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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Aug 1886, p. 8

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lbt Q!Jaumtinn Jtattliman. BoW?.U.NVILLE, FRIDAY, A UG. 27th. Nervous Prostration in Young Girls. A Good Life Insurance Co. r-- The Mutual Relief Society of R ocl1ester It is perhaps due to the hurried life of N . Y., which has a good membership i11 the nineteenth century that nervous pros· Bowmauville, has lmid in death claimn tration has b ecome c>ne of tlrn prevailing from 1879 to March 1st , 1886, seven huu DISTRICT NEWS. diseases of the time. Did any of our dred and ninety-seven thousand dollar3. Kingston is dissatisfied with its police grandmothers ever have it ? Did our This ::Saciety has now over eleven thousINforce. fJ:reat-aunts leave vacant seats by the tire- a.ud members, insured under thirteen The painters of 03hawa are about to side, while they went off to :F'lorida. or thousand, five hundred and ninety certifiorganize a base ball club. Bermudl\ to give their t.ired nerves rest 1 cates, ag~regating t wenty-nine millions, HAGGERT BROS. PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES, VICTOR FANNING MILL, Jnst now one family has abandoned the four lmndred and seveuty t housand dol· WIDE AWAKE SEPARATORS, 'West's Pain King excels all other city and gone into the country for a time, lars in force. CHAFF CUTTE RS, r UR NIP S LICERS, remedies in promp tly curing dysentery, in order t_ hat the bright and charmin1: The Mutual Relief Society has more SAW MlLL MACHINEIW, R001' PULPERS, CIWSHERS AND G RINDERS, diarrhoea, flux, colic, cholera, cholera eldest daughter of the house. may have than doubled its assets in the last year THE LIGHT TORONTO BINDER, STUART, BURROWS & MILN E 'S, AND OSBORNE & : morbus and all diseases o f the stomach rest and r ecuperate h er e xb auste d nervous and its Reserve Fund is increasing over a THE TORONTO MOWER, KILLY'S WEIGH SCALES, and bo wels. 25 cents. All druggists. + energy. thousand dollars every mouth. T HE MA S~EY MOWER, THE McLAUGHLIN BUGGY, For the first tim e in a number of years In a nother case the daughter has Q;one The average mortu~ry cost-:dl ages (18 1 the Oshawa mill r ace_is dry. away by herself t o rest her nerves and ; to 54) included-has been only $8.25 per '.l'HE MASSEY HARV E STER. THE H AINS AND CHATHAM WA GON, "Sincel'C Beer " is the latest Scot t Act her health in the quiet of a rllral r etreat. · annum for each $ 1,000 of insurance. THE MASSEY SULKEY RAKE, THE TOR ONTO WIN D MILL POWER & FORCE .PUMPS , .. beverage down P eterboro way. That some women should br_eak . down Each member is assessed according to age WILSON'S HAY TEDD~RS AND B AY L O ADERS, THE WANZER, RAYMOND AND D OMES1'IC SEWING West's P ain K ing acts promptly, cures nervously_ from a long comb~nati~n of and i;he you.,ger rneml)er pays only one SINGLF., SULKEY AND GANG PLOWS, M ACHINES, -q uick ly. :Never fails to cure bowel com- much brar~- work and mnch eo~iety, is n ot half as m uch as t h o older member. CULTIVArORS, B ARR O WS, SEEDlms & SCU FFLERS, BINDE R TWINE AND MACH I NE OILS. p lain t, colic, cholera morbus and cholern. I s? strange ' but why should girls of from Every me mber · can comfort himself Costs but 25c. and is always ready. eigliteen to twenty-two find out t hat they wi th the fact that the cost in the M ut ual Enquire reaardiog its merits of any drug- I have nerv~s at all 1 . · R elief Society for th e vast amouut of in· <>"ista t " I Surely, it arg ues some thing wrong lll surance afforded by it from September, "' · . lour system of living. L ife-the life of 187" l\"" l 1 1880 ·r cl The U~bndge Joimw.l _ reports 600 lo-day- r emind'3 onti of starting t o run " · to .iarc 1 st , , i compar e b ushels of barley threshed m 4 hot~rs. d own a lull. You !!v faster aud faster, wi th the cost for the same amo unt of ln·o~ t ection under the old line rat es, shows a The Ontario Teachers' Association pr o- unt il the very momentum of your ow11 positive siwing to its members of t wo milp oae to establish a College of Preceptors. speed so impels you that you must either lions, four hm;idred and fo ur thousand, 8 tca1ly Em11loyn11m t to goo1l num. W est's Paiu Kin g is a purely vegetable rush on madly , or fall hti~JJle~~- A girl six hundred and seventy dollars. l\f. A. None 11cc 1l b e idle . cou_IJJOund for the certain cure of chills, must _ l earn languages, ~us1e,- 1f . she has JAMES, Secr eta ry of Local Board. Previous experience nM. essential. \Ye pa.y colds, flu x, dyse01ery, dia rrhoea, summer the !IP of an .ear for 1t,-drawmg and either salaries or commission. 100 smart men I complaint, colic, cho!efa, mor bus, cholera dancmg, very hkdy j aud must bti wellwanted a t once t o c<1.nva.s.i for the sale or To make room for our Canadian Grown Nursery Stock. and cholera infant1.1w. 2o p~nts . All dressed an:l well-mannert>d druggists. Scie~ce lies in wait .for her. All sorts Peterboro has b een Eralected for the of ologies spread therr. nets. Y.,t, after I.nrgc-~t In t ;u1rncla- Over 400 Acres. n t ~e~sion of the Gi·anq J,odt;e J. 0 , all1 !i:tys ar e _not elMtJC. In each one Don't apply unless you oan furnish Jlrst·class th11r!j llt6 ijf.i<:·sely t wenty-fo ur hours and - -- o - - references and want to work. No room for - we shall sellno 1\'IMt:! j M1fl i;,:to these t wenty-four lazy men, but can employ 1my number of enerAu lea_ding_ ~ruggists will ~ladlJ mforrn h ours eve1 y enet·gy fa ;,~nt to comp ress Q l . Milline r De rtment ( one getic men who ' runt. work. Address. STONE & WELT ,INfl.'l'ON, . · U -Y" pa a nyone m q mr~ng 3:s to_ the won derftil forty-eig,h t h ours of wor lr. Nurserymen, merits of Wes & s Pam K mg. The standThe poor ~irl lives ln a whirl. She }llll! j . · . 'l 'ORON'.l'O, Ont. ard ren;r.idy for flux, dysentery, sum ~er no· a ·moment to t hink. Sleep fors11lrns of the mos t e x t e n s1ve in the town) --- - - --compb~nt, cholera morbus, cholera, coh c, her. Of blessed rest fuln ess she knows · etQ: 2(!<;, t nothing. Jn an ex treme case, sl1e dies. is now rep lete w i th all the latest 1u;r,J,E"t"J.L1,1:, o~·r ·· Mr. W. Lane, a. teamster employed by In a less extreme case the poor, pret ty Chartered a.nd opened in 1857. Over 3,000 perMr. D. D re w, Oshawa, had his leg brokeu rosebud, tmauly forced to hurried bloom, novelties for the summe r trade. sons have been in attendance: 170 stndente t year, representing Uritisl1 Col· enrolled laR last week. with ers, grows pale, becomes all one n?r · umblu, ~J :rnltnl111 , 1t1lcl1ti:n11, New York, Ontnrlo n11d Cluebec; 87 diploma.a and cer· Why will you suffer when 25c. will b uy vous tre~or, . an d t~en ru ns aw_ a y, to hve The e ntire s election is of the n ewes t tificates awarded. including Matriculation, :a. bot tle of W(,lst's Pain King and one for a w~ile with _qu~e t, unhunyiag na ture, Music, Fine Arts.Commercial 8ci·mce, Co ll e~i .dose will cure the wors t case of colic or happy, i~deed, if it be not t o_o lat ~ for and most fashionable d e scription. a lie and Tea cher~' Courses. Fall 'l'erm begins Se11t. 1111. 1ss1;. For ann uHl catalogue, etc., cramps and a fe w doses will cure summer t h!s placid an~ r estful _cow_vamons~1p to -·~1.1.\0AWO address Uev. , V. P. DYER, lVI. A., Pros. complaint, dys~ntery, diarrhoea or flux. brm g her h ealmg. ,This kmd of illness o f HA TS and ~~~~@~£.l® All druggist s i· among girls is becommg fearfully common. Our a ssortment ·. B C b h d one A girl's life is not 111 th e abundan ce of . f Ch ie engmeer arr o ourg, a · Jl 1 . d h' h · t f the f his handa bad! burned at che F air even h er wte ectu~ possessions' an . a B ONNETS, w lC c ons ll:! S O d fi S t yd k k nowledge of languages and of olog10s roun . re on a ur ay wee , may be bought t oo dear. No possi ble latest and most _ d es irable s tyles, It is the greatest i mpo1 ·tance th at all acquiremen t can outweigh the worth of a Entire stock to ha bowel and stomach complaints sh ould be sound m ind in <t sound hody ; and there a ttended to nt once, especially ai t his will be lw pe for our girls when they are e mbraces the fol:owing makes and season of the year. West's Pain K i ng is ta ught t o feel t ha t thti impor tant t hi ng prompt reliable and certain never t o fail. id not what t hey acquire, but what t hey b r aids :- C hip, Loop, Tape, Twis t , The goods will be sold down below cost. are. O nly 25c. All d ruggists. + One Door West of Post Office, Bowman ville. Miss M . E. Middleton, of Oshawa, has To live Pimply and contentedly, striving Pedal, Swiss, P ear1 , Milan, S ati n , Hats, Bonnets, R ibbons, L Rces, ·Flowers, ·J)a~~~~ hei .· i_natric?la;ti~m examination of to please God ra ther than t o please ma.a, Feat hers, Silks, Satins, Plnshe~, Velvet s, i1 10 Uni veratr;ii of :i:'mu~l 9wll!J~!l , to b~ ra ther t han to seem, and t o d ·) to- Can ton, Tuscan, L eghor n, P or cu- F ringes, Gimps, Cords, Collarsj F r illing, ,., I , E t {lay the duties of to-day, and not th ose of "'it ~TEVElt F .ArLs. - Dr. J! ow er 8 xi;rc.ct to morrow,~ thi~ is the secret of living uf W ild S trn.wberry will n ever fail y ou pine , Cor d ine tte and S p l it Straws. Tinsel, Embroideries, &c. when taken t o cure dysent ery, colic, sick well and long. stomach OL' any form of summer com_ _ _.,.__.,_ ,._.,,._,... , __ A l s o a g r eat variety of F a n cy plai~t. Relief is a lmost instantaneous ; Shaw & Tole's is th e place to get binde r G oods. a few doses cure when other r emedies twine. MILLER'S BLOCK, ORONO. fail. :J: Call at Tait & Morrison's to see Mrs. for everyth ing i n A large o L iantity of liq uor has been Clarke's Cookery Book. CANADA'S GREAT R osary Beaded Trimming for dresses at found on th~ premises of Chinn's Hotel, Brookli n, a nd 20 gallons c;onfiscate~. Couch Johnston & Cryderman's. 'fhousands of lives saved annually by Dry aoods ; ill b e cheap for July :mo AND the use of West's P ain Ki ng, the house- August Read Star H ouse advt. A gricu ltural Expos ition, x886 hold remedy for chills, colds, flux, sumBarbed ribbon, pla in and annealed _,,, mer complaint, dysen tery, coli.; and wire a fuil ' stock at be d roek pnces · at s. cholera, Onl y 25c. All druggists. t S. Edsall's. SEPTEMBER 6TH TO ISTH . Call on J no. McMurtry at the W est Col borne has a bitse b all club k nown as An immense Programmo of NEW A ND GREAT ATTRACTIONS is prepared for this Exhibition. the " Leat her Seekers ," T he memberd End House for anything you require in T h eir Chin a Hall c ontains the Largest .Assortment of C/Lea" :J !'a :re· itm iL Exc1tr11io11a on all :Jly '11 are married men ranging from 30 to 60 Dry Goods or Gr oceries. Copies of Prize List and Entry Forms sent to Palace Steamers . Low Rates. years. _ any one on application, by post card or other:rour Tripe :11or W eek Botween wise, to the Secretary at Toronto. Entries close WooL.- Farmers, clon't sell your "\Vool Cholera will visit us this summer. Be Saturday Au~ttst 28th. H.J. HILL, < DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND prepared by securing a ~upp l_y <;>f West 's t ill you ctdl on John Lyle who is paying JNO. J. WITHROW, Manager and Sec 'y. ei. 1cg:::tt!:~°a ~J"'fl~1!Ch~1~~'::·H~~~~vlllO, Preaident. Toaoxn. the high est price for goocl merchantable Paia King, t o bo kept withrn r~ach . II&, Clair, Oak lan<1 Bouoe, MarUie Civ. Disinfect your premises, as cleanliness wool. BTery W eek Day Between to be fou nd in the d istrict. an d West 's Pain King wi lL carry you -'ersons who triecl the Li-Quor T ea DETROIT AND CLEVELAND safely through. Only 25c. All drug- sold by L . Morris speak favor ably of it. &·i Sunday Tripe during Jul;y a:a.d AllCWlt. gisi:.'I. i" You get a beautiful book with every d ol :JF WORTHLESS IMITATIONS OUR ILLUSTRATED PAMPH\.ETS The directors of the South On tario Fair lar's worth. l&aiotland Jll:r:eunlon TlaketawiU bofurniallcd As t h ore are many ~·ilferior 1>7 your Ticket .Aa-en t , or addl-eH will offer special priz<s for fre e hand 11nd goods, corded with jute, Couch Johnston & Cryderman have C . D. W H ITCOMB, Gen'I P au. Ag tnt, hemp, etc., offered and soltl indu8trial drawing at the approaching for all kinds of Farm Produce, Butter, Eggs, &c. sold an immense q uantity of carpets du.r o.s Cora.line by some un Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. Fall Fair. principled merchant~ tradOETROtT, MI CH. ing t he last few weeks, b ut they are shll ing 011 tho reputation of A SucOEE:siruL RE:>ULT.- 1\ir. F r ank showing a large assortment of carpets of o u r tri~u11it1u . C ora line , Hendry, writ in2 from S aaforth, says : "I all kinds. we wat·n the Io.a:ies aga.i11st s uch imposition by drawp ur chased on~ -bottle of Burdock ~lo?d KING STREET, ing t h eir attention to the BOWMANVILLE ·. Nervous headach e, earache, toothache Bitters to purify my blooil.. I t did it, necessity o! seeing tha.t the and now I have excellent 'health." As a and in fact any ache or pain cured like n,ama V aluable Premium Given F ree b lood p uritying tonic and syst em r eg1:lat- waoic with West's World's ,~Tonder. 25 w ith Oana.da's Popular or the result of to.king B. B . .B. is al ways aud 50c. All druggists. W eekly. "' Rto.mped on inner side of o.11 Cornlinogoocls, s uccessful. :j: J ust r eceived at the West End House Without whi~h~o~~re ge~uine. _ 'frrE WEB1' ERN ADVERTi s mn, of London, has The Uxbridge Journal says tha t the from t h e famous manufact urer E. A. just made aoocher im portant step lo advance, · stallion " Bonnie Kier " d ied very sud- Levian & Co., a lot of his n ewest and best It now appears regularly in twelve page form, j I INd enly last week of acut e indigestion. H e styles in Gents' Ties. and in addition to all its well·known popular features gives in issue Sam Jones Serwas valued at $2,000. mons,thoioten a.tional Sabbath SchoolSesaons, Do Nm· DEJ.A v, if su ffering from any a Complete Story, etc., etc. lt is vastly Im· FIRMNESS, proved in every respect. For BAJ, ANCE 01" form of bowel complaint h owever m ild YEAR tho price is only 50c., or In olubs o! apparent ly may be the attack, but use There ls no ~rait in the h uman chnral!te1 five and over olOc . each. Postage stamps acDr. Fowler's Extract of Wild St ra wberry. 1 0 potential for weal or woe, as firmness of oep . ed for fractional parts of a. dollar. Samples It is t he old, i·eli11ble cure for all forms of purpose. It is wonderful to see what lllir· free. U:-Each subscriber will be entitled, witkout s umfner complaints that require promp t a.cles a resolute and unyielding spirit will additional cost, to one of the following prem· iums, which should be ordered as p·r num ber, achieve. Before its irresistible energy the treatment. Ask your druggist imd all - -AT- vi:.1.: U napproached for most formidable obst acles become as cob· 1. dealers in patent medicines. t Portrait Gallery. 3. Chase's Recipes. Tone and Quality . . web ba.rrie1·s in it s path. Difficulties, the 2. Home and Health. 4. Ladies' 1' ' ancy ·w ork A youug man named Adams, while terror of which causes the pampered son1 Guide. CATALOGUES FRE ~ ftjJ" Registered lett ers come at our risk, working for M r . C , White, East W~itb~, 1 i of ease aud luxury to shrink back with dis· last week received 11 severe wound m ht3 may, provoke from the man o:f lofty deter· Address plainlyAOVERTISEH PRINTING CO.. \ knee by f~llino on a scy the. r.nination only a. smile. 'rhe whole history LONDON, ONTARIO. I 0 · of our race- all nature, indeed- t eems with I A PLEASING DuTI'. .- " I feel it my duty elLamplcs to show what wonders may be to say," writes J ohn B or ton, of D ~sert, accomp1i~hed by resolute perseverance and P . Q., " that Burdock Blood Bitters pa.tient ~oil. cured my wife of liver complain t, from j ·which sh e had been l\ chronic sufferer. Iler distressin g, painful symptoms soon THE GROWTH O~ OTTON CULTURE. ~ave aw~y.' and I can hi~hly recom1~e~.~ The immense growth of cotton cv.Jture in the med1cm a to all s uffen!lg as sh e did. j. the Unit ed States since 17110 is ahuf'Jn by 8 JOB A .- O n e l ot of F a n cy Dress Miss J essic Pant on has been appointed t able of our ~~ports, which rise,., from Goods, which w e are clearing t h i s t o the position of assi~tant teacher in j 189,316 _ pouz:d_;i ' lU 179~ to -~~7,a(:Js, 992 w eek at t e n ce nts p e r y al'd, just Oshawa. Hioh School m place of Mr. pounds m 1830, and 1,767168S,i3"8 ponnda half t h e l""'i;ru l a r pri ce . 0 - -FC>'H.- · ' in 1860. The figures for i8o0 have nai "'~ CURES M cMaster, who has I es1g ned. 'since been equalled, but the expoxts of cot;. ' 'l'llE Turno.- W . J. G nppy, drui\· ton for each of the fiscal .years 1871., 1871 J ·OB B.~One l ot of Lad i es ' Rub- ALL LIVER. AND K IDNEY COMJ us'1 "ist, of Newbeuy, writes : "Dr. Fowler's 'arid :l'877 ·a.mounterl to ·nearly 1;500,000,000 b e r C ircu lars, warranted p e rfect PTJAlNTS, DYSPEPSI A, I NDIGESTWild Strawberry is just the thing for '()Ou nds. and wate i:- proof,an excellen t cl oak summer sickness. I sold out my s tock for t h e d u s ty wrnth e r , clearin g for ION A:ND ALL DI~EASES AlUSING t hrrn times last summer . Them was a BUGS. FROM DISARRANGEMEN'l'S 01· THE goocl de mand for it." Dr. F owle r's E xon e dollar e ach. LI VER AND KIDNEYS. - - .A. N" ::c:>tract of Wild Stra wberry is infallible f0r J ·oB C .- O n e l ot o f w a shing fas t dysentery, colic, sick s tomach and bowel l p . t d l · Gi ' ngh ams complaint . t , co or nn s an ,_.ep iy 1 Mr. E.Gui!let, Cobourg, while entering NEW y R cle'a ring at eight ce nts p er yard, The Greate1:?t Blood P urihis boat house from th e lake, last week, , formerly sol d at 12! cen t s . fier in the W orld. 'l'tie 'Jargest -·and -finest constructed hotel In , , caught his hand in an iron hook and received a terribly bad wound. the city, on l"n1·Jr A.venu e, one block from Jon D.- One l ot of Boys Wool 1~oa 'l.'HE DESTRUC1..'ION OF ·' NG"'J·. o us CoNDITro~T. -One of t he Gran' d Central' Depot. · . Twe ed Suits ' fit t inO" boys from 5 ':l- . A D ,, "· ., (ON A MElUCAN AND EUROPEAN PLANSi) · ::> most dangerous conditions is a neglect ed fiilo fooms, elega.nely-furnished !1-nd decorated. · 'to l 5 years , cleanng at less t h an P roprietor, Tor onto. kidney complaint . Wh<in you suffer from The ·ventilation, -drainage and sanitary ar- cost. Prices will b e excee ding ly d · t f weary aching back weakness and other rangements generally, are the most perfect l · t roubl es · a'pp ly to t he back a that Ingenuity and skill can devise. ' OW w e purpose ropp1ng OU O u rmary , !Luman . -h " ·as .J t SOL D :SY t ·1s 1,e pa1tmen . B urdock P orous P laster and take B urd· Stairway and 3 eleva:ors, . ' No che.tge for conveyrng b11.ggage' ftmh er 'tO HIGGINBOTHA.lU & S ON, ock Blood B ttters, the best system the Gra.L>.d Central Depot. r egulator known for the liver, kidneys, ' Ji-UN'l'ING .\\ JIA.~l~ION~), ' BOWMANVILLE. Bowmanville, J une 30, 1886. s and bowels. ::: 2i '3m Pro1metore, SHAW A TOLE;, --DEALERS 0 SHAW & TOLE, Bowman ville.- AGENTS WANTED. [ I Roo1n W-anted. FALL OeF ' . ;' - . . ,. _ ..·. I MILLINERY. TheFonthillNurseries, IMPORTATIONS· l ALBERT COLLEGE, DURING JULY&AUCUSr A.LL SUMMER GOODS at Greatly Reduced Prices .. G MRS. MORRISON'S Will be sold at cost, and several lines. COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN, GO TO- of Dr-ess Goods at and under co st price. _ Cleared out in30 days Robertson & Bond. ¢J;~1~:· J;~~~'.v, ~~f~ ~i~~:,'s'Ar~se:~~~ . Mu ROD CH- BROTH ERs· rrTO -summer Tours. INDUSTRIAL FAIR TORONTO MACKINAC. Staple and Fancy__ (CHINA, OROOKERY:lAMPS & GLASSWARE) BEWARE HIGHEST MARKET PRICES. VICTORIA BUILDINGS, NOW'S THE TIME! 'CROMPTON CORSET CO.' GREAT BARGAINS . Boots and Shoes. ~ aRGANS FOR SO DAYS "BELL" ' GR~ JOB ·BELL &CO., Guelph, Ont. LIVER AND KIDNEYS D .. ·. D-A-V-I S'. Che mist s and Drugg i s ts, - LINES. DANDELION ---o --- BIT TE R . I J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, M u R R AY H -. I L . L· ; SURE DEATH TO . L. HQ T .E · o z K . ' Insect Powd~r E . M 'O R R I S , l Flies, Mosquitos. Carpet Moths, Cabbage Worms, etc, I' : Rob·ertson & Bond. J. HICCINBOTHAM tc SON.

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