I W& ¥ Ai&WWW &&&a:· u8u i.1 - ms H ~auadiau jtattsnntu~ FRID!Y, SEP'fFJ\1131?.R 24. 1886. acres ofland having thereon good frame S house, barns, stables and other necessary out· . '. MALL FARM FOR SALE.--30 buildings. young orchard of 4 acres, well wat· ered and fencect. Situated just outside the corporationofBowruanvllle. Will be sold very cheap ,for cash. Apply to M . A. JAMES, STATESMAN Office, Bowman ville. 9·tf. RICK HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE IN BOWMANVILLE.- A very B comfortable brick house, nearly new, contain· lng8 rooms, besides pantries, closets and summer kitchen, excellent cellar. Hard and soft water: very good fruit garden of! acre. Situat· ed in the most aristrocratio part of the town. Will be sold on very reasonable terms. Apply t o M.A. JAMES, S·i'A1'ESJ\1AN Office, g.tf. Kewly improved Verses &. Motto al Chromo Cards, with name and a water pen for lOc. 5 packs, 5 pen a, for 50c, Agents sample pack, outfit, and illustrated catalogue of Novelties. for a 3c. stamp and this slip. A. W,;RINNEY, Yarmoutli, N. 50 s. 9·Gm GRAIN ' · Jno. lVlcMurtry & Co. A re prepared to pay the highest prices for all k inds of Grain delivered at the Wharf or their Store House in town. STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. .()11pH11l patd uu, $1,000,000. _.,,,_ Rest, $~60,00 Thia Bank ls prepare<\ to do Legiti· o1mate Ban king in all its branches. Farmers notes discounted; Deposits ·l!'eceived and Interest paid on a m ounts of $5 u pwards in Savings BankDepa.rtment, DRA.FTS Issued and Collections made in Europe U nited Stat.es an d Canada. W. J. JONES, Agen Has rocelved her new stock ot GOODS., a..nd invites the Ladies of Bow manville and vicinity to call and see her Pattern BONNETS, HATS and a.ssortmen tot TRIMMINGS STORE :- Second Door W est of Wllllnm· llu&cher Stan We We ~I(Q~glf~ VETERINARY SURGEON. Graduate or the Ontario V' eteri!111ry College, Register ed member of the Ontario Veterinary Medical Association. n:;;rOffice and Residence. Newtonv!lle, Ont. "".I W ill visit Orono ever y Tuesday and.Saturda,yl Offico hours from 10 a. m., to 4 p. m., . at Coulters' Hotel, C11-lls by Telegraph receive immediate attention. CHARGES MODER.A.TE. MILK CANS, ALL SIZES. Dairy Pails, -ALSO- MILK PANS and all lines of TIN""-W-..A..RE_ No C:heap -J ohn, shoddy stuff, but goods that will w ear and give sat isfaction. ~Call a nd examine...EV L. GEO. QUICK , Tinware and S tove E mporium, DOW MANVILLE, :Mf aunt and I ha.d been up as early as ·otlptlen-l!st for you, which I will hea.d .l'HJ~tl t.h!e momlng-we had teo mnoh with five shilll.ngrs; ~nd, if tb.e others glva to ,fo to lie in bed, C 1rla and Pater whh £qua.I liberamy a.oo~rding te their Sleepfog r.ioma Eheuld bl on the &ecend If · ;Jfthe world were mine. Janet, 6 f 011n rse wanted their dfnner at the usua.l mean~, you wlll b~ i>.bla to repls.ca all the From Siber'a wr.atca of snow hou r, and their Iancheons-whlch they al- breken creckery a.nd hlllve the white hea.rth etory, Tt1ey sll~uld be well aired and liept To Ceylou's splcv iole~ , my pet, comfortably cE>ol, way· t > Ok whh them, and ate in a little back rug clea.ned also. Where balm-y breevs b!owFrom fair ltalla' s ladened vine reum a t the cffiJo-put up; and then when " That I$ geod advice too, 111nd I will do Fioer oil·olo~ha eh~uld be gona over l ight· '.fo JJ:. g'ano·s waters blue t 1ey had ~tinted fer bualneas, we oemmenced my pa1· ~ by going ta bad immediately." ly.wlth white varnish twice a year. Clean And c ..urorn!a'a golden mines, on dismal Investigations t hreugb. the house. eaid aunt m :eltly, "I e.m muoh ebllged to thoroughly befere applying the varnish. I know what I won!tl do. :VVe al wr.ys ained ttt s!x o'cleck, and It wag you, Meg." An embroidered cloth, under the tea, set rd give lt for your Sl!l!le, Janet, " Aa for you, Peter," I osntlnned severe bofore tho mletroe!3 h pretty and 11av62 the nee.rly that heur before we had 11t1coaeded .11.ye, even more than this ; in reducing the house te a.nything like order, ly, "I think, h:u:i~er.d ef q'larrelllng with ta.bleclath. White, Turkey r ad and po;rmaI'd throw it all BW" Y· my pet, Then L'<lttl.e and Sophy had their quarrel, Ohr!s abou~ Mi5s J onss, y .in had better tarn 11ent blue fi~ne Is suitable f~r the work. For one immortal kiss l To dally wltb your nesse" rare lu the mld~t of ·Hhloh Cilrls a.nd Peter arrlv· your ~ttention nearer h 9m'.l, I knaw poor '!'hat in the sunlight shine. MAGGIB S MOLASSES CAKE -0.le oup of ed, and we want to dlnn; r. Ut~lo K itty Roynelda would nearly cry her I'd g'.adly g ve the world so fai~. Chris folded his arm~ and put on a dogged eyes eut when ohe fp~t heme last night, or meJ ...,~es, cup sugar, cup sour milk, uot If 1t were only m Ina 1 qu!t<i cup la.rd e.nd but ter m'.xed, t ' a.°"poon a.nd determined look as be taok his place s.t rather thill morning." It you were cold or coy, Jand, "You know more thllln I do then," soda, twe ugg~, fi ~ur to mah:e as thick as t J.ble. And would not list to mo, oup oa.ke, My t·easure ell the world, mv pet, . "I breakfoetod off oold few!," he na!d returned P eter. '£0 gai" you I would tcee, It iii eald that WO'l1en never emb£ z~le for l!locm!ly-" I lunched off cold fowl-I r e"Y<ia, I do; for I am ln Kitty's oqnfi. And in the Jt&ppy years to come, fa e to dine off it!' d ~nca, and you a.re not ; 111ond I kmnv what the reason t hi;t they ll.re not liruetiid in rs· Love'· chaplats I'd entwine, ive ovi· And crown you in our little home, K itty said to me when aho was going home, spenaible p3sltiens with.out eenaluG My aunt grew te11orful again, Nor w.iah the worl<l were mine I " Thfa ls not cald fowl," &he anilwerlld ; ond yeu ds not. Aud my a.dvioo to y1m, tlt'noa tDf their respect11blll~y. With men It is dill"erent. I smooth your dainty locks ot ii.old, "It la turkey, and you might eat It. C ,;ld Poter. Is make it up with Kitty, i.m ll 1011on 1 take your enowy haod hef wll\ keep a day or twe-fowln an] t ur· Miss J :mes f.,r thoee who want heir." MILTON MUFFINS.-'rake one egg. one '.!.' ue little fi cgers that I holdk ya, wl'!ih S!l.tioa over thf'm, will net, But" "011.pltal ad vice! But I never asked pint milk, one pint fl~11r, a pinch u! salt . N one !airer In the land, - turning to me re~ignec!ly-" ring for the yeu fer It, yon seu ; se 1 don't oeneldar my· Bo3.t egg light, 11odd part ot the mil!t, all I look into vour eye3, J anet. Wi~h merriment they Phine ; beef to be brongb.t in M ~g ; we have hii.d self boand t o take it ;" and he went on eat· the fl 1111, then add reDt of tnllk. Bake What plo·su·e I wonld bay, my p~t. log tar~a . enough unpleaaantnaas for one dtJ.y." t wenty minutes in butte~ed t!ae. Ea.t It. all the worId were miue ! "How ia it tnere is a whole turkey left r ' ·· And now, girls," I cJntlnued looklng O.ot. b:aulr<d Chils, EOID(;Wh a~ molifi,ad ae the r.t L 1ttle and Saphy, "m:1.k o up yem An exah~nge r.~commends a se1u G ion of minda to the inevitable, and cnange levers. collodlon in a.!o9hal, to keep silver from beef nppea.i·ed, "It 1vi.s M~g '· huH," replied aunt, C 'lar· They i>re ~wine, and oa much alike yeu ta.rni2hlng. P .-Int t.he sU ver with ihe zalu · lotto "She 1mt lt en t h"t da.rk ~half be- 01nnot n.lw!l.ys tell which ~e which ; a,nd I tion whiob. Is aasU y washed eff with hot hln.cl the cellar deor, nnd I found h t hera thluk it mua~ be merely oontr1niness in wat er whan tho eUver h needed fJr ues. It was t he day alta .~ thll party : and oan this marnfog qn!te forgotten, But I wendar you two to ~reten<l you iike either &ne To STOi<E RAISD S EASILY.-.Peur h<>il· any day ever ha mere ut ter ly wret ohed? M eg, you did net notice that th.e ls were better than the ether; and "-with j unt I mean, ef course, to t he people who have only two t m keys at supper; t his weuld a. oernkes glv.noe at Cbrls-" contra.r lneas il'.lg wn.tar over tham, let ting them siand given the p arty-eapeo!11lly when, like my ha.ve been eat·en If it had been there." never p r,.ya In th(I ond, S J taka my advfoe a meme·~t to aeftrm, thrn p om· it off, '.I'he uncle and s.unt, they ~.re of ci.ulet-gofog "I did not ha.ve any e!ipp"r," I st.id, -tr!1.nsfar j onr aff -ctiens quietly, and uay etane may th1m be easHy pinched out at the a~em eud by giving e.n " extrs. twi~t" to the habits and mei!ers.te means, n.nd must Jet "for I thought t hen wenld uet be reom." no more about it." fruit. their guo9ts danoe ln the dlnlDg room and "That ls merely an excuse," interposed Then I helpad myself to 11ome blanohave 2uppe~ In the biggest bed-:roem. Lsttie ; .. you were &poonlng with J ehn mangs, and went en eating my d.inner, PooR MAN°S FRUIT CARE -Ono and 11 It wa~ the day after the party, and every H h · h n "But you hava forgcUen me," observ11d ha.If cupu brt)wn aug11or, twe of fiJur, ene individua,l In the heuqe was mleer&blu. owart m t e oonlleryatory a supper· eaoh of butter and chopped ralalns, three time." Ch l'I~; " pray have yeu ne ad vie a fer me f' The clay ~ befora the p! n·ty had net been I meant te leok dllilant, but I may have eggs, three tablespoons ef sour m \Jk, half I hesib\ed a msmont, then locked e.t remarkable for comfort, but they at least looked guilty, teti.&peen sede., ha.If OU{l bl11ookb&rr y j ~m. him defiantly. had hem t lngad with the rad la.nee of hope , , Dld he propsae te you?" asked Sophy Thie is excellent a~ well as eoonamloal, "Well," I said, "I think the advice I and bright a.ntlclpaf;ion, while new nothing otuin.g at me. have given P "ter might also e.pply tE> you; Whoever uses the fellowing prep~rn~!en "l will pllt a stop te this nonsense about !netend 1.>f rnaklog yenreelf rldionleus about rema.ined but " dregs e.nd bliterness," ana to clear awe.y and got the houqe into order John Howarth?" I a11.id determinedly. "Yon Mlo2 J anes, I think you might find some for cleansing silver wlll never ask for anotller ; two ounoes ef a.mmeni a., two of pre· again. This would bave seemed rather a &h11oll all know exactly how the oase sbnds one to admire nearer home," pared ohalk, and eight ounces of raln wa· dreary taP.k lu 111o11y clroumiltances, I dare s.nd then t here will be ne furthei:_dieplay for T hen, owing to P eter's deligh ted ter ; a.pply with a. soft fi .m n0l and ruh with eay ; but it was greatly aggra.vated by the eta.le wit a.t eur expense. Ae Sophy sup. fact that we wore a.II in very low sp!rHs, pesee Mr. B.awa.rth did prepese to ma last "Brave Meg l" and Cnris's ste!tdy eta.re ohamaia akin, F .ir the filagree worlt u1.10 a 1 had a ssnaatfon th't I had n~ver experi· allver-brnah. er, t o put It honestly, In dreadfully bad night." tempers, havivg ea.oh and all a special "Oh, Chris," interrupted Lettie, "how enoed lu all my salf-peasessod life beforeBread, In Perela, ealla for on'l oent a sheet , grlevanoe of our own. could yen hit my o!\t in such a eav&\ge wa:y? ! thlnk It wa3 embuua~ment-and I rose whioh le about 11>a thlok r.s aola leather, c.nd hastily from the ta bfo and left tho ream, My uncle's hou~ehold oenslst.ed ef him· CE>me hero Tip-poor pussy I" as large ae an apron. It io baked on t he pre .~umably to see "why that dog howled ~elf and my aunt , Mr. and Mre. G!bee, fhor ef the oven !n a. few mfouliee, 111nd la thslr two sens, Ohrlet opher and l'eter, " You should teach your oat not te stlok ee." And Chrlo must h11>ve felt cudou~ on d1en spread cut b cool, It is ~weei; and their two daughtero, Laitle and S > phy, his olaws into ene'a legs at dinner time," the poi11t toe, far he also !aft thu ta.ble and wbeleseme, and wUh frui~ and vc.g qtables and myself, Meg Merton, the orphan retorted C nrle ; "then he wouldn't get hit." fellowed me to Nero's kennel. fonm the chief article ef fo id fer a great ds.ughter of. my annt's only elllter. My "Ha was not touching you I" returned When we oame In e.galn, J:'ater wa.s stand· part of t he people, mether h11.d died when I wae eight years Lottie warmly. Ha was begging quite In· Ing in the had wi:th hie tep coat 011, brushJi.AM OMELET. -A good om!llet la made of old, and my father, whose bs.blte wera by effanalvely," ing hie ho.t very carefullv. "Ho wa.~ sticking hie claws luto my leg," no me!llnB of a domeetlo kind, sent me to "Why, Peter," I exclatru~d, "where are amt.\ll pieces of ham and ene egg, a pinch of eohool, and alhwed me te ep ·ind all my reiterated Chris, with quiet and meat aggra· you going ? I ehould hs.va thought yon s9da, one teacup of milk and fi ~ur enAugh helldii'>y& at my aunts ; and, wnen he died va~ng obstlnaoy. would h11ova bcien m9re molined fer bed to make q 11lte a thiolt batter, a.nd a llt~l e "Now don't you two begin qua.ueling," than a walk, Where s.re yen going r' ualt. B·a· the eggs, tb.eu add the :milk, s.nd my ~oh<i!el da.ys,,were ever, my temporary home became a p ormanent ene, This Hid ·Saphy imp11.tlent1y, "But let M '8 tell P.iter l"eked at us with a oudouu mix. H. our and soda., paur the batter ov.cir the came to pass q 'lite naturally, and was us &bout Mr. Howarth. I have often read tnre of dsfi.4noe and r1heeplahneas in his ex pieces ef me~t and you have a ohe14p and ta.ken a.e a matter of course by my kiad- abeut proposals in tales, but I have never preaslim. eoenomioal breakfast dish. hei\r ted coueins ; and aunt Cnarlet~e, who ·heard a re:i.l bow~ fide one described, D.i "I am going to see .F amk Reynolds," he Pure glycerine has an a Jtlve nffi l lty for. had always regarded me aa ene ef her own tell us every word he s'id, M:eg I" said. " H o told me laat night th11.t he haa wa.ter aud if applied to the h~nda a bsorbs ohlldran, never seemed to cuppooe t h at she " Did he go down npon h!a knaeB ? asked a little terrier he thinks I el'i.ll like, a1Jd he tho m ~lsture ef tha 6kln, lncreaaing lnateu.d ..wflls oenfenlng any particular favour upon Chrla. "FrJr, If he did, I wish I had bean said he Willlld let me have It oheap ; se I of allaying lrrltatlen, By witahlng and me by giving m e a h a.ppy home amongst t here to see him." am going t o l ook a.t it," enly partie.lly drying tho hauda beier !! vnt · thi&m s.11. But I appreole.t0d li, and en· "I shall tiot tell yeu whether he went "B11t," remar ked Chris pitilessly, " yoll t ing on the g l .ycnrfoe the d!ffi Jlllty la a.vekl· de11.v oured to prove my gratituc!e in ev<Jry down upan hla knees or net," I answered know thit.t F tank. haa gone away from heme way p 1sslblo. I we.a older than Lottie and oalmly I " nor eha.ll I tell;you whilt he ~ e.id, to-day, ond won't be b Mk until Monday; ed. Oc the gl:;roerine may be diluted with one fourth ita bulk ef water, Sophy, and !<&ft school bsfore ·they did ; But," I added with sentlmimts.l medlts.tlon, o.nd your j m rney will be utt.eJ.'ly irnitleas, a.n<1 I became v ery nP.eful In the bou. se. "he m~ld seme very nice things Indeed t 9 will It not, if yeu find only K itty in?" Tho deteotlen ef alum In b1e11.:t is a.ooom · Aunt Chnlotte w o.e e>f a nervous timid ms-me-nicer tha.n you could put tc>gether " I shdl see the t tirrier," muttered P eter, tillshe.l. as follo >I'S : A pieze of galatm nature, 11.nd, as I happenod to be Eelf- c ~.ris If )'OU tried for a hundred y!l11ra." (free from a1um) i.a lmmar<iod in a cosl in· putting 'ln b.!Mhe.t, " and shall ltiave word ed a.nd ceol and decided, she 50'>n "I ce.u assure yen I am nat going to try, whether I fu sion Q f the uu~peotud bread for t weaty· possesK have hlm or not." 11 0 '1 c~ m i to rely entirely en my j 11dgm1mt e.nd even for a minube," answerod Chria givlug ha.ve no denbt it will ba all feu1 hou1·s. The gelatln, upim being waah· 1 I energy J and In .a yea r or two 1 was hou~s- mu a mont eavaae l!;ok . r ight f" I remarked, with an innocent 11.lr. ed eff with dlstllled wa.~er t o whloh ha.s koep.:r-in·chief, and my a.dvloo WI.ID asked My auut suddenly burst Into toau. been a,dded a little of ti ten pllr c ent . ~ol u· Peter lonked at me, and then saidtlon of leg weei tinott1re-- imd ammoni nm and pretty generr.1!.y ta.ken en matters beth " T i1ia h the finlehin~ blow," Bl.lt· !!Gbbed " W he.t wa.n t h . m~tter with N are ?" small and gr eat-lndefd "M~,g'e advice " - " Ml'g geing te be married I I will never "Oh- llis cha.in- I t hink- his collar I" o:i.rbon!lt a, should not shows. blue oo!erat!oa became pr overbial in t he ·heuiwhold, give a.nether party as lon2 as I live ·! It was I sti.mmereil, taken abaok by the sudden· If the btea.d la free frem v.lum, N aturally I grew a little dlcta.tods.l, fer again my 'bettel' judgment that I yielded ness of his question, and ending by an PINEAPPLE ICE ORBAM.- One p ound of I often wondered what they could have t h!a trme. I did it tG please you a.II, and app<;allng glanc3 at Chris. plneapple grated fine, yolkn of elght eggs, done without me, Ohrls wau the only ene this Is the result-furniture ruin11d, eataHee " Naver mind, never mind !" oded P ater, one pound ot euga~, one pint of milk and - w;i.sted, your father lit, you all q ttarrelllng wa.~ing hb hands, " Aa you said, Mag, I one pint of orearo, a Uttle salt. B ?il the I could 11ot manage, " Bully the o'&hera as much ae you like,' Ulm this, and Meg going to be married I have no doubt it will be all right; H's milk !!.nd cream, tha.t the plne11opple mi>y he w euld say, "but yeu shall never bully No, never another party in thlB house I" ltla.p-:vear, you know, and Ohris bas only not turn It into aoid, th~n add t he yolkq, "What- net even when Meg m&rries aotod a.a any ot her ma.n--" H ere P<11ler well baa.ten wlth the augar, and grated 1Jne· me ;" e.nd somehow er ether I never felt Inclined to try, John Hcwiorth ?" meer ed Chris. darted thro11gh the hall door, and 1la.mmed apple, st ir o.ll t ogether over t he fire until it "T;ffo " ecourJred amongst us now and "No, net even then," replied aunt re· It after him, otharwi~e the hat·bru>h would begl.na to thloken. "When beginning to t hen ; l>ui, llln the whole, we were a very doubling her sabs, have stru 1k him. ~et lu the freez~r add a. pint of whipped hl'oppy family uutll the day after the pa.rty, "Well, don't ory, auntie," I lnterpesed, When Curls and I entered the dining· orea.m l this is a great Improvement bu ; when, ae I b.a.ve ~aid, we were eaoh nnd all "for I am not going te marry him, I gave loom, aunt was there. may be emitted. miaerable, My uncle was confined to h!s him a vary decided · N <),' "Y.iur nnole haa j .iat 09en the doDtor,' How gteat a.r e the r aeponalbllltiea ef r oom with a blUcms att& ck, where he lay Chris here gives 11 q 11lok oovert gla.noe In greaJJlng and an11>thema.t ising 11 that oham· my dir(lctlot:1 ; after whloh hla a.aeumptlon she said, t mlllng a Uttle :u she kiesed me houHkeepera I Smi.e~imee &n lndigeatlble before saying good night; "111nd, if any ,of a.rtlcia ei food, by lta effoots upon a k ing, pa.gne," My aunt looked very ha.ggard of parfeot Indifference seemed to me a trifle when r.be firijt came dawn in the mornmg, evera.cted, · · the ll)t hern have been a1:1 ready to act upon ha.e overthrown o.n empire. A dletingufahand said her her.d a.ohed badly ; and hor "Oh," laughed Lottie, "tha.t expl a~ns y&ur 11dvloe, you ca.u let us knew In t he ed sta.ti&ticlan nays, that of one t housand appean,nce did net brighten "all she and I why the 1 1oor follow 11.ta trill.a Instead of morniag I thlnk we are all rea.dy for b2d unmarried men there wer.e thlr ty·eight orlmln!iola, antl of one thousand m11.r rled men investigated the 1;1ta.te of tho orookory, fowl with hb balled ha.m, and never found to night," " I shall have to sit up for P.i ~ar," !l!!old only eighteen were orimlna!11, What a sug · et·uetera. out tho diff·rencs. I thought what a curlChri~. " l D ha.11 never give a party again," nhe oue talte he had," gestion of h9me infiaenoes I Let the moat "One of the serva~ta can do thist," 11ald be ma.do of them, H 9uaekeepars, by the said quietly, but it waa the quietness of But aunt refoeed to be pacified; she had 11.unt. deopalr. " Nine champagne gliosses breken, reached that state of mind when trouble& food they provide, by tho oeuches they "No, they are all tired ont," 11>n~we1cd spread, by the bo& two sherrlell, and three of the bes~ china are preHlv·e ly preferred to blesslnga. ka they Introduce, by sh11.ll Iike to e!t up, j uat to the lnfiuenoea they btb:ig around t heir heme, plates, a.nda. great stain on the dra wing"S ·ying 'Ne' to Mr . H ewarth will not Chrfa ; "and I . roem carpet l W s might have been enter- buy a new dr .twing ro1>m oa.rpst," ohs 1a.ld, see poor P at er's bewilderment when I ask are deciding t he phy·aical, lntellectu11.l, · mere.I, eternal deatloy of t he ra.oe, talnlbg a set of barbarians I" "er Eat np all the t arts and custards and him wha.t le the oolour of the t arrier." "Oh, he won't be bewildered at 11111" I Chrletopher ru;d Peter, usually the m eet 0£1kes. I am eure " - warming to her anbFRUIT F OAM D E!'SERT.- Sa~k ha.If a s wer in all simplicity, a.ff1:1otie11ate of brothers, were now not on j ~ct-" the waste hae been shameful I Wh< ; n put In, " He'll i.n· speaking terma with each ether, as my the confectioner'· man came this merniog, I 'Plum·colored' or 'N~vy-b lue,' and then p11okage ot galatlno In half A oup cf oo\d water until ad·. When the gelatine b son, aunt and I at brea.kfa.st· time ; and, Instead had not a single cu.ke er j &lly or bla.no· wonder why you look surprised." W hen auut had retired, I net!ced tba.t bea.t to bolling ; t wo and ene-half oups of ef gelng te bueinesa together, Peter Unger· mango te B end baok, tor every one had been ed until Chris had gone, and then otartod breken into I And I aaw you, Ohi·ls, take L<>t t·e a.nd Sophy were ba~y doing some- red raspberry, currant, etru.wberry er gr1.1pe .e.bent. five minutes afterwards, Thia un- jnat a spoonful ent af that 0xpenRive por· thing to t heir photogr a.ph·a.1.bnme, and, ab· j ufoE>. S n eeten t o taste and tum over the ge!P.thle. SUr until perfectly dia· friendllneaa a.rose, as I well kne w, bec111uoe cupine, when a pie.Iner . cv.ke already oom· serving them qnietly , I s~w them exoha:cge soaked two phot ographs, I s11.!d not hing ; bnt, aelved, then etraln and act the dleh In loe of a stylish disagreeable L ondon belle, menced was cleee by you." whom eome friends of onre had brought "Oh, den't bla.mo Ohrls for that a.untie!" when we e.11 went up·otalra t oget her, they water t9 c9eJ, W hen it is cold and b5gin· with them to the party, and whs h ad I exoh.lmerl. "It was cl.one for Mias J enes, wer e merrier t h11!1 u ;iual, and quite friendly nlng to thioken, be&t t ho whltee ef three llgg" t G a stiff froth, 11nd stir Into the flirted desperately, but with ml\ddening If h a bg.d the p ower, Ob.rl11 wsuld out a bit 11>ga.ln. T hua tha day begun so diamn.lly ended thlckenfo g gelat ine, Beat thoroughly with lm p~rt!allty, with both my deluded oeuslns. aff the K oh·l -neor lt gelf if she asked him." H enoe thdr oeldnee11 towa.rde each "I would," said Ohriu; " ehe le worth a right happily ; a.nd lt a reaulta were hv.ppfor an e~g whip er beater till the whole iii of a still-for P .:t ar !lnd Ki~y are married and eolld foam, etlff eMu,;:h t e r etain I.ta ah·~pe, other this rhorning. As fer Lottie hundred K ()h·l nol>rs," Fift een mlnutes ef geod bea.tlng 01J ght ta and S ;phy, I wlehed, before the " Rf a~Jy l" observed P ater, a.roused at happy now ; L ot t ie and Sophy a re whisper· da.y wa.3 out, tha.t t hey were not on speak - last from the gloamy lethargy th11ot had pea· mg tl'gether abent a for1haoming "double- mak 1,1 it ee, Turn inlm mol da previously lug terms, for they were nagging at ea.oh eessed him all dinner·time, and addressing woddlDg ; and Cbda-havlng also oonde· wet with c11ld water , er plle roughly in ether all t he time s.nd finii:hed j ust before Chris, "What 11 pity aha deen net regard scended to t ake "M ~g·~ adYioil " far_ vnoe large spooniuls in a gle.lli! dish, Set a way 1tll needed, Ser ve dinner wlt.h 11 downright spiteful qtt:irrel I y·m In t he as.me ligh i I She t old me la.st - ha,s a. wife who worships the very ground Into the refrigerator u L with l\ little whipped oreo.m ea.nee piled 111ond aunt Charlette cried, Their grievance night how she hated dancing with you, say· he t rE'1.1.da on-a.nd he deeervea It too. light ly are1 md it, was a.bout t wo brothere, Tom and Har ry Ing tlm~ you were so clumE y yen wer e oonNewlll ; for Lottie liked Barry best, and sbntly getting your feet on her drees," Poi.u !ng hab w&t er & v or chine. tez;as to S ophy lik ed Tam ; and, with the usual con· "Indeed I" ret r.rted Coria. · " She teld Taken from the Gibb~t aud .Hroni?ht to j 1Dj11re tho~e pieces on whfoh the ato11.m trarinees ef mankind, Rury was desper ;r.te· me the s11.me thing about you" Life f11il la most aud~\cnly . I::\ waB hing dlal:tss, a ly in love with S Jpby and '..f om with "I don't believe it," e:i.ld P . ter, careful peraen fills the cilh pan with water LotUe ; se It wa.a uuual, after every merry- ·" Dd yen meim tG say I am talliug Ilea r '. There was a young man r esiding In '\\lake first dra.!ns every cup Into a &lop-bowl mahing we might have, for L9ttie and demanded Cbris, count y by the name of mtzgorald. Re· eornpes enry plate aiul dish Into flne dish: S ophy te fall out a.bout t hem. I felt vexed " Auot her q·1arrd I cried my ount, "Oh ceivlng 1 .n formatf en tha: hie mot~1er was t o be empt ied afterward Into the gr.rb11oge lyfog at _the p~!n. ef dea. h 11>nd wmhed te pall ; then, commencing w ith t he least with ever1bedy ; but I think I ws.s q ulte dear, dear, what wlll be the end of It all ?" sathfied in being se, for they would all " The end ef lt all might be pleasani i peak w1th htm, he made lmm~dlate baste. greaBy, rub~ aeme q&ap 11n h 6 r mop or dishferdst in believing-or saying they belkv- en!mgh," I replied with energy, "if only H ie horse beoc.me exl11i.u3ted when h.e arrlv· cloth , and d~pplng a glass, oup or plate Into r a the water, r ubs it lightly and leaves It to od- that I was In lova wlth rldicul eua every one of you weuld display a little com· od at t he C:i.bwba R~vo~ H $ a.pph ad. fe_ John H owarth, just because he happened mo:i:;.r1~nse, I. am out ef p11.tlenoe with yeu fresh hGrse, By con ..ri:. ..t lie r eturn I. ill a rime while ehe ruba 1;1 few others with the special zlme he eM afoed one, leavhig hie SB.me cloth. One O to be In love with me, and toek oare that all I" l!la.t & f soap on a oloth 11 Wall, Meg," uld L 'lttle calmly, " y ou own un.ll his ret nrn. Ho found hh mother will thus go rapidly over stveral plec~s ; every- ene should know l:le was tao I I did live and conversed with her. S~o th!)se may then be t aken out, d rained, and t hink seme ef t llem at l east mlgltt have generally seem te oa:osider youn elf capa.ble 6tlll & had mere senH e. And now t his fine L ~nden of ~ettlng t ho werld t o rights; ae can you eoon died u:_nd wa.e buried, and he, r e·· more washed, net having a pile In the dish· belle had appear ed on the & cane-'.lh, I sot e ur little world straight ? It seems t g m e memberlng his appointed time to return h.ls pa.n at evce. China or glass cleaned with f.lt t empl;ed te break another beat china. we a.re s.ll miserable. Wh 11,t oan you aug· helll!e, beln~ behmd time found 11 Stlli;e soap-suds wlthont being rfn~ed, never leeks plo.t d and all the :remaining aberry -gli1.ases ges t o make us all happy? ' warrant a.gam~t fer ~erse stlla.ll~g, :was a.a cleir.r and sparkling as when rin3ed ; and au I thought about It I And, if aunt had " Common tiense," I repeated- " only arrested, oomml.ted te Jil·il In Sta.savi lle, dlahea th11ot are we.shed in a selut ien ehea oni y knewn the state ef mind I waa in, she oommon·sense. Take my advioe and peaee Wall prnsecu~ed with all hi;.tred, mallca, and ooffee om mba and grease neither look ne; vengeance, co11vlcted by the la.w, and EX9- fee l ~:nooth ta tha touch, ' we .Id neYor ha.vc trusted me te wash them will ba r eat ored at enco,' up 11.n d put them away. E ·ren our N ew"Let us have It· t hen," said my aunt outed by h!l.nging, and prononncod der.d. H ie friendn eLtail:ied his bsdy from the t·iund la.;id deg soemed te share. t he gener~l q uerulously. . If we find that oui: t ime p1 u ae2 slowly and d! aatla ao!lon, and kept oeming frem his "Oh, let us have · Meg'~ advice' at ence l" gibbet o~rrii;d it a short diet&noe from kent el a.~ far as his chain would permit [sneered Chris again. " H ow 13 it we have Stataavllle, to water, applied the proper he11.vily, we may be sure there Is something rl'm G diea, restored the bsdy te life, and re- wreng within, Either we have not enough and uttermg long and dismal bowls. T he not thought of this panacea earlier r' nee. . H i t h.ere to d o or we work mechimlca.lly without o~ok said lhat it was ~he sign of :r. death ; " I will com m.enoe with my uncle," Iba· turned with It to Tennem but the housemaid p ers .l!t ed tha.t it fore- gan fir mly, 11 ~t him--at leaef:, make him m~rried and r l'l!sed an lnt e1·catmg tam1ly, boa.rt Qr l'Mrgy. If pe.at time Ioeks short told a we~dlng. I did net reel as If l cio.red - zee t!ie doctor te·nlght , and he will be hi3hiy intelligent, wc16lth,y, l:&l!eat, and land empty, lt 11:1 because it 11\oka a dhtinot r ospeot!\ble. reoerd ef noble alma, definite reed res, muoh which lt we.a or what happened- better before morning," · worthy endeavoul'8; If the immediate future only I think I folt more lnollned for a 11 T hl\t la good a.dvioe enough," said 11ouut, It oa.nnet be toe widely known th11.t meu.t IloekG tedleuB and uninteresting, it ls be· C u neral than a weddiag, e~pechllly lf the " and I wlll tell him." wedding entailed n. hren.ltfaat and a.nether " As for you aunt-go tQ bed a t enoe and le sometimes made uuwheleaome by th e une .011.use we a.r e net living fall, rbh, and earn. tea lives. puty. forget yeur worries, We wlll start a sub- of oertaln k[nds of -.wooden akewers. If all the World Were Mhn. BY T C I!H\BAUGII. H OUSf!l HOLr.D. i I 0 Invalids·ff otel:3urgical ln.sliluteL01·ganlzcd 'vlth a 1-.111 Staff of elgJ1teen 11<;xpcr1ence<1 and Sl<lllful .Phy81elans and Surgco11" f o r Ute treatment or all Cln·onlc lHseuscs. OUR FIELD OF SUCCESS.. ous Af:fe caio u s, cured hero or at home w1th or without tieemg the ~1ntient. Come and us, m· send ten cents m stnmps for. our Inv~Uds' Culdo Eook"' which gives all particulars. Nei·vo us ·~cb lllty, Impo. tcucy, Noctnrual Loss es, and au lliorbid C:onclltio1u1 caused by Youthful FoJ. ISEASES. Hes and P ei·nicious Soli· ·.,._ _,,_,,.a tar y P ractices nrc speedily and perrnuueu tJy cured by our ~peoia.Usts. Dool<, postr palu, 10 eta. in stumps. R u ptur e, or Breach, radl· ca.lly cured, without the knife, wit hout dependen ce u pon t r usses, and with very llttle 1n stamps, pain. n ook sent for ten cent s PILE TVl'tIOUS uud STitic:rc:HES treated wit h t llo greatest success. Dook sent for ten cents in stamps. Address WO RLD'S DISPENSAitY M~mICAL ASSOC U.l'ION, 663 Main ~fe Lnug Dl!Jca·t " · L ivc 1· aud :Kidney Dhease8, Slntl·ler ll>i s eas cs, Discasos Of ~Vorn e n, Bloo d Dis ea8cs and Nerv.. Chronic Na,.at Catarrli, 'J.'hroat aud MEG'S ADVICE. D DELICATE ,Street, BuJfalo, N. Y. 'J'he t reatment of mimy tbousan<ls of cases of t lro,ge diseases peculiar to ' DISEASES OF "UV" O iv.K:E N WOMEN. at t he I nvalids' Hotel and ...,_,_...__ _.. Surgical Institute, has af. forded large experience in adapting remedies tor thel.l· curo, and DR. PIE:RCE'S is the result of t his vast experience. It la a powed1 1l R e storative Tonic · and Ne rviu o, impar ts vlg·or und st r ength to tl1e system, a 11<1 cures, as if bf magic. L e u. eorl"hea, 01- " ·u rhltcs,' e xcessive flol.viui;r, t>aiu fnl u1cn s t i ·ua tion, un. natural snp 1·1·c s dons, in ·0Ja1,sus or falling of tho uterus, weak baeJc, autovcrsio.n, rch·ovcrsi o n, b o nringdo·vn sensatl o u s, clironlc e onge s . tiou, inflainmatio u and ulc eration o.r the wo n1h, i n:l'Jauunation, pain anal teucle rnn,,;;i in ovaJ·ios, internal beat, aucl "fcu1ale " 'ealn1css." It prnmptly r~Uo ves and cures Nausea nnd 'Vealtnc !ils of Stou1ac h, lndl~e s tion, llloat iug, Nor v on§ Pros tration, and Sloe1>Ie s sness, in either s e x . Favorite Prescription t 00 'DR 6 , :1·01? PRICE $ a. BO'.CTLES $s.oo. Sold b y Dru g-g i s t "' ov<n-y,v b c rc. Send ten cents in sl.a ·ups f or Dr. J>ic1·ce's large Treatise on Disea 'es or \ Vomen, illustrated. World's Dispensary M e dical Association, 663 Main Str eet, BUF F A LO. N. Y. wm $.UCl\n&UADACHE, llli lious Il e adacl1e, Dizzine ss, Constipa. t i on, Indigestion, a iul Bili ous A ttacks, f'l'ornp tly cent.a a vial. by Druggists, Jl" i ei·ce·s I'] eas a11 t ll"uTgativc PeU QtQ., ~25 cured by ~·'· BUSINESS BOOMING AT 1'H E - Eclipso Houso. ---o--Clothing a nd a ny a m ount of suits sent out every day. Our Collar s, Ties, Gloves, Shirts and Jewellery, the very latest styles. I READY-MADE CLOTH INC FROM $ 2 UP. PLEASE TO CALL AND EXAMINE N. B.- "Ve lrnve disposed of our stock of Fancy Di·y Goods t o MRS. IVES, oQposite t he Sal vation .Army Barracks, See the Best Value in Town, Please to call u pon her and you will see the'.p r ett ieat stock in t own W. H. IVES. NEW HAR N E SS SHOP - --o- -The undersigned begs loe.ve to Int imate to the people of Bowmanville and vicinity. t hat he has opened a new Harness Shop on King St., opposite Mr . Wm. Glover's . Livery Stables, where he will have constantly on hand, and ma:.:e to order, Harness of all kinds, viz.: H eavy Lumber , F a rm, Expr ess, Coach, and Light Double Harn ess. Fine Single Harness a specialty A. a l u ·tt)'S on hnud, or c 11s ton1c r s can l1ave tlteJLl m mle lo Ol'(lcr on shoi·tcst n otice. IN ALL THE LATEST s ·rYLES. l:nge stocl£' of ('olla rs of eve1·y o lescrJutton :1m Finest stock of H orse Millinery everAshown in town, including : ROBES, BLANKE'l'S, F I,y NETS, WltAPS_,_ W.tiIPS, BRUSE ES, C OM.B S and everything in season, REPAIRIN.G PROMPTLY ATTENDED '1'0, Satisfaction gunranteecl. Intending purchasers w ill do well to give me a call. Having bought all goods of the latest style and best que.Jlty, for cash, I will be 1iblo to give customers the beneftt. Bowmanville, May 6. 1886. I J. R. BRADLEY, 19-! w