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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Sep 1886, p. 7

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~aua4iau Jtattsmau. HOUSEHOLD. · Household Hmts. Never 1erve po"'tee1 belled er baked whole In a oloeely covered diah. They become 11odden and olammy. Oever whh a. folded napkin tha.' a.llewa the 1team to or ab1orb1 the molature, Many peeple objeot te bard-boiled eg1i1 beoauae they diffianlt te digest, but If they will boll them one hour they will find thum light,, antidlgestlhlu, Perhaps even a beliter way la to put them on lo oold water, J, R. C. klla of this way of cutting ela.aa: S11oturate a woelen etring with oil and lay h en the gla11 where you w.lab te out It, F ile a notoh at side to .Qold It In place, then set fire to the atr,l ng, but be careful not to break It too aoon, · A "Well· Wisher" aay1 : If your readers have trouble with reeple atrlklng matches on their paint and 1pelllng it, 1&.turate a piece ef fl·nnel with vasellne and rub the ape' well, and after th11t they m\\y &trike their matoheil as much aa they like, they will not get a. light or foj ue the paint. Teakettles or other tinware which have become blackened and dull from long nae ahonld be eooured with coal a.shes from whloh everv bit ef coal and coane a1bea has haem 11fted, Waah after In a guo.l hot 1oap111d1 a.nd wipe dry, Do not repeat the eoourlng often, but wa1h frequently lnolean hot ends, with a. clean soft oleth, a.nd they will keep bright for a.. geed length ef time, If yen a~e going a.way fer a anmmer trip, a.nd wllb to oarry al'lng a. nloe dress, a SIOed plan le to fold It oa.refull1 and It In a box before putting it in yeur trnnk or valise, and it will net be crushed by the other clothing, a1 It would Inevitably be If made after the prevailing style of duping and paoked with the ether clothing. Delicate rnohing, eto., ma.y be put In with It. The light p&&teboa.rd b1xes snob as bilen send home suit.I In beat. The sprinkling of a little water over the surface of a. fl.ewer bed or a.bent a tree or shrub under the pretense of watering it Is labor lest, and sometimes worae than that; a dally wetting ef the 1udaoa m ~y bring the reeta up when they ought te go down, and thus de mlaohlef. Oaly· onoe In ten days or se, and then do It well. Draw the earth away, ma.kin1 a deep hole In the ground ; pour libil fnll of water, and repeat the doae a.fter the bnoketfull has aoaketi away, Then draw back the dry earth, · roB:EIGI .·EOS:OEB. The Bea.ten fer mott Swill luidlerd· ha· been a very poer one, 1' 11 reported, and at time· the hea' bu been almeat unparalleled fer the Alps. .Advice· frem Tlen·Tlln 1ay that gre&' exolt6ment prevails there ever the report tha.11 the ialaud ef Lazueff, In the Pi.oltlo Ooean, hru been eocupfed by Rueeia., The number ef In the a1ylums of S t, Petersburg ha1 more than cJonbled within the last ten vea.ra, There ha.a been a still greater incre1ue of enlcide1 \hreughont the country, · The skeleton of Bishop Ceurtena.y, Edward IV.'s Lord Sea.I, has been diaoovered In a. ccfli11 built up iu masonry In the crypt ef Winchester C11thedr11l. Ceurteua.y, lt will be remembered, wa.s at Beswertb, and is mentioned by Shakespeare in "Riobard ~UNG FOLKS. The House-Fly. men hou1e-fly_i1 a regular aummer ' c ' ur heme1. Whether weloome er visitor · ea with all ita near and dl1tant ~~;J;:c and meat peral1tently makea lta wa.y Inti- . ur deme1tlo affr.lr1, And beoau1e It u1na.lly follow· wherever men their b.emee, It has gr.lned the name, mUBca do· mestica, or the domeatlo fly, I Ba.Id It we.a a 1ummer vlaif;er, but I 1uppe1e the truth la, tha.t the mothers of this pre1ent generation were with u1 t hrough o.11 the winter, safely hidden 11way In eome oraekl or oa1ing, empty bottle er duety corner, In a terpid 1tate, waiHng until the the warmth of aprlng thawed out their stiffened bodies. '.l.'hl1 is, ne doubt, the secret of those" la1ger, fnll-.grewn flies" whloh we may wondered a.bout early In the 1prlng. Theis flies must have laid hundred& of egg· In deoaylng vegetable· and 11ther unwheleaeme plaoea, where the yenng magiiets lived for 1everal daya feeding up9n very na.aty foed-not mnoh like the da.lntiea whloh they afterward aeek-and after paeaing a week or '"e in a quiet nymph state, oome ferth In perfeob 11w·rm1 ef Hie1. Few peeple are lntereeted In ibis common little ln1ect- exoept fer Its deatractlen or banishment- yet It ls well worth our 1tudy· and it ha1 puzzled many a natnra.llat with 1111 wonderful eyea and peoulla.r mouthpiece· Mr.ny l111eot1 have the different parts of the mouth free, and the upper pair of jaw1, oalled mandibles, are like 1harp-toothed bladei. But the mouthpiece ef a. fly-the mandibles and thick lower lip-are. united and ferm a probeaola like the trunk ef an elephant, whioh 11 thbk and long and q 11lte a.a large In proportion to the 1lze of the lnaeot, Thia preboaoh termlnii.tea in t;wo lobe1, and throngh this queer tube the fly take1 ltl feed, which ceutd1t1 enfaely of llqulda. The eye ef the fly le a.nether curious fea· f;nre, Inatea.d of twe, a1 there 1eem1 to be, each eye is oempesed ef four thouslllld mloro1ooplo eye1 whioh are se arranged that the fly oannet rell Its eyea a.1 you oan, they being fixed firmly In hil head, Bllt It o&n 1ee a.ti well, If net better tha.n you, beoause eaoh little eye ha.1 the power ef 1eeing perfeotly In ene direction. J u1t think ef seeing in elgM thennnd different way1 l And a fly'· feet are alto very wonderful, U oan walk up1lde dewn and on mirrors or 1ther highly poliab.ed 1urfa.ce1 without 1llpplng or tumbling 1 beoa.uae on the nnderaide ef ea.oh tiny foot le a little suoker-suoh as beya ef lea.ther and a 1triiig, only very mnoh amaller,-and thete 1lx llltle auokera hold the fly mafely in any position. O.o the le ii· are re11ular " fly bru1he1," whlo are uaed fer the pnrpe118 of bru1h~ the dust from lte head. body, and lrrlde1oent wing1, yeu ever wandered why a fly hu but twe winga while bntterfllea ars supplied with feur·? yet a Hy la much 1tronger en th& wlnsr than those ga.ndy creatur01 whloh fly so irre11:ula.ry and feebly. FUe1 are ca.lied two winged ln1ect1, and there many other a.110 1 as gnats, may-flies, and moaqultees, whloh are a.11 olaesed In one order, and called dlptera, meanlna double. Although they are calleii two wlnged-1n1eots 1tlll a 10oend pair of wlnge do exist, but in a very rndim&ntary ooniilHon. They are a.ttaohed, one en ea.oh aide of the bsdy, jnet ba.ok ef the 1egnmenta wbloh the larger front wlngr, and can he more easily seen in the gnat er may-fly than In the bouae-fly. The1e little wings are oalled pohore, or bala.noer·. Perhape ancient flies found their aeoond pair ef wings naeleH, and, a.a with llll members whloh are not ex· erol1ed, they grew feeble and 1ma.ll. The exletenoe ef them certainly 1how1 that the diptatai are net very dlft'orenli from ether l11secta, It ha.a bel'P aalti the hou1e-fly l1 a tropical Insect, dlellklng oold, and una.ble '8 bear It long ; and hut fer the ahelter and food which it fiud1 in our heuBea, n could net long 1urvlve our climate. Even theugh it finds 1hel· '8r with us, and we find intere1t .1tadylng its peouliarltiea, yet It ia a · very a.rmeying little creature, Many a. 1lnmberer i11 tea1ed out ef hb morning nap by some chilly Hy 1eeklng the warmth ef pillow and cheek to limber up hl1 feet and wiog1. Many a n01t honaekeeper ha1 waged an nuanooe11ful battle against fl iea, The q uestion how we can re. lievo ouraelvea of theee troubl01eme vlsltore la a practloa.l ene and re11olly has to de with the oomfed ef a heneehold, Many devloee been Invented fer destroying them, but their " numbers never growlle1s." The beat plan la mercileesly to kill the pregeni· tors of the raoe, which a.ppea.r early in April or May, lllld then aoreen window· and doors agalnet the entra.noe of all fater comers, KEEPING to tho FRUIT l M.MAYER Is showing one of the finest and best selected stocks of FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1886. CA'fARRH. CATARRH.-A. new treatment has been di~ covered whereby a. permanent cure of this hitherto incurable disease, is absolutely affect· ed in from one to three applications, no m1!'tter wheth"r standing one year or forty Thie remed> ~nly applied once in twelve days, and d<Jp' .~ot interfere with business. Descriptive pamphlet sent free on receipt or sta.mJ> by A.H. Dixon &, Son, 305 King street, West, Toronto, WHAT IS CATARRH1 Catarrh is a. dangerous which· ands are consciously or unconsciously suffermg from. It is a. muco·purulent dlschar~e caused by the presence of a. vegetable in tho lining membrane of the nose. The predispog. lng ca.uses 11re a morbid state of the blood._ tho blighted corpuscle of tubercle, the germ poison o! syphilis, mercury, toxomre, tJ:om the retention of the effete ma.tte.r. of the skm, ~uppressed perspirations, badly _ven~Ua.ted sleepmii:. a.par.t· men ts a.nd the germmat1on of other poisons m the blood. Irrft,e.ted by these. the lining mem· of the nose Is ever ready for the reception of the, which rapidly spreads; up the nostrils and down the fa.uccs, or back of the throat causin~ ulceration of the throat; up &he eustachia.n tubes, causing deafness; bu I. rowing in the vocal cords, causing lhoarsene~s · usurping the proper structure of the ,bronchi&1 tubes. ending in pulmonary consumption and death. . Many ingenious spe1fics for for the cure of catarrh been invented, but withou~ success until a. physician or long sta.ndlnp; chscoV· erea'. the exact nature o! th disea~e and the only appliance which will permanently destroy the, no matter how the Sufferers should send stamp at once for descriptive pamphlet on catarrh, to the business mana.l!ers, A, H, Dixon &, Son, 305 Kini>: street, west, Toronto, Canada. What the Jle11. E . B. Stevenson, B.A., a Clergy. man of the London Conferenceoftlfe Metho· dlist Ch1irch of Canada, has to say in regard To A.H. Dixon&: Son's New Treatment for Oakle.ns, Ont.,, March 17, 1883 Messrs. A, Jl. Dixon &: Son: DEAR SIRB,-Yours ot the 13th Inst. to ha.nd. It seemed a.I'i:host too good to be true that I a.m cured of Catarrh but I know that I a.m. I ha.Te ha.d no retu~n of the disea.s?, and never felt better in my life. I tried so many things for Catarrh, suffered so much and fOr so many years, that it is ha.rd to realize that I am really better. I I consider that mine was a very; t wa.s aggravated a.nd ohronlc,linvclvmg the throat ·a e well 1a.s the nasal,ages. and I thought it would require the three ,ti:eatments, but I feel fullf cured by the tw_o eent me. and I am thankfu .that-I was ever mduoed to send '°{~~· at liberty to use this letter stating that J have been cured at two treatments. and I shall gladly recommend your remedy to eome o! my Criends who sufferers. ~ Yours, with many thanks. ·REV. 1 Silk, Drab, Shell, Woodrow's and Christie's Stiff' :a: ATS, Also Fine English, Canadian & can Fur and Wool Hats. New and stylish Jines .. Ameri~ ---.r III." Mme. Patti ha1 ra.leed $7,500 by two con· certs for the S wan1ea Genera.1 He1pital, and ahe will give a third cenoert for the Hme purpose en Thursday evening of nex t week, At the c'o ie of the entertainment Sir Hu,eey Vivian will preeenUo her the fine painting of herself by J a.mes Sant, R. A., now exhibited at t he R9ya.l Academy. The felle'wlng le a summary ef Mr. Gladstone's expenses, a.1 leeued by the Sheriff ef Mldlethle.n :-1, Returnlog·effioet'd expen1ee £7 1 h ; 2, perao11a.l expenses, £29 I03 ; 3, election agent, £63 ; 4, olerke, £18 lOa ; 5, printing, advertlelo~, Rhtlona.ry, postage, and telegrams, £20 51 5i l 9, meeting a.nd committee rooms, £31 141 6d ; 7, mlsoellaneoue, £20 121 2d, '.feta.I, £191 211~ ' Even poor .old Emperer·Dom Pedre lHt hie mental equilibrium In the delirium of general rejololog ever Bernha.rdt In R io Janeito, and sent for Sarah and pre1euted her with a costly bracelet set in brilliants, The series of honera was crewned by a. high society journa.l, the ooithetlo Semana, Issuing a. special edltlen oontalning fa.rah'· praleea, printed on allk and incle1ed In rich oover1 of plush. The Q11een-Regent ef Spain 11 1-pendlng the aeason at L, Grej!lo. Every memlng Her Maj eety aoea eut with the children, very eimply e.ttired, and · unattended by any suite, Sne m11y be frequently 1een 1itting on· a bench in the palMle ground1 with the lnfa.nt King in her lap and the two little prlnoe11e1 playing on the gra11 around her. After dinner Her MijHty give1 an a.udlenoe to Senor Martinez en affair· of the State, and at 6 In the evening 1he ta.kes an heur'a drive along .the Balar.i.n road, Mr. L'.l.bonobere writ0.11 :- Landlords.h ave 1a.ld to ms : " My land coats me mere than it produces," My reply has always been.: " Then give It te me." Thl1 they Invariably refuse to do, wbloh prove1 that either their land ha111, valuB er they are s,l lly ·enough te held property which ia owned at a lou, Why ahould we waate our pity on peeple who have a 1alaa.ble artlole and whe refuse to aell it ? " But we oaunet sell," they reply.: Thia, however, only ~elllls thaUhey cannot aell the article fer more than Its real value, Of course they oannet, Nt1 more oa:n any one elae, · A girl wa.11 ta.ken before the Pari1 tribunal charged with etiiallng a blanket, She pleaded that she wae under the ioHuence ef aoeth er person and could not help herself. In priaen It waa found in an hypnotized oendl'i1;n, and aoted re11odily under the oemmande of others, doing anything that wa1 told her, She wa.e examined by a. oommleeien of Charcot1 Breuo.rdel and Mallet, who reported that thle state from the use of merphla, eufferlng and huiiger, and that tbeae 1nggestlona from from eGhere, acting on an unstable nervoua or1anlem greatly der~nged by morphi!lo and other aau1e1, rendered her lrresponlible fer her aota, S'ie wu aoqnlte(", Manilla and Straw Hats, all kinds and prices; or Gent's Furnisllings. Shirts, Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Handk'fs, Gloves, Umbrellas, Rubber Coats, etc. ...-Highest prices paid for Raw Furs. 16. F. H . .7'1.A S 0 ..N, -DEALER I N - Cata1-rh, And hundreds or others E, B. STEVENSON. Choioe Recipes. PICKLED GBEEN TOMATOES AND. O NIONS. Caledonian Mills. Formerly !mown &B the" Soper Mills. ') HIS MILL HAS BEEN THORouGHLY renovateda.nd put In order.under their own special supe1 Tlsion.tor the purpose of grieting and manufacturing Oa.t Meal and Pot .Barley and we are now prepared to receive orders from all our old cudtomers a.nd others, for work, a.nd we gurantee to give t~em who lntrust us wlth the same entire sat1sta.otion. Oats and other grains ta.ken in exchange ror Flour Oat Meal, &c.. H, &; J , TOWNS, Bow· 227. manvllle r THE ONTARIO BANK Continues to do a General Banking Business eBo wmanville Branch. DEPOSITS Received in Se.vinp;s Bank Department and oa.ll 1md interest allowed a.t current rates. No notice of withdrawal necessary. All deposit· payable on demand, EXCH&NGE .... Bonghtand sold and Draftslssned upon Europe, Un'"¢ States and Canada., a.leo Gold,Silver and U:c ·\States Greenbacks boug:hta.nd sold, -~ bCOLLECTIONS Promptly at current rates upon all par af Great, the United States and Do minion of Canada. Telegraph Transf'ers tor large or email sums on a.II parts ol Canada.. This is especially advantageous to peTSOns living In Manitoba or the North-west as it makes the funds at once a* 'he ~ place of payment. l!'or further pa.rtloulars oa.11 at the Bankln~ House. T,BRODIE, GEO. McGILL, A.ccountn nt. Ma.nageY ·Iv UNDERTAKI NC -::e'Y- L EV 1 MORRIS. llF I a.m fully prepared to attend Funerals on the shortest notice, at the lowest possible rates Caskets and Burial Ca.sesrea.dy on short notice i rat-class liea.rse on very moderate terms Shrouds a.nd Coffins constantly on hand, Fun ral cards supplied at once. Fumiture Shop & how Rooms- Bounsa.ll'eNewBl'?ck. !'BEEMAN'S WORM de·tn>Yer POWDERS~ Are pletien.nt to take. Contnln their owL. l"nrga.tivo. Ia a 1a.fe, arno, and eUectaaJ or Yf'Ormll in Children or Adult.II ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American paperS' by addressing · G eo. P. Rowell & Co., Newspape~ Advertising Bureau, 10 Spruce St., New York. Sen4 1ooi.. to· 100-P·a· P.xnphl·t. A ouriena adventure, &1 well aa a marvel· leul escape, wa.1 that vf Mr. Gerald McCarthy ef Wa1hlu1ton, who was recently oarrled to the bottelli ef the Atlantic In the held ef a capaized vessel, Mr. M"Cart;hy, who la a. member ef the senior ol&.111 at the Deaf Mute College at Kenda.I Green, and wl:e has already attained a considerable and standing as a botanlat, has been oolleotlng plant1 during the summer va.oatlon on the pine barreni and banka of BBEVI rIEs. N ortb Carolina. Wiehlng to v ldt RHnoke Cattle ranges in Mentana are reported Iala.nd in erder t o o&rry on hla work there, over-crowded. he recently took paasage In a schooner thither bound. Union& !rem Egypt are being sold In the The scheener, a rmall veaael in the aervloe atreets of Beston, ef a plonlo pa.rty from R o&neke, w1u to have Some Boston girls bnguidly preola.lm 1alled homeward at 7 o'olook In the evening, but it wa.a 11 before tbs orew en board, themselves Buddblata. " All the world's a stage," but the fare when they appeared to be highly Intoxicated. eeanet ault every body, They set .ail In the teeth of a. li(lo\tmis If you have means live. ·within them ; If . 1term, and when well out from land the~ bfg \\n te quarrel ever the oontenta of a jug you h ave not, live without them, they had: brought with ·hem. Moa.nwhlle A New York phlla.nthrepllt has eatablllh· the ve1eel was 1trnck by a gu1t from the ed a oo· operative farm for tramps. cape, and, from want ef preper, If yen scorch clothes in Ironing, place oapalzed cempletely, and se.nk to the bottom them In the ann te draw the mark out, when a.bout two miles off the, It was There ia a ohuroh te every 1,250 lnhab- ab9nt midnight, and the cabin having been lt.·mt11 of Olnolnnatl a.nd a. aaloon te every given up to the ge.y party, Mr. MoCarthy 100, had gene down lnb the bold for 1belter. He WBI dozing there on a box, and, being deaf, When ministers begin te make denom- waa not a.ware of any dl1a1ter until be eudlna.Uenal flop· tbey never know when te d'enly found himself pitched headlong to the itep. opposite dde of the bold. Instantly compreThe warll en the noH, which a quack bending the altuatleil, he jumped for the oalled 1erion1, dreve a Sha1ta (Cal.) man to hatchway and auooeeded In gra1plng the oadng, but was torn away by tne inrushing 1nloldo, The Paolfio prednoea annually terrent and carried to the depth ef the hold, 1,500,000 oa1e1 of canned gooda, valued at where he wa1 banged the side ef the $4,510,000, ve1eel with 1uoh force as te nearly dleleoate It h preposed to u1e the Amerloan geld his 1houlder, dellar a.a the ba.111 of monetary tranaaoHona Thanks to his familiarity with water, be· In Peru. lnii a fellew ef temperanoe principles and an . It is said that In all J apa.n, eut of a pop· expert awlmmer, be realized the futillt:y of nlatien of 37,000,000 there are le11 the.n aUemptlng te before the 1topp11ge of the ourrent, and, 19 remaining q1det where 10,000 pa.upera, Every great anti cemmautiing movement he bad been dashed, he oarefully husbanded in the annals of the world Is the prodnot of the little air In hl1 luiige until he j11dged the enthnslaam. lnru1b of water bad cea.11ed. By thi1 time he wae nearly strangled, but with ne little Half a million wild duoks are annually preaenoe of mind be gropod hla way te the killed ·i n Southern Louisiana. and sent to the hatchway, and, dlvlllg through, reae te the New Orleans market. 1urfaoe none too aeon to oatob the air. Many E lihu Burritt, "the learned black11mlth," of the party were drewned. After swim· knew a.11 the la.nguagea ef E11repe and meat ming abent and cllvglng te the wreckage fer of the1e ef Alla. a half henr, he was picked up in a small A merchant of Walllngferd, V t., recently bea.t and taken to Roanoke Islaud, where he reduced to ashes a book that had $10,000 of wa.e hespitably entertained, bad accounta en ita pa.gee, Shlllalahs, they aa.y, are never seen In the Why:He Hated Him. handa of Irishmen In Ireland n·ow, U le the 11 0, Charlea, let ua turn a.nd ge eft some tonrlat who ·wings the stick. other way ; there le tha.t bad man follow· A California editor gratefully aoknew· Ing 01." ledge& the receipt of an invitation from a " Whe la the fellow, my deah !" 1ubecrlber to vlaU hll henae a.nd take a " Why, that Is the man who waa ae near bath. marrying me befera·I met you, I j uet hate There were fenrteen da.llypnpen publish- him." ' ed In New York City In 1845, of wblah eight "By Jove, so de I." a till In exlatenoe. There are now thirty "You?" dallle1 In that city, ton ef them printed In u Yau." foreign language11, ·· Yen don't knew him, How can yen hate him?" Doubbfu]. looklng Gue11t- " Landlord " He dldn'fl marry you, den't yer kna.w, ' my love" have you a. fire-escape in nhla hotel 7" ' - -·- Experienced Landlord-"·Ye1, air, but Miss Genevieve Ward performed the part we generally keep the bulldog chained at · ef the Queen in L\dy A!!.chlba.ld Campbell's the bottom of It, . orou-zur repreaentailen ef " Beck<.t. " -Chop one L peok' of green tema.tee1 and half a peck el enlen1, Le.t them stand two day1 in la.yen of 1alt, Bring ju1t enough vinegar te oover them to the bolling point. Pcit In tile vegeta.blea mixed with ene ounce clevea; one onnoe allaplce, two eunces white mueta.rd seed, five large red peppers shredded, When well lioalded put In jus. TOMATO CATCHUP.-Take one gallon ef skinned tome.tees, four tablespoonfuls alleploe, three tableBp9onfule muetard, eight J>eda red pepper. Simmer slewly In enough sharp vinegar te cover the tomate011, for three or feur hours, and then rab through a sieve and bottle closely. It may be used In two weeks, but Improve· by keeping. If the fhver of onlens le liked, 1.m onion may be lioiled with the reat, or two tableepeonfule Ef garlic juloe added the catchup has oeeled a little. C uOUMBEB SALAD,-Be carefal to get only firm, ireeh onoumbera, and not these that at all wilted ; oheoee small cuoumber11 ra.ther than lr.rge ones, ae the la.tter are te be flibby and seedy, Lay en ice until ready to nae them ; thtn wamb, pare, a.nd elloe aa thin a1 poaslble ; sprinkle salt ever tbqm plentifully and let them ataud for half an hour ; then prose er drain all the water frem them a.nd ml:x with the dreHing a.a for bean salad. Prepared in this way the cuoumben not a.1 orisp as when the wa.ter la not dra.lned trom them, but th"'V are a grea.t· deal more wbeleeeme. W d have no fear or dread of eating enoumber1 In eur family, a.a no one baa ever been af. flicted by p\\rbking of them when prepared aa deaerlbed. Saw Mill Machinery, 'L. D. S.' Engines, 'Peerless' and 'Grain Saver' Separators, Watson's Deering Binders, Iron Clad Mowers, Sulky Rakes, Bain Wagons, Cultivators, Harrows, . Seeders, Scuffle rs, Single Sulky and Gang Plows, Honey Fanning Mills, . Chaff Cutters, Turnip Slicers, Root Pulpers, Hay Loaders, Crushers, Grinders, Tedders & Forks, Warerooms-King St., Bowmanv111e. Repairs for L. D : Sawyer and Noxon. Grocers, Butchers and Provision Merchants. STAND :-Town Hall Building, one door east Ont. Bank. A complete stock always on hand. We have all the best gra.des of that is manufactured. We have in stock all kinds of General Groceries, Coarse a.nd Fine Salt. American and Canadian Coal Oil, Bran, Shorts, Oats and Chicken Feed, Crockery and Glassware, F resh and Cured Meats, Sausarres and Lard of his own make and rendering. Life-time experienc~ in the Meat Department enables us to supply a quality unequalled. Th o Grocery Department, under the supervision of Mr. John Allin, is of the very best quality. No trash or poor goods kept in stock, deals only in the best goods, which will be sold at the lowest possible prices. Your patronage will be thankfully received. Goods delivered to· all parts of the town on short notice. A call solicited. Cash Cor Butter, Eggs, Hides, Tallow, Beet, Pork and Oarried to the Bottom of the Sea.. If -···-···-· How to Succeed in Business. Don't worry, Don't everwork. D9n't make the field toe broa.d, Bl war:r ef deallog with unsuoo01afnl men Make frlend1, but den't enoonrage fa.vor1"8, Keep down expenaea. but don't be penurious. Keep a high vlality, Sleep well, eat well, e11joy !He, Stlok to your ohoaen punnlt, b11t not t o chosen method1, DGn't tell wh11t you are gelng te do-till you have done It, E11ter your charge· when the geod11 aold, Don't wait. Mako plau1 for a little w1.y ahead, bot don't oaat them In lrt·n, Be oentent with lllla.11 beginnings- and be aure to develop them, Don't take freah rl1kl te retrieve yenr losse1, Cut them eff ahert, Be oautlona ; bu' when you make a. bargain, make It quietly and boldly, A regular aystem of sending eut bllll a.nd atatementa ia more eft'eotlve than 1pa11modlo dunning. H\\ve a prepor dlvialen of work, and neither interfere nor permit lnterferenoe with yeur employees, It la better fer yenr credlton to postpone payment E quarely than to· pretend te pay by giving a check dated ahead, Look e.tter vonr "blottera"- a.nd all books of original entry. In litiga.Uon they are rell· able evidene 1 ; copies are net, .. -·- - all Farm Produce. C. M. CAWKER, JOHN ALLIN. Ruing purchased the Harness business lately' carried on by Mrs. HUMPHREY, hope by careful attention to business, good workman11hip, and first class material, to secure a share of public patronage. We have in stock and are manufacturing a large amount of LIGHT AND HEAVY HARNESS. Oollars a. specialty. We intend t hat the r eputation Humphrey'11 Collars have ga.ined shall be fully sustained. We are prep ared to furnish r esponsible parties Collars on approbation. We guarantee satisfaction or n o enle. We also keep in stock a. full line of goods usually found in a first class harness shop, comprising BLANKETS, ROBES, RUGS, HORSE COVERS, WHIPS, BRUSHES, See onr Bull Bone Whips-some thing new. We have also in stock ETC~ ELLIMAN'S ROYAL EMBROCATION for Horses and Cattle, a sure cure for bruises, sprains, cuts, and sores of all kinds. . Shop- Sign of the Big Collar. · 17-3m. ...... ... I QEWARD ! NE ~~:;,;;~~.:::;:~.== ·A~·verusrn~-~A~e~ncy~·. ~~~~~~ 6 fl at nuotien, and everybody waa able ti blti higher than you," ARTIES WISHING rHErn PIANOS Tuned or repaired can haTe t horn a t tende 0 by leaving word int the DOlllINION ORGAN Oo's OJ'llICE, Bowmanvllle A. flrat-cle.s man He Wa.s Very Kind to Him. F or cost or adver tisi ng in auy p aper or I "Well, B 3 rkey, hew are thing·?" li st of papers imhlis l:te cl in th e Un i tell 'llOW being in t heir mpio r. 8tates o r Cauacla, s end to t he ADVERTIS- · u Ob, ao-so." .. Did yell see your ma.n. Oolenel Ka.rper?" ING AGENCY of E.J) WIN .A LJ)EN &; JJP.kO. , ssoo.oo II Yee, I aaw him." ~incinnati,fu .,,.1New Yor ' "Bew did he troat you?" Oor . 5t1' & V-tne ,se,,., I . 14? Na8sa1· Stru l. .. Did 't ..._ at ~ 11 I h d t d 111 ... *Our "Newspa.Per Co.mb111at10ns," .:t .book of i;i ·~e me a. a ; a e 0 & 150 pages, conbu n1n g pnco~ .of a.dvcrtislll~z ful' the t reating, lustrnclio 11s etc. sent on.,rcce1pt of 1oc. Our Am. 11 I mean did be appear kind to you ?" N ewspapcr 'c:tta)ogu· ".containing- n "m es of every 11 Ob y es · very, Be teek a. drink every n e w spaper v.ub hslicd rn t he U.S. a.n d ~anada, will pay the above :Reward for any -... .. ., Hwin AMen &Bro. P Pianos Tuned and llepalred. ao Pillll, :aa cont.; o Bo:se1 e1.oo. 'bJ' au J>raggiatm, 8ol4

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