.liiE ,fRUIT JUICE. DOMINICA 'fhe Canadian Home Circle is growing. The 8TA.TESMAN to the end of the year fo1· a quarter. We direct attention to Mr. Ormiston's card this week. Tucker's Sovcrign Balm for sale itt Stott & Jury's. PURE Clarke Fair at Newcastle to-day and and undiluted full strenqth. to-morrow, Saturday. Mrs. ~orthcote and sons have gone on a visit to Cleveland, 0. General B ooth of the Salvation Army WHOLESOME will be in Toronto next week. P11rifies the blood, Several communications are crowded and aids digestion. out this week for wa.nt of space. KEEP cooL-your choice of 10 d oz fine straw hats at 50c. See Star House advt. R~FREStlING The heavy rains last Sunday kept a great m:i.ny fin e-weather christians at home. Remember the Harvest Home Social FRUITY and Song Service at Lhe Chu~ch- st. Methand rich in flavor. odist church on the 28th inst. Oouch, J olrnston & Cryderman are now showing a grand assortment of new fall and win~r dress goods. Every lady COOLING should see them. Just the drink for warm weather. Changeable \veathe'r prod uG es coIda, coughs and sore throat. F or these :In ordering, speeitiy Do~UNICA, and dc>n't diseases nse West's Cough Syrup, the beat. All druggists. be put oft' with any imitations. Now is the time to order a suit of DEFINED EXPRESSLY FOR olod1es hcfore the t.ailors ~et rushed with work. They will get you up a s1.1it at the West End House in first clam style :1\1.l"C> L 'IJ TREA.::C..., at a very smitll cost. Call, see goods and get prices. For sale by STOTT & JURY. Mr. F airbanks begs to notify the residA Iiberi\l discount to the trade. No ents of the County nf Durham that he is charge for cases. prepared antl will be happy to conduct sales at mode1'ato rates. Letters and telegraph s promptly answered. All ce egrams paid for here. L. F AIHDA.NKS, Auctioneer, Whitby, Ont. A Large Number of Guns Marked A farmers' picnic will b e held in Mr. Vv. J. Clemens' grove, n ear Hampton, on "Glass, With Care," Shipped Saturday Sept. 25th. A band will be iu to Bowmanville Station. attendance, a capital program of games is being arranged and a general good time Our sympathies are hereby expressed HoDcrn-In Clarke. 011 the 16.th inst.. George 'l'he stock soJcl Hetaii at \Vholc!!lale Price!!!. 'TllE GUNS Alm OF A 1·ECULU.R SIU.PE is expected. An efficien t committee h as with Bro. E. IL Fo ,ert.y, pu blisher of the Percy. only child of Mr. itnd .~tro. John Hodge, l"rom 20 to 40 1·u· c ent (]lis.co11nt Cot· S1·01 Cash. AND WORK '\VJ'l'll SI'iUNG. ~ aged G years, l month and m dttys. the matter in hand and will spare no Sentinel-Star, Cobourg, in the sad bepains to make it a grand success. See reavement that has come so suddenly·into $20 New Go((} iluntin~ Watches 1·educt~d to $ 16. They nre c>11111blc of killing: nn nl111os t un· posters. BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. $30 do t;o do $24. his household. On Saturday after -noon Hmttctl number In n very slwrt ttmeA large assortment of Fall Hats just his youngest son, while playing in the $40 do do do $ 32. Corrccletl by .John Lyle, evcryTburH1lay. ntl theFenl1rns nJinnd lnlt?-\Yltere opened out at M . Mayer's Hat and Fur rear of the family residence, foll into the $;;0 do do do $ 40. they nrc on Rxblbltlon. Store. A large stock of Gents' l! ' uruisl1- cistern and was d1·ow11ed. This makes l~LO~R, ~ 100 lbs. . . ...·.. $2 00 to $2 50 $60 do do do $t:i0. ings always on hand. Look out for the sixth death by d 101vning in Cobourg WHEAT, Fall, .iJt bush ... . . 0 70 11 0 70 One day last week a large box came to bargaius in the Fur li rie in which .f will inside of three months. New Silver \Vatcbe~. all 1nalies, at sa1ne t·efluctions. 11 Spring, 11 · · · · · 0 70 11 0 70 "Bowmanville station marked " glass, with show a very large and choioe stock. If A WORTHY MAN.- We are pleased to IlAllLEY, ~bush .......·· 0 52 II 0 60 About GO second hand Silver Watche:i, from $3.00 to $8.00 each. .care," but the box, upon being opened, you have any furs that need repairing, RYE, II · · · · · · · · · - 0 45 II 0 50 Silver Plate, Rings, ()hains, Lockets, BroR.chei;, Ear Ring-s,' &c., at even was found to contain a large number of hunt them up and bring them in b efore learn from some citiz.ens '"ho have been OATS, II · · · · · · · · 0 30 II 0 30 greater reduction,,. This is a BONIFIDE CLEARrNG SALE; all viaitin" Kin«ston, tlrnt our ·old friend, g1ans of a peculiar shape, and of such a the busy season commences. Mr. Thos. H~ Johns, is looking exceed- PEAs, Bl11ckeye, ~ bush ... 0 70 11 0 75 good s warranted a t.: r epresent.ed . construction that only a certain kind of pttrpose remaining in tow-n anr i 11 Small, 11 ·· · 0 55 11 0 55 Au<.JTION SALES.- R. Hutchison, Licen - ingly well and doi11g ·.., good business in p owder could be nsed in them. On being 11 Blue " _.. () 55 11 0 55 will be respon;;ible for l goods sold. . Auctioneer for the 'l'ownships of sed Mr. Parkhill's old stand. We are not examined they were found ciipable of B UTTER, be~t table, 'II" tt. . . 0 12 11 0 16 killing au almost unlimited number in a Clarke, Manvers, Cartwright, Darlington surprised to h ear this as he possesses the LARD, ~ IL . . . . · · . . · . . . . · 0 10 II 0 13 very shoru period of timo. Each gm and Whitby.All sales attended to pro1uptly elements necessary to make a successful Eoos, ~ doz. . . · . . . . . . . . . 0 00 11 0 .12 Obliging manners and ·contained a spiral spring which, when and at reasonable rates. Where it i~ not business man. PoTATeEs, 'Ir bush . . . . . . . . 0 25 11 0 30 Having a large stock of Materia or all kin_ ds of Repairing on l1and, pressed, discharged the powder. Tl: e convenient to see me, arrangements for straight forward dealing is bound to win HAY................... 9 00 II 10 00 sales can be made with th e Editor or by tbe Jobbin g Department will be a sp ecial feature in this Great Clearin the end 1mywhere. :Powder also is of a very peculia.r ch~racter, iµg Sale. All Repairing at grea ly reduced prices: it is perfectly harmless to human life, and addressing me at Enniskillen, P. 0. B1.owrna ouT 'rHE GAS. --How very iii known as stott & jury's insect powder, N. B.- I have 110 agents out begging f or frequently of late have we read of accidNew '1\omrth1cnunts. tf. Main Sprin~ put in.... bOc. t o 7; 3c.: Watch es cleane<l ... .. . 50c. t o 7l'lc. but when dusted through a room and tb.e 11ales for me. R. HuTCHISoN. ents, many of them resn~ting in death, Jewels properly fitted ... ;)Uc. to 7;j c. 1 Watch Glasiles fitted. . 15c. d oors closed, it will kill every fly in less MAONETISM.- Miss McLeod, Doctor of from blowing out the gas 111 hotels. DurStlAW JI; TOl.E, Magnetism, of 269 Sherbourue St. Toron- in()' the Toronto Exhibition at least two than one hour. Case S1 ·rings fitted .... :) Oc. to 75c. J Clocks cleaned ..... ..... 40c. t o 75c.. to, is now in to1vn and solicits a call from de~ths were ciiused in this way- George IUEN SJm AUC'l'IONEERS for the All other work in proportion. All work warranted, as in the p ast. Count.y of Durham. All sal~s will rccch'o GRAND TRUNK RAIL WAY. all who are suffering. Her treatment is Harper, of Rosene~~lh, north of Cobouu, prompt attention. Address:- Bowmanville, A call solicited. successful in niaety-nine cases in a hun- and a Mrs . Wil< iarns, of Meafoi:cl. If Ont, flOWMANVILLE STATION, dred . Rheumatism, neuralgia, catarrh, hotelkeepers would take greater care in fits, salt ,l'heum and othel' diseas?s too instructin<> strangers how to turn otf the li":RVANT WANTED, Apply to Mns. .;oiim.:.CAST '. GOING W£8T J .~S. ltKl)) 39 numerqus too mention· P ositively no gas, we think fewer accidents would WN. B.-To save costs, over-due accounts must bo settled forthwith. Local .. ··n..·· .9.00 am Express .. .... 7.06 am E xpress.. . _, .. 10.03 "' m Loca.l ,. .......8. 2~ a m medicine used. Consultation free . Office occur. o Y WA N T E D to learn the Dry Bowmanville; September 23, 1886. 39.t f. at Ruebottom House. 39. Mixed ...... .. A.Of> p ll'l Express .... ... 9.1~ am Goods. Apply at TOD BROS. - '\l .. . ....... 7.20 pm 1 l\l1xed ......... 4.0a pm BASE lhr,L. -A very excitiug game of ·css .... .. 9.39 p m Expre~11 ....... 8.i5 P m O OD SERVAN'r WANTED for base ball was played in the Drill Shecl Jr gimeral house work. Apply to l\lRS. P. grounds on Saturdav last between a team 32-tf. MUilDOUH, from Port Hope and OU!' home team. PPRENTICES TO D&ESSMAK· Speaking of the play the Daily 'l'imes r eJNG WANTED a once, at MRS. BoR· marks: Bowmaoville, you have a good LA ND'B, Horscy's Hlock. ilS·tf BowMANVILLE, FRIDAY, SEPT. 24. ba,se ball team, but Port Hope has a "ERVANT "w-ANTEDlMllEDIATE~ better. You wero beaten, not lhat you The best GRAIN BAG LY for 11eneral hou~Awork. Apply to MRS, can play ball less, but that Port B ope can M.A. J AMES, Centre St, Bowmanville, play mor e. Score: Port Hope 6 runs. in the market-=-only $3 Bowmanville, 4 . The l'ort Hoperi! met ARM TO RENT OR FOR SALE.--AGENT FORrn ncres, being part of lot 31, con. 8. in their boys on their r eturn with ti. brass For a good suit. try Tod Bros. per dozen, at the Township o! Clarke. Enquire of M. COLJ£, band and demonstrated frantically O\'er 'l'yron& M ~ m Diphtheria. still rages in Toronto. their victory. Thursday, N ov. 18 is Thanksgiving J>ay. WM. QUICK & CO'S. STEER ASTRAY---.Ca rue into t he enF ARMERS' PICNIC-Tomorrow, Satnrday, closure lot con. 6, Darlinv,ton, early in :Messr·s. T od Bros. want a smart boy. afternoon the farmers particularly and Augnst. a two year old steer. The owner is r e· 50 Comfortabltls at Tod Bros, at price everybody in gen eral are invited to j oin quested to prove uroperty, pay expenses and · h · · · M "" take him away. '· rnos. i:lco·n. 'f yrone, 3i· 8 w, from 95cts, to $3, rare value. 111 a mammot p1cmc in r. n. J. GOLD AT P oNTYPOOL- A P ontypool cor- _ The Sovereiun Graml L odge, I. 0.0.F., Clemens' grove, a half mile sou~h of respondent of the Orono News has th e MONEY FOUND. - On the Kings ton }ms been in se;sion in Boston this week. Hampton. Games of F oot Ball, Base- fellowincr, whi ch we give for what it is Roa.d, August 30th, a pocket book con. . t d " aini ng mon~y and so·ue p»pers. 'l'be owuer Order Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Picket<;, b a11 an d ther a t i1 I" t IC spor 8 are own worth :- During the construction of Mr. can otita.in the sarne "y nrovin:;:property and etc., at Morris' Planing Factory, J,iberty on the program. Prizes will be given Dou.,las' cellar, David Wilson, a mason, paying for this notice. '\TM . Om!lsTON. SEN., A grand Tug-of· War betwe .. n the farmers found what appeared t() be at fint a lum p ~nt\eld. 37:3 w street, R. H. Osborne, leasec . eas~ and west of Scui\og Road will be the of lead bnt upon further investigation HEIFER ASTRAY. - Strayed from J. R. Bmdley's Spring Pad for single closing contest. The D. 0 . & P . Biiud pr oved ' to be a gold nugget weighing 8} m y premises, Lot 15, Con. i , llat"lington, and double h arness gives entire satisfact- will furnish music. E1rerybody at.tend oiirices almost rrn re. Smaller quantities on or about 20th or July, a 'Ye!l.rling Heifer, red fe w white spots, and ling worms around · · 1 Tl "tt with a ion. No horse will have a sore back an d enJ 0 Y tie sport. 10 commi ee :ire have since b een fo und in the same sec- the eyes. Auy pe1·son giving s u<?h !nfor~ation wher e they are used. doing everything in thei r power to make tion also smaller quantities of platinum. 1ts will lead to her recovery, will be sULtably The fi110st assortment of English and it a success. Aid t hem by your presence Mr.' S tanley, of I llinois, i~ here gathering rewarded. WM. J . CL1£MENS, H>tmnton3f.32· specimens of the_ different min .e1.·al depos- ------ - - - - - - -- -- -- - Scotch . l..weeds, pantings, over coatin.gs, and a big basket of provisions. to !;IS !L <lav.- Saruples and duty lfitEE etc. , ever offer ed in to wn, now ~howmg HoAXED. - A supposed lady giving her its · he states it as t 1 lC opmwn t1 mt J,incs not under the hor,e'sfeet. Writ.e at Couch, Johnston & Oryclerman's. name os Hudson and representing h er - th~re is gold to be had i n this sectio11 if 13ttEWSTEn's Sa~'E'rY REIN HOLDER Co.. Holly, Mich. W. Hazzlewood, ltaglan, Ont. Licens- self to be a music t eacher in B - - - h as we only h atl t he proper means to secure _ w. s. cntUISl'O , L , J ,. n. ed Auctioneer for the township of D ar- been corresponding with a young gentle- it. 'fhe editorial correspondence of ou r Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, &c. Money lington. All ~1,ders fo! Bales in this man of this town, and such udvancernent oloan. Offico, next door to Ne·ics Office,30. Bowvicinity, left with F . IL Mason, pow- ha<l b een mado that the youth was en- est eerned contem pora1y, the Bowmanville manvillc. tf couraged to pay her a visit cluring the STATESMAN, still holds out to the tune o~ xnanville, will r eceive prompt attention . '1'1LLIAJU WIGHT . 34-tf. past month, but found her not. He wore fivo columns in it~ fast issue. Well if the ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the M . Mayer calls specitil attent.i on to his her photo over his h eart, b ut no one in th at subscribe1s do not object, we won't worry Co unty of Durham. Orders left at _the n ew stock of F all Hats, which ani the wes tern city knew the face. The P . 0 about it. - Port llope Daily T'ime8, Sept. _ S:r.1'l'ESMAC'l office or forwarded to Tyrouo f .0, very latest, best and cheapest in tow:n. authorities had delivered let ters to same 18th: No, M r . Times, don't worry about w:ll receive prompt attention. ~8:6111 In Gents' F urnishings < t h1rge and choice young lady wh o citlled for Mi ss H udson, our' affairs, please. B ut what's the use of s . C· HlJNIUN~, stock nceived lately. So oomc along but th ey knew not who she was. The an editor spending $$1000 in seeing tho .friends and examine goods ancl prices. boy return ed to town feeling yory m uch world unless he ~lrnres the J;ienefit with I ICENSED ACC'r ION E ER FOR his disappointment, and his i·caclers. Since these letters haYe ..c...A t he County or Durllam. Sales attended SoNn SETI.VICE, 50 V orCES. -- On Tues- clepressecl over · 1 h" · · · S 1 to on shortest notice a.nd lowest rates. Address , 36:tf ·aay nex t our citizens will be given an op- rnys h e is gom g to c cvot e 1s attentrnn been appea:m g m the 'l'A TJ~SMAN ~ 10 CouKl'ICE, p,'o. ged every Thursday evemug --·--~ -portunity! of h earing one of the largest t o the girls in town h er eaft er. Poor b 0y, office is bese1 Our Galvanized Iron EaYes·troughing, in six feet lengths, 13 t rained orch es-ras that .ever sang here, you will get more sense when your mous- by citizens and even country people who the best and ch eape5t to b e found. Try it, are so <Lnxious to see the papei· th11t they _ _ ,consist ina of 50 voices, under the leader- tache grows out. All ord e red work g ltaranteed. ,ship of Mr. J. J oblin. This Song Service ~ oowILL PURCHASE A MILLBROOR MAN lN TROUBLE. --w cannot wait till it niaches t hem rn the will take pl ace in connection with the D erbyshire, of Millbrook, was arrosted us nal way, and a large ex1ra add!tion is "10 a good farm of 150 acres Har vest Home Social in t he Church -st on Tuesday for selling goods under false ' printed ever y week to supply the rncreas- in the ~th Con. D~rliairton. Small amonut of N ·w s ubscrir)tions ar e purchase money reqt1ired down. Apply to M ethorlist church. Tea served from 6:30 pret en ses . Ii seems that John Staiot h- e d c l emand · "' ' E D. Wm'l'E, Box ~6 Bowornnville, or to JonN BOWMAN VILLE. 30-3m. till all are served. Tuesday 28th inst. rop, of Millbrook, som e months ago p ur- pouring in and business is booming gen - McCLELLAN, l'ot·t Dartlagton. 39·tt chased for Derbyshire a buggy from erally.' Thcsa letters will. conti1:1ue to - - - - - · -- - - - -- - - - - Tickets, 25 cents. SPEIJlAL ATTENTION shoulu always be Porter Bros., of P et erborough; for which appear from week t o week till Christmas, <riven to the hair and scalp. There is h e gave part cash and a sh ort d ate note but if th ey worry yo u Loo much, M r . -~oth ing nicer than a good hea.d of hair. for the remainder . The note stipulated Times, we will withhold your exchange I n cose of baldness when the roots are that the buggy r emained t h e property of during th at time. S. '\V. RUSE. JF WORTHLESS IMITATIONS " IMITATION I S Tl:IE SrNCEREE:T Fti1.Tn ot all gone, D r . D orenwend's G reat Por ter Bros., until the whole am ount was E ACHE R OF ORGAN, PIANO, A s thern aro many i'uferior German Hair Magic, will produce a paid. D erbyshire shortly after sold the TEJtY."- If the above q uotation is tru e, VOICE iiud '£ HEORY. Terms on appli· goods, corded with jute. 28;ly hemp, ctc.,oHered n.nd. sokl lu xuri ant arowth of hair ; it will re·tore buggy t o M rs. R. Fair , of South Monag- t him Dr. R. V. Pier ce ongh t to feel cation at" llIG 20." as Cornlino by some un:i.11 µ;rey a~d faded hair to its ?rigiaal han, for $50, inform ing her that h e pur- liig hly fbttered, on account of t h e many priuciplect m01·ch11nts tradDUS , ~leJ,i.UGHJ.IN .'1 1rnrr11, color and vigor : it stops all falli ng out chased it in Orono. \Vh en the n ote b e- imitat ors of his pop ular remedy, the i ng on the rep11h1.tion of our ;.;cuuioc C:orn lin~ ,. OFlf:lCE :- Monn1s' BLOCK , BowM, \NYJLLE. of the hair and removes all traces of d an - came due M essrs. Porter Bros., hearing " Pleasant P urgative Pellets, " for they we warn the ladies against druff. A little of t his g reat prepar ~tion that Mrs. Fair had bo11ght th e buggy, col- have scor es of imitations, but never all Dr.J.W.MCLAUOHLIN'. , Dr. A. BEHTI, Gra.duUnapproached for such imposition by dra.wing tlleir attention to the used on cej~ a while will k eep the scalp lected t he amount of the Jilotc from h c1'. equal, for t he cure of aick and bilious licentiato of the Royal 1tte or tho 'l'oronto Tone and Quality. or P hys1 necessity of seeing thll'i tho and membor ofc1>tnS the Univers1ty, l: bys,cui.n , in a healthy condition and make the h air She immediately had Derbyshire arrested head ache, consumption , impu re blood, College n~we soft pliant and brnutiful. A .Doren wond , and lie was brought t,efore Police l\fagis- kidney pains, internal fever and all bowel ltoyal College of Sur- St1rgeon, &c. CATALOGUES FREE. . sole' manufactnrer, Toronto. J. Hig~i n trate DumbltJ at Cobourg, charge1l with complaints. With a bottle of the s ugared geons, Edinburgh. botham ll',r, Son, agents for Bo wmanviile_ selling goods under false pretenses, and crr annles in Ins h ouse, you can d ispense ·< i;tamped on iunersideof all Cornlinegoods, Lybster shirtings .ire the best, a full \ U ' YOIJJt conn 1 8 STURBOJtN or hnrd to was r emanded to jail for trial a t the fall ~1i~h the farr.1i.ly doctor and his often Without which none are genuine. rnngo, only at the Stitr House . n tl111tntstc1· u ·clllclne to, l>1·. f.ow' s l'kn~nnt assizes. nauseous med1cmes . Tones up the systew. Lyman Sons & Co., STARTLING NEWS. Shaw & Tole's ia the place to get a McBaldwin Bee·hivo fingering, at 9c a Laugl1lin Buggy. skein, Tod Bros; Call at T<1it & Morrison'11 t o see Mrs· :l"low points and fandshares of aU kinds Clarke's Cookery Book. at Shaw & Tole's. For a magnificent choice of Hosiery, Have you seen Trnl Bros., all wool flan· Gloves, &c., call at the Star House. nel at 20c, worth 2{i1J. A good tweed or serge suit, any size, Only 25 cents for ST.ATESMAN to ne w $5.00 at T. Goo. Mason's, Star House. subscribers to end pf 188G. Ladies, it will be to your advantage t o A lovely assortment of Ladies' Jerseys -ANDin all qualities at Couch, Johnston & inspect our millinery before making your purchases. R.obertEmn & Bond. Cryder man's. The West Encl House is tho only store ~ALL FAIRS. in t own k eeping a complete assortment of Eastnn's Cel~bratecl Panniers, H oooskirts Central, Hamilton, Sept. 27th, Oct. .1st. and Bustles. ~ Central, Lin'1say, Sept. 28th to 30th. 'rhe proposal to join Bowmanville to) South Ontario, Whitby, Sept. 28th, 29th. the Bay of Quinte Co nferen ce was r ejecti'+ Western, London, Sept. 27th to Oct. 2nd. ed by the Methodist General Conferen~ Central, Port Perry, Oct. 5th to 8th. this week. / Clarke, Newcastle, Sept. 24t h and 25th. Rev. D. C. McDowell was t he ·est of Bowmanville, Sept. 30th and Oct. 1st. his son-in-law, Mr. T. E . Higgin botham Cartwright,"~ctober 14th and 15th. AND over Sundai', dnd preached in the Queeuchurch on Sunday evening. Scott's Emulsion of Pure Suits and overcoats made t o order in a Cod Liver 011, " "Ith llypophosphttes sty.le not equalle.d by any house in West is prepared in a perfect ly agreeable form, D11diam at Couch, Johnston & Cryder- at the same time iuc1·easing the Femodial Potency of both of these specifics. It is man's. B usnrn:ss CHANm:. - W e see by a Win- acknowledged by leitdwg Physicians t o nipeg paper tb.at Messrs. A. J. Smale & be u1arvellous in its curative powers in Co , have p1lrchased the Stock of tho coos1.1mption, scroful~, chronic coughs VVi onipeg Boot and Shoe Co. S uc.cess to aucl wasting diseases. Take ilo other. you, Albert. · .__ - _ -_.._- .- - .- .- - - - - - - -- - - - . l\fo'Ooug-all & :Metcalf will sell stove .Hnrrlugc N'uUces, ,50 cents; blt·tlu 1uul and chestnut coal at $6 ; grate and egg lleatlts, ~a <:e111,s. $5. 75 ; half tons at $3.10 ; quarter tons BIR'iHs. One Door West of Post Office, Bowmanville. $1.60. After one month 25 cents ex tra will be clmr«ed. ~.LllC-ln Bowma.nville. on the 19th inst., ·-============-~ ,,. ~=~= .-=~=-~~~~!"!!!'!! . "' , , . , B · . _ Tl ,~._.th"\5"w ite of Mr ..r!l.S. Wyllie, of 11. son. NEW PAltLIA.MENT UILDINGS. _}>' SCO'l"I'· In Bowrnauville, on the Stlt inst., the contract for the masonry of the new Pa;r- wilt: o l Mr. w. Scott, of"' d"'~ er. liament Buildings in T oronto has be~~ ~'l'm~wrn-In Clarke, on the 2Zrrd inst., the let to Brown & Love of that city and wilt: or Joser1h 'l'rnwin, E;q., of .. ·on. work will begin ot once. ~ MARRIED. TnANKS.-Scarcely was Mr. Fletche~ r 's ;;· Jm·'~'illRY-Pnou'L'T-On the 15th inot., a t the contribution of fr uit devoured last wee , residence. or the brides' mollrnr, b y the B.ev. Mr I L Brown brought in anotHtlr J ohn Creighton, B. JJ.,, l\1.r. tlll.m11e.l J e1ft:rY and wI1ea · · · . !;'._ _ M·s§,1\:laTy ,Ann P1·outt, ol Ut1.row1 ·1gl1t. liirge basket of luscious apples for tt'!J'!je ~r:: ~·~"';:.;-:-------:;:::::;:::;::- - - -- - - STA'.l'ESMAN st.'1.ff, aud the boys have beq ·· DIED. Having decided to l'etire from the J ewe ry Business, offers his s~ock testing their quality so often that ~t e Cr, Amrn-ln Hampton, on the 20~h inst.. of' Watches. Clocks, J e welry, Silver Plate, Spectacle,,i, etc, at TREbottom of the bask et may easily be se n. .Tabez Hussoll Ula.rke, son of 'l'hc>s. J. and Next t . ~;;1~~<Lbe th Clarke, t1.v;ed 5 yoar&, 11 mo12ths, 25 JIO~NDOUS REDUCTIONS until he who le is disposed of Every Lady visiting the Fair should see our New DRESS.GOODS Every Gentlemen visiting the Fair should see our New "\)' . Cloths & TweedsEverybody wanting anything new 1n Dry Goods, is invited to call and see the choicest 'and most elegant stock of NewGood~ ever« cffared in Bowmanville COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN, RETIRING FROM BUSINESS! L_ CORNISH~ BUSINESS . FOR SALE EN BLOCK, L I S B L. CORNISH. ' ~: --~-----·- EAGLE A. G Local and Otherwise. A S F THE ART CARLANDS FOR 1886 are still ahead of all imitations. ° $5 L J EVERY STOVE CUARANTEED. FARM - FOR SALE. $10 L. G. QUICK. M. u- SIC-· T ~ORGANS I BELL" I BEWARE I . ' .. BELL &CO., Guelph, On~. 'CROMPTON CORSET CO.' "\l' tH'lll Syrn11,w 11111c npprt~chttt,.l,