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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Oct 1886, p. 5

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l~ fRUIT JUICE. ...:..?URE and undiluted full stren~th. DOMINICA WHOLESOME Purifies the blood, and aids digestion. REFRESHING Tones up the system. FRUIT y and rich in flavor. COOLING J nst the drink for warm we11ther. :rn ordering, specitiy DOMINICA., .and don' t be pnt off with any imitahons. BEFINED EXPRESSLY FOR <Lyman Sons & Co., :M"C>.i'-TT:Fl..E.A.L, For sale by STOTT & JURY. .A liberal discount to the trade. charl(ci for cases. No ST_~RTLING 'r'--- NEWS. -A Large Number of GuM Marked " Glass, With Care," Shipped to Bowmanville E\tation. 'THE Shaw & T ole's is the place to get a McNo competitor cn.n undersell Ellison & Miss' Rosie Hray, of Audley, is visiting Laughlin Buggy. Co. friends in town. Ladies, it will be t o your advantage to to see Ellison & Co's Boys' Baldwin !foe-hive fingering, at !:Jc a · ' Yon ouaht 0 inspect our millinery before making your Suite. skein, Tod B1'os: purchases. Robertson & Bond . People wonder how Ellison & Co. can Plow pointt· and lanclsharoe of all kinds sell so cheap. at Shaw & Tolo's. FALL FAIRS. The 8TA'l':ESMAN to the end of the year Have you u·1en 'l'od Bros. , all wool flanfor a quarter. nel at 20c, worth 25c. Central, Port Perry, Oct. 5th to 8 th. Mr. Ormiston's law office is next door Crowds are coming for our cheap Gray Bowman~ille, Sept. 30th and Oct. 1st. west of the News office. Flannels. Ellison and Co. -ANDCartwright,' October 14th and 15th. Servant girls and apprentices to dressOnly 25 cents for STATESMAN to ne w malt~ wanted . See advts. subscribers t o end of 1886. Bed Quilts and Blankets, rare value. ·· ,..- -Ellison & Co. ov Comfortables at Tod Bros, at price If you want good · work done Mayfrom 95cts, to $3, mre value. nard the Jeweller do it for yvu. People are coming 20 miles for the cosAll . the newest and latest odors in Mr. and Mrs. J, W .Bickle, of Cobourg, turne Dress Goo~s. Ellison & Co. American perfumery at Stott and Jury's. are visiting at Mr, W. Glover's. NEw, NRw- black and colored braided Messrs. Ellison & Oo. mean business Mr. ,James Stanley's extensive credit jerseys at t he Star H ouse. from the tenor of their new advt. in this sale is next 'l'uesday. Dont forget it. SE>e those beautiful Fancy Window issue , J effery the 'l'ailor has painted his store Shades at Tait ,'11; Morrison 's . .(f your silverware wants cleaning call front red, white and blue. Three cheers. Buy 3 lbs. of Li-Quor Tea at L evi Mor--ANDand buy a box of Electro Silicon from Call and ex:unine Maynard's fall stock ris' and get a $1.00 book free. Maynard the Jeweller. of w 1itclus, clocks and je welery,the finest Fall goods arriving e very day t,h The STATESMAN hands have had to work in town. West E1id H ouse. They open up splen day and night for two weeks so great has A lovelv assortment of Ladies' Jerseys didly and will be sold at prices to l!lnit been the rush of job printing. in all qualities tit Couch, J ohnston &; the times. West's Liver Pills, a never failing Crydermiin's. - - -.........- ..- ..~ .~----~ . ~=-~=~= S· XoUecs. remed y f or a ll (" 1ver an d a t omacll d"isease. To whom it may concer n : this is to cer- lUlu·rlngc tlcathS. 25 cmrtH. aO cents; 11lrths nrul 0 ====~:=====----Purely ve<;:etable. All drnggists. 1tify, that Robertson & Bond are selling · 0> Mr. Joseph Jeffery the Tailor and Mr. the cheapest goods in t own, / _,..,., BIRTHS. Thos. Fitzgerald returned on Friday Suits and overcoats made to or?e~n a )\'TARTIN'-Near Solin~ on. the . 26th u .lt., the week from an extended tour in Europe. sty le not equalled by any house m ~~~ ":'1fe of Mr. James Mar.tin, Jr;, of a daughter. We call special attention to Mr. Her- Durham at Couch· ,Johnston & Cryder-~ ~ESTLI CK-Near, !)n the 29th ult., the w1fe of Mr. Wm. Westhck,,Jr.. of a son. , · ' I bert Shnrt's sale 011 'l'uesday Oct . .12 ti, mans. as there are 40 cords of wood to bei sold. Jersons who have tried the Li·Quor Tea MARRIED. Miss Barnfather will arrive on Tuesday sold by L. Morris speak favorably of it. SrnciAm- Box-On t he 23rd ul t., by Rev. S. One Door ·West of Post Office, · .Bowman ville. Salton, !l.t the residence of Mr. W, Strutt, EuOct, 5th, to take charge of Robertson & You get a beautiful book with every dol· ni·killen, Mr. Robert Sinclair, or Bowman ville, Bond's Dre;;a and :Mantle making depar · ar's worth. to Mrs. Emilv Box, of Lindsay. - KlNS,fAN-On the 2Dth ult., at COUPLAND ment. l"n u;-Marrgie Horsey has returned home the Qu~en-s t. Me thodist .Parsonage, by tho Dont forget to read Maynards' anvt. i~f after spendi;1g three months with friends Rev. _ K Ro berts, Mr. Wm, Co·IPland and Miss another column. Look in his windo,y in the United Sta tes aud the eastern part Mc !!tliY . nn Kinsmn.n. bot h or Clarke. and then come inside if you want t o St, . of Ontario. OSES- TAf'SON- On the 29tll lt., a.t the residence or John Fr·ank, ]i;3q ., by the ftev. E. nice goods. ~'., The West End House is the only s to Roberts. Mr. Richard II. Mooes and Miss Flori. Coucl1, Johnston & Cryderman are now i'n w,n k eeping a complete assor t ment f G. 'l'apson, both of How rnuuville. showing a grand assortment of new fall Easton's Cel~bra ted P anniers, H oopskirt DIED. and winter dress goocls. Every hidy and Bustles . c . utt>CAllBKN.A.t the residence Mr. John · deCI 'ded t o retue · f l'Om th e J e wel r y B usiness, · should see them. Hundreds of copies of the S·r.ATESM:AN Gitt'ord, Sept. 2fith, Russell G., 0 11 yor child of B. H av1ng o ff'ers h· is stock Re\". Dr. Mn.cnab, Rector of St. Johns, are beincr sent to the Old Cou11try every G.and::>. Garsc, mo ntha:ldays. of Wat ches. C lock s, Jewel ry, Silver Plate, S pectacleR, et c , at TREM c TAGGAR'1·.-In MunLreal, on the 2Hl1 ulL., t 'l t h e Wh OJe IS ' d' has re1.urnetl from spending a short vaca- week on°account of the E ditorial corres· Duncan !V(c'l'agga1·t, F uel Agent,:G. '1'. H. in MENDOUS REDUCTIONS u n l 1sposed of. tion with his son, the Rev. A. W. Macnab, pondence in it. 1DREss·a oons Every Gentlemen visiting the Fair should see our N evv Every Lady visiting th e Fair -should see our New Cloths & Tweeds EJverybody wanting anything new in Dry Goods, is invited to call and see the choicest and most elegant stock of NewGoods ever offared in Bowmanville COUGH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN, RETIRING FROM BUSINESS! L_ CORNISH, won a $100 Jlainting F1·om 20 to ·'10 1·el.0 cent discount Coi- S1·01 {;ash. BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. in the Art Union Drawing in Toronto on $20 New Gold i11111ti11~ Watches 1·cclnced to $ 16. 'Tirey arc capable or l<Ullng an ahnost u . · Exhibition week. Mr. W. G.,Glover also Cort·cctccl l1y .Jolln .Lyle, every Thurstlay. $30 do cio do $~4. JfmJted numbm· in u very sltort t.lme- ' won a handsome paintingworth $30. ntl the t'eJ1inns n hand i11U'!-\Vl1crc $40 do do do $ :12. F LO UR, '!?' 100 tbs . . ..·. ' . · $2 00 to $2 50 . ont fail to r ead Mr. MclV!urtry's they ui·c on Exlllbition. S.'JO do do do $ '10. WMEAT, Fa.11, ~bush . . . .· 0 65 11 0 70 four column adverti,ement on our first t· Spring, " 0 62 1 1 0 G7 $60 do do do $ 50. page. It is well worth your while to inBAm.EY, 'IP' bush ........· 0 50 11 0 58 One day last week a large box came. to spect his immense stock of dry goods and New Silver \.Vatcl1cs, all nialrns, at same i·c«luctions. RYE, " ···.·... . . 0 45 II 0 50 :Bowman ville station marked "glass, with groceries. OATS, " . . . . . . . . . 0 30 II 0 30 About GO second hand Silver Watches, from $3.00 t o $8.00 each. oore " but the box, upon being opened, Miss Galbraith will on Thursday, Oct. . P~;A~ , Blackeye, 'IP' bush ... 0 70 11 0 7ri Silver Plate, Ri.ngs, Chains, Lock ets, Broaches, Ear R ings, &c., at even was found to contain a large number of 7th resume her clas~es in Paintiua, in OJI '. 11 Small, " 0 55 11 0 55 greater reduction1:1. This is a BONE FI DE CLEAlUNG SALE ; all guns of a peculiar shape, and _ of s.uch a aud Water <Jolors-Landscap~, J?ecorati~, 11 Blue, " 0 55 11 0 55 construction that only a certam kmd of 'rerr& Cotta and Lustra pawtmg-a u~w I pu rpose remain ing in town and BUTTER, best table, ~ lt. . . 0 12 " 0 1G g oods warranted a~ represent.ed. powder could be used in them. On being style of painting. .~ will be res pon:sible for all goods sold. LARD, ~ lb ...· . . . . . . .. 0 10 II 0 13 examined they were f<>und c.tpabl~ of West's Congh Syrup, pleasant to ta~e E GGS, '11' doz .... . ........ 0 00 11 0 12 killing an almost unlimited number m a anrl 1Llways gives satisfaction. Do not ~e POTATOES, ~bush .. ' ·· .. ' 0 25 " 0 30 very short peri(Jd of time, Each gun put off with any other but ineist upo\ HAY.............. ' : . . . . 9 00 II 10 ;00 contained a spiral spring which, when having West's Cough Syrup, genuine Having a large st ock of Mat eria.I for all k imls of R epairing on hand. pressed, discharged the powder. The 1vre.pped only in blue, three sizes. All --------- -·-- - ·-·- -·- · the Jobbing Depart ment will he a special fea t ure in t his Great Clearpowder also is of a very peculiar ch'.lracter, dnwgists. t Ntw '.A1l11crttsemcut.s. it is perfectly harmless to human hfe, and ing Sale. All Repairi ng at greatly reduced prices : Now is the time to order a suit of is known as stott & jury'3 ins,ect powder, clo·hes hefore the tailors get rushed :with but when dusted , t hrough a. room and the Main Springs put in.. · · 50c. to 75c. : Watches cleaned ...· ·· ::>Oc. to 7fie. !!llA W .t: TO"E, doors closed, it will kill every fly in less ·w ork. They will get you up a smt at Jewels properly fitt ed ... t1 0c. t o 7 ;)c. 1 Wa tch Glasses fitted. . 15c. the West End House in first class style ieENSED AUCTIONEERS for the than one hour; County or Durham. All s11.l"s will receive Case Springs fitted .. .. 50c. t o 75c. C locks clean ed ..... . . .. . 40c. to 75c. at a very small cost. Oall, see goods and prompt attention. Address:- Bowmunville, get prices. Ont. All ot her work in p roportion. All work warranted, as i n t he p,a st. AUCTION SALES.- R. Hutchison, LicenA call solicited. sed Auctioneer for the Townships of BOW.MANVILLE STA'.l'ION. OY WA.NT ~JD t .. learn the Dry Goo<ls. Apply at 'l'ou !31ms. Clark<>, Manvers, Cartwright, Darlington --- ----·- -- - - ---- ---- --- -- --- - -GOING EAST GOT.NG WEST an cl Whitby. All sales attended to promptly , ,...-- Local .. ..- ., ...9.00· a. rq_I El{:J)ress ·..... 7.06 a m ancl at reasonable rates. \Vherl:l it is not A NTED. - Apprenti~es to dres .. ~N. B.-To sav e -costs, o-ver-due act!oun ts must b e sett led fo r t1lw i th. !Express; .. .10.03 a. m Local .........~.2~ a m convenient to see me, arrangements for m11.king. Apply to MHS. COCKtJUJtN. Mixed ...... .. .. 4.05 p m Jj;xpress . ...... 9.lti a m Hilver Street. Hownia11ville, September 23, 1886. 3!l-tf. L'lcal .......... 7.20 pm Mixed ........ A.05 Pm sales can be made with the Editor or by The best G HAIN BAG \ uress ...... 9.39 p m Exllrose....... 8.~5 Pm addressing me at Enniskillen, P. 0 . ANTED llY THE 19Tfl OF OCT. , N. B. -lhaveno agents out .begging for ~---·--in the market-only $3 sa,les for me. R. H u·rcm soN. tf. Abbey's Double Uncle Tom's Cabin Co. per dozen, at ·~~, --~-~~~---~·--,~-,~~-~-~~ held forth at the Opera House last even· LAND'S, Ilorsey~~!..~-~~:_-------·---···- ~8-tf _ I .. ing t11 one of the largest audiences. ever BowMANVILLE, FRID.lY, Oc;r. 1. WM. QUICK & oo·s. AN'l'ED.-Girl for general house "'L) <>athered within the walls of that edifice-wo1·k. Uood wages. Apply to Mns. F. _cu in fact there was not sufrlcient seating 1\1.asoN, King- st. 10-tf. accommodation for the immense con· course of people. The performance was ERVAN'r WANTED IMMEDIATEr,y for general hou~HWOrk. Apply to MRB , unusnally goocl - the excellent singi11g Extraordinary value in Mantle Cloths. M.A. ,JA~IES, Centre St. Bowman ville, .F or a good s uit, try Tod Bros. and da·d11g of the two Topsys, and the Ellison & Co. --AGENT FORM~srs. Tod Bros. want a smart boy, eccentricities of the two Marks, being in A N A'l'l!llAL EvtL.-'fhere is no ques tion ARM TO RENT OR FOR SALE. Miss N eads is visiting Mrs. R . Gilbert,' particulal' noteworthy.--E·mir~ Free Press but that dyspepsia is the natural diseaee 1:1 acres being part of lot 3 1. con. 8, in Sept. 17th. Town Hall, Bowmanville, of our country, and when complicated the Township 'of Clarke. Enquh·e of M. COLN, ·.J{ingston. Tyron& ~ ~m Mrs. A. Welch, of Toronto, is vi siting Tuesfay Oct. 5th. with diseas~s of the Liver and Kidneys 'fRAYED oR STOLEN- FROM LOT Mrs. ,James Morris. A WORD OF ExPLANA'rION.-'l'he liver is the C!\USe of untold misery. Burduck 12, Con. 3. Darllngton. on or about, 23r~ of Lybster shirtings <\re the best, a ful secreles bile to move the bowels ; the Blood Bitters will almost invariably cure September. 5 l~ wes and 3 Lf!>mbs. Iaformat1on ranrre, only at the Star House. kidney secrete urine to carry off uric acid, the worst case known. t leading to t.heir recovery will bo thankfully re· ~ which would poison the blood ; tho ceived. ' V-M. Y EOMAN, on the premises, B o w Order Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Picket'!, stomach secretes gastric juice to digest or HATS, CArs AND F uRs.- At the leading man ville, P . O. 40-3' etc., at Morris' Planing F:rntory, Liberty dissolve the food, etc. Burdock Blood establishment of M. Mayer the Practical EIFER ASTRAY. - Strayed from street, R. H . Osborne, leo.see . Bitters acts upon these organs and puri- Furrier, you can find the largest stock in my premises Lot 15, Con. 4, JJarling ton, f · I ties the blood by cleansing all the secre· the above lines i11 this county. For on or about 20th or'July, a Yearling Heil'er, red d P J . R . Bradley's Spring a or ~rng e Ladies : in :jackets, dolmanettes, capes, with a te w white spots, and 1ing worms around and double harness gives entire satisfact- tions of th o system . :J: caps and muffs a great variety. For thl) eyes. Any per~on giving suqh inforll)ation ion . No horse will have a sore back The Harvest Home Social and Song Gents : a large stock of fur coats in as will lead to her recovery, w ill b e suitably rewarded. W M. J. CLa:~rn:NS, Hamoton. P. 0. where they are used. Service in the Methodist church, Church Russian lamb, Buka.l'i<1.u and coou, in all 3?·3 W The tinest assortment of English and St., on Tuesday evening was a splendid prices. Sleigh robes by the dozen and to $~a day. Samples and dnty FREE .Scotch, tweeds, pantings,, affair, tlwugh the weather militated sadly caps of al I description. I n gents furnish Lines not under the hor,e's f.eet. Write ·e tc., e···-··1 offered in t,own, now showmg agttiust it. 'rhe ladies having charge of ings the best stock of underwear, ties, ~1rn wsTlilr<'s .S ALO:E 'l' Y REIN Hor,DEH Co .. Holly , Mrnh. ;at Couc ,, Johnston & Cryderman's. the refreshments- Mrs. Chas. Young, Mrs. braces, shirts and rubber coats. So come A two yeiir old entire colt, one of the John Lyle, M:rs. W, Brittain and Mrs. along friends and bring your and ~l'. s. on.. u IS'fO · J,, L, II, best of l\'Iessrs. R. Beith & Co's August Jno. Grant-supplied the wants of all you will decidedly get a bargain. All Barrister Solicitor, Con veyancer, &e. Money o loan. ' o JHce, next door Lo N eu ;s Office, Dowimportati ons, died at Guelph last Satur- and Mr. J . Joblin with his trained orches- kinds of fur altered and repaired. ruanville. 39-tf ·1 ,-ation. Re was valued at tr a of 40 voices delighted the audience M day Of Cl!lls , 1 A Cu RE FOR 0 1 m tRRA ORB us. - A \VULUJll WIGHT. $2,500. with the song ser vice. 'l'he church w~ positive cure for this dan gerous com11ly decorated with grain, frui t ant d f t h . f . . Mo··ri"s ]ias been spending hi. s artistic. ICENSED AUCTIONE ER. for t he M r. L evl ' D . H vegetables. Mr. J obli n k ept .the ?'udi- p 1amt, an or a 11 acu e or c rom c orms Count)' of Durham. Orders left at the holidays at Winds·w_ancl etr?It. e IS ence spell bound when he occupi ed hrn ex- of bowel complaint incide nt t o summer ii:'l'A'l'tJ:SMA Nolfice or forwarded to Tyl'One P.O. ~8:tim highly delig ht ed \;1th Detroit anc~ the alted IJOsition. A second program was and fall , is.found i n Dr. F o wler's Extract will receive prompt attention. · of Wild Strawberry ; t o be procu red from Courtesies he r eceived from A mericans r endered on Wednesday night t o a fair S. C. H UNKING, while there. a udience. Total proceeds a boat $55. any dru ggist. t ICENSED .AUCTIONEER FOR W. Hazzlewood, R agl:tn, Unt. LicensKIRBY AND ORoNo.--There a ppears t o l the County of Durham, Sales attende< ,·e e J'ohn Wesley, Esq., F inancial Manager . d d. b t l Aucti"oneer for tlie township of Daron snortest notice and lowest rates. Address c have arisen a 1111snn erstan m g e ween to . P CoU R'l'IC ~J. P. 0. 3G:tf .ngt oii. !ll ~rders for sales in this of t he Dominion Organ <Jlld rnno o., d t l 11 1 " ·~ · ' Iiome f r om a t h e Kirby teac.1er an·a-oures cor left with F. H . Mason,_Bow- and Mrs. w es1ey arnvec< .1 eemec All' M . \ ,1·ct', J I · · E w d r eE pondent on one st e :inu m.r.. 111, manville will r eceive prompt attention . three inont is' tour m < urope on e f O l h h ' 34-tf. n esday night by the Local train ancl were principal 0 rono sc1 lOo' w 10 1 .as Our Galvanized Iron EaYes ·trougbing, in six feet lengths, fa correspondM. l\'layer calls sr)ecial attention to his met at the station by several citizen s ancl eventua ted in an unpleasant B d .d cl .!:~ oowILL PURCHASE · · 1iave ecd the best a nd cheap e ~t to be fo und. T ry it. . , ani T t the the Factory Band who escorted them t o en ce in this paper. ut. we 1 tJ , _ 'I"-' a r;oodfarmof 150acres 1 th . . . 'd " C d Cl"fl:' ,, '.l'hey have for the good of 8.ll partrns concerne , to in the 5t h con. Darlington. Small amou11t of new stocI' o f F <a11 F:.a s, w nca · ·, All ordered work guaranteed. · very hltest, best nncl cheapest in . tow_ n. en 1es1 ence e ar 1 · ti t , f tl S"'"l'fl pm·chase mrmey required down. AJ; J ply to l had :t very t:DJ time and been gr eat- , c1ose .' 10 con roversy, .as ar as l e :L r :· - .Kn. WHITE, Hox :in Bowman ville, or to .J OJ-I N In Ge1rs' Furnishings a large and c ioice M AN is concerned We see no especial McCLET .r.A N, Port Darlington. il9·tr ·stock received lately. So come_ along ly b enefitted, Mr. Wesley especially looks · · . . · man ounds heavier than when he went r eason for complaint m the fi rst p 1 .ace, - ----- - -- ·- - - -- - friends and examine goods and prices. !P 0 cl to . also that for 1hough ourco1 Tcs]1tmdentwrote a little 39-3n~. B OW MANVILLE. All persons favorable .to the. forma~ion awa) ·. ai:e P1ease . 1e.trn boastfully his claiming credit for K irby . 1 1 b WI tb the tnp has been a profitable one from a h 1 d·d' t d" t M All. · .1 1 1 u Y business point. They came by the " Au- sc o~ i no iscoun r. ms sue· -of a district ·ncyc e c u me uurng on tlie west and Cobourg on .the east a re . ,, f th C d L' ..:i tllc P"" cess m the least, a nd :Mr. A. would 'th ""' J E ranut o e unar 1110 anH · .. ll . · t S. W . RUSE. requested to communicate w1 mr. · · t h Mr \Ves- acted wisely ma o wmg t 1 10 item o pass Atk" Port Hope who wants the sage on was unusna11Y rong · · unnoticed. Dnr corre9pondent sent in n rnEACHER Q]' OftGAN, P IANO, b " r~t in said district ley has rnceived ma ny a " Welcome Ifo1n e" very well-written and vigorous r eply to ..l. VOICE and 'fH EORY. 'l'erms on appli· ·dd msonf · a r ess 0 e very icyc 1 . · and h earty shake of th e h and from his ::;i:;- WORTHLES S IMITATIONS cation at ·· Bm 20," 28;ly · t Ell Mr. Alli11's letter , hut its publicat ion l b egms a . ' ieon ; fellow-citizens since his arrival. !!*·Great Clearing Sae cl A s thore are many ;· u.fe1 ·ior t~ would only prolong t he controversy, an goods , corded with j nto. DRS. McJ,AlfGHLIN ·" JIUl l 'I 'll. & Co. Hmrns-rY 'l'HE BEST Por.ICY.-An honest our columns are too much crowded for hew p , etc., otrered and sold o~-~'1 cE :-MoRR1s' DLocK, BowM ANv1. r.r.E. !l.S Coraline b y some unOur reduced prices will astonisli our medicine is the noblest work of man. and controversies just now:. principlecl merchants tradfrl -encls. Ellison & Co. d th t Dr !<,owl J?r.J. ';V.MCLA UGIILIN. J Dr. A. BErrH, Graduing on tho repntation of we can assure our rea ers <t · · D ecidedly t he cheapest J en cys in town licentiate of the Royal ato of tho 'JorDnto ou r genuine (Jor a liuc , 'vVe must have a thorough sale at auy or's Extract of Wild Strawberry is not Ellison and Co. College of Physicians . .an 1 we win1 t l10 ladies against and mern.ber of the Umv .. ers1ty, .l' h ys1c1 . cost . F-llison & Co. only reliable, but is almost infallible to -~ Unapproached for such impositiou by draw, 1 ··.-,l· P eople adn11t that it is advantageous to Hoyal College of Sur- Surgeon, &c. 1t to see Ellison & Co's G xray cure ch o1era mor b · us, d yse n t ery, cank er ing theh attention "to the Yo.,.,.. Torte and Quality. " ....__... 1s, anc l t· h e deal with Ellison & Co. g~ons, ~~~~urg~:._. necessity of seeing that the Flannels nt present prices. of the stomach and bowe· nu.we · Black and Colored Su rah Satins, exCATALOGUES FREE,; sum1 n er comulat . "r1ta whose ·1tt·ck s Ellison & Co . are willlng to sell :1t co3t various A D ' ' ER.THI Ii R i;; by ,addressing GE~·. ·1· ,I are often sudden and fatal. :!: tremely low. Ellison & Co. t'\ JtOWE f ,Jatt:o., lOSpn1ce St.. New York .. \ for one season. NA.'f lO.XAJ, l'IJ,l.S nre n mil1l pm·gnflve, can foarn the Pro1'. J,ow's ~lai::lc Sulphur Soap i~ J1ighly . exact cost o.f any p1·oposetl line of '" Rtampcd on inner sicle of all Cori1line goods, See present prices of Ellison & Co's r econ1t'dcd for u ll humo1·s 1uul sli in fiis· ucfi~ag c·ll Oac Sto111acll, lilvc 1· and BOl1'(~1R ., ADVER'l'I::l LN G in America,n Nowspapern. Without which none are remo ving all o!Jst. 1 ·uctlons, ~il.. lOO·pageJ·1unphlct, Joe ·. serge suits. GITNS AUE 01' A l'ECITLl.Ut s1u_ p1o; at St .._ (Jatharines. A~D WOJtK '\VI'fll Sl'llING. .; #' Mr. JoR. LaBelle ST. JoHN '~ CH URCH.- Oo S unday n ext, 3rd October, the Rev. Professor Roper, of Trinity College, Toronto, will preach in St. John's church mornin g and evening. McDoug-all & Metcalf will sell stove and chestnut coal at $6 ; grate and egg $5.75 ; half tons at $3.10 ; < 1narter tons $1.GO. After one month 25 cents extra will,,be .charged. i' The t~achers and officers of St. Paul's church Sabbath School me t at tha Manse 011 Monday evening to congratulate o~e of their members, Mr. Thos. Tod, on lus recent marriage, ar,d to present him, as a token of regard, a very l.i andsome copy of the. Oxfor~/reachers' Bible. A pleasant social ev@mng was spent. N"1;~;AsoN.-It is now iu season tu warn our reatl1::rs against the sudden attacks of cholera, cramp, colic and tho various bow~·l complaints ineident to the se:ison,of ripe fruit, ve7~tables, etc. Dr. Pterce s Extrnc.t of "dd Straw berrl is the grand spuc1fic for those troubles. j. 1 1 6 _i_ a_ " .... d_·l_ · e_u_r·-- - .-__ _,.._,.._.,._...... =. . . ~..~-"'"'=' - · 'I'lle stocl.: soJd ICetnil at l'l'holesale P1·ices. BUSINESS FOR SALE EN BLOC, L . I EAGLE A. I B W ~ ~ L. CORNISH. :\_;~~~f~~~~~~'.;;;;,:~~ W w THE ART CA R LA NDS 1886 are still ahead of all imitations. F Q Lo cal and Otherwise. S - ~~~-- ----- F S H $5 L L $ LO ,.., FARM FOR SALE. EVERY STOVE CUARANTEED. 0 'V M us IO. I. L. G. QUICK. 0 - · · "BELL" BEWARE ~ORGANS I 0 , , · BELL &; CO., Guelph, ont. 'CROMPTON CORSET CO.'

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