'!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . -~-----·-------------··---- the errors and indiscretions of youth, n ervous weakness, early decay, l oss of manhood, &c. , I will send a recipe thi:-t EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, will cure you FREE OF CIIARO.E. This -BY-,. _ great remedy was d\scovered by a mission· Send a self· ary in South' America. AT THE OFEICE addressed £nvelope t o the R EV. JosEPH :r 01ioaceBtock,K1ngSt.,Bowm.a.nYflle,Ont T. INMAN Station D New York Cit'IJ. 46y IS PUBLISHED THE CANADIANSTATESMAN J.\! _ L A.JAMES, T E R ]).a:S: - · ~~-~-~.....,~ -~~M'~~~~~~~~~~~!'!!~~~~~~~~~~~lillllll~l!MiAillllllllmmE~~~ ·~~&Di!ilii!~~~~~~~~~-~~~!!!:'.!!!!!~~~~'!!~~!!:~~~~""'*'~!!!ii&S!!! ' I 'HE CHARLESTON EARTHQUAKE. x-lgid ~ sc. corpse, T he work oi oonvenfon .An Ilour that Repaid. A 0.A.RD.-To all who are suffering from HEALTH. s the.u a half hour t h< m wE·nt cm, ~,nd In !e& ~JlPl't:mJ..,.... .....,,.,,,.,~ .~ ADVISE TO MOTBEil.S.- Are you dis· $1.501ttel'nnnum,or$1.0olfpa11lln advance turbed at ni"ht and broken of your r est Pa:vment strictly ln adva.nce r.equ!red from or t he county, Ord':'rs to discontinue the paper must be accompanied by be amount due,orthopaper will not bestopped. 11.beor!bers a.reresponsibleuntiltullpayment is made. · 11ubecr1bers outside Whole Column one yoor . ............ $60 oO ~ ~ /?!: " " Hill! year ·.. ·. · · .. ··· 36 00 · ~:;; P' ·· " One quarter ····.· , ·. 20 oo ~"'" Halt Column one year . ..... ......... 36 00 - " l:I!!-lf year .............. 20 00 One quarter_ ......... 12 5~ Quarter Colun..n one ye11-r .... ....... :·OOl - · " " Half year .. ......... 12 50 ·· One quarter..... . .. 8 OU 5 llb:llnes andunder, Jlrst lru;ertl on ·. ,, o5l Each subsequent insertion . ..... 0 Zt rromeixto ten lines, first insertion 0 n ·Kach subsequent insertion...... 0 3t .=_10 .DTer ten lines,flrst insertion,perllne 0 11.0 _ Each subsequent insertion, " 0 O~ _ The number oflines to be reckoned h>, he space occupled,.measured bya11caleo Dlid Nonpareil. DB, J, C. JlllT<:UEJ.1..1 BA.TES OF A.. D UlJtTISINGs ~~ by a sick child sufferi ng and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth 1 If so send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. " For children teething, its value is incalculable. It will r elieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers ; t her e is no m istake a.bout it . It cures Dysentery and Diarl'hrea, reg ulates the Stom ach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives to:ie and energy to t he · whole sy~tem. " Mr~. Winslow's Southin g Syrup " for children teething is pleasant to the t aste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the Un ited States, and is for sale by all druggists through the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for " MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP." and take no other kind, M EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS and Surgeons, Ontario, C01:oner, eto. , 72. Office and Residence. Ennisk11len. DK, TA.lllBLWN, HEAL TH IS WEALTH. P B HYSICIAN, SURGEON and AOO<;i·UCREUR. Office :-Silver Sueet, Bowmanville. 7 D. BIJJl:KE SlltlPSO!i, ARRISTEE, SOJ..ICITOR, &o., MOPEIS BLOCK, up stairs, King Street, Bowm&n tille, Solicitor tor the Ontario Bank. Private :MeneTs loaned at the lowest rates, .John Keith GalbJ"alth, PUBLIC, &o. ' Oflioe-Bo1msall'e Bloc,k B King Street, Bowmanville. Money to lend. BOBEKT A.JtJIOIJB, ARR IS TE R SOLICITOR, NOT.A.RY EGISTRAR, WEST DURHAM ISSUER of Marriage Lioeneos, Barrister a.nd A.ttor no,. at Law and Solicitor In Chancery.MoneY loaned on Real Estate. Office on King street. R ~~--~--~-~~~~~ 8owmanvil!e. Dr. E . C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria; Dizziness, C'..onvulsione. Fits, Nervous, :Neru·alg!a, Head· ache, "Nervous Prostrll-tion,"' a used by the use of alcohol or t obacco, Wakefulness, Mental Depression, Softening of the bro.in resultinit in Insanity and leading to misery decay and death Premature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss of Power in either sex, Involuntary Losses and Spermat· orrhoea caused by over-exertion of the Bra.In, self·abuso or oYer·indulgence. Ea.oh box contains one month's treatment, $1.00 o. box, or six boxes for $5.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt or price, L To cure any case. With ea.ch order received 'b y us for six boxes, accompanied with $5, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not .effect a cnre. Guarantees issued only by J NO. OHN BUGBES. -Licensed Aucti-0neer, Stott&, Jury, Druggists. Bowmanville, Valuator and .Arbitrator, Fire and We -nsurance, Notee and Accounts Collected. Money to Lend on reaaonat:Jle terms, .A.o~r.ess C11ortwril(ht, Ont. ~72 ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County of Durham, Salos promptly attended. Address-lia.mvton l', o. 5g, st. '1'. rHILL1PS We Guarantee Six Boxes J BRITISH EMPIRE ESTABLISHED IN 1841. every man who buys his License trom A. :1.lliNRY ::>YLVESTER. JJ:nnisk.illcn. GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO., so Ho? Genuemenot"Fasll ien, uol so tasl. It has no shareholders to pay dividends to. Managed by and solely In the interests of tho Policy holders. ave written these few lines Its Rates are Lo1v. And u.ll I have to say_ l"ellcles non forfeftable and uneondltlonal. lh&t you can find roe still at home, lam not gone a.way. CJali"h B onus Paid every three years, So u.11 my kind old t r iends may come, And all they oung ones, too, And get t he tr garments nicely made Joint Life Policies. Ip fashions that a re new : JVhore old and young dear:frfends, may meet Though a double rish but one premium Is pa.id tor tw-0 people, Amount of policy drawn A welcome !l'reetinu:'. bv R. PEATE on first death, ing, a.nd If tho prooeF.B Is permitted to go on, death occurs. A great Excesa of even the natural nutr!tfon ttnde to t he es.mo r esult. A marked depiut ure In elther dl.rectlon from the norma.l Btimdard of ~upply will, with very few u ceptlons, be followed by a marked dcpa.rtare fr&m the nermal standard of life. · In man the ofloct of ovor eating or under· eatiDg Is not ee observ&hle, owing to the more complex nature, stll.l the so.mo rule doubtless holds go~d. It le needless to men· tlvn that brutes eufier frem impr1:>per feedfog u.nd p!!.rtionlarly over-f.e edlng, Excessive alimenta.tlon in the hnma.n bd.Dg la followed by the !a.me baneful oensr q 11encee. Is It not e. fact tha.' the generality of pe&pln eat too much ? Very few eat toe little, It la a common-place aphorism: "He eate so much that It makes him poor to oarrv It." Aa r. rule, a large, lea.11, oadaverou~·looking man, la an lmmederate eater, whilst the mi jorlty of eur re bust 1md healthy men !I.re mooerate consumers el food, or are what we call small e11.tera, Tho r eason ef this is plain, He who eats more than la demanded by nature, lmposee a heavy etra.ln on the organ· lnvolv· ed in the preoe·m ef dige11tion and ellmlna.· tl~n. 'J.'ho stoma.oh, for in stance, le or.po.hie Gf doing a certain amount·of work, hence If over-taxed unduly, t he result sooner or later will be Imperfect digestion, impure bload, dleerdtred funotion11, and gradue.l loss of vigor and strength. As certain aa we ove1·· atG .p tho lwunda of n!lture and overtax our stomach fer our palate's sr.ke, we begin t o sow the ieed of dieee.so. Certalnly the 2tom1?1oh io a remarkable organ, and able t o J'eslst the ossaulte of Imprudence with wenderful oourag,~, but It~ power of endurance wlll not withstand every Imposition hea.ped upen It, s.nd sooner or lu.ter it will suconmb to the force of the unrelen'li!ng overwork, The pbyeioian sh!iuld be aR careful in reg!'.rd ta the treatment of over· fed and under· fed patients, as in the quantity &nd kind of medlolne used In the treatment nf a epeclul di&eaie. It is toe cemmon an error, when we see patiente emaciated, te advlH abund· e.noe r.f n&uriahlng l:eed, while probiobly It lo a well·laden t&ble that Is at the f11undat lon ef the condition sought t e }){)relieved, There i11 f11.r more dao ger fr11m ever indulgence than under-eating. Although we dealre ta Im· prena the faot that ever-ea.ting le commoa and should be strictly jlUarded age.inst, we are net unaw111re of the existence of underfed er half.st arved people, but t his is by no means as commen :>.n evil, and very little dheaae ls traceable l;hereta, ~.boot ten r:nen e,r; d w·o!l'ien ~uccnm bed to the E IT<ct or the Shock on t he Neg>:oe! . emot!en().1 aen ~:ltfon R of tha 11c(l(l,ai111.~. Simi· I t would be simply lmposaible to exagger. " l ar 2oene9 were b aing E .n noted all over t.1e 'l 'he oenrection between llfe and nutr lt ion 1~te er to deplot in sufficiantly de~oJ:iptive r quare la"" oloBe and Inseparable, that ·~he oontln· lir,ngusge the blfect ef t he vfaits.tion of th.at T he 'pra.y 6ra whl.oh were dl'er~ d up were 1 rnuoe of the former depends upon the snpply Taeads.y ulght on . the celorecl people of simple In eve ry a1m.~e ef t he word, but ·t hey · of tho latter. The varb.tien t.nd form e f life, Cb;i,r!eaton. A gra!\t da&l b&3 been. written evfc fontly came fnim t he bottom of hearts whether 11.nima.I or vegat&hlo, depen.d11 upon about the· e JJe&ple and their actiong under t hat. II ere p:;.fafsd wit h fu r.· One of tl:e~e the qullntity imd quality cf nutrition with t he strong !eel!ng~ oi e11r1·ow or d eep:>ir; but prs.vera w11s a~ fol111we : t here was never, until within t he p:;;nt few whloh ft la i uppl!ed. · K eep my brothfJra a.nd sfotoni. W h11.t la We are readily able t e j udge af the quan· da.ya, an opportunity of not.loin~ a. pubUc the m~tt<;r n ow? Oh, L ard loek en lo.at Uty o.nd quanlty ef n surhhmont snpp!!rd to exhlbUtion o! euperetltl~ma ferJ.r to tlie degree Tuesd··Y night : som11 Is dead s,nd g.one. Oh, a. veget uble thri.t we a.re oa.riog for , 11-nd \'li lll t bnt ha! ex!&ted amoDg all ch ases 1>f tb<i my h"ndaomr God, dear s!r, loek dowr.i on 1;1; once decide whether the supply la nor m11l, colored pei>ple slMe t lie trem.:indons shock ef us, W E know what t he little finger sf t he tnsuffieient or In excess of the nutr tii(;n ne. that Tueeday night. Q4ly o. fow minutes Lord can de. Szmotlmea the world oan klck oeeoary. Every living organism demands ito after the wa.rni11g vo!oo ot 'he earthquake u p nn thunder, b11t do t o.ke osre of oar broth· .nd ers Ain't t he bfo.ck lamb and the white own peculiar supply designed fer it by the had pa.s~cd 11wa.y, the effe at on the mind v la.IVS of nature, When the natural supply la lmi>glnatlan of every colored mim, woman, l!P~ done lie d own t ogether rn psace? ·Move normal in all reapects, the life is he<hy, and ohlid In the olty waa complete, They alorg my brothers move aleng, Gcid The same law holds goed In t he higher eraer lied from t heir homos, t hey knew n et glmm~ grace t o mi;v; along, A"ln't I done of life ~hat we observe In the lower. In· where, a.nd as they ran hither and thithor, pram!se to be bo.pt !zi ? ouffiofont allmenta.tion ln the vegetable king· throvgh bl!ndh1g elands of pnlverlzed mortar J mst here the 'cre wd took up the werde dom Is fallowed by conoeqc.ences which we which we.a shaken from hGu~es and aro~e "promise to be bl\ptlzed," a.ud eang ~t to again from the streets, t hey filled the ail' a.re not li!\bla te miaunderstand, There Is the end wit h peculiar force and pat hos, Jim of health and vigor, a. gr11.dual shrink - with Then the exhor ter proceeded, Food. its Quantity and Qualitv. - WITH TEIJITB. WITHOUT TEETH. J. M:. BRIIIACOllBE, l'JlACJTICA.L DENTIST, TWENTY YEARS EXPERllCNOE. a1&ren10xldeGas A.dmlntstel'ed Cor Palnles !>Vl!B 01'1'1()1! OpeJ"attons, l!ICCJLITNG'S B:J.0()1'. c. Graduate of the Royal College o \Dental Surgeone, Ontario. OFFICE OVER DICKSON'S. STORE. H ARN DEN' L · D. S ·s lOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY. ate Work executed in the latest and most Improved style of the Dental.Art. BETH E XTR.A.C1'ED WITHOUT P AINI *he use of Nitrous Oxide Gae, wlthoutinjur7 to the patient. Parttoula.r attention paid to the regulation or OHILDREN'S TEETH , ..-.ALL WORK W.ARRANTED·. _ I F. A. JONES, VE'l'ERINARY SURGEON, ENNISKI~LEN, Honorary Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, will attend to all diseases of domestie animals. Operations & Dentistry A S PE CI ALTY. Calls and Orders by mail or telegraph will r eceive prompt a ttention. CHARGES Mo1JE.&ATE. OFFICE HOURS, 8 TO 10 A. M. A flrst·claaa stock of Medicines a lways on hand. N. B .-Will visit Williamsburg every Saturday of each week. · 16-ly In orderto introduce our SONGS catalogue of all kinds of Books, and agents' ,goods, we will send 100 11 tavorite comic and sentimental songs and ba.l· "lads, a Va.\lt collection, for only lOc or 4 3c. stamps and t his slip A. W. 1RINNEY. Ya.t· mouth, N. S. A relenthig father recently signified hla deaire for recouciliatlen whh t he family prodigal by the follewilllg curt telegram; " IM?,--, P ueble, Col,- '.Iho vev.l apre11d [ii ready when y ou ar!l," ' Newspapers that have oG mmrn!ied on the Geelihe says " man la what he ea.ta." grea.t earthquake at Charleston seem b -..£S'S ET Of kbe adult men lfvlng In cities one·h&lf have entirely forgotten ~similar catastrophe INC:OJIE OYER $1,000, 000 are eatima.ted ta be bald. of nearly t we centuries ago, by which t he town of P ert RQye.I, en t he bli>nd cif Jama· The best te·t of the mother's milk la t he Sl00,000.00 deposited with theCanadlanGoYern lea, on the same barber upon which t he city ment for benefit of Canadian policy holders. faot that the ohlld thrives or dces not; thrive, ef K in gston la sltu!l.ted, was overwhelmed Caulophyllum la a. valuable remedy in a.11.d almo1t wholly eblltcrated, Ohurohes, WI!l'H ~ EARS OF RllPENT.ANCE rheumatrc treubles of the hands and feet. INYESTED JN <:ANA.DA, $600,000.00, Te make a waterproof pa.ate to atlck silk especially ()f the amaller j olnte. and joy In their eyes, embraced eaoh other. monr.eterleB, business blocks and hundreds of ho1111es were awallewed np by the wavee, on ellk, macerate virgin rubber-oaoutchouc BEAD OFFICE IN C.ANAD.A:-MONTREAL It hi olalmed that the popular drink of the Women fell on each other'e necks, and, The blue sea still r olls ever them, bnt beat· ! -cnt Into finest shavlllgs wlth about tea future will be milk charged with carbonic with hearts toe full to speak; recked to and men famoy that they can see the 1pires a.nd t imes Its weight ef pure benz<>le in an open For particulars refer to fre in the happy embrace, devoutly thank· acid gas, Milk ao charged keepa well, ln.g Ged in ellence fer H is blesafng ln~the houeete pa deep down iu 1the W&ters, and mouthed bottle set in hot water- a.way from E; L. LIVINGSTONE, fire-shake floca.elonally, and add more ban· Of 25 oenaumptlve11 treated at the Adlron· dreadful hour, and the children in at me when t he sea rolls high they list en for t he 1 1 GENERAL .AGENT, daok Se.nlt&rlum two have died, four have and llt their mother's knees lisped out they mt ffiad tolling of the bells that onoa called . zole, If neoeeaary, until r. pe1fect solution i1 POR1' HOPE &hewn no improvement, eight are still under knew not what, but It was plain that t hey the people of an a lmost forJotten olt y to obtained, The cement should not be need In suoh quan tUty aa to delay drying. treatment, and 12 have been apparently re· all re11lizod tha.t eemebody bad been k!lled, prayer. 0 r to agents throughout the county, {8-6s e, 11terod to health, and lmmedh.te danger was ever. Not so Doln't forgot to offer tho baby pnre cold with the tremblfo g a11d domon.lfzed cslored water several t imes a day these warm days. pe.ople, After the hand of Provldenoe ha.d Don't give it t he nunlng bottle when it la been apparently removed t hey began to pro· thirsty, It needs water jast as muoh as yoa pheey, and to recall a.II thsy k new In their Pumps Cheaper and Better de. oonfused way of Bible rcenes and Bible his· Wenetloe in one of our Southern contem- tery, " It'e t he night of Sodom 11nd Ge· than ever, KING STREE '.1.1 E AST, BOWMANVILL E, ONTARIO. poraries that the white teeth ef tho negre Is mornh," ahonted one In a frenzy of appar said to be due to t he excess of white blood ent delight. " T he olty of St. Michael le The Subscriber h aving built a large ne'\\ aorpasclea, We c11.n new account tor the do·wn to the greund," yelled anot her ; " I We are now finishing 30 of the best Cu.rriages and Buggies ever made told yeu se," cried a third 1 " Ah&, how in t his est ablishment, with best g L·ade of Wheela, S teel Axle s and best Steel Springs, Pump Factory in Orono, la prepar ed " white livered" negroes, trimmed with the b est stock and well paint ed. W e ar e getting out - to furnishhuman skeleton weighs frttm t11n to al:.aut my ·wife's dream now?" said a. fourtl1; id sixteen peunds, 1 md t he bleod d the bedy "Leek for the rook of H oreb to split, " s& 0 &nether; "Pray, my white people, why U '1 "' I'll abeut t wenty-eight pounds i but orema.tlon don't you pray ?" Old women begem aroenreduces the whole tu no morn ihan eight lng ever snatches of negre roligleus melo· Every Board warranted to be m ade of t h e best S t eel a nd well t empered . ' With or without Porcelain Cylinder, cf eunoee ; all dne la restored to t he iaseous dies 11nd .frant!oa.lly seizing each pas~er ,, by elements, the Best Material, on the shortest n otlcean.d lnvitmg them to jsin In the " song al We are also getting ready a stock of MOWERS, improved and second The early appearanoe of the cholera. this praise te the Redeemer." After an heur or t o n one in t h e mar ket . They will be r eady in good sea son a n d war ranted to do goocf a.nd at the lowest prices. year In ao many scattered and distant parts ee prayer meetlngo were cririmlzEid, and the work. We are also making a number of H AY TEDDERS, whi9b. will al so b e ready Cistern Tubs and Pumps supplied. of Italy la ef bad omen, and a rapid and ex· a!oging and rnren.miog were kep~ up until in g ood season. They have been t r ied by some of our b est farmers, t o whom we l:enslye diffusion of tho epidemic with the daylight, At that time the watchword refer i ntending purchasers. We are also WELLS CLEANED & RERAIRED. increasing Dummer he&t is &lmoet inevitable. waa passed around. "The bat tle Is over, bunhe &eldiers must net reat;" and this Never waa there a more pernicious notion order wa.s O!\rrled eut en W ednesday and than that wine, ale or porter l.s neceeaary to Thursd11.y nl~hts. . which has gained a good reputation in t his locality. 11. nursing "'oman In order te keep up her FRENZIED NllGROES, etrellgth, er to Increase the qnantHy er to Plow P oin ts of every descri ption by the ton, and niade fro m steel, wr ought iron, &o On Thursday night, hewsver, on Marion Improve the nutritive qualities of her milk, TO GIVE SATISFACTION. square, the a!ghta and aoenea bsffied de- We are also getting reaity a stock of WAGONS. Mill and Engl.ne W ork a specialty All of which will be sold on t he most re asQnab le terms . LOTION FOB SUNllURN,-Takfl of powdered scipHon, The colored people were unreborax and glycerine, each six drams ; rose- str11oined and committed all mannor of riotOrderal'by Mail promptly attended to. water BOWMANVIL LE AGR ICU LTURAL & CAR RIAGE Co, er elder-flower water, twelve eunoes, ous ax:d and frrn zled e:xoesa. A · r eport of Mix. The dally application of this lotion their &otlens a1 they toek place weuld per14·3 m. Cash paid for any quantity of Cast Scrap I ron. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, PICKETS, te the face and hands wlll keep them white h aps be considered blaapbemoua In enob a and clean by lt1 excellent oleanaing proper· staid and ooorerv.tlve city aa Oharleaton. MOULDINGS, &c., kept on hand. ties, will prevent chaps, and remeve sun- The first object, e.nd that one Interested burn. everybody'a attention wae an aesemblllge of Statistics tell us that of one thousand colored beys, abont a ha.If dozen In number, children born ene hundred a.nd fifty die with· whe had fallen to t he ground in a p11mlxy1m In twelve mentha. Thia gives u1 a faint sf religleua frerzy. They were grovelling "' ldFa of the vast amount of lgnerance preva· with their faces down In the grass, and were lent in the care of infants. We believe that elnalng ll hymn In a loud voice. The hymn by lntelllgent c:are the usual Infant mertallty was, " The Angele a Rappln' at the D11or, " could be reduced two thirds, and t he ri;fra.ln, sung rapidly, was, "Oh, p un y the Bl oo d' correct a11 D' d f th tell ole N o11ih te bill on de ark, t& bill on do isor ers o e Tho British Medical J 11urnal " InfalUble" LIVE.R , STO.lTIA.UH, .KIDN EYS AND B OWEL S . says : " The best remedy for wermB Is a ark, to bill on de ark. " T hie aeng they repowder, containing from three to five gralras panted over and over ag~in untU they were ef santomlne, e,cccrding w ago, and 11 fourth quite tbed and ooaJed from utter exhe.ua· They invigorate and restore to healt h Debilitated Const itutions, and a.re invalu able i n all Complaints incidental to Jl, em a.les of all A gaa. Fo11 of a graii;i e.f calemel, Prepare six ; the tfon, In GI few mlnutee thily were fa~t · Ohildren a.nd the aged t hey l'r e pricele ss. first t wo powdei-a te be taken at twelve heun anlaep. Near the beys was a:. large t ent which hi:id interval and the remaindEr at twenty-four Unlocks all the clogged. a venuefl of tho been gaily deoorated for some fest ive oc· hours intorval, fellowed by a dose 111f 01Htur ~owels, Kidney_s and Liver, carry. cu.sien, In t he door atoed a very old color. I · £ ll'bl d oil. ed weman ·wa.yini;{ backward and forwe.rd, s a.n m a 1 e reme y for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sorea mg off gradually without we.ilkening the BURNS AN D E'CALDS,-Cover the Injured system, all the impurities and foul and Ulcers. It is famous for Gout and Rheumatism, F or diso r ders of t he pint with a cloth soaked in oil, am! ever this her lipa only moving, bnt uttering no sound, h umors of t he secretions ; at tho same - Chest it h as no equal.plaoa some cetton wool, the objeot being t o The crowd ln front of her w11tched. with in· timo Correcting Acidity of the F · (;;:! TJ 11 B ronch-t.-. I C 0 I d 8, exclnde tho air and k eep the part warm. tense anxiety, 'Suddenly she bnl'et out with 0 1 ;:,Or e lrOa1tS, l IS, 'IJ0Uf; 18, Sto~ach, curing '.Bi liousness, Dys. The pain d slight burna er aoalds may be t he hymn, "Oh, Ra.alin J11.~eb, L 9 t Me Go," peps1a. · Headaches, Dizziness, eased by dnstlng them with fleur. When and the crowd joined In the mliihty refrain, Gl.ia.ndular S wellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival· and {op Heartburn., Constipation, Dryness severe The crowd swayed t hel.r bedles forward to t d d ·ff · i 'k ' e:xtensfve, further aurglcal t rer.t· t of the Sfiln, Dropsy, Dimness of ment Iser con r acte a n stl JO nts it acta h e a charm . he d ght and t e the left , iiUernat.ely, just r equir ed. Visi on , .Jaundice, Salt Rheum like a sl!lored dance, :JiJr ysipelas, Scrofula, Fluttering of Manufactu r ed only at T HOMAS HOLLOWAY'S Establishment, CLAPPING THEIR RANDS !N AN ECST.AOY t h e Heart, N ervousness, and Gen. A ma.t homat lolan, speak ing et the la.ta (Sf emotion, F inally one m1 ;;n dreppod t o 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (late 633, OXFORD STREET), LONDON~ eral D ebility ; a ll those and many Mr, Vandtrb!lt's great wea.lth- $500,000,· the ground " oenverted." The la.mp W&s ot her simibr Complain ts yield to the 000-sa.ys "the human mind 011>nnot grasp h&stUy brought trom t ho t6nt, and he w&a And are sold at ls. l fd., 2s. 9d., 4a. 6d., lla., 22s., and 33s. ea.ch Box or Pot, an!S h a.ppy influence -0£ :BURDOCK may be hl\d from all Medicine Yendorathi:oughou t the World. that great sum," P erhaps not 1 but the bu· surrimndod by l!I crowd ef women who held BLOOD BITTERS. ma':' hand oa.n- lf it sheuld get the ep119r- hiu ha.uds, H~ cried a.loud !er mercy, 11nd WPu.rchaser11 should look at the Label on the Pots and Boxes. u the r ddre E.ventua.lly sweoned a.way lhnd was a.lmciut 1>s T· . l!HT.llURN & CO,. lhopdet-Ors. Toronto.; I t un1ty, 12 n 533, 0 xror (1 Street, London, tl!e :r are s pur101Ht! Special Inducements to Total Abstainer,. -- -OVER $5,000,000.! - Notes. DISMAL GROA1' S OF DESPAIR a.nd Jamentatlon1 of terrified and terrifying dlstrets. As usual with them in tneir funeral devotions, tne n~me Jame w11.s mast f ·equently uwed, 1md 11111 th~ugh suppllc&tlng Gea faoe te face, they ehl'ieked out In the very helpleerness l\nd p a.th os of deopalr snob sentences as " D(), my Master, Jesus, have mercy on me I" "Oh, sweet Je11ue, ~ave me, sa.ve me I" " L E>t me Jive through this night, dear God, my S.1viour I' "Hold me up Elnoe mere, Thou bleS&ed Christ, my M aster I" and other to11.1ful aupplioa.tlone, whioh lntenalfied the horror of the sltua.tion, and went far toward demoralizing t he white people, who were also rushing blindly 1md blinded hither and thither In the fitful glare ef fllokering lights, almost eo1Jp11ed by the sh11wer of descending and aaoendlng dust. Aa u~ual, the faces of the white ma.n and whita ~eman ln the time of dangEr was a alght of ai11;Jden joy In the gloom to many a poor wandering c.. tored bey or girl, who en · deaver ed to stop their whl~e friends a.a they ran by In the aonfna!on t o snpplioo.te t hat they wrnld remo Jn with them nntll t he "Judgment 'W:ilij done. " Inmo.ny anineto.noa a trembling colored girl s_\NK DOWN ON HER KNEES and seized with frantic energy the folds of 3ome white lady's dress, 11ond, falling t3 expreea t heir tern)r In werd2, with scarcely IDO"llng lips bBtokentd t hat they w1mted only the mer11.l auppert ef a friend in t he hour of dl2tree11 and agony, But the white faoes were bl111.nohed a paler hue, Therl' could be no stop or stay in the mad ra.mi away frem tettering house top~ & nd toppling parapet~ · The trembllng eupplie.nte were h1.1at1ly thr ust aside by thoBe whom events hiwo proved were powerles11 to se.v;i th6mselvou, There wa~ death In the air-nr.y, mor e, it was boIow and around 11ond was ~ xpented none knew whence, Only the feuling w111e ever present tha.t avery bedy stood face t o faoo with t he menaoo ef Instant death. SCENES IN 'rlIE STREETS ON l'UF SDAY NIOllT. Cer tain scenes that were obsetved on tho streets immediately after t he first ~hook deserve to be described, s.nd eF peolal!y one t hat Indicated the grner11l feeling throu.gh · ov.t the city, F urther north en K ing street than the locality just mentlcned there was a tremendous throng of cW~ans e.snembled. Nothing can account for the fact of t he greo.v crowd bnt the supposition that for some reason the people left the e!de streets and were peurea like a stre11.m. Into t he prlnolpal thoroughfares. The r6markable inetanoe referred to was the exhlbitlen of j oy and the -voices of oengratulutjon t hat were he1>r4 on every !lh;-azrdil.II mingled with words ef thankaglvlng to the Divine Provldenoo, P eople clung te each ather like brothers a11d sisters, There were no etrangerrs there. T hey all knew each other as part and parcel cf a oGmmunlty t hat had escaped a. terrible fate. Some, "Fight the bat t le, .fight th e battle ; fight out girl figh t lt out bov I Oh yee ma'am the tim~ Is come. W a.ke up, 'wak; up, d~ in.st ohanoe ls oome to ea.vo ..Id Charleetan. Oh, my Lord, den't touch my ch y any more I pra.y God te holo t he world up. Ah, ah, I thank God. Take fort 1 , oeuntry poopla, fij!M for it people. Walk on brothera. Hip, hip, hip, Oh, Lord, take mo In your charge to-nigM, Nlpht before Im.et I didn't c xp~ct t o see Jeana. Oh, God look down &t these dry bones In the valley. Didn't yen hear Gllbriel's horn blow ? Ob. l Gabrtel, turn the.t born to the ln.nd of Egypt on the the miserable sinners and net on we. Oh, Lord, we are here to-night . The l:lrds h ..ve neeta. but we are here to·nig ht fer meroy. Oh I Lord, have mercy," After this hymn a.bent a dr z;n people were oor; verted , and the work wae k ept up in a s!mllar atrain until broad da}'lfght. To the white peeple who were t here the scenes ot Thnraday nig:it can never be forgC!Jt ten. "Yeo, m·n n.nm, Industry e!Aall b e my brand and :i.ttr.1:1tien my butter," ~o ijllid t he b(\y Macanlay fo ohtldho~d he often ma.de r ·ark Ilk 1· I O , h 1 ' tfi'" en·· . ~ e ·'1 s. oe o:ay, w en vs. ~ ~ la & y, a aervi·n.t ~pilled Mlm.ll hot cdfee over h e legs.. T u., Jaciy toe~ b.im nn her lap, ~~~nfort( d him, and aa~~d h_1m lrnw he felt, rhv n;t yr.n, Jal~· th; ~-{!.bi~ ~ nus c ago ; . . e agvvy a a I> S(. ' lle11J.!ng with this chU.d, z ,.oh,.r y M 9canlay, his fai<.b.er, aoted np fal~hf.ul.ly te tnei be11t light h? had , B e ma~e it "' rule not. to pnlae hu:1 y o~thful wiaa.o,m'. ~~.t t? nc-trne hia L~art repho~, and In ot wa1 Vla~ s t o, check thl!ot t;;ndeucy t o arrog111nce which . ij the great danger of boys l\nd men who have ex· ceotlonu.l po we!l' over wor ds. . Z 'C,hs;ry M:i,oaul9of s;.ient forty years of h1s lilt; Ill assisting to br i.Ilg hi.I country te tb.e pGmt of a.boihhlng .i.. very. He worked iu cc·t>p:.ration. with W1lberforoe, B~blng· t ()n and their c1rclo, and did as mnch In the ca.!1ee wi t he best of t hem. He sa.cr1ficed to It nea}th, fortune r.nd pleasnre; h~s buulness dwfnaled and pel'izohed th1oagh his devetlon tD it, and he died poor and dependent. .But t here ci>me l\n hour. of r ep ayment, H e had the }>lea1mre of he1 mng hlc sen ele· quently s.dveca.te thv o&uee en the platform and In t he House of Commons, and aa.w at lergth the prln~lple lnoorpora.ted In the B rhieh CoID<t!t ut1on, that no al:ove can livo upon any eoll over which the flag of Britain fl ea.ts. The £xoollent bl&grapher of Lord Macau· lily, Mr. G. 0. Trevelyan, i,s of eplnlon that t he, happiest half.hour of :t.a.che.ry Macau· l a.y a lUe wa.s when he heard his gifted sen m11ke his ma.Iden spe.~ch on the platform of an antl-slaYeY y me&tmg, a epeecl:t was per· haps never snrpa.rsed by an erv.t or who .waa addrenlng an audience f0r t he ~at time, 0.11e p~~aage called forth" a whirlwind of .':1:ti;m, A Young Leader. At a tlme when old m!ln are pre-eminent l.n European ceunclh the advance of & young man to ~he front n .nk 6f British party leii.d· era 'Is worthy of not lce, Saya the "S, . James G1>zette :" Lerd R andolph Churchill I~ the youngest leader t hat t he House ef Oemmons hll>B had since the days ef Pitt, who first accepted t he poet at the 11g0 ef twenty-three, Peel waa callod. to t he a11me re·pendblllty at for t.y, Russell at f<1 rt y-t wo, Dtaraeli atforty· seven, Palmerston at ueventy. H appily ~ho n ation le unfettered by any ha.r d and·faet rule of age1 In respect t o suoh i>.ppointmerita. He.d Lord R :mdelph been a citizen Bf n .a· publican Rame, he must have waited a.nother six yoara t .. be legally eligible fer the con· su'salp. Under the Frenoh constli:utlon of 1875 he could net be ohOl'en a senator for three years t o oome. On the other hand, he has added twe years t a the t hir ty-five which a.n American must have lived before he m m hold. the preeidency of the Unlt6d Sta.tu, Ne d()nbt a mej orlt y of the men who have made history had shown the mea.suze of t heir CApaclty at thlrt y-$even, Bbmarck was j ust t hlrth·tilx w hen be bec1.1me m inister at Frankfort, 11.nd his 1>ggres6ive penona.lity began te asser t ltadf, G& mbett& enter~d an bis thirty-third year the11.cknowlecJged dlotator of F ranca outside l'a.ris. Gordon had jmt completed the third <lec-.dc 9f b.la life when ho a~snmed the comm1.1nd of the "ever· victorious" army, -·-~....,.__ ___ _ A-Porgotten American Earthqtl&lre, The hour la at h and when the ~as~nt of the Antilles will n? lunger ore.wl m list· lesa .a nd trembling d· J ~Ctlon reund a p!anta· t lon from w hose fralts ho mnet derive no advantllge, and a hut whens door . yields him no prolieotlon ; but when hie cheerful and volt:tnt&ry la.bor ia performed, he will r et urn with the firm ctep and erect brow of a British oltrzen from t he field, which ls bis freehol d, to hla cottage, whloh is hl11 castle," These words, dellv2red with the oalm, robust power of t he young Mac&ula.y, t;hrlllng t he father's heart;, The next speaker wa.a Mr. Wilberforce, who alluded to the presence of his ancient ally on an cooe.eien of so much interest t o him, both as a father a.nd as a cit izen. "My friend, " ea.id Mr. Wilberforce, "would donbt leau willingly bear -with & ll t he bi.se falsehcu)ds, all t ho vile oalumniee, all the detestable artlficeP, which have been aimed at him, to r ender him t he victim and martyr of our catme, for t he gratlficatlen he has this day e11joyed In hearing one so dear to him pie.ad euch a c<1 use In such a ma.n· ner.' 1 The old man, t rue to hla old-fashioned prh1olple of concealing from Me bey t he pride and jsy he felt In hlin, sat motionless durbig tb e speech, with bis eyeH fixed upon a piece< f pi>per held as If he meanII 110 take notes. In talking to h la son In t ho evening, he made only one alight alludon t 0 the scene of t he afternoon, when he remarked that it w~a unbecoming In so yGung v, man t o speak with. folded a:rme In the preeenoe of t he roye.l prince who had pre0ided. z:~chary Macaulay lived until 1S38, long enough to ~ea his sen the foremee$ yeung man of l;la time, H e waa b:m·ieJLln W e'l_t· - --·-mliist.cr Abb6y, Upon his monument he ,ls · described as one who workfld forty ye a~ aga!nat davery, and "resigned to othei·11 the praise and the reward." There are boure that cr own life's tfforte, I t came t o t he father In lhe son In this case, and happy le the father te whem the sen brings the crown. oh~:rs, Orono Pump Factory. - I THE BOWMANVILLE ACRICUlTUBAL & CARRIAGE CO. J 0Ur PUMPS nF EVE Y DES~RIPTIO~ i 300 0 f C0 }0 b rat 0 d ChalnpJOil · plows J AGENTS FOR THE DUNDAS CORD BINDER, ALL WORK GUARANTEED .R. FERG USON. THE KEY~IO.:H~LTH~ FOR ALL1 ·r THE PILLS T H E OINTMENT 1 ·