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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Oct 1886, p. 1

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T:SRMS :-11.iO PE:a Alnrox. NEW SERIES, NUMBER 429. OUR TOWN A.NB COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, ED11'0R AND PROPRIETOR. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1886. EBENEZER. The Y. P. C. A. in this place wu reopened oo Tuesday evening last, havinl! been closed for a few weeks during the busy season . No doubt the usual liv ly interest will be ta.ken in connection there. with as heretofore. The newly elected officers for the comin2 term are: Rev. R . Sanderson, President ; Wm, Rundle, Vice- President; A. J. Courtice, Secretary: Mies Florence Courtice, Organist; W. E.. Cour1ice, Treasurer; Messrs. J. B. Allin, R. E. Osborne, and Miss Ada Osborne, and Edith Short programme committee; Mess·s. W. H . Perkins,. Frank Short,aod Charlie Witheridge room committee. VOLUME Amelia. Jane ' 1 isits the Fair. xxxn. ' NmrnER 42. CLARKE URION. Mr. H. Davis h&1 loit his .-aluable colt. Mr. H. Rowe has ho1se that etanda over 18~ hands hi)!h. M ies Ida Souch has been visiting friend· at the Front. . . . _ Mr. Frank Mannmg visited his \)arent11 'on S1mday. Mr. George Cain has purchased a fine hound. Apples in this loc!llity are small and few. Mr. H. Rowe's house is being bricked which will improve the appearance. Mr. John Diamond, of Tyrone, is about t o move into Mr. C. Souch'a hcU9e. Welcome, John. The farmers are well through their plowing. Mrs. Roger Rowa has returned from nursing her daughter who was very ill . Mr. John Sandercock haa purchased a self-binder. Mr. John Parker's house is completed. Moxie, AUCTION SALES. o'OU"RTICE. Mrs. Jas. Rundle and her 11on Frank are visitiug in Mitchell and Exeter, Mr. R. 0. Shon " has rented Mr. Levi YanCainp's farm and will move to the Lake S hore in the spring. Mr. Short has rented his own place to Mr. Thos. Nichols. · The late Mr. 'fhoe. Snowden wa11 buried on \ Vednesday. The deceased had reached the ripe old age of 88 years. Rev. Mr. Whitlock and wife, of New· t onville, spent a day or t wo amongst friends hem last week. Mr. Harry S>llter and his men are working in the vil lage th!s week at Mr. Lent's new building. A base ball . club from Cedardale came down here on Monday last to play lhe Ebenezer Stars, but owing to a misunderstanding the Stard were nr1t on hand and the visitors h'ld to return home dieap· pointed. TRIM. ~~~- = ··--· ~ bO = =· ml bO ..... ~~~- ENFIELD. Mr. Wtn. Hobbs has moved into Mr. J. Nlddery's house. Most of the farmers market their grain at Burketo n this fall. Mrs. D . Dye r tmd Mrs J, Ashton have returned from Owen Sound ; also Mrs. Ormiato11 luls returned from Dakota. They all report h ..ving a very pleas'ant time. Mr. R. Pascoe boasts of a three pound potato. Who can beat this 1 Mr. Wm. .i f. Ormiston's ooe yeM old blood colt has taken 4 first prizes this. fall already. Our foot ball club played a g"me with thfl P @rt Perry team. It wai a tie. Mr. Wm. Tapp is convalescent. The Jlll0digal baa returned. The visitors this week are Dr. Jessop and wife ; - Mrs. D. Archer and Mr. Albert Wade. Near~v- everybody went to Port Perry fair. _ __ ·_ N EMO. I - I HA M .PTU.f.I. Mr. E. Hastings has improved the appearance of his Pump FACtory by the addition of a new front. It is reported that two of our citizens were horse training laet Sund~y. A young man of this place (recently a prominent member of the S . A.) jndgiug from appearances has aerious intentions of unitina with the " Dieciplca." Mr. D. Wilcox moved into the village la~t week. Mr11. Bedford is bettar, and was out for a drh-e recently. Mr. John J,, Irwiu, Port Hope, has been it this neighborhood for a few days. The Township Collector is visitin~" the rate p,ayers again. . Mr. and Mra. Ashley, Oehawa, were in the village over Sunday. Mr. H. Elliott, jr., made thr~e entries of pears and appl011 at the flair, and took three first priite3. Mr. F. A. Cole made two entries, and took two red tickets. Measrs . H. S· h ort's and W. Joll'11 sales this week were well attended and splendid prices were obtained. One cow a.nd calf of Mr. J.~H's sold to Mr. D . Cornish $88. The judges )Vere unable to de.::ide whicih auetioneer was entitled t ·o the bolt, !!Ill r i t still remains with HaiTy Phillips. Mr. M. Cryderman's sal~ is next Wed.&eaday. SLOW Bow. for Hats, Caps and Furs I At the leading establishment of NEWCASTLE. Surely Newcastle illnstra.tee the old rhyme slightly remodeled. Here and there and everywhere barley's on the go, sir. When it comes rl!G the point that all the inhabitants of Beaver St., and their friends have to [&addle their own canoe through mud and rain because, forsooth, the council is so buay with grain. Grain rebels. We a>re glad to hear that the W.C. T. U. ha Ye presented the bycicle club with a voh·me entitled Rums Gallery. Hopes are entertained that the President will see thart selections are read aloud as oft en aa practical. Our youthful Capt. won the medal given last week at Cobourg. The boys said they Kent he would . w hen he left. Pbuny boys, as Josh Billings would say, Laet winter the English church was provid.ed with a furnace which resulted in the co:ai;<regation being nearly frozen. The conrbracter for the furnace 11&id it was the fault tihe draft. The church wardens to prove fallacy of :said slander, had a stove pt1t up in one of the coal bins. They proved.the calumny effoctully~ '.l'he dritt drew 1 like all possessed, for the first time in rtihe 'annals of man, there was afire in the lower regions of the church, th., chureih.caught fire but was fortunately quelled witih only aome $90 damages. Dame rum.oa: says that ·owing their etfect· ual proving of drafts all the banks in Canada are ·offering immense salaries if one of said wo11i1Jclena will t urn bank cleI.ik . Laud de dal1. At the meet.iag.called by the council lo deoide whether it was bet ter to die by fire or water. It was decided that tfue vote of the maj·n·ity should decide a f>out firo engine. M o:re :anon. B.B . OSHAWA. The residenc" of G. J . Scott was burglarized 1 ·Friday night . Mr. J oh·n Sh ·pman, er., h as returned frum his visit to Q·tebec and Vermont, He sayd Ontario will do for him yet. · Michael Coffee, the poor fellow who had hia right a~m taken off in t.he gear ot a throeshing machine a few weeks a go is doing nicel)'. On Tnesday (IVening the friends at Kedron, wishing to show their esteem of Mr. Jas. Goodman and family (who have aince removed to Oshawa)assembled about forty in number, and presented Mr. and Mr11. ·Goodman with a valuable silver tea p<1t and 11poon h older . Jae. Lu ke, of Columbus, recently tried at the Barne assizes on a charge of abortion, has been sentenced to five years in Kingston penit1mtiary. A young man named Kelly, from t he county of Durham, was tried at the same assizes for killing a. fa.rmer named Sloan, in the county of Simcoe, was found guilty of manslaugh· ter, and sentenced to fifteen years' im· prisonment.- Reformer. 1\1.[~ :M:.A.YE:E t, the Practical Furrier, you can find the largest stock in above lines in this county. FOR LADIES: In Jackets-Dolmanettes, Capes, Caps and Muffs in great variety. FOR GENTS: ..-;.& DEER Mr.. EDITOR, - My name is MR. R. HUTC RISO~'s SAi.ES. Amelia Jane Gusher and I ieel it my SA'l'U lWAY OcT. 16.- A valuable piece ot Christian duty lo inform you of a tower land will be sold at Hallett's H otel, I took through Bowmanville. I do111icile Orono. See advt. R. Hu:rcHISON, some t en miles out of your fair town, and Auctioneer. · when brother told me he would take me to town, to improve my mind and see the MoNDAY, OcT. 18. - Mrs. Mary Ann siii:hts I started and saw. We drove Holmes, lot 9, con. 4, Manvers, will some considArable spell and landed, or at sell her valuable farm stock, impleleast got ont, right by the gate of yout' ments, etc,, without reserve. Sale at beautiful cemetery. 1 persisted ou start· 1 P· m., sharp. ~ ee large posters. R. in my walking tower then and there. H UTCHISON, .Anctioneer . Yea indeed may the poet think he was a WEDNESDAY, U(JT. 20. -Mr. Michael Cry· man to say: derman, lot 20, con. 6, Darlington, N. Let the dead and the beautiful rest. ,V. of Hampton, will sell the whole of It seems to me only me te and proper his valuable farm stock, implemente, that the body so tar as twere i n our power etc., an·d 45 acres of land. Sale at 1 be left in sui:h a place tu convey the idea o'clock. See large posters. R. H UTCHI· i>f wher.i we hope the soul has gone be· SON, auctioneer. fore, and when we stop to think that 'fnuRSDAY, OcT. 21.- Mr. Edward Ralls, perchance soon us too will he laid to rest lot 33, con. 7. Clarke, will sell the we feel than];ful for t he c1Jrnbined effort of whole of his valuable farm stock, imple· God,man and nature, that .makes our last ments, etc., without r eserve . Sale at 12 earthly dwelling place embody a faint o'clock. See large posters. R. H UTCHI· idea of Eden. None can enter there SON, auctioneer. without theirthonghts being imtinctively SATURDAY, OcT. 30.- The Trustee Board raised higher. Who dare say that each will sell the Building of the old C. M. like t hought does not make us better Church, Hampton, at 4 11'clock p. m. prepared to face the unknown Terms made know a oo day of sale. R. Then thanks to the men who through HuTCIUSON, auctioneer. God given power hath made graves a AUCTION s,u,gs.- R. Hutchison, Licensweet ~yrubol of our first perfect hour. I sed Auctioneer for the Townships of left a beq.,r womao. ClarkP Manvers 0 ·1rt wricrht Darlin"ton Then I slowly meandered o~ West a?d . andWhitby.All s:les.attended'to promptly f01md twas t!1e day of. your drnrnal fair, J and at reasonable rates. w . here it is not and. -su?h e~ghts ! give. you my word convenient to see me, arrangements for (which 1s qmte umrnpflaohable) th~t t he sales can be made with the Editor r)r by h~mp~ on t.he backs_ o~ the camels rn our addressing me at Eoniskillen, O. p1~torial p!C_ture :Sibhcal. Btble was no- N. B.-I have no. agents out begging for thmg tc; t~e rnflahon carued on the relir sales for me. R. H uTmnsoN. tf. of the ladies, Its .a stern fact that I thought they was ad vertisen a circus, ll:!lt . W. HEZZLEWOOD's SALES. blue Alsatians or Timbuctooes or euthio, a party told me afterwards twas fashion . FRIDAY, OvT, 15,- Mr. Geo. Carscadden, Then and there l prayed aloud from the lot 35, con. 10, D1irlington, N. W. of E. C. liturgy, from all such good Lord Enfield , will sell tho whole of h is farm deliver · us. What a dreadful seigo of stock and implements a.e he is going to ring worms all the female women aud Manitoba. Sale at l p.m.; eharp. See girls eeem to have had, their hair is all so large posters. \V, HEZZELWooD, auct· short. I only wish I had known ring ioneer. worms was current in your .town , I have a W. Hazzlewood, ltaglan, on't . Licenssudden ueath to ting worms that l will ed A uctioneer for the township of Daraell for eleven cents. ThP.m worms must lington. All orders for sales in this all have taken the same tower for th ey vicinity, left with F. H. Mason, Bowlooked all pretty much alike in shape, manville, will receive prompt attention. and lots and Iota of real old wo1J1en had 34-tf. had it so bad their heads had to bti shingled. It wake" me feel like bursting Mll. s. C. HUNXlNO'S SALES._ infa an epic poem (I" ofte" epic when my T uESDA.Y, O<JT. 10,- Mr. 'Vm. D owning, feeling" overporsuade me) and say lots 8 and 9, Broken Front,East Whi~ Female w-0men who live io B. by, near Ccdardiile, will s111l, without Pe.y yo11r money and come to me; Apply it twice, the worms will die, reserve, his valauble farm &tock, impleAnd you. will be no more a guy. ments, etc. Sale at 1 p.m. sharp. See Poetry by Amelia Jane G usher, her la.ri:e posters. S. C. HuNKINC, auctionm ark x eer. It makes me fairly glow till I glower when I th:i~k of what a public benefactor SATURDAY, OcT. 23.-Seventy acres of you will become through mea lone female lot. 9, con . 5, Whitby, will be sold woman., see how you will be enabled to at the Central H otel, Oshawa. 'l'his is succor the inflicted. I am going to stay a good chanco to b uy a smiill farm. quite a spell at the tavern here to study Ve1·y favorable terms. Sale at 3 p.m. manners .and human nature, maybe I'll L . FAIRDANKS, auctioneer. caU, an,f'how I'll write. I like corresffe.l:i"'Persons orderiug sale bill at the ponding with male men. STATESMAN office will r eceive a free notice Your sincere well wisher, like the above up to date of sale. The AMEI,IA ,JANE GUSHER. STATESMAN has the largest circulation in P. S - Please t e ll me through the West Durham and Ontario. Orders for · annals ·of your paper whether you be a sales may also be left at t his office. married man. P. S. No. 2.- If you be I k now a sure School Reports for September. _ cure for croup infa.ntuw. Excuse Latin. .A. J. G. NAMES IN OIIDEl.t OF MERIT, r. , Zl'ON. TYIRQNE. Rev. F. Woodger was here last week So come along, friends, and bring your cash and you will calling on friends. decidedly get a bargain. All kinds of Fur altered and repairerl. Mrs. Chas. Keitilil 8.n'd Miss Bingham of Bowmanville, ihave b(en visiting friends. The Practical Furrier. 'Mr. P. Biglow, of Leakard, has rented the h ouse belonging to lllit'.· .iTas. Couch. The Funeral of the late Frederick Branton "'took place on SatDrda.y _ to ·<> J3.etli!ll!~ Burying-ground and was quite .T largely attended. l<'ollowing are the offieel's of Tyrone ""1:11 Divisionfor~he ensuing quar.ter:- W.P., . ;;;a_ · Bro. J as. Bmgham, W. A., Bro. Thos. Creeper; R. S ., Bro. J. H. Werry; A. R . S., B. u. W. W. Fraser; Chap. Bro. J . E. Bing.haru ; C. , Sis.Ellie Jamieson; A. C., Sis. Annie Harris; I. S., Sia. E. Reeve; 0. S. , Bro. S tanley Staples; P . W. P., :Bro. J :.H. Hicks . Athletics of:this place met a t the corner store Saturday night and appointed th" following officers for the foot ball club : A. S.Tilley, Capt; S. M. Clemens, · Secy-Treas. All challanges must be sent to the Secy., of the Shamrock F. B. Team, CLil\tAX. The Harvest Home Festival on Wednesday was financially a success. The ,:'wenty-five cents extra wm be charged when accounts run choir r endered some anthems very efficiently. The speaking was good . P roceeds, nea rly $ 106. The base ball match over one month. in the afternoon between the Ebenezer Stars and the Gladstone3 resulted in favor of t he Stars by 11 to 5 . '.£he foot ball match, Enniskillen ( Rogers) vs Tyrone (A. S. Tilley, Capt .,) was in favor of 'I'yrone by 2 to 1. Mr. Benson Cryde rman, Hampton, was referee. large stock of Fur Coats in Russian Lamb, Bokarian and Coon, in all prices, Sleigh Robes by the dozen, and Caps of all descriptions. In Gent's Furnishings- the best stock of Underwear, Ties, Braces, Shirts and Rubber Coats. :M_ :M ..A.-Y-· E R::7 M~IJOUGALL & M ETC A L F Bo-W-:::M....8 N'"-VI LL . 1:!..1::7 , are offering Coal as ollows : I Stove and Chestnut, ..................$6. ----··v Grate and Egg, .............................. 5.75 Half Tons, $3.10 ; Quarter Tons, 1.60 LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, POST & GORD WOOD Always on hand a lowest prices. McDOUGALL & METCALF. reeo111eded fi.>r 1111 ease~. rror. I.ow·~ : lllagic Salplaar Sonp h hlg l1Jy humurs llllll .~kin dis · A very pleasant time wi>s spent nt the residen;:e of Mr. S. Washington. on 1triday evening last. About thirty of the friends of Zion Church. ma<le tb tlir appearance with their baskets well filled and of a quality such as the il11.dies of th" neighborhood only can prepare. The occasion was a presentation to Miss 'Byrom, on lier removal to llowman· \·iile. '.l.' he following address was read bv T. G. J,E~q. , and the presentation made h¥ Mrs. Wm. !Sain and Ml'll. W. H. i..angmaid, Miss ~yrom , your friends ot Zion have met bere to night. on the eve of your removal from our midst, to expres~ io .l!Ome tangible way their appreciation of the . v aluable serv.ices you havP rendered to the churcli and the lttligbborhood dDring the seven years of your residence among ue, Your efforts in connectrlon with thP. choir, especially dur~ iog the thl'ee years that vou have acted as leader. been A joy and a dP.!ight to the. whole congregation. Not on the ·Sab· bath day h.~\<e you led the service of song, but as occasion presented itR&lf, whether in the chu~lh or in the neighborhcod yon have done milch to highten and refine our social stanpiog. You have also placed us all under obligatioo to you for your patience and perseverence in teaching the children and young people of the Sabbath school t o aing Scott's Emwsion of Pure so delightfully at our annual Sunday School celebrations. W.e regret that io the ProviCod Liver OJI. Wl4b llypopbospllttes dence of God you are about to remove from Is not only very 'palatable; but the r eme- I -0ur midst, hut we trust that wherever duty dial power of these v.aluable specifics is calls. you will be f<mnd ready to do anything greatly increased, and as a remedy for a,nd everything il"t your power for the cause of God and for the guod of men. We hope Consumption, Scrofula, Emaciation, or and pray for your usefulness and happiness where there is loss of .flesh and nerve iu the future, awl we ask you to accept thid power, it is remarkable in its results. silver fruit dish as a slight token of our good FREE TRADE.- The reduction of inwi~hes atld friendship towards you. Take no other. t ernal revenue and the taking off of Signed in behalf of the friends at Zion. revenue stamps from Proprietary MediMBS. W . BAIN. . . ()ONSIJHPTION ()()RED.- a.n OHl t>hysician retired from practice, having had placed In his cines, n o doubt has lariiely benefitted the Mm;, W. H. LANGMAID, hands by anEastlodia missionary the formula Mr. T. E. V\'asbinoton, on behalf of Miss consumers as well as relieving the burden of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy o.nd permanent cure ofUonenmption,Bronchitis, Byrom, made a suittilile reply, and thanked of home manufacturers. Especially is this Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and. Lung Af· the company for the valuable gift, but es· the case with Green's Augnst Flower and fections, also a positive and radical cure tor pecially for the kindness and good will of her Nervous Debility and all nervous Complaints, friend~. Miss Byrom also expreaRed her Boschee's German Syrup as t he reduction after having tested its wonderful curstive pleasure and tbauks . The evening was I of thirty-six cents per dozen, has been adpowers in thoU8ands or cases, has felt it his spent in a very pleasant way until the happy ded to increasa the size of t he bottles conduty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve company left for their homes. The present, taining these r emedies, thereby givin"' human suffering, I will send free of charge, to which was a very handsome one, wa.~ pur· one-filth more medicine in the 7fi cent size ~ all who desire it, this recipe, in German.French, chased from Mr. A . Buckler, l3owmanville The A ugust Flower for Dyspepsia and or English, with tull directions for prep11-ring Liver Complaint, and the German Syrup and ueing. Sent ·b y mail by addrcssing'\vitb , , stamp, namln!l' this paper, w. A. NOYES H9 West s Worlds 'Yonder or Family for Cough ancl Lung troubles, have perPower's BlockRochester .N. Y. '5 Liniment is a remedy that n<> well regu· haps, the largest sale of auy medicines in ~ . -. lated household should b e wlthout, as it the world. 'l.'he advanfage of increased . Consum pbves, do , not despair. There is a positive cure for rhe umatism. It is s ize of the bottles will be greatly appreci8 IS. hope. Try 'Yest Cough Syrnp. It invaluable for sprains, cuts, bruises, burm, ated by the sick and affiicted, in every will always cure m early stages: Procure scalds and all diseases r equiring- external town and village in civilized countries. a dollar bottle of your druggist and be application. 25 and 50c per bottle. .All Sample bottles for 10 cents r emain the cured. t druggists. t eame size. 42 I School Section No. 9., Lake View,. Cartwright. Fourth Class, Seur.- Minnie McNeill 300, Emma McNeill 2G3, L ena Moor 138, Lizzie Williams 118, Bertie Devitt 46. Third Claa11, Senr.-Ma<mie Mahaffy 176, Wesley Mills 24. Third Class, Junr.- Percy McNeill 204, Edgar Peel lOZ, Ada Nesbitt 69, Sarah Armstrong20, Second ClaM, Senr.-Sammy Mahafty 419, Susan Chapman !l53, Walter Veale il.'30, Ethel Thompson 321, Freddie Willan 305, ·Edmund McCrea 261, Lena Thompson 244, Sarah Williams 219, Ada Wilson 168. Second Class, Junr.Bertie Cowan 323, Emma Thornton 328, Annie Armstrong 279, Minnie Sloan 253, Minnie Chapman 248, Richard Williams 236. Second part.- Willie Ney 246,M artha Ney 222, Charlotte Ney 212, Eleio Moor 209, May Wilson 186, Herbie Cowan 168. HA'.lTIE E. Grnns, TEACHEU. S.S.No.19,Darlington. -Fourth Cla~s, Sanr. .....:Mary Sinith, Kittie Argile, Aunie Smith. Fourth Clasl!, Junr. - Susie Mc· Lean. 'l'hird Cla!is, Senr.- Mary McLean. Third Class, Junr.-Sarah McL ean. Second Class,Senr. - IdaMcLea.n Mercy Bennett. First Cla~s Senr,_: Willie Crydermi\n, Milton Gilbert, Levi Torbiff, Luther Gilbert. First Class' Junr.- Stanley Byam, Allie Robbins. Tablet Class, M cLean T. McLean, L illie Gilbel't, Edith Tortliff. Tablt>t Class, Junr.-Mary Cryderman. F. J. GROAT, TEAr:HER. I

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