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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Oct 1886, p. 7

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l!tauadinu Jtatt.%1tunu. FRID.A.Y, OCIOBER 1, 1888. HOUSEHOLD. Choice Recipes. . THE RUNT£R'/3 REV.ENGE. · THE BRAVE AND BRUrAL COWBOY. old man B!rdse.ll as he r·~n hts fingers through grHt extent mr.ny of the oharacterht!c~ of hlP grizz:y leokl, "I h,.ve bo~n boxed up In beth sailer a.nd guide, ls even beyond them euoh a way tha.t It waa impesdble to e11.y who conspicuous for his senaltlve pride, his alwould come e11t on tep. I was juat t hinking mcst a.ggresaive ·plrlt of Independence, his et an adventure I had down tho Mlcelaelppi bright Intelligence and his sportsmanlike 11.'numb~r of yel\ra If yon have been inetlnots, eaye 11. writer, Snoh at leant dewn the big river, you knew thl\t dawn the beet <'If them, Tho cringing ~exvllity bslew Dt'inaldaonvllle It sprea.da eut ever born of oen\nrle11 of atrengly markad 1crea and &ores of ceuntry on each side of distinction, the low ounnlng of the gutter· RICK HOUSE AND LOT FOR 1!ho main oba.nnel. The further down yon go bred scum of oltleii, tho heavy, bflerieh the more oeuntry yeu'Jl find covered by wa· &tupidity ef the pe11santry of eur older oivi· SALE IN 'nowMANVILLE.- A very ·comfortable brick house, nearly new, contain·;r ' -"" F;IS II ~ G ;R M _ a __-. T"a -"' k _ e_a _ n _ y _r _ e _m ·-n -,-n~t -e_,f..,b ,o-.ll;:e-;dc l ter, and you oa.n fi11d plaoe11 where a house !Jzi.,iona, are unknown· ameng the frlle· b&rn ing 8 rooms, besides pantries. closets and sum. fish, chop It fine, and add the aame amount boa.t oan be hidden away ae nicely that fifty oltlzena ef the weqtern et'J.tea of Amsrloa., mer kitchen, excellent collar. oft Hard o.nd soft of bread erumbs soaked soft in milk, a.lao men might sea.rob fer her a. week and not 0.i the other band, our oewbey ls shocking· water: very good fruit garden acre. Situa.t· ~ " -ed in the most aristrocratic part of the town. two eggs beaten and a speenfnl ef butter ; find her, ly cruel, ha.sty In tom per, and unbridled In W'ill be sold on very reasonable terms, Apply eeasen with Ea.It, pepper, and chopped pars· "I went down Into thB.t country ell a ven· t ongue. In ihe brandlng·pen, and witb. a to :\LA. JA;\IES, S'l'ATESMAN Otllce, 9·tf. ley, B.lke In a buttered pan twen'y min- turo of my own. I had a ama.ll, snug house h111lf-brekeu, tired, or unwilling torse, he le ntea, boa.t, 1md $~100 worth ef tra.d!Dg ca.rgo, and a perfect fiend ; bis oentempt .for life tee f the lde1.1 WAS to peddle c,.ff my atufl to the aften leads to needlers bleodehed ; and he Newly Improved Verses & Motto al 0 UBEEN CORN CAKl!s.- Mix a. pbit isefated people r.long the banks in exch!Lnge is untl.riog as a.n Indian in pursuit of re· Chrome Cards, with name and a water d th In · pen for lOc. 5 packs, 5 pens, for 50c. grated green corn with a te!l.cnplul of fhnr, 1 venge, Agents sample paC!k. outfit, and illus. balf a teMupful of milk, and a teac1lp ful for furs, 11.nd to spen the w nter ere With him It I· fnquently net a word r.nd trated ca ta.logue of Novclties. for a. 3c. stamp of melted bntt11r, ene egg, a tea,spoonfol of IIUNTING AN.D TRAPPING, and this slip. A. W.tKINNEY, Yarmouth,, and a little pepper, Drop on a butter· I took with me my nephew, a. boy a.bout 18 a. blow but a. word and a bullet, The ·N. S. 9·6m ETIQ"C;RTTE 011 PRAIRIE LIFE, ed pan by the spoonful and bake or fry for )'llara old, 11nd couple of good dega, and ten or fifteen minotoa, · rea.ohed the apot where I was to tie up for wbloh, hea.ven knaw1, le In most reepech ' CA.LIFORNIA two young the winter about the lat of Nevember, I not very exa.atlng, absolutely forbids tha · ohlokene, cut up an\\ stew ; .when done add ho.d pretty good look In exch11.ngillg my employment of a certain form of ln-,p·eoa.· a little minced pa.ruley and onlon1. Take goods, sud · when I tied up there w11.s only tion, which, while calling do·wn Divine four large pepper pods, eoah: In water, st-rain, a.bout $15 werth of notfons left. In the punishment' en the persen addreaeed, oaete and pour In the juice; add s11.lt1 bµtter, and bend whtre I prepo"ed tr. F inter, the eve;·. an unwarra.ntable impuhtlon on the characa Uttle flour to thicken, Flll a. lir.rgll dllih fl11w was l!.t huu·t ten mil<2 e.orooa, and the ter of hia immediate fema.le a.nceetor. Tlle with bolled rioe, 11nd pour the gravy on It. place selected wa.s all ()f three miles from nee ef euch an e:xpresolon is lmmGdiately the atea.mb ' at ohir.nnel. The watel' over tha followed by the production of alx·sheot.ers Are prepared to pay the highest prioes CHILDREN'S FRUIT CAKE (very nloe),- bottem la.nda wa.a a.bout two feet deep en the ( ' cutters," as they are often called). and oup of buiter, feur cups ef flour, one level, but here and there were dnkl where the of one er the ether ef the p1uti1111 for all kinds of Grain delivered at the One pound 1ugar1 ene cup milk, t hree eggs, three-quarters peuncl currants, three· it waa much deeper, and there were many !;o 1he dbpntea. Oae suoh Incident ocourred Wharf or their Store House in town. d lal1mda clear above water. . during tho 11,eneral reund·np. Twe of enr quarter& pound rr.lalns, one-quarter poun " There wero p . 11.nthere, wildca.ts, coon·, number, ene ef whom, a man of maroae a:ad citron, &ne quarter grated nutmeg, one- foxes, woedohuolu, and muskrat& In plenty, enrly d11pDaltion, hl\d lately j &ined us from quarter teaspoonful baking powder; flavor and I waa oeuntlng on big luok when eome· a etranpe outfit, disputed a.bent some tho:· with lemon, · thlDg happened te the !Joy, He went eut eughly t rivial ml\tt6r, The qua.rrel w~ed ' 1 '011.U.TO CATC'HUP.-Out up and etew rlpa with one of lhe doge to inapeot some trsp~. warm and at the forbidden expreaa1en - .... OF CANADA. tcmat-oos, but do not peel thom, When rnf· and after a couple of houra the dog OU.LI.Le used against the atra.nger. .Both men (;1tt)ital pal<l up, $1,000,000, Res t, $ilG0,00 ' ficiently cooked atr11.ln t hren11h e. sieve. baolt alone, He hall betm were en· horseback, but unarmed, bnt Im· To one gallon of the toma.toea, measured - ""media.tely . dHbed teward the wagena In This Bank ls prepared to do Legitl· after rtralnlllg, ir.dd feur tablerpoonful11 ef STABilED I1i TWO PLACJ!S, ground blaoh: and whits pepper, three table· and died soon after reaohlng the boat. It which tbey had left their reapeo\ive wea· mate Banking in all its branches. pon1, Tbe ln.eulted ma.n, aa he passed, Farmers notes discounted; Deposits rp:ionfuls of ground muntard, t hree rod pep· wa1 jaat at night w"-en he rat.urned, and as imatohed out of ita epen scabbard the elx· pere chopped flue, and Olle pint of vinegar, I could n11t go out In se1uoh before morning, received and Interest paid on amounts of shfloter of a leaker-en, tu1ned hie herae, upwards in Savings Bank Department. Simmer all together slowly fer four h:iurs, you oan imagine een11>tblng of my anxiety and rushed after the enemy, H3 np· then bottle and oork tight. a.nd how slowly tho hours dnl(ged a.way. ea him a.w he was on the point of securing DRAFTS Select only perfect tome.tees fer canning, I w1u elf at the first peep of da.wn, taking Issued and Collections made in Europe If they over· ripe ,,r have a. bad opot ln the other dog !lllong. After a walk of two hl11 " cutter," and without another werd United Sta.tea and Canada, SIIOT HIM DEAD, them they will no~ keep, Toma.toes are miles we upun the boy's dead body. excellent sliced, dipped in fleur with a little He bad been shot at one of the traps, and W.J. JONES, Th~t aftorneen he fled, and we burled 'he i I d I b tt A. th by eeme one who bad 111.ld hands en him A gen pepper sn d salt an d r e u u er, no er before the shot was fired. The bullet had dead man where he fell, There were few geed way la to put a la.yer of bread crumb& to pity him, He had entered lnte the qua.r· with little lumps of butter, seme pepper gone thr1111gh bla heart, and hb rifle, knife, rel wlth hie eyes epen, had blmaelf provekand salt Into a tBiklng dlBh, then a layer and abhor oflects hs.d been taken away, ed the rlek, and had pa.Id the terrible pen· of diced tomat-Oer. (with skins removed) Pinned to hie clothing wa11 a pieoe ef paper; a.lty of hla ra.1hriess. It was not for us te and, ,another layer et- brea.d crumbs, eta., en whloh was oorawled, 'If y eu don't leave try his elayer, Vengea.noe might overtake Has recelved her new stock ot finishing wltil the t 11ma.teea an top, B11.ko wUhln two days we'll urve you the same I' him sooner or later if the dead man's trlende a.bent three-qua.Item of an hour. · , It was the work of eeme of the renegades or relations oenld 111.y their hands en him, who make t;bat regtou their parma.n.ent BATTER AND FRUIT PUDDING -Cbop up home. I was oomplotely knocked ont for but It would be d!ffi~n~t to find the murderer, and invites the Ladies of Bow one pound of e.pp lea and pat them In a an hour or 101 but then I bre,oed up and · I had provided myself witb a aelf-oooklng grel\Bed puddbig basin (gooaeberrie~. plums, vowed vengea.nce, L<Aw ceuld not reach six-shooter, similar to onr own army revel· m.anville and vicinity to call or AD) et her fruit will de) and Hprlnkle these men, I burled the body on an illland ver, Tina Is a mos~ dangerous weapon, and and see her Pattern sugar over them ; now mako a batter of one and returned to my boat, feolln:( pretty cer- la rarely uned by weetern men, whose ex· ellg, six ounce11 of fl9nr, and one breakfaat- taln that tho men who had dene fer the boy periance in the use of the revulver le un· £qua.lerl. The deuble action throwa the wee.· cupful et milk ; one·halt a. teaspoenful of weuld soon pay me a vielt, baking powdor must be added to the flour ; " I ha.d 111 rifle, a, ehot gun, and a n avy re. pen effU1 mlHk, iwd during mum!lnte of ex· and assortment o± when t;b.e batter is smooth press It over tbe volver, and the boat honse wlndewa were oltement one la apt te let It off unwittingly. fruit and steam gently for one eur; _ prevlded with leep-holed ehutten, 01100 This aotu11.Jly occurred t1o me mere than must be ta.ken that the water remains boll· shut in, ne one oonld get me out unless I enoe, and I reeel ved to get rid of the "pesky Ing and deee net evapera.te tee muoh, was driveu by tl.D.meH , It waa jaBt before thing." I "traded " It with one of the beye STORE:-SeeondDoorWest o:r wnuamv CoBN 0YSTEllS -One cupful of fi gur, half noon next day when I hoPrd frem the OX· for a vary eld elngle·actlon Colt pa.ttern Butcher StnJJ a oupfal of melted butter, thue tt>bletipoon- peoted vleiters. I was keeping very 2hady, weapon, and throw a couple of hundred fula of milk, two tea~poonfula ef salt, one- knowing they would shoo; me on aight, cartridges Into the ba.rgaln. One m11rnlng we fenrth of a tee.spoonful of pepper, ene pfnt when IlRARD A PISTOL BEPORT. of gra.ted corn. Pour the oorn on the fioar I SAW JIVE Ml!N e.od beat well ; then add the othor lngre· poling a skiff up the channel. There were cleso ta the wa.gen, aud 1 .knewlng that thll VETERINARY SURGEON. dlente and bea.t rapidly [er three minutes, three whites and twe blacks, and If my dog boys were h unt.Ing tn1key, we already leek· Have tat in the frying-p11.11 to the depth of ha.d net given them w11.rnlng I should oer· ad forward to a, good breakfast. Presently a.ban~ two inches, Wnen smoking hot put hlnlv have shot one ef them before hailing, my friend wlth the 11elf ·oecker i·ede up tur· In the batter by the spoonful, Hold the Thi! voice of the deg drove them to cover en lteyleae, Altai" qnlatly uns11.ddllng hln pony spoon close ta the fat and the shape of the an ld11ond 11.beut aphtel shot away, and from he proceeded to whittle a twig. Thia dime oyster will be good, Fty five minutes. there they ho.lied me and wr.nted l;e know ho b1mid hie leg, a.nd we then fo1· the first PICKLED PEACHES -Afte1 the pe11.0hes what I was going te do. I defied them, and time be c~m~ aware that ho we.a badly peeled, allew ene ha.If pound of sugar te pretty seon they epcned fire en tho boat. wounded In the thigh. A bullet he.d gone each pound ef fruit. Wi~h as ltttlo water 'l'he only alarm I felt wa.11 that they would olea.n through ttlo fleshy part O'>Dd had made a.a pos~ible me.ka 11 syrnp ef the sugar ; whan Beek to boa.rd me, ]a that oaso five to one a wound at lea.Dt four lnollee In depth, the the syrup is quite ole'1or, · j 11at aoald the were teo many. After they had fi c ed about u ppcr pa.rt of wh!oh waa very much powder· pes.che11 In it, a.nd then plaou them carefully th&rty shots, all ef which were ha.rmlesa to humt. He D9W produoed hls twig, and, Into medinm-1ized glazed etone j ·I'll; ~prlnkhi mo, I got a bea.d en one of the blacks and h11vlng wrapped a piece ef rag round It, plenty ot ~tick cinnamon and a few olovea knooked him ovel'. Their plan wa.a then coolly ran It to and fre to clean eut the between the fruh, Let the ayrup boll fer a.bu.ndoned fer anothe1, By the use ef their powder. Ho muat have endured tortures, five minutes longer, then add puro vinegar, bo11.t they mrnld work all a.reund me, and for his pa.led and baa.dB et ptlrapir11tlon suffiolent to give a pleasant eno-1\0ld taste; by and by they had four men posted a~ fenr stood on his forehea.d, but tb.e brave bey lilt it ball up again, and at enoe pour over differ ent polnte, and the leader called 11ut nover win oerl, ~nd we gathered from a leug string ef 9a.th1 directed at the pletal and at Graduate of the Ontario Veteri?Jary Co!Jege, the p aacheq, When oold, tlo up woll, s.nd that they w11uld rema.ln there all winter but hh pony that he waa following a turkey, that they weuld bne my life. They were Registered member of the 9n_tano Veterinary store In a dark, cold place. Medical Assomnt1on. PRESERVED PEAOIIES - For ohelae pre- cloae et1011gh t 9 oomma.ud aome ef the loop· eelf-ooolrnr In hand i.nd finger un trigger, JtEOfflce and Residence, Newtonville, Ont.·1:.i aervea It r·qulreq ohefoo fruit and the holea, e.nd ea.oh one kept hlmuelf so well when hi· heree etumbled ; he lnsilnotlvely Will visit Orono every Tuesday and;Saturday1 pe11ohfs ehonld be all white er 11.ll yellaw 1heltered that I did net get a allot the whale (iu the rider does on enah eoo1r.1len·) THREW HlMSRLF BACK Office hours from 10 a. m., to 1 p. m.,. at a.nd d even alza. Sor.Id them lightly and afternoon, Coulters' ·Hotel, Calls by Tf!legraph receive peal and allow t hree-quarters of a. paund of " As night came down I ready fllr a and tightened his h11.ncls1 with thv a.hove re· · immediate attention. eugar to ea.oh pound 01 fruit. Wlthaa little different n.ttaok. I heated the ·tove boiler snlt. That. day he rode t.l:lirty miles to the CHARGES MODERATE. water as pesdbleml\ke auyrupef the euga.l'; fnll of water, placed pa.Ile handy, and made nearest military etatl9n for a. eurgeon, with take effthe scum a.nd when It ls olea.r a.e a ba.r~loade a.cress the boat's cabin with f11r- the weundoo leg thrown 11oreu the hero <Jf w11.ter put the fruit inte Jt ; cover tightly nltu~e. The boat lay In auoh a positlen the eg,ddle. THIS OUT and return to us with 11.nd let it boll from five to ten minutes ac· thllt they oeuld enly rea.oh me by ma;klng 011 anethflr occarlon we were whiling lOc. or 4. Sc. stamps, and you'll get by return mail a Golden Box of cording to tho ripeness of the fruit. With 1100 of their skiff, and then only 11.t the stern, 11.way the time hunting eqnlrrels, for which Goods that will briniir yon in more 11. silver fork Jilt the peaches into the pre- Tho bew was in wn.ter tw d.ep 119 wade in purpose ene of the boys bs.d t ~ken hie beets money in one mon th than anything alee in aerve j ~rs-those with porcelain lined or a.nd t1io full of roets and ca.nOll for a bo11.t to eff and climbed a tree. The raet of us re.America. Either sexmalre money, CITY glaas tops are the best-fill up the jue with pass through. It waa near midnight when ma.ined below, and were taking pet·ehotll at NOVELTY CO., Yarmouth, N.S. the e:yrup to everflewlng, wipe the rim care· the growllng of the do11 preved tha.t some the equlrrel as lt leaped from bough to · deviltry was afoot, I dipped out a pa.11 of bough. The climber oha.ed the llttle crea· fully and a~ once close tho, bolling wat11r, had the shotgun and revolver ture ta the end of a thlolt bough, himself ha.ndy, 1J1nd pretty soon I realized that the Qrawling along &t, when, by some mlaadven· qut1rtet had !a.nded en t he stern. Of a sud· turo, ke we.a struok In the big toe by a bul Notes for Housekeepers. S 1prlE kled around tho edge of a. room den I flilng the doer open, Two of them let ; Jmt we none of us knew thla until, after oomlng down, he quietly mentioned that ls eaid to be a aaf e exterminater 11f thq atoed there, and, 1111 I SWISHEO !rllE WATl!R OVER TB.RM, he " reokoned he'd left 11. bit of hie toe up Glarpet bug, Seme mix pepper with the they went everboa.rd, yelling AS if they had that !\f' tree." It waa only a amall bltef the ea.It. end, It is f;rua 1 but l thought that If the To oleanee milk bottles out a nw pota- been regnlsrly skinned with a knife. Thn 8ame acoldtnt ha.ti happened to myself I to ln\o long, thin allce11 a.nd put a few in the two othexs ha.d gone forward one on ea.ah sbeuld b~ve given tangue pre~ty freely. bottle with a very little water, Shake eide of the beu.t, They bad revolvers, and Ent the!!e fellows are Inn red to ha.rdehlp and thoroughly a minute or two 11ond the milk ~hey turned and opened en me and the eufferfog, and ta.l!:e it as It oemea, whhvut will be feund all a.dherlog to the three of ui emptied our eboote:ra without a ward ef complaint. any one being harmed, As I dashed Into slices. .: To prevent the smoking of lamp wloka the ca.blu after my ~hotgun they fallewf.d soak !!hem a while In 'vinegar 'l.J:d lot them me, They wero so oloee en me that I could An Understandine; Wanted. dry before returning to the lamp, If bur n· not get the gun, but had to dru.w my knife, A merchant who was taking b11oklng· It was d11ork In t here, aJJd the dog took a er~ olegged a.nd gummy boil them for ALL SIZES. hand In, and I expect that little sMndy h11.u powder In b lllk frmn a firm, <lalled at head· Do h11.lf hour an wo.ter with a little s111leratna nover bean ma.tohed. We out, ha.oked, quarters the other day to eay that there rind soap, Orocks of butter to be kept for aever11.l thruat, and U5ed our fiats and feet. I got was something wreng with th e goedu, "I don't think ee,·' wo.s the reply, "we months, eaya the United States Dairyman, two cuts almost at the b<!lglnning, but at the oheuld never be plo.oed op6n the cella1· bat· end of five minutea one felfow wa~ lymg In make the beat 11.xtlole sold." " I think we ought to have a more per· tom, This oausea two degree~ of tempera· a hea.p and the ether begging for quarter. I feet unclentandlng," continued the dea.ler. -AJ,SOtnre In the oreck which wlll be o.t the ex- etruok a light and fonnd the one dead and "Now, you adulterate before vou send to pense of the quality d the butter near the the other bleeclinv, like a hog, with the d()g me, then I adulterate before I despa.toh, tep, Tho orecks will keep their contents hold of him, I Wll.S lo a mood to finhh him then the retailer adulterates before he aell~ f11r better If placed at least 11 foilt from the at onoe, but be begged ee ha.rd that I let up and '·he conmmer can't be blamed far growl· oellu bottom upon a benoh aJJd a thick on him, only to Nee him dlo a oeuple of Ing. I wanted to 1ee If we couldn' t e.gree hours later, In the darknee11 I think the and all lines of woolen cleth thrown ever It. fellows muat havo fallen afonl ef each ether on er·me pla.n to be follewed," " What do you moon ?" --------~---by mht~ke, fer one had feur knife wound11 u Why, euppoeo y<Ju put In 10 percent ef and the other 11ix. I ha.d two, as I said, 'Ihe Pe1il11 of 'Boarding. chalk, t hen I put in 20 percent of ·w hiting, 11 You kok thoughtful to-night, Dumley," and the d"g ha.d three or f~nr skin cuta. When I got Cl.round to loek for the twe then the retailer puta In 30 percent of fhur; remarked Featherly as he stretched himself whom I had soalded they were out of the that gives the cenaumer 40 percent of bakon the bed. wa.y, an. d I was nover bothered by them ing-powder, and unle111 he's a born hog, " Yea," nighed D llmley· " I've j uat got a ag11.ln. I got three rifles, two revolvers, he'll be perfectly satisfied, Yan see If ys n note from the lantihdy, " twe knives, and $63 In money out of tha.t ad11lter1Ate 50 percent en the at11.rt, and I " Whl\t doee she say r' fight, and the leaB of my nepbew ceet the adulterate as muoh more, and tho retailer " She aay11 tha.t I must pa.y my baok board crowd thr ee Iives," adnlterate1 a.11 much as beth together, it's at enoo or her daughter will sue me for ml&hty hard for the comiumer t o tell breach of promise, I'm thinking whai I'd whether he lfl lnveatfog in baking powder better de," Tramp: "I have loet an um, air; will er putty. We must give him 1omething fer 11 -Pa.seer· by (In great hsste :) "Sorry, his money, If it's only chalk." but I h11.ven't seen anything ef It." examine.~ A Trustworthy Animal. "I think, Charlie," said Mrs. Smi;llfaou A oorreepondent a1k11 : "Would you or Liveryman (to customer)-" There, sir, 11 a.e gsed a hoes ae ever pulled a waggln, An' to her yonthfnl, "that l shall put yeu Into any of your many readers inform a conatimt yen needn't be afra.ld of him J he's pufleokly long trousers very wan." " But not uutll reader hew to learn t11 play t bs ft11te ?" Ne after Chrlatmae, ma." " Why not ?" "Oh, lf we knew eurselve11, safe an' reliable. Oustom11r (eyeing the anlma.l dubiously)-- becauae yen knew, m11., I ahall have to go Too much 11 being written a.bout 'he Tinware and Stove Emporium, " I don't know 'bout that, I'd hate t o trllllt Into shert 11tocklnge, !ind they don't hold I Chloa.10 Ana.rohlet1, One line fer eMJh of him with a.ny oata," much." them Is e~uah. BOWMANY!LLE, milk, oue-half cup of raisins after they l\te seeded and chopped line, one-half oup of MALL FARM FOR SALE.-30 engar, a Ur.tie s11olt and dlfiarent spleen a.11 one · acres ofland ha.ving thereon good frame I U so onl Y t h 0 thlok pa.rt of the house, barns, sta.bles and other necessary out· P ea.sea, buildings, young orchard of 4 a.crea, well wat· milk. Rah-" 1" +:um n·n··· ci:el\ aod fenced. Situa~ed jus~ outside the · .:irationofBowmanv1lle: Will be sold very \ p for ca.3h, Apply to M, A. JAMES, ·1 'ATEBMAN_ Offlce, Bowmanville. 9-tc. The Fate or the Mt:n "ft' ha nan Feul of Old &n Incident of l'ratrte Et!quelte- . . . . Blrd~nli.' S urger7 and l ndurance. Soua MILK PIE -O no·h1:1lf oup of sour ·. · T we e~- three ti me u fo my life," Hid thl' Bllt t he oewboy, while peneaslng to a KEEPING to tho FRONT I MAYER I s showing one of the finest and best selected stocks of S I' Silk, Drab, Shell, Woodrow's and Christie's Stiff B :S: ATS,Also Fine English_ , Canadian & American Fur and Wool Hats. Manilla and Straw Hats, all kinds and prices; .New anll stylish lines. of' Gent's Fu1·nislling·s. 50 a GRAIN Shirts, 'l'ie8, Collars, Cuffs, Handk'fs, Gloves, Un:1brellas, Rubber Coats, etc. W'lUghest prices paid for Raw :Furs. 16. Jno. McMurtry & Co. P.H. .Jrl.A S Olf, -DEALER I N - STANDARD BANK ·5 GOODS., Saw Mill Machinery, 'L. D.·S.' Engines, 'Peerless ' and 'Grain Saver' Separators, Watson's Deering Binders, . Iron Clad Mowers, Sulky Rakes, Bain Wagons, Cultivators, Harrows, Seeders, Scuffle rs, Single Sulky and Gang Plows, Honey Fanning Mills, Chaff Cutters, Turnip Slicers, Root Pulpers, Hay Loaders, Crushers, Grinders, Tedders & Forks, Warerooms--King St., Bowmanvu1e. Repairs for li. D: Sawyer and Noxon. BONNETS, HATS TRIMMINGS Grocers, Butchers and Provision Merchants. STAND:-Town Hall Building, one door east Ont. Bank. A complete stock always on hand. We have all the best grades of that is manufactured. We have in stock all kinds of General Groceries, Coarse and Fine Salt, American and Canadian Coal Oil, Bran, Shorts, Oats and Chicken Feed, Crockery and Glassware, Fresh and Cured Meats, Sausages and Lard of his own make and rendering. Life-time experience in the Meat Department enables us to supply a quality unequalled. The Grocery Department, under the supervision of Mr. John Allin, is of the very best quality. No trash or poor goods kept in stock, deals only in the best goods, which will be sold at the lowest possible prices. Your patronage will be thankfully received. Goods delivered to all parts of the town on short notice. A call solicited. UT C Cash Cor Butter, Eggs, Hides, Ta!loll'-, BeeJ, Po1·k and all Farin Prod nee. C. M. CAWKER, JOHN ALLIN. Having purchased the Harness business lately carried on by Mrs, HUMPHREY, hope by careful attention to business, good· workmanship, and first class ma.terial, to secure a share of public patronage. 'We have in stock ancl are manufacturing a large amount of LIGHT AND HEAVY HARNESS. Collars a specialty. We intend that the reputation Humphrey'~ Collars have gained shall be fully sustained. We are pr epared to furnish responsible parties Collars on appr obation. We guarantee satisfaction or no sale. We also keep in stock a full line of goods usually found in a first class harness shop, comprising · MILK CANS, Dairy Pails, BLANKETS, ROBES, RUCS, HORSE COVERS, WHIPS, BRUSHES, ETC. See onr Bull Bone Whips-something new. We have also in stock MILK PANS ELLIMAN'S ROYAL EMBROCATION for Horses and Uattle, a sure cure for bruises, sprains, cuts, and sores of all kinds. Shop-Sign of the Big Collar. 17-3m TIN"""VT..A..RE_ No Cheap-John, shoddy stuff, but goods that will wear and give .__ r satisfaction. [Gwin AIUen &Bro. * Pia.nos Tuned and Kepaired.J ARTIES WISHING THEIRPlANOS P Tuned or repaired can ha.Te thorn attende by leaving word lat the ORGAN 0 DOJIUNION .P""'Call and .. -·- - For cost of advert isin g in. any papc1: or Co's OirFIOE, Bowmanville A 11rst-olas maa. I list of papers pul,Jishetl m tllc l lmtecl uow oelnR In their mplo r. States or C<tnac h, ~ e r;(! to tho ADVEltTIS· ING AGESC Y of E .DW.llf ALP E.V & BRO., * *Our ~'N e wsp~Jl!!r Co_rnhi nations,' ' _ o~ 150 pag e s, conlm n in:; pnccs .of ~dv erh srn ~ z1nl iOstrudion s, etc . sc.:nt u11 n.:cc~p~ ot xoc. Om· m. Ne\\"S[Hl.pc r Cat::i.log nc 1 '. coat:u111n cr n a me s of every newspaper published m the U . 'S. "."'l Carda, s ent o n recei pt o C price , ~ '-5°· Estimates ree, <;; ' Cincinnat~,h1New YQrk, Oor. 5tk & Vine ,,-,ts., I 140 N asstw .St,.eet. ssoo.oo L. GEO. QUICK, · · A· A~ vert1s1~g gency..:.~~ ..... r..:r.:-.::': ' ." · . wU1 pay the above Boward for any case of Dyspepsia, Live!:' Complamt, Headacbe, lndlgestioD or Coattveneu we oazuiot: C\u'e with WEST'S X.IVEB l"XLLS, when the J>lrecttona are strictly by ~EWARD! NE .u J>ruggt.tlh

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