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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Oct 1886, p. 8

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1thc Qtanadiau BowMANVILLE, Jtntr~uiau. F RIDAY, OcT. 1. CLARKE FAIR. Considering the unpropicioua w eat her o n 8atu;rda.y fure nc.on, the Clarke Townahip Fall Exliibition was a splendid PUC· c ess. The atte udance was large enough to swe ll the gate receipt& to $ 2 20 . The show of hor1e11 w as very lars:~e, the re be· ing no lesA th1 m 180 e~terie1,and in every case t he a nimals we re worthy r epres entafo·es of t heir claes. ln light h orses eepec· ially the e xhibit was very creditable. Ther e wer e 2'3 entries of Cattle and 63 of S heep, and tb ert- were large numbers of Swin e and P o ultty. Mr. A. J . G riffi n, of L eskard, made a c1tpit&I sh ow of H l\m · burgs. Th e d rill ailed contained a very good exhibition of m a nufactures, and the L adies' D epar tm ent was wt-11 up as u sual. There was a very fine display of a ppl es. l\:lr. R. B. Th ornto n sho wed some r aspb er ry bushes, l o:lded with luscious ripe berries that look ed very ,tempt in g at this 11eason. M r . Bouathan made a large e xhibit of S tov es. Mrs. H effron eh owed a han dsome case of milline ry. M eesre. J aa. D eyman and R .B.'l 'hornton wer e on hand h ViT" ll' proclaiming th o merits of t e 1 iama and the D a via se wing machines. 'l'wo f · I 1 k cases of b eautifu cryeta wor - one o flowers, t he oth er of b irds- wer e shown by Mies Osborne. Mr. B a r fett m a de a very fi ne d isplay of h arness. A ver y fi ne C rayon D ru.wing was exhibited by MiBS Drnmmond, and o n e equally excelle nt wa9 s hown by M rs. J . M illigan. H ORSES. D raught Brood Mare, R S R alls, D M cConnachie. 2-year-old Gelding or :B' illy, G eo Mit chell, W H Dickey; 'l'hos llragg. 1-year-old Gelding or .!!'illy, R Bennbtt , G Grr.y. bucking Colt, R S Ralls, D McConnachi e W B rown. I "venr-old, Entire. 1st D:m McConn achie. General P urpose Brood Mare, W Lake, Geo G ra.y, }~ Hol me·. 2-year-old Gelding or F illy,G Gray W L ake, G .Mitchell. i-year·ul~. Oeldiug or Fill~, Ja.s Adn1ns Juo Bawks~ J l\fason . I 'l'.~ble B\1tter, Mrs W H Reid, M rs W R ,Suckmg Colts. W Lake, 1!! Holms, J A<lams. Alhn Mrs E C Beman. 2-yr. old, l!:ntire, Henry Birch. 'l'ub Hutter 2!'i lbs , Mrs R Ard, Mrs R Carriage Brood Marn, Foal by sid·, W m Fo·ter, Mrs Chas A Coulter. Cooney, 'W m Milligau, ::; G Ilnghson . F irkin 50 lbs. Butter, Mrs R Ard, .Mrs EC 2-year·ol:I Gelding or l· ' i1ly, A McNeil! G L Bem1>u, Mrs H ,J M.inch. \Vaddt ll , R Osborne. P rt'l!<rved l<'ruit, Mrs W S GalI)sby, M rs A 1-yei>r-old Gelding or Filly, J Otten, Thoe A Gamsby . Little. P ickles, Mra S Bowen, M rs A A Gamsby, ;Jelly, Mrs A A Gatoaby, Mrs R Ard, Sucking Cvlt., W Coon~y. ,Jas B urley, C J H ughson. Bread, Mrs R Osborne. Mrs R Ar d . 2-year-old, Entire 0 K Cowan . Bun~ Mr~ ,R Osborn<", Mrs A A Gamsby. 1-year-old Entire, R. Cuwnn, '1' W Vickers . :MANUFAVTUTIES. Span H e:o.vy Drau11ht s G Grl\y, W B Allin. }'arm H arness, J Barlett . Span General Pm pose H orses, 'l'hos Bragg, ])ouble Carriage I:farnes3, .T Barfott. J Chapman. ::'Hogle Carriage Har11eR R , ,J Bar fett . Span._Q:irriage_ .Hors ·s , 15~ hands and over, Horse Sho~ s :ii>raugh t, \V_ Pi~kard. Jas .:Scott. H.obt Loiwrey. Ifor~e Shoes Oarria11;tJ. W Pickard. Sf~n Carriage, tinder 15~ hands high, A M c T weed 10 yds, W Cooney, J Sampson. N ei L Cotton W arp, W Coopey, J Sampson. Sin~le Carriage, 1 5 ~ hands and over, T DavPlaid \Voolen, W CooMy, idson, G Bigham. Blankets, l!~ M, Mrs A A Gameby, ; Sam· Sin<>le Caniage Horee, U nder 151 hands, \V Coon; y. ,T Stapleton. 'l' G \V1tddel1. Saddle H orse, W F M cMillan. H Gibson,W psF;~unel Cot ton Warp, F \\ alden. F lnnm l Woolen, Mra R Ard. Milligan. H ome Spun Woolen Blankets, 2nd Mrs R CATTLE. 3rd W Cooney . Durham C <;l\V . 'f S B ragir, G G ray.R Brown Carpet H and Made, F W alden2-year-old .heifer. Durham, R Rrown, jr. C1 npet Il a~. F W aldeu, Mrs S Bowen . Durham Bull, 'Jnder 1 yr. old, G Mitchell, M nt work, lhg, Mrs i i Moment, Miss Mc- I S Bowfln, G Bigham. V iuiety of Apples, R Osborne. A 'l'amlilyn. W intt>r P ears, H Osborne, E C Beman. Fall !:'ears, R Osborne, E Hall . Variety of P ea rs, EC Beman, 'V H Chap· lio. Grnb Appleij, R B Thornton. 'l' L ittle . Grapes, Whit~, ,J Pollard, E C B emim. Gr apeR, P urple. A Alsworth, E C .lleman. Grapes, lted. (collectior.) E C Beman . Collection of Grape·. not less than six: var· ieties, . EC beman, W H Ch&plin. Cvllection of J'lums, E C · 1.leman, W H Chapman. l!'LOWERl:! k PLA~TS. Geranium in l<'lower, Single, A A Dummond W B Alli·t, Si-x: R oses, T D ouglH. F oliage P lants, W H Cha!>1in. P hi >x Drummond1, Mr~ E C Beman. Mrs W S Gamsby. Stocks. 10 weeks, Mrs A A Gamsby, Mrs W S Gamsby. . Colle<'tion of Ilah ams, Mrs E C Beu:an, Mrs A A Gamsby. Collection of Asters, Mrs W S Gamsby, Mrs E U Btman. P et·mias, ; Mis W S Gamsby, Mrs A A Ga m·by, Q..ltect ion of Dahlias, W H Chaplin, Mrs A AG 1.1msby. Collection of Verbenas, Mrs 'V S Gamsby, Mrs E C Beman. Greenhouse P lants, R B 'Jhornton . Cut .l!'lowe111, A A Drummond, Mrs E C Bemim . e Bouquet, Mrs A A Ga msby , A A 'l'ahl, D rnmmond. Hand B011 ~uet,A A. Drummond,,V H Chaplin . FlorQl D esign, W S Gamsbv, Mrs A A Gamsby. Hanging Basket, W H Chaplin . VEGET ABLES. La te Potatoed M Vooper& Son.R A A.rd . E arly Pota.totJS, ' V H ( :haplin, J M Cobblcdick. Variety of P ot atoes. W H Chaplin. RArd. l~i elcl 'i'urnim, J M CobblE>dick, '1' s Bragg. TaL1 6 Carrot~, R B '.l.'h orntou,R Ard . '.l'nbl.i l·eet ·, M Coop.,1 · & Son, R Ard. Parsnips M Cooper & Son. Ciibbage; M Cooper & Son, W H Chaplin. Cabhage. !led, Jae Adams, M Cooper .k Son Onions R· d. M Cooper & Son.A A Gamsby Vnious' White, R Ar d, W 8 Gam·by. Onion·; P otato, R Ard. J M IJobbledick. Ca uliflower , M Cooper & Son. Celm·y M C:><>per & Son , W H Chaplin. 'l'omat~es M Uooper J: t:lon. R 11 Thornt on. Pumpkin~. R B 'l'hornton, J M Cobbledick. Squash. H Ard. V ariet y of Gardeu Vegetables, M Cooper & Son . ]~i elu Carrots, J ag Adams. J R ench. )faogoldz, J Adaro8, M Garvi~. . Citrons R 13 'fhorntun . W H Chaplin . Radi·b~s. M Coopt>r &: Son . Musk Melone, E C Beman. 'Vatt'r M elons, bl Garven, E 0 Bema.n, Red P epers, J Rencl:i. R B Thornton. DAIR Y P RODU CE. l~a.1dwin. L o1t o~ . in, Mrs R Ard, ?ifos M C Roee, Mrs G l\>i:t chell. Plain :11ilt, MrR R Foster,_ Mr· R ~rd . Knit Q , Lt. Mra R Ard, Miss ~foN~1 t. Quilt r1 ec~work, Woolen, Mn S Bragg, Mrs J. Hincli. Mrs H Ard . , Quilt P Cottor.., Mrs J Jlinch, Mrs R Ard 1'.l'I ;·s S Hrn:.;g . Quilt, Ct"ocbe· , Mrs R Ard , Mrs It B Thornton. Quilt lJi'awn, Mrs R Ard, Mr~ W Cooney. Case :Millinery . Mrs H dfron. Newcastle. SPECIAL PRIZES . Butter. be8t 5 lbs, silver cruet by .J \V 'l'ufft, Mr s W ll Heid. Butter. 10 lhN, copper tel\ K ettle, by W Bonatha1·; \V H Mr· Reiu. D ISCRETIONARY P1ll ZES . Pitch er Plant, Mrs S Bo,ven, Hookeu ftug-s, ?.fr· .T C riev~. P ebble Work, Miss .J Middlet on, P in D P·wing. Mrs G Mitc lwll. l:sou<]u.,t, J·; verl11stin,,-. Mrs D rummond. Horne-Pll1 de Cheestl. Mro 'l' Littl e. Snowtl1 ·ked· work. M i ~~ Osborne. Wool l\ lrds, Mias Oeborne. F ancv ,t prnn, Mr~ R ose. Vace ]' lowers, Vegetable Extra Special, :Mrs TS Brai;" · Cottou Bed Cover. Mrs '.I.' S Bragg. liubbanl Squash, W R Chaplin. ColJ,ctio" Eint·. A Ehworth. C11ctus 'l'ree, D P erin. FIVE _____1 I Silks a nd imported have advanced from '.!. cent. ch a s e s for fa]J were a t the l o wesL p rices r ~~~~~~~~~~~~-. ~K"UO \\"f . L arge q uanti t ies of fall goo ds a re n o w arriv ing, many l uxu rious lin es at low pri c es. you w a nt goods this season it will pay y o u t.o buy early. Our stock nev er conta ined s o many a ttract iv e bargain s before. . We mean death to high prices and a razors edge for competitors to walk on. Prices never so low. The widest range for selection. Stoc. k never so large. .The latest styles to choose f!'om AUCTION SALES. T uESDA·v Oa.r. 5.- -M r. J ames Stanley, lot 3!.I , con . ti, Darling ton, will sell by pnbliu auction a very s uper ior l o ~ of farm "tock , im plem ents, etc. S !ll e at 12 o'clock , sharp. WM . H AzzELwool>, A ucti,.neer. SATUitD.A Y, O c-r. 9.- T h e valua ble farm prop er ty bt.ilon g ing t o the estate of t h i;i late Jordan Post, P ickerin g , w ill be sol d lJj public a uction, For particulars see poRters and advertisement in this paper . M oNJ>AY, Oc T. 11.- Mi-. John J ames, Mapfo Grove, on e mile wes t of B ow mauv illc, will sell t he whole of h is valuable far m st ock, ma chiner y , implemen t s, carrots, m angolds, J1ay, et c. , without r eserve, as h e is gi viag up farmiug. Sale at 12 o'clo ck, sh a r p . S ee la rge posters. W. HAzzELWOOD, Auction eer. T rESDAY, O CT. 12 - -Mr. H erbert Ehort, lot 20, con . 6, D arling ton, n ear Hampt on, will sell h is far m stock. im plem ents, etc., also about 40 cords of beech and mapl e cord wood. 8ale at 1 p . m. See large p osters. R. H uTCHJSON, Auction eer. "\VEDNESDAY, OcT. 13.- Mr. Wm. J oli, lot Hi, con. 4, on gravel road , one m il e sou th of H a mpton , will r.ell h is va1uabl e thoro' bred and high grade far1 n stock, farm implt m ents, threshing m achine , etc. S ee large posters. Sale a t 12 o 'clock, sh arp. \V . HAzzELwoon, Auc t ion eer . · T n uRSJJ A Y, Oc T. 14.- Mrs . ,Joh n H ancock , l ot 30, K in gston R oad, D <lrlington , will s ell the w hole of h er farm st0ck a n d i mpl ements without reserve. Sale at 1 o' clock , sh arp. S ee la rge poster s. S. C . HuNin~-c1 , Auctioneer , SATUltJMY O uT. lG.- A valu itbl e piece of fand will be sold a t Halle t t 's H ot el , Oron o. See a d vt. R. R u TGlm ioN, A uction eer. M ONDAY, OcT. 18 . - Mrs . Mar y A nn H olm es, lot !J, con. 4, M anver s, will sell h er valuabl e farm s t ock , imple Sal e a t m ent s, e t c., w ithout reserve. 1 p . m. , sharp. See lar g e pos ters . R. H UTCHISON, A uction eer . We will save you money. s:TC>C~. ~ THE STAR HOUSE, East Shop in N eads' New Block. MASON~ CR EAT CLEARINC SALE T. CEO. Don't BE Do"" 't .W. not t rne. - - C>F- - humbugged by p l a u s i b le sto ries a b out the J e w e k y b u siness. b eli e ve all you see i n p rint, much of i t i s ,DRY COO'DS AND CLOTHINC ! ' Ve beg t o notify the public that we will begin a Great Clearing sale of D ry Goods and Clothing. on tak e anything fo r granted, p r o ve for you r seves by actu a l c o m parison. Don't arc fresh MONDAY, OCTOBER, 4th. The REDUC.E D P JttICES of eve r y art i cJe will b e marked o n l a r g e tick e t s , t o s how th e e . '.ten t of' t h e reduct i on s. W e are crowded w i th n e w s t o ck from c ellar t o g a rre t . W e m e a n bus i n e ss, t here for part i es a s k i n g us for b a rgains will n o t ' dis a ppoin ted. Don't During the time of sale, bet ween the 4th of October and t he the 31st of December , we will offer goods at such prices as buy o ld stock a t any will make it easy for the people t o decide who sells the price, go whe r e g oods cheapest Dry Goods and Clothing in t own. a nd pric es low. beli eve o ur prices low b e cau se w e say s o h e r e, b u t p r o v e the fact for yo u rsel ves. Don't m ent . D0 n 't Comp w ast e a l o t o f v a l uabl e t ime i n (l.rg u - ELLISOJSf & N. B.-So m e b arg a ins i n J ob Line s will be o ffer e d at half p r ice . Read y - made Clothing . co_ RBrown. $~~Person s order i ng sale b ill a t the 4 0 -3 m. Bowma.nville, October 1, 1886. ~re the s i z e of our STATESMAN office will receive a free n otice W sto c k and q u anP herson, lik e the a bove up to d ate of sal e. 'rim D urham heifer calf, T S 13ragg, ·nounter-panes, home spun, F \Vaiden , ' V STATESMAN h as t he la rgest circulation in tit y of o u r goo d s w i t h othe r s t ock s . G··ade ()ow. 1st and ?.nd, G Gray. Cooney. 2-year-old Grade Heifer, lst ar.:d 2nd R flrown \Voole11 Sheets, home spun, M rs J Hinch, W est D urham and O n tario. Ord e1·s for 1-year old Gmde H e fer , R Brown, G Gmy . sal es may also be left at t his office. T\~re t he v a r iet y . and W Cooney . . Grade Heifer CaU. Geo Gray . H orseblanket home spun. F ' Valden. n ove l t y o f d e SHEE P. \Voolen Y urn , J Si,1'.l pson. Mrs J llinch . s i g n s o f our g o ods with tha t of ~~MA NU F..A.CTUREROF-~ W oolen Stockings, oors F W&lden, Miss E Age(! Ram, Leicest er , WC Blackburn, W, Ourr. - Died i n Darling ton on the 8th M Bo..,.en, Colt.'on Stock ings. Mrs l~ Arel, B . Alim . o the r stocks. Woolen :::locks, Miss F. M J:lowen, Mr~ S ult . , W ill iam R. Miller, aged 65 years, Shear ling :Rnm, W C Blackburn, W B Allin. Ram J;amb , W ]) >\Jlin, WC lllackburn . 11 m o nth s a nd 17 days . Mr . M illtr was Bowell. ~re t h e lo w p ri?e s 'Voolen Mitts, Mrs EC Beman. Mrs A A b orn iit B elleville , S eptember 22, 1820. , lst, 2nd and 3rd, W 8 Allin . Aged E weR KING STREET, BOWMANVILL W w e q u o t e wit h S hearling E wes, 1st and :.lrd, W B Allin, W G~ msby. Has now on hand a number of Tehloles (and is manufacturing a. great many more) ot t he new He was t he son of Nathaniel a nd Sarah \V oole.n Gb ves, Mr3 R. Ard, Mrs J Riach. C Blackburn. pat terns and best finish, which I a m offering for sale a t the lowest prices consiste nt the a lleged low p r ices o f oth e r s. Miller. W h en about fifteen, his father M en'ri Cowhide Boots. A E lsworth. Ewe L ;i,mbs. ]st and 3rd, W B Allin, \V C with due regar d to wo1·kmanship and quality. The folliowiug i o a li~t of moved from B elleville and set tle d in !Men's Kip Boot~, A E ls wort.h. the principa l vehicles manufactured by me B lackbnru. ~ our workshop M en's l!'in~ Boots, A E lsworth. W h itloy township. On M arch 1 2, 1852, Cotswold Ham Lai.a b, lat, 2nd and 3rd, G D ou ble Covered Carr1ages .. .. ... .. . .... . ..... .. . . .. .. .. ........... .. .. . .. .... $l6U Upward11 ' V oolen Coverlets, Mr& lt H Thornton, Mrs Grny. . and i t s v a luable he was marrie d t o M iss Jan e ltun dle Single Phretona ................. ...... .. ... .. ......... ..... . . .......... ...... ... 100 11 A g ~d E ·ves, l st and 2ad, G Gray. R Factory A~. Cornrl et s, F ' Vaiden, M rs '['hor:i>ton, d a ugh ter of P hilip a nd. Jan e R undl e. and com p l ete set o f T o o ls with Open 11 i::lhearliug J!;wes, G Gray. 'fhe result of t h is h apJlY union was a T op B uggy.. .................... ... . . .. ... .. ............. . ... , . ...... .... ... .. ... . 90 11 Lambs, G Gr::1y. oth ers . LA.DIES' DEPARTMENT. family of seven children ; on e of w ho m ::>hropA hire Ag~d Raml G Mitchell. D e mocrat Wagon.. ......... . ...... .. . .. . ... .. .. ... ...... .. .. . .. ..... ..... ..... .. 65 " Worked Slipperg, M rs J Waddell, Miss E died in infancy ; anothe r grew t o mat urity ; Aged Ewes, 'l' G Wnadell, G Gray . ,fames L umb er Wagon s .......... .. ....... ........ ... ...... ..... .. ..... ..... ..... .... ... 55 " ~re t he w o rk we M Bowen . w as c onverted to G od an d <lied i n the Stapelton , W turn o ttt with She1>rling E wes, J M Stapleton. 'ibfa Cu~hion. M iss L Ch:i.pple, Mrs R t r iumphs of a living faith . The other Expr ess W agon ...... .. . ... ... . ... .. .. .. . ... ..... . .......... .......... . . . .. . .. . .. 75 1t· L ambs, l'. G W acld.,ll. Oeborne. · sons and t h r ee d a ught ers, are , the work othe r s profess t o b e good , Silk E mbroidery, Mrs G Bigham, Miss M c- five, two Shearling, .Tas St aplet on . Skelet on .......... .. ... ......... . .... .. ..... . ..... ... ...... ... ... .. ..... .. ........ , 50 11 Connr...;:h ic. still living to comfort and cheer th eir now~ SWINE. S ulk y.... ..... .. .......... ... .... .......... ....... .. . ......... .. . ... ....... ... .. .. .. 40 " ~re o u r s toc k of m aCrewel Work . Miss L Chapple. gr ief str ick en mo th er . Mr. Miller , for superior facilities for me.nnfaoturing carriages, I inten d to sell very cheap for 11 ~ B erkshire Boar, J MasM . Col, Ladic"' U nder .Clothing, M iss A Mont- near ly t wen ty yenr s suffer ed s ever ely t e r ial for all Possessing or approved cr edit, en d by eo doing I hope t o greatly inorease my n um her of sales. W onl4 Sow Pi"', l st aud 2n<I, \V IJ Blackburn, agne. Mrs J P ollard . f r om a comp l ica " t· " · 11ell t he wood parts only, or t he gearings ot buggies ironed. Girl's Dress.Mrs A A Gamsbv. 10n o f d 1seas es, w1n·ch m k i n ds o f r ep a irs with o ther st ock s Suffolk"Boar, Sam Pl'ein, W B A.llin. ToHet Set, Miss 13 Watson, Miss M Allen. spite of the b est medical skill and t h e P oland Ch ina Boar, Ezra Hall kindness of a faithfnl companion, wor e Cotton 'ridy. Mr~ R Ad. Mrs S Bowen . Hoar Pig. Jt~zra Hall. - - AND-Woolen 'l'idv, Mrs ,T Pollar< l, A A Uameby. awa y his physical stren gth, a nd thus th e B rood Sow, E zra H all. At the Shortest N ot ice, Painted a nd Trimmed if Desired . "earthly h ouse of h is tab ernacle was dis l!'acy 'l'idy, Mrs A rd. Mr,,T Pollard. POULTRY. A.' the Factor,- I also do Planing, Matching, Tur ning ann Sawing with Circle Band or'Sor Croc:het W ork W ool, Mrs R Ard, Mrs J sol ved " and h e was p r epar ed to go t o en G ame l~owl, D McC h nnachie. 8aws. and prepare all kinds or lumber tor carpenters nd others tor building l>Urposea. Howdens. C Tamblyn. Hc:~~ Stool , Mrs J Wuddell, Mi·s L Chap· joy "a h ouse n ot made with hands eterna l Or na men tal end P la in Plokets for fences in every style reouired. mad e to order . G olden Spangled H amburgs, A J Griffin. in 1he h e aven s ." R e was a man of ~ood pell, a ll oth e r s in t he l a te Sih·er Sr angled Hamburgs, A J Griffin, C lJa.rning on Net, Mrs R . Ard, Mrs J P ol· moral character, and bore his y afT amhlvn. designs a nd fresh p a t l ard flictions wi th a good d ei;?r ee of patience S iln ir P enciled H amburgs, A J Griffin . Darning and N etting, M rs A Mont ague, and h eroism ; bnt, n ot until wit hin a year t ern s of good s w e s h o w. \ Vhite Leghorns, h t and :la Alfred Moment, 1 OTICE I S HEREBY GIVEN T H A T - AT THEBl'own L eghorns.1st arid 2nd \Vm Gro·e. Mt~~~dpp~~~ks, Mrs E c Beman , Miss of his d e ath did h e experie n ce th e f ull , a Cour t will be held 1>ursuant to t he Ligl1t Bramah, lst and 2nd S W Moore. U st .Act, hy His Honour the Judge of Voters' R inch . p ower ef saving gr ace, wh ich enabled h im I ~ in v a rie t y o f stock of the County Cou rt of the United Counties of Spanish F owl , l{ Watson . Lamp Mat, Mrs It Ard . Mrs R Moment . t o resign h is a ll ·into the ha n ds of h is Plate d W are , G ol d humberland and Durham a t the Council N ort P lymouth Rock~. J Stapleton. Pillow Shams, Miss E M Bowen, Mrs R lo vin" Saviour and with s weet com posure Room. Bow man ville. on Wednesday the l3tb ' Vyon<lotts, lot imd 2nd A Moment. a nd Sil v e r J ewclr y a nd C u t ler y. of Oc.tober, 1886, a t 10 o'clock, to heat' and de· Ard . say ' ~l'hy will n ot m in e be done ... I fir st L aull"shan, ::) P erin, '1' Bragg. termrne the several compJa.ints of errors and Crochet Work by girl under 12, Miss L m et h im in J uly last, on this circuit; and D orkiugs, \V 0 Blackhnrn . om issions in tht~ Voters' List of the MuniciMi ~s Stilwell. in o u r H.ock Cry sta l l:Santams, Alfred Moment , A J Grif- Watson. pality o.t Da rlington ror 1880. All persons hav· Ci·azv P atch Work, Mrs Rose, Mn J P ollard. I fo und h i m t h en rejoicing in G od h is .lliil · S p ectacl es and " Eyemg busmess a t the Court are requested to e.tfin. O u r F a ll Stock o f E t ching. Miss ltinch . Sa viour . H e said t o me, ·whe n I a wake t~nd a t t he said time and placo. Dat ed t he Turkey~, T S Br agg, C B lackburn. g la sses, all o t h e r k i n ds s h ow n . .J<'ancy K nit ting in Cotton, coarse, Mrs R in the nigh t l want to ab out for joy; 2ath day of Sept ember, 1886. U, W1NDA"l'T1, G eese, \V B Alli11. Moment, Miss l'tinch . when I think of .v h at the Lord has done Clerk of tile sa id Municipality i 0·2 N ouen D ucks, A J Griffin. F ancy K nitting, F ine. Mrs JI Pollard. Mies for me · indeed I ha \·e n ot s uffi ci en t i n the exceeding l y A ylsbmy Ducks, J Hunter . A Montagus. ' ' h t l f l · P ekin Ducks, A ,I Griffiu. J Staplet on. low p r ic es we q u ote lang uage . to e~press w a ee m m y Braidinl( Wool or Silk. ~rs R Ard. .Bra iding Cotton or Silk, Mrs \V Cooney\ s oul. His last illness lasted n early eleven for C l o ck s , W a.t ch e s a n d o th e r GR AIN & SEED S . In pursnance of Chapter 107 R evised Statute· Miss l'r,,leven we ek s d urin l! which the Lord wond erfully are now c o mplete. F ife Wheat. Chas A Coulter , Jas Adams . ot Ontario and a mending acts : Goods . Bead Work . Miss A Montague. s us ta in ed h im · a n d wh en t h e e nd came Any other V arietv, A 'l'amblyn, R Ard. Notice is ~ere by given that any person or O~nin St it?h. Mrs.R . Ard, Mrs J P ol[aro he coul d say,' with D avid, " '!'houg h I L arg-o P eaB, J Cameron, '1' Bragg. Any a m o u n t of Suits b ein g sol d. persons h e.vmg any claim or clai ms against ~ m ost certain l y i n our the ll'state of Isaac Westcott, late of the Town c!';;pl~u"hion. Miss D rummond, Miss L walk throu~h t h e valley nf _ the sh ad ow of Small Peas, ,Jas Adams. R e p air ing D e l? a r t - O u r C utti n g" is c u t by a proper of llowmanville. in the County of Dnr be.m, \Vh1te Oats, A 'l\ \mblyr.., E Holmes. l!'oot Stool. Miss L Ohapple. Miss M Allen . d eath, I will fea r n o e vil, for t h ou art blacksmith deceased. are reque>ted to send by Six Howed Barley, 'l' 8 Bragg, P Linton. nt, a nd all o th e r d esi rab le m e Brackets, Miss L Chapple, M iM B W ateon. wi th me , t h y r od a nd thy staff t h ey compost prepaid, addr essed to Mt'"· Mary Corn in E ,n , yellow, A A Gamsby, '\V S Fir s t Clas s C u tter- on e w h o has W estcott, Bowmanville, Dot., the Executerix P oint Lace , Miss A Montag"ne. Miss Rinch. for t me " S o h e passed peace fully away, fea t u res. Ga msby. of the will a nd testament o.t 1he deceased }foniton Lace, Mi~s A Montab '1le, Miss . mi st ated a bove, on t he 8 ;h ult. , and on 'fimot hy S1oed. R Ard, T G ' V1>ddell. l d tl 1a r y 0 f o n e > a li d or deliver to the undersigned on or before the 1 le Sa F W '.l'EEN'.l'II Day of November next, 11 sta te· COffiUlanCte 13cans, W U Chaµlin, 1' G Waddell. ",F~~~~Y Screen. Miss M Allen. the 10th h is mortal re mains. wei:e fol lowe d i s our Motto, ment of his or their claim or cl '" \ms, and his O:i.ts, R Ard. Pauels. Miss Drummond. Miss M Allon. by a large compan y of hi~ frie nds a n d or their christia n and surna mes 1 earned the r eputat i on. h:l.oJ,-esses and A and. our p r inc i p l e s F ;ill Wheat, \ V .!< ' 'l' homas, P Linton . description and the na ture of the security if Kin8 iugt on P aint ing, Miss '.l'releven, .M:iss n eighbors t o th e E ben ezer b urial gr ou nd. a r e g o a h e:id, a nd i t will r equire F R UI'.I.'. k · d · b l t any held by him or them. And that immediateA d iscoUl'se was d eliver ed by th e writer E Braden. i t a v i s a e 0 ly a fter the B itld date t he said Executrix will Oil P&intiog, L a;ndscape, Miss L'Chapp.Je, · on t h e occasio n fou nde d on 1 Cor . 15, b u t ONE VISIT t o m a k e you a W e do n ot t h l ll Fall Apples, (dessert) W II Chaplin, J M · proceed t o distribu te the assets of the said Cohblec\ick. M " 56-57. I p ray that the fa mily n ow divided ss M At_llen. , . t· M ' L (Jh MDi . o urne yme n t ailor s hke dec~ased a mong the parties ~ntitled thereto. p eim a n e nt c u st o m e r for \ e m 1)l oy J ecox·a w e 1. :nn mg, lSS anp1e, t BS · · 1 1 I f havrng regard only to the clniws of which she Fall Apples, (cooking,) W H Chaplin, A A D rummond" may b e re -umt ed , wit lout t 10 oss o one d t h l shall thenbavehail d ue notice. . t G <omsby. some h o u ses cl o a n d i n ro u c e em Dated at Bowmanville. this 2Hh day or SeptP on Velvet or Satin, Misd L Ohap- ·on the JJ:ver Green Sh or e. W inter Apples, (dessert, ) J P ollard, R OsH. HussEr.LJ,oscor.rnE, . ember, A. D., 188u, ple. Miss Drummond. ' R .. SANUER.~ON. borne. J0-1w Solicitor for said Executrix; , to t h e p u b h c a s firs t c l a ss c utt e r s. Cray< m Drawing, Mi;is Drummond, M·rB '(} Winter Apples, (cooking,) R Osborne, W H Mitchell. · Chaplin . S o c a ll a nd get y o ur clo thin g well Pencil D ra wing, Mi~ L W a:tson, Mr s J , W on d·erfo l is t h e effec t of \ Vest's N orthern Spy, D M cConachie, J l'oJl,.rd. Mullig.m. World"s Won d er or Family Linime n t in 'l'IIE J EWEt.EE.. I Sno" Apples, R Osborne, M Garvin cut a t t h e Ecl ipse Hou se. Col. P hotographs. Mr A '.Elswortli. r h euma tism, s prains, cuts, b ruises, b urns, ----~ l r:- Golden Ru~set·, A A Gamsby, ,J Pollard . Gent 's Shir!' and Collar, Mrs A A ·Gamsby. s cakh un d a ll diseas es requiring ext ernal Spitzenbmg , .T M Cobblidick, M Cooper & F1 ·ce1u an'K. '\Vor 111 1·0 ,·nlcr n r o a g pc·cnhle 1o . · 1 d · 1 't · 1 Woolen Q111lt . 1 and 2 Mni A A Gamsb:y . DEST J N THP. W ORLD Son. Cotton' ~uilt.~frs · !T M Oobbledick,Mir;i A A 1 app 1ioa t:on. t s tan d wit w u a riva . tnke, noel e x 11c l n il kin d s o.r wurm~ rt om \ SF' Get the O\;u\11no; IMd Ji:Ve17Wbe;&.. Bellflower, Jos Pollard. A A Gamshy . cllllctren and ~1<l11lls. · Gam!lby, MTI! : R Ard. I 25 and .(,)Oc pe t· bottle. All druggist s. t K ing 'l'ompkin, J a.s P ollard, R Osborne . BUT E xtr aordi nary HAINES' CARRIAGE "WORKS, GEORGE C. BAINES, Proprietor, Com ;:w Comp OARRIACES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &G., "W!!e Comp w· Comp Bug gy................................................ ............. ....... 70 Light W agon..................................................................... 40 '-u Comp w All Kinds o f Vehicle s R epaired Thus Proue that We Excel ivicel .-...a. BUSINESS BOOMING D arlington Voters' L ist. N ECLIPSE HOUSE. 'T!1'XCS1 'y E X eel .llillXC CLOTHS and Men's Furnishing's Notice to Credit ors. el IO R E ""'Cel-S MAYNARD I I W . H. I VES. FRAZER GR AXLE EIS E

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