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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Oct 1886, p. 4

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SCHOOL 0PENS in a few days, and School Books and all School Requisites can be had from me at right prices. THE V!CTOR Noiseless Slate. TREBILCOCK'S . 6C. 200 PACE SCRIBBLING BOOK. 5 Oent '3cholars' Companion, Exercise Books, &c., a.-e a!I special. The New Canadian & English HISTORY, price 35 cents, i~ also ready. One dozen good Lead Pencils for IO cents. P. TREBI LOOCK. ruins stand is a gate-tower appr?ached by a flight of steps. A wall encircles the mound, but its ruins are scanty. On the remains of the second wall, on the south. east side, the gate-house is still stand mg with it early En1,_rlish archway ttnd _grooves t () for a portcullis m good preserva wu, n ail sides a deep defile protects the castle, The precincts have b een carefully d 511 planted and admirably arrange a · c 1)8.rk by the D _ uke of_ NorthumberPubll bl mlio 1 · s Hereditary Hw h Conata e 0 land' ~ of Launceston. "'he Church is ;a stately a nd B()acious .1. e difice erected in the cent1·e of the t own : dicated t o 8t. Mary l\bgdalene; and d e built in 1524. It :is entirely built of gran· f ite apd b ears on its walls a profusion 1 t ·· d ornan1ents panels and l etters scu p ul'e ' · . There are two very pretentious h ot.els _in the place- the King's Arm. sand_ the Wlute Hart. Considerable buamess ts done a n c l 'TV 0 d d good markets are h eld e very n es ay ' is . about and Saturday. The population I10d by two Imes of 3 500 It · , · ts now reac railway one of which was .c?mpleted only a few di>ys prior lo our v1s1t. . A n orthern suburb of L a unceston rs . St. Stephen's snrrol'.ude?- by a very fair and fertile co nntry, JUdgmg by the hea.vy fields Of standinf! gr,a in we saw. P opu1a" tion nearly 1,000. To the south-west a few milell is Northill, and n orth -east three "d f tl miles is Wer.rin~ton, t l 10 r es1 ence 0 le Duke of Northumberland whose grounds · d h t1 'f 1 () the n · are extensive an eau u · Bodmin Rood four miles out is H olloway Cr o>s one of the way-side memorials so ' ant on tlle Corni ' sh r oads. Still farabund ° graln, It is the llgheet on a team aud eaeiest ha11dled or an:v Binder I have yet Reen. I would 11dvlee n1y fellow r .. rmers to buy one or f D J AS. STAINTON', Mn. E ·,n·on.-To lei lbe farmer s o ar- the same before any other. Enoiskillen P. O. lingloo, 4 llarke and Carlwrigb& know what Darlington, Aug.12th, 1586, parlies ,, ho have purchased ao d use d lb e DAVID M,,xwELL, ESQ., p,1,nrs · , ,Li"Hte·M .. a:well Binder say of it, we publish DEAR 3m,-We th~ undersigned form<irs or ' this township having witneA sed one of y our the foll owinf!'. R. Hutchison, Enniekillen, little Binders cutting a very heavy field of be.rJey, wetbink none heavier in the township Agent. and down in evel'y direction. a field of which Darlington, Sept. 23rd 1886. it was said no Hinder could take up and cut irnd go around tho field. but we are pleased DAYID MAXWEJ,J,, lfSQ', here to st.ate it, t.ook it up clea.n and did itR , ·t th" · a h' > SI ~ n, - The little J\'laxwell lJinder I purchased d ht 1 work W P II · w e uon rn k th · ere is inner from your a1<:ent, ls very light 1n raug · yet made could beat it and few if any that worked It all through the harvest with one could equal it· 'l'wo hors.,a done the work team and they on ly weigh ten hundred pot:i~ds drawing it 1tppearing!y a~ easily aR tb.ree e1>ch and handled it quite easy. 1te cuttm~ Id f b th J3" d rs We bel" e and 'elevating cannot bo beat· Levere aro :S0!~r ::s°'~v~ h~Y~ oae:~ t<~n b~ tho hghe8 ~elu handy and it works very sat.ief,.etory, draft thfl nmplest in c· ·11·truetlon anrl t110 WILLIA~! OHARA. Aasi<>st to l1andle of any li1u ·I er yet m"de an d would recom mend any fanuL l' to try tt before Darlington, Aug. 12th. 1880. aoy other. , . ALEX. J. Ross. JAMES GATU'A1', DAVID ;t\IAXWEl~L. E8Q., PAR!!!, . I Jos o.Pll GATil"A'l'· ](. G. PASCOE. DEAR srn.- 1 bought one or your littl~ Dtnd· 'l'IIO~IAS w AHi>. 'l'Hos. BAKER. \ \7 e at·e sltolving SOUie lines or ·ll USICA. L INSTR lT· ers from your agent here, R. llctelmon, I Darlin.,ton. Au00· 12, 1886. t9fE~'J'"" tl1at a1·e n·e111·11·kal)ly cf· 1 ea(l 111 bad been almost. .P~rsuacled _to buy a. ~faasey, DAvm MAXWELL, E"Q·, p ,i'.'ms. " n '=' ' · · ·· · · hut. am pleas~d St~ce I dtd not, as_ I dont DEAR ~m.-Having purchased on e of s our I [ believe there 1sa_bmdermade thiitwillheat light binders from youra.gentH. Hutchison WA" PAPER :uul l·'t\NCY \'t'INllOW SHADES the Maxwell f?r h,1~htness ofdr1ff\a:td ~at~~ t~ and h.i.ving tested the in llll kinds or cbea1,e1· tl1:t11 ever hannle and doing Its work we · on . 1 1.' grain and very rough groun!). aod very hilly, I ' it ha~ an eqllal, I am perfectly sa.tlsfted w~th it, r ftnd it far exceedA my 1110,;t sanguine ex· · a1H i would recommend any person wa.n~ng ~ pectations both in lightness of draught and 1Novel hes ta: om Gern·any a1 e being 1·c('.etved weekly. hinder to try it before any other yet ma e. d complet.eness in a ll its work, I believe it to be took mine out andd thrcdned1dt~h° nee~i:t~~r· the lightest io draught of any binder in the We b.1 Y-e tile nit',est 2tf cc11t WO RJ{-BOX cve1· sho1vn started it myself an uuta e e so.!n market. J ollx o~'A1' 1'0X. · noon and had never seen one~~~~~ ~~f~~~~'~'. Enuiak.lllen P. o. . JR Can.ula. --C 0 1ne I 11 and I 00k arOUIHl ··rJ ti b uy 01" 110t · 2QJuly, 18 ' 6, ...- 1e lCI" )'OU ,, narlinr;cton, p Haydon, Aug. J3t.h 1886. DAVID MAXWELL "'SQ., AUIS. p ct111 C"' F ·a111e<l .... lowes1· l t DEAi\ Sm. - W o. the undersigned, having I · · ;; 1· · · ·· , · ·a es. DAVID JlfAXWEf,L, Est.i.. PARIS. witnessed a. Maxwell Light Hiorler wor!\ing in DEAR S1R,-HaYmg purchased one of yaon11dr Wm. Cryderm,.n's field cutting heavy bar ley Binders from your agent. l:t. Hutchison, car. sav w e nP.ver saw a. bmder do better work, having cut. over niner,y a cres or all kmds of nor draw. li1<:hter and wo·1l_cl reoomme~d anr grain some very beavv and clown, with two person gorng to buy to try it ,as we buheve 1t Bowmanvillo, S eptember 23, 1836. Jiorse". am aa1isfled it is the best and _lightest. I will give perfect satisf1ict1011. dr&ft binder made, and would advise any .TouN PASCOE. \V)I. CHYllEHMAN. farmei· to buy .<>ne as I am satisfied 1her would Eo. PAscoll:, A. B. CHYDERMAM . be pleased as I am. J . A. OSBORNE. Ar,itx- J . Hoss. JOHN STAtN'roN. 'l'llE Ll'l"l' LE MAXWELL F air -W-arningl Everyone attending· the Fair is cordially, invited to visit the Novelty Store -known as- VARIETY HALL . KENNER & CO. l I en mil ea out is Five Lan es and a. mile o~ DAVID MAxwm.r., Eso., PARIS. is Trewi.nt. T~~ mil~s 5 ? Utherly i_ s Ca DEAR srn,-1 purchased one ot your. Bin_ ders lington m a m1111ng d1str1ct. Davidstow from It. Hutchison. and have cut 011 .111l·1dos, OFB~WMANVILLE, FRIDAY, OCT. 1. is 11 miles westward :md Camel ford 4 and all kinds of grain. some do'l".n, ttnd I am . f D' 'd I . '"!1 pleased to say I am perfectly aat1sf!ed, having ELIZABETH GRIFFITHS, late miles southwes t o '!,V I s"uw · .1. r~e driven It all tho timo wi-th a colt and a twe nty· of the Town of Bowmanville, in miles farther on is St. Saltash ts one year old ho.rsc ,.nd they dl~ it with ease, 'J south-east aud Tavistock in the Am satisfted It _ 1s the li ghtest hinder vet made 20 m1 e~ the County of Durham, married . · . nnd would advise my fellow farmers to porch· same direction only 11 nules from Laun- ase it before any other, fJANrnr. Po1.1,A1w. woman, deceased. BltADWOl\TllY TO LA CN CFJS'.L'ON. cestou. 'l'intagel is west on the coast 18 OT IC 'E l S HEREBY G IVEN miles. We did not visit all these places Darlington, .Aug. 12th, 1886. - O FOnr n ext drive was from Bradworthy for want of time, but they were on our DAYID MAXWELL, ESQ. PARIS. pursuant to Sectirm 31 of Uh>ipter 107, P. s. 0., a s amended br Uhp. ll, or ~6 Vic . Ontario, I t6 La.uncestou i n the m oat comfort.. ble and program, and we mention them because DEAR Srn,-Having purchased one or _ Jour that all creditors 11nrl n·hers having r.lA,ims common-sense vehicle we saw o r rode in we know so many pPopl e who came . from little Binders rrom your agent.. H. Hutchison. against the estat" "' E1.1:t.A1Jg'l'H GHH'>'l'l'Hfl, i ha1'ing worked it in all kinds of grain late of the 'l'own of Row u1anvillo, in t.he <Jou11ty in Devon- Elijah Westaway's brou~ham there and from whom we have heard an some down in every direction and over hills of, mar 1·it~ 1l ·voma.n1 d P-CeM.~ed, who which was dra.wn by one of the finest so much about them. ancl. very rough ground, ca'.' cheer fully aay I dleti on or a1>01n rh e ~1st day or Aui:i1·t.. 1886, perfectly sa.tistied with 1ta wc_rk, n.nd I am are reQllired 1 0 """d to t.he 11nderaigoed, D. specimens of a. coach h orse- the . old g:e y '\Ve expect next week t o ~ive an .11?- am aatistled for ligh tness of draft,. si!npleness of B11rke i!limP"'"" l!owmanvill · Ont., Solicitor h e has haa many years- and m which cout of our v isit to the Coloma] Exlubr- conatructionand ease to handle it is a bead of tor })a vid Fh~t1-..~ r. K:\q .· E:tecut.·1r tt1td 'rrustee carriage we in company with two uncles, tion in London, if the report of the Bow- all the cracked up binders or the day, and of t.J1e last \Viii 1<11rt Tes1,ament of the said would heart.ily advise aoy farmer wanting a ll)LJZABETll G RH'H'l'HS, deceased. particulars two aunts 'a.nd a. married cousin from manvill e Exhibition d oes not require all binder to 1 mrchaee it. before a111.: other made. in writing of their claims and the natnre of The glories of the past sink into inl'l;gnificance beside our Hathcrleigh, drove, ori Thttrsday Aug~~t o ur available space. b:nniskillen, P. 0. l'HOS. EVANS. · M.A. J. I.he Qeeuritiea (if anr> beld by r.h om, and their Dry Goods, Millinery and 12th, from H olsworthy to Lifton, to v1~1t Christian aod Surnames. addresses 1tnd des- present wonderful assortme nt o criptions. on or before the 18th D A Y 0 F Mantles, which have been ca1·efully 8elected by our buyer, our uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs Wm. Solina, Aug. 19tl1, l!!SG. OCTOBll:It, 188G. . Oke and family . On the way we passed And is hereby gi ven that llt the oxpir · and which are piled upon our counters ready for inspection. DAVID MAXW~'LJ,, ESQ. PARIS. TALK .ABOUT STOVES ation or that time the said Exoeutor will pro· some very fine fields · of wheat and oats . DE.~R Sm,-Being so prejudiced by other ceed to distribute the assets of the said de· gents ngai n"t your Binder. I would not. 1.11 and several comfortable looking farm ·rhis is the season for buyin g stoves. t it at the faire though it was not a rod from ceased, among the part.ies fmtitled thereto, r esidences surrounded by nice la.wns, L ike everything else y ou buy, you want me. yet lhrou;i:h yotir agent Lt. H:lt.chison_. I ha.Ying- regard only to the claims of which he then h!LVO, and th1tt he will n·>t he shrubbery' and :well kept hedges. We the best. stove to b e got fo r the m on ey. was ind uced to see it and was so pleaRe<l with shall anpearance that I purchased one. o lt~o11gt1 li··blB tor the a ssets, or any ptirt thereof. to any reached Lifton about 11 o'clock and afte r We are at. yonr service in m aking a j n- its I was offered several or the cracked np brnd ers person or persons of whose claims he shall not We have ust opene.d up cases of rich novelty Dress Goods, imported partaking of a sumptuous dinner, c_o~>~ed dicious selection on this principle. D o twenty dollars less than I pnid him fo" your·. then have had notice. D. BUilKE SI MPSON. in the fire place in olden style, vt~itmi: you wan t 11. Heater? If so, we can be of yet, alter working !t I believe i!' thp, very direct from France and Germany, newest colorings and latest designs for F.xecut.or3. Solicitor worst ~min to cut m 1.he Lownslup, cr111 k1 ed Bowm an.v ille, 15th September, l SSG. 38-!w the very large quarries near the village service to you without more ado. Hav6 down rn every direct.ion it cl id its work. well, in Cheviot, Plaids, Oordurettes , French Shuddah, CameJlettes, Kenwhere thousands of tons of lime s tone are yot1 6 een the n e w Square Radiant Horne working 11.ll the time with two hors~s w1· h . a· singtons, Bredalbane, Norman dies, Chevron Serge, Freize Suiting, much oase I belit; ve as ,.uy or the others ·v1t h q ua.nied annuall)'. and raised ~y steam for sale in Bowrnauvi lle only by S. S. three, I am pleased I paid the twenty dolldrs Kazmyr Suiting, "Roman Stripe and Mi kado Plushes to match for power, the time kilns, the ~eau~iful p:tl'k Edsa.111 It i11 a real gem and no mistak'l, more and a ot a binder which I would advise - oue of the fin1est we saw m tlus part of a model of beauty , unequat:ed in deeign, my fellow farmers to buy, fur ,It Is aperl't1ct - - trimming.- jem. l'HOS, w AHD. -011'the coun ty-the mineral spring ar:d the 1~nd heet of all, it is the most p owerful Q) village proper, we boarded the two o'clock heater in the world. This stove has bee n Enniakillen, .Aug. 23rd, ISSG train for Ui.unceston where we spent most thorough Jy tested and i11 recommended in c+ DAVID MAxwE1.r,, ESQ.PARIS. of the afternoon. A description of this the belitf that it is the best stove that ~ DEAR Srn,- Having purchased one or :vour U nder ancl by vl!·tuo or the powe" of sale con~ lively town and sur roun d inge will ha~ ever b een produced of the kind, both lit.tie Binders fro .n y'lnr a v:ent, R. Hutchison, tained in a certain mortgage. which will he Q) from the substance of this letter. as to its adu:irable working q ualities and and having worked a big binder, am rree to produced at tile time or Sltle, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction , on your little Binder draw · as easy with t\.-o Somewhat like Clovelly, about which its high merits as a work of art. Th.e Roy ~ hors·e as any or th" big binders do w ith three. we wrote week, Launceston is situat- N 13 w Square Radiant H ome has ll!any It does Its work: well in a.ti ktnd3 or grain, and ~ ~ I consider it is the lighuist In draft. t he si m· ed on a rathe r steep slope dt>clining to points o f excellence to r ecommend it to pleat in eonetruotioo a ud onsiest to hand!~ or the ba11k of the litrle l:>rook Kinsey , Its a ll who use s toves for h eatin g purposes. any binder yet made and I dont think It has ~ 18SG, at TWO o'clock in the afternoon, by A. D1u,is. position ga~e-. it i.ts a ncient_ na~e-:-P,nn.- Wonltl vou have us name a fe w of these an equ,.J. ~ R. H UT CH E SON, .Auctioneer, at l1eve d- s;gnifymg "the swellrng lull It pointb? · Tile combuHtion cham ber. is Solina. Aug. 12th, 1886. gets its present name from what we may much larger than a.oy other, ensurmg DAnD MAXWELL, Esq., PAR!!!. perfect con 8 umption of fu el. The gasses c&ll the llreater attract io ns of the tewnIN THE Vlf,J,,A.GE Q]j' OUONO, DmAR Sm ,-I have pleasure in stating thut - A.NDthe Ch urch -castle-town. The hill on are completely burned and thereby used 011 e or yo1u little binders cut a field of badly '!'he south twenty. four acres or the north hair lodged b·~rley rnr me which was very heavy, ('t) whose sides the t own cl usters seemed to as a hea'. producinµ: powe r, not being of tho south or lot number twenty-eight, tangled and lodged as had as it could be. your ~ us as we viewed it from a favorable posi c arried off throuoh the pipes to tlie chim- binde1 cut and bound it. in a v ory satisfactory in the sixth Concession or the 'l'ownehip or Cla rke, in the County or Dur ham. tidn to rise suddenly out of a fertile p lain, ne y or allowe d t~ filter through the joints manner makin!\' o. better sheaf than co.u ld be 'l'EHMS :-One tenth or purchase money at rloue by !1and, I was hi ghly pleased with its the ~tate!v towe r of the churh, and the of the stove to e ndanger t h o h eal th and simpleness or constructio'l, the ease wttb time of sa le; aullicient to make up ore quarter 0 iv i.~d ma~es of tae castle formin g the most lives of tlie users . 'l'he fines are large which the driver operated it, and the lightoesR within seven da ys thereafter, a nd aufflcteut to c+ - ANDmake up one hair within thirty d&l'S from day nr dr~ft, two h<>rses han<lling it ea.sily, and I pron1ine · t objects in a striking a' cl ri_ "h ,\IHI deep, b t-ing constructed on ~ he tr_ne consider it one ot the leading macliines io the ot sale; the balance to be secured by mor tgage colored· p cture. The town's b oundanes pr inciple to ensure perfect operat10n with market. ·on the prerr:ises, be,.ring interest at 7 per cent., 'l', DAKKR. ~ payable yearly. 'l'he purchasel' may pay off include th ancient b oro1:1ghs of Dunh e ved no sharp come rs to obstruct the draft or the whole purchase money within thirty days Cartwr ight, Aug, 21st, 1886. and Newport, a nd t h e parishes of St. force the current ont of its natural course. from day or sale. Conditions will be made known on day of sale. Thomas a nd S t. Stephen . It has always The beet-flue is oval or egg·s h a.ped run- DAVID MAXW\i!LJ,, F.;;Q,, P A.RH!. ]for further pa.rticulara apµ ly to the Aue· Pl!:AR Srn,- We the uud.,rsigned farmers of h eld ~ cousidernhle position among the ning much d e ep er on t he ?uter c ircle tioneer , or to the Township or Cartwright, have this day ~ Cornish borou~hs . Its nucleus was the than thlil inner therebv causmg t he hot witnessed one of yonr li t.tie Binders cutt ing a. D. DURKE SIMPSON, Vendors' l:iolicit.or, castle , the n c<1ne the convent nestling un - air 10 inpinge the oute~ wall a nd e nsurin g very heavy field or oats some down badly. We CfQ Bowmaoville, 13th Septe mber 188G. 38 pleased it done the work splendid ta.king der its ··rot -ct·on, and e ventually the a vast amount o f direct radiation. Fro m are ine down grain clean a.nd making a nice town "re ,.. around th em, as. many a Can- t h e ornament on top to the support for sheaf; and for lightness or d raft, simpleness ~f adian "t· ·\trn grew up around a. mill or a the bast' t h ere is nothing in this Stove t o construction ·tnd ease to handle we don t think it can be beat, and would heartily roc- OF VALUAJ.ILEcrossro .ds i··n. W e w ere told that E arl offend the fin est artis tic t aste. l t is a ommend any farmer wanting a Binder to try We are showing some choice styles in Hats and Bonnets for early fall Richard of .Co·nwall made it a free bor- Stove t hat wi ll grow in your estimation the Llttle Maxwell. WM. Prcn.P. GEO. l\fOl\'rG OMERY , wear, comprising all the latest shapes in R rmgh and Ready Milan and ouuh and !-(ranted t h e site of the g uildhall the more it is l ooked at a a d ex amined, R ICHAR D PHil,l' , at~ yearly rental of a pound of p eppe r. a nd we introduce it to your con sideration L Evr e. 'l1 AY1.0R, other new and novel Braids. JAMES PHILP. Its records show tha t it wa s incor p orated feeling confident it s urp as ges the hig hest - IN TIIEAll the beautiful novelties in Fancy Ribb ons, Birds, Wings, Aigrettes, by Queen Mary in 1553 whe n a mayor, enconiums we can place upo n i t . Every Cartwright, Aug. 21st, 1886. eight a ldermen a n d a r ecorder were a p - s tove is fitted with the " Duplex Grate ," Beads, materials in Astrnchan and Tufted effects. 1 DAVlD MAXWELL, ESQ.· PAHJS. p ointed, and tha t it was mad~ an assize· t h e on ly p erfect d evice for n moving all Beloru~ing to tne Estate of the late n~~Ali Srn.-Your agent, u. Hutchison: came In Mantles we are showing Short Wraps, Walking Jacket s, N ewtown in 1738 · hut nowtl1e ass1zes ar e h eld clinkers and ashes and leavin g a p erfectly to my place to-duy with ono of l 011r little bind ers and wished to put it into my fi eld to let at Bodmin, miles distant. W e vis it- clean fire. .markets and Ulstera, Misses' a nd Childl'en 's garmen ts. me' and others see it work, as there was none e d the ruins o£ the old c astle which ar e The .Art Treasure is nnother form of of that kind in the neighborhood, I allowed -Vll:. s itu 'itccl on the north~rn bro w of D un- stove t h at has became ve ry popular and him to put. It into IJ, heav y Held of oats, some P ARCEL I .- 'l'he R outh half of I.ot 19, Second down very bad, yet. he cut live acres m about heve d Hi ll, ata h eight of 100 f eet above is oue of the b eet in beauty of d e sign and four bom·· , took it all up a nd I wa s so pleaserl Cuncession of the Township or Pickering, con· the Kinsey valley, wher e a S ax on fort- ornamenta tion, '!'his stove is a lso fi tt ed with its work and simplici ty of constructiou t.aining 100 a r.res. more or Jess, or which about. 1tcres are bush. On t his is a d wellinlo'( house r ess form. rly stood and which was owned with the fa mous "Dnplex G rate" and is and ea se to handle, uoing it w ith t wo b.orses, 10 order for one tor nex t veRr. and sta bles. It also affords an excellent and by a haif- brother of 'Villia m the ~onque~- a u a r an teed t o be an economical and that, I gave him an Yours. rare opportunity to mill owners , as the West ltLCHARD PH ILP. branch or Duffl1i"s Creek runs a cross the South· or. Like Que b ec its comman d m g posi- p owerfu l h ea te r. · \Ve feel s nr e that th~s East corner of the, thus ol'!'ering one of tion was no doubt of great importan ce in Rtove will comm and a very large sale thi s the finest witter privileges in Ontario. I Enfield, Aug, 1$86. PAnom, II.- Adjoinini? Parcel I , ,·onsis ting l the old day s of civil warfare, a nd pm~- season, It may b e seen a t $. S. Eds all's. DAY!D MAXWEI,L,ESQ. , PAR!S. · of the North part of Lot: 19, in the l!'frst Con., ably a s late a s th e 17th century when it The Radie nt Home Sto \' es, single and Dll:AR. Srn,- Having purcho.sed oue of your of Pickering, cootainiog 34 acres, more or less, was n-arrisone d for King Char les, an d sur- double heater~, with and wit h.o ut o vens, little binders fro m your agent, It. Hutch ison, on which stll.nda a n excellent stone dwelling, and worked it in all kinds of grain and with st<:Jne kitchen. woCtl$hed, s ta bles. drivir. g rend~red t o Fairfax on his a d van ce into all fitted with the r enm ned D up lex over!laving hilli aod rongh ground can sayil am ner- sheds and bams. Par cel I. and II. have form· fcotly sati sfied don't t hink 1t can he beat , aiul erly been used as one farm, and h a ve ample C ornwall in 1646. G rate (br.y n o other), are so well a np draft I am 'contl<lent it i a the lighest, aod b1.1itdi nga. s tone stables and root house under Jt m ay interest our r eade rs who h av e fa vorably kn own in this section that t,h ey ror easiest to handle. I would a dvice a ny person barn ; also good orchard , wells and cistern. u ever s een a . castle, ?uc h ~s we read _so speak for them selves. The sal es of these wanting a Binder to buy the Little Maxwell. Together is a splendid graxing and grain-grow·· 'l'nos . .F IELD. much a bout Ill E~hs h lus.tory, for 1?- stoves last season was larger than ever ing farm of 13! acres. 'l.'he pr esent .tanent leaves 28 acres plowed, a nd 1 acr es In fall s tance, to h avo a bnef d escription o f tlus before c on sumers r eafo:i ng that it p ays wheat. Possession to plow immediately. 'l'bis Enfield, Aug. 17th, 1886, on e which r esembles some oth er s t h at w e to buy a s t and ard a rti cle and on e t hat in property is beauUfn lly locat ed a t the j unction of Kingston and l:li·ook roads, !r mlle west of ~aw .d nring o?r travels . Ne~rly ~00 feet e very case gives perfec t satisfac!ion. 'fhis EJAVID MAXWELL, E SQ., P ARIS. D EAR Sm,- I purchaser! lone of your Little Pickering vililtge, about l mile from Picke ring · - - -A T - - -lll cha.met e r, i t !rnd three wipds or courts, Etovo is massi ve and subs tantia l, n ot a Max well Bin ders from yout· agent., l\fr. R . station on G. 'l', R., H miles from Li verpool the firs_t prot ect ed by a wal~, say three "paper sto ve, " and its construction ie Hutchison, a od hav(} wor ked it io ver y hilly harbor, and 20 miles ea st oe 'l'oronto. PARCEL HI.- 'Che North half or the South feet thick; the second at a d1s t.. '1.n ?e of s ix such tha t e very p art of it Irom top to bass la nd and in ull kinds of grain. It has done its w ork well and I a in pn fectly satisfied. I be- half of Lot 21. io the Broken Front of P icko1·ing f eet hy a ramp<t.rt _10. or 12 feet thick; ancl is al iv e wi t.ll h eat. In ever y t est the lieve it is the li ghtest., most simple and eo.siest containing 50 acres. more or Jes~. (best laud in t h e inmost b y a sumlar rampa r t f.illy 3 0 "Radiant H om e" h as c ome o ut vict orio11s to handle of any binder yet made. I am w ell the couoty ), on which is a good b arn and cased I got it. and would ad vise m y fellow dwelling-house, situat.o ;\- mile from Liverpool feet in h eigh t. The in.n er towe.r or kee~ and fully b·ears o?t the high_ e st guara~tee pl fa1 ·mers to purchase it before any other F, har bour . bad a b a·eme nt flour and t" o upper given it. In Jittmg , mo untmg and ~1gh ::$AMUEL B R AY. P AHCEL I \T.- A house and lot cont.aining bout ta.ere, situa~e iu tl10 village of Pick ering. a s torey s. W e entered the lo wer r oom by fin ish it is withont 11 rival. 'fhe "Radiant a door in the nort~ side, a~ce.~decl a dark H ome" d ouble h eater is unques tionably Darlington, Ang. lOU1, 188G. The above lots of !~nil w ill be exµosed for and w el_ l- worn statrmLS"~ buclt m the wall the most powerful ever invented, it is the DAYlll MAxwll:Lf,, RsQ., P.Am s . ea.le by and which e4t e nded p arblyro und the t o w - only double heater in Cana da. that can be 7 DRAR S!R,- '\\ e the unrler·igned farmers PUBLIC A.UC'l'ION e c:rack\'d up er till the first s torey w as r each ed, b~t fully g uaran teed, those who !lave ther:::: in having witnessed most all th_ - ONBinder s worl{ing and having t~1a day w1t.n css· furthe r we dared n ot :isce nd, for a t ~his use be inl{ j,1dge. e;d ooe of tlrn Lilrtlc Mo.x well Binders e uttmg o s tage a' tiff breeze b ore ii.way our Christ y Thia st ove m ay also be· Eeen a t S. s~ h eavy field of oats and peas mixed on tho farm of John Stninton, E Eq , h1tve now to say we atiff. wh,ich r aised our t emper t o '.!' corres- Edsall's. l1ave seen none that iHso simple_ io c_onstruc· p ondin g alt.1tude with ou r pos1t1.o n, a nd tion, so easily h a.ndle1l and so hght m draft nax~ at 2 o' clock p . m ., at the r e m emberirw that a y o u ng fam1ly 4 ,000 · a nd does its work so well. a s the Max well, miles a way ,;as d ep ending on us for sup UsE TifE Or,p AND R.~:LIA,IH,}J.-,:-Cat~rrh handlini:c the oats an d peas without a ny diffi · Gordon Mouse, VHlage of Picker ing . and missing n o sh eaves. \ Ve should p o rt we did not venture high e r. 'We were dostroy s the. iiens ee of surnll~ t a:s te and culty rec ommend any person wanting a R inder to TERMS :- 10 per coot on day of sa le. enough ens1ve, a:nd buy it hr.fore any other. a ccompanie <l to this exalted part of the h earing , r~p1dly b ecom es o tf_ .Jmrn P OTTEf~. to make one· third of purchase money in t hir ty W M. 'V IR1'0 1~. I<'. K JO.Nl<:S. ruins by t w-0 young m arried ladi~s, b~t oft~n cul mma t es 111 consumpt.10n and !~days; halance to bjJ p!Lld m tlve equal annual R . C. V JR'l'UE. PRILLII'l'O'l"l'ER instalments, wit h eS't at. 6 per cent pe1· no.thing could induce uncl e John w1tJ1 lus sa mty. No matter what sta.g~ the <l.1~- . ]<',.TONICS. J qrIN Vm·r u E sr annumn. secured by fias t mortgage on the pro· A ll E nuiskillen P. 0. 250 avoirdup ois to " climb whe re M oses ease h a s a~vanced . t o, D r. S_age ~, C_ a.t a1.d1 perty. st ood and vie w the la ndscap e o'er ." The R e m edy will cer tamly cnre i t. l h1s pr~ Property can b e seen by app!ylog to oc~n· Ua.rllngton. Aug. 12th, 188G. pants of tbe premises, and wrnten enqmnea court between the tower and wall was cv- p ar at ion_ is t h e on ly s ure c ure for . t~1s, DAVID MAXWEJ,J.., E 3 Q., P Ams . will IJe responded to by WM. 1roRRE ~TEit. id ently roofed in with timber, as the joist ma.lady m the m ark et _yet l~aa m an y um tTI S1R,- Ho.ving put·chased one. of yoqr P ickering, or U. 8. MILLE R, Uxbridge. DEA P QUCH E B & ltOWL4,ND. h oles are still distinctly vi~ible. ators. O th~rs may . fail ; it n e ver d oes. light Binders from your a geot,_Hutch1s_on here Auctfouew:a. I Hnd lt to twork »ucceasfully 111 all kmds of At the foot of the m ound wher eon these Y our druggui.t sells it. mht ~nmuliau Jtattt'man. thor a shor.t distance is Hick's Mill. Sev- Bowrnanville, Aui:, 19th, 1886. h:D, NIDEUY. A.B. CRYDER7'iA.N, N 0TI GE TO G RED ITO RS I EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE. N CHAND XHIBIT New Fall Goods I Novelty Dress Goods. MO RTCAcE·· ·sALE VALUABLE FARM PRO PERTV. Ul Boy's, ...... ...... rn Prince, Youtb,s HALLETT'S HOTEL, p. Regent, '"d Children's ~ Clothing. £ ...... Imperial. AUCTION SALE Millinery and Mantle Department. fARM AND VILLAG~ PR OPfRTY Township of Pickering Z l!;- JORDAN POST, ! Come and see them at. ROBERTSON & BOND'S. I I PLU1\1£S 5 I T '- OD BROS. I 500 yds. of Grey Flannel, all wool, at 20 cents- regular price, 25 cts. Saturaa~ tha 9th Ua~ of OCTO~tR 500 yds. 6f Grey~Flannel, all wo~l, at 30 cents- regular price. 35 cts. 3 dozen Comforters at right prices. . 40 pair Blankets, below regular prices. 25 Spindles Baldwin Fingering, at 9c. skein. TOD BROS.

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