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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Oct 1886, p. 3

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@;auatlian Jtatt$mau. - - =-·· FRIDAY, OCJOBER l , 1886 !ITANDA.RD !llEDl<:AL WOIUl FOil HEALTH. Milk for the Ohildre11° THE LIM.E·KIL:N OLUB. I YOUNG FOLKS. Y O UNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN. Only $1 By Hall, Post.pai<l. llUT eTR..lTIVE SA.J'lll'U>S JmEE NO A.LI.. A Great llle<llcal '\Vorl< On Manhood, Exhausted Vitalit~. Nervous end Physical DebilJty. Premature Decline in l\ian. Errors of Youth, and tho untold miseries resulting from indiscretion or excesses.. A book fol' every man. young, middle-aged and old. It contains 125 prescriptions for all acute and chronic disea·es, each one of which is invaluable. So found by Author, whose experience for 25 years is snob as probahly never before fell to the lot Of llDY physician, 300 pages, bovnd in beautiful French muslin, embos~ed. covers, full gilt, gu,.,rantecd to be a finer work in every sen so t.han any other work sold in this country for $2.50, or the money will he refunded in every instance, Price only $1 by mall, postbaid, lllustratives ·am ple free to any body, Send now, Gold medal awarded the author by the National Medical Association. to the President of which. the Hon. P . .A, Bissell. and associate officers of the Board the reader is respectrully r efferred, The Sciencti of J;ife is worth more to tl10 young and middlo-agecl men of this generation shan all the gold mines of California and the silver mines of Nevada combined.- S. .F', Chronicle. 'I'he Science of Life points out the rocks and quicksan<lson which the constitution and hopes of many a youn~ man have been faitally wrecked,- Manchester Mirror. The Science of J,ife is of grenter value than all the mediCBl works published in thisconntl'V for the P»St 50 years.-Atlanta Oonstil1tlion. · 'l 'he Science of J...ife is a superb and masterly t reatise on nervous and physical , debility.- '!'here Is no member of society to whom the Science of Life will not ho useful, whether ~ot1th, parent; guardian, instl'uctol' or clergy. m&n.-Argona1lt. Address the Peabodv Medical Institute, or Dr. W. H, Parker, No. 4, Bulfinch Street, Boston Mass., who may be consulte·l on all diseases requiring sldll and experience. Chronic and obstinate diseases that have baffled tt.e skill of all other physicians a specialty, Such treated successfully .without an instance of failure. Mention S1' ATES1JAN, Bowmanville, Onta.l'io. 17-y. Defroit F'ree Press. Prese1·ve Y out· Sight. Use F. LAZARUS' (late oftheftrm ofLazarna & Morris,) Renowned Spectacles and Eye· Glasses, They are the best in the world, They never t ire the eyo, and last many years with· out change, For sale by Kenner & Co. Bow· manville, 6-it. DUNN'S BAKINC POWDER JOHN SPENCER, VETERINARY SURGE0?1", THE COOK'S-BEST FRIEND ·- -·-·----- Honorary Graduate of the Ontario eterinary College, To ronto. Registered member of the Ontario Veterinary Association, in accordance with the Veterinary Act. ' Is prepared to treat all diseas!'ls of the Dom· estlc Animals, according to t h e latest theories. .A.JI calls personally, by 'l'elegraph or 'l.'elephone will receive prompt attention. a:::fi"O~ 'FlCE-Main St., Orono, one door north of W , Henry's :Otore. · CHARGES MODERATE, WORLD'S BEST. I WEST'S ~LIVER - - PILLS : POSIT IVELY CURES : - DYSPEPSIA, SICK HEADACHE, LIVER COMPLAJNJ: IND!GESTIONa A few Boxe'! will cure a ny case of :Dys· pepaia, simpl y by taking One Pill every night on retirin g . They ci!o not lose theiz effect like other Pills. 20 Ce11ts per Box. Five Boxes for $1.00, TWBTll' P ILLS IN A SOX. SQLD B Y ALL DRUGGISTS. John G. West & 0. PROPRIETORS, .TORONTO· Ea.rly In the wf>·k er.oh active member How Rosie Helpscl. of t he Lime· K iln Olnb received a copy of . Keep the ohlld'1 milk separate frem that the fellowing noUoa : Her name WM Rosalie ; but abe wa1 auoh ln~nded. for the rest ef thfil ho oeflhelil. Have u FJBB 1 i:OLIOK I YUM I" ' little orer.ture that It aeemed more natural l8 oall her Ret ie. ready a pan that hae been preperly cleansed You are hereby netltied that tbe Lime· Betides 1he waa alway1 among the ro1&1. by being thoroughly washed and rinsed again bi a. 1olutlon of bfoubonate of soda, Klln Olub, which hae been on a vaoa.tlen On tbl1 morning while her father talked to receive the milk. In hot weather the fer the pMt two montha, will resume busi· wlah Dick, ahe hovered beiween the 1tud7 milk should be plaoed en the fire and the ne111 at Paradlae Hall on Saturday evonlllg -:.nd the fiewer garden, nl)W aatherlug her temperature be brought tea point just ahert at the regular holll'. Every member who aewera, new pe11plng her bead inte the 1~udy Has the finest assortment of Silvel' ef belling- de not let It bell. h 1heuld ca.n walk la expeoted to be en hand at leaat ~o see If papi. waa net almoat threugh and Plated Ware in town-all new then be put in a proper reoeptaole and five minu tes befere the triangle 11mnd1., ter.dy to talk to her, Sne wa1 ehy of J>ick; and neat patterns; also a pla.oed In a cool place, or a refrigerator No deg& 111lewed In the hall, as uaual. be wu a new boy, h11od only been with t'bem which does not contain Vej!etables. Ii Ownera of umbrellas will bring them at ~few days and p ap11o more tha.n 1uepeoted full line in n1 net a gc;od boy · 116 Roale had 1tr1ot or· Abould then be prepued se follew1: Milk, &heir own peril, The pa.Hwerd at the 1 one· half pint; pure water, one· half pin'; aeoond landing will be : "Azare Skiea. · den net ta vlalt hi~ In the atable1 er pewdetod augar ef milk, 0110 tablespoon· Anyone having books hele11ging to the ·DY talk with hlm unlea1 or 1ome one tul; phoaphr.te of Hme, ene grain. Dlleolv11 Library will please retnm them at thl· olae wae within hearing, Only this mornlng the sugr.r and lime ln w11oter a.nd r.d!l the meeting. papa ha.d heard Dlok nae language whioh Bao, GARDl!NEB, P ree, made him feel afraid that he ougb.t not to milk, Thi@ le the neareat appreaoh te W AYD:>WN BE.EBE, Seo. 1:.eep him In hla empl&y. Yet how BOrry he hnroi..n milk tbi>t can be prepared, As the All kinds of child grows, add lees water, A good rnle le When the meeting opened 312 member· wae fer poor orphan Dick, that nobody this : ene month add two·thlrds 1rnswered to rell call, and Elder Toots de- ~eemed ts oare for I J e'vellery, He tried te make him feel that hn wu bla '"at"r ; ene·half wa.ter until three month11, lfghtedly rumarked te Saruuel Shin th11ot it Sp~ctacles_, ane· third wr.ter until the ai::dh month, ene· did him geed t o nee the general abandon friend; tried to reuse h im to wanUo boa man fourth until the n!nth mont h and ene-elxth whloh 11oemed to h!.\ve taken reot in ovary and te evoroome h!a grave fault1. "You Eye Glasses, antil one vear of age, when the ohlld can breast. When tbe triangle 13unded .l:lrother 11ore ju1t t he age of my boy liarrls," Roale A full and complete line~of the milk olear, a.nd often In oomblnr. er Gardner arose and ea.Id : il.eard her father lllLf, "and he Is jaat about tion wlth some of the Infant fesd upon the "My frene, two menths age, at de your afz~. Harris h a grand hoy ; be never m&rk1rt. '.l'he water 5henld be bolled and alrneat lnculom.shuna of a majority of de iiave mother an hour ef anxiety, · ud I allowed ·~o co<>l before ueing, ae this will members of dis club, I decided to aoj ou rn O&D truet him anywhere, r have enob faith purify h by <leetroylng any g~rms It may do meet!n'a frew de 1pace of July an' In b::~ werd that wken he ea.ya a thlug, I do oont, Some will n9 doubt aek why hea.t Augnet , I had grave denbts as to de pr.a- uot have te Inquire lnte It, I know l~ la trn11. the mill.. Durlug high tempenture, when prlety of 1loh 'a etep, bnt yielded t ~ 1h1 [m't lt worth while for I\ bo7 te have auoh We have put a new LATHE in our the me. 01uy ranges from 86 to 100 dE>grees, proeaure. De r esult has bin wb&t I a.ntioi- 11o che.iraoter as that? Dan't yeu think you work shop, which enables us to do t Lrre le rapid decompeaMon ef milk, the pated, Dis kentry has almea.s' bin plunged wonld enjoy hearing people say: · T11at \ le ra.pldly coagula.ted, and In this into wa.r, de fiehery gaeshun am still on ob- thing la 10, yeu may depend on i~, for Dlok all kinds of work in our line~and guarantee the best of satisfaction. condition It uertll a peoulillr aotlen ( 011t111lv· j!ok of nubunal dlapute, an' storms a.n' Sa.undera told me, a.nd .Ile I s ta be .trua'lied, WCall and get the con-ect time from. t he finest Regulator in town. t ic) UiJen tho ether aelid1 of the milk, p11ortl· dla1i.aters hov bin rampant 1.1.lloberde UnHed you knew,'" cnlarly up3n the eugar, for ming laotio acid. Sia\ts. Blznoee has bin grlovously negl~~tD [o\ shlfttsd uneanlly from ()ll.e feet to the The milk lo.ies 1 ta alkal111e reaotlon and be- ed, People who depended en dil! club ot her, an d his face seemed to . be growing camea sour, when lt le not fit for fnrther hev he.d delr confidence eheeken, We red ove\" same feeUo g, Rosie's r,~pa wH n ot nuo. Thti heating of the milk retards this mus' at once gitbaok to r eg'lar i;:uroeedlns, eure whai., At !a~t ne 111old, "It fa all very and pnroeed to grapple wid an' oberoemo de well fer a. bey like yours to be honest, and precess. live tetilos of de, ~n t liat; why llhauldn't he be? L 3ok what ' ' When d!a club WAS organized we hl}d aha.noes be has had; l\Dd then loek what Dietetic Fallacies. eur annn11ol 'lccknhun an ' club pionio on de ohanoes l've had I K!oked 11ond cuffed abeut 1. Th"'t ~here is a.ny nutriment In beefte11 fust S11.t11.r.iay to ohl!ge de Cencord Skule ef hhe wodcl all my life; nobody Oll>rea what from extr11octs, Thero la none Whillt- Phllosphy, Dan we ohl!lnged it a.gin to beoomea of me, I heard you pr4y fer Harris eVE'l', oblige de emanoipashnn pe9ple of Michigan this morning, & nd I thengnt of lt then, As u sual our new 2 Tb11.t gelatine Is nntritlous. It wlll an' C~na.d'\, 11on' I h11s now determined to l 'here nevtr was ir. person In this world who ..:· -., ··.' ~.··; .. not keep a cat·&llve. Bsef.tea and gelatine, make a third change, 0 wing to de faok oared eneugb for me t9 make a prayer aheut ~. .J' stock of howeve1·, poGBesEi a certain reparatlve power, dat dci turnip, c11orret an' waterir.1elyan am me I" we know not what. What a Btra.nge bey Dick waa I .For a mo· CANADIA:N, Th11ot aa e11g ia equl to a pound ef not at delr best !n dis 1;Umbato nntd Se11· meat, and tha.t every aiok person 011n e11ot tember, an da~ mustard an' pickles, which ment, Rosie's fa.ther !Jid net know what t9 ENGLISH, pl11.y ~lob i.nportant pa.rts iu liur banquet., ar.y, Just then Reale, her head framed In them, Many, especially thoaeof nervoua or 8 COTCH & biUous tl.nporrment, cannot eat them; and do not begin to develop delr fi'lvor until lh11 window, where she h11od been atandlng along ii.bent de anniversary of Perry's vlo· ·ror a few minutes, her b!lnds full of flower., te a11oi.t, eggo r ··e hijurions. AMERICAN 4 Th111t beca.uee milk la an Important art(. telly, it has been deemed beat to aot de her f11ooe svieetly grave, apeke her troubled ole of feed, it muet be forced upon a patient, time fur de picnic at one we11k from te·da7, thought: "Didn'* Jesus ptay fer yeu when Food th ~ t a person cannot endure, will not I has been in oerreap:>ndonce wld ma.ny of he llved here ? Th11ot time when he aald our honorary mombera im' am aahured of a ·New I pray for all whe shall believe on cure. large attendanoo. 0<'nada will be r6· me?'" 5. Tha.t arrow.roet Is nutrit!oue. It ia Diak 1tarbed 10 1uddenly r.s to nearly simply starch imd water, uaeful aa a roater- presented by eber 100 delegates, an' ebery Sta.It in de Union will send ita · delegaahun. evertarn the lltUe table en whloh he leaned, atlve, qnlpltly ptepllored. 6. T.nat cheese is lnjarleus ln all cHes. De plaoe of de banquet will be en Fighting turned to the window, and looking steadily and other S uitings is Island, eight miles below de city, We shall at Roaie, 1ald hoarsely: u What de you It Is, as a. rule, centra·lndlooted, being UB· have do uane.1 gr.m11e, wid de usual prizes, mean?" the largest, most; ually Indigestible; ibut Ii la oonoentrated "Why, that time, don't you know? When comp l ete and most nutriment, and a waste ropalrer, and often a.n' I trust dat ebe:ry leoal . member wlll de hla lebel beat to Inoculate a reprehensible be prr.yed fer hla dlsoiplee; lhen he aaid, craved, fash i onable to be ' neltbor pray I fer the1e r.lene,' a.nd r.flitlr 7. That the ora.vlnga of a patient are time, HE WAS TH.ERE. thafl be prayed for everybedy who ahonld found in West Durham wh' 111s r.nd shonld be denied. The stomaoh The Rev, Penstock wa~ en ba11d and in ever live, who would leve him and m ind ofttln needs, craves fer, and digest& artloloa net laid down In any dietary. Such, his uaual selt, and the Presidrnt had no him. If ;ron moan to mind him, he prayed J n't you fer example, fruit, ploklea, jams, oake, ham, sooner finished than he arone and Inquired; for you, toe, told me, D. " Did I n11d11ratand de cha'r to aay dat mean te mind him? Beoauae It l1n't nloe to er be.cen with f11ot., cheese, butter and. milk, 8. That an lnftexible diet may be marked wo sheuld lneoule.te 11o reprehentible time!" leave yeurulf ant of hie prayer," "l:ou did, aah I" wa.a the proJDpt r eyly. Wise little Reale I Pr.pur.ld net another out, which sh11oll spply to every oaae, Cheloe "Will de oha'r please explain biB mern· word, He theu.g ht Dlok had gotten hia We have the goods. To inspect is to' order. Our prices are right. of a given list ef articles allowable In a giveermen, text and all, Neither did R9ele Our styles command admiration. en case must be decided by the eplnlen of Ing a fettle clearer?" Our originality is inexhaustible. "Brudder Penatock," nid the Preeident eay any more; she did net knew ahe had tho 11tomaoh, The etemaoh is right, and Our enterpTise, energy and pluck have n o bou nds. theory wrong, and ~he judgm11nt admits no as he arose and vigorously rapped the de&k preached a sermon, with his mallet, "dis ch11o'r has nuffin h tit· She went away, bumming, l!oJlpSal, _..(Jail at the centt·e 01· Style, Beauty and Cheapness. A diet whioh would keep a healthy man plain. If dar am any member present who J am ao glr.<2 that our Falher In heaven f ella ol hie love In the book he hae i:tven, healthy, might kill a sick ma.n I and a diet haen't aiudied arithmetic long 'nuff to unsu:f!folent te austain a alck man wonld not derste.nd what de lnooulashun of a r epre· Ye11ors and after that, when Rosie . keep a well man alive. Increaaed quantity beneible time meam·, den It would be far w1>11 nineteen, ahe went to church in 11f feed, e11pecle.lly ef llquid~, d~crn net mean better fur de rest of u~ if he weula oollegia le a olty five hundred mllea away from her increaned nutriment ; rather, deoreaeo, sinoe to'rda Hmpfoc~ble abltvlen," childhood he met and eho heard a man preach 1 tf '1.'be Tailo1·. the digestion la over -taxed aud weakened. Penatook didn't collegi1.1to, He 1at down on the~e words: "Neither pray I for these Strive to givo the food In as oonoentnted and hugged a orurhed atrav; berl:J to h!saoh- alone, but for all them which 1hall believe 11o form aa poadble, Consult tho patient'~ Ing besom, en me through their words," It waa a grand stomach In pr1>fiarenoe to hh ora.vlnga ; and, COMMITTEES, sermon ; Reea.lle PlerBOn t hought aha had ll the ntmnt.oh rcj acta a oerta.ln article, de The fellowing committees were then ap· nenr heard one mere wender:fnl, A~ the 1111t force lt, pointed : oleise of aervloe the minister came a~ralght R eoeptlen ef Deiege.tes-Giveadam Jenee, te hor seat, held out his hand and said : "It Pickl es Smith and TruBtee Pullback, with waa a bleued text, Miss Pier11en; I II ever Preventio~ of Oancer. The predisposing cl\ueee of cancer are In the authority not to hire m11re t han five mules f1:>rgoto the sermen you preached frem it, I and wagon!. know new that the Lsrd Jesus prnyell fer hc.bltG of the p11otlunts themselves, Juot as On tho Bmquot-S!r Isaac Ws lpole, me th1.1t day. And I know that I believe on oiv!l!z& tlen IE the cauu1 ef the etr11sln that wrecks so mr:.ny intelleota, so it is Dibo the '\Vhalebane Hawker, Elder O&nlffand Col. hlm through your words," "Why I" ai;,id Resl'llie, ln r.utonlahment, oanGe of deprcD11lug tho anim!llol vi~allty of Cl.\hoota. with Instructions t o canvaBe the "I den't underst1>nd, thla surlilly 011onne·t bet.he !11divlc'l.u11l, and brfogs In l~s train thle city for provialone, 0.11 Gi.mes-Shindlg Watk ins, Elder " Yea," said the minister, "I am Diok." dread The mBin ca.use of this dlsoe.eo la " ellta.bllshed wealth and a et!lte of Teota, H aitshorn Davis and Old Man Soott. On Elctlon- H,!.lv, Ptnstock and Uncle Vegetable Olothing. luxury. The appetite for ea~ing mea.t and highly sev.sonod food h lndulgeil, a!l.d c!l>n Beggs. About two ht.1'd1ed years ago tho govern INCIDENTAL, be regularly and hu.bltually indulged, only or of the islanu of J uma.lca, Sir Thomas in a ntatu of ostl.\bllahed rlvllizi.tfon, with The <!elegatea will begin arrivllllg about Lync1, eent t o Kbig Charles II, of E agl11ond .oommuntities engaged in accumulating fo1·- Thmsday, 1md H fa.nt as they come In they :i. vege~able Leoktle, and a very good necktie tune11 and vlelng w!.th each other l.o. ~ump will be el1eorted te Paradhe Hall, furnlohed i~ wa~, altheugh It h1J.d grown on a tree and tuem. living." These oondUione. t ogether with a lunoh ef loed tc111, and thrn diatdbut- had net been altered since iii was taken fr tin.. with h alnta of iai!olenoe a.nd lnsuffi alent ex- ed among the oablna ef local members. Any the tree, ero!se, cau~e o.n r:.ccumul&tlon of the waste olt!zen bavfog a barn not in me whioh can A gt>ntleman who witnessed two natives produote l.n the eyatem which predisposes be ceoured far temperary lodgings will please mr.nufacturing this laoe thuo dB11c!lbea It. te oanoer, Then an 11oooldental brulsP, or address the SecretarJ d the club, stathig A tree about twedy feet 1high and six inches reverea.l of fortune, wfth 1m.nt11ol depreealon, the hight between jeists, condition et :ll.oeru In dlamete\", wtth a bark looklng muoh like or nny ether exciting cauae, ma.;r develop a.nd reof, eto, that of a birch t ree, waa on\ down. Three t his terdblo cUseiLae. Se far aa is known there will be no oppo· lltrlpe ef bark, each about olx Inches wide Tho lessonJs ebvlaus. P<Jeple should live sltlen to Brother Gardner's seventh re·elec- and eight teat Ieng, w11re ta.ken from the mere frugally 11nd tako plenty of exercise in tlon, althongh aeme of the miner podtlens trunk and thrown Into a stre11om of water. the open air, and in nhort, fo1low hyglenlo will be objects ef contest, Thon ea.oh m11on tot'k a strip while It was medes of living, t1nd the d1U1ger of 011oncer i11 The Building Committee ha.a been buoy still in the water, aud with the point of his much mere remote, The cure may be dlffi- during the eummer In estimating Improve- knife separated a thin l~yer of the Inner cnli, bnt preventhm Beems te be In the ments. The Llbra.ry is to be enlarged t o bark from ene end of the strip, pewer ef the Individual, held 10,000 mere almanaos, twe bunohea e>f Thia 111oyer wr.e then taken In the fingers shingles will be used on the reef ef the hall, and gently pull~d, whereupon it oame 11oway 35. Bowmanville, August 28, 1885. and It la de1igned to lay a new fleer In the In. an even 1heet ef the entire width and The Tianoin11; Dervishes of Pera. museum. length of the atrip of bark. Twelve 1beet8 Among t he curious dght1 of Comtantln· · Such delegate· as may arrive on foot by were ·thu1 taken from ea.oh strip ef bark eple which nearly every traveller makes a highway a.nd n9t find membera of 'he reoep· and thrown Into the water, pelnt of visiting Is the ·eetabliahment of the tlen oemmittee at the various tell-gates, The men were net through yet, however, D:.nclng Dervishes a.t Pera, The building will a1k the policeman to guide for wb.en each strip of bark had yltilded it· in which these Dancing Dervlehea perform tl:lem te Par!Mlloe Hall. Ne delegates wlth- t welve 1heet1, eAch sheet was taken from their religleue exercises dee· certa.lnly net eut credentials wlll be received, the water and g1adually stretched aldowlse, Impress one with a.ny Idea ef saoredneBB, The spectator oonld hardly believe hie e;res, Easily Managed, Light Running, Durable. It hMa a ver1 oemmon·place exkder, ~nd The 1heet broadened and broadened uutll inside redomblea many "halls" on ihe CenT hreshes Clea.:n and Fast. Separation Une:x:celled. Outting a I'ork out of a from a ole1e piece of mr.terial six inches tlnent set ap11ort for the exhlblUone of aoreA novel and d1U1gerous operatien has just wide, It became a filmy cloud ot delicate bB.tB and conjurers, On the floor ef the hr.11 laoe, over three feet in width. The aston- PERFECTLY BEARDS BARLEY. Removes all White Caps from Wheat. ls a olroular place ralled off, with a partr.rre been performed In P aris by Dr. Polailion. ished gentleman was forced te confese that beyond, Rnd gallerlea o.beve, while In 11o re· The patient waa a mountebank named Lu· ne h11m11on-made leom ever tt1rned eut lace CLEANS GRAIN FIT FOR MARKET. cess sit the mnalolans, wheae alngular In· chon, who, In the pursuit of hla calling, which oonld surpass ln anowy whltenen and strumente send forth these etrange, mono- awellowed a la.rge fork, whioh stuck faat In gossamer-Uk.a delicacy tht.t product of na. BECAUSE tonous aeunds whioh constitute Turkish mu&· hiu It was In vain that he tried tore, It has a SMUTTED and SECOND FANNING MILL attached. 10, 1ne leader or priest stands in the con· ta get his fingers down to the tips of the natural lace is net so regula.r In fer · tre of the oircle, and the dervishes- abent fork, ~ohe had to it there, in t he hope matlon as the material oall11d tllualen, so that no harm would enene. In a few .days, twenty in number on the ooca&lons when much worn by lr>dieo in summer ; bnt It is w11 h11ove witne1m;1d the performance-cloth· however, he felt aonte pain paitfoulr.rly as soft and white, and wlll bear washing ; ed in light gray flannel rebes, made very when hfo wao without food Dr. which ie not t.ruo of Illusion.. In Pala.illon wae unable to find the p ea&tlon ef foll, and with grey felt h!i>~S like inverted the ferk by meano of the ordinary sounding and Cantral Amerfoa, am( ug the poorer fl.iwtr-r,ots en theh- headu, and feet, people It supplies t he plaoe of manufactured spin round him fn a kind of waltz, The ln~trument, Bil he employed rt.nether, with cleth, wh loh they oannot aff,..rd to bay ; left apperm3 ts be kept constllatly on t he which he oontrlv0d to touoh the prongs, and the wealthier olaeoes do not by any He then made an lnols!on In the man's ab~9or, while the r ight foot la passed r onnd me11ons acorn it fer ornamental uae, The rather than ave1· !!t to effaot the revolutlun, domen !Ind ext.raoted the fork. In hie re- tree is · commonly called tho laoebark treo, Each man keeps h!a handu enb·sprellild, with p ort t a the Aoademy en the 111ubjeot, Dr. lta botanloal name is Lagetto lintearea , hie fingers pointing to the g1·ound, er fold - Polalllen enumerate· fourteen cases of a ed upwards 11croos his brOJ1oat, and whirls slmll~r kind, In seven of whloh t he fork A Liberal Offer. r ound like a spinning top, his garments ex- only termed a.n ahsoees in the stomach, tending almost horlzontally from tho hips, A Ch!ongo wemv.n advertised fer a lady'e The New York Indep ~ndent ina!sts that It maid. hi true that a prominent trustee In ene of "How much do yon p :v a menth 7" A Safe Oonolusion. the lir.rgeat churches In New England suo- c.sked ene of the ~JlIJlfoallts fer the posl· THE MORRIS DOUBLE DRESSER. "Bah Jove, Chu.rloy," n11old a yonng man ceuefully;oppoted the inauguratien of revival tlon. at a ball, "M!ae S- -aek<id me If I wouldn't meetings en the greund t hat nuoh R meetillg Great Improvements i n 1886 Machines. ~ Write post card for Illustrat ed Pamphlet. "Ten dellara," bo kind enough ta br ing her some ooffee, would destroy their new ohuroh oa.rpets. "That's not enough," and, don't ye kn<>w, we'HJ n~ver heet.1 ln- " Bealdes," he ia reported to have said : "Yes, but whenever I get married I altreduoed, V\' bt de you think of that, "what de we want with a revival? We ways give my maid two dollars. Yau should eh?·' eut ef debt ; onr pews are all rented ; take that Into oenslderat;ion." Also supply Threshing Engines at Maker 's Prices and Terms. " Wh11ot de I think of It ?" replied Ch~r· our house lu full, and a revival weuld only "I accept the position, Why. that will ley, "Why, I think Bhe mMeok yea fer dnoturb the q-i.M 11ind erderly d'velepment ameunb to more t han the wo.ges, rh1tt'M .Agent~ ono of the wt,lteu,,". of tho ohnrch,". thci me~~ llber11il effer l'vo ever h!l.d," LOOK .HERE! the Jeweller, MAYNARD WATCHElS. Gold and Silver &e. American Clocks. MAYNARD The Jeweller. 0 :El. :0 E ., J:~ · ' z. TWEEDS, WORSTEDS We Never Get Left, Gent's Furnishings a specialty. JOSEPH JEFFERY, COAL!COAL! Messrs. McDouGALL & METCALF beg to announce that th~y have received a large consignment of Celebrated Lehigh Coal, and are prepared to fill all orders at LowEsT PRICES. "We intend to keep on hand an assortment of Lumber, Shingles, Posts, Lath, Cordwood, &c. Office, Old Foundry Lot, corner Church and Division Streets. ROBT. McDOUGALL. HENRY METCALF. lfleMORRIS DOUBLE DRESSER ......... MORRIS & WATTS, BRANTFORD, ONT. Williaru Pooley, Box· 50, BowmanvHle

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