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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Sep 1886, p. 8

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CLARKE COUNCIL. BowMANVILLJ1!, FRIDAY, SEPT,_ ::l. TowN HALL, ORONO, } August 6, 1886. All of the members present. The minDISTRICT NEWS. utes of laet meetin!? were read and on motion confirmed. ' Cannington railway station has been A petition received and read from R . burned . N. Smith l\nd 30 others, asking aid for Diphtheria r aCYeS in Port Perry and one Hugh l\foOhesney. Filed. Cann ington.. "' _ Moved by Mr. Thornton, sec. by Mr. 'Vest's Cough Syrup, a sure cure for Stanton. that with reference to the peticough~, c~olds and all diseases of the lrrngs tion Of R. N. Smith and 30 others, that s n d throat. 25c. , 50c. 1md $1 per bottle. the matter be left in the hands of Com. Stark. Carried. All dru!!gists. t ~loved by M r. Stark, sec. by Mr. Hall, , '.rhe Lindsay Warder has new type for that Com. Thornton be deputed to exeditori11.l page. , amine the road north of lot No. 29, con. Por t Hope is going to have an inde- 8, and repair the !lame if deemed n ecespendent brass band . sary. Carried. Changeable weather produces colds, Moved by Mr. Thornton, sec. by Mr. For these Hall, that Com. Stark be instructed to coughs and sore throat. d iseases use W's Cough ,Syrup, tho inspect roads in the following places, an~ best. All druggists. have improvement~ made. on th_ e same if T hree Scott Act fines were imposed a t found necessllry, viz.: bridge b.. ,f,, lots 5 and 6, con . 3, also b. f. betw·e en lots 4 U xbridge the ot.her d ay. Peterboro's policemen are having new and 5. Carried. The churches and other organizations l\fo,·ed by Mr. Thornton, sec, by Mr. umforms p re111 nted to them_. ·i '.X:~·;a~"""i~;-;": , Stark, that the Reeve be instructed to of Petierbvro, combined recently to make The world's best West's Liver Pills, the confer with Mr. D . McConnachie a.nd a presm1t to the t o ;m hand of ove r $200, never failin11 cure for liver co mplaint, arrive at an amicllble arrangement, i[ being th e result of several ·mtertainrnents dyspepsia, i1~digestion and sick headache. µossible, as to the getting of gravel from given with th1<t ~nd in view. :30 pllls 25c. All druggists. t Mr. McConnachie'a pit, and tliat the A Good Life Insurance Co · . Shade trees are being destroyed by Reeve instruct Mr.. Dobsou, when the u nknown parties at Cobourg. gravel shall be taken therefrom. Carried. The Mutual Relief Society of Rochester Moved by Mr. Thornton, sec. by Mr. Guelph has had twen\y-four Scott Act Stark, that an order be drawn on the N. Y., which has a good membership in t rials and only one conviction. Bowrnanvillc, has paid in death claims It is o f the oreateat importance that Treasurer in favor of Enos Woodward for from 187U. to MarGh 1st, 1886, seven hunt he Ii ver shou1tl'\e kept in a good healthy the sum of $25, on account of contract dred i~n<l n iuety-seven t housand dollars. <:ondition. The West's Liver Pills, cutting down hill, lots 16 and 17, con. 7. This ~ecie t.y has now over eleven thouspurely vef{eta.ble will do the work. All Carried. Moved by Mr. Thornton, sec. by Mr . 11ncl members, insured under thirteen d ·rua<>ists. t Stark, i.hat an order be drawn on the t housand, five hundred and ninety certifiP~~erhoro bakers . have lo'wered the Treasurer in favor of Richard Osborne cates, aggregating twenty-nine millions, priice of bread to 10 cts. per loaf, and ;r. Cra>io for the sum of $50 in full of fo nr hundred and seventy t honsand dolPain cannot exidt after the patient has this municipality's ~hare fr>r ~ravel~iag lars in force. · fa.ken a singl e dose r f West's .Pain King, town line, Clarke and Darlington. Carried. 'l'lrn Mutu11l Relief Society has m ore tlie magic cure. Do .no~ b6 rnduced. to Meved by Mr. Stanton, sec. by Mr. than doubled it s assets in the last year take a substitute, but rnmst upon ha.vmg Hall, that the Reeve grant his order on 'and its Heserve Fund is increasiug over a West' s Pain King. l1e1~uine sold by all the Treasurer in favor of John Cuttle,for thousand dollars everv month . The average mortu~ry cost-all ages (18 druggists. t the sum of $25, on p rinting account. to 54) included- has been only $8.25 per The B elleville two-legged coH is dead. Carried . Moved by Mr. Thornton, sec. by Mr, annum for each $1,000 of ins11rance. ~he owner had ref.used $600 for it. West's Pain King will never disappoint Stuk, that the Reeve grant his order on Each member is assessed according to age y ou. It is always ready and costs but the Treasurer in favor of the following and the youngei· mem ber pays only one 2 5c. It is ind eed a friend in need . Pur- indigents for stunA set opposite their re- half as much as the older m ember. Every member can comfort himself chase a bottle at your d.rnggist's and yon r!!pµ,c1iv e ,narnes, Yiz.: · will never be without it. It cure3 L ouisa I~ee, given Jas. Lockhart. .. $ 3 00 with the fact that the cost in the Mutual Widow Eglison, given W.Lockha.rt 4 00 R elief Society for the vast amount of incholera and all bowel difficulties. t Mrs, Kelsey, " " 3 00 surance afforded by it from . September, One hunberman named Irwin has fioi.t" Mrs. Conlin. lO 00 1879, to March 1st, 1886, if compared ed 80,00~ rnw logs through Bobcaygeon D . Johnston, Wid. Wilkinson, " J. Cameron. 4 00 with the cost for the same amount of prothis year. C, Decker, " 'f. Stanton.. G 00 tection under the old line rates, shows a I-r- NEVKlt FAI.Ls.-Dr, Fowler's Extract M.J. Brookbank, " 5 00 . positive saving to its membera of two milof Wild Strawberry will never fail you J ohn Stephens, " " · 3 00 lions, four ·hundred and four thousand, when taken to cure dysentery, colic, sick Ja· wel Moor, " " 4 00 six hundr ed and seventy dollars. M.A. stomach or any form of summer com· Wid. Saunders. · " .J. Waddell... 4 00 J A "rns,Secr etary of L ocal Board. plaint. Relief ia almost instantaneous ; Wid. Merrill, " J. Stark.... .. 4 00 a few doses cnre when other remedies Wright Family, " C.J.Thot>nton !3 00 fail.;:: Wid.Ymskiver, " R. Moment.. 3 00 Carried. Mi: . Thos. Dodds, 5 con ., Hope, dr·opOt'del'r d th9,t the f0Jlqwi11µ accounh be ped dead whilo wor~~ng in the lmrvcst ' paid :-. field lMt we.elL · . Geo. Smith, drawin!! !!ravel E. M. 1 ran k A SikcfalSii'uL RIMrOLT.-Mr. F · $30 oo . Bend'r y writiull! from Saaforth,. sayn : "I road, lo ts 8 and 9, coo. ! .... ..... _ . . purchas~d ont; -bottJe of Burdock ~lo?d ·J, Rllid, gravelling RM.R con . 3 20 00 Bitters to purify mv blood. It did it, E . Ball, cedar JorEro::![dRbeat No.967 120 0000, "1 h Ith" ~ R. Vanetto, rep. '.u, · .,con . .. and now T have excel ent ea · · s a Hugh Scott. grt.vel!iug E. M . road blood purilyiug tonic and system. .reg\;.latd G1 ' 40 00 or the 1·e~ult of taking B. B. B. is always between 5th an ti cons. ........ . Wrn. Little, putting rail on culvert Pa.lace Steamers. Low Rates. anccessiul. :!'. b h lot 8, con . 7 .. ......... .. ..... .. .. ... . .. 2 00 Four Trips per Week :Between M r. Jenkins, of East Whit y, as a Corporaiion Hope, l a m't gravel· DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND field of oats which Im thinks will go 100 !ind boundary line ...... .... -....... 4 00 bushels per 2cre. Thos~ Thornton, plank, Wilmot's St.1"8::<t!:~'!..~l~~1!Ch~1~~1:·n~~~~~ville_, Bl. Cl air, O&kland Houoe, M&rino Ci ty. Do NoT DELAY, if suffering from any bridge, front road ... . ...... ........ 17 88 livery Woek D&y Bet.ween form of bowel complaint h owever mild Job Greenwood, 120 yaT.ds gravel DETROIT AND CLEVELAND apparently may be ~he a~tack, but use screened. con. 7 ... . 1.. . .... .. ........ 12 00 lfptOlal suncla;y Trips during JUiy and Aug\iat. · Dr. Fowle~'a Extract of Wild Strawberry. Jos. Greenwood, bal. for gravel'g OUR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS It is the old, reliable cure for a ll forms of W. M . road, con_ 7 . ... 46 00 lbtee and Erouralon Tieketa wlll be furniall.ed · sumnier crn npl.-ints that reqmre prompt John Harris, gravel'g W. M . road, , b7 your Ticket Aeent . or addrea~ treatment. Ask your <huzgist and all cou. 7, per contrac t.. .. .. .. ......... 28 25 c; 0, WHITCOMB, Gen' ! Pan. Agvnt, Arthur Parsons, cedar and plank dealers in patent medicines. t Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. ,DETROIT, MICH , An illicit still -was cap tured in full opfor culvert, lot 4. b. f ....... ....... 10 8t) eration near Ma.rn;hester on J\Ionday week Alfred Wright, rep'g culvertg, side and fn\1r JJJCn at rested. r line, lots 22 a nd 23, con. 7 . ...... 5 25 John D obson, bal. gravel contract A l?:t.EASINC! DT'IT~ .- ' 'I feel it my duty and repairing road ........... .. -.... 52 51) io say " writes J olm Bortou, of Desert, Treasurer L. O. L., Orono, brush Valuable Premium Given Free p . Q. '. " that Burdock Blocd Bii.t ers k t 50 with Cana da's Popular , i · f delivered on emban ' m311 .~....... cured rny wife of live!.' Mh:ip.alnt, i'oll'i E.C .Beeman, gravel to pathmaster 11 15 Wee kly. which she had be~n a chronic sufferer. J Law work on hill, lot 35, con. 8 6 00 Her distressing, parnfu~ symptoms BOOn Woddard rep. r oad lot 17, con.7 1 00 'l'HE WESTERN ADV ER1.' ISER, of London, has just made another important s tep in advance. gave aw~y., and I can ?1(,{hly recom1?1e~,d John Burrre~s. build'g culvert, lots i:t now appe ar~ regularly in twelYe page form, t.he '.H~q1c;m~ t9~u11n1krl!llif as ahe did. t 16 and l7, con. 7 4 .0 0 and in addition to alt its well·known popular features !'lives in each iRsue Sam Jones SerT'eake & 1\1orish, Pickerinior, threshed Richard Wood, work on road, per mons th0Inter1atioual Sabbatj1 SchoolSeesons, HJOO bus. of barley in ten hours for J as. contract, lot 24, con. 4 ........ .. .. 26 00 a Co~1plet0 Story, etc., etc. 1t is v "stly im· proved every respeet. l!'or BALANCE OF llichards Llke Shore, on Aug. 25th, Wm. Batten, work on gravel r oa?· 14 37 YE A.ft in the p1·ice is only r.oc,, or in clnqs or ' , " , G . H. Linton, s· crapers, and rep g ftve and over 4.Uc. each. PoG ttige stamps acJcsT nm 'l HINC:.-yY. J . ·~'·uppy, drn; · topathmasters ............ ... ......... 44 85 c_epted for fractional parts of a dollar< Samples ~is_t, of N ewberry, .wr1.tes: Dr. ~owler~ Thos. H enderson, bonus, 45 rods freo, · · ll · I b e ent1 ' ti "t'" 4'{f'Jilach Sttbscnber W ' C d , Wl J>OUt i Wild Stra;v-berry is JUSt the tlnng for wire fence, w. M:. road, con. 7.. 9 00 additional cost, to one of the rol!owing prew· 1 summer s1clmess. I sold out my stock Andrew Dickson waitin11 on, and iums. which should be ordered as p;r number, 7 thrPe t imes last ~u~mer. There ,was!' keep of John Charter, indigent. 5 00 P:ortrait Gallery. 3. Chase's Recipee. e:ood demand for it . D~. 1:"0 wle.r s Ex- c. B. Borland, m ed. for J . Charters 2 00 2: Home and Health. 1. LadiP;s' Fancy ·work 18 Guide. tract of Wild ~tra~berry rnfalhble for J ·ohn Waddell, coffin and attend'ce « He1<istered lettern come at onr risk, dysent~ry, colic, srnk stomach and bowel at funeral, J. Chartera . ... :........ !) 00 Address plain lyAOVERTISER PRINTING CO.· complaint. t . Orono Cemetery Coy., grave forJ. LONDON, ONTARIO, The ganlen party under the auspices of Charter3, ind igent. ..... . ... .. .. . . .. 2 00 Oshawa Sons of England, for the benefit Application, Thos. H enderson_ , for loss of Mr. D . Fogg, last week, was a graud of one sheep, by dogs, v alue paid, $5: 75. success. · Applications wer e made by the var10us A DANG ffiJWUS CoNDITION.-Onc of the school trnstees for assessment in ~ho difmost dangerous conditions is a n~glected forent snms, contained in by-law 291. kidney complaint. Wh·m you ,suffer from The following by-laws were iutroduceCJ, ---o--. weary aching back, weakness and other r ead, und duly passed :.urinary troubles' apply to the back a A by-law to raise the necessary rates m JOH A .--One lot of Fancy Dress I Burdock Porous Plaster, and take Burd· "the township of Clarke for the year 1886. ock Blood Bitters, the best system A by-law for assessing certain school Goods, which we are clearing this regulator known for the liver, kidneys, sections in the township of Clarke for the week at ten cents per yard, just storrmck and bowels. :): year 1886. h alf the regular price. A by-la w to legalize the right ?f. the Mr. M". Stonehouse, of ·S cugog, weigh· JOB B.- One lot of Ladies' Rubed a bushel of his spring wh,e at, grown Municipal Council of the corporahou of · upon ber Circulars, warranted perfect this yea1 ·, a nd found it tipped the beam at the township of Clarke, to ente1 any lands within the rnnr1icipality of ~ThL . Clarke to procure timber, gravel, stone, a nd water-proof,an excellent cloak " I say annt Chloe1 you is getti~1g or oth~r material to r epair its highways. for th e dusty wrnther,' 'Clearing for aronnd riaht smart." "Y;es, indeed I rn, R eceived and given T reasurer the sum one dollar each. honey. I was pestered and sick abed of$:~, from S . Army, rent of town hall up with rh eumatism for six years aud done to July 6th, 1886. JOB 0.- 0ne lot o~ washing fast tried this West's .World's Wonder or Moved by Mr. Stanton, sec. by Mr. Family Liniment. tl10 people talkin g Hall, that this council do now adjourn to color Prints and ZcphY't' Ginghams so much about, an d I wu,ij sure ,enough meet again in the town hall, Orono, on clearing at eight cenfai per ya.rd, cured. It done saved this poor' old 1\rnsday, the 6th day of Oc~ob er, at the formerly sold at 12k ceni s. ni·wer' s .life_" Price 25 and 50 cts. per hour of 10 a.m., for transaot10n of general bottle~. S old by all druggists, t Jon D.--'One lot of Boy's Wool business. G . M. LONG, Tweed Suits, fitting boys from 5 Mr. T. S'henrin, late of Oshawa High w. L. BROAD, Reeve. to 1 5 years, clearing at less than T'p Clerk. School, has been appointed Mathenntical and Science Master of the Mount Forest cost. Prices will be exceedingly High School. :low as we purpose dropping out of 'fhe barn and out buildings of Mr. . .J.. EIGHTH WoNDE\R m' '£HE WORLD. -ltia :this <1.epa 1 tmetit. demonstrated by h iatory that the An· N . Kirby, 13 con. East '.,Vhitby, together with their contents, were destroyed by cients in m any of the arts, notab~ archltect;ire, far e xceede d the present fire on Tl1 ursday of last wee k. a!(e but it is reserved . for the pvesent The great health restorer,. West 's, Liver dec~de to produce the eighth wonder of Pills. They, reg~1late the liver _ a.nil proDry goods will be cheap for J aly anci the world i. e. West's World's W-onder. mote good d1 gestr~11. All druggists.,,~ -'Au<rust. Read Star H ouse advt. or Famil~ Liniment, which is infallibk . WooL. -Farmers don 't -sell yo1n· Wool At the Fireman's Convent.i on held at for rheqmatism, sprains, . cuts, brurnes, sores and all diseases requiring external l3uffalo last week, the Fountain Hose till you call on Johr~ Lyle wh~> is -payiBg application 25 and 50c. per bottle. All Co,, Cobourg, was awar ded first prize' for the highest price fer good merchantable wool. being the beat uniformed Camtl!iau: Co. druggists. t I l ,.. C:ill at Tait & Morrison'· to see )_;rs. Clarke's Cookery Book. ti A Cobourg auctioneer was rec ith~ fined $50 and costs for breach of Transient Traders' law. On Saturday last, Mr. Geo. Hou] J~, E ast Whitby, fell from a. beam in 18 barn, breaking his right thigh bone. To MAINTAIN ONE LIE you must inv11nt twenty, but truth can never be atrengthened by bols < ering. The restimony of every lady who has used Dr. Pierce's "Favorite ·Prescription " for nervous de bility and female weakness carrie11 convfotion with it. ·fhe facts are stated in such a way that no one can doubt them. All t hose peculiar pain and sink· ing ·en's ations wh ich hdie~ suffer fr1 )m, can be overcome by means of this won· derfnl preparation. If you are a sufferer from female weaknesses, don't fail to e rnploy it. ·'ersons who have tried the Li-Quor Tea soM by L. M orris speak favorably of it. You aet a beautiful book with every dol· la.r's "worth. , FIVE ,. --.,_ Silks and imported wool goods have advanced from 15 to 25 per c e nt. Our purchases for fall were placed early at the lowest prices ever known. Large quantities of fall goods are ,µow arriving, many luxurious lines at low prices. If you want goods this season it will pay you t o buy early. Our stock never contained so many attractive bargains before. . We mean death to high prices and a razors edge for competitors to walk on. Prices never so low. The widest range for selection. Stock never so large. The latest styles to choose fr~m > We will save you money. ST C>C~. ~ THE STAR HOUSE, East S hop in ~ eads' New Block. T. c · E o. MASON§ We havo a fine assortment --OF- TAIT & MORRISON'S CATALOGUE. See our large stock of Cloth Window Shades, ROLLERS, CARRIAGES for t he Babies. $ 0 ' '" I · . -. TO . ~ H Dolls and Carriages, Cornice Poles, Wheelbarrows Sha de Pulls, and Wagons &c. , &c. for Girls and Boys. E-t l=rl ~ Scrap Albwnis, Ti·ansfe1·Pictit1·es, Scraps, Bfrthday Cm·ds, Gold and Silvm· · P e·r forated Boai·a and Paper. O ur Store is H ead I t"i I> ~ l:cJ t1 H PI-IOTOS MACKI NAC. Summer Tours. lli . lli 0 P:l ~ " ENLARGED from the tiny Locket Picture up to Walki ng Canes (or genth:n1c11; 1 Uee1·schaum and B riar Pi11es. A l so .. ~ , !!, ~.t S iij ~m H~ ,;·,1r u y' Q u art ers for I> z H I I ~ · I t~ r ' 1, ' f . '1 t1 LIPE SIZE! And we do i t all our$elves in our S t udio. We carry a fine lot of Q ({ ~ 00. WALL PAPERS in Beautiful Patt erns and - NEW- We can supply you with any musical instrument known. We invite tho ladies to in spect our t:Q ~ t"i t1 . / c .. .. .... . ... NOW'S· THE TJME I 00. ~ J ewellry ~ Fancy GOOJ,it.,S. P:l ....:! 0 P::I l:cJ Toilet Articles for L adies and Gentlemen. Hand Satchels, PURSES, rn z t:Q ~ ... Low in Price - AT- Card Cases, Perfumery and Toile t Soaps before purchasing. We have a fine line o.f I> H ~ P:l -H TAIT & MORRISON'S BOWMANVILLE. Q Q z ~ ~ T.A...IT I> t-zj i 0 I I cO . . . . . . . . . . _ .. . .. .. . ...:I P:l 00. Is n oted for taking exa.lso a fine stock of cellent PHOTOS of We a1·e agents : f or t he Babies. SCARF PINS, all Newspa11e1·s and W e do 11ot r equire bright Periodica ls. Can Collar, Cuff" and days for our work, as we Shirt Studs. supply any reading use the inst antan eous process al together. 111atte1·. CHEAP. SPECTACLES, l:i:1 ~ q ~ 8 H t"1 t"1 ~ r ~ P:l Photo Albums always in stock; · also a goo~ assortment of PHOTOS Beautifully Co l ored by our assistant artist, CHROMOS FOR- HOME DECORATION! W e can supply or make up any Frame you wish on short notice. Mouldings on Hand. ~ l:i:1 ~ t:1 BIBLES, HYMN BOOKS --A:-:D:- MISS C. SHAW. --Bring i n your Photos for Coloring. t C HURCH PRAYER AND HYMNALS. READ CAREFULLY AND REMEMBER THE CONTENTS. - BEWARE ;)F WORTHLESS I MITATIONS As there are many i·.iferior soods, corded with jute, hemp, etc., offered o.nd sold as Cor aline b y so111e unprincipled merchants trad· i n g 01 1 tho rap11tat1011 of onr gcm11inc Coraline, we wirn t h e l a clies against such imposition b y drawing their attention to the necessity of seeing that the name ·" ·to.mped en inner sidoof all Coro.lino goods, Without which none are genuine. CANADA'S GREAT HAINES' CARRIAGE WORKS, GEORGE 0. HAINE$, Proprietor, --MANUFACTU RER O F - - 10ARRIAC ES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &O., K ING STREE1', BOWM~NVILL Has now on hand a number of -vehicle~ {and is ma.nufaotnring a great many more) ot the newei patterns and beet finish, which I am offering for sale a,t the lnwest prices consistent with due regard to workmanship and quality. The f »Jlowing i.<' a list of the principal vehicles manufactured by me Double Cover ed Carriages ... ... ....... ................... ........ .. : . ......... $150 Upwarda. Single P hretou s ..... ......... ; .... . .......................... ........ ; ...... , ... 100 11 'CROMPTON CORSET CO.' Open Buggy..................................................................... 70 Top B uggy ................. ...... . ...... .......... . ....... ...... ::............. .. . Democrat W::tgon ..··.·....·· ....··..... .··. .... ...·····.··.... . ······ ·········· - 11 INDUSTRIAL FAIR AND Lumber W agons...... ............................................................ 65 Llght Wagon..... ................................................................. 40 Express Wago11................................................................... 75 90 60 11 u 11 11 u Robertson & Bond. Agricultural Exposition, 1886 An immense Progranune of N Ew ,\ND GREAT is prepared for this Exhibition. Copies of Prim Lis t 'and Entry Forms sent to any one on application, by post card or other· "Wise, to t he Secretary at Toronto. Entries close S aturday Aug11St z8th. II. J. ll:ILL, < JNO. J. WITHROW, Manager and Sec'y. A TTRACTIONS SEPTEMBER 6TH TO ISTH. TORONTO Skeleton ... ....... ...... ., ........ .... ...... ..................... .......... ........ 50 11 Sulky .......... .................. , ........ ... . ,......................... ...... ...... 40 ?.-1 Possessing superior facilities for manufacturing oarria.ges, I intend to sell ver7 cheap for o·i eh or approved credit, and by so doing I bope to gretttly increase ml number o ea.lea, Wonl4 sell the wood parts only, or the gear ings of buggies ironed. (Jliea:p Par e· and, E:zcu·rsio11s on all By'· A ll K inds o f Ve.h icles Repaired At the Sh ort est N otl<:e, Painted and '!'rimmed if Desired . A· the Factory I a.lao do Planing, Matching, Turning and Sawing with Clrole, Band orrSor Saws and prepare all kinda of lumber for carpenters nd others tor building purposes. Ornamenta l an d Plain Picket s for fenoes in every style required, made to order. Preaidc11t. TOILOICl9.

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