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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Oct 1886, p. 8

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,,,. i) f liowmanville, Oo,, 4. ,~ bis ia the season for buying stove11. Regular Meeting. Members all pres- L' 1' everything else you buy, you want BowM.A.rfVILLE, FRIDAY, Oc'l'. 15. ent. Mayor prnsidin!.(. Minutes read the be11t stove to be got for the money. and conlirmea. Wn Rre a.t your service in making a j11DI STRICT 'NEWS. Petitione and communications pre- di!;1ous selection on I his principle. Do aented. from Mrs. l\foGaw for reduction you wan~ 8 Heater'! If so, we can be of lo a baseball contest the Lindsay War- in taxe11· Referred to Co urt of Revis- service to you without more ado. Have der st.aft' defoated that of the Post. ion. Frt'm ;John Alim for reduction in you eeen the new Square Radiant Home IN A DxNC:EROUl! P'.lSITION.-Any man. tl\xes. Referred to Court of Ileviabn. for sale in Bowmanville only by S. S. wom1m or child is in a danl!eroua condt· From Alert Hoa11 Co. in reference .to Edaa111 It i1 a rea.l gem and no mista.k"l, tion when neglecting 11. constipated atate Newcastle tire, Aug. 7th laat. Rece1v- a. mod6!l of beauty, unequalled in design, of the bu" els. There can be no per fr.ct ed and tiled. Frum Rev. R Hassard and he~t of all, it is the rnost powerful health. without a regular action of this forexemption from payment of taxes. heater in the world. Thi1 stove has been function. Burdock Blood Bitters cure Referred to Court of R evmon. From thoroughly tested and i~ recommended ill consr.ipation by imparting a healthy tone C. Manuia~ to have 8tatute labor tax the belief that it is the best atove that t u all the Bllcretions.t applied on property tax. Granted ha~ ever been produci.<l of the kind, both Navi«a1i11 n is almost closed at Peter- · A number of accour1h were pre11ented as to its admirable working qnalitie1 and 1ioro' o;; accouut of low water in the river. and .referred to the Finance Committee. its high merits as a work of 11rt. The 1 Mr. "Vesley preeented a req uest fr~m Nllw Square Itadient Home has many P otatoes in the vicinity of Cedar Dale Finance Committee on ~ame. Rece1v- points uf excellence t o recommend it to a Te beginning to show sig ns of rot, owing t:d and adopted. 1111 who use s toves for heating purposes. to ao much rain. Mr. Kydd presented a report from Would you have us name a f ew of these A MoDEJtN" MIRACJ,E. - ln a recent the Public Property Committee in ref- j points? The combustion chamber·· is letter from R.· W . Dowton, of D, erence to communication ;>f Mr. Darch 1much larger than any other, ensuring Om., he states that he has recovered referred t.o th em recommending the I perfect consumption of fuel. The g11B11es from the worse f ·.irm of Dyspepsia after clrainin.,. of the tank. R eceived and are completely burned 11nd thereby used 11uffd irtg for, lifteen ; and when a adoptea". as a heat producin~ power, not being coun01l of doctore pt'onounced.h im incuraMr. Kydd presented a report from carried off through. the pipes to the ?hi ml>le he I rif'd Burdock Blood Bitters, six special Committee in reference to Wm I ney or allowed to tilter through the JOmts bottles uf which restored his health .:): Brittam's rent, recommending that he of the stove to endanger the health and The potato rot is so serious in t.l1e vi· be requested to vacate the premises . lives of the ~1sers. The fines are large cinity of Stanl.H idge East, Quebec, that Received and adopted. and deep, bemg co nstructed on the true many fielrh will be left undug. Mr. Burden made a verbal report on principle to ensure perfect operation with IN Gooo REI't:TE.- James McMurdock, Cemetery. Mr. M ason muved th-;i 110 sharp corners to obs~ruct the draft or wrtting from Kins..le; siiys: "B B. 'B . as Council into Committee nf the whole fo1ce the current out of its natural course. a r emedy for diseases of the blood, liver on the second r eadi ng "f th e By· law in 'l'ho best-flue is oval or egg-shaped run· and kidneys, h~ s an excellent reputation relation to st reets. 'l'he Mayor presid · ning mu ch deeper un the outer circle in thie locality. I have med it, and speak ing. · On t.he Committee rising the than t he inner thereby causing t he hot fr<?!U ~7>peri~ncl;'JJ ~~ w~!l M observ ation. chairman r<;q ue~tect the 2nd r eading air to inpin ge the outer wall and ensuring _ ltistheonlyntedicinolwani;,il<ndl~d· withaomfl amendnurnl1. On motion p,yaiit!lm<>Untofdirect radiation. From vise othets affiicthe· to try it. ":1: . 0,1 ncurred Iii atid the By-law w1u read the ornameut on top t o the suppor t for . the baSf' there is 11oth~n~ in this 8tov~ to c a third time and passed. .Arrangements are being made fcu: the Moved by Mr. Galbraith, s econded offend tbe finest artt~l1c taste. _ It 1.s a 8. J 1n organiz:i.tion of a bicycle club to ~<1ke in p d b St th t ll t at1on . by Mr. Kydd, that Thos. a den e ova a. '~1 grow Ill y our es 1m_ ~x the districts lying between "\Vh1tby and relieved from payment of taxea the pre· the mo~e it 18 lo?ked at and exanun~d, V V v Cobourg. sent year, he having been laid up all and_we mtroduce ~t to your cons1de:ahon FaTAL ATTACKfi. - Among the most summer from an injury received while feel10$ confident 1t surpasses t~e highest prevalent fatal and aud'1en attacks c,f dis - working at the 'l'own Hall. Carried. ·encon~ums "·e can place,~pon it. Everr, uaes, are those incident to th e summer Mr. Ronald. of the. Brussels Steam stove 1s fitt ed with t~e Duplex ~rate, and fall, such as Cholera Morbus,Biliou11 Fire .Engine "\Vorks,at rcquest,addres11· I th_e only perfect device fo~ removing all -----Colic, Dii.rrhcea., Dysentery, e tc., that ed the Council with r eference to chang· clmke~s and ashes and le:i.vmg a p erfectly often prove fatal in a few hours. That iog the present Fire·engine of the town clean ore. . ·- - - - -·- - -- -- -·· ····-· --·- - - _ _ - -- - -- ---- ·- - -·------ - -- - -·- ···--- - - - - - - · _ _ every reliable remedy Dr. Fowlur's Ex- for a ne'w one of larger capacity ; after The Art T reasure .13 itnother form of trac t of Wild Strawberry, should be at which th e Mayol' and Messrs Wesley, that has be.c ame very popu_lar and ll hand, for use in emerge ncy. t Piggott, K ydd, Nosworthy, Mason and 111 oue of th? best m _beauly o.f des1g~ and · · II Messrs. H unter and Crossley, the well Burden were appointl·d a special Com- o~namentation. ~his stove is a.I~,° fitte~ · · IJ 1rnown revival ists, will commence a series mitte to consider the pr oposal and re· wi th the famouR Duplex Grat~ and is - - -o--of special ~ervices in Cobourg, on S und..y ort to a m eeting of th e Co uncil at 4 p . g uaranteed to be an economical an~ the 31st inst. p t d powerful healer. We feel sure that this bt> hnmbugged by plrt.usible m. · n ex ~y · R tove will command a very large sale t his stories about the Jewelry A Sl'EEDY CuRE.- As as peedy cure for DARLINGTON COUNCIL. season. It may be seen at S . S. Edsa.ll'a. bll&iness. Dysentery, Cholera. Morbus, Diarrhrea The Radient Hurne Stoves, single and believe all y ou see in print Having decided to retire from the J ewelry Business, offers his stock Colic, Cramps, Sick Stomach. Can ker of 'l'own Hall, !fBmp~.on,} double heater~, with and witliout o vens, . much of it is not trutl. of Watches. Clocks, Je welry, Silv~r Plate. Spectacles, etc., at TRE the St omach and BoMels, and all forms · . Sept. 2o tb , 18 6. all fitted with tbe reinwned D uplex take any t hing fo r ,granted, of Summer Complaints, there is no rem. Regula~ meetm g. Membe~l!l all pr e· Grate (buy no other). are 60 well a.op MENDOUS REDUCTION S until the whole is disposed of: bnt proY c for yourselves by edy more reliable t han Dr. l!'owler's Ex- sent . _ ¥mutes read and c~nti~med · ~ favorably known in this section that they Tile s tOck sold Retail at Whole~alc 1·1·ices. ac ~ual comparison. · t ract of Wild Strawberry, Dealers who sell Petitions an,d commumcahons pre d· speak for themselves. The eales of these 1' .,rom 20 to 40 1·e.- cent disco1111t Cor Spot Cash., it, and t hose who buy it are en mutual ~ented from T.homas VanCam~, an stoves last season was larger t han ever buy old s tock at any price, go where goods are fresh grounds in con" fidence of its merit. t tiv11 others prr.ym~ for t he lowerlllR of before, consumers realizing that it pays $20 N~u· Gold H11ntin~· Watches t·educccl to $ 16. l!'. Beech, who iR 82 years of age and a the culverts 011 tlie G. T. R;~ at the to buy a standard article and one th at in and p rices low. $ 30 do do do $2"1. r esident of Uxbridge, walked from Ux- road.between lots 22 ~nd 23. Ihe cler~ every case g il·esperfectilatisfaction. This believe o ur prices low be$4:0 do do do $3~. bridge to Eglhigton, a distance of forty was mstructed to write. the Compan) sto vti is massive and substl\Iltial, not a cause we s ay so here, but $ :i0 do do tlo $4 0. mil~s in ten hou1s. ask mg the~u- to comply with the p rayer "p_aper stove," and its construction le prove the fact for yourselves. $60 do do do $:i0. auch that every par t of it from t op to bass HIGHEST PltAISE.- The well-known of the petition· ~aet a lot of val uable t ime drug firm of N . C. P olson & Co.,of :John Cot'Bm and 31 0 !hers is alive with heat. In every test the Nelv Silver Watcllcs, all 1n:tlres, at sa111e i·educ tions, rn argument. s t on, writes that Dr. Fowler's Extract of praying aid for a Wm Brady, an m~a- "Radient Home" has come out victorio us About 60 second hand Silver Wat ches, from $3.00 t o $8.00 .e ach. \Vild Stra.vbcrry has loog been consid ered lid and indi~ent. The _ Ulerk . "'~8 · Ill - an,d fully hears ont the highest guarantee Silver Plat e, Rings, Chains, Lockets, Broaches, Ear R ings, &c., at ven the best ·remedy for Suromer complaiats structed to apply for bus !'dmiee;ou to given it . In fitting, mounting , a nd high in t ho m11rket, and adds that their cus- the Tornnto General Hospital. tinish it is without f\ r ival. 'l'he "Radiant greater reductions. This is a BONEFIDE CLEARIN G SALE; all tomers speak ir.i the highest te rms of its .A number of accounts were present- Home" double h eater is unquest.ionably I purpose remaininu in t own and tho size of o'!rstock goods warranted aK represent.ed. 0 Wild Strawberry is the best ed and lairl on the table. t h9 most powerful ever invented, it is the aneritl', and qu a lity of will be responsible for all goods sold. keown remedy for Cholers Morbns, DyMr. V anCa:m p pree?nted a r ?por t only d ouble heater in Canada that can be goods with other stocks. eentery and all Bowel complaints. t from the e~emal Comn:~1ttee appomted fully guar anteed, those who have the!!! in the .varietv and A n e mployee in Hilliard's mill, Peter · to confer with a Comm1tree of-t~e Cart use bein!.? j ,1dge. · . novelty of d esigns l)oro's fell against a revolving _saw and had wright Council with respect lo improve T he old time wood stove is fast giving Having a large stock of Material for all kinds of R epafring on };land, m ent of t he town line between th e two way to the. range. L9st. season we r e- of our goods wi th that_of 1Jthers. llis right arm sr, badly mutilated that am· 1 d d putation was necessary. Mllnici palities~ R.eceived anc a opte ,· commend ed the Happy Thought Range the l ow prices we the J obbing Department will be a special featu re in this Grea t Clear~ !t. was ordered t hat ~r. Wood ly s very h ,ghly after a thorou gh test,. and i t quote wit l1 the aling Sale. All Repairing a t greatly reduced p1'ices: THE SttAUE OF A GREAT MERCHANT was privilege as to commutat10n of Statute was eold with the strongest possible guar - ledged low prices of ot hers. th at u., skin disease made h im look like a Labor be conti.1 ued for another five antees, tivery 1 .me 0 £ which it has more Main Springs put in ... . .50c. t o 7 5c. : Watches clean ed . . .. .. 50c. t o 75c. ~ur work shop and drinking man. Dr. Pierce's "Golden ye 11 rs and that a be passed at t han sustained. We b elieve no Range 15c. its valuable and Jewels properly fitted... ;)Oc. to 75c. 1 Watch Glasses fitted .. Med ical Diecovery" is a certain <;u re tor n ext meeting confir ming the same. has ever given such unbounded satisfac- complete 11et of tools with ot hers. Case Springs fitt ed . . . . 50c. to 75c. Clocks cleaned ..... .. ... 40c. to 75c. all d ieeares of .the blood and akin . It On motion the Reev e was m!tructed tion, and as a consequence every body the work we turn ahpuld be tried by all afliicted with ' t etter, to gran t hia orders on the Tre~surer f->r who had one r ecommends it to friends All other work in proportion. . All woek warranted, as i n th e past. 0 out with the work s alt-rhe um, sc·ld head, l:lt, An thony's payment of the under men tioned ac- and neighbors and it is having a tremendA call solicited. fire, erysipelas, ring-worms, pimples, counts : John Herd, sheep damages 0118 sale. s. S. Edsall has s'>ld over a others profess to be good. o ur stock of materblotcheB, spot s, eruptions, boi.l s, carbun - $ 34; Wilson Power, sh eep damages hundred of theee st oves and has ordered i al for all k in ds of des, sore eyes, roug h skin, · 1crofulous $6 66; Geo. Pearce, sheep damages very largely for this season's trade. Its WN. B.-To save cost s, over-due accoun ts m ust be settled forth with. sores, swellings, blood tain ts' ft6etiug the $5. 33; Daul Cornish, 373 J,iade of grav- design and ornamentation is pleasing and r epairs wi th other stocks and skin, throa t and bones, ulcers of the liver , el, $18.65 ; Jas. Kniglit, 52 loads of attracti ve, while its construction ensures Bowma.nville, September 23, 1886. 30-tf. s tomach, kidneys, lungs and uterus. J>uri- gravel, $ 2. 60 ; G Samia., 32 loads of perfect operation every t ime. Its o.rran gefy the blood and he .. lth will return· By grnvel, $1.60; ,Jae. Murphy, 160 load ment for h eatin g water is most powerful, druggists of gravel, $8; J W Staples, balance on in fact if we were to etate t he amount of all othel'8 iu t he late de- 1 On Tuesday e vening, a little son of T. lum bar co11tract, $101.48. Indigent pipes it ia h eating in certain dwelling signs and fre sh patterns of D owewell, mason, who works in O·hawa, persons·- Gay, $11.6!}; 1lyley, $5; Wal- houses at t he present time the state men t of goods we show. · g ot his leg in a horse power, and it is ter, $5; Alleworth,$ 6; Campbell, M11l- would hardly b e credited. It is fitted in Tariety of stock of P l11ot- J . feared he will lose the limb. Jet, R Tuff, Mary Tuff. K~rni ck, Oorn· with the celebrated Duplex Gr ate, a d evice ed Ware, Gold and Silver. Chas. Williamson while d ecendi1111 the ish, A very, $4 each ; Lane , Wilson, Roh· that r enders poking and shaking of the J e welry and Cutlery. ., '1 stevs of the Music Hall, Oahaw3,Jast ;;eek, inson; Trick, Dell, W. Orchard, $3 fire unnecessary, preven ts all escape of in our R ock Crystal Spec· fell from the tup to the bottom, receiving each ; Dean, Stacy and Gregory, $2 dust and saves fu lly fifteen per cent of "\ t~cles and Eye-glasses, all l fuel. T he makers ofl;h e "Happy Thought" i njury to his hip, thoulder and eacb ; Stapl E1s $1. s erious _ I -- AGENT FORCouncil adjourned to Saturday, Oct. an d the ot her s toves mentioned above other kinds sho wn. hand . in. the exceedingly low S.... 30th, at 10 a, m. control the exclusive rrnl tto make this price we quote for Olocks, . R. W1NDATT, T. CJ. grate in Canad a, A new and very fine See pres ent prices of E llison & Co'· ·1 CD -----= Wood Cooking stove is the " Keystone'.' Wat ches and other goods. blue serge s uits. which is s ure to have a very lar ge sale. most certainly in our re+:l CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL. Great Clearing Sale begins a t E llison pair ing departm en t and all 1 C\) &Co. This stove may also be seen at S . S . TOWN H.\LL C.\R'l'WRIGHT other DESiltABLE feat u re~. j .., (]) Edsi\ll's. Our r educed prices will ast onish our October 4ih, 1886 -SIOR is our motto and ~>-,.; friends. E llison & Co. · =======~====~ Council met pursu·a nt to adjournment . _ _ =~ our principals are go ahead, W e rnu~ t'have a thorough sale a t aliy Mambers present. · · and it will r equire bu t <:ost, Ellison & Co. ·' ·· · Minutes of last meeLin~ were r ead You ou~ht t o e~e Elliaoii & Co's Gray and confirmed. l 1. <D ... .Flannel$ at preaent prices. A communication was r eceived from ' ~--·-----· the Clerk of the Peace in refer ence to to m!lk e you a perm anent cu&tom er of ~~ ·..-1 '!'her e have b een few more marked sue - J uror's List. cesses.i n journalism than has been achievThe CleTk presented an account fr o m e d by the CANADIAN LIVE-STOCK J ouR- El art & Co. , for Munici?al blank for mt1 NAL,of Hamilton, Ont. Started less than $(i. 0!, ordere~ to b e Pill? · 1 t hree yearsago as a 20 page monthly,it has · Tho Comm1t~ee appomted to ope·, gone on steadily increasing in matter a.nd and cause . repairs to be m~d e on the ..-1 mter est as well as in size first t o 24 theu boundry hne, between, Darlmgton and to 28~ ;~d finally to 36 p~g'es. Though d e- ~artwright preeent e~ th eir report, stat. voted especially t o stock-raisng, i t iucludes m g t hat th~ Committee _ h ad m et . a nd The F a rm, The D iary, The Apiary, ;:ooferred w1th_ th~ Comm1tt~e appomtP oultry, Horticulture and The Home, so ed by th e Darlmgton Council at Burke· \ 1 tl1at fo r th e gen eral farm er or such farm - ton ~ on the 18th inst. , that they h ad ,_ ers as mak e l ive-stock breeding in any of j de_c1d ed to have. a imrvey made .of th e its departments a leading feature of t heir said b oundary hn e before ~pe~mg the A Comprensive Family Bi ble, (]) businees we do not know where t o find same ; that the survey 1s now bem g pro· conte. ring the Revised an<! Authol'ize Versi· I its equal' in Canada, We hea rt ily rocom - ceed ed wit~1 , that ! hey had a.lso deci~ed <'D B of both the Old and New 'l'estaroente, ar· 1 ? ranged in parallel columns. It also contains ,,, mend i t t o our patrons ar. t he leadin g to expeTJd m open~ng t h e said road th e a complete eye opoedia of Biblical knowledge, \J.I paper of its class in the Dominion . It is sum of $ 100, that 1s $5~ by each t own 310 additional featuses. aod nearly 2500 illust- I-\) publiel1ed at H amilton, On t., by l'he sh ip, as _soon as practicabl e after th rt r ations. 'l'he Jargee·, ohr apeat and most elegantly bound ]'amily Bible ever published. S tock J ournal Co. Price, $1 per annum. com plebon of th P Rurv~y. T t e demand nnqe.ralled, every i ntelligent '.!.' hose subscribing now for 1887 get th o M ove<l by Mr Devitt , eeco_nded by 1Jerron wantinR' copy. Some agen tT are me.king from $50 to $100 weekly, Our agen t rem!liuder of 1886 free. We can furnish Mr. McKee, that Messrs. S pmks and .Mccr ae sold $500 wotth in two 'l 'ownsh1 ps Our Galvan ized Iron EaYes· troug bing, in six feet lengths,. is it and ou r own paper together from now Fallis be a Committee to examine the d uring his fk st few weeks' work. ,Another the best a n d cheape:<it to be found. T ry it, ,.:....._ t o end of 1887 for $1. 75. The October bridge between L ots 22 and 23 in the agent reports 17 l.libles sold last week. Ex· perien{e ; · not necessary. Send to the sole and November issues will contain the ()t h con. ,and t o have sucb r epairs mQ de AU order ed work. g uar anteed. publlshc· 'c1 descriptive circular and liberal prize list of the Industrial E xhibi tion, th ereon as will render it safe for p ubiic terms. Bibles in over 100 varieties, Also a Thia lJOWder never varies. .A. marvel or line of St.ands.rd Subscription Books and chee.p Toronto and the Provincial Fair held a t travel. Carri ed. strength and wholesomeness. More P hotograph Albums. G uelph. Call at our office and examine On motion th e R eeve signed orders purity, econoroice.l than the ordinary Rinde, and can(;. HLACKET'r RO~UNS@N, it, or send to the publishers fot a free on t he T rea surer os follows : R ober t not be sold in competition with the multitude 5 Jor an St. BOWMA NVIL L E. 39-3m. , 'l'oronto. l>ublisher, low test, short weight , alum or phosphate speci men copy. M artin, indigent aid, $4 ; Robt E ager · or · 42-6m powders; Sold only in cans. HOY.AL BA Ktr.n, $4; Mrs. L aughead, $4; Hart & I NU P OWDER C0 .. 106 Wall S t., N . Y . · t l10 on ly st ore Bed Quilts an d Blankets, r are value · Tlie W es t E n d II · ouse is . Black an d Color ed Surah Satins , e.s:- Co. , $6 .04. in town k eeping a complete assortment of Elheon & Co. ~n m otion the Co.un::il adjourned ltl r 8. llln r y T~o·HJ>Ml>lt, ·o f '1'1w1mto, was tr emely low. Ellison & Co. People are coming 20 miles fo r the cos- DEST JN TUE WOltLD NA'HO'.llA.L J'JJ,J,s m·e n J11ilfl inu ;;n tt ve, until the first Monday m N ovember , at :rllllc tctl 11·u1a Tn1rc 'tl'-01-nt. 'g fed or -.1·hldt E aston's CelP.brated Panniers, H oopskirts 1 was ,..,moved b y one :i.uute of Dr- Lo11"s an d Bustles. j tume Dress Coode. Ellison & Co. Sold Ever;rwllere. lldi11i; 011 H·e Stomac h , Liv u · and Bovrcls, 1 1 o clock. 13'"' Get the Genu!De. 1Vtmm SJ'rup · .1·c m uvJ11g Kll obs h ·u cl101u, I· W .L ucu, T.C. vthe ~anadian Jtatt1unan. TOWN 000.BClL. TALK ABOUT _ _ S'J,'OVES _.... THE ~,._HOUSE "\;~ To our Friends and Patrons: ""VVe are delighted with the continued, liberal and constant support you have accorded to us. \Our business on fair day far exceeded that of an:\T day we ever before had. 'N" e can and wiJ 1 make it worth y our while to continue to deal with us. 'l\f e are s howing t.he largest stock w e have ever held, and the best value. I $15,000 SURPLUS CAPITAL !· o. MA so N'S \,Vhich We W iSh to distribute among good parties I t l eS s than So Cal, ed Cash S tores Pr" ve s · Call and see the Tonderful S t onk at T ·. G E * H _ DUSE.) ~tove c FR0M Bus INEs s D 0 N'T 1RET IRIN I.J_ OORNIS,H:1 Don't Do a 't Don 't Don't Don 't Don't BUT Compare Compare C·ompare . pare Com C mpare Compare BUSINESS FOR SALE . EN BLOC, I L. CORNISH. ·all Thus Prove That We Excel Excel Excel I Excel Excel Excel 0 N E V IS IT I j THE ART CARLAND S FOR 1886 are still ah ead of all imitations. , I @~ ~ MAY N ARD 1 ©-~ "8 2: rn rn THE JEWELER. 0 . ~ ~~}y1~].JM~~Pl~J!H' .I~ ~ .§ ~ HOM EBIBLE 1: ~ U1 ~Q > NEW ,. EVERY STOVE CUARANTEED. L. G . Q UI C K . Absolutely Pure. I FRAZER IREAS AXLE I E

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