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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Sep 1886, p. 4

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iroportions may be gathered from the 1 keep, six centuries old. Eight miles to I think it is Bulwer Lytton who eomestatement that 40 per~ons t'an stand with-\ the north lies Hatherleigh with 1600 souls. wheeo sa.ys that "it is by each ma.n put· in the head which is 14 ft. high inside, It haa a stately ancl commodious church ting a lighted candle in his windo1v that with a fine roof of ribbed oak. The dis- a general illumination is produced". In the thumb has a circumference of 12 ft. trict around Hatherleigh is v. e ry barren ltke manner it is by each one doing some- and the forefinger is 8 ft. long. fo.rouod in a few days, and poorly cultivated and fairly merits thing in the wa.y of good, however limiteil the torch which will blaze with eledric a.nd School Books and all School the character given it in the local quat· in itself, that the _ ha.ppiness of society at light is a balcony that will hold 15 perrain: large is stimulated and increased, and so sons. · Requisites During the greater part of our voyage "The pP.ople are poor as Hatherleigh moor; in our little colony at sea, with song, '1&11 be had from me at right prices. and so they have been for ever and ever." sentiment, reading, recitation and music, we experienced unusmLlly cold weather, The gradient up Dartmoor is nearly one like Mark Tapley in "Martin Chuzzlewit " but probably this may be accounted for THE V!OTOR foot in fifty. The view on the left for we shall as a community aim at a whole- by our having gone 1t northerly .course. some way after passing Okeha,mpton eon- some revival of tht: . bles~ed sunshine by We had five days of stalwart hurricane. But Editors do not like to print sists of a bare hill-side, called Ckseampton continuing to be as happy as we can An a.rticle lazily long, ., Park.· But in about three miles there is under adverse circumstances . .And the gener ..I rco,der does not . For & couple or yards or song. a. very sudden break, ltnd from the top of Thero'B a. llLnrl in a. ll\titude nen r to us a.II . TREBILOO CK'S a.n aerial viaduct we look down lGO feet Whore dweller nrny foll ow his bent; So tying up my warp, I shall get ashore. ur Ok It is 11nder no moua.rcha t:rra.nnica.l thrall, into the valley of the river n est ement 1 .A.nd is known as tile Isle or Content. · · Trooly Yoors. the mo~t beautiful of the defile11 by which J. l{. 5 Oent Scholars' Companion, l the witters of Dartmoor escape northOn the evening of Wednesday and all wardr.i. The bottom of the valley close to day of Thursday 18th, w~ ra? 11~ the teeth the viaduct is marred by mining opera· of a furious, storm, our sh_ 1p literally un~er Exercise Books, &c., tions, but the view up it is very charming. the sea. 1he wavei lashrng and sweeprng are all special. Above it and hard by rises Yes Tor, the over her from ste~ t? stern. Just as highest English ground south of the L;ike I breakfast bell wa~ rwismg, a tremeud(~us The New Canadian & English District, except Kinder Scout in Derby- I s~a swept over, .d1splacrng two ··f the ships shire. A little beyond the viaduct and I li!'eboa.ts, ca;rymg aw~y part o~ the tr~p close to the summi·-level of the line be-1 µmgs. I~1 its course it came .with terrific tweeon Exeter and Plymouth, The Hols- ~orce _ agamst the saloon sk:f'.hght, smashworthy 1:,ranch diverges to the right and m g with. eas~ the heavy ~luck glass, the price 35 cents, is also ready. continues to rise till in a ' few miles it eea wa_shrng 111 overhead mto t"!le saloon. commands a panoram~ of the district ly· Had it happened a few moments la~er One dozen good Lead Pencils for ing between Ex.moor, Dartmoor and the when a!l were seated at. breakfast, its Cornish heights beyond Launceston. N 0 result 1.mght have been senous to several. 10 cents. further special features met our gaze till We did not k~ow the danger we had entering Holsworthy hy a long and lofty passed through t1~lseveral days afterwards , I viaduct, we ·alight at the station where we when ~he Caphm told some of us, r eceive a hearty greeting frow uncle John our slup had paesed through. as s~1f! a t;2r'f.. · ftf'. .t· ~tttt;h'ttM-2\U, Oke of Allerton, and cousin w. J . Hol- storm as ever blew, and som_e ide>t. of its ~".t \:.112\tUt"l.UU ~ " -";.om · mad, master of the National Schools of fierceness may ~1e conveyed m the state..,..,,~~--~·-~~'-""---~~ the town. Holsworthy is 218 miles from m~~t that a.cham on deck capable of susBCIWMANVII,LE, FRIDAY, SEPT. 3. London, 25 miles from Barnstaple and 46 tammg :1' weight of 60,000 lbs was snapped miles from E xeter. lt is a compact little like w.hiJ)<'.ord by a heavy sea Lhat struck market town containing a fine church with ?S am1dslnp. The effect of a storm at sea Sore Heads in Newcastle. some tolerable woodcarving- and an elei;(ant is never one moment the same, sometnn es and ancient font 'fhe. Labyrinth. a the mass of water l<~oked gr een, then blue Many of the faithful Tories of Newcas- mighty maze of beech trees, but not with- and then the ne~t mstan~ almost a peaty tle feel very sore over the way they have out a plan, was formed by Earl Stanhope, br~>wn and agam ~azzlmgly clear. and lord of the manor. The town is four bright, the waves of t~mense wrdth m a been ali~hted in the matter of Govern- miles from the river Tamar, the bound- sea of.heavy s~rf ~oll'n u~cm one ment appointments. Men who formerly ary between the two counties-Devon and ?fa distant height while it t akes its l~ap would do much "nd say more for Sir John Cornwall . Within the past 35 ybars a Im th~ deeply cut channel below, wlule 'l'his powder never varies. A marvel of el on . the crest of a purity, strength n.nd wholesomeness. More and Toryism, now han~ their heads and great many of the settlers in Dur ham and down rn the clrnnn_ Ontario counties have emigrated from wave,":nywhere the sea·b1rds float ~nd fly economical th&n the ordio,.ry kinds, and 01>n· say nothing and do less for the "cause." these counties, · which is our excuse for about m broad ra~nbows of spray lighted not be sold in cn111pe· i1ion with the multitude of low test, shPrt weight, alum or phosphate With the instincts of their party they giving so minute a description of their by th e casual ghi;ts of sunshme. It powders; Sold llnly in cans. ROYAL BA.K· hoped, and not without grounds, that natural beauties which we believe a,re un- was truly grand: Some o.f 011rpass3ngers lNll POWDlrn CU., 108 Wall St.. N. Y. when a good thing was to go their way surpasslld by any other counties in Eng- thou~~1t the ship was g011?g d.own. .T.he land, We have seen the time when it as Captam ~nd Doctor on their k!ndly v1S1ts they would get it. cost us quite an effort to acknowledgeDev- to .the stek ber.ths done their best to The Postmastershi became vacant ; on to be our ii.i.ive. country, but after pll.mfy ·those fedrngs. Your attention is directed ~o the immense there was no lack of local applicants each viewincr its beaut:ful landscapes and enI often wished to see a real good storm stock of 0 of whom flattered himself that as the j oying 1the unlimited hospitalities of its at sea, I saw one, I don't wish to experi· of his political coat was right, he people, never more shall we hesitate to e~ce another. The hea~y. seas str~cl\ us own it as the place of our na.tiv1ty. with ·fearful force, strammg the timbers would be the lucky man. · But no, the M. A. ·J . so much that ma.ny of the rooms were of every description at office was given to an outsider who does flooded and beds wet and damp. Many not even reside in Newcastle, but runs the A SPLASH FROM TEE OCEAN. a one rose in the inorning with I\ wet i>illow. · office by means of a deputy. This was a NEW YORK, HARBOUlt, } Sea sickness struck down the majority She haR just opened out one of the largeat better pill to swallnw and its operation and most stylish stocks ever brought · . Aug. 25th, 188G. of us once more, hut with a good comsufficiently drastin to cause wme kicking. to town, consisting of : Strangers ashore! All passengen aboard! mander in Capt. Moodie, his officers and Next Mr. Farncomb, Collector of Cus- was the cnmmand as the "State of crew well urider control and a stont. 1'1ill ine1·y, Dres~ Silks, toms, was superannuated. '!'his is sup- Georgia" lay at Ma visbank Pier in Glas- staunch ship we- weathered the storm and Velvets, &c., posed to be an office particularly suitable gow Hu hour on the 13th of August. proved thankful. Nothing makes one with a very fine stock of Feathers and All was bmitle and hurry, rush and push, feel better a sense of safety than to to persons of " blue-blood " tendencies; Flowers. trunks, valises, bag and baggage tossed on the cheery aspects of the officers and crew and as Newcastle abounds in such, there board. l<'riend aud x:elative grasped the who even amid the storm when the wind~ · Call and inspect this fine display, which . was many a flutter in hopeful Tory hearts. hand and pressed the lip, and with the . and billows are buffctiog every~hing canno~ foil t~ gh'e sati:'_fll:°_I;_~~·--· But again no, " some other man " was good bye and farewell of friend and pas· aro1md,seem to retr·in a pleasant demeane steamed off. We were our, .reminding one of that truism of appointed and Newcastle had to submit. senger alike w· Thus does S·r .John tell his Newcastle timed to start at 11:30, a.m., and punct· which the poet Dryden says ~ ually at that hour ropes and fastenings "How ea.ay ti's when destiny proves kind. followers that, though good enough to do With full spread sails to run before 1 .he wind; were th rown ff an d we were un d er way, But thoso that 'ga.inst s!.ilf g1>lescareering go his dirty work ltt electi.ons, they will not sailing down the beautiful Frith of Clyde, Must be at once 1·esolved RUd skilful too." do for Post Masters or Collectors of past its busy hives of shiµbuilding yards. In the evening after the storm had abated Customs. On arrival at the tail of the bank at we passed a schooner, within a stone Greeuock, we are signalled by a sister throw.on our b<Jw. 'fhree ringing cheers ship of the line, the '·'State of Indiana" were given 'for the "Hagarlil." of Jersey at anchor, which after being half way as we went scudding past. We passed across the Atlantic en-route for N l'lW quite a number of outward and inward HoLBWORTHY, DEVON, } York, had return.eel to the Clyde· with a bound vessels, and we seldom, passed ENGLAND, Aug. 6th, 1886. break down in the machinery. After without exchanging signals, and hoisting some preliminaries we take on b oard 17 colours. ·whilt1 iu the old and sturdy town of s .loon, and 40 steerage passengers and Last s~turday 21st, we pas 3 ed the outExeter we 11 ade a gre&t effvrt to find a although we have our full complement, ward bound Anchor Liner " City uf Mrs. Thos. Ja, Vi8 , terof Mr. Jonathan we hail their arrival on the tug with a R ome" which was s ignalled all well; each Bray, Enfield, from whom he had not cheer, and once more we are off, passing steamer's decks were crowded to see each herud for many ye,mi, and when last heard quite close to the illfated Indiana with f ·1 · 1 1 f ·1 h · h k pa,ss. This steamer is one of the largest rom was a w1 OIV wit l a arge am1 y. her bel;i.te.d trave11erst rongmg t e dee s. afloat. It being 546 feet in length, 51 ft. After makinir inquiry from various city Hallo! "State of Indiana" yells a pasd officials and hose iu the post office, we seuger as we steamed past, quess we're in G iuches broad. 38 f t . deep an a gross ought & directory and visited the ad· t t f · · kl d tonnage of 8145. With the four masts b a-B <t e 0 misery- as qmc y - respon s carrying s . ail, and the three funnels with :: dresse ·of all the J arvises we could find, but a yankee all witlwut success. l<'inally, as a last en· th1Jir long bJack streak of smoke in lt is the only preparation· in the world the.t Saturday morning early, found us at the wake of the vessel it forms quite a will do whaC i~ claimed for it. It has produned dca.vor, we wrote her full name on a· post- Larni, the Irish calling place of the Line, picture. luxuriant growths of hajr on bald hea.ds where baldness has existed for It has restored al card, addressed to Exeter post office where we take on another contingent of W h d ti . . · Che color e.nd vigor LO numerous mops of gray and wrote o11 the reverse side "should passengers and a large quantity of cargo. Sebba th ye~ ~ery_ ~mp~~ss1vi serviced e.nd fa.d~d It ha.s relieved hundreds or this card r~ach you, report at once to 29 We hav e a whole day here and mos~ of ~~e fn t~e f:i.:das~~ ii~l w~i~~. J'.~:v.a~. persons of disagreeable Dandruff and has saved many wbon hair was falling, from becoming Clifton Road and you will h ear from your our passengers t~ke walks and drive11 ' . brotlwr Jonathan in Canada. I am his through the clean little town and its G. Wallace, Georgetown, Re".. W. F1z~ll, bold. It&'" Ilcmembor these fa.eta and if your ha.Ir is d' son-in-law.. Y .. 11rs truly, &c. " on Satur- 1 Toronto, Rev. Dr. H. I. H a milton, Ph1la- falling ouc ancl becoming ibin, gee a bottle at day ,, letter rea ..hcd us here saying the c assic su~roun m gs. . delphia, Rev. M. Me~ser, Philadelphia once and save the growth, or you may losA it card had found an old lady of i,he name ~ut w.ith th? order, gangways off, the and R ev. J. McClelland Cromie, Boston, forever. Ask yonrdrnµ;gist for HAIR MAGIC take nothing ehie. to which it w <S addressed, a widow whose ships wlustle gives ~ short dull snort ~nd took part. Shortly before service we and A. DOHE.N WEND, Sole Msn11facturer, Tomaiden name was Bray and who had a we proceed to sea m a lovely moonlight h ave the .g laddening sight of land- we ronto. brothcdn Ame rica call·id Jonathan. That night. We 0 ?111 d not have ha~ a bf' clearly see Cape Race on the coast of HIGGINBOTllA.lU & SON, she is a widow 76 years of age and living Not a cloud m the sky, the wmd dnvmg Newfoundland. In· strikinO' the banks A GENTS FOR BowMANVILLE . with he·· d twghter, a Mrs. Nooks, St. th.e spray on our side, and we .could cat~h of Newfoundland it ~ generally Leona ds. · w·e simply give this personal glimpses of the _ far off recedmg lan~ rn under foggy weather, bu t we were fortu- NATURE'S ARellttl>lc Remedy .t"o1· Slck Sto11111.cl1, m a tter b · cause so many readers of the the P.ale moonhg~t and the moonlight nately favored with clear bright sunshine. CURE FOR 'l'orpld Live··. S1.'ATl!ltlMAN know both persons an<l to show c~t?hmg the foammg water made a ~cane We passed through a dense fog the same 811 what a pos·al card did by means of the dtffieu~t to forget. We leave Inms~ra- evening, the ships whistle having been ~~·~~··;,~:~~!'~che, oJCcel!ent postal system in England after hull Lighthouse on Tory Island fai·.belund \kept continually blowing all night, still f 'l'arrant's Efl'.ervcscen t all oth .,. , Jfor1 shad proved futile. and so leave mother earth for a time. , we fell?, a degree of safety in hearing the SEL'l'ZER APEltlENT· It is certain in its efFrom Exeter we came by the Loudon Wh~t a grand institu~ion the light- ha~f hourly cry of the watch on deck, . fects. I t is gentle in its and South \Veste rn Ri\ilway by way of house is l Many a good ship ha,s been lost alls well. . j action. It is palatable to the ta.ate. lt can be Okehampt n toHolsworthy. The distances ,on 'fory Island and on that stormy i;-ock Tuesday evening also closed in upqn u~ · relied upon to cum, and :\re: Exeter to Yoeford Junction, ll~·m.; bound coast, and many. a p~or mariner 'with a heavy fog of the conistency of a ·> ~' · ' / it cures by assisting, not Okehampton, 26, m.; Holsworthy, 4G,m.; blesses the man who h ves i~ tha~ .t~ll thoroughbred scotch mist. \Ve had just ~· by outraging,nature. Do · ~ not take violent purga· then pr ·ceecli ria on to Cornwall, Stratton tu;Tet. shaped . lantern t hrowmg off its_ finished a splendid concert down stair3 tives yourselves,or a.How rs 54 m, and Bude 56 from Exeter. Very briflht beacon light as a guard and a chart and took a look r ound on deck before »lll' children to take little of int e ·est meets the eye tiU Yeo- agamst its stormy coast. turning in to berth. The ships fog horn '\I · fY them. a.I ways use this AND elegant pharm a.cet1tical ford i~ re .clwd,'when'JJ1:oceeding due west, Our ship speecls on aud yacht like was too~ing, and a heavy sea running, preparation, which has commences at once Lhe long climb which skips the water, and so we are on the.good when suddenly out of the thick pitchy Ileen for more tha.n forty a years a public favorite. continues with here and there a break, to vessel th;i.t is to bear us home and give darkness could be seen, away out to sea, iiold Im dnwgi sts e· v er111vhere. Okeh m·;to:1 J unction. The scenery at us some porpoise-like rolling on the way. a thin blue light. The l'ilot's signal. It first is quiet and somewhat poverty strickSabbath morning came and found us in was answered by our ship also burning a en. After p:tssing Bow, we soon get our a dreadful sea. All our passengera down quantity of blue light. The engines stopfirst view of .Ua:·tmour- a bleak dark look- with t hat terror ()f Atlant ic voyage sea pect and in a few minutes a little boat ST. TJUHIAS, ONT, ing ex;·anso of rugged upland, covered sic1mess. 'rhe breakfast bell rang, but came tossing up on the billows to our 15 Professors and Tee.chera. Attend&nce with h ...ath "'"d furse . Oawsand .Beacon is only four turned up at table to the sum- ship's side and the pilot, a fine looking man you.r Jg() Unexcelled advant(l.ges in J,lt.eru. &n exceedingly uninteresting-looking- hill mo1u, and fer the three following d-ays b oarded us, wet with brine, bearing a ture. lian;tnages. ~lnslc, Fine At·f,~ 11.nd Coiumerd:tl i;deuce. HE·UPENS 8EPT. 9t.ll. and on its right is the rugged Belstone the dining saloon had a most dejected bundle of New York papers which we For 61l-pp. Announcement, address. Tor. Th o next station to Bow is North look: for having ventured near, for let me were glad to get and eagerly perused. A Principal AUSTIN, B. D. 'l'awton, a s mall co untry town with a per- say that after sickness, indeed long after sailor has a perilous job but, the m ost fleldt are ocorce, bnt tho" wbo wrlle le pendicular church . A little farther on one is convalescel)t victuals of any kind courageous and pluckiest are the pilots . Stin1on & Co., Portland, )faioe,wm receivo we crosst1d the river Taw. The Yiew now j are very reirngnant. We were at this time 350 miles from free, full infonnatiou about work ' vhich theyca.u <lo,aod live at home,tlm.t will pay began t " increase in extent and interest. Nearly n.11 our passengers experienced port, yet competition has become so keen them from $5 to $25 per day. Some have Passing by Sarnpford and turning south- sea-sickness in i·..s three stages. 1st. you that they will venture out so far, and earned ovel'$50 in a day. :Either sex, young or old. Cnpital requ ired. You are started rree. Tho5e who stnrt at once ward we crossed the East Okement. and I think you are dying. 2nd. you wish you beat about in the truck of vessels. This not we abisolutel7 au'r· or .i1oa.a Utile for&unu.. All ii ntw.. - -·---still climhing a steeper incline we soon \ were dead. 3rd. you are afraid you are pilot had b een out to sea for 7 days before - reached Okehampto n which is situated in I' not dying. When one is well though,and picking us up. A Captain has to take a. valley below on the right, .and viewed the weather favorable, the bracing air of the fir~t pilot who si"nals him. But we FOR YOU.NG LADIES. from t he railway, does not merit the the sea, the exhilarating walk on d eck, speed on, pas t Sa~dy Hook, and up Wykeham Ha.11; College .A.venue, 'l'oronto. sweeping criticism passed upon it by the · cheery, pleasant t ete-a tete of your through the splendid harbour of New Kingsley. " Ugly," "dirty" and "stupid" fellow voyageurd, all combine t o spur the York. The air is ringing with "Home li"l 'l'he School will HE-OPEN on TUESDAY. 7th l::>eptember. Boarders to arrive the previous are the epithets that writer uses in his appetite and one is fully competent for Sweet Home." On our way we pass day. descriptio11. Okehampton has a popula-1 all the meals the ship affords of which we- Bartholdi's Statue of Liberty on Bedloes 'J'hose who so desire are prepared for the tion of about 1,700. Its castle on the have five. Ponidge and milk at 7, break- Island. This gigantic monument will be examinations at Trinity nod 'l'oronto Universities. several pupils h!l.ving obtained tlr~t-class sou thwest occu pi~8 a remarkably pictur- 1fast at 8:30, dinner at 1, tea at 5, supper the loftiest in the world. It is 320 ft. in honours this yee.r. .Apply to MISS GRIEH, Lacly Principal. esque site. The ruins consist of a square ' at 9. Llght11 all out and all abed at 11. height and :1ome idea of its enormous 2 0 SCHOOL 0PENS MAS-ON BRO'S NEW DEPARTURE. ng decided to conduct our business on a strictly cash system, we have reduced the pricet1 on all our goods, and can now guarantee to save you ully 15 per cent.. on your regular purchases. We find that we can afford to do this, as by selling for cash only,we do not contract any bad debts, which jn a mixed credit and cash business have al ways to be allowed for ; we have also the continued u se of our money, which by repeatedly turning over, will repay us or the reduction in prices. We think the time has now come when aD strictly cash dry goods store can be maintained. You cannot afford to pay the extraramount, which it necessary should be paid under the old system, and we now come to the front and say emphatically and positively that we will place our goods bell' ore you at prices which will cause you to stop and ponder before you go back to the old credit system. Call at once and you will be convinced. Noiseless Slate. 5C. 200 PACE SCRIBBLINC BOOK. HISTORY, p · TREBILCOCK. MASON BROS. Use McColl Bros. & Co.'s Celebrated. -4Klf4G Farmers, Threshers and Mil Im en POWDER Absolutely Pure. LARDE NE~ MACHINE 0 L. THE BEST IN THE WORLD. When bqying Coal Oil ask your deaier for the New Oils, LADIES, FAIILY SAFETY & S ' U NLIGHT Coal Oil. Try it once, you will use no other. ~lcUOLL BROS. & UO'Y, Toronto MILLINERY =========== MRS. DONNEL Y'. S DRY. GOODS. CLEAR/NB SALE. In order to make room for our we will offer the of our Summer · Goods ° EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE. at ve~y close prices. s· .· 3: c MUSIC. 0 S . W. RUSE. TOD BROS. > COMMENCING TRIS WEEK -WI'l'H' MR, CRULF.S CA WTllORNE CA.JtTJ·:R, organie·t of St. P eter's, Cohourg, late of Eng- land, teacher of Piano. 0l'gan, Singing and Theory. Pupils desiring lessons can leave their name and obtain terms, at Mr. Trebilcock'a Store. 23·t! E A 0 HER OF ORGAN, PIANO, VOICE e.nd THEORY. 'l'erms on appli· 28;ly cation at'·· BIG 20," PARASOLS. ---o--We offer an eight rib Parasol for twenty cents, An extra large eight rib Black Parasol for forty cents. Ten rib Black Zenella Parasol for sixty cents. Black satin lined Parasol selling for seventy-five cents. A beautiful large extra quality Satin Parasols for one seventyfi ve. An elegant. gold rib Satin Parasol selling for two dollars. I T nus. lUcLAlf~HLIN .t: BEITH. OFk'iCE :-Momus' BLOCK, BOWMANVILLE· Dr.J.W.McLAUGHL!N,, Dr. A. BEITII, Gradullcentiate o! the !:t!JYSl ate of the '.l'oronto College of Physicians and member of the Umvers1ty, .Physician , l=toyal College or Sur- Surgeon, &c. geons, Edinburgh. I. .. Building Lots for .Sale. OME of the most valuable and eligible S the Town of Dowmanville. Terms ea.ay. l!'or particulars and plans apply a.t the office of 10 CONSTIPATION Otb, l\foClnngs' Duildinµ;a, Bowma.nYille. 18~6. H. RUSSELL LOSCOMBE. 20·! w MapleGroveNurseries ( H~ndsome ~ace triml'(,1ed Para~ols . m blue, beige, cream and ca.rdma.l WATERLOO, N . Y, from. fifty cents and' up. 0 I ·1"k Headache S DY SPEPSI A WANTED. Goo~ ac~ive ROBERTSON & BON~ Daily Line to Rochester. Alma Ladies' College, Agents. r eliable men as canvassing Libera.I inducements to good men. Apply at once to J. W. M cKAY, Gen. Manager. CANADA BRANCH, ST. THOM.As, ONT. ~ THE S'l'EA.MER I G 0Ln l\1a.ster.) MURRAY HILL · ILL MAKE JI E R REGULAR W 'l'RIPS on this route, leaving Cobourg HOTEL,. and Port Hope at every morning at (G. t;ltA lVl'OltD, NORSEMAN 7:30, NEW YORK. The largest and finest constructed hotel in the city, on Park A.venue, one blonk from Grand Central Depot. (ON AMERICAN AND E UROPEAN PLANS.) THE BISHOP STRACHAN SCHOOL I 600 rooms, elega.ntly fllrnished and decorated. 'l'he vcntilatiou, drainage and sanitary ar· rangement8 genera.Hy, 1u-e the most perfect that human ingenuity and skill can devise. Stairway and 3 elevators. Noclmrge for conveyinii; baggage from or to the Gra11d Centra.l Depot. 2J.3m lllJNTING d: llA.JlllUOND, P1·oprietors, o'clock, on arrival or Grand Trunk Railway '!'rains from the east and west, connecting at Rochester with the New York Centre.I, North· ern Central, and Erie Railways. and the Lake Ontario Division of the Rome. Waterto.wn and Ogdensburg Ra.ii way for all points ea~t. west and south. · RE'! 'URNING-Will leave Charlotte (port of Rochester) daily ' at H o'clock, p. m., except Saturday when she will leave a.t 3 p. m., for Port Hope direct. Dealers in stock will Jlod thls tlie cheapest and most exporl1tious route to Oswego. Boston. Albany, New York, etc·. For further information apply to KENNER &; CU', Bowman ville or Q. ORA WFORD, Port Hope, or C. F. GILDERSLEEVE, King· 21-tf ston. 9:50

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