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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Sep 1886, p. 7

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~-ll-~~dj~!_ J_ J& _Y~~~t,$_l_U_·a _~_· F.R!J>j\Y, SEPfEMBER 24o, 1886. STA.NOA.RD ltIEDI<:A.L WOUK ~~---~~ J . G i . " " ' W " ~~·..a ~~~~~ -=~·~~~~!·!j-!!! ... fTM~~-~--~r~-~-D'"?"ma~~~~·-=~M'WM'W%1P'1111!::=~~ · ~~!!··~-~r'!!!EME!!·~·~u~-~!·~-~-~-~~-~d-~-~~,·~~.,,.,,..,..~~~~m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!I w=rwms.....'!U_.., 7 ---! .t - YOUNG FOLKS; Told for Ida, Onoe upon Ill time t here lived a. prlnoess. Sha wa.s a. very pretty litt!e gtrl, wltil eyes au blue ae th v!alet8 that grow by the me&· dew broGk:, a.nd cheeks an pinlt as wild r osaB, and as golden a~ Bnnahlne, And all thepeop'.k loved thiB little prlnoeea bi;oauae ·he was so kind &nd loving a.nd lllvr..ble, Batshe had one great fault, . a.nd . thio~ ws.s, -Pro·or:111·ti·na·tlon. Semet!mea this little yellow-ha.Ired prln· oe&s would be playing with her dolls or rea.clll:lg a story·book, when her -.vou!d sa.y," Ida., dear;· rnn up5tairs v.i:;.d fetch me a sp<>ol af ollk frl)m my tir.ble, " Ant\ Ida. would answer, with 11. sweet smile,"In 11 minute,," Ono minute would go by, and o.nother, and a great many more, "wm you 2et my silk, Ida.? I " Oh ve~, ma.ruma, as soon as I finish ~his chapter," "N<>w, Ida." "In ja11t a. minute,," .Bu.t the chapter wa.s sure to be finlahe<1 9 wltb anet.1;1er one, before the 11llk would be !etohe.d. h wa.s not enly enoe, bat all the t ime, "Wha.t cau I de ?" 6lghed the qu.een, h her truaty counsellor, "I must break her of this dre11odfal ha.bit some WP.y, or when ehe come& to rulo a kingdom of her own, dl will go to wrack and ruin. What O&.!l I do ?" "Teach her a. lesson, your Majesty," the tru~1iy ceunaeller, gruffly, ..Teaoh her 11o lessen-a. good lesson," .And cne d11oy tihe queen remembered her trusty oounsollor's words. The little prln· oe111 O!lme bounding In, to ba dreaaed tor a. drive, with her blue eyes shining, and her yellow hair teasing a.bout her fa.oe, and h4:!r cheeks yinker than nsut1l, which le 811.ylug 111 good des.I, " ·we're gelng up to the Mountlloln Castle for lunch, mamma," cried ahe, "and home around by the lake I And Lllllan a11oya her uncle can't wait but a. minute, lfolld wen't you hurry, mamma, a.nd get me dressed ?" M111mma., the queen, was readlng a book, 11111.d she hardly raised her eyes lrvm it, bnli answered, with a smile." In a minute, clear." So the little princes· fidg&ted re1Uesdy from ene foet te a.nether for what seemed to her a Ieng, loog time, "Wen't 'ou, mamma. ?" "Oh yea, dea.r ; as soon a.I! I fin(sh what I am reading." ·wasn't !t awfnl? The blue eyes of the llt· tie princess began to lGok like violets after a shower ; and the voice of the little prlnce111 t1·embl11d, "But they can ouly wait five mlnntee, mamma," she plrnded, " Oh, do hurry I" · "Right a.way," anBwered, ca.Imly. But just then the 11\tle prlncen heard ca.rrloge·Whtiels relling dGwn the a.venue, and ahe burst into a. cry ef &rlef and dlamay, " 0 mamma, they've gene without me I I told them to if I didn't come In five minutes, And thev had checofo.te ca.Im and jelly tarts for lunch I Oh dear me I" And then 11. flood ef tears Mamma, the queen, oeuldn't help smllinr a. little, though she felt nry serry, $oe, But slle hoped this would be the lesson ; and she took her little daughter on her kaee, and talked to her about that old thief, p1ooru.etinatlon, which Is, yeu knew, a name (er p ntting--eff·tlll··b,j".·!lnd-b;y wha.fl sb.ould be done i:ow. " Yeu wtll t ry a.nd do bettor, won't yeu, dear?" said m.amma., the queen, very ten· derly; and the little prlnce111, when her eebs were stilled, auewered that lhe weuld try, ·· But It's very hard to do th ID gs right off," 111.ld she, u nnleH It's things "OU wa.nt 6 to de, mamma," lfi h " Right there se o ne.OJa oemes In, dea.r," mamma, " and 1elfillhne88 wm unlock 'he deer ana let In a he~t of other bad, ba.d fanlie." .. . ,. And then mamma, whe could not bear to Punish her little giri toe much, ordered her own oarrlo."e, and away they aped after th~ir friend~. ,, ·, . ·Princess Ida le trying yet to de bettor J ahe h11os set a gu.a.rd over those red llp11 of he1s with etriot orden net to let t h etronblesome words, " In a minute," slip by, And though ~ ho Isn't perfeot vet, we think ~ she Is almost a.a near that a1 lt lo pooslble fer any little girl to be, Hrs. -~·-.---.\..---··-··------------- FOR YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN. Only $1 By llBall, Post1111itl. 'J l,.LlJ!ITJtAlTVE SAJIIPLES FJnm NO ALL. A. Great HecUeal 1"ork Cn ltfanhoocl, Exhausted Vitality, Nervous and Physical Debil1ty. Premat,ure Decline in M01n. Errors of Youth, and the untold miseries resulting from incliscretion ot· exce$scs, A book for e,·ery man, young, middle-aged and old, It contains 125 prescriptions for all acute and chronic clisca.·es, each one of which is invaluablo. So found by Author, whose experience for 25 yeara is such as probably never before fell to the lot or any physician. :wu pages. bovnd in beautiful French muslin, embos;ed covers, full gilt, gu11.ranteed to be a finer work in every sen so tht.r1 any ot,lier work sold in this country for $2.50, or the money will be refuncled in every instance. Price only $1 by mail, postbaid, Illustratives ·ample free to any body, Send now, Gold medal awarded the author by the National Medical Association. to the Pre· sident of which. the Hon. P. A. Rissell. and associate officers of the Board the reader Is respectfuUy refl'erred. The Science or Life is worth more to the young and middle-aged m en of this generation shan all the gold mines of California and the silver mines of Nevada oombined.-S. F', Chroni.cle. The Science of Life points out the rocks and quicksands on whioh t heconatitution and hopes of many a young mau have been faitally wrecked,- Manchester Mirr or. ']'he Science of Life is of greater value than all the medical works published in this country for-the past 50 yeara.- Ll.tlanta Constitution, 'l'he Science of Lite is a superb and masterly treatiae on nervous and physicu.l debility.Detroit Free Press. · There is no member of society to whom the Science o! Life wm not be useful, whether ~outh. parent; guardian, instructor or clergy. man.- A1·gonciut. Addreaa the Peabodv Medical In~titute, or Dr. W. H, Parker, No. 4 Bu!Jlnch Street.Boston Mass. , who may be consultc~ on all disEJases requiring skill and expel'ience. Chronic and obstinate diseases that have bafiicd tLe skill of all 01;hcr physicians a spech·lLY. Such treated successfully without an instance of 'failure. Mention STATESMAN, Bowmanville, Ontario. 17-y. A ourlous 0 a; 8 ,, waR that ef a. Ca.na1.'Han woman named 1'!.'8. Henry M_ o rgan, livlllg In or neu TG ronJ;d, ten or tl't e!Ve yelU'3 ago, Her hnsba.nd wns a. wel1-to-do meoh.nnic, and they had llni<l a ho.ppy marl'led life fer. nearly t wenty y e~ra, though imv fn°' no liv· Ing ohildr.en, Sho Wlilll noted for her quiat, re~erved d!B p!>eition, a.nd s~ldotn p!!>fd vMtu er reaelved oall.u. Oae a.1t0111con a aou[ile ef femnle acqtt11lntancea drr ppEd ill oo her, v.nd found her cheerlul and t.uav abeut he)!' honaebeld duties, It was remembflred tha.t she spoke In p.-&.lsa of her hu~band and homo, and wa.t t>hi.nning matt era for weekB ahead, The womsn left at 5 o'clock, a.t which time Mrs, Morg~n was rea.dy to hegin prepara.tfone for t ? &, Her hut b&nd came home a.t ha.If pa.ut 6 111nd she w11e u~t at home, After midnight SKARCII WAS MADE, Mo~~'sr~:{~~~o::=~~;pe11mue. ~11eechby~o~= :.!:~~YT,~t~!:~buryusr. The d1etrlbutloo. of prfzee for the sucoeuful oempotitors Bit the Sheeba.rynes~ Volnn· teer Artil!e;y ma~ting w&e !:u the hirn.ds o· Lofd Wolseley, who sale! , Ail addra~sirg the men, it ha.d been a great aat!efootion t e him to come amrng kUch a fine body ef men, &c~ well E et np, so well d111lod, and, as he oonlcl jndge from t he 1mmber of prlzee he bad given o.w11oy, "o diiah:n~ a!I art!llery mon T hc;rs war Gmo.ny qmi.lit!es whloh a soldier ahe11ld poaeess. A gnnnn, for lnatanoa, ought to be very effiofotit In ahGotlng l bnt tb.ere was cne qua.Uty whloh was common to all-.namdy, diaoipline. He ha.d been en· q·:iirlng veiy oa.refnlly a.s to the manner In wh!ch the men present and those who had ooonpled the hut wsek had behaved tb.emaelvee, OI oeurse there hll.d been aome oorpa which had been a. little more noh:ir than others, while soma ha.d, no doubt, been mere punctu11J than othe1·a fo the.manner in which they had performed their dutlee ; but, nn the whole, the dfoclp· line and conGuat of tho men h!!.d, ho w1.1a lnformecJ, been admirable. He w an aure t hat the experience they had gained In camp, and the manner in which the dntlee were performed in oamp, would be u. lsnon to all who toek pa.rt in these annual drllle. They would carry to their own ht mes and their ewn ce1·ps enlarged ideiu a.s to the neaeselty for dltclpline. WUhent dl~oipllne no bcdy of men oould bo WORTHY OF BEIKG CALLED LQ·Q K I-IEJREf · AY NARD . · . the Jeweller, Has the finest assortmen t of Silver Plated Ware in town-all new and neat patterns; also a full line in Gold and Silver WAT C HE!S. All kinds of but neli the 11lightest tnce could be found. It W O.II found that ahe h11d put en he1· S11n· day gown and b1 mnet, but she he.d not ts.ken a ahllling iu mt1ney, 1<nd In leaving the hcuse ehe h11.a not locktd tny of the doors er dis,urbed any a.rtlole ef furnit ure. When the soL\roh had been extended for a. week, the ienera.l verdict was that the womiu1 had drowned .henelf. The argument agalnet Chiu was that nt body had seen her .after ehe left home, H neemed utterly impoaeible that a. penon so well known could have walked a mile or more to the water without being noticed, or, In fac', that ehe could gone In cny direoti0 n . The financial clrcumstanoes of the husband preverited him frem gohig In.t o an extendEd sea.rob, but the police sent deacdptlens of tho woman u.ll over tne country, and 11teed ready to follow np a.ny clua which might be iound, To call It; euiolde Wl\8 the ea.elest way out of the difficulty, but this did not sl!ltlafy the huaband, They had llvod eo ht1pplly and in suah perfect th&t he oauld not eritert11ln 11my such l.dea., th~mgh hla poverty prevented him from taking up oth~r olues, Thirty-five mGnthe from the day she the hnahand reoeived a. letter from his wlfo dated at L11.wrenoa, Killleae, aaking him If ha had yet diepoeed ef the cew and household furniture, and hew Jong before Bhe cEJuld tXpeot his a.rrivM. He te ok the train at once for the, and upon roa.oh· Ing Lawren~o found her sa.fe and In goed heir.Ith, though CONSIDERABLY " cFF" JN H ER TALK. Je\vellery, Spectacles, Eye Glasses,&~ A full and complete line:of American Clocks!( We have put a new LATHE in our work shop, which enables us to do all kinds of work in our line and guarantee the best of satisfaction. ~Call and get the correct time from the finest Regulator in town; SOLDIERS, It had been a great satlafaotl9n to him to see the represent11.tivcs of the Oana.diu.n mlUtla., witb which he had the honor of being 11.11eoola' ed for many yoau 8ind upon twe or three remarkable ooca.~lons en aotua.1 service. Ho& wa11 glad tha.tthey had not only come a lollg distir.noe to thew what the soldiers of Oa.n11.d111 were. but that they would go to their homes oarryiog with them 111 vary la.rge number of .prizes w hlch they h11od de. aervedly won, He wa.s nure he upreseed the tee1lnga of every· man belonging te the volunteer force of England when he s11id he he11ortlly welcomei them here, and hoped they would remember with area.t plea.aure the time t hey had spent here a.nd the num· ber of cemra.de11 and friends they had form· ed. .lie w~s a.U.o glad te eee several ef THOSE WHO CAME JBOM CANADA MAYNARD The Jeweller,, 0 :El.DE ·-. ") · j, J:~ · CANADIA:N , ENGLISH, ~COTCH& ::.:·: ·.; As usual our new stock of ' Preserve Your Sight. Use F. LAZARUS' (late of the 'firm of Lazar· us & Morris,) Renowned Spectaolee and Eye· Glasse~, The.yare the best in the world. They never tire the eye, and last many years with· out change. For sale by Kenner & Co. Bowma.nville. IHf. DUNN)JS BA INC TH£ COOK'S BEST FRIEND --------- POWDER JOHN SPENCER, VETERINARY SURGEor·. She upbraided him for sending her on ahea.d 11omong strangers, " nd oeuld not be made to believe that they hu.d been sepir.ra.ted ever three, The story aha told wa~ a ein· gular ene, After the la.dlee left the heuse the Idea suddenly seized her that their home had been sold and t hey were gelng to remove te Kanea.s, She W&B te ge on a.head a.nd find a lt;c. 1.tien, and her huB ba.nd was to re· ma.Jn long eneugh to dispeso of their goodl! and oha.t·~els and then fellow after. She denned her thfngu a.nd 86~ ont for the rlepot, and there boarded a. train for the vVos·t. Why she was net put eff, h11>·lng nei.ther money nor tfoket, she could not remember, but was certt\ln t ha.t she rede nearly all night. In the mern:ng ~he wa.s fo a. ~tra.nge olty, an.d the Idea aelzad her tha.t Dhe must work and earn money to 11'.0 sn. She remcm· bared going to wcrk In a family whioh owned a whlte deg, and that the cl eg bit her on tho wrist, She had a. rear te verify thie. Tho next thing she r emem bared wan being In a big building with I\ lot ef queer · acting poople. She was doubtlaaaaent to an asylum, and was there for 11o year er m4!re, She oeuld remember ESCAPING l!'ROM THIS PLACE Honorary Graduate or the Ontario eteri nary College, Toronto. Registered member of the Ontario Veterinary Association, in accordance with the Veterinary Act, , I s prepared to treat all diseases of t he Dom· estlc Animals, accorcling to the latest theories. All calla personally, by 'l' or 'l'elephone will receive prnmpt attention. .tarOFFTCE- Main St., Orono, one door north of W. Hellry's i:ltore. CHARGES MODERATE, by night and walking ir. leng way, and workIng In another houae, where ~he people ca.11ed her Sa.Uy, From the hour ef lea.ving home Mn. Morga.n forgot the name d the o!fy It was in and the nl\me of h!!r husb11ond. She oould not even remember her given name, but th11 Idea WO.! ever preeent In her mind that she must go to Kansas, and tha.t her hmband was to J. oln her there. She must been a. aorvant in, fer she remembared " the" na.me11 ef grocers and butchers ~ and strs.ets In that city. At some time, t1,o. ahe · must have been UI, for she remembered the of the dootor and how often hia medl· olneo were t o be administered, · How she ever m1mv.ged to reach Lewrenoe wH a ~ w· w mystery, but pe1 ·hap1 the travelling publio ~me rntere·t·d In her oa·e, and guided beo ~ " ' she gave ~ that place her arJght, No 0.1 her destination, and If she a.oted at a.II queEr It wa.a nothfog more tha.n one sees snry day on t be great Unas of tra.vel, When ahe rea.ohed Lawrence she went to a hotel, aud there eh<i must RECELY.ED A NERY,liS SHOCK bearing the meda.ia which Her Me.jssty ha.d dhtrlbuled to theee who toek pnt ln the late little oa.mpaign In the North-Went, where they were sul j ~ ot te very gre111t; diffioultles, and ha.d te undergo a osnsiclera.ble amount d hardship, and had a formidable enemy to enoounte.r, He w1u snre, if ca.lied upon, they would be able to do In the future a& they ha.d dene on previous ocoa· siens, H e himself Baw them In the :field, and ceuld judge that the men now f&rmfo g the Canadian Milltfa ·were well worthy et theee whe had gone before them. H e echo· ed the hope that ba.d been expressed that next yea.r, being the j abllee of Her M· j esty's reign, wo should see repreEenta.tlves from all the gtrn~ colonies in this country, He was one of these wha believed in the federa· t lon ef eur E:np!re. (OheGrs. ) Lord W ei6eley concll\ded by expressing the pleasure It had afforded him io take part in the presenta.tlen of the prlze1. The 'Volunteer Service Gazette thus sums up the result ef the meeting:"The meeting ha.s been ma.rkod by two incldente of epeolal intereat-tbe presence t breughout the two wet ks of Colontl Armstrong· ·plendfd team, and the attend11nce ef Lord Wolseley at the Prize D lstr lbatlon, The appearance of the Can~ dlans ought to put cur men 011 their mettle; vV,e are qnite tha.t the !f'rmer are ploked-a.nd picked, mere· ever, ill & way (n which It would never be poa·ible for ns to pick a team to ge to Canada er any ether oeleny, But even a.Hewing ftir this, we must say that we have SELDOM SEEN SliCB A. BODY QF SOLDlBl!S AMERICAN TWEEDS, WORSTEDS and oth er Suitings is t he la rgest, mosfi comp l ete and most fashiono, ble to be found inWest Durham We Never Get left We have the goods. To inspect is t o order. Our prices are right. · Our styles command admiration. Our originality is inexhaustible.. Our enterprise, energy and pluck have no bou nds. IEW'Call at the centi·e oC Style, Beauty and Cheapness. Gent's Furnishings a specialty. JOSEPH JEFFERY, 1 tf 22_ _ _ _ Tlte 'rallor.. A Trne fog E'.tory. yea.r a clergyman of Norfolk, Engl&uid, mls~ed hlu pet dog, e.nd there w11.s much grief ln the family, for R uugh, the leat oelli.-, wa~ a fa.vo?ite with the grown folks as well as with the oblldren, Some n ine months later the olergyma.n happening to go t e Cattle Hill, where the drovers were, saw R ough, and joyously laid te him; but R G ugh'a ed to give the new m11oster, a. dn ver, r efnG deg np, and there was a. difpui e, DI c& urse the drovers were ln 11ympathy with their fellow, and t he olergyman fonnd the odds against him. 'l'he drever oa.ld that he ha.d owned Rough for years ; the minister held to It thir.t Rough was the very Reugh he had ra.laed. Twe policemen running up, o.nd the case wa11 sta.ted, " But how oan you prove ewnership I" a.eked one d the dficars. '.! hat put the minister In mind of something, He thrust hie ha.nd lnte a poc· ket, pulled out a penny, and gave it to the dog with the command, " Rough, fetch a. leaf." Rough, with the penny In his meuth, went to 'he nearest bakery, It clear that he wanted some bread, and &&en came trotting back to the orewd, The olerg:yma.n broke off a morsel, gave It te Reugh, and stood by while the deg munched lt. Suddenly the olergym11on exola.imed, " R~ugh, I believe tha.t bread ls poiaonecl I" Oat t he deg spat the piece of bread, a.nd t he crowd cried " Bravo I" There was no longer doubt as to the true ownership, and t o t he of the drover the dog trelited eff at the minister's heals, Lv.~t - - - - -- "'{QRLD'S BEST I WEST'S , LIVER PILLS : POSITIVELY CURES :- John C.vVest & Co. PROPRIETORS, " fa Mills Blnk!ns a.t home 'I" asked Mr. Su.undera of the lrizh girl who a.nawered hill ring at the d.cor, " Y eg, I b'lave she Is, A few Boxes will curo a ny case of Dys· alr ! ' "le ehe engaged? · "And is It engl'.ged yen sa.y ? Fil>lx an· I oa.n'il tell you, pepsia., eimply by taking One :Pill every night on :i-etl.r1ng, They do net l ose their sir, but she kiM&d Mr. Vincent laat even· Ing ae if she never seen the like of him, e:ffect like other i'tllll. ·and it's engaged I b' they, sir." "Would yEz glv'me the price ef a meal?" asked a tramp of a. venera.ble and kindly 25 Cents per Box. Five Boxes for $1.00. disposed looking mrin. " Ce.n't you find e.nv T HIRTY PILLS IN A eox. wou; ?" queried the venerable party aa he tot k efi hfa gla.aaea a.nd wiped them prepua· tery to replacing them Be ae te loek at the SQLD BY ALL DRUGGl~TS. mendicant, 11 Lookey here, mister," contlnned the tramp, " I w&nt a fa.Ir answer te me qu~stlen, I'm a.iklng ytz for money a.n' not wsui:.. Wiil f( z a.ns·r;er the question wid u. J8B or wld a ne ?" DYSPEPSIA1 SICK HEADACHE, LIVER CO MPLAINT, INIJIGESTION. which p11oi:tly restored her to reason, She would give no na.m e t o be registered, and t he landlord aoon saw t ha.t he had an undenimhle gueat in Ms, The authorities .t was dr,cldecl to send were called In, and 1 her to an 11osylum, She overhe;ud them pla.nnblg this, a.nd the idea to her that she mnat remember her name and a.II a.bout herself or she would 11ga.ln be shnt up. All of a su(lden she remembered that her name was Morgan, and tha.i she had come from T9ronto, a.nd she told eu.oh 111 straight story of being sent on ID a.dva.noe that It was acoepteoi by the authorities. The woman said it. waa the happiest day ef her life when she r eoalled whe she wa.a, Although the returned to memory she still believed that she had been s~nt ahead, and therefore wrote and upbraided her hueba.nd for hie delay. She wae joined by her hnsband on Sept, 17. She believed she left Toronto ou the 3td. Nearly three yeara and a half ha.d dropped oat ef her life, never to be re1tored, Upen returning heme ehe went abont the heu1e as nsnal, glad that nothing had been sold, and In an hour knew where every article was kept. She grEieted the neighbors as though only a. fortnight had pa.seed, a.nd by the advioc of physlo! she w111e Ind ulged in her belief. During the next t hree er four yeara nething like a sus· piolon ol inss.nity was obser ved In her oonduot, and Fhe t he n died ef typhoid fever, th O di Ill h h au e Bn Art ery-men 'W o ave jui!t left ShoebnryneH, Nobody, we ·hbik, ·aw there o1ean-11m bed gHn · fermw he · Ing the" Shift" f or th e G &vernor- enera l' s Oup en Th nrs d a.y will ever f orget \he BIg ht· Their ma.rob pasaed later In the day, In full n"noply· wa1 equally gnod l D a di" rent ""'" w · way · ue them, ,w · And they, or 111 great many O· show by their m d 18 th t th d d e a e. ey oa.n o, a.n aotu11olly done, mere tr:Ylng and Im· portan t work th · a.n pa.r buckl'Ing a 6' "' peun d · er ap to It· carr1"age or marchln g p ast the ~ Ad" JUt ant GencraI · They wIll r et urn h ome, 1"ndee d · Ia d en w Ith t' n.e epoII11 of the Ir re. c~nt p 11ceful c ~ ., ampa1 gn, O ur m en h prevented the ·· w Ithou t serl0 u s · m, no.; dfffi.oulty, fr om ca.r,rylng di the the Qaeen's Pdze, but by their prowess with the Armstrong they have r eooverlld the Montreal Cnp, whloh Oelonel Ray a.nd hie men broaght back from Canada. two years aga ; they taken awo.y a Londonderry Cap frcm the baet t e11.m we could bring ago.inst them, and they have rtfused even to let t ho prfze given by their own Gev· erner.General, for excellence In Reposlt&ry work, rems.In a.mong us. Moreover, they won a first prfz,) for Shell firing and a Certifice.te In the ordinary Repository Oamp~tltlen, 80 tha.t there will be r1j ololog, fully j astlliad in C!!.nadir.." ·g · 0 COAL!COAL! Messrs. McDOUGALL & METCALF beg to announce that they have received a large consignment of Celebrated Lehigh Coal, and are prepared to fill all orders at LowEST PRICES. -We intend to keep on hand an assortment of Lumber, Shingles, Posts, Lath, Cordwood, &c. Office, Old Foundry Lot, corner Church and Division Streets. ROBT. McDOUGALL. HENRY METCALF. Bowmanville, August 28, 1885. IfShelsn't She Ought. to Be, --- TORONTO. T he ebjectlen to me&t fish nterieo fa that the li~h are "weighed In their own soa.les, ----- Buried for four Hours. Frank Ma.uzhardt, a realdent cf C.i.rben· dale, Ill., met with a. meet extr:i.ordina.ry r,dventure en Friday, H e W&8 engaged in walling up a. well he had just dug en the farm of C·pt. J, O. Soott, a. shert dletaooe o~ that pla.ce. He had up the wall to within ti. few fet:t of the tep of the well, but wa.a at the bottom of the well for some purpose ; all of a. sudden the brlcka began caving In at hie feet, and the entire wa.ll 1ettled dewnwa.rd and began tumbling In, No help w·s at hand, Mu.uzha.rdt tried to ex· tr1ca.te htlrmlf by' climbing up on the brlok a.s as they fell, and In this W l Y elevated hlm1elf some five or slx feet, The brfck fell faster and faster, and at !&et he was caught .a.nd held fa11t. The brick then oovered him up for a. dlsta.noe ol ten feet, As 11011n as the aooldent was discovered workmen went to h!o relief, Thoy oa.lled t o him and received a.nswere. The work o~ remaving tha Curious Ana~rams. brick centlnued evor fenr heura, At The Iollewing Is a. Uat ef very r emark· the man was uncovered. He was standing able : upright, One arm extended, the ether A&trea omers- N e more stare. ra,lsed above his head, He was wedged in so tightly tha.t he could net m ova. The,loguas- Got a.Q a olua, melilb blngul111r po.rt of t he mishap wa.s t hri.t Impatient- Tim In a. pet. he was cempara.tlvely uninjured. A alight Matr!mony-foto my um. on hia face a. little knot on his Melodr11>ma.-M11de moral. head was t he enly damage. T he wor kmen releasing him encouraged him a.11 they could, Mldehlpm11>n- Mlnd hie map, and he kept urging t hem t o work ha.rd. He Old England-Gelden land. n:r.ys tha.t his sensa.tlone during t he four and P&rishlene1·s- I hire p&raons, one-ha.If hours' Imprisonment wer e peoullar Pa.dlamant-Partfal men. bey11nd lms.glnation, but t ha.t he w l!S net un· cenecloas fer o. moment, Ponltentla.ry-Nay I repent. Pre2byterlana-Beat in prayer, In a. buslneui effi.ce there waa a Ravelutfon-To leve ruin. young man who did not do much exoept Sweetheart-There we s11t, loaf, He ha.a, moreove1·, of late acquired the habit ef coming ta the Effiae very l~te. Talegra.phs- Gren.t heipn. Ria employe~ 1·ema.rked to Mm : "You are Let the young girl seek to ll.dorn her late again this morning?" "Yee; but it beauty, If i;he be taught s.lllo te adern her 0:1.n't mnah difference, as you eay I mind and heart, thd she ma.y h8ive wisdom d.e!l't do a.nythlng," replied the clerk. to d!reot her lave af erna ment In due meder "'s·trua; you do ab11olutely nothing, but I wa11t JOU to do it in tho e:ffille," atfon. 85. lfleMORRIS DOUBLE DRESSER Easily Managed, Light Running, Durabl e. Threshes Clean a nd Fast. Separation Unexcelled. PERFECTLY BEARDS BARLEY. Removes all White Caps from Whea.t. OLEANS GRAIN FIT FOR MARKET. BECAUSE It has a SMUTTER and SECOND FANNING MILL attached. , -.......... THE MORRIS DOUBLE D:RESSER. Great Improvements in 1886 Machines. ~ Write post card for Illustrated Pamphlet. MORRIS &WAT.TS, BRANTFORD, ONT. Also supply Threshing Engines at Maker's Pr ices and T erms. William Pooley, Agent, Box 50, BowmanvHle

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