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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Oct 1886, p. 3

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!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!~!!!~~!!!!!!~~~!!!~~~~· · ····-·-~·~· ··il~fl· _ ·_11_1_~ ----- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. ~~~~·~.. ~~!!!!!!!~~~~=-20?~:""~:==·~·f= ... =-:·:--::::~~~~--===~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~'*'!!!~-~~!!!!~~~!!!!~·!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!::::!!!!!!!!!!.!!!!!!!!9 . .·-~ ----·-··~ . . --..--·····-·· . !!£29 . of they restriction grow np isiii gre<ttly childw h c much lesscned by too hood. B GRAIN Gin a man credit if you want to start him on cle road to de poo' house. Schools .And Myopia. ~ ~=============== As i t am de roughness of <le grinrlstun 'FRIDAY, 0 0; 03ER Hi , 1886. .Myopia is the scientific nnme of short Oreosote a · peci:fic for Erysipelas. which slmrpens rle ax, so it am de troubles sightedness. 'Ve have more than once c<tll Dr.·L H . Co::. ;;ives some experien~e ?f l_iis of life which a ige up de human mind. ~nd eel attention to it in some of ifo aspects. Its Gray lm'rs um entitled to i·cspeck only MALL FARM FOR SALE.-- 30 importance letLds us to recur to it agt1in. 'l'hc own in this rem("dy, and says: "All m:im1es acres of land having thereon good fram e New York Al e;Jic"l Record says there can be of whfltever ki,,,l, h<tve ueen tre;;ted with when the owners of gray heads respeck deir· STAND :-Town Hall Building, o ne door east Ont. Bank. house, barns, stables and other necessary out· no doubt that it is increasing; that eighty dressings of this 1~emedy, and ~vhcre .this h<ts selves. buildings young orchard of 4 11.cres, well wat· been done from first to last, m no m shmce It doa.n' do any good to light a c1mr1le a.rered and· fencc!l, . Situated ju at outside the per cent. uf the studeHts in the Polytet:hnic l;<ts there been ,, 11 attack of erysipel<ts." ter you have bin eatin' wormy apples in <le · oorporation ofBowm11.nvme_ Will be B<>ld very School of Frauce have Lo we<>r glasses. 'I'he usual rr"cnner of appliciition , w<ts in dark. cheap for ca3h, Apply to M. .A.. JAMES, Sarcey, n. French writer , :.nd ft victim to De pusson who judges of de speed of a STATESMAN Office, Bowman ville. 9·tf. the clise<tse, rleclm·es it to be spre<tding solution of six I.<> twen ty drops, to the ounce We have all the best grades o f through Enrope like some epidemic. But of;, keepi1 tg the ;pm·!-s covered with mule by his bray rnusn't complain if eberyclotbs constant I ·i wet with it. In ulcers or body pa.sses him on de road. RICK HOUSE AND LOT FOR most of us lmrdly need to go beyond onr own 1 De pusson who am nebber temptecl dcSALE IN BOWM.A.NVILLE.- A very observation ancl experieuce to be satisfied of wounds it may , be used in_ the form ?f a comfortable brick house, nearly new, contain· the fact of its It is so commou for ponltice, by sti1 ·mg grom1d slippery elm mto sarves no particular credit fur obeyiu' de ing 8 rooms, besides pantries, cl<>sets and sumthat is manufactured. t he solution. 'l'he strength to be regnfated law. mer kitchen, excellent cellar. Hard an~ soft youug school-girls to wear gl<tsses, that De less achice you gin widout pay de mo' water: very good fruit garden or t acre. S1tuat· glasses seem almost like a new and grotesque i·ccorcling to 1,110 virulence of the_ attack. We have in stock all k i nd s of General Groceries, Coarse und F ine Salt ed in the most 11.ristroeratlc part of the to\\'.n. fashion. Neither the father nor the mother Ordinarily, te11 drops to the 01mce is ~trong credit you w ill r eceive fur bein' chuck -full Will be sold on very reasonable terms. .Apply of the writer, nor any of their nncestry, were enough for the· ,1ta11eons form of the d1~~se, o' wisdom. American and Canadian Coal Oil, Bran, Shorts, Oats and ChickeX: to :M· .A., JAMES, S1'ATESMAN Office, 9·tf, Men who expect t o be treated jist as you Feed, Crockery and Glassware, Fres h and C u red Meats1 Sausages and myopic, and yet five of their children, in- a.nc1 in dressinp.s fur ,~-onrids or recent rniuries. If the ini!u.m1mit10n threatens to spread treat <lcm will neither sbnrler nor abuse you. clmliug the writer, :ire ~o. La.rd of his own make and rendering. Life. time e x 11 "rience in theBetween readin' a man's charncter by his That this tendency i s clue to our modern ra.pidly, it sho t1 rl be incretLse<l to twenty or Meat Department enables us to supply a quality unequalled. bumps or goin' on a picnic wid him, take de · systern of schools is plain. It is developed more drops to 1he onnce of water. during the school Rge, and extends Mlcl in· picnic. · The Grocery Department, under the supervision of Mr. John Allin, is Diphtheria. 'Yhat we cal ke1fate on doiu' fur to-medder tensifies as the school years go on ; and of the very best quality. No tras h or poor goods kept in stock, deals though , when thus developed , it may in· Dr. R. Couef.<1UX, of France, reports two wontp1·y <le grocer fur ' taters nor <le butchonly in the best goods, which will be sold at the lowest possible prices. crease during life, it is not developed <tt ull c;ises, aged s i , <tnd nine y~rs, . says that er fnr soup-bone. <tfter 1tbout the age of twenty. when death w ···~ apparently immment, and De man who aims to clevn,te his fellowYour p atronage will be thankfully received. The cause is partly imperfect light, which tmcheotomy h"<l . been i:efusecl as a last. re- man can't be too keerful to prevent de nay. Are prepared to pay the highest prioea Goods delivered to all parts of the town on short notice. neccssit:ctes bringing the eyes too near the sort, he orden·l mhabt1011s of steu.m , tmc- burs from oberhearin' his fam'ly riots. 1 liebs, of which twenty-five Doan be too hard on human na.tur'. De for all kinda of Grain delivered at the book p>1ge, bnt mainly the bad habit into tnred with t;1 A call solicited. which children fall, and which is not cor- gramme~wa.rc ph1ced in the boiler a.t once, : mauwho ~in 80t down <tn' an' tell you exact· r ected by the teacher, of holding the hood the ste:1 m being conveyed by tubes to the' ly wh<Lt.d1s kelltl'y needs to .make her i;;re~t tor Butter, Eggs, Hides, Tallow, Deel, Pork and Wharf or t heir Store House in town. down too near the book when there is n o beC'ls of the children to be inhu.led by them. im' plor~~us miiy lmve 1~0, H~ea !us all Farm Produce. need to do so. Both a good r ecovery, Dr. Couetoux nex bar 1 of flour am comm ft om. Now the lens of the eye naturally changes says that cnbebs m.ed· in this way against the C. M. C AWKER, A 1·cligion which can't E~IJld befo' de to adapt itself to the v11rying <list:tnces of cliphtheri<t is more rowerful than euci.·lyp~us, sight of <t circus pnrceshun or de sound of JOHN ALLIN. objects; but keeping the eye too near its oh· glycerine, tar, or the essence of terebmthma. de fiddle am not worf luggin' aroun' de Stea·lY Employ111ent t~ good m en. ject dudng the growing peri6d of chihlhood kentry . None need be idle. and youth fo1·ces the lens permimently in the :People who expect :1 man to k ick his own Previous experience nGt essen tio.l. We pay form suited only to netir sight. The Dark Valley-A Parable. dog in case of a. fight have got a good sureither s11.l11.rles or commission. 100 smart men '11'le defect may be l()(Jked on as a slight wanted 11.t once to ca.nv11.s~ for the sale or A cert:1in man was traveling to a far prise I<tid np for 'em. matte1· iJJ its earlier st11ges, but it tends to country, and itlong with him went three Canadian Grown Nursery Stock, 'Vhen you !fatter yourself dat de mftjoriincrease, and tlrnt sometunes to the st<tge of compa.nions whose company did greatly be- ty of 1>eoplc do<tn' know de difference beorganic disorgn.nization. guile the way, and one besides who was very tween de roar of a lion an' de bray of ti11 Says the ntcord, "M. S11rcey urges his J.nrg~st in <:nnatla-O'Ver <lOO A.cres. to him. Now it came to pass that near ass you have struck It banana·pecl which readers with p rofound emplmsis to remember dear the end of his journey was a. d;n·k and dis- will bring ye down kerfiop. , Don't apply unless you can furnish flrst·class references and want to work. No ro<>m for that myopia <thvays has a tendency· to in- m~l valley, at.sight ?f whicl~ he stood tre:r·-1 Lots of m~n who would establish. an orcrease unless J>reca.u tions M'e t!tken ; and J11.zy men; but can empl<>y any number orenerLlmg tmd ttfrm_d, St·ymg, "Who w1llgo with fun asylum if dey had de money will beat t 0 getie men who w11.nt work . .Address. that all myop'ic eyes are weak eyes to be me through tlus dm·k valley ; for I d1tre not . a wood -sawyer down 30 per cent. uelow the STONE &; WELLINATON, looked iiftel' carefully. In his own case, the go r·lone ?" Then one of the three compm1ions goin' price. Nurserymen, TORON'l'O Ont, results of ovc1·-use and misuse, especi<tlly of said, "FQorcwcll, I must now leave thee ; 30 his attempt to. get along w ithout gbsses, neither can· I linger ·~moment longer." An· , , were . that h e lost t he sight of one eye en- oLher said, " I will go with thee to the enOn His Hohda.ys. t irely, throngh det1,chment o{ t he retina, trance of the valley, hut farther than that I "Very intercstiug scener y, sir," observed and th<tt a cataract developed iu the other. " ctnmot go." And the third said, "I will a dapper, loudly-clresse<l Cockney tonrist to M. S<trcey himself says, "Remembel.'. thftt spe11k well of thee to all my friends.after a lrn.rd·fe<Lture<l, grim-looking Scot on bo<tnl OF CANADA. extreme myopia ends in catltmct, and that t hou hast curerell the chLrk valley ; yea, I the Loch K:itrine steame1-, " Im pleased ye «::apUnl paid up. llU,Ooo,ooo. Jtcst. $2Go,eo 1 nearly all myopia may become extreme, if will put the trumpet tu my lips aml sound . think Hr·e," :inswered Rawney. " Replete Thia Bank 18 -;r~pared to do Legltl- the eyes are abused." thy mime abrmtd fo1· rna11y yem·s w come." with 'istorical hassocin,tions." " Maybe, mate Banking in all its branches. Then did the tmveler turn to his faithful hut I clim1<t ken onything <tboot them. " · Fa.rmera notes discounted; Deposits Doctoring For Every Little Ailment, friend who w:~s nearest <tnd de<trest of <tll, 1""What !"exclaimed the Englislmmn, "sure·ecei·ved and Interest paid on amounts of d <tnd said, "Come thou with me, mid I will ly, sir, yon 'ave reacl the works of your grea.t · Many peop1e fal1 ill of ise<tse simp1Y even enter this va.lley without fear." And' countrym<tn, Sir W"lter Scott, the' 'Wizard 15 upwards in Savings Bank Department; through fc:cr of it. The ima~imttion has a the friend said, "I will never thee nor of the North' you know." " Never. even advertised~ .-."~ !'!' . fluencc over ti18 mman b d Y· forsake thee. " D R A. I ' .. ~ powerI u1 111 heard o' him. Wha was he?" " Sir, th<tt is Issued a.nd Collections made [n Europe One can very c:·sily imu.g ine himself to be HeM' now the interpret<ttion of the p~trn- perfectly h incredible ; yon a Scotchman, . United States and Canada. ctttching cold r·t the sight of an open window, blc. The three companions are P leasur e, 1and neve1· 'ear d of the man who wrote t he when if he had not known the window was We<tlth , and Fame. The first forsakes the I W<tverly Novels, .M.:trmion, the L ady of the W. ,T. JONES, open, or was not· afraid of its effects, he soul so soon as it comes in sight of deitth, the; L:1ke, and <tll thn.t sort of thing?" "Never Agen would escape the col~l. Doctors understand second continues to administer many a com-1 in my life. " The disgusted Cockney turned - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - . this secret, but they do not imp!1rt it to fort up to the fast moment of the dyin&(-honr; awt1y with a mutteretl expression of con their patients. Most i.nvalids, :i;al or sup- but though there be millions of money piled I tempt at such atrocious ignonmce, 1>ncl t1n Brushes~ w~s pose~l. would be angr:y 1f 11 . phys·c1·1n would up ltt the entrance of. the death-valley, not! individual who overheard the colloquy, i'fl ii · . : · 1 sa¥ ~ th~m ;, "Not_l11 ~~ ails. y~n, you. oi~ly one penny hus ever J:>een mirrie.d i~1to that; blushed for his uninformed compatriot, H~arecelved her new stock of t!nllk 8 0· . I ~iey P1efei to thmk themseh es shadowy YfLle. Tho thn·d compamon is Fame, t<_)l)k an opporttunity of asking whether !us; swk, and m tuue they rnally become so, for. which writes epitaphs on tombstones, and ·. confession wa~ actun.lly true. "Toot, man," . ., nature, though_ she ~~1;uggles lrnrd, can n?t sings of departed grc1Ltness, " Wttking to ee- W·ts the testy . reply. " I diclmi want to .~ . h L d" fB s_ t and everythmg. Io? rnimy drugs will su1sy the living lyre," aftcrthc soul has fled. hem· any o' that English idiot's sentimental &lld 1nv1tes t e . ~ ~es 0 OW lfin,~lly_ '.le~troy h~r he<tlmg pow~r. . _ But the faithful friend is c11lled Religion, bletherin'. Heard o' Watty Scot.t ! For the manville and v1cm1ty to calJ ~hese. pe~ple "ho_ l~ve ~o !mve '1 b~x of though some there be who call her by the last twelve months I've had enough of Sir wlute. p11IR m bottles, and ,i httle hook, all sweet name of Love; becM1sc she comes from v;ralter Scott, M1rl his novels too. I'm a and see her Pattern k~pt m some lrnndy pface, so t!mt when a the bosom of God and doth represent bis printer 's re<t<ler and oor firm lrnve beeu ~!·iencl wl.w ha;'. ~:i.ten too much ,,~lmner say_s : love. ~o man. This is >i friend indeed, f?r ' printin'. a new e~lition o' his works. I'm on . Oh, I Mn ~e.i.ifnlly nervous · ,~hey llMY she w1ll 11ut fornake the son! that trusts lli. . my hohdays, mau, and canna be bathered 1 d ortment ot run f~r th~ htt~e. ])~~k'. lo~k fol' . nervo~i~- her, ev:en in eternity ; .for there will she 1speakin' ahoot shop !" an a ss ne~s, and<1<lnmustc1 so mauy pills _of bt) · plead ]us cause before the immacuh·te ,Judge; -.. -- . - - - - - - oma: . ·'~hc'.1 .~h~y have~ he<tda~he, l~stead anrl her plea sb<Lll prevail. Let every 01~e A s usual our new of dietmg or e.·tmg mo1 e 1;iocle1'."tel), t,hey that hath i1 soul secure t he favor of tlu s I gnorance., take ~everal drops of some mce po~son. '.lhey faithful fricml ! Probn.bly there is no quality more efficient stock of STORE:-SeeondDoor Weit or WJlllamN trust noth~ng to.nature, but eall ma doctor in <lispelliug ignomnce tlrnn the coumge 1 Bntcb1>r Stall f?r every ltttle ailment, when ~resh bn-, exer.. - which di,res to confess it. The child lear11s CANADIAN , - - - - - -- - - -- - - - ,-· - -1'~eJ_i~n~. ~~r{}\ temp~rlnce m eatrng and Germany's P igeon Stations in France. fast, chiefly because he has no self.conscious ENGLISH, 11 c ru ,rn.,, is .t 10y eec · . . fear of being thou,.,ht uniuformed He asks 'U1i I . -.- . . A story appe~'rs !u one of t!rn all nmnner of l tiei:tions without an ( trnlm ::3COTCH & t't' e e ~ Forebodings of Incipient Insamty Fl'ench 1111hfary p:1pers, mid If the detmls 0f . . 1 l I{ A. ttro conect it iH not snrpl'isina th>tt t he in- . mis~wmg, :me exl?oses ns own < ~ cienAMERICAN VEIE.KIN ARY SURGEON. 1. IrntnJ.>1hty and tendency to take of- ciilents shonJcl lrnYe excited ~omething like cie? w1th".ut fcclmg ofs~1arn~ ?r ch stress. fe1~ sc. . . a sensi.tion at the L"rcuch \Val' Office. It is ~tis by !us free n:nrl mger rnqmnes he 2. :\I?rose1;ess and s1lence, or sometunes suited t lmt a "entlemmi ttt Nevers the other imprOY?S .so rapidly. \Vere he afrn1d .to foultfin<lmg with SCt'l'ants. ! l y I ot a igoon 1ml found 'its will"S show his ignorance, no one co1rld help hnn 3. ~uspic.io11 and jeitlousy of best fricn~ls. ~~~1{1 ~c~l with ~he in~p~ifal nrrnsofGermtLll~ j out of _it. 'l'hc enforced school·'.essons w~uld .J.. Impmnnent of memory, forgcttrng »tt:>chcd to them was a ( uill with·~ . comp1·1 se nearly the whole of hrn educatio1?, homs of meals. c· 1 . rThe ·,_,001 d dis· 1 <tnd C\'en they conld not be ·tdapted to !us 1 . t ·h 1 11 P "' e t atro 5. I1mttention to exercise and state of Y iptll er _ ' :'Pa .c t · . s· .< i tli,e 't intlividua.l mental needs. As it is, e\' el'y b 1 ,.ia c i w 0 Le, l is '<ll 1' 8 u . I 1 k" 1 l t l "ti I and other Suitings is O'\YC s. F1·e11ch war Otilcc m1<1 inquiries being genrn am. m< - iem: ec. person w1. l w l?m the largest, most 6. N egleet of :personal appearance. made an ear to confirm the belief th,~t the , he u?mes m t:ontuct 1s mter(~te<l m a<ld1~1g 7. Alte1ed f_<tcrnl expre~s1011, noo<Lbly in Gern:an~ Plmve est,1ulished pigeon strutions 1 ~o !us s~uck of k11~:nvled¥c. J;hc same. pnvcomplete and most mel<tud1ohtL! with 111mk<Jd_f1~nuws. on Fiellch tcl'ritor all<l tlh1t messtto-es arc ! 1lcge :rngh~ be eu,1oyed IJy th_e adult did ~iot fashionable to be . 8. Pr?rnmence 1md Lnllmncy of cornre, ev eH now exch,Liig~;1 u1;:twe<JH tie ·e ~tations , t1 fcelmg of .shame ]J1evc11t huu from se~krng found in West Durham rn hys~ncril mHl pnc1·pcra.l mama. and t he mili tar sttdf <Lt Berh~i. Shoulcl 1 lrnowlcdge rn the sam.c natnrnl aud sm1ple '. = B odily 8ymptom·.-. these statemenfs Jrove trne the m<l well : W<ty. But, as the y~ars p_Rss, h e con~es to ..-==:~-=:-c -· . "9 I l. .Harsh, d.l'~ skm as a rule, though cause both une,tsi~wss and anue/in l ·imce. feel t the ?o?fessmn of ignorance will ex~- ~~~"It is r1 very stroncr step t o o~·crauilm pigeon , pose 111m to rulicule, 01: con~cmpt, or cen1sometnnes p~1·sp1rmg. . ~-- ·· 2. S,ometunes :t pecu~ia1· o<lor. _ stations with ;t view to i~vasion, in a 1 sure, and be therefore ln (lcs it under what_ . C 11 3. Coated tongue, with otlensive breath. I com1ti-y' with which peaceful r ehtions pre· ever p retext he can fu1d. Graduate <>f the v eterlp.aVete~i~;;Y 4. Constipatioll n.ncl feeble ci1·culation. 'it ertain th«t this sy·tem was Registered member of the 0 ntart<> r. H .. 1 ·} d 1 · ff · vai 1· is e ' ~ '. ' ·--------~,.· .......__ _ _ _ _ We ha ve t h e goods. T O inspec · t · t ·d 0 · · h"" Medical Association. ~· , ca~ all pa or 0 ace. . , p revious to the war of 18~1, caJ'ned on m The Brin in U J of Dan hters . IS O or er. ur prices a re rig .,. e-Ofilce and Residence, Newt<>nville, Out. t t 6· Su_b;?<'hve deafness, or abnormo.J auch· France by German officers to an extraort!ilrnry g g I . g ' Our styles command admiration. Our originality i s inexhaustible. w·u 'sltOronoevery'fueeday11.ndSa.turduy I orysensat10ns. , extent m1cltlmttheinvadingarmywas far; Thcrcm·efew greater nn st11kesthanthe l 0 . ' d I kh b d om~e v~ours from 10 o.. m., to i p. '!11·· .11.t . 7. Alternd ?onversat1onal style, and talk· better ~cquaintecl with every roacl ancl byway prevailing_ disposi~ion amonfj people in mid. ur enterprise, energy an p UC ave no oun s. Coulters' II~tcl, Calle by Telegraph receive 111~ to .?nes-.~elf: . . .· . and witlt every in·rticnl:tr of the · country , c!le.ch1ss life to hr1~1g up then· dau~hters _as, ,,., () t th t · C St I B t . I Cl capJU~Slh :immediate 11.ttentlon., ~ 8. Delusions and illusions late1 on. than wm·e the defenders, but this establish- flue hidies, ncglectmg useful kuowtedgc for '-'8. :t e Cell I e 0 Y e, eau Y an ( l · CHARGES MODERA.'IE. . ment of pigeon posts in a friendly country showy accomplishments. Tl1:e no~ions, it Sour Milk in Atonic Dyspepsia, for the purpose of giving assistt1nce y, an in - has been J ustl);' ollserved, winch girls tht~s · 1 This seems like a novel remedy, yet Dr. vading army would certtii11ly seem to be an , ~chica~d ttccp.nre. of then·. own nnportanc~ is 1'V. O'Neill tells us that he lms found so11r indefensible stc.p, and one whicl1 the l!'rcnch , ~nan mverse ~·atto !<J then· tn~e value. W1~h ' ·milk a good remedy in many cases of llys- lmve a right to i·escnt. -1JUSt enough of fasluonable retinoment to dis1.'I T . 1 : pcpsia, Ol', !Lt a ll even ts, it is <1 good aclju-e- q1mlify them for the duties Of th eir proper 1 tf ·e aJ or,. j vr1ut in the tretttment of slow digestion . station and r ender them ridiculous iu n. high! Where flat ulen ce and a sensation of cramp in Re Was Green, But He Got t he Job. 1er sphere, what arc such Jine ladies fit for? . the stonmch are prominent symptoms. The "A , . fr . h, . . ~ Nothing, but to be kept like wax-figm·es in 1 1 · . . . tlY(,>1.uig ,n > un _t .Y ca,,mc_ ~n 11sth. l man,. l J 1°,. f t . e c_<; l "glass case. V' ' oc to the man who is linked· ·goo<! effects of sour milk were c<tstmll y c 1t ll<~t io1 covered by him some months i·go, and since . e 0 Jct c ~y 00 . 1 11~ r 0 1 a ..81 :·_ .skaHl . to one of them ! If half the time and money 1 ec · vm~tcd on mnsic (lrmcinu nud embroidery ' ,i well·l~uo>A n mete 1<1 it. . 1 ier 1 _~~1 ttisfactory ti bo · Jo ks nd ft b 01 t 1 ' '" 1then he IH·s p1·escl'ibecl it with S> 1 11 , J'esults in rn:my case:; of iudigestion. If the ~~ ~- ~ '~ 1-." xa .-'.." er! .m'1'1' r.1_ ~ a ~. were employer! in tc·1chi1Lg rlaughte1·s the h1~ mc1c'.mt1. e e. pe11cnce, us ec nc,Lt1on, lus useful arts of nrnkilw shirts antl mendin··, Easily Managed, Light Running, Durable. t cm·d of the milk should disagree with the o b expe.e_ tu..t·10n 111 t iie wity_ 0 f m1M·y, e t·c., I ask - . stockinu:s and mana0«in:r household :tffoirs, I patient, it should be strained off, and the 1111 1f l 16 l1 ] f ~ ~ I Threshes Clean and Fast. Separation Unexcelled. . t m. el ,, ,m ,·t , uy r_ e _ e _rc_uces. , their real c11rnlifications as com u1u wives and · . w h cy can t I1 en lJe given, or ta1 ·en a s 1 1or R f J 1 , ie <l · ' '7]rnt arc mothers ·w ould be u1crea.secl fourfold. ~ ~ · e ei ences · ie cxc arn j , time a f'ter meaIs, wr.i1·m. A . gentleman w l10 they · PERFECTLY BEARDS BARLEY. Removes all White Caps from Wheat suffcrell much fron1 fla.tulcllce tmd other dis" ' "'hy ,' I tried to explain, 'c;i.n't you a1,,r eealile symptoms nfter meals can now give us t he Harne of some prominent man in Youth. OLEANS GRAIN FIT FOR MARKET· . keep himself free from them by drinking, your town so we c1~n _ w!·i.te to h i1_ n Y We! We onght, ,·n J·nstice ·~ voi.itli, to le, .. ll i" t half an hour or so after e11ting, a tumblerful t to k b t '" J " BECAUSE or h<tlf <t tumblerful of ordinary cold sour ~(tn , m<t e some mqmries a ou yon, yon , to expect plcasm·e in the actual performimce milk, whi ch to him is a most agree<tble bev- n,c~~· · ., · . . of its laboms, to tnste tho delights of excelIt has a SMUTTER and SECOND FANNING MILL attached ·. . h ffi . f . "lk Inr1mnes a bout me! he n:Jomed, with lence to I'l'\'el in the ex:ercise of climbiH" to ~r1tge. .H ~ I·ie_1ic\'e.s t ~ c c<~cy o. sour nn n.n open mouth a11<l in his frank wr·y; 'grm1t , .. ' . ·. , . . , · .· . . . 0~ ' m atomc m<11vcst10n is owmu m .., areat · h'l 'l 'f' t t k feel enthn~tasm m eOll<JUCl mg d1/Iicult1es. . _, t tl . , · fl ' "' · . . .o . ' "' . ' J iew i 1 mus, 111an, 1 you w:u1 o ·now a11y- y th · . , . , -.. ' rne'."snre ~ t he la.ct1c a~H1 ".'luch it c.ontams, thing about me just ask me. I know more . ou cspec1<>11y a 1n .e ? J~s~ ll1 ncnces'. ! ALL LlVE R AND KIDNEY COM- whwh acid some pltys10log1 sts say is olle of' thn.n :cuybolly elHe ::nd th ere's uouse wri tin" aud n nght easily be .led to welcome thern ,. the ingredients of the ga.stric: fltiid. wti.y rlown in the ~ountry for that.' , " !>nt, when we colclly ignore them, arnl urge PL ~INTS DYSPEPSL\. INDIGEST"Y ll 'ti·. l lt ft! I rndustry:rncleffor·tonlyforthes:drnofwlrnt - · ' ·' I .Aristocratic Babies. .. on C<Jll ( n . M\ ea:1 Y l ou 1 0 }~ wn- may afterwards <tccruc, when we ~u.ssume 05 ION A}l I> ALL DI<.;E.UlES ARISJNG 1 t;)' of l t"I n"' 11 hllrn that:, e '1 ' ? 111clbyou '.' con-. that work is hard and uninteresting,' and ex1 ' Children who nre constimtly held _aml c1uc1c~ 1;C mere mnt, 1~ oy IS now hort i~ performance as a painfol duty or a FH,OM DIS ARltANGEMENTS OF THE w1itched and tended rurcly thrive. They ~vorkmg 1 ,;1 our store, ILnd will make <t sue-! dire nccernity, we cannot wonder if they grO\V fretful, unci,sy an<l p11le; no one seems cess, too. _t11.kc us at our wont aud a\'oi<l ns much of it 1 a~ possible. LIVER AND KIDNEYS. to know w lty. The rich womau's baby is at _ ··--- .-~~--- ·-a clisadv«nt<tge in this respect, uulcss money Gor·don's Bi'ble Eiishi·i'necl. as it 1na.y so1ncthne, pl'ocnre a.n jntelligent, - - - ------faithful mu·se-11 foster mother. To iucrnst In one of the gre<Lt picture ualleries at The Ha.rvest Moon. an infant to some nurses is u,lmost as much ' Vinclsor Ci1stle iu·e sm·entl precigns caskets, The phenomenon known as the harvest! an t·ct of t1bamlonment au is that of the among othct exquisite· cle VP.~l?L. TI~e moou is 11ltogether ill(lcpen<lent of harvest i hm1L]1 e11 l'"'".her, who throw~ her into Queen entered one lby with a smu.ll book m and of terrcstrfal latitude an<l longitude. I the . ' . · t.J·. ·· r0 ->rnlile t1f the sacrecl river. her h tiud, m1cl u.skccl the keeper of these The near est full moon to the autunurnl THE MORRIS DOUBLE DRESSEh . i Thc _dtL cL0.·.h i1u lt<tve gruw~t up t ln'Ough a t reasures which was the most rare u.nd valu- ! equiuox,_ when the sun is in L ibm, is the · ' I wretched cluhlhuod to <· cnppled and de- able of ttll the caskets. He showed her one !proper harvest.moon. 8he then r ises sooner Great Improvements in 1886 Machines. - Write post card for Illustrated Pamphlet. . foi·merl maturity caused by tlw ~ciuclessness made of pure rock cryst11;1, onmmentecl with· after sun.setting tlmn at m1y other period of Proprietor, Toronto. · - -- 1ofnm·Res, who h<Lvclet themfall or injure gold and enamel. In t ins casket theQueen jtheycar,m1dnearly o.t the s»me t ime fori SOLD :SY Ithemselves in other wiLys, arc not a few. placed the small book-General Gordon 's d11.ys to«cthcr occt·sionu1 a a number of \IV v i Children need freedom from nnuatural re- pocket J3ible, annotiitcd and marked by his brillfont° moo;1lit nights."' Then so-called . , . . HIGGINBOTHA.ilf & SON' straint in order to develop their own inili- own !mnd;--and in this. preciot~s cas~rnt will hunter's moon is the immediately succeeding 1 Also supply Threshing Engmes at Makers Prices and Terms. 1vid1mlities. Deprived of it, they become remam tins most prcClOUS relic of one of one RS soon as the orbed moon fo iJJ full . BOWMAN VILLE. 1 effulgence, ! 1 latn 1 more helpless mid d ependent. The ability E11f;!innd 's greatest heroes. (!t auadian j tattsman. HEALTH. ~hildren SAYINGS OF :BROTHER GAR.DNER. IB Ill WJ ra rn rn Grocers, Butchers ~· fil~ ~ , il RI ~ Provision Me:r chants. S A complete stock always on hand. ~~L~~~ ~ll!D l~~llf~ IJ L~1Wft l 0 Jno. :McMurtry & Co. AGENTS WANTED. The Fonthill Nurseries, I ! J. BICCINBOTHAI &SON, PURE DRUGS. PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTS. l h . · f fl Keep a 1 e requ1s1tes a rst-class Drug Store. STANDARD BANK I It is our aim to buy the purest and best Drugs that can be had in the market, and to sell at. reasonable prices. ° I PATENT MEDICINES. TOILET ARTICLES. We keep nearly all patent medicines s Mc TAVISH We have a large stock of English, French and German Perfumes, Powders, Pomades, and big assortment of Hair I G-OOD S Thorley's Food, Prairie Flower, Condition Po':vder and Ground Oil Cake always on hand. B Q N N ET S H AT S TR I M M I N ,G s 0 :El. :0 E :EC. ' · ~l(~~~lf I "7 · I I I 1 0 . .. ' r I TWEED S, WORSTEDS l I I I - I l We Never Get lefi, l '· Gent's Furnishings a specialty JOSEPH JEFFERY I l1ZeMORRIS DOUBLE DRESSER DANDELION LIVER AND KIDNEY I ·--··- BITTERS~ CURES .. . The Greatest Blood Purifier in the World. I ---- E. M Q R R . I S MORRIS & UTATTS, BRANTFORD, ONT. w·11· Pooley, Agent, Box 50, Bo.wmanv1·11e

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