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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Oct 1886, p. 6

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, A CARD. -To all who are suffering from the errors and . indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of 18 PUBLISHED lilYERT FRIDAY MORNING, manhood, &c., I will send a recipe th~t will cure you FREE OF CHARGE. ThU! -BYgreat remedy we.a discovered by a missionary in South America. Send a selfaddressed envelope to the REV. JosE:Pll AT THE OFEIOE ,p ..tedleeBloek.Klngst··BowmaaTllle,Oat T . INlIAN Station D New York Oit'I/. 46)' THE CANADIAN STATESMAN M. A.JAMES, THE FARM. ME.STING OLD STONE OALF. REBE AND 'lRERE. An Andover hen reoently laid an egg In which were four perfect sofl·ahell egga. _An Eplaoopal Church In Mlnneapell1 haa alnoe the epenhig of t he exposition had these words ln bold letter1 ever t he doer : " Oharoh open. Oome In, reat a:nd pre.y," It la netloed that a gGod many psuona do go In every day, Indian bdle11 ef Ala1ke. wear a t hick coat· Ing 11f oil a.nd 11Jot on t heir faoen w.hen not In lull toilet, Thia la aald te preserve the complexion, which, after a therongh ecrub· bing, looks aa fair and emeeth u a good 11rtiolo ef ll()ft 1ot1p, A Dakota farmer, grumbling at th e poor outleok for whea.t ln the early 1ummer, offered to give his wife a.11 the whea.t he 1 n uld have over 1.500 buehels, Be has just t hreshed a. t rlfia over 2,500 buahela, end the wife 111 going to have ll new black allk dress. ' A colporteur (If the American Bible S:iolety found In Rlley 1 Wis., the o~hor day the son of a clernman whe had no Bible In his houee, Ile wouldn't buy (lne and wouldn't aocep~ one as a gift, and when the oolpor· tour intimated t he.t he'd leave ouo 11.ny wu .y tlle bllod man bEcame very ll.ngry and put the Rble m r n out of the houee. A Gra'!.t Wa.r ImpendiD.e", All the neW& from abroad Indicate· the near approMlh of the 1reat.I' -t lntem·tlonal conflict know:.1. to hl·to>., ' Tjle burning Ea1tern que1tlfl11 11 about \ be re-opened, and Rueata will again endeavor to drive t he· Turkish Sabli0ro Porte out CJf Europe and oapture Oor:111t.. ntlnople, Thi· wa.r if It oemmenoe1 wlll probe.bly lnvolve every oon· tlnental power. So far a· oan be fc - ~een, R usela'· only ally will be FmnoeA~ ;_ne Germany, Auetrla, and England · be united t o bs..t back Ru&ala.'s advanc~ on Oonatantinople. Eogland will have her handa full ln guarding the frontlen of Hlndooatan from t he seuthorn mi.rob of tho Mu1oovlte soldiers. 'J:he oerdilot in Oentral Aela will '.:open by the 1elge of Herat by Ru1sla. For countlen ages that. fortrcH baa been the ebjeotlve polnt ef a.11. ·he mllttary p owers which aimed at lnva.dlni whllt now the .British Rut Indies, It hll.8 been 1'ioked upon a· tho open do;;rto the Peninsula, t he key of the milit ary sit uat ion bi S.,uthern Alla. S!iould It fall, It will be &mlneua w the Bdttah power it!J Alia. Rauda. ha1 one advantage over Great Brltv.ln in d!lal!ng ·with a.lien races, It i&. able t o assimilate with and absarb a. oen· q uered pocple. For ll1i.Ily a thousand year s t li e Kti11~hm has been ~tea.d!ly pressing: southward, an.d as one raoa ir.fter aoother waa 211bdued they h!'.v e be<'n lncarporated Into and made 11. part ef t he R 1t1aian peeple, Thit is & B t ruo ~f the recen'G o@ nqueata ln Oentr& l and Ssutbern Asia, as It waa when t he Ta.rta.ris and Oeseacks around the Ca.Rplan Saa submitted to the 11.uthority of tJ.w Czu. Er.gland'll polioy hiu been different ; lt bas o2'nquered mi;.ny n:.tfont in dlff~1·eut part s Gf tli.e earth ; but ha.a never int~rmarried wl~h or t?l'atrod as tq11al any 11a.v0 t hose of itl! own Oaucaelan rii.ce ; henoe the Englishm~n ln lnd i1118 ise lv.t ed, and ·the H indoos look u pon h!m as an Intruder un d i; usurper. '.""" s is what will give Rusela the advantb't,-o;;·when the fi3ht iakoH 'Place for the pe2aesaion of I n dia, -IJemoreBt's Monthly. 'r E :R Jl,c![ B : " ,. LM)perannum,orljll.OOlfpaldln advance l'IU'Illent strictly lu advance required from im.bloribera outside ot the county. Ordi:rs to ·diaoontlnue the po.per mu~t be accompe.n1ed by be amount due,orthepo.per will no' bes topped. ·beorlbers are responsibleun tiltul lpayment is Qlade, BA.TES OF A.DYE:RTISING s ii~ ., · Whole Column one year ······ , ···.·· $60 oO ;;:; ~ ;!!: " " Halt year ···.·.·. .··. 36 00 · :;:;: . .ft· .. " · One quarter ········. 20 00 ~ .... Salt Column one ye1u ···.·········. · 36 00 - " Half year .... ........ - 20 00 · " One que.rter _ ......... 12 50 Qua?ter Coluir.n one yee.r ........... .~O 00 " " Ralf year ........... 12 50 " One quarter...... .. 8 00 Ci 8b;llnes e.ndunder,fir'st insertion- tiO 50 Each sullaequent inser tiGn ··.·.· 0 25 ftOm six to ten lines, first insertion. 0 7c .... aubsllquent insertion.... .. 0 35 .:_10 gyor ten lines,first insertion, per line 0 l~ _ Each subsequent insertion," 0 Oo _ Tho number of lines to be reckoned bJ he space occupied,.moo.sured by a see.le o Gild Nonpareil, So Do? Gentlemen ~CFash i&ll, not &U ·tast. And a.11 I have to say_ that you can find me Stl!la.t hGme, It has no shareholders to pay dividends to, Managed by and solely In the interests of the Policy holders. ACROSS RIS THROAT, then ge,ve his blenltet. a Awillg, and sa.~ down, I a.lao sa.t down, I did not roally wa>;t to at all ; perhu.pu it wa.a because I fe:t, if I continued 11t11.ndiDg, I rollo'(ht soon ba 8horter by a lieacl. B rought at lasG face te fooo wl~n the raca of men of all others I most dealrod to know the realization scarcely seemed ta equal tho plea8'1~res of s.ntlclpatlen I I wa.a in !lo presence which made me tremble J and yet I oould no more have we.lked away from tha.t circle tban have r!aen lnta the air. B&th parties carried wee.pone ; for, though th e cumbrnuo le.nocio and riflee had been laid aside, more t han one broad.bladed knife could be eeen the hunting ehlrt or buffalo robe, all r eady .to rte.rt ferth llnd drink ileme llfo. " Old Stone Ca.lf" let hi1 long ayea roam about;, then settle en my f acs, wlth · look which, If meant to be reaBBnrlng, made me feel that In · few m oment 11 he would be master ot my chera.oter and all my theughts as well, It 1eemed te say : " You-poor boy I" and then, from my apparent dla&ppe!ntment, with a down·drepplng of the mouth corner& on bis part , and A HORRIBLE SMILE aTewr!tten these tow lines lls Rates are Low. Iam not gone away. .Boa.11 my kind Gld t riendsme.Y.oome, And all theyoungones, too, And get their garments n icely made . Joint Life Policies. 1Pta.shionsthat are new: IVhere old and young, dc;artrlend~ 1 may meet Though a double rlsh but one premium Is paid tor two people. Amount of policy drawn A welcome ~reetinir. bv R. PEA. Lii: on first death, DENTIST RY. A.SSETS O'\'ER $5,000,800.I INC!OltlE O'\'E B $1,000.000 $100,000.00 deposited with theCanadlanGovern ment for benefit of Canadian policy holders. lNl'ESTE D IN CANA.DA. $GOO,ooo.oo. WITII TEETH, WITHOUT T EETH. H EAD 0 Fl<'ICE IN l. M. BRIMACOMBE, PRA.()'l'ICJA.L D ENTIST, 'lVEB TWENTY YEARS E XPERIENCE, C.ANADA:-MONTREAI. For particulars refer to E; L. LIVINGSTONE, 41trousOx1deGas A.drulnlstere<\ f'or Palnles Operations. el'l'ICE ltlCJCJLliNG'S BLOC&, Orono Pump Factory. Pumps Cheaper and Better than ever, The Subscriber having built a large ne" Pump Faotory in Orono, Is prepared - to furnish- Graduate of the Royal College o !Dental Surgeons, Ontario. OFFICE OYER DIOKl:lON'S STORE, H ARN DEN, L. 0 · 0 Y DE~~liRIPT1om 1 1 PS "F EVE. s., PU'H'i u \I 'l u t'li lOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY ate Work exeooted in the le.test and most improved style of the Dental Art. EETH E XTRACTED Wl'fHOU'f P AINi With ol' without Porcelain Cylinder, at the Best Material, on the shortest notice and at the lowest prices. Cistern Tubs and Pumps supplied. WELLS CLEANED & RERAIRED. she use of Nitrous Oxide Gas, wlthoutinjury to the patient. Particular attention to the regulation o t CHILDREN'S TEETH, _.ALL WORK · WARRANTED. .._ ALL WORK GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. F. A. JONES, VETERINARY SURGEON, Orderslby Mail promptly attended to. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, PICKETS, MOULDINGS, &c., kept on hand. ENNISKILLEN, Honorary Graduate of Ontario Veterina ry College, will attend to all diseases of domestie animals. Ra FERG USON. Operations & Dentistry A SPECIALTY. Calls and Orders by mail or t elegraph will receive promp t attention. CHAIWES MoDERA'rE. OFFICE HOUR'S, 8 T O 10 A. M, A stock of Medicines always . o n hand. N. B.-Will visit Williamsburg every Saturday of ea.oh week. 16-ly Inordertointroduco 0 11r · · catalogue of all . kinds of Books, and agents' ;goods, we will send 100 favorite comic and sentimental songs and bal· lads, a vast collection, !or only !Oc 01· ~ 3c. stamps and this slip, A.. W . ~KINNEY, Ya.r· mouth. N. S. WILL CUR<E OR RELIEV&f fJfUDUSNES&, DY8PEP8fA, DIZZINESS; " !JROPSY, SONGS !NOIGESTJO.'I, J1WND!CE. ERYSIPELAS, SAL7" t?HEUM, HEARTBURN, fLUTTER/Nfj Of TNE HEA:(f~ !iO!DfTY OF THE STOftfACJH,, Dh'l'NE88 " vVhat decoration is that yeu are wear· 'Ing," eald an Anstrla.n se1·geant to a new recruit, The man blushed . devply and re· eponded : " It is u, med!.\! 01u oow won 111t :the cattle shew," HEADACHE, And every sped~~ OF TH~ ,rt;!(IN_, oi' d lseasG> arising 1'rorn dloordered L IVER, K!DNEV8, STOMACI-\ BOWELS vf< BLOOD, 1i IILBURN & &O.» ~~~"rs~H~ Thie Is a. perilous praot!oe. against whioh tho public ne~da to be put on gm>rd. W e hl.\ve eeen censequences ensue from the Equal to Rim. hu.b!t, which is a very common one. These Purify the Blood, cor1·ect all Disorders of the vValter Girl (to m1 mmercial t nvellor)who are irequentiy thus mo!ctening the IJUID " Ther e's roaEt beef and roast d uck." on a.dheoive eurfaoaa suffor hem loon.llrrha · L IVER, STOlV.llACR, KIDNEYS AND B OWELS. Commercial Tra.veller - " Clillvao·hack tlon,S()re t engues a.!ld t he like, while evilr:f 1 1ew duck ?" 11.lld a.gnln w e hear of special propagatfon of They invigorate and restore t o health Deo ilitated Constit utions, andl \Vaiter Girl-" Yeo." are invaluable in all Oomplaln t s inoidental t o Females of all A ges. F o11 dfoeeme by the b!l.b~t. A ourfoua illuatratlen Commerc!al Traveller (facetiously)-" I G of the W l\f fo. which dlao~fle m o.v be com· Children and the aged t hey are priceless. it shirred down t he fred with lace cuffs munlcated waa r ecently br eught m:ider our turned baok over t he sleeve!, M!!<ry I" J netioe. An envelope received frcm a perWalter Girl-" The same." son who habitually ioak large quantit ies of Commercial Traveller-" I wlll try eeme morphia hypod.ermically was reolosed by I s o.n infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers. It is famous for Gout and Rheumatism, F or disorders of the ef It, I gncSB," the peroon who epened It by lloltlng the adWalter Girl -" Very well, sir, Will hoelve aurfo.oe with the result of making -Chest it has no eq ual.1 you have It with or without ?" him violently 1lck, The mere t & uoh of the For Sore '1. ' hroats, Broncllitis, Couglts, Colds, Oommercle.l Traveller-" With or with· tongue ef t he ti.ker ef mo~phil\ had renderout what ?" ed tile gum intansely ni>uueeue, If thla Glll.ndular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases i t has no ri~; and for W alter Girl-" Buttons," 0 oeuld happen, obvleusly there must be · oontract ed u.nd ~tiff jol~ts it a.eta like a oh arm . peril of the transmieaien af disease by eucl! l!Gsta:n Gld: " Let me eee, they h11.vt means, It ls no t Ukoly thl\t ma.i:iy par2one Manufactur ed only at Tn:oMA.S H oLLOW.AY's Establishment, and anoh a.nimal~ np In the Arctic re- would eveµ Incidental reoleae &n envGlepa gl11n, don't they, Mr. HlgginB ?" R 9~urned in this w11oy; but t he lnoldent mu.y serve ta 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (late 633, OXFORD STREET), LONDON!! Arctic Explorer : "Oh, yes, I went out one 11how how dealra.blo lt,ls net to run the ?lakof day and iallewed a.n Immense bear, a.nd fin· even takl:ng in th11impurl~ies o~ newadheoive And, are sol d at ls. lid. , 2s. 9d ., 4a. 6d., lls., 22s., and 33s. e ach Box or Pot, au a!, may be had from all M odloine Vendors throughout the World. ally 11hot and cached it," B~ston Girl : m atters from etlllmps and envelopes. It ls m!f'Pnrchnsers should look nt the !.nbel on. the Pots and moxes. I f the rdd n ' ' Oc.tched U ?" ! auppo6e y;n1 meilln 011.ught, very ell.!ly te lloveid t he practloe, :!'he dM!ger don't yeus Mr, Higgin~ ?n enlll' neadG te be pe~uted 1rnt·. l s Jt GSS, l!P)l;fOr(l ~trcet, London. t:ne1 are sp11rlo111,1 ~ .... -...... Twenty.two years ago Pat rlok Drlsooll. ja;et arrived from I reland , found a pocketbook centainh:ig over $150 In S11lem, N. J, He told ht11 employer, who advleed him to ktep It "Untn the owner appe1 m 1d, The ether day Chal'lee W. Dann happened t o epe&k: in the pre~enoe of Mr. Drl1woll, now a prospereua merohant, abou t hla brot her Samuel Darm, now dead, Jo~fo g a p ~cket· book years bofore, Mr. Drillooll at onc e tor;k a book from hie p~cket and ha.nded I~ to Mr. Dunn, whG Identified it au the one _...........~~ his brother had !eat. He wae asked to count Elopinir Twice with the Same Man. the meney, There wae just $ i 51. 78, Mr, Two yelilr e ago Mi112 May Conway was one Dunn trfod t.a g6t Mr. Dr focoll t o keep t h0 of the moat 11.ttractlve girla in the little vil- money, but he refused. Ha aioid I~ v;a.P I\ ----~--..,,._,---~--· lage of Texe.s, Baltimore oount y. Sha wu lead off Me mind to got rid of that $ 15178. A frigid smile-Iced obampagne. not handsome, bu t bright a.nd winaome, e.nd ~~~~~~~~~~==~~~~~=e!'!~~~~==~ the oountry beaus were 1hawn to her like bees to a honeysuckle. She appeared t o ilo modest and good, and sang in thu vlll!.\ge chnrch choir, She also t a ught a ol11ss in tb.e S11nday Eohool, 1md i!.i was there 11he met her fate . Howaird l'ee, ft Is iiald, wau a IUNG STREET EAST, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO. ' tell.char !n tba same scheol. He Wlll1 an Enduetdoui;i man, with no badhba.!ts, and until he t oe iend of bis f&ir fellow teacher yYe ~re no~ finishin_g 30 of the best Ct1.rriages and B uggies ever made he we,a ll devoted hneb:mcl, H e h11d been m th is establlshment, with best grade of Wheefo, Steel Axles and b est S t eel Spri ngs, ml\rr fod some years, sud h is wife wa;,s t n t rimmed with the best stock and well painted . We are getting out excellent lad7. The aonduot of Poe and Mls9 Conway B . oon be<ll!.me the talk of the village, and the dieoarded wife wa11 terribly diatreesed, Fina.lly, ene S11nday after Every Board warranted to be m ade of the beat Steel a nd well tempered. ' school, the oonplo disappeared, '.l'hay oamo to Blllt.imor e and put up a~ a hotel he?e, We are also getting ready a stock of MOWERS, improved and second They then wont to W llahlngton, but In a. few weeks they repented ot their unholy love, t o n one in the market. They will be ready in good s.eason and warran... . Odo good and sought forglvenea. of their relatives, work. W e a re also making a number of H AY TEDDERS, which wilf a1so be ready He was received again by his wife. who in good 11eaaon. They have been t ried by some of our beat farmers, to whom we r efer in t end ing purchasers. We are also foraave him and believed him t horoughly repentant, May wa.s reoelnd Into the bogom of her father' a family aa a prodigal daguhter, Frem that time vntil a.bout a month ago the which has gained a good r eputation in this locality. exemplary conduct of Poe and Miss Oenway silenced the tongues ef the geBBlps. In ·II Plow Points of every description by the t on, and made from st eel, wrought iron, &c that tlmo they were never seen In eacih We are also getting rea.d.y a stock of W AGONS. l\'lill and E ngine Work a specialty other's oomp· ny, They bowed whtnever All of which will be sold on t h e m ost r easo nable terms , they mot, but that was all, Rooently, however. they were thrown into eaoh other's B OWMANVILLE AGRICULTvlUL & CARRIAGE Co. 1ecioty r.t seven! plonloe1 which P oe attend14-3m. ed wlthout his wife, The reuult wae a :reCash paid for any quantity of Cast Scrap Iron. vival of the old aft'eatlons, which led to another elopement, a.nd the oouple are now llylng together near York, PB., Mrs, Pee lives t\len0 in Texa9, supported by her own exertlene and her husband's fath er, -mea.nt te be encouraging : "Never mind; ne good fun for chief; .bea.p fun fer squtiwugb ! heap I" In vain I tried to bring some power te my aid ; the history and appearance of thllt grim oirc.le ma;,de me feel a pigmy 11mo11g gillnt11, The Indians saw It a.1011 ; efated lo(lks pa.seed amaDg them at thll silent tribute to their power. Se we sat, l.\lld the calumet-that sftener token of r ed w1r.r than fertn and allent J,- pa.eaed around. Te me such mevement a.nd geetnl'e of the Indiana was ~lgnifiaant ; their mlllmor of holding the f,tam of the p ipe while t he pr6j ~ cted lips ol.oeed tiver the moutbpieoe, lea.vlng upon each Bide a small or!fioe thr ough which the blue smok1l streamed l1pWiud ln two t hlm oelumno ; the mant1ge· ment ef t he bl~nket ; t heir gesture~ while talkfng, whioh, with the body's lncllnlltlen, conveyed porfeotly the meaning of t ho gut · taral growl. A few weeks lll!O t wo young peJT.imo went rowlu g on White Bear L~ke, Minn., and tho young Wllmlln t railed her .band ln tbs w:r.~or and t huo ·loat a ring, A week 11.ftar· ward the couple were out rowing 11nd tho gentl~ml.\ll se.w tile rlng lying on t he hard bottom of the lake c&Vered witti ten feet of clear water. Ho dl'opped his knife by;tho side ef t he ring to mark tho .spat, rowed t h e young woman ~o the 1Jhere, a:nd while she hid In the buslloe ho rowed back, 11t rl.pped, dived, and get both ring and ltnifo, Twelvo years ago John Wendlilll went Wes t , l eavinir his t hree· Va.r-old hoy with relatives i.n Mlltcn, N. H . Nathlng beilllg helllrd of Wendell, t he boy wv.o finally sent to t he almsheuee Ul!l.tU ho w-r.u 12 yaan old, when he wag bound ont t o a farmer. A few wt.eku ago v. letter wv.s aant f:rem Linoeln, .lll., to Milton, &l\yfo111 th1\t Wendell had dletl there, leaving $25,000 t o be divided between a danghtar by a aecond m11orr!11ge imd hie sen In New HD.mpshlre, The boy hes started W eet to look a~ter his leg· acv. H enry Blevins ef Poplar Blnlf, Mo,, while Equlrrel hunting hei;.rd a pig 1quea.l in great distrees . He wenheward the sound a.nd Bil w I\ big b~ a.r j uet In the act of tquemring the last £queal out of poor piggy, Mr. B levine's gun wall net for b'ar, but he found In his packet a. No. l. bnok~het, This he tolled In paper nntil the wad juat fit~ed the gun, rammed it home Cln top of the ~qulrrel ebot , aimed at the bea.r'1 head and pulled the t rigger. The aim was t rne, the b11ck11hot did i's werk , and t he bear fell dead, T hey get aleng in Daketa, and to prove lt a ·atery le told of a recent ly eleoted Judge. He had been a sort offree la.nae ln hie profee&len, and ba.d Incurred the enmity of a oertain h.wyer. Thie lawyer came befvre the J a;dgo the ether day with 11.n erdfn · ary motlon which should have been granted In due oourse of 1111w. But a wa1n't, "Mo· tien denied," yelled t he J ndgo. "But, your H enor- -" "Motion denied, I 1ay." "Y..ur Honor, one word, if you plea.RO." "Not a word, air," Your Honor 1eemu te have a p r6 judlce against me." " Yen're just right l h·ve," Maid the Judge. "I've been laying for you for t he t hree yeare, and you dou't get a.ny motRone in this oGurt. " Over the 0-cean in Twentrfour Hcurs, They ar e building a vesael in Pittsburgh, which la expected to reach New Orleans fre01 th11G city ln 11.s short a time as it now ta.kea t o gG to Olnolnnat[, An eoeu,n ebip modeled en t be same plan would, it la ex. peoted, rcaoh S(mtha.mpton, E ngland, from Halih.x, Nov11 Sooti·, In t went:v·four houn, Mr·. John Dougherty, ef Meant Un.fon, Penn., is the Inventor of this marveleue ornft, T he vessel now under conqtruotlon is to be 33 feut wide. 165 f, et long en t.h e water-line, o.nd 175 or 180 feet long on deck, and will be built entirely ef wood . :rte weight without t ho. englr!e wlll be a.b9ut flirty.five tone. and when it bas t he aniline and 250 pasee:ngers <>n beard, its d raft will be less tban six Inches. On eaoll 1lde of It will ba two folding paddles, sinking deep Into the water. The paddles will be open when gobig forward, 10 that th~y may mevo the largest possible body ef water, but the ohange to t he baokwe.rd motion will, by th e agency of sprlngo close the p addles and t hus reduce their resistance to a minimum. There wlll also be under the centre ot the veaeel twG propelling polea1 which are lntenc!ed to drlve the ve~!ol through abos.l water by atriklng the bottom ef t he river, Mr. Dougherty calculates that . hie patent will 50 greatly !noreaao the speed of tnfii<J en the river, t hat he will be able to make the trip from Pittsburgh to Now Orlean11 and br:ok In a w·eek- t he time oew t aken bv the fa.alost boata to the r ound trip t e Oin~in natl. He ls 0011 fiden ~ that he wlll be &\?lo to_ ~nee the tlm_11 ooou~lf d in or·m!ing tho A tlantfo bv the slwrtt..,._.raute, that' from S outham pton to II11ollfax 1 to twenty· four hemru, a.nd t hat from New York t l"n··J. out ta t o ten days. So far t team navie,.......!_on by la.nd is much faster than steam pr oplil· elon by water ; but there are several plans· ible inventions new being tested t hat may mako water oerumunlcatlon much more rapid th·n the swiftes t trains run by lem1metives, But what m.&rvele aro porslb!e to modern s oience lnven.tisn . '.l.'he child ia living ta ·day· who will not only oroBll the ocean in ena ·third the time It naw t ake.· but who wll! be able te circumnllvlgate tha gk1be In a.n alr -veeqel, .. -·-- ... '" if --- ...---- THE BOWMANVILLE AGRICULTURAL & CARRIAGE CO. 300 of our Celebrated Champion Plows I AGENTS FOR THE DUNDAS CORD BINDERS> Licking Stamps and Envelo\')es. .. -·- .. HEALTH FOR ALLI THE P I LLS THE O INTMENT l

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