~.au.adi.au ~t.attsmau. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1886, MALL FARM FOR SALE.-30 S acres of land having thereon good frame hou6e, barns, stables and other necessary out· HEALTH. Headache in School Ohildren, Prof. N. J. Bratreff ha· examined ·ven thev.eand four hundred and 1eventy· eight beya ud glrll ln the St, Poter1burg 1choehl, during 'he la·' five yea.r1, and found head· ache In eight hundred and 1lx'J·elght; that 111 ll.6 per cent. He 1tate1 t;hat the peraentage ef headache lnorea11e1 almost In a direct progreaaloa with the age ef ohlldren, It.I well as with the number of houri oocupied hy them for mental Jaber; thu1, while hHd· ache oconrred In only five per cent. of the children aaed eight,ilt atta.oked from twenty· eight to forty per oent. of the pnpll1 aged from fourteen to eighteen. The <'nther argues the.t a.n essential ca.nae of ebl!tlna.te b.eadacho In school children la the exce11lve mental strain enforced by the present edn· cational prugramme, which lea.veil out ef oonsldere.tfon the peeullarltiea of t he child's nature and the elementary pi:lnolplea ef aolentlfic hygiene, The overstraln brings &bou t an increased Irritability of the brain, and consecutive dlsturbHces in t he cer11bral oironla.tlon, Profeuor Bystroff empha.tice.1ly lntists on the Imperative neoessity for permanently admlttlog medical men t o oonferenc1111 of school-boards, Of palliative mEasures, he mentlen11 methedloa.l gymnastics, mild aperlente In wel!.nonrlahed child· ren, steel in the ar mmlo, bromides, Inhalation of oxygen, and, in aevere caaee, a. tem· perary dlscontl.uuanoe of all atudle1. URD.ER BY THE WHOLESALE. .& Womaa .&eeued of pol·oalq at Leut BAO:l l'ROM HE!VD. .& buildings, young orchard o! ! acres. well wat· ered and fenced. Situated just outside the corporation ofDowma.nv!lle, Will be sold Ter:r cheap for cash. Apply to M. A. J .UllHI, STJ.TESMJ.N Ofilce, Bowman ville. 9.tr. RiCK HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE IN BOWMANVILLE.-.A. very comfortable brick house, nearly new, contain· ing 8 rooms, besides pantries, closets and sum. mer kitchen, excellent cellar. Ha.rd and soft water: very good fruit garden of~ acre. Situat· ed in the most aristrocratic part of the town. Will be sold on very reasonable terms. .Apf.l:r to M; A. JAMES, STA'l'ESMAN Office, 9·t · B Newly improved Verses &. Motto al Chromo Cards, with name and a water . pen for lOo. 5 packs, 5 pena, for 50c. Agents sample pack. outfit, and illu·· trated catalogue of Noveltie.s. for a 3c. stamp and this slip. A. w .rKINNEY, Yarmouth, N. 50 s. . 9·6m GRAIN · ' lllevea Penou. Mrt. Sarah J. Rebln1en, a wide·. 48 yeani of age, hu been arre1'8d In W ee· Somerville, Ma11., en . a ohargo of attempt· Ing to murder henon, William J. Roblmon by admlnlsterior pelaon, and her alleged ao'. oomplloe, Thomae R Smith, wore arralnged In the police ceurt In that pla.~. Mr1. Robln1on ca.me Into court kembllog, and 11oppea.red very muoh eha\en and 1ha.tterod In mind and body, To the complaint, whioh cha.rged them with " mingling poison with medicine whh Intent te klll one Wllli&m J , R"blnaon," both plee.ded not gnllty, Judge Story decided te continue the ca.Bes until the l8ih lnet., a.ad held Mrs. B.oblnsoa In $25,000 &nd Mr. Smith ln $3,500 bail, As yet they have not procured bomJsmen. In 1ihe mean time it was learned that the boy had died, and tho charge of wilful murder will new be me.do against the woma.n. The alleged aooempHce, Thom11os R · . Smith,· a married man, 48 yea.re of age, who baa a home In Hyde .Park, was also arreated, as ho wo.e about to enter the wldow'11 house In West Somerville. He baa been a oonstant vis~tor there? and is snspeoted of ha.vlng mamta.lned llholt reli.tlooa with the wldew. The a,rrests were m11odo after a chemical an· a.lyale by a Harvard professor had abown traoea of arsenic in matter from the 1tom11oh of tho widow's sen, who was then LYING 4 T THE. POI NT OF DRATH Girl .&Jpareaiq a1e1-Tlae llanellou Sterle1 Ike Tolcl ea Reta.ma.a to IJ.fe. LOOK HERE! 'l'he_ U.tlo tewn of Varnon, in Liunar oounty, ha1 furnlahed a fin'- obo111 1enaUon 'lll'hioh ba11et t he entire country wild, Mellie P·nnlneton, who relldea feur mllea from Vernon, aged thirteen yea.re, wa1 tia.ken 1lok Jane HI. Phyalolana ·tats that h11r illne.1 reaembled hydrophobia, The 17th Dt1. ~ed, Browe, Mor,on and Burn11 wen called In te aee lhe girl. She preaent.d every 1lgn of hydrephobla, a.ttemptlng to bite every one around her, evea heree!f, The 18th 11ba ·omewha.t; rallled, gained her con1clouaue11 and told thoae around her that aha would die for an hour · xaotly and at the expiration ef that time to chafe her hands and feet and that 1he would COJl(Ji: BA.CK TO LIFE, MAYNARD the Jeweller, llas tbe finest assortment of Silver Plated Ware in town-all new and neat patterns; a lso a full line in . Gold and S ilver WAT CHEIS. All kinds of At the time predicted 1ha 111nk away, and pbyalclana preeent ata.te that death wa.11 apparent, the pulse f&lllng to heat e.nd her body was oold, Her phyaloi11on applied all available remedies to r eatore her, a.nd a.t sixty. two minuten txaotly from the time ahe awooned away ahe aetenlahed 11oll by opening her eyes and jamping nimbly from her bed. She Bllld 1ihat she had been to heaven, and that God had oured her, She thon said that ehe was returned to pNaoh to the ea.rth, and commenced there exhortations.that AMAZED Till!M ALL. Jewelle1·y, Spectacles, Eye Glasses, &a. A full and complete line:of American Clocks.. We h ave put a new L A'l'HE in our . . . . work shop, which enables us to do all kinds of work m our line and guarantee t he best of satisfaction. c;erCall and get the correct time from the finest Regulator in town~ Jno. MclVIurtry & Co. Are prepared to pay the highest prices for all kinds of Grain delivered at the Wharf or their Store House in town. Advice to Mothers and Fathers. 1 would adviae mothers to study the laws of their own being, read books upon the subject of Infants and how to take oare of them (there a.re many excellent worka published upon this anbjeot), ask the advice of your phyaiolan lnstea.d of your neighbors, and take proper care of yonraelvea ; l.ustrnot your daughters when they arrive at a proper age and lmprell8 open their minda what responelbllitlea they aBBnme when marrying, N et alene do we need to advise moth.ere but fatlier11 alao, Your life and conduct have u much to de with heredity aa · a woman'a, even mere so. for If you think yon Cll.D persist In drinking, ill-trea.tlng yeur wife and dlaobe) ing all physical and moral laws you need never expect to he proad of your aone and danghten, Your 11ln1 In the past will often produce a llving wltneea to testify against you here and hereafter. Thia la so much to be said en the subject, but I feel that if what I have aaid will benefit; and console just ene dear, loving mother'· heart, I will be oentent, STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. ()apitul paid up, $1,000,000. _..,_ Jtest, $Z60.ff ~ This Bank ts prepared to do Legltl· rna.te Banking in all ite branches. Farmers notes discounted ; Deposits receivPd and Interest paid on a.mounts of 15 upwards in Savings Bank Department; DRA.F'l'S Issued and Collections made in Europe United Stat.ea and Canada. W.J. JONES, . .lr·n 1~88 McTAVISH Ha.11 received her new stock ot GOODS., and invites the Ladies of Bow:m.anville and vicinity to call and see her Pattern Hygienic Bill of Fare. 1. Bread wid milk with fruit. 2, Bread and whipped egga; honey, 3. Btead and bolled egga J apples (Roman,) 4. Bread and butter; doe-pudding with 1ugar and milk. · 5. Cam bread and butter ; roasted che1tn u t1 ; honey, grain (or sloan), . 6. Oa.t-meal porridge and milk J filh, bread and butter (Da.nlah), 7. Poached lliga ; pancakes with honey er ayrui: ; bread pudding ; hot milk. · 8. Vegetable soup J be.ked beans ; pota· toe1 and butter, blaouit1 and apple dampllDga, ~~---··~·~·~ · BONNETS, HATS and a.ssortmen t ot TRIMMINGS STORE:-SeeondDoorWe&t of Willia·· ButeJ·er Stan · HE DEFIED THE DEITY. tlon. un.d Bere11vemen&, .. ......·+·~·~-.....~~- .&. Story of a BoasUvl l'llyllcfan·11 UnmJlla· We '\We ~lf~~mlf, VETERINARY SURGEON. Graduate of the Ont~rlo Veteri;,_~,,y C~ii~g;'. Reglstered member of the Ontario Veterinary · Medical Association. a-Ofllce and Residence, Newtonville, Ont. Will visit Orono every 'l'uesde.y a.nd1 Saturday Office hours from 10 a. m., to t p. m., at CcuJters' Hotel, Ce.lie by Telegraph receive : Immediate attention. CHARGES MODER.A.TE. to us with by return mail a Golden Box ot Goodst.he.t will brin11: you in·more money In one month than anything else in A.merice.. Either sex make money fa.st. CITY NOVELTY CO., Yarmouth, N.S. UT C ·rnrs OUT and return lOc. or 4 3c. stamps, and you'll get MILK CANS, ALL SIZES. Dairy Pails, -ALSO- MILK PANS and all lines of TI~-VV-..A.RE_ No Cheap-John, shoddy stuff, but goods that will wear and give ·satisfaction. ~Call and examine...Ett L. GEO. QUICK, Tinware and Stove Emporium, BOWM.A.NVILLE, A gentleman residing In · Middletown DIJID VJIRY SUDDENLY of m·pe to enable him te understand the who was visiting In Sullivan county lut week, was attracted by eight heada,ene11 in four years a.go, He waa taken Ill en fourth momentena and numerous ohangH In peof Joly tilght with cramps and abdominal lltlaal boundariBI from the rise of Napeleon a llttle graem-grown cemetery, near Fallato t he treaty of Berlin. Se the1e recent re. burgh, all ef whloh steed In a row e.nd wero paln111, ·whloh re1nlted fatally in a few henre, 1earohea In Bible la.nda are restering te the £xactly all1ie, He get out of his wagon to Hia death waa a.ttrlbuted to drinking ioe map1 moat Important information. 1 tf. Tile Tallo:r.. loek at them, and found that they were all water when overheated, Mre, Reblneen We can new tra.oe with a large degree ef ~==~~~========~~=-....,~=-~-~~--------- children of a well-known phyelolan, and next moved to Hewe111 atreet, where the oerta.lnty the route of the E xedua. We t==._ . that all were grown when 1trlcken down, aecond sudden death In her family oocurred, and that the date1 on the headetonea 11how· the victim being a ten-year-old d&nghter, can oorrectly place on the map of Ei;iypt In ed that . the fira\ one died Nov, 23, 1861, The clroumstancee of that death were re- the ea1tern half ef the delta the fertile land and the ether 1even between that date and garded a1 very peonllar at the time. AUer ef .Geehen where J e1eph bade hla brethren Dec. 15 fellowing, er that the entire famlly a lihort reddence at the la11t-named place dwell, We knew where the children of of eight ohlldren had died within eight 1he moved to De Wolf street. Whlle living I1rael reared the treaeure city of Plthem at there her ei1ter died In Sou'h Bolten, where- Phareah:a oemmand, We knew, it la boweeks. When apeakiug of the matter to friends npen the latter'· hnaband, a Mr. Fretman, Ueved, the exact apet where Jeremiah stood that day1 he waa told the hiatory ef \he and hla 'we 1mall chlldren went to llve with whenthepeop1e listened te the aeryelecase, which la regarded In that neighbor- Mr1. Robln1011, The Infant child died 10on af- qnenoe of one ef the propheclea. Not the hood as a vl<atlen of Providence In punish· terward. Mra. Robb:i1on 1000 after moved te le.ad lnter~·tlng to theae reeearches 11 the 54 Beylaten atreet, where Mr. Freeman w111 d1acevery JD&t made by that very fertunato ment for defiance of ilia Deity, · The story aa teld I· that In 1861 there 'a.ken suddenly Ill and died, the 1uddennH1 explorer, Mr. Flndertt Petrie, who laat year waa a eoourge of diphtheria In that neigh· of his death again attracting attentien and unearthed Naukratll. In an arid wa1te, once a rloh,pa1toral di·· borhood, and the physician ·wa· kept bu1y 111spioion, Ia connection with the dea.th. of Mr. Free· trlotofthe Nile delta, he haa dlacevered trer.ting patients iuflerlng from that disease. He was very snooeaafnl, and gained man, and, atlll la.ter, ~f his son Thomas, are the rnin· of that very palace, bul~. Ill the inch cenfidenoe In his 1klll that he began te olrcumstances which the polloe Interpret as reoerds In Its foundatlens 1how, by klng boa1t that he could cure any oase, and went shedding a little I111ht on affairs. Mr, Free- Paammetlohus I., to whloh "the remnant ao far that he "defied Ged .Almighty to man w&a a member of a aeoret ·eoiety known of J ndah." brengh\ the daughters of king TTT · produos a oa.se of diphtheria he oeuld not aa the United Order of Pilgram Fa.there In Zedekiah after that unfertnna.te monarch VY cure," In leea than a week his youngest child which hla life was ln1ured for $2.000. The had been led a mutilated captive to Ba.by· Ion. Theee remalna of a royal pa.lace, whloh we.a seized with the disease, and altliongh money was made payable to his wife In oase he exerched his skill to the utmost, having of his death, but his wife c!ylng before him, have hitherto escaped the netloe ef .Egyp~ol· · ' f not enly profeselonal pride but a father'· the money was made payable to Mrs. Robin- oglat r, are ·tllJ known to the wandering love to urge him to do his beat, his bey son, with the understanding th11ot It was to Araba as "the caatle ofthe J ew'a daughter," OS grew woree and died, One after 1 another be devoted to the aupport ·nd education of The proofs found ·by Mr. Petrie seem cen· ' ' his children elokened and died, until a.II hla ion. The death of the son placed the elusive to ldentlly this plaoe a.a the Tllhpanwere gone and laid aide by aide In the little meney unrestricted in Mrs. Robinson's hea of Sorlptnre and the refn,ge of the J 8W· l1h prlncea1e1. One of the mtsrestlng fea' ' graveyard near Fallabnrgh, .But one child hand1, Then tbs daughter (If Mra. Robinson, who ture1 of this discovery 11 t he proba.blo Idenwas left, a married daughter, but in a few of the very pavement 01 brickwork weeks she, too, was stricken dewn and be- died In March, alee had her life lmured In the same societ y for $2, 000 whloh was made mentioned In tho ferty-thlrd chapter of came a victim to the dread disease, payable to the eon Wllliam, who has juat Jeremiah. The prophet Eay11: "Then · died, He In turn wa.11 lnsnred for $2,000 for came the word of the Lord un·o Jereml.a h The Editor Receives a call. · the benefit of his mother, ao that the later In Tahpanhea aaylng, Take great stone11ln thine hand and hide them In morter In tho A chronlo loafer, who thinks he ha1 11. wlll receive the Bowma.nville, August 28, 1885. 35. brlokwerk which ls at the entry of Phar· right to bother people and render them as INSURANCE ON HIS Llll'E idle as himself, walked lllto tho effioo re· and wha.t has not been 1pent of the sum re- aoh'a house in Tahpanhe1 In the sight of tl e oently. He wanted to aee tho edUor, He ceived on the daughter'·· Mrs. Re>bin1on'1 men of J udah J and say unto them. Thua saith the Lord ef Hoatll the God ef Ierael : 1aw the editor. hu1ba.nd waa Insured fot $2,000 in the New Behdd I wlll 1end and take Nebnchadnez"N!oe day," 111.ld the visitor, England Mutual Relief Aaeoolation, The z11.r, the king ef B01obylon, my aervant, and "Pretty warm," repllsd the editor. pavment of the polfoy wa.1 oont1111ted on the wfll set his throne upon tbeee atones that " Warm enough for 7eu ?" 111.id the vlal- around that the agent wile received tho I have hid ; and he ahall spread hla reyal tor. premiums embezzled the money, and the pavilion ever them, And he shall ceme Easily Managed, Ligh t Running, Durable. A look of dl&gust on the face ef the edi- ca.1e la atill pending before the Supreme and smite the land of Egypt." tor. Court. Threshes Clean and F ast. Sep aration Unexoelled. · The revised version gives aa au alternat" Hew are yon gettln' along?" aalcl the 'The pollce say, wltheut giving dehib, ive reading for "the brickwork which ii at visitor. that they have lea.med of eleven endden the end of Phareah'· house" the word PERFECTLY BEARDS BARLEY. Removes all Whit e Ca.pa from Wheat;, " Very well, thank yon," aald the editor, deaths In Mrs. Robinson's household within " pavement or rqua.re," Mr, Petrie found Panae. the past fenr yfars. It has never ha.ppened In the course of bis exoavation1, facing the CLEANS GRAIN FIT FOR MARKET. " Gueu it'll rain 'fore ·night," said the that the same phyalolan ha.a been called entrance te the bnlldln1i "au area of con· 1 vldtor, twloe, BECAUSE tlnuoua brickwork resting on aand a bent 100 "Probably," said the editor, The man Smith, oharged with being an by 60 feet." The brickwork Is tweer three It ha$ a $MUTTER and SECOND FANNING MILL attached. ' Fnll atop. acoomplloe, he.a been a frEqnent v18ltor to feet thlok, and was apparently designed 11.1 "How's all the folks?" aaked the vlaltor, Mrs. Roblnaen'a houeo. Be says he le an an epen·alr platform for meetings or the "Well, thank you," replled the editor, old friend of t he family, It la said he b a tra.nsa.ctlon of public buaineH, The palace " Another pause, aoaial member of tho same Pilgrim Fa.then' was destroyed by fire, and it Is reasonable "HoUer'n 'twas yesterday, I belleve," aoolety tha.t Mrs. Robinson and her children to believe that t he torch was a.pplied by llrl.ld the vlaitor. beleng, but is not entitled to tho beneficiary the soldiers of the Babylonian king when, "Very likely," e11.ld the editor, advantages. Re le 58 years old and a ·re- as h well known, Nebnohadnezzar verified "Need a good shower new to coel th.ti spe.ited citizen of Hyde Park, where he is the words e.f the prophet by hb lnnslon of air," l!Md the vleUor, the superintendent of aSunday school. Egypt, "Y·e·s," ea.id the editor. An a.dopey on the body of William Rob· All 'heae fruitful reaearche1 are net enly Twe paws. inion and that of the Freeman boy showed serving to elnolde.h the text of the ·1acred '· What's now?" asked the visitor? the presence of araenlc In ench qnantitie1 volume, bnli they are also affording new "Nething special," replied the editor, that a careful analy1l1 wu net neceaeary to and striking proofa of the grea.t fact; th&t A very long pauee, demonstrate Its pre11ence. · the Bible la the iµoet logical and rea.aena ble " Bellevu it's gettln' ooeler, by thunder," of boeka, We knew now more fully than said the vlaltor. He Died Punning. we ever understood before the dllcoverlea " Sheuldn'twonder," replied the editor, A stranger loitering a.bent a mill the other of recent years, that there Is no book in "I'll be hanged If l don't believe I'd freeze the world more worthy of lnvestlgdlen. to death If I stayed hero mueh longer," aald day we.a caught by a belt and drawn lnte TEE M ORRIS DOUBLE DR'.rnSSER. the maohlnery, He waa t u,ken ent In a dy· the visitor, No ma.n waa ever 1e mean that he would Ing condition; but smiled faintly ae he re· Great Improvements in 1886 Machines. ~ Write post card for Illustrated P amphlet. "Q1 dte likely," replied the editor. not 1ive advice, And then the vldtor coely vamoosed and ma:tked t.e his rescuers : that yov a.re determined that I " I et.e "What paper ehenld you think would the editor, "hot in t he collar," resumed his shall ne longer remain lncog." sell beet at the Summer resor ts, M r, Spl· penal!, He wa.e a profeBSienal humorist. cer ?" asked one of the boarders, "Fly ~~~--~~--~ ~~~Also supply T hreshing Engines at Maker's Prices and Terms. ~ paper," said Set h, ni:i.king a vloloua dab a.t The new name for the ma.n who thr ows a Yee, my ch lld, Weddlngsda.ywris put Im· the place which hl11 ha.Ilk hair formerly oo· banana. peel on the eldewalk 'l Bananarch· lat, mediately l\fter Cheeaeda.y on purpose, oupled, at her house In Vl'eu Semerville. The dy· Ing boy asserted that hie mother a.nd Smith had both ginn him poison in hh food. Au fi.xaminatlon of the food p;lven io the bey ahowed conclualvely that peiaen waa ad· mls iered. .. The oase baa created a feelh1g of horror among those conversant with the faota, and the deeper tho lnve111tlgatlon the more terrible the ca.ea appeared, It is said that the pelloe have ln!orm&tlen of the 1n1piolon death of at least eleven persona. · The laati victim we.a the ·soil et Mrs Rob· inaen, who died the other morning interrible agony, hie physlolane say of arsenlcal pohonlng. This was the third death this year ln the b11uae. In March Ian her oldest daughter, Elizabeth, 24 yea.rs old, was etrloken down with a pecnllar malady which br..filed the akill of her phyalclan1, After a abort illne1s,1he, !Ike the reat1 p1u1ed a.way, Ha.rdly three month· elapaed when Thomas A. Freeman, a ohlld of whom Mra. Rehln1on wasguardia.n, fella prey te lllneH and death speedily ensued. The two last deaths following ea.oh other BG eoen, and being apparent;ly almllar In their eymptoma, o-,uaed no little comment, bot were regarded as peculiar rather than in a su·ploleu11 light, The taking down of Wllllam a few da.ya ago with jnlt 1uch an attack a1 the other· had, 111emed t;o demand an examination, The pby1iolan, Dr. WhUe, procured a quantity of the oontent1 ef the young man'· stomach and aent it to Pref. Woed ef Harvard Medloal College, who made an analyals, whl!)h 1howedlarge qnantltlea ef araenlo. Dr, W hite immediately lnfermed the polloe, whe arre1ted Mra, Roblnaon and Thomaa R. Smitll. The investigation of the police baa but Jnat begun, l'hliy find that Mra. Roblneen, who la apparently a cultured woman, origin· ally came from Ohelaea, but for about four yeara prevlou1 to her coming to Somerville realded In various nelghborheod1 In Ca!llbrldge, The first known about her we.1 when living on Brookline 1treet In the laUer city, It waa there that her huaband, who waa a carpenter by trade, · The most curious circ11metance ia that ahe remir.rked lmmedla.tel) that ahe had seen Mre. Brlormore In heaven aud had talked with her. Mre, Brlermore, who Uved four mllu awa.y, died during the hour the glrl waa apparently dead and no one had any communioa.tlen from that family, At apIJOlnted times, evenings, she hae oen~lnued her exhortations, telllng before hand at what hour God would be with her. Mini·· tera frem all over the country are Rocking to see her and her dieooi;;rsee meve, her an· dienoea to SHOUTS AND TBABS, MAYNARD The Jeweller. She le unnsue.lly small for· her age, weighing but forty-one pounds, She has a.lwaye been ot a reticent diepoaltlon, but within the Ja1t month ahe has been in nnuenal good spirit.II and talked lnceeaa.ntlv. . · Sceµes of Bible Histo:ry. Over thirty years ago, when two or three Englilhmen began the werk of collecting In a volume the knowledge then exletlng a.bent the 1cene· of Bible hlatory. they became very much lmpreBBed .with the aoantlneu ef the Information they sought and the hap· haza.rd manner In whloh It was gathered, Oat of 'heir report on thl1 1nbject grew ihe Palestine exploration fund, whloh fer twenty·one yea.re pa1tl ha.a kept lta explerers ranu.oklu.g the ruins of ancient clvlllzatlen, The world ewoe to the work of thl11 eoolety, 1upplemented by the fruitfu l labor of lta colleagues in Ea:vpt and A11yrla, the lden"fioation with mere er le11 certainty of m111t ef the Important placH mentioned in the Bible. These 'lrele11 explorers, with their spade1 and geolegioal hammera, dlggbig Int& ancient tomba and crumpled aynagoguea, map. in g every ruin, e:xplorlng all the cavern1 and water cenraea, aud bringing the atage upon which the drama of aacred history wa.a en· acted clearly befere '1le eye11 of modern atndentll, 111 ls a precloua boon to thla gen· eratlen that these new llghta have been anpplied to lllnmlne :it· reeearohea Into the greakat of books. Hlatery cannot be 11tud- - ........ As usual our new stock of OANADIANY E NGL ISH~ ' · :;OOTCH & AMERI CAN1 TWEEDS,. WORSTEDS and ot her Suitings is th e l ar ge s t, m osf;; comp l e te and most fas h ionab le t o be found in Wes± Durham We Never Get Left We h&ve the goods. To i~sp~ct is to order. Our prices are right~ Our styles command admiration. Our originality is inexhaustible Our enterpris' e, ene1·gy and pluck ha-ve no bounds. · ~f~~:~g:1!~1aw~::,~'r;1~~11~:.e ~!:~:! --~all at the centre ·oC Style, Beauty and Cheapness· Gent's Furni·shi"ngs a speci'alty. , , COAL COAL · M essrs. M C D OUGALL & JOS EPH JEFFERY, · METCALF · t1fica.~1en beg to announce that they have receive d a large consignment of Celebrated L e h" lgh C oa1' an d are prepared to fill all orders at LOWEST p RICES. e int end t 0 k eep on h and an assortment of Lumber Shi· ngles p t s .L ath ' c ord woo d &c. Office 01d Foundry Lot corner Church and D 1 ·VI ·SI ·On Streets. ROBT M HE NRY METCALF CDOUGALL· lfleMORRIS DOUBLE DRESSER .... ..... -..... MORRIS & WATTS, BRANTFORD, ONT. William. Pooley, Agent. Box 50, Bowmanville