'l'S, l!'LY NETS, t o be l eft I" the pictured scenes of the infernal regions. WRAPS, Eve fiaohed crimson as she looked down The night werked en the minds of the pei>· WHIPS. en the tell-ta.l e badge ; then she looked np pie. many oor.j urlng up the worst fears and ;i:lRUS~If>Sk.B S at the honest kindly face of the woman, and lookfog forward to a speedy dlernlution of and everything in season. a sudden Impulse seized her. She felt in the universe. What meet enhanoed tneir her heart that that faoe was trustworthy. waa t he fact that j uet previous te the "No I am not a. widow," she Sl\id , "Yon ooourrenoe the sk;y lowered, the beasts of will keep my secret will yon not ? I am un · the field eent up unes.rthly and distressing PROMPTLY AT'£ENDED TO. ha.ppy-I am In trouble. I want to ~oreeohes, brlngl!lg the orJl,ulena trembling find a qu~et place where I oan live-perhaps t P their knees. Withil! t li past few dayfl Satisfaction guaranteed. Intending t>Urche.sers where I c11on find a few children to teach- un· the lightning hall been ve1y evere and earth· will do well to give me a call. Having bought all goods of the lntest style and best quality, ent. tll - oh," she exolal mea euddenly bunting qu ake ahooks have been for cash, I will be able to give customers the ~ into tears-" oh, for all my life I" benefit. A young man should Jay '11 · thing for '·My dear," said the good woman "don't hat he ls fret " - pa.tting the httle white hand tender- a ra.lny da.y, He oheuld con · Bowmanville, May 6, 1886. 19·hv ly. "It'll all come right, never fe11or, I 011on golag to d o when he ciw1111t de anything, PRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 1886. CATARRH. now treatment has been di~· CATARRH.-A covered whereby 8 permanent cure of this hitherto incurable disease, i,s a~solnt.ely affect· ed in from one to thrne applications, no maTtter She leaned lrom out her lattice ; whether standing one year or forty h1s tier lattice was not barred remedy is only applied <;mce in, twelve days, (Her 11late-glass window, that ie), and does not interfere with business. Descrlp· And perhaps she leaned too hnrd, tive pamphlet sent free on receipt of stamp by For the lattice was wide open, and A. H. Dixon & Son, 305 King street, West, It opened on the yard. Toronto, Canada. C · WIUT IS ATARRH· A sudden tlMh or lightning, Catarrh is a dangerous dise.ast: which tho_us· Or 80 it seemed to hi.m _ ands are consciously or uncons<:10usly suffermp: Then he felt his muscles tightening, And hie sight grew strangely dim, from It is e. muco·purulent drnche.r~e c_aused by the presence of a vegetable parasite 1.U the And they sank tog..ther earthward, and lining memare or the state nose. of The All nature oeemed to swim. wg causes a morbid the pred1sptt3" blood,, e Was he he.Pt>'!', waa he gratefnl blfghted cor1mscle of t11bercle, the germ poison ot sn;hilis, me1'Cui·y, toxomre, ri:om the retenB'or tbig complaisance of Fate i tion of the effete matter of the skm, suppressed No-he mut,ered aome14ing hateful perspirntione, badly ventilated sleeping. apar_t· As be crawled off tcwa1d the gate. men ts and the germination of othei; ~01sons m le tuUll ment ot our wiebee worse the blood. Irritated by these, the hmng mem· 'l'oo soon th~n it too late 1 brane of the nose is eve~ l"eady , tor the recep· -The Century tion of the parasite, whwh rapidly spreads, up the nostrils and down the fauces, or back of ··· ~ - · !' the throat, causini>; ulcerotion of the thro~t; n:p let ra.n-" lives still. Tao m5rrl1;1gc 11f \his the eustachian tubes, ca.using. d~afnees. bu,... · morning can be no marriage, Percival rowing in the vocal cords, oausmg -hoarsenhe~sl Danveu would, to her, have ca.lied these usurping the proper structul"e of the · b:onc 1a tubes ending in pulmonary oonsumpt1on and lines melodramatfo ll.Dd str.:.lned, an obvious death. f OHAPTER V, And ohimBy Invention. Now, to himself, ., ha called tham nothing of the kind. He Many ingenious speifics for for the cure 0 liatarrh have been invented, but w~thout snc· " The lady-where la the lady? 1il:r· had seen something only too like thoao cess. until a physician of longds_tan~mg ddscf:~ D11onvers dema.11ded almost fiercely 11f them· trembling ohn~otarm beft'lre ; he was ered the exact nature of th isea,e 1 e.dn t 1 nooent pinter only appliance which will permanent Y es roy "L d I" 'th h d t I h d famllla.r with that style, p!!.theUo and slmpl6 ' y e ma.n eo oe . a.a en s e · i It f I I h His dark the arasite no matter how e.ggl"avated the ce.sif Suffe~ers should send stamp at once 11 There wasn't ne lady here, SU'," n e erg v ng reproac · for deschptive pamphlet on . catarrh, to the "No lady 7" cheek paled and ~is stronjl liand tromblod " N 0 sir 1 the carriage wa.a omptv j llst a.s he drew from the innermost recess ef hi· business mana1ters, A. H, D1xond & Son, 3()5 ·7 1 ·n~ street west 'l'oronto, Cana a. ' D". · ., d pocket-book a tiny etrip of printed r,a.parn.w,,:::t the R'ev. E.'B. Stevenson,B..A.,a Clergy- as wou aee 1t now, 1d yen e:xpeot to .un ·~ Mi tho ~ a newspaper pa.regmph a pparent y-and man°.{ the London Oonf~..ence of the e ~ a lady here, 111lr ?" The man waa curious. fold it beside the written paper en hh d 1 c iurc~i of Canad'f, 1JJ':" to;,ay Mr. Danvers turned back with a suddGn knee, as If te confront the one with tho 8 ~1£0 A .H. Dixon & Son ew rea suspicion ; he glanced fint under the se1;1t of i·OU\tarr~~klans, Ont., Canada, March 17, 1883 thhedoarTrih~ g~, thel~I up bte t~e Jack I ever hie ot~~tl11d, ot Bella Vlata, S t. Jerome, Juno . n.r: A Tl Dixon & Son· . ea. . e . rave l ng a.g, t e reBB ng·caee, lO'h io7 M 'e Delorme D · nver11 " J"""-D'esgrE ' RG. "r'Rs·.-Yours of the.13th Inst. to hand. were both aene. He had net remarked their ' · '" -, ,. · ~ he.t m I a.Dj disappearance D Percival D.1.nvua cried ,·J-t seemed a lmost too good to be truet t 1 until now, He 1prang fr11m . " It Is a lie I" I l trlkl th 1 ,:cured ordCatar~h, but f IthkndiC!wse"Bteha nnd a.never the carriage a.t a. bound, a muttered lmpre· suddenly and v o imt y, B ng e ,,ha.Ye ha no re.urn o e ~ .· " I i hi h6 d thl t h written wltnese with his open pa.Im. "A 11e ou s ";a. 0 ' wretched lie I Some old servant perhaps :felt better in my life. I have tried so many oat on eacap DI!( m pu 11 : ,things for Catarrh, suffered so much. and tor Whtn will the next train to St, Seba.a· y es, there Wal Bl wo80 .many years, that it is hard to rea.hze tha.t tie.n's start?" he demanded of an lnapector ha1 ceucooted lt, , 1! &m really better. . .. h 8 t 00d 1 hi1 ath man-a Fcenchweman- I remember, who n P . · ., waa la her oenfidenoe, knew all her l!leorets. I consider that mine was a very, " w e was and chronic, invclvmg the "Thh train has Jl1St come from fr11m St. Thi h tu d H I , throat as well ·as tht: nasal pas~ages. and I Sabaetlan'1," the man a.n1wered oraoularly, s womu as rne up- eaven on 1 thou~ht it would require the three ,treatmentsd, and with the usual &ffiola.l contempt for the knews how-and is trying te make a marbnt I feel fully cured by the two sent me. an f ket out of her knowledge, She muat have I am thankful that I we.a ever induced to send lgnorauoe 0 an 1 nterrogater. been In the place by some nnluoky chance, , to you. . t t ti "I knew," Mr. Da.nvera returned impa- have heard of the wedding thla morning, 8 1 0 :i~:\~~1~r~~r~11.u: t~~ tre~~~~n~s~ a~~ 'lently · wa.nt the fir,et down train." and Iain in wait for me; t;e threaten mo "One J 11at gone-went be another fer with what mlechlef she .could do, and tq , I shall gladly recommend yom· remedy to some ' n.f my i'l:iends who are sufferers. . three hou1'." make me liuy her 111lence, Stay I Thero '···· ' · ·· · '¥9!!!'8, With mant thBn~s.. , E 'BON "Is this your luggage dr ?" the perter was a woman hanging about the carriage· . . 1Z~v: E, ' '!EV · ' Interrupted; pelntln11: to a lady's travelling doer aa we left. I thought 1he was 1011k· 'And hundred.a of o...ers trunk, new and ha.ndsome, and t11 eundry Ina for the sea,, She must"have been lookBlmllar artloles. "Where shall I take '11m, ing for me, and, by some fatality, let her sir?" precious concootlon fall Into my wife'a hands, defeating her own ends, and ruining " Take them te--" Formerly Known as the" Soper Mills.') Mr. Danvers left;hls aentenoo unfinished;, me." · · "Shall I la.bel them sir," fo qnlred the Yee, rain wenld be the cen1equenoe of L BEEN THOR HIS MIL d . tin order under porter, whe waa a .,J lttle deaf, and wa.1 ;be· this .fiauo, if he were awkward-ruin to oUGHLYrenovatedan ~~r the purpl ae of aides rathe r dazed by the steam ef an engine hie heart and to hie life. Percival DAn· their own speeie.lsupe;v1r~~nOat Meal and Pot blowing off rather close to his ears. "Shall vera saw plainly the fatal depth opiming gristing and. manu!ac u~ prepared to receive befere his feet. He knew that be must Barley, and w e ar~ J_g cuatomcrs and others, I la.bel them ?" orders from n11 oui to ive them who "N0," reared the gentleman-" oenfound crnih the danger with resolute-It might tor work, a.n~ we hgura~~ee.ntfre satisfaction. you I" be with uneorupulen11-fingers, or the airy lntrust us with t e. ea In exchange for 11 You might keep a civil tongue In your and premldng ta.brio of happiness and of Oats and other grams ta~nJ TOWNS, Bow· 11 Flour Oat Mee.I, &c. · · 227. head, a.tall events." the man grumbled t o gratified ambition which he had just reared manville blmself as he turned a.w1;1y, "But I reoken 80 euooeaefully would be abattered Into ecmethlnR'll gone a geed way wreng with fragments about him. my gentleman en the read, I wonder wh<1ot He hved that lost bride of his with all him think there was a lady on the the passion of his matured manhoed-a Continues to do a General Banking Business other aide of that carrfage ?" pa.selon a.a different frem the soft sent.·.,,en· RBo wmanvllfo Branch. And so ourlouA was the man on the sub· ta.I fanoy of his foellah youth aa the buru· ~ ru:'!t · .1.·s j oo~ th..t ha wen 'birnk the carriage in Ing fervour of the tropioal sun 11 from the question and exa.mlned It minutely-with no feeble ray of the pale moon. In spite o{ Received in Savings Bank Department and oe.11 and interest allowed at cu-rrent rates. No reeult, It 111 true, '!mt auparently with ·some her .coldness, In spite of her unresponai·;e. Juet as he w11a neas, ·perhap1 beoa.use of them, he who had 11otiee of withdrawal necessary. All deposit~ gmtifio1;1tlon to hlm~elf, on demand, turning a.w1;1y he espied a sma.11 felded pa.per had a world of women at hh feet loved lying en the greuud, this young girl ae he had never yet 111ved EXCHA.NGE 1 ' ls this youre, sir?" he lnqulled, turning woma.n. It maddened him to think ef B ht and sold and Drafts issued nponEurope, be.ok to the gentleman. leslng her. He vowed that he would net u~Y~ed States and Canada, also Gold, Silver and Mr. DAnvere read It and thrust It away. lose her, ceat what lt might-that he would United Ste.;es Greenbacks bouii:ht and sold, "Here call a. hansom,· 11ond take these yet win hia wedded but unwon bride, thlngA to the oleak roem, he aald to the H~ '1iought out hh plan ef aotlen with r , COLLECTIONS pGrter. "Leave them there-confound the hi· head between hi~ ha.uda, a.a his cab Promptly made at current rates upon all par tloket I Pat the pertmanteau In here, The ra.ttled · through the noiBy street.I ancl ;;if GTeat, the United States and Do telegraph tffioe," he called to tho driver M when It turned lnt11 the great gates 'of th~ minion cf Canada. be got in, . Easton Station his oeuree wae resolved npTelegraplt Trausreri The perter ateod on the kerbstene looking on He would take her at her word. Sb.e Made for large or small sums on, e.11 parts of after the retreating vehicle and saying to might try to hide herself, as she Canada. This is especially advantageous to himselfhad threatened, from all bel11nging to her, pe-rsons living in Manitoba or the North·wesl "Well this is a rum go I I'd give same· fer a tlme. but In any case, he reflected, as tt tuakes the funds available 1;1t once ai the thing to knew what's up, I would. The gen~ he could truat MrP. Dalama.ine'1 worldly place of payment. was liberal eu11ngh, fer all hie bad manners wit and promptness of resource to oover For further particulars call at the Bankln11 -a r eal gent, though alrltable," he conclud· the and save the ec1Andal House. GEO. Mc(HLL, ed, toaslog up the half·orown P ercival DAD· until it should please him graolouely t 0 T. BRODIE, Manage· vere had thrown him, " l ehouldn't mind. a return frem the silenoe of hie high dis· Accountant. · d d t ·h ·lv har wor,, or twe more a · e same pnoe pleasure, In the role ef a justly· offended - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- -any dav. but generous husband, and te receive his Me1mwhilo Mr, Percival D"nnrs had erring bride ba.ok He wfiuld pr~fit caused himself to be driven first to the tele- bv the time thus given him to arm himself graph-effioe- whtre, however, after writing with a oomplete refut11.tion of the foolish out 11. message addressed "St. S~baatlan's," ta.le that had 1oared her away; and hie re· he suddenly changed hla mind and t 0re the turn would be a triumphant one, giving pa.p&r in ha.U- aud then on tawa.rds the Eu1· him the right to start frem a new point, " ton Sta.t!on . Not tha.t he particularly oar- 1;1nd, he told blmadf, with a new and ever· ed where the man took him; but he ha~ whelming prestige In hie favour. been forced t o some destlnatien. His Even whilst he vehemently repudla.ted plane were a.1 yet in chaos, only a dim in· them thtire were doubts a.nd fears haunting atlnct suggested the erder for the sbti0n fer him ~hloh, for the sake of his own peace, the N ertn · . As he sat back In hi· cab he he must olear away and set at rest for ever. was scowling at a pale spectre which ha.d The edifice of social euoce!B which he ha.d risen up from among11~ the flewers and fa · been building up ee carefully must not have - El'Y'voura of bis bridal festivity-the epeotre of a a fia.w In Its foundatien threatening It witn dead, long b11rled out ef sight and fer- terrible downfall at any moment. His face getten. darkened as he vowed it ahould net, a I am fully prepared to attend Fu;nera.le OD . . " Dead and burled," he repeated te him· u For Llverpeel " he te the olerk at the shortest at theready lowest possible rates self more than once- " dea.d and burled, tLe,ts andnotice, BurialCases on short notice o beoklng·effioe', It w·s " ~he · first step i rat-class hearse on very moderate terms Who 11hall dare te 11ay It u not a lie-a In the Jenruey whiob was , 0 aet him free. Shrouds and Cofllne const1;1ntly o"! hand. Fun wretched lie ?" he repeated with a 1avag~ em· r al oards supplied at once. Furmture Shop&: phaai11- " a fergery- the device, ef aome how Rooms- Bounsa.ll'sNewBlock. ·-~ wretched oreature whe owes me a grudge OHAP .iER V I. p~rhapa ?" The shook of .tne sudden revelation had l:'. et there wae a strange fahllty In the rouaed the llstleH young bride effeotually, resnrreotlon ef that dead-and-burled eeoret She believed lmplloity in its truth, Per· past j net at this supreme crisis of his life ; cival Danvers'· 00nsolenoe·atrloken Joek had and certain word& he he.d heard somewhere forced 011nvlotlon home to her heart. S11 in 1eme per iod of childish superstltien, fall a.nd · {>arfect wa.1 thle conviction that words of selemu threatening and retrlbu· ahe 1eemed to have known it all along. It tien, oame back to his mind, He them wae this which had stood In the form of a aelde Impatiently. Such eld men's fa.ble11 fa.lthfal lnetlnot between her and the lover sheuld not fetter a. reaolute will and a strong whom all ~he world prals11d, mind. H e needed both fer the emergency An lndeaotib1;1ble horror and l o&thing of ~REEMAN'S in which he found himself, the man took the plaoe of the tolera.tlon It 'Ital an awkward altnatfon; It was with which ahe h11od aocepted hie courtship. WORM POWDERS~ wcne, it was a ridiculous one. His bride She oevered her eyes that she mlgM net Aro to their owi. had run away from him on her wedding day look at him, She felt heraelf trambllng l'urgo.tive. Is a sate, sure, and ellectrml She ha.d chea.ted hi m- this lnneoeut unso· with a. storm ef· lndljlnant repulsion, She phiatioated girl- by a. ruao as simple as It ehrank a.a far a.way from him al the limit· de11tro:rer of in Cbiln r~n or Adultr wns auooeesful. Could she devised It of the carriage permitted, She could alone! Fer a mement a dark suspicion scarcely breathe In his presence, Then olouded his brain l then: he thrust It from t he tra.ln stepped at tho junct ion statlen, him. Even In his blttn aoger and humllla· and Mr. Da.nvers descended, She was tlon he oeuld not se lnHult her -his pure· alone. She could breathe freely ence mere, A J:sudden overmastering Impulse hearted, lnnooent yeung bride, How wao he te save the aoa.ndal? he won· eel:ued her te et cape, t e set herself free. dered, That ra.venlr g welf the world must It was the werk ef a moment to 8hake a net have 1mch ~ daJnty mom! M P!lroival iong travelling-cloak out of lh 'straps, to Dt\nver'e brid11l fi.Uure te gna.w and tear, hide beneath It tho eleg<mt ed oonapfoueus He did not believe her few words- the.t she " going-away" oo&tume, to sna.toh up dress· bad fiei from him and from ~!l who belong· Ing-case and bag, to hurry into the next od to her, s-nd that it would be ueelese to oompartment throu3h the communicating se6k her. She would, she mna,, take ref-age doer, and to fasten It securely behind her. In het own home, and with her own pueple- What If the outer deer should be looked ? sho was so Ignorant of the world, so timid A pmlo seized her. No ; It yielded to her and helpless, He weuld take the next train tench, and she sprang down amongst the back to St. Sebast ian's, and then- - Then rail11, lnterseotlng eaoh other here in a kind twe courses would be bsfore hla> ; which of Iron cat's-oradle. A train wa.s standing by the oppeHlte should he take? Should be still hold to the tone be had already taken with Eve- that platferm, jast on the point of depa.rture; lllorge p11orty of exthe tale was enly a trick - a silly 11ohool-boy and, in the bugtle of Newspapel" Advertising l3ul'eau, scare ? Or sheuld he graep his nettle beldly, cureionlats, Eve's miedemeanou,r p!>.ssed un· 10 Spruce St ., N e w York. Se.'Jd i Octir. tor !OO-P~9e Pamphlet. 11.nd tiall out with conv!no!ng o!!.ndour that old noticed aa she sorambled up frsm the fer· I lnvalids'Hotel~Surgical Institute~ OUR FIELD OF SUCCESS.. WON AND LOST. D :at 11:ni':lt%r · µ Favorite Prescrip·tion th!n :·I Caledonian Mills. r fils PRICE $I .DO, "r THE ONTARIO BANK SICK·HEADACHE, BUSINESS BOOMING Eclipso Houso. READY-MADE Pf GLOTHINC · · UN DE RT AKl NC L EV I MORRIS. See t~e ~est Value in lmNn. the W. H. IVES. NEW.HARNESS SHOP r ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., 0 REPAIRIN,G ....... J. R. BRADLEY, ·

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