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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Oct 1886, p. 4

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w CHEAT CHANCE -TO BUY- WEST DURHAM FAIR NOTES. It was very generally remarked what a good saddle rider Dr. Tamblyn .i s. Mrs. S. C. Hillier exhibited two large and beautiful oil paintings. The harneBB on the double carri11ge team shown by W. F. Cowan, Oshawa, cost over $700. Geo. F . Martin, of Oshawa, showed a span of pretty steppers and captured thA red ticket worthily. Jessa Williafus' yearling filly, ge11eral purpose, is a pict11re. His yearling draught filly is also a dandy. Two very promising Rifleman 2 year old entire colts were shown by Frank VanCamp and Herbert Trull. R . Fielding's " Baby Foal " that w11e awarded first prize in the general purpose class was only 8 weeks old. The judges must given pretty gen· eral eatisfactiou this vear, as we have l1eard very little compiaining. The admission receipts were $40.50 for the first day and $520.10 the second day, beiog $184 less than last year's receipts. The newspaper men were not presented with complimentery badl!es or tickets this year. The society is getting econom· ical ! Mr. M. Porter, the Treasurer,will be at the Secretary's office on Monday and 'l'nesday, 18th and 19th inst. to pii.y the prizes. John Rundle, Haydon, showed a \'ery pretty 2 years old filly in the general purpose class. The prize takers were very ~uperior. S . Snowden & Son's jet black filly that took the red ticket in the 2 yei\r old carriage class is a real beauty. SireRifieman. The n11w wagon , bran new braes mounted harness and sparkling team exhibited by Mr. Geo. Davis for the D. 0. & P. Co., were 11 credit to the Co. Mr. L. Geo. Quick made a. splendid 'show of coal and wood stoves and furnaces. The Art Garlirnd is a handaome stove a!'.ld . was greatly admired by the spectators One agent at the Fair aeked the representatives of the loc~l Press to give him a "good puff." When informed that "pnff11" c1st10 cents a.. line, he had "no faith in advertising." Thou hypocrite. Protests have been entered with the Secreta.ry a g&inst one person receiving two prizes in one class and against an exhibitor who was awarded R prize 011 fruit grown m his brother's orchard. The Directors will meet at the Council Room, Bowmanville, on Saturday 16th Oct, at 2 p. m. Any complaints against the Prize List in order to be sushined must be made to the Secretary in writing previous to that time. Dr. W. W. Dickey claims 2nd prize on 2-yr old drRu1-1ht filly. John ·Chi.pliu claims the following in additi<m t o those credited to him: Second on FallPears and ht on single geranium. Daniel Dyer olaima lat prize ou ahearling ewe and mm lamb, 2nd on ewe lambs and 3rd on aged ram-all Shropshires; One of the finest and most attracti'l'e exhibits at the Fair wa11 made by Stott & J i;iry, the Druggiats. Their contribution coDMiateJ of a large ahow case cont~ining a variety of toilet articles, t&stefully ar· ranged. The di11pl&y was a great centre of attraction to ladies, many of whom carried away some of the d elightful odor of;the perfumes. · The judge11 in the various departments were: On draught and genAral tJUrpose horses - And. Ross, Roderick Mitchf'll, H. C. Cameron. Carriage horses-S. B. Bradshaw, Robt. Moment, P. M., M. McTa.vish. Cattle- John S. Ward, Alex. Thomson. Sheep - Teasdel Whitfield, Chae. Pascoe, Robt. Miller. SwineEzra. Hall, J ohn Crumb, Jacob Mitchell. Poultry-Thoe. Smelt, M. Porter, Thos. Power. · Dairy Produce - Dr. S. B. Chandler, John Lyle, Henry Blliott, jr. Grain and seeds-8am. Vauetone. Fruit, -Col. J ohn McGill, Samuul Burden. V egetablee- J. Higgin bot ham, R.J. Shaw. Flowera Rnd plants- '!'. Ward, Hampton, .T. H. H. Jury. Domestic Manufactures -W. B. Couch, Thos. Bingham, R. H. Turner. Ladies' Work-Mrs. W. E. Tilley, Miss Stevens. Fine Art- Prof. J. J . Hare, Mrs. S. B. Chandler. Carriages and implements- Thomas Baker, Albert Tamblyn. -AND~ --AT-- P.· TREBIL~OGK'S~ -o- The Best Selection at Lowest Prices. BOWMANVILLE, FRIDAY, OCT. 15. over hands, $10. Wm. Sandercock, ht 0 1 s mglA driver under 1 5~ hands, ~'28. Jame Leask 2nd on fat CO\V, $8, lat on fl1tx l! " d 1111d table turnips and 2nd on carro "· Silver medal for best display of imple 1uents and mar.hinery - Sy I1rester Bros. Man11factnrin~ Co , Lindsay. G. .Marlow, 1st on fife wheat and white peas. Nelson Marlow, lst on Hebron potatoes. The tlowmanviile Poultry Association took the lion's share on poultry. Geo. Wri!rl1f, took 2nd Oil buff cocbins, light bratl1rrns, part1dge cochiu chick, dark braha11· chicks, light brAhma chicks ; and lat prJ t.o on p11r1idge cochins, dark brah· mas, pnrtidge cocbiu chicke, light brabma chicko . John a. Kydd took 1st Oil plymo11th rocks and pen of dn., and 1st and 2ud on chicks. Smelt & Hern t ook 2nd 011. Jang ~hans, dark orahmas, black ham burgs, brown l e11:homa, and black hambl!·J! chick& ; and 1st on golden penci! hamburgs, silver do., perkin docks 1 .nd duokliui,.s. Our citizens who attendnd the fair complai11 of the railway faciliti.,s via. Whitby. Many of them ~lept i11 the Whitby 11tation on Thursday nii,:ht. The Bowmanville poultry associition drove t.hrough the village to the v;rouncls on Tun11day with a great caravan of fowls. The cr<iaks of the bircis wore very· loud a.nd of I.he most distressing nature. The yowlint( and bawling w~s enough to put the d river crazy and 111lence every frog in a f.,w minutes. It was terrible. Wh-itby Chronicle. ~~~~11:5t1f;, ~~e1~'. ~~u~:. ~:~r~~i\::~ . cAanO~V~';E .~ .a ·R .~oT:~leES~~EekRry HAVE OF LONDON, ONT., llas been vastly improved ot late, now aupearin11r rtognlarly in twel.,.e-page rorm, with the addlt·on of new "Department~." Illu~trated Articles, t·tc. ~II it· wellknown ponular feu.t.ure:. will be ren(lerod ~or 1887. Only $ 1 per . annum, ioclndinic the remainder or 1MR6 to bona-tlde new subscrib&rs. Y 0UANY M.-- 0N EV ? pocket, but call on u s and sel ect A If so, do not run the ris k of Jo sing it by carr ' · ng it loose in ) our THE HOLY QUEEN. Thh1 is the title ot our new aud beaut.irul premium for JS87. Be)·ond douht tbP. most charming olee>aaph ( ,-olore<i. picture) ever oi!el'6d with auyn ew~P · I· ·r Slze l 5x20 inches. Only 10 ~en ts iu a<lditiou 10 ) ·.. ~rly s.ibscrlptiou, tif" Agents wanted everyw here. Fir~y ve.tu~· ble priZ('S to be awarded, Over and above the mu·, , Cl)lnmlsslou,to the mostsuccesafut .. Ktonts. l ~-,or frea S8,0lpltt variors, t~rfllJt t.o RJ;?ent.s,.etcH address, ADVEtt'rl::lEit PR£N1'ING CO., Lond,m, Ontario. 42·3w to keep it in, of which we 11ave a el fin~ ar,;sortru~mt at low prices . ONE DOLLAR FOUND at our Variety Daily Line to Roche_ ster. NORSEJ\1:AN Master.) lLL MAKE lIER REGUI,AR 'l'UIPS on this route, leaving Cobourg every urnrning at 7:30, Port Hope at 9:50 o'cle>ck, on arrival of Grand 'l'rnnk Railway I Trains rrom the cast and west, conn1>ct.in11: at Re>chester with the New York Central, North· ern Centrnl, nnd ~rie Railway·, and the Lake Ontario Divisie>n o( the Rome. Watertown and Qgdensburg Railway for all points ea~t. west and south. RETURNING-Will leav" Ch1ufotte (port of ltochtosterl daily at D o'clock, p. rn., except Saturdny when she will leave at3 p. m., for Port Hope direct. · Deo.lers in stock will find this the cheapest and most expediti ous route to Oswego. Boston. Albany, New York, etc. For furth13r information apply to KENN EH & Cl I·, llowmnnville, or G. CRAW~'OitU, Pol't Hope, or C. F , GILDEW5LEEVE, Rini>;· etou. 21-tf (G. CllL\lVJ,' Oltb, -\R1. THE Hall, which is note d for S'rEA ME Lt Cheap Wall Paper, Plated Ware, Fancy Goods, Stationer·y, etc. The lady who l eft the above can have )t by calling. W NO ·p~fl!IBLE TO SHOWCOODS. PICTURES FRAMED AT LOWEST RATES. KENNER .& Co. A Base Ballist First Sight of Lacrosse. ttouaaTsow & uown~a -OF..'... ' MAKE READY! · 'I " ..,.. Everything indicates, says tbe Globe, the near approach of theDominionGeneral Elections. The extraordinary activity of Sir Jolm Macdonald, the sending of bis colleagues east and west to hold meetings and proclaim that Tory rnle has conferred innumerable benefits on the country, not the least of which are the increase of taxation and in,crease of debt, the 'fupper eruption at Charlottetown and at Halifax, the frantic efforts which Chaplean and Caron are making in Quebec, all indicate that the General Eluction is not far off. Many minor indications strengthen the impression which now prevails evi>rywhere that even should the Quebec Government be defeated, the Dominion elections will not be del& yed. If the elections · were deferred, whatever ' the a.Ptieles in the Tory papers have done to excito sectarian and race feelings iii Ontario would be of little u~e to the Tories. T!le Tory party is thoroughly demoralir.ed. They have one cry in Quebec and 'anoth~r in Ontario. Their leading men and their c:iiE>f organ11 differ widely on most importan· public que3tions. Hepudiation of organs by politician a.nd of llolitician by organ ha.s heen freqmHJ.t for some time paat. Thia is prol:.ahly sham in part, but it is also in part earnest. But if the party is so '.demoralized it may be said Sir John would perfer to take th" few months he m11.y yet take to rest.ore harmony and discipline. That would p<!rhaps be politfo were the circumstanced different. But Sir John has seen the ClisorKanization become greater every day dl'spite all his efforts. Ht: has eeen resp~ta.ble m~n driven from 11is ranks by the terrible "xposures of last session, or foroed by their sense of selfrespect to ..ssume a natural position. He 11as seen hiR mercerulries, defyinu public opinion and rei;:ardless of public decency, clutch any kind of plunder within their reach and quarrel over the booty even in public. Ho has reas1m to believe thai the disorganization which ho could not prevent will becemo so bad should another session of this Pal'liment he h eld that his forces which still prcRerve some semelance of organized strength would become a mere rabble. If the result of the Quebec electioM leave him even the smallest chance of the · mallest success he will bring the Dominon elections on immediately after. Whether i\1.r: M ercier or Mr. Ross win the Liberals of the Dominion would welcome the Dominion elections as the certain n'leans of delivering the country from the mis:;(Overnment,the ex travagance anJ the corruption which .now crush the energies of the country and threaten its moral life. All parties feel, and honest Conservatives acknowledge, that a change is imminent. But to make success certain Liberals should everywhere prepare for actioll. A meeting of the Central Committee of the West Durham Reform Association, will be hold in t he Council Chamber, 13owmanville, on Saturday next, lGth inst., at 2 r1'clock p. m., t o consider business ct import:Lnce in the interest of t ho Reform cause. 'fhe other day 1 w..nt to Millhrook to see Peterboro and Millbrook play lacrosse, and tbat is the clay over which I have mourned ever eioce. Of C(>\lno I kn ow about the garoe, b11t even in that Jllf. cu.un.Es CA \Y'l'llOlttU] CA. RTER, benighted condition I miilht have been orl{a.nist of St.'s, Col'Jourg, 1.. te of Enghappy had I kept my rnollth Phnt. teacher of Piano. 01'gan, Si11ging and The ball was put in the middle of the land, Theory. Pupilsdo·ir·inl4' J,,seuns can leav .. th~ir field between two curved sticks with the riame and obtain t.torm·. at Mr. 'frobilcpck's Z3·1f little end of the curve laced o·er with Store. raw-hide. A man has hold of the handle of each of the nets and one tried to t>ike the ball away from the ot.her and the other tried to t·ke it the other WAY and then the t.wo fools kept eboving one another 11rou11d to see who ,.·ould ~et it' facing t.hey called it- but I colllcl oee no face to it. At last one fell ow got it and First a.ud. Only Genuine Steel then there was a foo t race, but I don't Binder :Ma.a.e in think it waa a fair rite<', for s 'me of the other follow'R frieuda ran in front of tho m .. n who was carrying the ball and A STEEL FRAME THAT IS A knocked him d"wn. E,·ery body started ST£C:L FRAME. to cheer and 1 just told them 1t w~s a dirty, mean trick and that I was snre he The new Toronto Light n inJer.' N<>. 3 would have won the race if he had uot is the firsl anci only genuine all sttel m~ been tripped. They R11id it was, thlt cbine made iu C.. uada, and is Lbe firel is "checking." I said I 1.hought mit, I 'Binder ever iovAntlld having a SOLID did not believti it was fair to che<Jk a m:in STEEL FRAME BUNNING AHOUND in a fair fout race, e·pecially when he had THE ENTIRE MACBINJ!; without tbe t o run so strai):(ht up to ke"p the ball from interposition of wood or iron pieces of any falling off the net. Oh! they said, "yuu d e~ur1p,ion. You make a mistake uot lo jack-ass that is the play." I eaw I h~d ox11mine i;, for ii is veritably one of the wonders of the age. given myself away, so tho nex:t time everyb.,dy cheerad I asked a follow b t1· TRIUMPHS OF WHI'rE AND GOLD IN eide 11111 where the laugh came in. He FOREIGN LANDS'. said " d id you not see that Rplendid ::.. Toby 1" "No " I " what brcud of .L .\1'E3T l!'RO:U TIU l ' RONT. do:.: is he 1 Is it a greyhonnd 1 They are .The repe>rl hae jasl been received that giYe11 to run 1" He looked at me with a look of inaftible compassion and said . lhe Toronl.o Ligbl .B.inde1 wou first pl11oe "that is what they call throwin~ tho ball after 11 three days' trial al Sara.tow, Ilues:a, fNm one to the other whe n cl<'sely pur· in oompelHiou with the Wocd and McCo.r· sued." I thanked him turned to watch miclt Binders. another feliow who had the ba'l and wa.' BAISE Tf!E " COLOR~ '. ' TEN FEET HIOBJl:R, running a.way with it. He made 1 hreo or Brief word jnst comes from France that four &t templs i,o tllrow it, false offera lhe " l'oronto" has gftined suprewftcy Ol'er like, and I said to the m11.11 be8ide me, " thl\t umpire don't know enough to · eeveral competing 1elf.l1inders, P;.rlicu· pound 1and." That's a "foul bulk" and lare not yel reallhed n ~. the runner iA entitl~d to a b,se. He ~ave One of Soolland's largest and mosl scieume a look of withering contempt (which lific farmers, owing both " Toronto" and l ha oe still by me) 1md turned away. "Hornsby" binders, .has pronounced the Well, after they had bangeu each other 11 l'oronto " decidedly lhe best. o ver the heads with their hooks or poles, and purnrnelled each other and laid on A cablegram receivedrecenlly announces top of each other and made faces at each that his Excellency the Marquis of Laus· othflr for ab~ut two hours, the man beside downe, Governor-General of Canada., has me said, "Peterboro haa woo two games," j usl plBced his order for a Toronto L:gul and pretty soon they all left the field . If BiuJer. I ever got thi~ thing straightened out iu His loriiship the 1\fsrquis of Lorne, late ym head and ce~ain my 1011t confidence auf· Governor-General of Cauada, volun·arily ticiently to speak ngain to a stranger, I shall let you know what I know about pllrchased a Toron·o Ligh~ Binder, which was ordered by cablegram, and is ne>w lacrosse. Yours unhappily, working on the farm of his father (Iha LARRY. Duke or Argyle) in Seolland. CHAND EXHIBIT New Fall Goods ! The glories of the past sink into im~ .gnificance beside our present wonderful assortment o Dry Goo<ls, Millinery and Mautles, which have been carefully selected by our buyer, and which are piled upon our counters ready for inspection. 'l'o:ronto Light No. 3. Novelty Dress Goods. We have ust open~d up cases of rich novelty Dress Goods, i:lirted direct from France and Germany, newest colorings and latest igns in Cheviot, Plaids, Cordurettes, French Shuddab, Camellett ·'Kensingtons, Breda.l~ane, Norman dies, Chevron Serge, Freize Suiting, Ka.zmyr Suiting, 'Roman Stripe and Mikado Plushes to match for --trimming. -- ..c: Boy's, Youth's - AND.:._ Q) ~ Q) Prince, Regent, ~ Children's Clothing. -AND- g ~ t'%j ...... Imperial. - · _____ _____ oq -- - Millinery and Mantle Department. We are sho~i~g some choice styles in .Hats and l3onnets for early fall wear, compr191ng all the lates t s hapes m Rough and Ready Milan and other n e w and novel Braids. FALL FAIR NOTES. Cartwright Fair to-day The Treasurer and ::!ecretary of the Clarke Agricnltural Society will be at the 'W indsor Hotel, Newcastle, on Tuesday Oct. 19th, from 10 o'clock a. m., to 4 p. m., to pay the prize money won at the Society's recent fair. Prize money may be obtn incd after that date at the Orono post office, from the Secretary, Mr. R. Moment. Mr. Jas. L eask ~von the following!'rizes at the South Ontario Fair : Canadian draught ti lly, 1st ; fat cow, 1st and 2nd ; potatoes, 2 nd ; c~>llection of field roots, sweepst.i.kes; table turnips, 1st ; beHts, 2nd ; span Canadian draught horses, 1st; flax seed , !Rt. Mr. W. B. Allin, :New· castle, captured all but three prize~ for long wooled and fat sheep. Mr. E. N. Varnum, Solina, look twelve priz~s, 8 firsts and 4 Beconds, on fruits and vegetables. The D. 0 . & P. Co., were awarded 1st prizs for collection of mueic:tl instruments. · Mr. James Leask won prizes at the Oshawa Fair on Tuesday of this week as follows:- Draught team, 1st; boar pig of 1886,lst; pair geese, lat; white cabbages, 2nd; pumpkins,1st; turnips, 2nd; mang· olds, 2nd; carrots, 2nd; and best collection roots, 1st. Other prize takers: Thoe. G. Ormiston, 1st on 2 yr. old filly in carriage class. W . J'. Ormiston, 1st on one year old in same class. John Brent, Courtice, 1st on 2-yr -old filly in agricultural cla3s., W. W. Down, 1st on mare colt of 1886 in draft class. John Oke, Ebenezer, 2nd on South Down aged ram, ram lamb and two ewe Jambs, and 1st on 12 mangolda . . Mrs. D. Lick won several prizes for dairy produce as usual. 'rbe fair was well patronize:l and the entries in excess of former years. p tp F · h · b k or erry air, or w a t is to e nown as the Ontario Central Exhibition last. week was a splendid success. The 'prize takers from this district were : W. J. There are many entirely new features, never before introduced, on the new ·· To· All the beautiful novelti es in Fancy Ribbons, Birds, Wings, Aigrettes, [f aturday Revl~ w.] Beads, materials in Astrachan and Tufted effects. ronio," which are unapproached and un· Most of the charms used by Shrop- apprm.tJhable. shire peasants consist of some verso of SHAW & TOLE. Bowmanville. In Mantles we are showing Short Wraps, WalkinCT Jackets, Newthe Bible written ou pa.per, sewn in a markets and Ulsters, Misses' and Children's garments. parce), and worn either around the A Fms1·-c1Ass BINDER.-R. ,J. SH..nv, neck, on the afflicted pa.rt, or put under Esq.-Dcar Sir,- 'l'he Binder I bought the pillow. Pieces Of elder 'CUt at mid- from y ou has given me entire satisfaction night and under a full mo.on, certain and I can recommend it to any farmer s hrubs and the grease from church bells requiring a first-class binder in every are also used for the same purpose. respect. It will cut any grain that can Charmers preparo the greater number be cut by any oth er machine, no matter of their remedies for four maladi~- how much it is lodged or tangled, anll. warts, whooping cough, toothache, and 1 will make a good job of it. Yours truly, shingles. · 'l'Hos. BnonIE, Ontario Bank, DowmanSome of their customs are d ecidedly I ville. cruel. One is to cut a live toad in two --C>F'-'ro THE F AlLilIERB OF THIS DISTRICT. and give one-half to the patient; Having bought a Toronto Light B inder another is to draw a piece of nanow from Mr. R . J. Shaw and after using it black ribbon t hrough the body of a live frog and then wear it round the neck, two harvests and seeing nearly all the and a third, said to be excellent for the other Binders at work, have come to the toothache, is to cut off the feet from conclusion t he T oronao has nu superior. We beg to notify the public that we will begin a Great several live moles and carry them in a It runs very light and is very easily little bag. A pleasant and certain cure handled with on e team of horses. During Clearing sale of Dry Goods and Clothing. on for one disease is to put a piece of this time it has cost me nothing for I r epairs. I can cheerfully recommend it bread and butter into tho hand of a corp:se and then cat it out of his hand. tn all intending purchasers. Respectfully By the way, it should be the body of a Yours, JonN HosKIN,Bowmanville, March lst, 1886. mau that has died a violent death. Sliro1;8hli:-e · Yolk Loro. Come and see them at. ROBERTSON & BOND'S. CREAT CLEARINC SALE ORV GOODS AND CLOTHING I MONDAY, OCTOBER 4th. By an order -in-council passed on the 21st ult., the fines imposed on violators of the Scott Act, which have hitherto gone into the Dominion Treasury are to go to the Municipality in. which the offense is committed. '!'his chan"'e is a 0 concess10n of the Donumon Goven_11~1~nt and shows that the whole respons1b1hty of enforcin"' the Act, is t o be entrusted to the l';ovincial L egislature. This . . h d 11 1 1 1 act10n w1 great y strengt ien t e ian s ' of temperance people and should be a strong inducement to them to aid in the detection and punishment of offenders. · · . . . I Into tlte Soap-Barro}, [P· ulding (Ga.) Era.] Uncle William Colo, living neat Dallas, recently dug him a. cyclone pit, which his good wife utilized for putting her soap-barrel in. His n eighbors tell it on him tluit, the other day, a whirl· wind. passed through h is place and raised con siderable dust, which caused him to gather his family togot.hei· and run to tho pit. Arriving th crtJ he jumped head foremost into it. i 1 : liltle s on, who was following, h alted and Lurued to his mother, and excitedly excla,imed: "];fa, pa's into the soap-barrel up to his ankles !" She replied: "Oh, well, sonny, i f ho's in n o deeper than that he can get out. " Tho little fellow replied: "Yes, but his head's turned the wrong way!" FIRE ! FIRE ! ! ARD OF THANKS.-To M essra. Gault & Ta.ttley. Montreal, Managers of the Hoyal Insurance Company ot Enitland:Gentlemen..-1 hereby retum thanks for the pi·ompt payment by your agent, Mr. James Tyrone, for my loss caused by Ringham. fke on theat 25th e>t March, having received '-" · for the f ull a.mount or my claim u. few dayR atter the fire. I much ple1tsure in . . rec?mme?ding this Company, as a one in of eve t·y article will be marked on large tickets to show the exten t of which to meure. Yours. thnnkfolly, ( tl d t' W d d · ' 10 re uc ion~. e are crow e with new stock fro m cd1ar to garret. . MATnrnw cou. 1 3 I 7· w We mean bus mess, therefor parti es asking us for bargains will not be Tyrone, Apr l 17th. 1886. DVEltTISERS ! send for our Select Li et of disappointed. , Local News papers. Geo. P. Rowell & Co., 10 8pruce St., N, Y. , C During the time of sale, between the 4th of October and the th.e 31st of ~ecember, :we will ofter goods at such prices as will make it easy for the people to decide who seUs the cheapest Dry Goods and Clothing in town. The RE Du · ,.ED PR . ·1cEs ELLISON'" & A ________ _________ West's World's Wonder, the magic N. B.-Some Job Lines will be offered at half price. Ext raordinary cm·e for rhe um atism, neuralgia, bruises, cuts, burns, wounds and all diseases bargains in Clothing. reqniring au external remedy. 25 and Bowmanville, October 1, 1886, 4Q-3m. 60c. .All druggists. t · co_

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