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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Oct 1886, p. 5

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I DOMINICA l~ RUIT ~UIOE. PURE and undiluted full atrenqth. f J WtLcox- In Bowman"flle, on the 11th lnst., 'Marcus J chn, eon or \Vm. J, a.nd Carrie Wilcox. aged year 1Donthe. J. R. Bradley's Spring Pad fol! single SNOWDEN - In Darlington, oa Monday 11th and double harness gives entire s iefact- inet., 1'homae Snowden, aged 83 ion . No horse will have a sor back where they are used. WHOLESOME BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. Purities the blood, Now is the time to order a. suit · and aids digestion. clothes before the tailors get rnshed with ·"'i""'""l!&ed l1y Joha Lyle, every Thul'!jday. work. They will get you up a suit at the West End House in first class style FLOUR, 'IP' 100 The··.······ $2 00 to $2 50 at a very small cost. Call, see f'OOds and WHEAT, Fall,~ bush ...·· 0 70 11 0 77 REFRESHING " Spring, 11 ··· _ . 0 70 11 O 77 get prices. Tones up the system. BAKLEY,~ bush....... 0 50 11 O 56 The Pickering News says Mr. Philip II · · · · · ' · · · · 0 45 II 0 50 RYE, J. Rowe, of Bowman ville, bought Mr, S. OATS, II · · .. .. · · · · · 0 30 II 0 30 K. Brown's farm of 50 acres, for $5,500 cash-$110 p~r acre. This is a fine prop- PEAS, Blackeye, ti" bush . .. 0 70 11 O 70 FRUITY 11 Small, 11 0 55 11 O 55 perty, and Mr. R owe is to be c9ngratulatend rich in flavor. 11 Blue, " . · . 0 55 11 O 55 ed upon securing such a choice spot in BUTTER, best table, ti' lb, ·· 0 12 11 O 16 the fair township of Fickering. L. u w, ~ lt .·..· _. . . . . . . . 0 ·10 11 O 13 P URE TEA! PURE LITERATURE!!-The Eaas, ~ doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 00 11 O 14 COOLING Li-Quor Tea Co. is the largest and beet POTATOES, wbush .. ... ... 0 25 II 0 30 J uet the drink for Packet 'l'ea Co. in the v. oriel. A hand- HAY .····.· · ·.··....... . 9 00 II 10 00 warm weather. some volume given away witlr every 3lbs of this celebrated tea. It is not necessary - - - - -- - ·-- -In ordering, specifiy DoMINICA, and don't to purchase the three pounds at one time; N.ew '.2lhutrti.aemtnt.1J. be put off with any imitations. a voucher is 1?iven away with every half pound. By drii1king theLi-QuorTeas,th ANTED.-Girl for general h otue consume1 r becomes a participator in the M DEFINED EXPR}l:SSI,Y FOR work. Hood wages. Apply to MR s. F . ASOX, Kin f(-st. {0-tf. advantage11 which this company possesses over all competitors, for he gets a better ARM TO RENT OR FOR SALE.tea at a lower price than can be procured 1\1.1'0 l.'1"TR.E.A.X... rn acres, being part of lot 31. con. 8. in elsewhere, and he shares in the ioeetim- the Township of Clarke. Enquire of M. COLI£, For sale by STOTT & JURY. Tyrone. . 37:2111 able benefits of a gigantic enterprise. A liberal discount to the trade. No Came early and get th& benefit of our unVE 'lCOAT LOST-Jn Bowmanville, charge for cases. broken sto<:k. · LEVI MoRRI8, Agent; a Light Overc~at. 1'he tinder will be suit· ably rewarded by leaving it at 'rod Bros, BowBonmall's !i).ock. 11-tf man ville. ·12-1" A Yo People's Society has been REWARD for the formeft' in connection with St. Paul's ~ · recovery o( re.d spotted chu1iefh her e with a vie w of promoting and steer. Any person returning the above to MF<, in~ easi11g the spiritual life, a.nd devel op- PmLIP BIGELOW. 8th con., lot 2J. Clarkll, will We have just openecl out a choice stock .l iifg and bringing forth the literary and in- receiv<' the above reward. A Spec1a, s~1·mo11 on tJ:e pre~ent aspects l~llectual po we~ of its mem hers ~nd of inof the newest and most popular TRAYED OR STOLEN-FROM LOT of the Temperance question will be given !l · I · d · d b ·1· . · St p l' h I ,creasmg t 1e1r es1re an a 1 n,y to engage b R R D F. 12. Con. 3. D&rlington. no or about. 23rd o( Y t ~·bb. ti· m · au s c urc 1J in the work of the church. A lariie num- September, 5 Ewes and 3 L<tmbs. Inrormatlon nex .a ; 1 eveumg. . . · ber of ·the young people have become leading to their recovery will be t.hanl>:fully re· Vf' M. YEOMAN. on the premises, BowDavid l\.ennedy, the Scottish vocalist, members and the followina is a list of the'- ceivod. t0·3" man ville, P. O. died :i-t Stratf,·rd on Wednesday. Hili officers el~cted for the ens;ing year. Pres-INremams passed herl3 yesterday earoute ident.-Ht1v. R. D. Fraser; 1st Vice-Pres. EACHER WANTED FORS. S. NO. Scotland. - Miss l\forecrafti 2nd Vice-Pre~.-Mr. 21. D11rlington. Dulie~ to commence Jan. 1st. 1887. All application· must st.itte the Wfl are uow showing what is general! ~ T. H. McMillnn; Sec'y-W.S. Ormiston; 11rade of their certtflce.tes A.nd ·alary expected' admitted to be tho finest stock of Dres Treas.- Mr. F, R . Brown; Executive Com. Applicatlons to be in by Oct. 25rh. J. RUNIJLE "These perfumes are superior to any- Goods an~l Dress trimmings ever showri / -Miss Fisher, Miss Edith Allin, Mr. W. Seery, of Board of :{l:ducation, H1&ydon. P. O ' 4\Mw* by a'1iyv'House in town-Couch, Johnston i.ait ;i,nd :~r. J . .!.. McClellan . The So thing e\·er offered to the p.ublio before, adp,-·Cryderm11.n. c~ty mee.ts every alternate Monday at OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.- A .and they are sold at all prices :from 15 ,.l'on Monday last, Albert Slute, an em- 8 X,.i;r . . ~ext meeting on Monday Oct. very comfortable dwelling and t acre or land on Wellington St. 8 rooms and good celcents up. , ' ployee in the Ftn)1it.ure Factory, had the 18th, ·'1,~80. l·r,wood shed and sta.ble, hard a.nd soft water, . J front finger on his r ight hand so badly WHA>f'· · RUE MERIT WILL De.- The choice large and email rrnlt Very easy Havrng secured the sole control of thes.! mane> led by a circular saw that amputa- unprecade1 i teq,_ sale of Bose/tee's· German. terms. Possession Jan. 1. 1887. JOUN Ruo· DOCK, BowmanYille. 42-nw· goods we are offering them at very lo tion ;,as necessary. Syr; u p which in"31 fow years has astonished prices in order to introduce them to th ' R C E M I 11 t 1. ,8 . t d t the world. It is without doubt the d d h . . ~,x.,·. · · c Y ~, m ro uc ory.ser- safest and best remedy ever discovered . 'Cans d ian tra e an t oae apprec1atmg an mon on "Amusements on Sunday mght f th d d fl. t · l fC h · · · l' d b d d d. or · e epee an e ec ua core o oug s, >extra fine article should not fail to give was istene ~o y a crow e a~ 1ence. Colds and the SllVerest Lung troubles. In pursuance o !Chapter 107 Revised Statute them a trial. lt was a sensibli° and .excellent disc?urse.. It acts on an entirely diff.ireut principle ot Ontario and umendlng acte : Notice is hereby give.n that any person or The second of t ~e series "."11! be delivered from the usual prescriptions given by having any claim or claims against STOTT &, JlJRY, on Sunday cv'lnmg 24th mst. . Physicians, as it does not dry up a Cough persona the ll:state of Isaac We~tcott. 11\til of the Town The reliable Druggists. One of the b fashion magazines· that and leave the disease atill in the system, of llowmanvill.,, irl the Co1mty of Durham. blacksmith deceased are requested to · send by any lady can subscribe for is the New but on the contrary removes the cause of post prepaid, addressed to Mrs. Mary Ann Yo1·k Fashion Baza.r. The October num- the trouble, heals the parte atfticted and Weatcott, Bowm ..nville, Out., the Executerix GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. her contains the latest 11otes on and de- leaves them in a purely healthy condition. ot thfl last will and testament ot the dece,.s·il or deliver tot.he undersignerl on or beforo the scriptions uf Fall style~, besides several A bottle kept in the house for use when FD"YEttNTD Day or November next, a state· BOWMANVILLE STATION. serial stories by popular authors. · the diseases make theit' appearance, will ment of his or their claim or claims. 11.nd his or their chri·tian tind surnames addressos and Ever"Y gentlema.n· who leaves his· order .sa".e doctor's bills ~nd .a lonll:. spell of del!Cription &nd the naturti of the security It QOU{G EAST · GO.ING WEBTf..Oeal . .........9.00 am Express .....· 7.06 a m with us for a suit of clothes can <lepend aenolls illness. A tnalJ w1~l ?onv111ce you any hcld'by him or them. An<1 that immediate· Expre88::-,. ...10.03 a m Local .........8.20 a m upon getting them not only well cut, but of these ~acts. It IB po8lt1yely ~old by ly after tlui eald date tho s>.<id Executrix will proceed to dlstrlbnto the a~det~ or the sald lli{lxed ........ A.05 p II' K:tpresa ·...... 9.16 a. m ·· '>.cal1.......... 7.20 pm Mixed ........ .4.05 pm well ti·immed and m<ide up by first class all. dru(!g1sta and de~lflra m the land. deceased among the parti<os entitled thereto. having rcga.rd only to the claims of which she , -::.iresa .....· 9,:19 JI m Eirnreaa, ...... 8,f.5 JI m workmen. Couch, Johnston & Cryder- Price, 75 cts., large bottles. 41 shall then have had due notice. Dated at Bowmanville, this 2Hh <lay or Sept· man. Buy 3 lbs. of Li-Quor Tea at Levi Morember, A. D., 1S86. R. RussELL LOSCOMBll:, How the boy in uniform says a cockney ris' and get a $1.00 book free. tO-iw Sollcltor !or Executrix:. spells saloon-"there's a hess, and a 11ay, ~~, .,,-~-------~~---~---~---~~--· and a hell, and two hoes and a hen"- and BoWMANVILLE,. FRID.A.Y, OcT. 15. if you want him to spell your name give him an order he will spell it in his own peculiar styl~:._ He is with parker dye -·· . ... .· . Genera.I Booth Comini' to work .·..,..rfhe carriage,will be h"re to morDOMINION OF CANADA, Bowma.nviUI), r.~w;. .. IN NINE TOLITllES. UOl'AL svo., , · 1,· ··- -. . . J r::Oa\>ld To\Yt\R gued the Corporotion On Tuesday next tnl.l p~@~!6 ib! Wes I 0£ :Bowmc111ville for '1.86.00 as c?mpenaa· To be commenced whenever a sufficient uum· The best GRAIN BAG ber 61 subscribers le obt,.ined to cover cost of Durham are to have an opiJv. t~tllty . o tion for damage sushunsi.d bf ]um to pot publication, Subscript· on to the Nine Volumes see Gen. ;80,,th, the father of t~ie Salv:..~on barley stored in his mill du1'1ng the fresh$75 to the P1·'5'ltn .. 2e or Ontario or t o Quebeo 812.50, to N'ew B?ll.::,~wick or :-<ova Scotia in the market- only $3 Arm~. rhe General has received .a wltrm et last Ma: ch. The case was tried at $11 <iO, to Manitoba ur t l)ritiH.h Columbia greetm~ every..-here he has gone 11:1 ~an- Whitby on the 8th inst., before Judge $9·50, to Prince F.dward IBlanel or to North· .a.da, a_nd w.e t? see Bowmanv1lle . ot Dartnell and after a lengthy trial occupyper dozen, at weot Territories $9.50. 1'.:ach Province to ha.v.e a Map. Please seud for Prospectus. ;slack m. this d1rect1on., He will be . c- ing the whole day, the Ci\se was .dismissJOHN LOVELL, Manager and Publisher, compa~1~dbyCol.Dowtl1e,Statf-C:i-pt. V1 ·' cd with cost., . D. Burke Simpson, Esq, WM. QUICK & CO'S. 42-3w Montreal, P. Q. Comm1ss10ner Coombs. and Ma1or Ma Solicitor for the Corporation; McGee & getts .. About fifty officers from the sur- : i nes for Towns. roundm~ corps are expected. At 3 p. m. ·. . , . . , r. J olm .James. auct1011 sale of farm a grand Holiness Convention will be held SPECIAL ATTENTION should ulwaya be in the barracks, and at 7 :30 p. m. the big sto ~'. maclunery, implements, etc., on meeting will begin in the Drill Shed. Re- M~nd'ily.,Ja~.t w"s. well atten~ed and good given lo the hair and scalp. There is The Buildlnlf or the old C. M. Church at served seats 25cts; geaeral admission 15c. prices were realized, especially on the nothing nicer than a good head of hair. stock. Mr. Heo. Grav, of Clarke, became In case of baldness -when the roots are Hampton, will be sold by Public Auction on the gi.:011n:ls at 4 o'clock, p. m,. on tlle owner of ··Darling," Mr. Jamee' fav- not all gone, Dr. Dorenwend's Great 0 th L OCaI orite brood mare, at $205. The sucking German Hair Magic, will produce a foal by her side, that took 2nd prize at luxuriant growth of hair ; it will restore The1s~TESMAN to the end of the yoor the Fair here, was knocked down at $200 all grey and faded hair to its original to Mr. Wright, who boul(ht her for Mr. color and vigor ; it stops all falling out for a quarter. By order of the Trustee Board, Richard James, of Camltray. A black of the hair and removes all traces of danJAMES :McLEAN, Extraordinary \"alue in Mantle Cloths. mare, six y<.Jars old, ior which Mr. James druff. A little of this ~reat preparation Ellison & Co. Secretary. had refused $200, was bought in at the used once in a while will keep the scalp General Booth is coming to Bowman- same figL1re. The cows brought high in a healthy condition and make the hair R. HUTCHISON, .Auctioneer. ville next Tuesday. prices. The sale amounted to nearly $2,- soft, pliant and btautiful. A.Doreuwend, sole manufacturer, Toronto. J. Higgin- Hampton, Oct. 13th. 1886. 42·2W, · The Board of 'l'rade held an interesting 000.00. meeting on Monday night. MRS. T. CHART.RS W ATSON, the charm- botham & Son, agents for Bowmanville. · If your silverware wants cleaning call ing Dramatic Reciter who so delighted an PETERSON°S MAGAZINE for Octc·ber -~C.,ESAREAand buy a box of Electro Silicon from audience here last year, ha& been secur- has a steel -engraving, "Consider the Maynard the Jeweller. ed by the l n Palco Society to give one of Lilies," that is alone worth the price of Order Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Picket», h er pleasing entertainment~ in the Town the number: we rarely.see wch a beauday next, Oct. 20th. Mrs. tiftl work of art, or a picture so impresetc., at Morris' Planing Factory, Liberty Hall on W edneH \\"atson appears on the platform as a sive. The or1giual stories. for which l!t)t-eet, R. H . Osborne, leasee. Miss Barofather, formerly of Brantford beautiful woman, beautifully dre11$ecl, and '·Petersons" is famous, arti even btitter is in charge of Robertson & Bond's Dress when this is combined with a clear musi- than usual, In this member, we already A Much Needed Want for the cal voice, which is ~killfully modnlaled to find hints of the great things ".Pete1·.aud Mantle making department. Townships of Cartwright and express the accents of passion and deep S(lll" is to do next year, and and an Darlington Supplied. The churches were all largely attended feeling, or is o.ttuned to the brighter key offer is made to sead a spflcimen, free, .on Sunday and. the S. A. Barracks was of gaiety and humor, it captivates her au- t0 anyone wishing to get up a club. ---o--·densely packed afternoon and evening. dience and rouses h er hearers to enthusi- Certainly, as a lady's· book, indispenThe subscriber bas decided to open -lan of Hall at Andrew's Big 20. sable in the family, "PeterJon" has no We call special attention to Mr. Her- asm· ,..;P "bert Short's sale on. Tuesday Oct. 12th, ~il:lfiission, 25c ., :Jtic. au d 50 cents. rival. Address the publisher, CHARJ,ES out a Lumber Yard at Cmsarea, .- as there are 40 cords of wood to be sold. / 'fhe annual meeting of tha Bowman- J. PET1msoN, 306 Chestnut Street, under the management of M R. RICHARD ROWAN, where all kinds Harry Walton's Cuckoo Compau~ ~e111 ville Cmling Club was heid on Friday ' Philadelphia, Pa. GoDF.Y"r L rny's BooK for October is · to pieces at Bowmanvilha)is last, when the following offic~rs were el- - o f -, say it was the best performance ~ifen ected: Patroness, - Mrs. E . G. Burk; a seasonable autumn member. The Patrons.--·-· Hon. E . Blake, M. P ., Col. fashbn palo(es are replete with pretty for many a day. .f 'rhe next meeting of the Durham Ctnm- Cubilt. President.-W. McKay; Vice- illustrations for different articles ,Jf costy ·reachers' Association will be heli:l in President. - W,J. Jones; Chaplain.- Rev. tume, while an attractive frontispiece for building purposes, will be kept Port Hope on Thursday and }'l'iday;~ Oct. C. E. Mcintyre ; Secy-Treas.-M.l\icTav- illustration and colored and black-work on hand. Also all kinds of Planed i:sh; Representative Members.- Col. Cu- ciesigns will be eagerly welcomed by its Lumber, Flooring Wainsc ot ting, . 28th and 2!lth. bitt, D, B . Simpson; Committee of Man- lady readers. Several stt·ries and poems Our!Mantle Department is a big success ao-ement.-H. R McMurtry, Jno. Bond complete the literary Among Cove Siding, Mouldings, &c. · Our Mantles .Lre elegantly cut and ~beau W . .Manning, Neil Gordon, B. McGill; the latter, "Fallen Leaves," by Emil 200,000 feet of Lumber, 150,000 tifully made, every lady should sec hem. Skips.-.Jos Ruebottom, Col. Cubitt, Dr. Ludekens, is Eispecil\lly worthv of con.noles ... -· nd 1,000 bundles Lath T ·Couch" d.ohnston & Cryderman. Beith, D. Beith , C. L. Munson, N. S. sideration. The Fashion Notes give Shl ,... "11 b ] d d · th y d b th No ~orn pr.titor can undersell Elli on & Young, T. BroGlie, J. Wesley, H . E. Mc. many sea~onable hints upm autumn Wl e an e l n e ar Y e Murtry, M. McTavish. Vice·Skips.- D. styles, and also treat upon different lGtb October, which will be sold \Co. B. Simpson, W . McKay, S. S. Edsall, ways of decorating our homes. GoDlilY's Yon ought t o see Ellison & Co's at the lowest p rices. W. Manning, N. Gordon, Jno. S. Bond, ir1creaaes each month in interest. W. -Suite. Chas. Roblin, W. P. Prower, R. Beith, Ei. Striker, Philadelphia, Publisher. JOSEPH BIGELOW· People wonder how Ellison & Co. W . J. Jones. Price, $2.50 per year. sell so cheap. RICHARD R owAN, Agent. Decidedly the cheapest Jere.eys in town t"1·ccmun's 'Voran Fow·lcr :u;c n1,treeaa..1e lo. See those beautiful Fancy Window · d C I e 1kc. it.ud expel llll lilnlls ol worm .~ from Port Perry, Oct. 13, 1886. 42-2m. \ Shades at Tait & Morrison's. Elhson an o. en nnd :ulults. Lyman Sons & Co., LUBIN OUTDONE E llieon & Co. are willlng to 1ell at coat for one aeasou. Baldwiu Bee-hive fingering, at !Jc a skein, Tuel Bro~: · Plow points and landshares of all kinds at Shaw & Tole's. Have you sMn Tod Bros., all wool :flannel at 20c, worth 25c. People admit tlat .it is a.clva.ntageous to deal with Ellison & Co. Mr. and Mrs. f[. O'Hara, o f Toronto, were in town this week. A splendid new story is begun in this number of the STATESMAN. Crowd3 are coming for our cheap Gray Flannels. Ellison and Co. If you want good work done let Maynard the Jeweller do it for y<>n. Mrs. J. H. H. Jury has been spending the pa3t week with fri ends in T or onto. Rev. MesHs. Mcintyre and vVarriner will exchangepnlp1ts on Sunday morning C:~ll and examine Maynard's fall stock of watclu s, clocks and jewelery, the finest in town, Weekly Globe from now to end of 1887 for $1.00. Subscriptions taken at the STATESMAN Office. Miss D avis who has been vieiting her sister, Mrs. J . R Bradley, has r eturned to her home in Rochester. Mr. and Mrs. 'rhos. James, of Short Tract, N. Y.. are on u·;visit to friends here after an absence of 15 years. Inspector Powers, of Pnrt Hope, has secured 17 convictions out of 20 cases tried for viol!ltion s of the Scott Act. Jersons who have tried the Li-Qnor Tea sold by L . Morris speak favorably of it: You get a beautiful book with every dollar's worth. We are offering this week as a special bargain, a line of All Wool Cashmnes in· all the latest colorings at 25cts per yard. Robert son & Bond. Shaw ., 'l 'ole's is the place to get a McLaughlin uggy · A mao . ificent assortment 0£ all kinds of Mantle and U lster cloths at Couch, J 0 htl St 0 & Cryderman's. · , Ladies 1. archasm1t material for Wrap~,, Jackets t1 ,11d ulsters from Robertson & Bond's will get same cut and fitted of charge. WHt'11 Liver Pill1, a never failing remedy for all liver and stomach diseases. Purely ' 'egetf].ble. All drvggists. t . ~;- -- - ·- - - - - · - - - ~·il'catl1s, 2.~ CCDtl!. H!. t Pf ge llntlce11, 60 llcnts; lllrtl1s nnd Couch, Johnston &Crydorman are now showing the LARGEST and FINEST assortment of ... ii ==-=-= - ====--== c-=========~ DIED. (TWEf.DSXi:(CLOTHS) ill town, and the MAKE-UP of their Clothing is ::UNAPPROACBED I:: by any house in West Durham. W O F One Door West of Post Office, Bowmanville. -GO TO~ a;ng $10 00 MURDOCH BiliifHERS for everything in ODORS ~merican Perfumery. I· S Staple and Fancy ~Fl.~ C Their China T E :: Fl. I~ B. Hall contains the Largest Assortment of H (CHINA, CROCKERY, LAMPS &GLASSWARE) to be found in tl1e dis trict. Notice to Creditors. HIGHEST MARKET PRICES for all kinds of Farm Produce, Butter, Eggs, &c. VICTOR A BUILDINGS, KING STREET, BOW MANVILLE. I I West End House -FOR' I E A G L E A. II CAZETTE~J!.0 MANTLE CLOTHS, DRESS COOOS, HISTORY FLANNELS, BLANKETS, teC, I ITWEED s UNDERCLO THINC, CLOVES, TIES, COLLARS, teC. Call and see prices, they will be right. JJlNJ@~ lmc'M(lW~~~lr~ P.S .-Now is the time to lay in a good supply o Factory Cotton, the price is going up; still selling at old prices at West End House. SHA \V d: TOJ,E, CHURCH BY AUCTION. and erw1se. Satur~a1 1 0Gtooer 30th, 188~. ICENSED AUCTIONEERS for the County or Durham. All salAs will receive prompt attention. Address:- Bowmanville, Ont. L FARM FOR SALE. purchase mrmey i·equired down. .Apply to ED. WHI'l'E, Box ~6 l:lowmanville, or to .JOJIN MCCLELI.AN, Port Darlington. 39·tr ~oowILL PURCHASE $10 'U a good farm or 150 acres in tbe 5th Con. Darling-ton . .Small amount of LU M BER YA·RD ! ---o--- MORTGAGE SALE O P- VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage, which will be produced at the time or sale, there will be offered for sale by Pt1blic Auction, on BUTTON'S Satur~a~, t~e IBt~ Da~ of 0Gto~er, 18813, LUMBER, LATH, SHINCLES, &C, at 'l'WO o'clock in the afternoon, by· R. H UTCHESON, .Auctioneer. at . I is, RAVE· N· G L.OSS beyond question , the oesfj I HALLETT'S H 0 TEL, IN THE VILLAGE OF OUONO, The south twenty.four acr~s or the north half of the south ht1lr of lot number twenty-eight in tho sixth Concession or the Townshlp of Clarke, in the County of Durham, TERMS :- One tenth of purchase money at time of seven sale; sn!Iicient to·m&ke np one qua1·tcr within days therearter. and sutllcient to make up one hnlr within thirty days from day of sale; the balance to be secured by mortgage on tho pren::iee~. bearing interest at 7 per cent., paya.ble yearly. '!'he purchaser may pay off the whole purchase money within thirty days from day of sale. Conditions will be made known on day of sale. l<'or further partict1lars apply to tho .Ane· tloneer, or to D. RURKJ<~ SIMPSON, Vendors· :::lolicitor, Bowruanville, 13tll Septetuber 188U. 38 SHOE DRESSING for la.dies' u se ever made. Try it! -SOLD lJY- JEN~INGS, AT THE PARLOR BOOT & SHOE STORE, NEADS' BLOCK, where .are now ready for mspe0tion complete lmes of Fall and Wii1ter Felt G-oods Rubbers- Canadian 11.nd American--Over~ shoes m Latest styles. Men's and Boy's Coarse Shoes, LadieR' Fine Boots and everything found in 11 fir~t class Boot and Shoe atore. Ordered Work a Specialty.

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