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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Sep 1886, p. 5

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· · . .· is to !1a11d filled with choice reading · ' . . matter .. s well as valuable information on · numero ·lB household sub)ect.s. Price $2 Have 'passed the customs and opened 'out per year. T. T. A1·thur & Son, 920 Walnut St., Philadelphia. · three cases of PURE September nm~ber of Our Little Ones and undiluted anrl the Nursery; will be found very inter-' full etrenqth. esting to the little folks. $ l. 50 per year . Addre~s Russell, Pub. Co., Boston., M; and one case of WHOLESOME It may not be known to many readers Purities the blood, of this journal that we have this town and aids digestion. an institution bearing the name of "The Bowmanvi!le Electro Plating Works". which guarantees to do plating in gold, also a magnificent stock silver or nickle so that old articles are REFRESHING made to look quite as good or even betTones up the system. .1 ter than new, ancl the proprietor agrees to plate h·m.vior than the platin~ to b e found un any new article. All kinds of FRUITY silver1rnre, old watch cases gold or silver, and Tich in flavor. and indeed all kinds of t ..bleyrare are repaired, cleaned, and. polished. Any of Miss Oldsworthy and Miss Marsh, of our readers having articles thah require Port Hope, and Mrs. H artford, of Detroit, plating can rely 011 getting a supel'.ior job COOLING have been visiting at Mrs. Capt. Cootes' · d one at a reasonable price, and a single Just the drink for The West End House is the only store trial will convince yo u tha t this is correct. in will warm weather. in town keeping a complete assortment of The foreman is Mr. John Wright, late of Eastnu's Cel'3brated Panniers, Hoopskirts Glasgow, i:'icotlaud, and the proprietor In ordering, epecitiy DOMINICA, and don't and Bustles. is Mr. F. N. Ham. Call at ·Reid's be put off with any imitations. Pers~ns wishing to borrow money on B lock and see sampled of the work they farm security can be accommodated wit.h are turning out. BEFINED EXPRESSLY FOR any amount to - - - -- fli · on t l application t t f · the t STATES815 tf CONSIJltli'TIUN ()IJRED.- .-.n oui nhysloian MAN ce, a owes r a es 0 m ere .,., ' · retired from practice, having had placed in his One Door West of Post Office, Bowmanville. Messrs. W. S . Russell, W . 0. Kin", J:, an li]astindia missionary the formula S d D M I . rl l' J B Mith r of a simple ve.:etable remedy ror the speedy l\ll'C> i.'1-TFl.E.A.X..., an o, r . . c J:tug 1 ~n, : · c e ~ , andpermanentoureofUonsumption.Bronchitis, an d .J . :Morns were prize wmners at tlie , · Catarrh, Asthma and u.11 throat and Lung Af· For sale by STOTT & JURY. provincial rifle matches in T oronto last · rections, al·o a positive and ~adical cure for 1\'.Ir · John J.> uustle · Mrs · S · Munson " ~nd . 019~ 50 Nervous Debility and all nervous Complaints, .A liberal discount to the trade. No week . Thetvtal amoun t· wun was 'iP ·a. · after having teeted its wonderful curative - !charge for cases. Mr. H . .Bennett, have all returned from · h oi;isan ds o, ca·es, has f e 1t it his L ovely Braidell ,Jerseys from 1.25 u.p at powers mt their trip across the sea. C t: J h t e. C d. , duty to make 1t known to his suffering fellows. oucu, o n s on ,,,;; ry erman s Actuated by this mot.Ive and a desire to relieve Mrs. D. T. Tees, of Montreal, after a · M d 1 t M ' M C 11 l1 l10 human sutrering, I will send free or charge, to lengthy visit with friends here, left for . 0 .ifss Be lul ~u llc; w all who desire It. this German.French, ' n .· oothll,Y a.ts 1eavmg w ct d · · own or en e, was or English. wit.h full directic ms for preparing h 1 p resented with a very haudsome riniz by and using. Sent by mail by addressing "witn er. iome on ~ ~es ay mormng. _iiall goods arnvm7 every day at the /t he members of St. John's church, Miss stamp,;:- this paper, W · ..tLNuYES149 West End House. rhey open up splen - l\fc('ullou"'h ha\'inO' been a member of the Power's BlockRochester N. Y. 45 '- - F O,F l . - · - didly_ and will be sold at prices to suit ch~ir for~ nurnbe; of years. ' FALL FAIRS. the times. ' L aci· · T ai ·t ,., "· M orrison · ' s s t or e you · , 1 es,1n - F ARMERS,-McClellan'& Co. 'have now can see the prettiest , cheapest and best Industrial, Toronto, Sept. 6th to 18th. on hand a large quantity of Salt and Fancy ·Window Shades ever in troduced Provincial , G uelph, Sept. 20:h to 25th. Plaster and for sale in quantities to suit here, their cheepness is most remarkable. Central, Hamilton, Sept. 27th, Oct. 1st. YOU CAN BUY purchasers. Call a'nd see them. Rollers;cornice poles Ce ntral, L indsay, Sept. 28 th to 30th. BUGS. BURE 4 pieces fme now worsted coatings, beau- fi~ings for drawing, etc., in iitock. South Ontario, Whitby, Sept. 28th, 29 th. A Shaving Mug and Brush, or - - A . N" :r:>-. tifully finished goods. Gentlemen, if you A clever writer is said to have made Weetern, London, Sept . 27th t o Oct . 2 nd. A Hair Brush and' Mirror, or want a suit, see them at T. Geo, Mason's, the following compuhtion ·-One fly on Central Port Perry 00t 5t,h to 8th Star House. the 20th of K'.Iarch is 'r,..pre~ented by 300 Clarke,'Ne wcastfo, Sept. 24th and 25th. A Puff and Toilet Box, or What a temptation there is to find our on April 24th, by 300 times 3QO equalling BowmR nville, Sept. 30tP, and Oct. 1st. A Good Hair Brush and Comb, or religion in our circumstances ! · Who can 90,000 on the 18th May, by 27,000,000 · - - -....- -realize the profound truth that to live is o~,..the 2nd July, and by 8,100,000,000on Scott's Emulsion of Pure Six Good Combs, or tlie 8th of Auguat. . Cod Ltver on, wltll J1ypopl10HplllteK }'OR '1:DE DESTRUCTl01" OF . A Good Hair Brush and a Cake better than to have. 1 Jlol' Chi.ldren (Incl I'1~lmonary Tro11·l>les, HoRsRs WA,.NTEn.-I want t o buy a lot Mr. and Mr11, John Keachie, who havG of Soap. of large, heavy horses; also fillies from , been absent for the past three months Flie~, '.J¥tg~quitqs, Dr.W.S !l.oY, Poiut PleMant, W. Va. 1 one to four years old, Address, ~TEPllEN visiting friends in Scothnd and England, -Call and see theCOTTON, Bowmanville. and Mrs. and Miss Muir who have also says : " I have made a thorough test with Scott's Emulsion in Pulmonary troubles, Mr. R. Dobson, B . A. , and Miss Doh - ·been on a trip to the Old Sod, returned and general debility, imd h ave' been son, who been visiting friends here 1 1home on Saturday last. 'l'hey report a astoni~hed at the good res ults, . and as a for tho past month; returned to their very rough passage out. -.ATremedy for children with Rickets or home in Picton, last week. :As Mr. ind Mrs. Chan. Henry were Marasmus, it is unequalled." Bowmanville, J une 30, 1886. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman a~e returnini: from a drive to the lake last ~~~~~~~~~----~~----showing an immense stock of cloths and f Saturday evening, their h orse becoming · h d l· d · I b d ~farrhur:e Nutlces. 50 cent.; lllrtlu. aad tweeds, which they are prepared to m!ike fl !~ tene ,sue ·upsettwg t rn_ · ug!!y an · · death~, 25 cent·. up in a style not equalled in West Dur- throwing the occupants out. Beyond ==== = ====·-=====·- -- MEDICAL HALL. ham. receiving a good shaking however, no eerDIED. ious injuries were sustained. R R e1·. . D. Butler, formerly of this A good t w . eed or sero"e suit , any size, VAnco-In Bnwmanville. on the 26th ult., ~t ~auadiau ~tattllman. town, will preach in the Diciple church Willi11.1n .i"aro, infant son of J ob.n and Nora -AT T H E ~-------~ ~ -'·-<>"'""'·~~"-----~-- -·--~-- -· next Lorcl's Day, morning and evening $5.00 at T . Geo. Maso~s, Star House. V~!':~· ~ged one year and 7 months. , 3 Services commence at 11 a. m., and ·7 [~11uu.T~0:11 the 2flth ult., John J<'rederick, If in.fa.nt ij0<1 or Thomas arid Emily Smelt, aged B~MANVILLE, F RID.lY, S EP'I. . p. m. __,, mne months. Nor A BAD DAY'S WORK.-Messrs """t:TT KEYES-In Fowmanvillc, on tho 27th ult., - -- Dobson & Mutton, threshed for '\V. H Jooeph Clark, infant sun of Willi1<m Mary ~ 1~ ~1:m Keyes, aged. 7 month&. Williams, Esq., Con. St., 1178 bushels of . J E wELL- In Bowman ville, on~onday, 30th barley, by actual measurement, in less , ult., Eva, inta.nt d11.ught(:r of Cha.rles and M11.r· . .The schools op~ned here on Monday thaJI 1~ hours. cen& J 11well,,aged weeks. 1 with a good attendance. ,,,,., . We will pay the hi'ghest ~ i GILFJLLAN.- In Bowman ville on the 1st inst. . ' " -r.A valuable horse, belongmg tu Mr. W ·· .Jos/:ph lliltlllan, iqed 89 ' . NEW, NEW-black and colored braide?, R. R. Cawker, had its leg broken by a ScoTT.- ln Toronto, Aug. 31st, the infant son Jerseys a~ the Star House. ' kick from another horse while in the price in Cash for any quan· t~Qf Mr. l!'rank Scott. Misa Lottie Houey has re.turned from pasture field, last Sunda;. The animal ~..-;; _ ;.._ ._-__ -.· ~-~~~---~~~~~--~visit to friends in .Toronto. had to be shot. tity of Wool. BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. See those beautiful Fancy Window, Now is the time to order a suit of -Shades at Tait~ Morrison's. c~ '"clot-h-es. be'fore the tailors get rushed with Corrected b y Jofoi J,yle, cveryTburMday, Mr. and Mrs Geo .. Bickell are visiting work. They will get you up a suit at .. WM. ·QUICK & CO. -friends in Peterboro, Hastings and Lake- the West End House in first c}a3s style FJ.OUR, 'IP' 100 tbs.······· . $2 10 to $2 50 :field. at a very small cost. Call, see goods and WHEAT, Fall, 'It bush· · · · · 0 70 " 0 75 et pri~s. . i; Spring, 11 t ·· ·· 0 70 u 0 75 g Mr. A. G. Henderson, 1)roprietor of , "" " 0 70 ' O Th d '\Ve are in receipt of a very handsome BARLE Y, ""'b ,,. ush · · · · · · · ·· 0 uu the ' Whitby Chronicle, was ·in town last I. l 'ttl n urs last week 11 h'ld ay f afternoon, M J l of -.:r h' programme of the Toronto Industrial RYR, · · · · · · · · · · o 53 " o 55 week. a. 1 e cEl 1 ' . b e held from the 6th of OATS, 11 Ol<5 11 o 37 · os r. l11 ·1 o in ·1 · arco, w o E x h'b I 1t1on, to ········ A new Salvation Army barracks is 1ives "' ept. to t 1 Tl10 arrangements PEAS, Blackeye, 'II" bush .. . 0 80 11 0 88 l on f 11 ·gm t.,· w b e Paying l h . 'in h the .. le 18 t h . being built at Kmgston, at a cost o~ yar~, e l~ - ~ ram . a:~e ' w \Cd w~ a nd attractions this year will, it is though t , II Small, II ··· 0 55 II 0 60 11 .$5.000. f snn · some. 18 ,a.nee 111 · e _groun ' a:·~c surpass those of any previous year, and Blue, " · · · O 55 " 0 65 11 An elegant lot of Ladie's German madel' .:{:in~~t discovered until life was quite the attendance larger than at any pre- B UTIElt, best table, 'IP' lt. · · 0 12 0 14 All which will 11 mantles opeaed ou t to-day at Couch, . vious exhibition. LARD, 'IP' lb · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 0 10 0 13 .Johnston & Cryderman's. On account of Mrs. Humphrey havrng If f ld t d tl Eaos, 'IP' doz ............. 0 00 11 O 12 sold her lot on wluch we have a large every armer "'. 0 u cu .own ie h POTATOES, 'l;l' bush .····.·· 0 35 11 0 40 . W . P . G oard , of S . A ., accomt"t f d t d , ll d burdocks, nettles, .thistles, mullem stalks, ·H· Y 9 OO lO 00 C.ap t d b 'f . . . b . f quan Iyo woo s ore ,we are compe e d . d b .d A 11 . iP~~ie Y 1irn WI e,_ 18 enJoymg a ne to remove it, and to save twice handling an pig wee , es1 e .t he road .next to his · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·' · · · · vIS1t among frien,dshm towBnl~ d p· k will sell .for the next fifteen days at th~ own land, would not the landscape be · -·· --- Order Doe·sl Sas ~s, m s, i~ et~, following prices:-13estHa.rdWood,$4.50; improved, at least to a farmer's eyes ? etc., at Mor:ns Planmg Factory, Liberty Cull, $3.50; Limbs, $2.50, dried. Mc- It is probable that next year would not ' 'Street, R. ,H. Osborne, leasee. CLELLAN & Co. have as many weeds to h oe from the corn in:LJ,El'ILLE, ONT.. 35 . 2 w. al).d potacoes on t!J.e other side of 1 he Chartered and opened in 1857. Over 3,000 per· MISS R IJSHTON, WIJ,LU.'J l lVIGllT, sons have been in attendance: 170 students social under the auspices of Shaw's fence. Ta whom it may concern: this is to cer- S A h 1 II S d S h l '11 b enrolled last year, representing ltr.ltlsh ColR GANIST AND P I ANIST (fate of ICE NSED AUCTIONE ER for the " ' f e oo ouse. un ay c oo , WI e Th E 1 t f · h h J umbJa. Mnn'ltoh:t, Michi··an, New York, ·t ify, that Robertson & Bond are selling .A County o! Durham. All sales will receive England). is prepared to give lessons on .dencu e ag e s eam n as ier or w ic . Onttu·.lo nnd Ctuebec ; S7 diploma.s ~ ~ of Mr. N. Osborne N and cer· the Organ or Piano. For term s apply .R.t MR. prompt attentrnn. Adrlress :- 'l'yrone P . o. held at .tlle resl the cheo.p"at goods in town. Lot 4 con. 1, Darlington, on Friday' · K ivell is the general agen.t in this dis- titlcates awarded. including Matriculation, PE'l"l'INGER'R, Tyrone. 3l·3w 28:6m 1 Every man has a paradise around him Sept. 10th. Refreshments wi'll be served' t rict may be seen fi.t Cawker and Allin's Music, _ F ine .Arts.Con1mer cia.l Science, Collegi' B '11 0 20 h b ate and 'l'encherR ' Courses. Fall Term begins S llA lV ~ t; TOL1' 1 , till he sins and the angel of an accusing after which an interesting programme of store, owmanvi e. ~r 1 ave een Sept. 11.11, J8811: For annual catalogue, etc.; S, (). H IJNIUNG, IC ENSED AUC'J'IONE E R S for the conscience drives him from his Eden. readings, recitations, . singing, etc. , will sold around here since November. A address Rev. w. P. DYER, M.A., Pres. ICENSED AUCT IO NEER FOR County of Durham. All sales will receive T11e contract price of the new Toronto be re ndered. A cordial invitation is ex~ large consignment has been r eceived from - -- - - - the County of Durham. Sales attended b~t~p t attention. Address:- Bowmanville, ·Court house is $110,000. The structure tended to all. notice and lowest rates. Address to on shortest the ma.nufactuer and all orders will be COURTICE, P. 0. 3G:~f and grounds is likely' to cost $500,000: One of the most popular mair . azines. of promptly filled. The1 Eagle is d ecidely ··· · the b est washin g machine on Earth, B0~:rs; TO HIRE.-· Twogood boats to hire. fashion and literature is the New York Apply to Geo. H. B"xton at the Orgm1 F ashion Bazar. The September number An exclumge say;s :-Farmere who have The subscriber W!ll pay the bighest cash Factory, or at his residence King-st. East. cumes i·e[Jlete with choice readi11g, latest b een in the habit of drawing potato vines price for any quantity of good Mercbe.ntable Wool and Zc over tbiLt in trade. Dont give fashion descriptions and styles, while the to their barn yards, to be worked up into The Port Hope Model School does not !I-way your wool when you oa.n get a fair price open until Sept. 15th, but all intending household and fancy work departments manure, had better omit the practice t his Among our many departments, in ex_c11tt.nge -For Bla.nkAta. Sb eeti:ng, T w eeds, etc., Ca.r pe~ Yarn a nd S uck Yarn alwa ys on applicants should no tify the Head Maver, are all that could be desired. S ttbscrip- year, especially in places where the hai;i~. . With thanks for past favours and tion price $3.00 per year. Geo. Munroe, potato rot has been prevaleht. The rot Dress Goods will have our s pecial Mr. Wood, at once. sohc1tml!-' _ a. contmuance of. the same. I am Pub., 17 to 27 Vandewater St., N. Y . is undoubtedly produced by a funo-us ~~nr obhi;m1 ~ servant, D . TAYLOR, Hampton J. R Bradley's Spring Pad for single w oolen Mills. 23.31n· The m~niYersary services of the Queen gr owth wh ich originates in t he leaf :nd and doub le harness gives entir e satisfactattention, and _we purpo se making ion. No horse will have a sore l1ack St. Methodist Church will be h eld on carrying this to the manure heap is the Sundo.y and Monday next. n.ev. J. E. most cerroin mode of spreading it over where they are use d. a gre at effort to lead the 'trade in CURES The Century for September takes Starr, of Toronto, will conduct the Sab- the farm. bath services. On Monday a first class !'URE TJ<JA! PURE LrrER,\TURE!!- The ground editorially in favor· of dealing tea will be st1rYed in the basement of the Li-Quor Tea Co. is the laqi;e~t beBb that branch of our enterprise. ALL LIVER AND KIDNEY COM- H a v ing fi tted up t he C a ledonian with the Mormon question, by means of church. To the children at 5 p. m., and Packet Tea Co. in t he 'l\orld. A hand'PLAI NTS, D YSPEPSIA, INDIGES'r- Flo u r , Grist, Oat M eal, B arlel and general marriaga a ud divorce laws. to visitors from 6 to 7:30, after which an some volnme given away with every 3lbs We will c onst~ntly have on hand Split P ea Mills in first-cl ass r u nn\V. Hazzlewood, Raglan, Ont. Licens- interesting programme will be rendered. of this celebrated tea. It is not necessary ION Alll D ALL DI'5EASES ARISI N G ing order, I am n ow<l. to ed Auctioneer for the township of DarF T HE SPECIAL ATTENTION should always be to purchas~ th_e three poun.ds at one time; all 't he latest production s that the FROM .DISARRANGEMENTS O lington. All orders for sales in this given to the hair and scalp. There is a voucher is given away with every h,alf LIVER AND KIDNEYS. vicinity, left with F. H. Mason, Bowth' · th d h d f l· pound. Bydrinking theLi-QuorTeas,th no mg nicer an a goo ea o lair. consumer becomes a. parti"ci'pator i"r1 the market afford.s m Frecch, German mnnville, will receive prompt attention. In case of baldness when the roots are 34-tf. on .r ea;;onable terms . not all gone, Dr. Dorenwend's Great advantage!:' which this company possesses . . The average wages on farm lands for Hair Magic, will produce a over all competitors, for he gets a better and English matenals, together Roller F lour, Bran, Shorts, Corn. Ontario is $158 with board and $251 luxuriant growth of hair ; it will re-tore te<s at a lower price than can be procured wi'th without board, per year ; and $17.06 all grey and faded hair to its original elsewhere, and he shares in the ioestim· Buttons, Laces, Fringes, B arley Feed, &c., on hand . with boa:rd ~-l · ' $26. 64 without board por color and vigor ; it stops all falling out able benefits of a gigantic enterprise. month of the seeding and harvesting of the hair and removes all t races of dan- Came early and get thti benefit of our un- Plushes, Velvets, Silks, Satins, Highest price paid season. druff. A little of this great preparation broken storik. IiRVI MORRIS, .Agent, 11-tf p.nd all Trimming:; to m '.Ltch. Quite a number of fine residences are used once in a while will keep the scalp Bounsall's Block. O ats, P eas e, T wo Rowed Barley, Proprietor, Toronto. in the course of erection here. Mr. D. in a healthy condition and make the hai r Just t o hancl to-day,at Couch Johnston a lso Dark Colored Barley . Weir's on QueAn-st. West and also Mr. soft, pliant and beautiful. A .Dorenwend, & Cry derman's a 101rely assortment of T. Darch's on King·st. are now liearing sole manufactttrer, Toronto. J. Higgin- plain and braided jerseys. The bestSO:t..D BY completion and are both handsome botham & Son, agents for Bowmanville. value they have ever shown. Cal edonian Mills, buildinge. IF VOUlt ()Jlf.LD JS STIJRRORN or ll:tr<l to lVORJllS C:AlJSl!J .l tltJ()R SI<!KNESS tnuong Buy 3 lbs. of Li-Quor Tea at L evi Mor- HIGGINBOTDi\.lU & SON, NATlONA.L Pl,LJ, wlll Clll'C constl}latt.ed n1htdnister 1u<1dlcinc to, Dr. l.o""s l'Icu~nnt 1 chlldr.. n t11nl J.'rceman's 'IYoi·m Powders 33-2m. B OWJ\lANVILLE. \l'onu Syrup '"ill be apprccilltc1l, I will Rl'lrcly eure, l'is' and get a $1.00 book free. B 0 WM ANVIL LE. bowels·nnd regulate the liver. DOMINICA ~ fiim Ju1cE. Lyman Sons & Co., Shaw & Tole's is the place to get a McLaughlin Buggy. The weather prophets are now predict'i ng an early winter. Miss Eastman, of Toronto, is visiting at Mr. Chas. Young's. Miss Nichols and Miss May Nichols are visiting friends in Barrie. Mr. Walter Bates, of Stratford, is a guest at Mr. R. H. 'furner's. Mr. Alex. Finley, of Brooklyn, N. Y., is on :t visit to friends in town. Trade prospects in England are brighter than they have been for years past. For a magnificent choice uf H osiery, Gloves, &c., call at the Star House. Messrs. Gus. and Will. Bounsall, of New York, are home on a br~ef visit. KEEP cooL-your choice of 10 doz fine straw ha.ts at 50c. See Star House advt. The corner stone of the new Y .M.C.A. building, Toronto, was laid on 'f.uesday last. Black cashmere hose in all sizes, splendid value at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. Mr. and Mrs. L. Cornish returned this week from a visit to friends in Western Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. F. J\fetcalf, of Cobourg, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L . Tole, over Sunday. Opinions alter, manners change, creeds ise ana· fall, bu' ' s wri'tten r " ~lie moral law i on tablets of eternity. A telegram announcing the Editors safe ~ arrival in New York was received on Wednesday afternoon. Tucker's . Soverign Balm for sale at Stott & J ui:y's. Plow points abd landshares of all kinds at Shaw & Tole's. Only 30 cents for STATESMAN · to new subscribers to end of 188G. New fall gvods arriving daily at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Pope are visiting friends at Syracuse, N . Y. Dr. P otter, Office and Residence in Prower's Block, King-st., Bowmanville. F ARMERs.-Take your wool to .John Lyle and get the highest market price. Don't sell till you see him. If you want the best value in lace curtll.ins, at the lowest prices, go t o Rober t· son & B on<l.'a, Beaver Block. L . Geo. Quick h as a new machine for evetroughs that wont leak. It makes the length six feet lung. L adies. it will be to your advantage to i uspect our millin1wy before making your purchases. Robertson & Bond. ra!', a Ml ArthL1rs Home Magazine ~or S~ptember ·couch Jo·'hnston &Crydorm ·an ENGLISH~ FRENCH DRESS GOODS, o f in Mantle and Ulster. Cloths, ENGLISH AND SCOTCH TWEEDS, WORJSTEDS, &c. These goods were all bought l;>efore the recent sharp advance values, and be sold at old prices. COUCH, JOHNSTON & ORYDERMAN, ° 1 -FOR- 1 1s is e J. HICGIN · BDTHA & SOI, Chemists and Dr.uggists, OEN""TS DEATH TO i nsect I J·. Potvtl~r 28c. Bargains Carpet Moths, Cabbage Worms, etc. HICCI N BOTHA~ tc SON. STOTT &JURY'S c al and Otherwise. Lo- FAL.LGOODS vv Q Q L . I 1 . WEST END HOUSE. Just received and opened up a complete range o f BALDWIN'S "BEEHIVE ;, I YARN '· Also Canadian 3 & 4 ply Yarns. of be sold at 1 B O,_I' TOM PRICES, JORN McMURTRY. J ALBERT COLLEGE O DRE SS COO D s·. - - -o--- L L DANDELION LIVER AND KIDNEY WOOL! WOOL . !! . BITTERS I I To Farmers & Others : I . Grist and Chop for The Greatest Blood Purifier in the World. E : MORRIS ' I R 0BE RTS 0N & B0ND. JOHN MacKAY,

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