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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Sep 1886, p. 5

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The <lays are very. perceptibly shortening. It is predicted Septen}ber will be very warm. Toronto buried 300 people during August. ~ The STATESJ\1AN to the end of the year PURE for a. quarter. · and undiluted Montreal's winter carnival will open on full 11trenqth. .Februarv 7th. Shaw.& Tole's is the place to get a McLaughlin Buggy. WHOLESOME W. F. Allen, Esq. left on Monday for Purifies the blood, a trip to Manitoba.. and aids digestion. For a maunifi.cent choice of Hosiery, Gloves, &c.~ call at the Star House. Mr. nncl Mra. W. l~. R. Cawker are visit ing friends in Toronto thie week. REFRESHING 'rone11 up the system. Gather your apples before the pilferer appropriates them. They keep louf;(er. KEEP aooL-your choice of 10 doz fine straw hats at 50c. See Star House advt. FRUITY and rich in flavor. Miss Caro McDowell, of Ladie's College, Whi thy, h as been visiting friends in town. Black cashmere hose in all sizes, splendid value at Couch, Johnston & CryderCOOLING man's. Just the drink for warm weather. S. Tobias, brakesman. was jammed between the cars at Port Hope on Tuesday In ordering, specifiy DoMINICA., and don't night. It has lately been d iscove1·ed that the be put off with any imitations, reason boys are so impecunious is because BEFINED EXPRESSLY FOR they are so frequently strapped. Fall goods arriving ·every clay at the West End House. , They open up spl en1\l.l"C>NTR.EA.L. didly and will b e sold a t prices to suit the times. For sale by STOTT & JURY. 'Ve observe that the St. L o11is PhoA liberal discount to the trade. No tographer makes favorable rne11tion of au cha.rg" for ca.sea. exhibit of photos made by R. H. Henry, of Bowmanville, at the Photographers' Convention, in Toronto, last month. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman are showing an immense stock of clot hs and · tweeds, which they are preparecl to nuke up in a style not equalled in West Dur- LiiE feu1r Ju10E. Lyman Sons & Co., -·28 AUOTION SALES. Peterboro's rate is three mills higher than last year. Tucker's · Sovcrign Balm for sale at WEP riESDAY, Sept. 22.-There will be suld on lot 10, con. 2, Darlington, Stott & Jury's. M:invers Road, just north of BowmanPlow points and landshares of all kinds Have passed ·the customs and opened out ville, a lot of very valuable horses, at Shaw & Tole's. co·l'S, sheep, pigs and farm implements, three cases of Mr. ·R . B. Williamson has returned Uw property of M essrs.Foster&.Cotton. from a. trip t o Engla.nd. This will be a grand opportunity to buy good stock. Sale at 1 o'clock, sharp. Only 25 cents for. STATESMAN to new See l arge posters for particJJars. W. subscribers to end of 1886. 'VrnHT, auctioneer. New fall goods arriving claily at Couch, and one case of SATURDAY, . OcT . 9. - Tho valuable form Johnston & Cryderman'·· property bdonging to the estate of the Capt. H oltham and Lieut . Booth were fate Jordan Post , Pickering, will be visiting old friends here this week. sold by public auction. For particulars A good tweed or serge suit, any · size, sec posters and advertisement in this $5.00 at T. Geo.Mason's, Star H ouse. paper. also a magnificent stock of Turner House, Port Hope was totally g:;i1~Persons ordering sale bill at the destroyed by fire Wednesday morning. STATESMAN office will receive a free notice Ladies, it will be to your advantage to like the above up to date of sale. The inspect our millinery before making your STATESM.!..N has the largest circulation in purchases. Ro~ertson & Bond . _ West Durham and Ontario. Orders for l\fr. Colter (Liber al) w11s elected fur the sales may also be l eft at this office. - ---4-·--4..........._.,_ _ __ Commons in Haldimand on Wednesday by a la.rge majority- nearly 200. FALL FAIRS. 4 pieces tme new worsted coatings, beau· tifully finished goods. Gentlemen, if y?u Industria.I, Tor onto, Sept. 6th to 18th. These goods were all bought before the recent want a suit, see them at T. Geo . Masons, Provincial, Guelph, Sept. 20th to 25th. Cent ral, Hamilton, Sept. 27th, Oct. 1st.· Star House. sharp advance in values, and will be McDouizall & Metcalf will sell stone Ceutral, Lindsay, Sept. 28th to 30th. South Ontario, Whitby, Sept. 28th, 29th. sold at old prices. and chestnut coal at $6 ; grate and egg Western, London, Sept. 27th to Oct. 2nd. $5.75 ; half tons a t $3.10 ; quarter tons $U30. After one month 25, cents extra Central, Port Perry, Oct. 5th. to 8th. Clarke, Newcas tle, Sept . 24th and 25th. will be charized. Bowmanville, Sept. 30th and Oct. 1st. 'l'he members of t he Ladies' Aid and One Door W e~t of Post Office, Bowmanville-. Y. P . A. of Church St. M ethodist church Scott's Emulsion of Pure are making extensive preparations for (Joel Liver Oil. wlth Uypopbospbltcs holding a harvest h ome social on the 28t.h inst. Full particulars will be given For Children and P'nlmonctry Trmtbles. la.ter on. Dr. W .S HoY, Point P leasant, W. Va.., =The West End House is the only store says : "I have mada a thorough rest with in town keeping a complete assortment of Scott's Emulsion in Pulmonary troubles, Easton's Cel'lbratecl Panniers, Hoopskirts and general debi lity, and have been and Bustles. astonished at the good results, and as a L et the winds and waves of adversity remedy for children with Rickets o r blow and dash around you, if they will ; Mara.emus, it is unequalled. " Ch~mists but keep on the path of rectitude, and Call at & Morrison'· to see Mrs. - -FC>R.-you will be as firm as a rock. Flant yourself upon principle, and bid defiance Clarke's Cookery Boolr, 1 ' . The potato croo is reported to be poor The Editor returned from his tour in to misfortune. Ladies,in Tait & M orrison's store you in Uxbridge townsl1ip, Grea,t Britain and France, on Thursday Jlr~~dllit lr~~illi~ ~~~~~'iJ ~ OE~TS \Vest'& . Cough ·Syrup, a sure ·cure for night of last week, and will resume his can see the prettiest, cheapes t un d best editorial duties after this week. He Fancy Window Shades ever introduced coughc., colds and all diseases of the lungs YOU CAN BUY reports having h&d a very i·ough passage here, theh· oheepness is most remarkable. a.~1d. throat. 25c., 50c. and e1 per b ottle, out and sea sii;kness enough tQ d<;i foi; f1i On1i and see theiu. R ollers, cornice pole!'! All CJ ru ggists. t A Shaving Mug and Brush, or fixings for dra.wing, etg, 1 ~!! ~tggk, lifa-time. A pow~rful and vivid story of the A Hair Brush and Mirror, or Now is th e time to order a snit of No. 3 Company of the 45th Batt. ,abo~t 6~1o!era in Southern Fra.nce is told a.nd A Puff and Toilet Box, or before the tailors get rushed with 30 shong, under command of Capt. Rowe, illustrated in the September HAl\l'En's. A Good Brush and Comb, or work. They will get you up a suit ii,t left for camp at Kingston on Tuesday the West End Houi1e in fast class style morniug. The Battalion Band of this llJnrrlnge Nntlees. 110 cents; ltlrtbs nnd Six Good Combs, or at ii, very small cost. Call, see goods and town accompanied them. The K ingston den lhR, 211 cc11ts. t'OR 'l'H~ J)E8TllUCTJO~ OF News speaks of our band ,as the bei>t i l..,d~;;;~=:::::;=::::;::. B ::;; -I;;;Ri.'.i ·· o::T:;;H;;;;,8;;,;. _;;; . =-=-== -==· " A Good Hair Brush and a Cake get prices. camp . . The members of Bowmanville Lodge of Soap. The leadin g newspaper published in the Qutcit-In Bowma.n\'llle, on the<lth inst.. the A. 0. U. W. who have returned fro111 a ;'.lllro....1....,~>'r Mr. W. Q11ick, of a daughter. - Ca.II a!ld see thetrip to Engl.a nd, are expected to te backw6ods town of L indsay has b ScoT'r-In East Whitby. on the Srd inst., the . present at the regular meeting of the gushing over a sun flower saill co measure wire of Mr. Robert Scott, of a daughter. Lodge this Friday night, when a re-union .3 feet in circumference. Tla t i~ only an MARRIED. wlll be held. No less than nine of the ordinary size in this part of t he temperate , · -ATHAMT.v- H1G°MAN- On Thursday, 2nd Sept., at members have crossed the Atlantic t his zon!'! . Dr. J. C. Mitch ell, of Enniskill ' , of St. Mark's p11rsonaize. Port Hope, by the Rev. year. A very pleasant time is anticipated. has one in his horse pasture, the st. Mr. BBker. Mr. H. E . HntnlY. or Port Hope, to Bowma.nvi!le, .J une 30, 1886. which is 9 in. and rhe flower 45 i · Mies Hattie Higman, of Bowmanville, Ont. The Eagle steam Washer for which J. circllmference. \Ve dislike to c BEr"L-LENNox- At.t.heParRonage,Newcastlei N. Kivell is the general agent in this dis- \Varder so far into the shade of a sun 'on the· 71.h in·t., by Rev. R. Walker, Mr. Davia trict may be seen at Cawker and Allin's flower, but the truth must be told in a. ~J:!~k:~d Mlss J essie Lennox, all ot Leske.rd, MEDICAL BALL. store, Bowmanville. Over 120 have been Canadian St a.tesman-like manner. Next ! 0KE-08DOHNE-0n Sept. JRt. at the residence sold around here since November. · A of the bride's mother, J,ake View. Darllngton, Just to hand to-day,at Couch J ohnston by Rev. R . Sanderson, tLeeiet ed by ·itc v. R. 'l '. large consignment has been received from the manufactuer and all orders will be & Cryderman's a love! assort ment of Court.icc:, rr:· Bethany. Rev. J, m Oke, of ·iu and braided J'erseys. 'r he - bes· Flintoo ·.a!ld Mias J<"C. A : Osborne, daughter of promptly filled. Thel Eagle is decidely Pl " ~ the late Chas. Os\Jorne, yii,ll~e th ey havo OY'?~ l!hown, oo-WJNDATT- O!l Wednesday, Sept, t. 1886, BowMANVILLE, FRID..lY, SEPT. 10. the best wn~hing 'm~9hhw Qll 'Earth, '"h · ~· · . , ., .,, ' by the Rev. 0 C. Pattel'aon, at the residence '.1.1 e western i11cy wiiii radiently i!luml;ff' or the bride's mother, Thor... Mr. 'l'homas 'l'od, A social under the nuspices of Shaw 1s _. tne ll.rm or l'od llros., Bowmanville, and · l b SchooL House Sunday School, will be a t ed on Tlrnrsd a.y m g it last, a out 1 0 ~mm.: Louise, youngest daughter or the la.t.e Local helcl at the l'esidenc~ of Mr. N . Osborne, o'clock, and it was evident that a l\rge Thoe. \v·:."datt, or Darlington. I Lot 4, con. 1, Darlington, on Friday, fire was raging in the vicinity of Osha WATBON-Hu'"'fCJitBOI>:- Ott the 8th insts.nt, b}' Se pt. 10th. R efreshments will be ser ved, We have since learned tha.t the barns and the Rev. s . Sal·oti, a t th~ . residence of t~e A nice min fell yesterday. near bride's Mr.eldest A~'!JC, d,o,up;bter J; .Watson, or Harris· after which an interesting programme of out buildings of Mr. E. 'I'n1)11·n, ·· ton toparents, Minerva of Hobert Pet arboro is infested by burglars. readin~s, recitations, singing, etc., will Harmony,were burned with their contents, Hutchison, Esq.· 'merch1mt, ~nnisKil!~.....~ · The oyster Jeason began Sept. lat. be rendered. A cordial invitation is ex- consistina of this, season's crop and six ... Belleville had a $40,000 fire on Mon- tended to all. valuable 'liereford cattle that were b eing DIED. for exhibition purposes. Loss estiALLDRll:D- In Bowmanville, on Frida y', Jl1 ·tl ' day. Tho following novel sequel of a r o- fitted mated at $2,500 ; insurance $1,700. The · · lit .. .Hert.ha 11Jmma Catherin, infant daugh~~r NEW1 NRw- black 1tnd colored braided mance occurred in New York city the clay fire is supposed to be the work of tram . of W. H. and E. J . A.lldred, aged 5 months. jer~y£ at th e Star House. GnoAT-- In Hampton, on Monday, G th inst. , after the arrival of the "State of Georgia" Earle Groat, Infant daughter of Franklin E dna S e.e those beautiful Fancy Window on which Mr . and Mrs. John K eachie, of . Groat, aged 11 weeks, days. this town were passengers and who know Sha.des at Tait ,II'.; Morrison's. HOSKIN- In Bowman ville, on the 2nd Sept., Mabel Heath Hoskin, infant daughter or Sa.m'I Mr. Ed. Bassett, of Toronto, spent a the interested parties. This extract is J . and An. n ie E. Hoskin, aged 3 weeks. clipped from the N. Y . Sun: The first few days at his father's, this week . ENCH.AND--In Bowmanville, on the Gth inst., marriage ever performed a t Police H eadinfant eon of .Tno. and Marcella Ernest ilruce, M:i:s. Dr. Wilson and daughter, of Fen· quarters was sol emnized yesterday . A England, aged 2 weeks, 3 days, .elon Falls, is on a. visit to her sister, Mrs. quartet consisting of a.n elderly lady fashBEM.\N- On Wednesday, 8th Sept., at her .Jno. Maynard. late residence, 'l'ownabip o{ Clarke, Mary ionably clad, a young lady in a. gray t rav· We will pay t he highest Carfrae Beman, widow of the late J oel Beman , The Port Hope Model School will re- elling dress, anJ two gentl emen of cleri· Esq . , aged 85 years, ·Open on the 14th inst., not 15th as was cal appearance, filed into Dr. N agle's office price in Cash for any quan.announced last week. at the Bureau of Vital St atistics yester BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. To whom it may concern: this is to 'c er- day morning. The younger man, R ev. tity of Wool. · t ify, .that Robertson & Bond are sel,ling H enry James Hamilton, asked for a mar· «;orrected b y JoJm Lyle, every T hnrs1ln y , riage license . H e was told that a license the cheapest good s in town. was not n ecessary there and turning to CHEAP- . During exhibition time McFLOUR, '!!'" 100 lbs. ..... , .. $2 10 to $2 50 WM. QUICK & CO. Mur try will carry passengers to the sta- the young lady whose face was suffused WHEAT, Fall, ~ busli. ... , 0 70 fl 0 '75 with blushes, he said: tion .ai11d r eturn, for 25 cents. fl Spring, 11 0 70 fl 0 '75 ·.·Well, then Katie, we can h e married BAJ.\LEY, ~ bush .....·· . ·· 0 55 " 0 57 Order D oors, Sashes, B linds, Picketg, right here, can't we~" " · . · · · . · · . . 0 53 " 0 55 etc., at Morris' P laning Factory, Liberty The lady, who was just twenty-one Lovely Braided J erseys from 1.25 up at R YE, S. U, HIJNKJNG, OATS, " · . . · . . . . . 0 30 jj 0 30 street, Rr. H . Osborne, l ea.see . years of age, and whose name was Couch, J ohnston & Cryd erman' s ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR PEAS, Blackeye, ' ! !' " bush.. . 0 30 fl 0 88 The forerunner of Autumn - the sear arine Ellen Br own , gave a ready assent. e Conuty of Dnrha.m. Salee attended How easy i t is t o give offe11ce . One " Small, u 0 55 " 0 60 to on th shor test notice and lowest rates. Address :and yellow leaf- is now making its ap· B y Dr. Nagle's consent t he little party of our t own photographers sent a dozen COURTICE, P . 0. 3G :tf " B l ue, 0 55 " 0 65 pearauce amongst the summ er foliage. gathered in his private room and in a few cabinet phot os to a fashionable youn g BUT.rF..R, best table, ~ lb. . . 0 12 " 0 15 moments the nupt ial knot was tied. J. It. Bradley's Spring Pad for single lady out north last week, and put a m uti- L . nctda nre scarce, bnt Ibo·· who wr lte fo r nn, 'Ir lt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 10 " 0 13 The bricle, who had arrived fro m Scot- lated photo of a m an on the outside t o Ea as, 'Ir doz . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 00 " 0 12 Stlnson& Co., Port1and, Mn lne,witl reccivo .and double harness gives entire satisfactfree, full infomu'l.tion a b ou t work whlcll ion. No horse will ha ve a sore back and a clay or two ago, was born in India protect the others from injury in the post POTATOES, 'Ir l;msh.. · . .. . · 0 35 j j 0 40 t hcy cm.n do, o.nd live at home,that will pay them from $5 to $ 25 per dRy. Sorue hllVQ of , it is said, a weal thy and aristocratic office, This scabby card, as she called it, HAY ·.···..·· . ··. . ·· · ... 9 00 " 10 00 where th ey are used. earn od over $50 in a da y. E it h er1;1ex. y oUDJ;' or old. Capit d mot requited_ You arc etarted f ree. Tbot1e who ato.rt &t 011co Remember that a little time anJ money t amily . The bridgroom, who is thirty-on~ was cons idered an unpardonable offe nce, "'" · b·olulely aun or 1a11 lllt10 ror1un11. A!l IB new· U napproached for .expended in the fall of the year on under· year s of age, is a native of Philadel phia, and the artist got such a blessing from Tone and Quality. draining will prove a g reat saving of time, and now r esides a t Mullisa Hill, N . J. that young lady as he never .had before. The other gentlemii,n was t he R ev. ·wm- f t was quite be-com-ing in t he art ist to which means money, n ext sprmg. CATALOGUES FREE. Frizzell, of T oronto, Canada,. a friand of W. Hazzlewood, Haglan, Ont. Licens- the family, and h e performed the ma1·- take such precaution, and instead of abuse s~ould have b een thanked. he ·Cd Auctioneer for th e township of Dar: riage cer emony. '.1.'he lady who acted i\S ]ingt on. All order s for sales in this witness to the marriage wii,s Mrs Cathar - - -o- - E lGHTH WoNDER OF nrn \VoRU).- It is v icinity, left with F . H. Mason, Bow- i ne Brown Hamilton, mother of the gr oom demonstrated by history that t he .Anarnm:ville, will r eceive prompt attention. After the cer emony the party left on a cients in m any of th e arts, notably Among our m a n y d epartments, 34-tf. b rief trip East It was ex plained that th e architecture, far exceeded t he present The anniversary 1 10rvices of the Queen pair had become acquainted with each ai.e, but it is r eserved for t he pr esen t .St. church on Sabbath last were Vbry other on the State Line steamer State of decade to prod uce the eighth wonder of Dress Goods will have our special Having fitted up the Caledon ian i nteresting. Eloquent sermons were de- G eorgia which arrived her e yes t erday the world, i. e., West's W orld's Wonde r F lour, Grist, Oat Meal, B a rlel and livered in the morning and evening by from Europe, on which the R ev F rizzell or Family Linimeut, which is infalliblb a ttent ion, and w e p urpose making for rheumatism, sprains, cuts, bruises, Rev. J. E . Starr, of Toronto, and in the was al~o a passenger. ALL LIVER AND KIDNEY COM- S p lit P e a Mills in .first-cla ss i·tm n sores a nd all diseases r equiring external :afternoon a very pleasing programme of ing order, I am now p repa.rcd to It may not be known to mimy .reader s application. 25 and 50c. per bottle. All a g r e a t effort to l ead the trade in PLAlNTS, D YSPE P SIA, INDIGEST· r ecitations, singing, &c., was rendered by .the -0hildren of the school. The of this journal that we ha.vein this t own druggists. t that b r a nch of our e nterprise. ION A:N D ALL D I ':3EASES ARISING an institution bearing the name of "The ·church was crowded at all the ser vices. P u1 tE TEA! P URE LITEilATURE! !- T he FROM DISARRANGEME NTS OF T HE Bowm3nville Electro Plat ing Works" Li-Qnor T ea On, is the largest and beet SPECIA.L ATTENTION should always be which g uarantees to do plating in gold, W e will con stantly have o n h a nd on r easonable terms . LIVER AND K IDNEYS. ;give n to the hair and scalp. There is silver or nickle so that old articles are Packet T ea Co. in t he l\ orld. A hand.nothing nicer than a good h ead of hair. made to look quite as good or eve n bet- som e volume given away with every 31bs all the latest p r oductions that the R olle r Flour , B 1·an, S h orts, C o m .. In case of baldness v.hen the roots are ter than new, and the propriet or agrees of this cele brated t ea. It is not necessary not all gon e, Dr. D oren wend's G reat to plii,te haavier than the platin~ to be to purchase the three pounds at one time; Bar ley Fee d , & c., on han d . German Hair . Magic. will produce a fouud on any new article. All kinds of a voucher is given a way with every half market affords in Frecch, G erm a n The Greatest Blood Purilux:uriii,nt growth of hair ; it will rest ore silverware, old watch cases gold or silver, pound. By drinking t heLi-Quor Teas, t}1 fier in the World. Highest prwe paid for all grey and faded hair to its original and indeed all kinds of table ware are r e- consumer becomes a participator in the a nd Eng li s h m a t erial s , together color and vigor ; it s tops all falling out paired, clea.ned, and polished. Any of advantage1t1 which this company p ossesses O ats, P ea se, Two Rowed Ba.rl ey,, of the hair and-removes all traces of dan- our r eaders having articles thaG r equire over all competito rs, for he gets a better with Buttons, Laces, Fringes, . also Dark Colored Barley . t ei. at a lower price t han can be procured druff. A little,of t his g reat preparation plating can rely on getting a su perio r job e, and h e shares in the iuestim· elsewher u sed .once in a while will k eep the sea.Ip done at a reasonable price, and a single Plush es, V elvets, Silks , Satin s , Propriet or, Toronto. JOHN MacKA Y, i n a. h ealthy condition and make the hair trial will con vi nee yon that this is correct. able b enefits of a gigantic enterprise. soft,pliant and tiful. A. Dorenwend, The foreman is Mr. J ohn Wright, late of Came early and get thti benefit of our un- a nd all Trimmi n g s to m' h . Cal edon ia n M ills; SOLD BY sole manufacturer, Toronto. J. Higgin- Glasgow, Scotland, and the proprietor broken sto<Jk. LEVI 1.\-foanrn, Agent, 33-2m. B OWMANVILLE. Bonneall' s .Block . 11-t f b otham & Son, agents for Bowmanville. is Mr. F . N . H am . Ca.ll at R eid' s HIGGINBOTH~!U & SON, IF ~·ouR cnu.D 18 S'flJUUOltN or bnrtl to B lock and see sample.;i of t he wor k they WOU!tJS (;A.USE MIJ(;JI SJ«;KNESS :uuon ~ Buy 3 lbs. of L i-Quor Tea at Levi Mor.ndmlolster 111ed1111oe lo, D1·. Low·s J. ' l eas!lnt are tur ning out · -,,·Ht c llll·lt·c n . tllat Frcem1'n's ~Youn Pn'"'lcrs BOWMAN V ILL E. ris' and get a $1.00 book free . 1 1\'fol'lm Syrup wUI b e npprcclatccl, · Slll"dY cllrc, DOMINICA Couch, Johnston &Crydorman I I ENCLISH ~ FRENCH DRESS coons, ENGLISH AND SCOTCH Mantle and Ulster Cio·ths, TWEEDS, WOB,STEDS,&c. OOVOH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN, -ro- J. HIGGIN BOTHAM&SON, and Druggists, SURE . UJCATH TO - -F O R - B'flrt~~ 'T&~ ~ J "f'~ ~~ ~~~~'I Insect Powder Flies, Mosquitosf Carvet Moths, Cabbage Worms, etc. 2 Sc. Bargains J. HICCINBOTHAM tc SON. STOTT &JURY'S ,v. West End House. and Otherwise. -W-OOL I GRA y FLANNEL, II avy Blue do. RED do. ARMY do. FANCY .do. L JORN McMURTRY. " BELL" GOLil ~,ORGANS DRESS coons. DANDELION LIVER AND KIDNEY BITTERS I To Farmers & Others: CURE S BELL &CO., Gneipb, Ont. Grist and Chop E . MORRIS, ROBERTSON ,. &BONa

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