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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Oct 1886, p. 1

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I· TBRMS :-tl.iO PER ANMUX. NEW SERIES, NUMBER 427. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWA.RDS. M. A. JAMES, EDITOR AND l"ROl'filETOB, VOLUME BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1886. XX.XII. NmlBER 40. .. ~ r- c:o ~ ~ -- ·- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ oc-J c ::> Q CN = WEST END HOUSE · Staple and Fancy The only establishment in town combining Dry Goods and Groceries. Coal Oil, · business at the West End House. · a «S s re ~ ~ ~ ... ~ rD. ~ ~ ~ Two large stores filled with the best and cheapest ~ Dry Goods, goods to be had. ~ Cloths&T,veeds, Everything marked very low, and everything good value. ~ 00. Gents' Furnishings. We think i.t would be to your advantage to do GroceriesandProvisions, Flour and Feed, Crockery and Glassware, TEAS A SPECIALTY. :;e: 411111 ' ~ I 8 ~ ~· ~ ' 1 .. ~ bO I z 0 ·· I I I re = cd CD ,.0. 0 ~ ~ J, M'MURTRY. Everybody is invited to call and see the display on Fair D ay. J. M 'MURTRY. ·,.-4 re ca ~ ~ 0 0 CJ We make a specialty of and k~ep a very large ai;sortment of Dress Goods_:__plai~ aQd f:tancJ:-tto match. Black Goods . u1 grea vane y, DRESS TRIMMING~:-Plushes-striped an<l plain, Satinetriped and plain, Velvet---striped and plain, large and small Buttons, newest shades Ribbon s, Ribbon Velvet in color and black. Will show you good;; with pleasure if you call: Prints, Shirtings, Tabling, Grey Cottons, White Cottons, Cretonnes, Denims, Duck~, Linen s, Tow ling, Towels, Skirting, Cor~ets, Hoop~kirts, Bustle Skirts, Table Covers, Counterpanes, Dutch Carpets good to wear and very cheap. See them. I We h«i-tve a very large assortment of MANTLE CLOTHS, black and colors, all ~tyl es and prices, the newest to be had. · MANTLE TRIMMINGS :·--Chinelle Fringe, Fur Trimmings, Feather Trimmirigs, Mantle Ornaments, ·w orsted Trimmings, ·wool Braid, Buttons, Clasps, etc. FANCY WOOL GOODS.-· -- Facinators, just too lovely ; Shawls, all colors , styles, sizes add prices ; T am O'Shanters, Hoods, Touques, Ch ildrens Caps, Childrens Jackets, three sizes, Cuffs, braided and plain, Mitts for L a<li~s , Mitts for Children, Gloves for Ladies, Gloves for Men, Leggings, four R 1zes, Wool Skirt s very comfortable and very cheap. Im P:.t ~ Q::: ~ = -= c ::> .I bO "d 00 ~ ~ co ~ ~ .... ..c= ~ ... PRICES LOW. MEN'S FURNISHINGS. ,.q E-1 CD ,.0. ~ FLANNELS--Greys, Fancys, Naveys, Scarlets, W hites, Can- COL L AHS AND CUFFS----Linen, Paper and Celluloid_: tons, (bleached, unbleached and colored,) Shaker (cream and Ties, large stock newt·st styles ; Shirts, White, Regatta, Wool grey) Opera, (cardinal, cream and blue). T np Shirts; Socks, Woo] en, Merino, Cotton, etc. c 3· ------ -- s CD ~ BLAN K -E T" s -<e and CLOTHS AND TWEEDS. Men's Under Shir.ts and Drawers. This department is large and varied, and the prices are right. all wool,-all pric~s~ large variety. Suits guaranteed good fits, gotten up on shortest notice. <:D == J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, PURE DRUGS. PATENT MEDICINES. TOILET ARTICLES. 00 attractions, when in town, will be the display of goods at the West End House. Y'ou are particularly invited to call and .see it, it will not cost. you a cent and you need buy nothing if you will be able to resist when you see the lovely goods, and so cheap. CD of course everyhody and their cousins will be on band. One of the greatest The great Bowmanville Fait· takes place Friday, October 1st, this year, and PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTS, Keep all the requisites of a first-class Drug Store. JOHN McMURTRY. SOLINA. It is our aim to buy the purest and best Drugs that can be had in the market, and to sell at reasonal;>le prices. We keep nearly all patent medicines advertised. We have a large stock of English, French and German Perfumes, Powders, Pomades, and a big assortment of Hair Brushes. Thorley's Food, Prairie Flower, Condition Powder and Ground Oil Cake always on hand. THE BAZAAR. CASK TtltUMl'ltANT The astonishing success which has attended our new departure, has surpassed our most sanguine expectations, we did not at first hardly dare to hope for the grati:t:ying results which have so far been obtained, and we trust that the numerous customers, who have liberally patrnnized us will feel that we have proved conclusively that under the "spot cash" system . we can and do place our goods at prices that were not pos~ sible 'u nder the old credit style. To those who have not yet favored us witlf a call, we would say, no so A T ONCE, it will be the means of saving you many a dollar. MASON BROS. THE BAZAAR. ---o--- A large number of packing cases t o be almost given away. ThA deat h of Mrs. Farewell, wife of Dr. I One of the important event s of the season Ail days' meeting will be held i n the Meth, \ Th b . church commencing October 4th, which will· b11 e oys sernaded a n ewly wedd~d pair ~·ear _.._dolphus l<' arewell, of Glenfor d, took place on was a surprise party a t the residence of Mr . a ttended by the n.ev· ·~eaars. J, Kennei; J here on Satl!rday mght. T he magistrate w0:s Monday h··t. The deceased lady . who was a and Mrs .. Thos. Hardy, it bein g the e l at e of · Whitlock and N Kill · · sent f~r to d1·per110 the crowd and he sent his daughter of Mr. Samuel Beall, of Columbus, t heir cl1ina wedding. Quit e a number of · · son with a shot glliD. was· beloved by all who knew her. friends from Darlington and Clarke assembled Mr. W. Blngham now occupies his own l'CBidOn Saturday last , Mr. John McKenzie, of and took :iioseessi11n of the house. Mr. Hardy NEWTONYILLE. ence w hich he has fitted very nicely. East W h lthy, while on hi· way to Oshawa. was helpmg a neighbor to thresh and h~d to _our soldier boys who belong_to the Durham Mias F . Virtue is visitin g in Westem Ont. met Mr . Lewis Grass, .of the same township. be ee.nt for. '1'11gr were presented with a Field Battery are a great cr~d1t to our section. I M r. McLaren. Buckingh a m, Mr; D.McLaren, going home f rom town. '!'hey llotb s aluted beaut1fol ·et of china, g lass ware and fancy Our young ladles ahould enlist for vice In . Hamilton, and otlher friends ho.vo been visiting oachotherinatr1endly and neighborly m anner. pitcher an P)lrchased from Mur doch Bros' Jn the course of a short eonv ersation the forme r Ch ma Hall. f he tab!es :were arranged and tho Broom Drill Brigade· at the Manse. purchased from the lat ter a f arm of 75 acres or lad~n with all the deh cames of the season of · Mr. Brendett. Port Hone. is coverlnic the' Mias M. Wag-e, formerly a pupil of our land. The tarr;n is sit uated on tke west s ide of whtc!t- all partook h eartily. 'rhe a fternoon and .. steeple of th e Meth. Church. 'l' he painting is lichool. h&B been &warded a 2nd class teaeher's the Nonquon R oad, a Ehort distance north of flVemnii: was pleasantly spent by all present, being done b y Mr. Rundle of this p lace. ' certlfico.te at the examination in Winnipeg. Geneva Uheese F actory. A fire occurred on Mr. Jam es Lockhart's Mrs. W .- Kenner preached for Mr, Salton to Mr. F rank Finnie, a former resident of lllast farm north Kendall on Friday night week &full house on S..nday n ight. Whitby was toully murdered by one ot his burning barn and season's crops. DUNCAN M'TAGGART. emplo1ees in Dakota. a fow <lays ago. M r . M r. Geo. Glaspell has b een spending a few Finnie was engaged in the livery business a t <JSHAWA. days a t t he parsona1efl. He intends studying Jamestown . Dakota. and at t h e time of h is The Union Jack, yesterdiiy, floated at medicine. . From the Jl.eforme1· ept. 21th. death was completing a r ailway grading eonMrns Campbell, of Brooklin, is t he guest of tract In the Mouse River Co1mtry. He was 3Z hal f-mast foo m the tower o f the general BROOKLIN. Mies Campbell, or Oshawa. years of age. Tile murderers nawo is Fosberry offices of the G rand T r u nk R ailway . We The h eaviest and deepest clap ot thunder m'W· Mr. Arthur Hodder of P or t Arth ur is visit- a young man 21 years of age. He had been regret t o announce t h at Mr. Duncan Mcw ing his parents here. · · carousing ~he eyenln.g befor e. and went !nto perienced in Brooklin occurred last 8 und& y A matched horse race will t ake Dl&ee i n the camp. partially m toxw'!-t ed Monday mormng, Taggart, fuel agent of the company, d ied morning about 4 o,eloclr. 'l'heground t rembled Oshawa Drivina Par k on Saturday Oct "nd creating a d1sturban.ce m the eating tent, He to such an extent as to shake every buildin:g ~ ' · "' was put out by Frnnle, Fosberry went to yesterday after a n illness w h i ch has exin the village. Ma.ny really supposed It to be Mr,~· .o. Campbell, of Montre_al, spent Sun· another tent, secured two revolvers, ret urn ed, t e n ded more or le~s during the last six an earthquake. day v1s1t1ng his sister, Mrs· H epmstall. called Finnie out side and sb.ot h im dead. Mr. mon ths. M r . M cTaggart WM b orn in 18Another C>ld land mark is gone In the persoo Mr. and Mrs· .ros. T. Hurnett celebrated F innie has a number or friends residin g in 21, i n Argy l shire, Scotland, and came t o of Daniel Holliday· .$ r ., Whose sudden death their sliver wedding on Saturdav last. East W h itby. Canada in t he year 1841. H e first set t led took place In Brooklin on Weduesda;r last. The first snow for the fall of 1886, m ade its - --'-- -- - - The old gentleman wa~ at hls office on Wed· , in t he township ofDarling ton, in Ontario, 0 nesday morning apparently in his usual health appearance in shawa on Sunday last. RAMPTUN. b u t mov e d t o the county uf Oxford, where but ahout the middle of the afternoon was Mr. R· McLaughlin h as commenced an ad· taken ill and had to be re1uovcd to his home ditlon t o bis blacke:mith a nd ca rpenter sheps. Mr. H . T. Hillips is in St. Louis, Mo., a t the he was eng a ged with h is cousins in t he where ho llled before evening. His unexpect· Mr. John Comish, East \Yhitby, lett a "Seed· mineral springs. fanning mill business. e d death cast a gloom the village. , ing'.' pota~o In the Re,former Office last week Th.~ Che,~~!l Co., have sold their Aug. cheese He was an u n ostentatious man whose Henry Blckell's fieur mill, one mile east of which weighed two pounds. at O ;rcents. this village. was bume <il. to the ground on Sun· 'fhe citi7.ens o OsJ.nwa will r ret t o let:ST. A. large number of neople came to the pionio dialect, after nearly half a centur;'s r esid ay morning, ~nsured. C ause not k nowp. or the death of Mrs· Panton. · w of Prof , . in Mr . Clem.,n"s woods on Saturday a fternoon, dence awa y p roclaimed the land o f h is ----' -'-.. ·>-· Panton, formerly or th is town. the weather was lovely. A. game of base hall He h ad n c heery m a nne 1· a nd h is TYRONE. 'fhe Fire Brigade Band, besides g iving t: eiri was played, Bowma.nv ille v s. Ham~ton. The b ir th . services free at the recent bencftt concert ·~ ,Pas· D, 0 . Co. Band furnished select music. After pleasant and genial moods mad~ h i m a Mrs. T. J. Mason, Toronto, was h ere laet d ona ted $5.00 for the benefit of Mr. D. Fog~ · r e freshme n ts "".ere served an open air dance favorit e wi th.a la rge cir cle of frien ds out week . . . Our tall ~orn, measuring 11feet 4 inches h . , gtfiland contmued to a late hou~·. been entirely eclipsed by Mr. H enry Doolitt le · A; Elllo~t has ta · 1 a pos1t1on m Mr. s ide of the. G rand Trunk staff, by whom Our new m iller is turn mg out .A 1 flour. h e was umversally l ik ed, a nd his s t erlin« W h at foot ball club will meet ours on Oct. Whltby, who produced a stalk measur in " nbO.U~~.m s d rug store. 3rel.. 12 feet 8 Inches· funeral'·of Master Russell Clark e was worth was highly appreciated by the com~ "Gladst.nnes" wants to play Bowmanville H. f The people or the Simcoe-et. Meth · churchI ~iergely atten.d ed. The pa re.nts have th~ s ym· pany, which, directly an i ndirectly he B . club u.gum. j are making epecial arrang-ement s for their an.I 1Lthy or their nnmeroua friends. In t heir sad had ser ved ±or over thir ty y ears oi{ t h e DP. ,J K, Brown was visiting here last w eek nlversary services on Suuduy, Oct, 10th and on · erea vement. prior t u '1ea ving for S~ratford. the following Monday evening· " ..~.vest Home ·· her!l, on the 22nd ult ;, G r and Trunk a n d G r eat Western syst ems. . . . . A very h appy gathering assembled at the was a magnificent auccl'!ss. lhe church decor· He. was a of the Erskine Presbyu youn~ reople enJoyed the speCJal services resid"ence of Mr· and Mr~. Jas. Garrow on ations. were suburb. reflecting gre!lt credit on 1 at L ong Sa . . vVednesda.y e vening last, on the occasion of t hose ; n charge, of whom ~he Misses Ro~ch terian . Church 11.1 this city, and was for !)ur mayor.speaks of gomg to the N. W . T, t ile marrijlge or their eldest daughte _ r, M iss a nd Colema n deserve s pecial mention . . 'I he some time one of the office hol d ers. He with h is tam!ly, Georgina w. Garrow. t o llfr. F mnk M· Tait, B1!-JJPer was tlr~t-elass, an_d demand f or clucken wa salsoa promin ent member of t h e Celtic On the 21th ult., t he wife ot Mr. Booth of a f Adamson Bros., grocers. 'rhe bridfl was pie was pe.rtwula rly br isk; Hampton ladles S ocietv. daughter All well georgeously arrayed and wae the r ecipient of are note~ for the good t eas th ey prepare. · . · . 1 b ' £ d d ti Uevs. H ill Salton and Baraass made short He ieaves a wife and eight child r en to Potato .re.1sers report a. b1~ c rop of the Han- ~r~:~~tsari;;e uum er 0 an some an cos Y speeches. An abundan ce of choice music was , · . . . furnished by the choir. Dr. J . E. Brown also mourn h is loss-th ree so n& and fiv e cock v ariety-12 fill a pail. P utty and tiaint are cheap vicle parsonage, '.£he Har vest Home Feetiv:a.J in connect~on ) gave a s11ng which was c lesen;edly encored. daughters, one of whom is m a rrie d . t . . k wi th the Medcalf-st. Method1ad church. w h ich A social was held on Tuesday evenini;; which M l!' B The bo~y w a s t aken by the. G r and ~· ' ·, ran o~ JS g rowm11; wea. er-_ took place on Sunday and Tuesday last, wae j was w ell atten ded and w a s m u ch enjoyed. Miss kenn er JS home agam from J, mdgay. 11; gra.p.d success. On Sunda y t he R~v. Dr: Total proceeds $55.oo, SLow .l3oY, Trunk Ra1~way on Sunday nig h t t o Wood· We hear of a widower w ho spent a. night b,r· Stone .a.sermons :w«:re eloquent and scriptura1 s tock fo_r mterment. -ll! ontrcal H earld mistalre in a. coal bin down celler. expositions of D1vm~ truth .. On T eusday a f· - - - - -Sept . , 25th. ' . . , ter noon a large audience listened to a soul.,ON"IJ!llPTION .,IJRED · · ~r. S. Washington h as leased J as. Branton s stirring and useful sermon delivered by Rev"· . " " .· - 3.n om n h ye1man Mr. M cTa ggart was a. b r o ther o f the residence. E . Barr a sa, of H ampton· At the con cl usion of 1retll'ed from pr act ice·. h a v.mlj: had pla ced Jn his U ncle Dick Cawker got a dly kicked by t he afternoon service, between five and six hand~ by Easttndia missionar y the formu la late Mrs. Alex. Beit h , of Bowman ville. horse the other day. CLIMAX. hundred persons sat d own to an excellent E;;g- of a 81 ~P e vegetable femedy ~or t he speedy lislt dinner of beet, mutton, pork, roast duck, 1md pe1manent cnreofUonsumpt1on.Bronchitls, chicken pie, hot potatoes. etc- Addresses were Cat~rrh , Asthma anq. all throat f!-nd Lung A.f· OF VITAL l MPORTANCJ<:. - It is juet as delivered by the Revs. Manly Benson, E. Bar- !ect1ons, also a p ositive and radical cure tor Scott's Emulsion of Pure essential t h a t t he hum an body sho11ld ras, E . Sandorson, and two recitations by Mr · Nervous ~eb,llity an d .all nervous Complai1!ts, J. N .McK endr y, ot'l'oronto, inte r.spP.r sed w ith !l.ft cP h_!lvmg t ested its wond crtul curat1~e <:od :ttver on, n'lth Bypopholiphttea hav Q pure b lood , as t h at a tree or p lant good singing. The chmch was d ecorated wit h power s in t~ou sands of cases, has felt lt h 11i l (J · should have sap t o nouris h and invigorate v 1irloua k inds of grain, fruit and vegetables. , duty t o make it kno~ t o his suffe_ring fellf?WS. n onsttmptwn and J t'asti ng Diseases, · hActuated ];,Y tlhis m l ottvle a ndd a desire t o rehe ve seems to possess re111ed 1·a1 p o wers of great its growth. Nearly all o u r bodily ills Proceeds a bout $ 140. , uman suaer ng, wil aen free of c harge, to _aris es from unhealthy b lood . Burdock all who deslre it,thler eci pe, inGerman,Fr enoh, effioacy . lt heals t h o irritat ion o f throat ~trs. Mary Thompson, ot Toronto_ , 'va~ or E nglish, w ith f ull d irection& for preparing and lungs. Makes pnre b lood a nd b uild s Blood Bitters }JUrifies thi l'l fount a in of a 111leled wttb Tape 'form, 8 feet of -wl1Jcb ·and using, Sent by mail by a ddresslng '\vith l ife, and regulate~ all t h e v ital o r gans to ·w as rcm10..-ecl by cme bottle vr Dr. Luw·s stamv, namin'f this paper, W , A. NoYEB 149 !-11> and forti~es the system agai nst further a healthy action. Wurm Syrup. o wer'a Block.RtJchester N. Y . !lS · m roa.ds by disease. 'l'ake no other. ' ORONO. I ENNISKIL[J!JN. COL UMBUS. I l I . . a fn t l

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