.~:~i~:,~.~~t~:~:U·Iw.,,~;; ;~;~~ :r ··' ·· · ·-· ~~ ~~~~~~~~ ,,~~-~·~~m\1llllllllll;Biiilll~.~~~~~~~~!!!~!!~~~~~~ . .. il!ltmliil~iNiiil!DilliiiJ~llJIGllll.MWJJml.!liiiiiiiiiilJHl!i!i11!'111~\l.m~lel\i!lllll!IDl!iHlllllllJlllmll1111111119111Ml91!.!!11B'11_~.-~lllQl .~~lllllll'BI. ., MU JDiiNED BY NH.GARA. '·Th" Tunnoll of tl1e :Rapids 'J·nrns a ittan'~ THE WORLD OVER. grad.. CATARRH. CATARRH.-A. new treatment has be<;,n dis· covered whereby a permanent cure OL thls hitherto incurable disease. is absolutely affect· ed in from one t o three applications, no mi::t.t~r whether standing one year or forty years. fh1s remedy is only 11pplied !?nee In. twelve da;rs, and does not interfere with busmess, Descnp· tive '(lawphlet sent free on receipt of stamp by A. H. Dixon & Son, 305 King street, West, Taronto, Cana.LI.a. "\VIIAT IS CATARRH~ · Catarrh is a dangerous dls~ase which tp.ous· ands·are consciously or unconsc;iouslysufrerlng from. It is a muco-purulent discharr;e ~aused by the pr·esence of a vegetable parasite m the lining membrane of the nose. The predisposing ca.uses are a morbid state of the blood,_ the blighted corpuscle of tubercle, the germ p~ison of syphilis, mercury, toxomre, f~om the ~eten tion of the effete matter of the skm, ~ur1pressed perspirations b,.,dly ventilated sleop1n~. apar.t· men ts and the germination of othe~ J!01sons m the blood. Irritated by these, the lmiug membrane of the nose is eve~ ready .1?r the,reception of the parasite, which rap1d1Y spreads up the nostrils and down tho fa.noes, or br-ok of the throat, causing ulceration of the thro~t; np the eustachian tubes, caiislug. de,afne~a. b11r-.. rowing in the voca.l cords, causmg · hua1 seness, usurping the proper structure of the ·bronchial tubes ending in pulmonary consumption and and prfoes tl;lr milk s,s for butter, T.nere oar~u.inly a.re U.\! m<my qualit ies. All e::i:ahaags ou.11!1 mttenUon to the evils gf blsa.uhfog ev>iporated fruit wlth sulphur, ~nd alse u· s tng hiud, Immature fruit for drying, V\7 orklng hor~es and warking men are far less di:.ngeroua than the dreill!e, equine or human. Work kseps the dangereus ,elementn fo both where they eught te ho. Fl'thting flies is about 611 ha.rd werk fol<' the horses as plowing. R11b their legs lightly twice a. day with a. rag wrung out oi water that smells strong of oa.rbollc a.o d, To oil an iron axle-tree, first wipe t',1 0 oplndtc clea.n with a cloth wet with eplrlts gf ta1·pe1.1tilla, and thon apply a few clrepa of oast~r oil nfl!U the shoulder and end. 0 Je tea~paollfol le ~ufficient for the whole. Give the wheeh v. gaod ooa.t of bolfod linseed oil. Thia will fill the por es al well ~.A water, swtll the wood., tighten the tires, !\nd ls mnoh more lMth:g in its effoctll, and a.t tile ea.me time la Mting a11 a pres0rv11o~ln ol the weed, W eeds on gravel walks may be llietroyed and prevented fram growing u.gaiu by r:. c )P· lens dresdng of the ob.eapst an.I~. This iB a. better methed th!>u ha.ud pulling, which de~~~~Y ingenious speiflcs for for t_he cure of dlnturb11 the .g ravel a.nd reudora corn1tant catarrh have been invented, but w1.thout success until a physician of long stand mg discu I'· rs.klng a.nd roliing neceQBa.l:'y, ered the exact nature of th diseaee and the The Western Plowman gives · tha follewonly appliance which will permanently destroy ing hint w.bloh our rea.rlors would de well the parasite, no matter how aggravated the case. Sufferers should send stamp at once to head : l~armt1ra can get ene v11k11ble for descriptive pamphlet on. catar rh, , to the pointer from " plow jockeys" ; they are business manacers, A., H, Duron &; Son, 305 a.lw11ys ca.1·eful to ho.ve a. sharp plow when King street, west, Toronto, Canad~ . What the Rev. E . B. Stevenson, B.A .. a Clergy· sh01vlng np g1·eG°! werk ar light draft, man of the Londo1t Conference of t~e Metho- Moral, 11lwa.y11 keep your plow ah:llp, dist Chm·ch of Canada, has to say in regard Pilt yaur Ekim-milk and bnt,ermllk Into To A .H. Dixon & Son's New 7.'reat1nent for catves or pigs, tiupplementlvg then with Cat arrh, -rOaklans. Ont., Canada, March 17, 1883 cornrnea.l and a. sprinkling of o il moi>.l, Eu.ys Messrs. A.H. Dixon & Son: · h d the Unit ed States D"'lrym1n, Gave bath DEAR Srns,- Yours of the 13th inst. to an . oJJvee and prg;i roem to mevo a.raun d In o.nd It seemed almost too good to be true that I a°j k0ep olea.11. B11th will be benefited by bav· cured of Catarrh, but I kn<:!w t hat I am. have had no return of the diseas'.'· and never ing goed grass to food en in v.ddlthm to telt better in wy life. I have tried so man': wlla~ is oa.rded them. n will keep them things for CatalTh, suffered so much . and for he&1lthy and conteni ed o.nd promote grewth, ao many years, that it is hard to reahze that P .enty of clover is a goad preventive of hog I am really beLt.er. b d . ·t I consider that mine was a ve:i:Y a .case, 1 cholera. was aggravated and ohronlc,:invclvmg thol O.ae of the chief reasons why orchards throat well ' as the nasal passages. .1md thought it would require the three :tieatments, ~hould vot be orspped ls beoauffo it requires but I feel fully cm·cd b}' the tw:o sent me. and oult!vatlon during t l:le summer Gor·Bon. I am thankful that I was ever mduced to send W hen rnotn a.re destroyed by deep working the grcu1a it eftei1re~ults111 permanent in· toig~·are at liberty to use this letter stating ju.ry to the t roeD, C!pecially if dime l11te In that I have besn cured at. two treatments. and I shall gladly recommend your remedy to some ~e11aon. Since the clearing of weodlanda has given winds 11 free aweep t he soil drfos or my friends who are auffcrer·s. · Yours, with many thanks. much faster than for.nerly, and thle REV. E, B. STEVENSON, out ma.kcs trties mo!l'e liable to lnjnry from And hundreds of others mutilation of thefir roots. There's nothing like the agr!c:Jltural fair ta eduoata the farmer. When ho sees the Formerly 11:nown as the" Soper Mills. 'I crowd tramp hie big cuoumbar and over· gxown Dprlng chickens inh the ground t o BIS MILL BAS BEEN THOR· pay twenty.five cents to 2et ln tua amphiOUGHLYrenovated and put in order ,under theatr J t3 see a horse ra.oe that Vi as sold out their own specialsupervision,for the purpcse of the night before, he rea.llzsa the j!randeur grlsting and manufacturing Oat Meal and P ot of his prefesslon and tti.kea h is diploma. and Barley and we are now prepared to receive orders from all our old cuat.omers and others, goos home so en~husiaitic that he fealu ju.at tor work Bnd we gurautee to give them who like buy!ng v.ll the farms in the n eighborlntrnst with the same entire satisfaction. hsod, and golng Into the ex~lu&lve buelneee Oats and other grains taken in exchange for of ralr.ing thingl to sna.toh dlplemu.s.bom the Flour Oat Meal, &c. H. IZ J, TOWNS, Bow· gr1up af fair oommlttees, manville 227. There apperlirs to me to be a po8slbll!ty of our achieving much gtou.ter things with dairy cattle than we have done, Tne more Continues to do a General Banking Business rltock the more crop,, A maximum number ef cattle en a mlnirr.um quantity of l!md aBo wmanville Branch. noce·eltatee artlficiai feeding, 1.nd t hlil ia .DEPOSITS j ust whr.t znakea the soil ferttls, and so the Receiveq in Savings Ba.~k Dep,arLmentand , . ba.U ~et_ rolling by hea.vy _ otcwklng, ,.,;.::::::.:::z;_..._ -11...u and mt.erest alloweu at o~irem r~tes. N o ...h1'tlVY foeding, and h1ia:vv_ cro11pin u, no Lice of withdrawal necesaaq. All deposltir 0 I ·i ·t t th t ·- · ·i"'t · arable on demand r nga g1 a e . e armer a m1 , ,. ' . High feederri almost Qlwayu find it paya, .EXCIIA.NGE and the extent of the pmrohaeea ef a. j 1dlBought and sold and Drafts issued nponEurope, cious farmer In artlficla.l feo d la often the United States and Canada, also Gold,Silverand mea.eure of hla euoceos e.nd the oondl.tion af hfo farm, United Sta~es Greenbacks bou11:ht ands old, "If yott eh.oulil dall upon ua about seven ( ;COL.1... EC'.l'IONS a'ofook some even!ng thfa summer, and seA Promptly made at current rates upon all par· ·our young men a.II dre~~cd up, you would at Great Brittain, the United States and Do hii.rdly think we were farmers who ha.d minion of Canada. baen a.t wo1·k in t he dirt all day, perhape. Telegra1·ll Transf'eJ.·ti Ii yeu ( X)eoted from iha calm·· of our hands Made for large or small sums on all parts of tr.nd face~ that we were farmers you would Canada. '.l'his is e3pecially a dvantageous to llGJ!'talnl:y think that wa :wera 'expecting persona living in MamLoba or the North·wetit comp!rny.' O ur boys vfoit the ha.th-room as It makes the funds available at once at the after work le dona and sleek ihemeelv11e up, place of payment. often putting on cle11u cl~thea entire!), and For further particulars call at the BanklnR then go ill for a goad tlma until nine Gr ten House. ;1'cfock." So writes Mr, T, J3, Terry to the GEO. MCGILL, T.BH.ODIIB, Albany Cultivata1" Ha m~!ste tha.t farmers Manager may be j lSt a.a nea.t and tld;y, when the day's A.ccounta nt. ·lv work Is evllr, ao though thsy lived in 11. tewu or ol.ty, Braln. "I hav'u not the least deubt," said i:.n em lncnt physlcivn at a recent m&dlc!l.l con· ventlon, ·' the.t at lea.et eno 1,;ut ef evt1 ry ten of the people in this country live ttnder s11mo form of Insanity, In some it becomea vfolent ; in others noticeable ; fo ethers naver known ner suspeoted, e:i:oept there is what might be termed a. collusion of clroum stanoes. ·' There have been some OUl'ioua O!l.~es of thh bet npaoles of lnsa.nlty, Some seven or elp;ht yearsa.g~ a well·known publlo dlLla.l of ~he St11.te of O.~i.o vlalted Niaga.ra. Falla with h!s family for 11 month'i:i rcat. Hu w12.e nerveus nnd wern ont, and there were oer · tocln b11dne1.1a v.nd polltlc1<l matters whioh follewed him there and COULD NOT BE SHAKEN on. The g1mtloman dld not reu.lfae thu.t hla nerves wore at all aha.ken ; on the contrary, he pi"idod blmsaH In b..:ilfovl.ng thu.t ha could ond11re mere mental worry than three orcllna~(y men, He had been at the F "'111 three or four days when he wu j oined by a Cnic!lgo cap!t&liet. T ile t we had a apecuratfon t ageth11r, and the details we·e i;g be settled here, 0 1e day after dinner the p\ir went bats Proapeot Pa.rk and eat dawn an a b11noh fao· fog ths ra.plds, and not ever fi va foet from tbs water, When t hey had t;.lked for an heur er ee, the Oafo gantlem.rm ~eamad to ba !amewha,t excited in hh ep~eoh and movem Jnta. He threw 11evera.l 1tlcks inte the w11ter, talked lu fo'ttd tfJnee, ll.nd 11aon u.t;traoted attention. The Qa.plte.l111t THOVGR'I! IT A BIT QUEER, as Caledonian Mills. but felt no une(!.afaeao until the other sud· denly ~eiz~d him Ins. t remendous grip and ea.id: "B!!hn lr., you 111re a. d -· d sooundrel , and I'm going t o oend you ovsr the falls I' The ca.plta.ll·t W&S the ~mi;ller and the weaker mar>, a.nd he felt the hepe!essneas el tbe oUuli.tfon, H'.} w11.a gripped by t he ah~mltlera, b!lt ha uaod Ms hands t e clench the seat b'1hiud him, and replied to t he lumi.· tio : " I knew I 'm :11. bad m!i.n, and you must KiV'e me time to pray." " AU right, all r ight," said the Ohioan : " you sh a11 h ave two minut.es for prayers, 1>tJd then we'll ga over the hlla together, Si>y, 13\ank, l 'on are a. d--d good fellow, a.ft er all, and we'll go togethe1·. 11 The Idea. wit h the Caicage m11n wa.s, ot ocurse, to ga.!n ·time, The peeple who had baen attracted by the lend tall!:. had passad on, and it eo happened th::1t'· no one el~e oame thai wr.y. Ha hoped the lunatic wauld ciumge hfs mint\ a.fter t wo er three minutes, but inst ead of tha.t he gre"1 more impatient, d ecfo.r!ng that they mnat huny up er they would be too late. Daapa.lring ef 11.id from othera, t he oapUa.liet finally a ~ld: F"r mer Tdt, of U ~br!dg~, M.r.sa., l::as a ps:.i.r of .ateer~ whfoh he drtvo~ to h a1·n~a!l, 1mtl. which h.a.vo trotted, wl.t h four In the cn.rxbge, fo t1r mlkis in b.<1lf u hour, A thrnu.tenfog nt9rm cloud u.larmed t he ;vornhippers at "' cohred ca mp maetillg a t Gr&en C".mp, Ohio, on S11nday, and in 'l:helr tmrry te get away t hirty-two buggies w cr6 toblly wreolr.l)d, Is showing one of the finest and best selected 8tocks of Mme, Gudc.lev., the widow of D r. Guel. d.:n, whe bu.s ;rec~ntly been glveo £10.000 by.the B~varlan Gevernm~nt, is em a<'lthoress of ·ohlldren's storbs, and herself h~s elevtn children, SlrWllll!?.m Arm~trong & Co. have j11st ot tain a v t1ry large oentr M· for tba aupply of their guns to the Cnfoeee Governmer.t, They a.r e wanted for the new fortlficatlen3 of Fermoaa, A RJndent couple who have been on a Bpree for three weeke h e.ve in th't t ime pawned every article o1 furniture in their roeme, !rnd, It tlle;y do not die of dd!rlum tremens, wm be sent ti} t he almeh ota e. A G~orgfo. farmer has a. goat that joins gloefully with a hound in hunting ra.bllits, New and st~· iish Jines of Gent's Funlisllings. When on the trail he imitates the dogs and rune with ll!s nosc to the graan&, but when the quu.rry ia in view up g11 head and hll, and he dusbe3 ahor the unfort11nate bunny regudlesa ot hh comp:onion11. L 'l.ko Efainore-a body of water aeven ~Highest miies long, thr ee wide, and eighty feet deep -!a between L 9s Angeles a nd S .n Dlego, Ollol, A olty fo growing up all 1 i.rG und it, a.nd etes.mboats m.i.ke regular trips along ~be Bhore, a.ud people can go frqm street te street by ;nter in a cha.r m!ngly V .;n!olan manner, --DEALER I N-· H ,..w mtr.ny paaplc ha.ve any idea ef tho enormous oap!to.I anvest1id ln Britieh rn!I· ~vs.ya? T ne ra.llway retnrne juat issued shmw tha.t t here wtr.s s p en for traffic at the "nd ef Ja3t y"ar 19,169 miles of r~ilway, the.~ t he cEplt"l anthorlr. ;d In r ailway stock ia £927,750 000, and tba ca.pita.! !'.ctually paid up £8 l5,858 955 The total :receipts frooa tre.fli; were £GG,644,967. D soitwich Ohuroh, which is <Jne d tho oldest In E ngland, is t o be pullod down, ae a tecent ftuhstdeliloe m tha gnund h e.a oauaed the bu'ld!ng te became underm!ned. Ti1ill IB the dfeot or the pumping for brine, which haa M aeriously deprasaed t he soil in and about D :olt wi1loh. The fine old towc.r ef the church h oi q · 1ite unknown agG, It flscaped the gi·ea.t fitts ef 1293, whioh dee· tray·ed mast of the body of the struc~ure, KEE ING to t"110 FRONT I AYER Silk, Drab, Shell, Woodrow's and Christie's Stiff E:ATS, Also Fine English, Canadian &:. Ameri.. can Fur and Wool Hats. Manilla and Straw Hats, all kinds and prices~ Shirts, Tiers, Collar s, Cuffs, Handk'fs, Gloves, Urabrellas, Rubber Coats, etc. prices paid for Raw Furs. 16. I!'. H. AS 01', r us " S ;e hare, Mr, Ble.nk, let's ge up and jump off the G1>at Is!and brilige, We'll b.&ve further ,te 1i.vlm, and I wa.n~ to leave my wallet with some one." " By George I Good Idea ; come on I" exclaimed the ether , an1 they walklld up t he pi!.th & nd eut of the pa.rk arm in a.rm. They were no soenor eut 11f nlghi af the rap\ds the.n t he Ob.le5>n began to g-tow oalill · er, and as they bore off toward the hoteln HE :REMOVl!:D HIS HAT, rl'HE ONTARIO BANK ullni.tched hla hea.il In a thoughtful wtt.y, and pioked up the pefot he dropped &. q 11arter of au hour b~forte a'!ld went en debating t h tran~a.cti9n as if nothing ha.d ecmm~ed. An heur lr!.ter, when asked if ha was In earliobt in threatening hlu friend, ho wa2 completely dunrbtounded. ·nar oeuld he be ma.de te beli<rve thi>t 10nything of the 11ort had eccurred, Hewever, a dim 5uaploion thr.t he might h11ve been unduly e:::cltu1'.I. by the rear and ala.sh of the waters orept Into hio mi.ml. He went dew'li to the p:i.r k alone, bnt returned a!moat &t 0111ce, hie face very p;;le, his eyeo betre.:siing wildnes11, and h ie whole m1;nner showing that he had pa.e2ed 'i;hrough a ~flvern at.rnggle. " l ahall keep away trem the water here· aftor," he se.id to tb(J c111plta.llet. " I couldn't stay t here five minutes wUhout committing 11ufoM.e or murder," The m&tter wa~ of course kept q ciiet, even frnm his wife, bu~ twe yei.r.ra l ..t.ir, whlle t he gerutlemri.n was m&kb:Jg a trip on tbe Ohfo R iver h e wall nuddenly missed, a.nd he has never been heard of since. The bo:i.t Wl\S raofog with anether, and the proba.billtiea are tha.t the excltement brought b!l.Ok hia pe.adon fer ij11lf·dcst:ruat!o11, i!ond that he wen~ overboard. During a ral.lroad ex0tu~fon from tLafayettte, Ind., to D .>yton, 0., t he :other. day, the trafo was s~opped i.s lo orosu1ld the S t~te llna, and DL\vl!i Cl"rk 1Jollghtlng etood in Indiit.n!I, a nd M rs. M\\ry Hi · :o1klns 1tood in Oalo, and a minletar who w;u present bt ta.ddled the line and married them ; and then the 800 exourslanlats formed a circle around the pair and g·we them t hree cheers whHe the band p 1 ayed, Holen H , B lanchard, the daughter of an nnsuo~e uful Portl11nd merohant, failed as a boarding house kseper iu B anteu, then barely kept s:ml and body tagether by running a s ewing maobine In a P uiladelphllli olethlng house, and then inv·ented au over· ~e.. m Etltoh, and a. p~tent sweat b~nd for men's hats, a.nd with the mon(ly fro:n these ano· cesuiul inventions ha~ bought b;i,ck the old Maine hcm·3aten.d, where the [famlly lived in the pro11p:irau9 days of the p afit, Saw Mill Machinery, 'L. D.S.' Engines, 'Peerless' and 'Grain Saver' Separators, Watson's Deering Binders, Iron Clad Mowers, Sulky Rakes, Bain Wagons, Cultivat9rs, Harrows, Seeders, Scuffierst Single Sulky and Gang Plows, Honey Fanning Mills, Chaff Cutt ers, Turnip Slicers, Root Pulpers, Hay Loaders,. Crushers, Grinders, Tedders & Forks, Warerooms---King St., Bowmanvn1e. Repairs for L. D. Sawyer and Noxon. TWO BALLOON STORIES. An. Honr's Ride tlmt TUrned a lllan's Bair 'il'hite- Goin&: lJp .t>.'cels Fhst. .. ~UN DERTA Kl NC -:a"Y'LEVI MORRIS. the shortest notice, at the lowest possible rates Caskets and Burial Cases ready on short notice i rat-class hearse on very moderate terms Shronds a nd Coffins constantly on hand, Fun ral cards supplied at once. Furniture Shop & how Rooms-Bounsall'sNewBlock. lf!r I a m tully prepared to attend Funora.ls on Harness Polish. The Solence News gives the fellowing ~ecipe for m~.kirig a hl.\moos palish : F<Jur aunoea glue, a pint ~nd u. h11olf ef vinega.r, two eunoes gum arabJ.o, a half pint of b!aok Ink, two ~rimu l.dngl11es. Brei>k the glue in pieces In a basin, o.nd pour over It about a pint cf vin·g \ l ; h1t itste.nd until It be· oomes p ~rfeotly soft, Pat tlie gum in another vtsiel, with the iuk, unt!l. ;it ;ls perfoctly dla~elved ; melt the isingle.as in as much water as will osver it, whloh muy be eaelly done by placing the cup containing l1i nellr tl1e fire about an heu r before you want ta u se It. To mix thEm, pour the re· m 111R1.Jlng : v~n zge.r wlth tho softeued glue loto a eand·p ~n upon a gentlo fi~e, strull'lg until it h perfectly diesel ved, th~t it may n9t burn the b ~ttom, being oai:.ifttl not t o let i ii reaoh the bailing point ; a.bou~ 82 degrees O. Is the be~t heat, Nuxt add the gum ; lei it arrive at about the e11.m e heat P>galn ; add the iulngla.eu, Take fifrem the fire and pour It df for wie, To uae it, put IH much aa ls required in a. saucer, heat it suflLientlr to malt<' I~ fluid, and apply· I\ a. thin c ou.t w!th a piece d dry epGnge, If the article Is dried quickly, either In the sun or by fire, lt will have tho be'liter polish, Wh~u ~REEMAI~i"S William Dies, WORlYJ: . POWDERS~ Are pleo.sn.nt to to.Js:e. Contnln their om:. l'urg11tivo. Jg a snfo, sure, and effectual de11t:ro.ver ot .,...orms iu Chilun··n or Adalta · #$§ ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost qf any proposed line of '[-dvertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., :Newspapel' Advertising Bureau, 10 Spruce St., New York. Gcnd 10ct&. tor 100-PP.~O Pamphlet. Those who l>el!eve th11t a grea.t European war wrn follow the d eatn ef the Emperor William find additional · grnund for their belief in the activity whioh the grea.t Powers are dlspl!l.ying in the re·armament of their trnopn. Spe~fal rAttentlon Ill being po.id to the milit ary arm, and the elngle br11eoh le being grndual 1y superseded by the repea.t lng or ma.gazine rifle, N et long ago a eensatien was cauaed by u. cnlllbrv.tion !lot ,the Spandu.u armory over the cempletlen of the laat of the 100, 000 repoa.ting rlfiep for German troops. D::irlng ihe summer 2.200 men have bce?l empbyed at Erfurth. Spandau &nd el ;ewhere in cs nvertlng the Mauser r:flo into a. repeath!g arm, at the rato of 1,200 dally. It le announced a.lee that b y thla time 60,000 rE>pee.ters are ln the hands af French troops, and ill F rench paper says th&t tho conversion of ~he two hundred theummdth French tlfis wm be duly c.telebratcd. Aumtria fo aub;itltut!ug the l\fannli<i!ber rUth, with a iiataobable mag~z!ne, for her W uuolgllll, N erwa.y and Sweden hii.ve the J c.nnaun ma.gazlne rifle, with a. very long range, and Ite.ly and Swltzerlo.nd R~llg~en le our life, being essential to our hne the Vetterll rifle, sf similar pattern. The expense ef auch a change la enormous, peace ef mind, our support under the trio.ls a.nd Ito slgnifioa.nce la only t oo apparent. of life, !l.nd eur fi ~neas for the eternal Wi!rld, In a ~alk whh ahowmen the other night I hea.rd several Interesting atarlea of 1i1dventu1·ee with hot .air baUoons. "We used tp iDfhte the b!l.Jlaena and send them skyward at every stopping point of the show," he B!\ld, "and I remember now sne Inciden t in regnrd the2e balleens which ooourred in 1874 11ot Chest.er, There Wll.rl a large c rowd on t.he grounds, and~ man we oa.lled B ig Sml ~h was Inside the ba,g while It was being inflated, At la.st the b11llgon bulged out, nearly full, and Smith orawfod from under, '!'wanty.five men were holding the balloon, and Smhh, after he got outside the machine, saw a candy butcher n!l.med Mitchell sta.ndlng near him. Before any one could count five Smith grabbed M!tchell, ~hrew him In the b1uket , and yelled ' Lat go I' The men dropped the ropes, the balloen shot aleh like a reoket, and t he ten thou~and peopl~ strained their eyes aB they saw it grow nmaller and smaller, until It was eut of night, " When the balloon wa.e firat skipping ts· ward he!l.ven M itchell's head oonld bo 8oeu ever the ridge ef the basket a.~ he yelled. 'Help, for G ;d's cah:o I' W hen tho big l:rn.g fl.oa.tlld beyend the range of vision a doze11 men !lt!l.rl!ed nort hward- the WBy the wind. carried the bs.!leen-in tea.mo, They drove eight or t en mllee, and they found the b~l· loan with the wretched Mltobell lyfng help· lc&ely in the baeket on the bank of a creek, Mitchell's hair had aotur.lly turned whit-a from fright in hle heur'R r ide in the clou d.ti, "Several yea.rs after l;h!!t, in anather town Blg S mlth"was lnslde a.notb.er bu.lloen while It Vff.1£1 being iufhted, Aft er it wa~ full of bot alr he crawled over the edge of the bv.eket and u.nother man got in for a trip through the sz:me belt. Some ene yelled ' Let go I' '.l.'he repea were loeaened, but one rope, on the eide on which S ·lll.itb W<M> getting out, took a turn around h'la leg, clutching him tightly, and au tho b11lloen shot >Jk·y ward it took Smith with it by t he ankle, His terrified oo.mpauion In the basket, who lies.rd the cry of horttel' t h at swept over the crowd, oould net help h iin, for lf he changed his posl.tien ths chimces were that the b~Bket w<1uld upset ar that th.ii rope would unooU. After abeut t en minutes the b11llce11 O lllme dawn w!tll Smith unconscious and his hea.d full of blood, However, he re· ooveretl,.aud is yet !n the shew business," H anry D mnelly of Na~v H · ; ven h eal'd cries for holp camlng frcl!l M!U Rlver, nu1 q tlte a dlst!ionce at full speed, re11ched the water in t ime to 5ee 11 amv.11 boy sink fer S TAND :-Town-Hall Building, one door east Ont. Bank. the ti~i:<d tlme, plunged in b reathless a s ho was, ·r!:then't removing even his !!ho.es, failed ~o get tha b&y at the fir~t e.ttempt , dlvc& age.Ir., 11.nd j ·ut ma.naged te boM" the e.pp~r ently lifeleaa bo!ly :.shore when ills stmngth We have all the best grades of g ne .;ut. DGn:aelly waa dragged out faint· lng, thu bey was resuacit~ted, and so was h io mother, whe had in the m~a.n thne ar· rived and fa~n ted . that is manufactured. AnGther mou ~o that sing! like a can111ry le reported. Thfo Uttle follow was CBptured We have in stock all kinds of Generi:il Groceries, Coarse and Fine Salt, by D :. Caldwell "of S~nta R · >sa, Cal , who found it In 111 wi ra 'liri.p sh:iglug blithely. American and Canadian Coal Oil, Bran, Shorts, Oats and Chicken He kept H for several woeks and then re- Feed, Crockery and Glassware, Fresh and Cured Meats, Sausages and laimid ,t, but the nlixt m srnlng lli waa ic. the Lard of his own make and rendering. Life-time experience in the trap again, Aga.!n he Jet it g(), 8'nd agir.ln Meat D epartment enables us to supply a quality unequalled, l t ci:1mra blloCk ; a.nd now meuale goes in the trap ea.oh night and is r eleased ea.oh mern- The Grocery Depart ment, under the supervision of Mr. John Allin, is lng. When it sings it alts on Its hind legs .and msvas Its head and three.t like a c:i.n- of the very best quality. No trash or poor goods kept in st ock, deals a.ry, Its ~eng la rather sweeter th~n the only in t he best goods, which will be sold at the lowest possible prices. ordinary canary 'a, Your patronage will be thankfully received. The Traveller tells of an Arkansas Goods delivered to all parts of t he town on shoii notice. mother whe never he u1 trouble giving bar children med'lcina. " When 1 want Tam to A call solicited. tu.ke caator ol.l," ea:ir she, "I pour sema In a glass and sa.y, ' Here, .Tom, drlink this ; Casll tor Butte1·, Eggs, Hides, TaUow, Jlect, Pork and but you needn't ask for any more.' He all Farn1 Produce. drinks it 1lght down a nd always as),:s for more," It was en thia same prfociple that a C. I\f. CAWKER, farmer induced hln cattle te ea.t buckwheat JOHN AI.LIN. straw, Ifo built a low fence areund the stack and once, or twice a de.y clnblled the c"ttle a.wa.y. The straw W!\8 ail gone by spring. I n spite of all part la.l repairs, St. M :>?k's Cathedral at V enic6 la slowly ~inking int o the mud of the le.goonB. '.l.'he tide ebbs and fi11 1vs up nndf.lr t he great dome, and t he Having purchased t he Harness business lately carried on by Mrs. H U MPHREY, · hope by careful attention to b usiness, good workmanship, and first class other di·y the water w as standing o;:i the il!illl' el t he cryp·G , wb.Ich was walled in and· material , t o secure a share of public patronage. We have iu cemented 1mly a few years ai:o, It wa.s stock and are manufacturing a la.rge amount of heped imperm1.le.bly. Th5 euth on which the church Ft"lnds ~s bal.ng ~l(lw!y wa~lrnd out by the fbw and eb:O, and the founda · t ions of the ch urch ar.'l n n1·q llally sub~lding. Grocers, Butchers and Provision Merchants. A complete s-tock al:ways on hand. LIGHT AND HEAVY HARNESS. The are&.t meteornlogloal 9bserva~Ol'f en Oollars a. specialty. We intend t hat the reputation Humphrey's Collars have gained the summit of ~hn.nbl!ck, 10,177 foot abev~· shall be fully sust ained . We a re prepared to furnish responsible parties tho sea, i;nd tho h:gb.eAt in E11rope, la now Collars on appro ba tion. We guarantee satisfaction or no sa.le. ln opera.t!E>n, The view from t he oumrn!t la We a lso keep in stock a full line of goods usually found m11guifiaent, ra.\Oghig over ll great pa.rt of in a first class harness shop, comprising th~ Tyrol, Carlnth!a., and S ..lzburg. The raof ~s of cvpper, cblefiy en acaount of ita e leotrics.l advantages. l'ho situatian la very expoaEid., and la a sort o f cim.tre for the See onr Bull Bone Whips-sPmething new. We have also in stock dtaol:ui.rge of electtloal dleturb;:noae, 'I'elegraphlc cemxnunioatlon fo maintained with tha central ofli ;cat Vienua. BLANKETS, ROBES, RUGS, HORSE COVERS, WHIPS, BRUSHES, ETC. I d111 Granri>th, " prei;i;y mtle fou rteeny&aN>ld do.ughter of a >:iG, Louis b ov.rcilng house kef,psr, fell haels : ever hoad Jn love fo r Horses and Uattle, a sure cure for bruises, sprains, cuts, and sores of all k inds. Shop-Sign of the Big Collar. 17-3m with bi2 Ant on Pierre, the Oll.oadlan wrest· ler, who boarded at her fa~har's houBe. The brawny athlete hlld no idea that he had Pianos '.l'uned and Ile paired.' mil.de euch a cenquost until he wae about to q:i.lt S i. Louie, when the girl weeping, bagg· him . te take her with him, He said that ARTIES WISHING TliEnt P I ANOS he could not, beo~,uee he had no money ; IJO Tuned or repaired can haYe t horn atten de o by leaving word ,at the Dor1UNION OnGA.N a. few daya afterwll.rd she £tole $400 ef her father's money and set out be find Ant!)n, F or cos t of advcr U~in g in. a ny p a~2ei: or Co's OFirICE, Bowmanville A firs t-clas man I H or father caught her at fodi11.11ap~ifo a.ml list· of p <~pers p u l.ills!ied m t he ·c n1~ed uow J>einR in their mvlo r. took her home, bu 1 ahe says that ehe will St ates or cauada, send to tlle ADYE it LIS· IXG .A.GKNCY of Fl) l'fili" A LDEN &; BRO. , yet go t o the man she levee, ELLIMAN'S ROYAL EMBROCATION · ed [Owin A!aen &Bm. P Ciracrnn:at! York, 9 /}A\~ew Car . Dtk ,0 Fine /:it s., I l /,O Na·sa·u, St»eet . ~~~-..~ ..... ssoo.oo ~....,.__~ It fa gdtlng to be dangerous to walk *,,.*Our ··Ncwspaycr Co.a1 bi.nations,~ ' .a..bvok o~ threugh the streate of N ow York at night In 150 p:1gcs, cont.:11n1ng pnccs .of adve r tH;rn?i 2 ful hot wea.ther. A ma.n on a r oof rolled llfl' and inslru ctions, etc ., ~1~ nt 011 n..:cc~p~ of 1oc. Our ,.Am. N e w s paj1 \!r C aL:ilo;;nc~' contai n ing: iuun c::: of e ver ! killed a passsr-by a few n ights a.go, .AIE Will pay the above ltewa:rd for any ;i cw ~~paper P.'-~bl frJ1c cl. i n l~1e U.S. c-a.ntl C anada. IV case of Dyspepsia, Liver c:omplal.Dt, Few compimiens are mere delightful, as sent 011 recmµl 0 1 pnct.:, ~i. 50. E ...l.lmates free, Sick Headache, Zndigestiou or Coetiveneaa faw afoo a re more rare, than a syinpPithetlo we ca11llot Cure With WEST' S LIVER person. Se ma.ny good q u.alltles make up li"ILLS, wheu t he Directions are strictly the idetr.l sympathetic n~ture-tact, unael· · complie4 with. La:rge Boxes, containl.Dg fishneas, a knowledge of many subjectstha.t It is net wenderful tllr.t suoh gifted porao Pina, a 5 centa; Ci 1Joxea ti.oo. Sold by au :Druggtsta, 1im11honld be the &ueptton1, not the r.Ue, ~EWARD! Mvertising Agency.